(5) This Is Just the Beginning

“When I started the Experiment, my DEF was 347, so in 5 weeks, I was able to raise it by 68. I’ve realized this is only the beginning, and I’m excited to keep moving up the scale!”

The Week 5 Readout…

It’s week 5 of: My 5-week Experiment to Raise My Dominant Energetic Frequency!

To recap, our Dominant Energetic Frequency – or DEF – is the average energetic frequency we’re vibrating at in a given day or week. When we raise our overall DEF, we add more joy to our experience.

(To learn more about your DEF and the experiment, check out the posts from Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, and Week 4)

Here’s a summary of the high vibrational habits from Weeks 1-4 to raise our DEF:

  • Meditate 2 times per day
  • Walk every day in nature
  • Exercise 4 times per week
  • Stop drinking alcohol completely
  • Choose to focus on the lemonade, not the lemons
  • Notice the consistent vibrational pull downs from your average week
  • Focus on progress over perfection
  • Find alternatives to alcohol that bring you joy
  • Have a plan, but notice your patterns
  • Assume people have good intentions
  • Properly tune your energy before falling asleep at night

If you’re joining me in the experiment, then this is the start of Week 5 for you and the end of Week 5 for me. Or you may join the experiment whenever you feel called!

Wow, what a Week 5!

The week started with my eldest daughter nearly drowning. It’s a miraculous story that I’ll save for another time. But what I will share is the doctors called Sophie’s recovery a “medical miracle”.

This turned life upside down for a while. But through it all, I noticed my energy was different. My default mode was not fear, because I was so connected to my Higher Self that was repeatedly telling me, “She’s going to be fine.” 

Because my DEF had raised to over 400, I felt much more empowered and ready to handle a big life challenge.

It doesn’t mean I didn’t feel fear, sadness, and worry – I certainly did. But I could quickly shift out of those low vibrational emotions when they arrived to return to my heart connection.

Which brings us to our first high vibrational habit for Week 5 to:

  • Create a reserve of high vibes when life is neutral to good

We know that big life challenges are part of the human experience. And when the times are tough, it can be difficult to maintain high vibrational habits.

But you can create a reserve of “high vibrations” that will support you through a life crisis. The secret to storing up the reserve is to double down on the things that raise your DEF when times are neutral to good.

The next high vibe habit for Week 5 is to:

  • Listen to what your body wants to consume

This refers to both what food your body wants to eat and what media it wants to consume. 

It won’t be surprising to hear that healthy, green food raises our energetic frequency, while foods that are the opposite of healthy have the opposite effect on our energy.

In addition, notice if the TV series or movies you’re watching pulls down your energy. If so, can you watch something more uplifting? And how do you feel after scrolling social newsfeeds? If you’re feeling joy and peace, then great. If not, then you’re ready to consume something different or head outside for a nature walk.

The next high vibe habit is to:

  • Find the flow on the in-betweens

This is a powerful one. I define the “in-betweens” as those time gaps in between our daily activities. This is often the time we are waiting – in the grocery line, at a red light, at school pick-up. What do you do while you wait? 

If you’re like me, you’ll feel the urge to get out your phone. What I invite you to try instead is to go into the present moment, take some deep belly breaths, and set the intention to “feel your flow.”

Your flow is your energetic alignment to the current moment. Getting into this simple habit has a BIG impact on raising your DEF.

And the final high vibrational habit I have to share is:

  • Ask your Higher Self to clarify your high vibrational habits

For the past 5 weeks, I’ve been sharing what my Higher Self has been telling me. But only your Higher Self knows exactly what you need right now. So be sure to check in with your Higher Self regarding what high vibe habits will raise your DEF.

So how did I do for Week 5?

At the start of the week, my DEF was: 413 (out of 1000). 

Now as I check in on my DEF, I receive from my Higher Self that my DEF is: 415. 

It didn’t raise that much, but I’m amazed that it didn’t lower – even though I experienced a true emergency this week.

It shows that when you start to create habits that are high vibrational and your DEF rises, it takes you to a new level – even when life gets hard.

When I started the Experiment, my DEF was 347, so in 5 weeks, I was able to raise it by 68. I’ve realized this is only the beginning, and I’m excited to keep moving up the scale!

My invitation for you this week is to ask your Higher Self what new high vibe habits you need the most so you can thrive. And if you’d like my support with this, then check out the PS below. 👇👇👇

This has been such an amazing 5 weeks. Thanks to those who have sent me feedback about your own experience. Your stories have been so inspiring. Keep up the great work and high vibe!

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

P.S. Are you ready to tap into deep relaxation and boost your ability to manifest while you SLEEP? 

Sleep and Grow Rich is the ultimate nighttime mindfulness that enables you to heal, get intuitive downloads, and manifest during your sleeping hours.

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your Soul Plan for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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