Become a better coach or healer. Attract more dream clients. Make more sales with…


Amplify your ability to co-create with the spiritual realm, and consciously create a dream life and business.

Soul Blueprint is a live, 12-week certification program that reveals a proven spiritual modality for use in your own life and with clients, empowering you to:

  • Receive and clarify profound intuitive insights,
  • Activate and amplify your healing abilities, and
  • Leverage the energetics of how you consciously create the life of your dreams

So that you can create irresistible offers, attract more of your dream clients, and serve in more profound ways than you deemed possible.

Tired of waiting for soul clients to enroll in your programs and buy your offers? 

By adding a Soul Blueprint certification to your coaching or healing toolkit, your coaching skills and the transformation you bring to your clients will become your most powerful and profitable marketing tool.

Calling all soul-guided coaches, healers, and  entrepreneurs…

I see you. I know you’re ready to…

✓ Connect to and co-create more deeply with the spiritual realm,

✓ Find heart-led success serving your dream clients and creating amazing impact,

✓ Get clear on and align to your path to fulfilling your big Soul Mission,

✓ Amplify your 5 key spiritual gifts to their absolute fullest,

✓ Release the most stubborn blocks that hold you back, keep you small, and tether you down,

✓ Manifest more wealth, joy, connection, and abundance with ease,

✓ Create deeper and more intuitive connections with your clients and loved ones, and

✓ Believe in yourself so completely that you become unstoppable.

But I know firsthand how challenging this can be. Maybe you…

❌  Struggle to connect to your Higher Self and Divine Support Team — or second-guess the messages that do come through

❌ Doubt or hide your spiritual gifts, so you don’t follow through on the nudges from your heart

❌  Feel disconnected from Source or confused about how to use your gifts — or even understanding what they are

❌  Sense that your energy is upgrading — but are unsure what it means or how to harness this new potential

❌  Are being called to something bigger and believe you’re ready to pivot, but feel stuck and unsure of how to gain real and enduring momentum

What if I told you...

☆ That a blueprint exists with a built-in compass and other tools inside that will give you everything you need to create a life that is more fulfilling – and a business that is more aligned, easeful, and abundant?

☆ That plugging into this blueprint will enable you to ACCESS YOUR FULL SOUL POWER to…earn more income with ease, become a true expert in your field, make a massive impact on your clients’ lives, and amplify your intuitive gifts to the level of receiving downloads, psychic hits, and channeling abilities?

☆ That this blueprint is simple to integrate and will enable you to increase your income, unlock new growth and potential, and start experiencing real, soul-aligned results and success immediately?

If you’re ready to STOP doubting or hiding your Spiritual Gifts, then join me for:

Soul Blueprint

Soul Blueprint is a 12-week live certification program that teaches you how to release the blocks that keep you stuck and connect to the Divine at higher levels with more ease, so you can attract more soul clients, serve your clients in more profound ways, earn more money, and consciously create a life and business that you love!

With Soul Blueprint, you’re able to create for and serve your clients in unimaginable ways, leading to raving referrals and repeat customers who keep coming back again and again – so your coaching skills and the transformation you bring your clients becomes your most powerful and profitable marketing tool.

Through attaining your Level 1 Soul Blueprint Certification, you’ll learn to:

✨ ACCESS and AMPLIFY your 5 Spiritual Gifts,

✨ UNIFY your gifts to uncover and map out your unique Soul Blueprint, and

✨ ACTIVATE your gifts through an energetic alignment process that enables you to reach your highest soul-guided dreams with more ease.

Advancing through Levels 2 and 3 will deepen your understanding of how to use your Spiritual Gifts to serve your clients. You will learn how to train others to tap into their intuition more ease-fully, allowing you to offer this powerful service and transformation to your clients.

Soul Blueprint enables you to go from reacting to the world around you to co-creating it, operating not from fear or anxiety, but with confidence and clarity that you are being led by your Higher Self… and doing exactly what you are meant to be doing!

You’ll learn to:

✓ Activate, amplify, and align your 5 divine Spiritual Gifts of intuition, manifestation, healing, teaching, and leadership

Map out your big Soul Mission and get amazing clarity regarding exactly how you’re meant to heal, learn, create, communicate, and experience in this lifetime

✓ Receive clear, unquestionable guidance about your clients’ biggest struggles and dreams, so that you can create immense and positive transformation in their lives

✓ Powerfully activate your unique genius to co-create your business offers with Divine, so that you can attract more of your soul clients  

✓ Clarify how you’re uniquely designed to co-create with the spiritual realm — and access resources and coaching that empowers you to harness this ability with more ease

✓ Unlock the door to new growth and new potential through releasing wounds and resistance

✓ Raise your energetic frequency, so that you can feel more engaged, grateful, and at peace – and manifest the abundant, joyful, and fulfilling life that you’ve always dreamed of

✓ Let go of your expectations, surrender to the divine timing of your unfolding experience, and understand that you will get what you need at the time that you need it

✓ Embody the fullest potential of your divine gifts — and who you’re meant to be at your very best

Client Success Stories:

“Before starting Soul Blueprint, I thought that I wasn’t good enough to use my spiritual gifts, and I kept comparing myself to others. But because of what I learned during the course, I now own my gifts! And, I’m able to help my clients with their own blocks, particularly by teaching them how to ‘cut the cord’ which is so powerful. 

Allyson always seemed to not only put a voice to my blocks, but she gave me permission to release them. Allyson creates a safe space in which we can truly reveal ourselves.”

Amy Shaffer Crawley,
Psychic Reader and Healer

“I highly recommend this course. Allyson has an innate gift to teach, and she is such an amazing resource of knowledge. She’s a highly spiritual soul with a beautiful and contagious energy!

For me, it was an amazing journey to recognize and reconnect to my own inner power, and Allyson knew how to lead us to tap into our own gifts. This course was structured in a great way to give us practical tools and lots of tips to rediscover and unleash our Spiritual Gifts!”

Eliza Mateescu

Case Studies:

“Working with Allyson has enhanced my life and business to be more aligned with my spiritual gifts. This helped me to hone my ideal client, which caused everything else in my business to come together in an amazing way. ”  -Anna Folsom

“Allyson has a deep breadth of knowledge and experience through her own work and her own journey that makes learning very practical and tangible.”  -Clara Goldeburg-Freeman

“Allyson’s ability to hone in on the thing that I was unable to articulate before and bring it to life was so rewarding and enriching to feel seen.  I leave every session with Allyson feeling comforted and invigorated.”  -Jamie Gennaro

“Allyson’s energy tools, tips, and healings really come together in a wonderful package that sets her above other coaches I have seen and experienced in this space.”  -Andrea Andree

“Allyson helped me see what I do as an extension of my life, and I thoroughly enjoy what I do now. I am more creative and able to serve people in a much better way for their greater good which extends to my greater good.”  -Anna Woolilscroft

“Allyson gives her clients so much. Not just from a personal point of view but a material point of view. In her caring, she shares so much. In her support comes an abundance of clarity.”  -Linda Rowntree

Hi, I’m Allyson!

I’m a master intuitive business coach, psychic medium, energy healer, and soul guide.

My mission is to help soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs to amplify their spiritual gifts so they can step into the full expression of their potential.

I have a pure, unfiltered connection to Source. Through this direct channel, I provide you with leading-edge tools and know-how to powerfully access your intuition and easefully unlock the next level of your potential.

Soul Blueprint is an in-depth program that offers master-level trainings, coaching, tools, exercises, and resources that will help you heighten and amplify your unique genius and divine gifts, allowing you to THRIVE in your work as a soul-guided healer, coach, leader, or service-based entrepreneur.

You’ll engage in nourishing exercises and timely invitations designed to help you calibrate and align your energy, become more fluent in your intuitive languages, visualize and manifest the highest expression of your potential, clear your blocks and resistance, tap into the authentic core of your true essence, and connect more ease-fully with the spiritual realm!

Soul Blueprint
Level 1 Certification includes:

☑️ 12 master-level LIVE classes with replays available on demand
☑️ 6 modules packed with expert video trainings, guided meditations, and printable worksheets
☑️ 6 modules packed with expert video trainings, guided meditations and exercises, and printable worksheets
☑️ Access to a vibrant and supportive private Soul Blueprint community
☑️ BONUS #1: Three months of full access to my monthly membership, The Soul-ed Out Circle (valued at $711)
☑️ BONUS #1: One month of full access to my monthly membership, The Soul-ed Out Circle (valued at $237)
☑️ BONUS #2: Exclusive Human Design training videos and resources! (valued at $800)
☑️ BONUS #3: 3 Bonus Training Videos (valued at $1500):

(1) The Surprising Secrets to Manifesting Wealth and Abundance
(2) Channeling and Receiving Psychic Hits, and
(3) Healing the Past Lifetime Blocks Thwarting Your Income Generating Abilities

Enrollment Options

Investment Options:

  • $2222 Pay in Full
  • $611/month for 4 months
  • $322/month for 8 months

Enrollment is now for the October 2024 Cohort!!

Want to go deeper? Then choose….

The VIP Experience

It includes everything you receive in the Soul Blueprint, plus:

☑️  5 Private Coaching Sessions

☑️  A Bonus Human Design Reading

☑️  5 Months of Voxer Support

“My Soul Blueprint exceeded my expectations! Allyson opened the door in a gentle and enthusiastic way and provided powerful invitations. If you’re ready to dedicate energy to your inward journey, My Soul Blueprint is an excellent program that will help lead the way.

-KC Rossi,
Business and Leadership Coach

“Soul Blueprint helps you to understand your gifts in a way that isn’t being presented by other teachers right now – this course is 100% for those who want to use their gifts to uplift and bring light into the world, and release old limiting beliefs and blocks so that they can do it easefully!”

-Emily Milling,
Actor and Comedy Artist

“Looking at the 5 aspects of Spiritual Gifts has opened up to me ways I can express those gifts in every part of my life and business. Any soul-guided healer or lightworker could do the same, and expand their lives and businesses in ways they hadn’t imagined.”

Nina Cuellar-Barry,
Parenting Coach

What are Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are the special, divine power given to you by Source.

Although there are an infinite number of spiritual gifts, all can be connected in some way or another to 5 key categories that comprise the 5 Key Gifts.

The 5 key gifts include:


Also known as “The Door”.

Our gift of intuition is how we COMMUNICATE with our Higher Self, Source, and Divine Guidance Team. Opening the “portal door” that separates your physical self from your spiritual self allows you to receive detailed, unquestionable “downloads” from the spiritual realm.

In Soul Blueprint, you’ll: 

  • Explore the full array of your intuitive languages — and discover which of your intuitive languages are ready to be amplified
  • Build your trust muscle with your Divine Guidance Team and your own intuition
  • Discover and better understand the true source of your dreams and desires

Also known as “The Key”.

Healing isn’t part of the path. It is the path. If we want to grow or evolve on any level, healing is required. It is “the key” to unlocking the doors to higher and higher potential, joy, success, growth, and abundance.

In Soul Blueprint, you’ll: 

  • Discover the 5 main types of wounds that must be released in order to create space for growth
  • Learn the differences between your Soul Mission and your Life Mission — and how to uncover your highest why

Also known as “The Vision”.

We access our visions of higher, more aligned potential within our gift of manifestation. This is also where we discover how to calibrate our energetic alignment to that vision, in order to consciously create it into our manifest reality.

In Soul Blueprint, you’ll: 

  • Learn how to raise your dominant energetic frequency
  • Shift from forcing your energetic resonance to expanding it
  • Master the process of tuning and calibrating your energy — and bringing the energies of your higher potential into your awareness today

Also known as “The Illustrating.”

With this gift we access our Unique Genius and use our gift of teaching to birth new methodologies, illustrate better ways of living, create for others more deeply, and design better systems where everyone can thrive.

In Soul Blueprint, you’ll: 

  • Identify your Unique Genius and how to best use your genius to illustrate to others a higher way of being
  • Understand how your unique genius guides and illuminates your Soul Mission
  • Explore the most aligned and effective ways of sharing your genius

Also known as “The Embodying.”

As the old, dysfunctional systems crumble and a new era is born, lightworkers must help to usher in a New Age on planet Earth where everyone can thrive. With this gift, we “embody” new ways of being that model what is possible, and support others in the movement to more connected and loving systems and ways of living.

In Soul Blueprint, you’ll: 

  • Learn how to understand and embody your True Essence
  • Delve into the divine, feminine-led energy of embodiment
  • Explore your highest callings in this powerful new leadership paradigm

Discover Your Unique Soul Blueprint

Taken together, our 5 key spiritual gifts form a map — a multi-level, multi-dimensional Soul Blueprint. When you plug your unique energy into the blueprint, you receive clarity, answers, solutions, guidance, and alignment. As you fill up your toolkit with insights and heightened spiritual gifts, you will be able to show up for yourself and your clients at a higher vibration — with more confidence, compassion, peace, and joy!

What you can learn from your Soul Blueprint:

Your own intuitive language and how you’re designed to co-create with the spiritual realm

Your soul contracts of what you’re meant to heal, experience, and achieve in this lifetime

Your Soul Mission of the mark you’re destined to leave — and your highest vision of soul-aligned success

Your unique genius of doing and the abilities you were born to share

Your unique genius of being – the higher way of living and being you were designed to embody and model to the world

The benefits of this awareness include:

Next-level channeling, healing, and manifesting abilities as you harness your higher energy

Heightened intuition that guides you to develop powerful and profitable offers which create immense positive impact for your clients

New and more powerful ways to connect, listen, understand, communicate, heal, release, teach, lead, and manifest

Confidence to align to your highest soul-aligned vision of success, so you can call that vision into your experience

Activated wealth-generating capabilities, so you can receive the abundance you need to live a joyful life and fulfill your big soul mission

Spiritual leadership skills that will help you guide your clients to a higher, more evolved way of living and being in the world

Deeper relationships and connections with others so you can experience more love and support

“Allyson is very personable and gives 100%. It is through her voice and how she makes it simple that transformation occurs.

Before I started the course, I was not giving myself enough time to heal, teach and learn. After learning Soul Blueprint, I am filled with a sense of peace, also excitement and relief… and less tension.

-Linda Rowntree,
Intuitive Life Coach, Psychic Medium, Energy Healer, and Soul Advocate

“Soul Blueprint has helped me understand the importance of inviting the connection with my higher self and guides ‘in’. I now embody myself and see and believe in myself as a teacher of writing for wellbeing. This course has so many nuggets people can learn from to open up their hearts and gain a deeper connection. The techniques shared offer a type of structure to practise with and expand their natural ‘soul’ gifts.”

-Anna Wooliscroft,
Creative Storyteller, Copywriter, and Content Coach

“I was feeling stuck in my career, ready for a pivot, and called to something bigger. Learning about the spiritual gift of Leadership really changed my perspective on my own strengths – and helped me recognize I can use my natural abilities in my career in new ways. The nuggets that are revealed during Soul Blueprint are fantastic – not only through the content but through your own inner knowing being unlocked.”

– Jessica Hartman

Your Soul Blueprint + Human Design

Not only will you discover your unique soul blueprint, you’ll also learn how your Human Design type connects with it to gain even more clarity of how you’re meant to express your gifts in this lifetime. You’ll benefit from this awareness whether you’re completely new to Human Design or an advanced practitioner.

You see, our Human Design types are embedded within our unique soul blueprint and 5 spiritual gifts. Seeing how this fits together enables us to align more sharply to our unique energy blueprint and how we’re truly meant to create and show up in this world.

Is this course for me?

👉 This course is for YOU if you’re ready to…

☽ Deepen your connection to the Divine and co-create the highest possible vision of success for your life

☽ Turn your ability to create amazing transformations into your best marketing tool, so you can stop chasing the latest marketing trends

☽ Build a soul-guided prospecting system based on your unique energy that transforms new leads into repeat soul clients that last a lifetime

☽ Heal from lifetimes of trauma and blocks that have been thwarting you on your path

☽ Connect to and co-create with the spiritual realm to channel clear, unquestionable guidance

☽ Use your unique genius to illustrate for others new and better ways of living

☽ Build nourishing and supportive connections with soul-driven leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs, teachers, healers, and artists

☽ Commit to a powerful process of self discovery and acceptance

☽ Be the highest version of who you’re meant to be in this lifetime

👉 This course is not for you if…

𝕏  You’re not ready to step into the highest expression of your own power

𝕏  You’re not open to connecting to the spiritual realm to claim your special, divine power

𝕏  You aren’t ready or willing to see and heal the wounds that are inside of you

𝕏  You’re not sure you believe energy and intuition can change your life and the world

𝕏  You aren’t willing to do the deep inner work that will unlock your most powerful and transformative results

𝕏  You’re not ready to put your big Soul Mission into motion to leave the massive mark you’re destined to


The next Soul Blueprint live course will start in October 2024. It will offer Level 1 Soul Blueprint Certification.

The course will run live from October 3 – December 20, 2024.

Should you wish to continue on, Soul Blueprint Level II will be offered in March 2025.

Each week there will be master-level training videos, guided meditations and exercises, optional worksheets, and a live class. The live classes will be between 60-75 minutes long and will take place on Thursdays at 10am EDT (click HERE to find your local time). If you cannot make the live class, replays are available on demand.

Yes! You will be invited to join a circle of soul-guided leaders and lightworkers in a closed Facebook group. You’ll be able to connect with like-minded souls, offer support and celebration, and ask any questions you have. 

You can save $1000 by signing up before April 28. And yes! The early sign up payment plan options are:

  • $2222 Pay in Full
  • $611/month for 4 months
  • $322/month for 8 months

Your Human Design type is an essential part of your unique Soul Blueprint — gaining a basic understanding of your type will feel life-changing! The bonus Human Design resources are designed to teach you the basics if you’re new to Human Design. If you’re more familiar or even very knowledgeable about Human Design, this course will show you how your type specifically fits into your 5 spiritual gifts and overall Soul Blueprint.

If you’ve made it all the way down this page, and you’re still reading, then you are more than intuitive enough! If your heart is calling you to be part of this, it is highly likely that you’re 1,000 times more intuitive than you realize (and you’re a soul client of mine!)

Yes!  This is a Level 1 certification course, so this is a methodology you may use in your work with clients.

Levels 2 certification will be offered in March 2025.

Levels 3 and 4 certification will both be available in the following years – allowing you to both heighten your own spiritual gifts and train others to tap into their intuition more easefully and powerfully. I am the only intuitive coach that provides Soul Blueprint certification.

Please note that this not a Human Design Certification.

This course is one of the most powerful courses a soul-guided entrepreneur can take. If you’d like more hands-on business training and to learn specifically how to incorporate the 5 gifts into your business, then you’ll receive that in the 3 bonus months of access into my membership for soul-guided entrepreneurs, the Soul-ed Out Circle.

Yes! At the end of the day, Soul Blueprint is about your person spiritual growth journey. And this program will help you clarify your built-in compass that reveals all aspects of your big soul mission and your roadmap for fulfilling it.

Please send any other queries you have to, and we’ll get back to you shortly! Or click HERE to book a time to chat with me.

“I absolutely recommend My Soul Blueprint because of Allyson’s authenticity and genuine personality, as well as her unique skill of combining the spiritual with business strategy.

Allyson’s channeled message reminding us that we are exactly where we are meant to be was very appropriate for me. Although I’ve been told this many times before, this time it really landed with me and I feel more calm and acceptable of where I currently am in my life and business. 

Maryla Shingler

I had a lot of “Aha” moments. Allyson gives a lot of new information that I haven’t heard before. 

If you do the course fully committed and practice, you will get so much out of it. It was great to be able to talk to Allyson in live classes. Her intuitive answers were very reassuring.”

Barbara Strzalkowska

“Since working with Allyson, business is booming! Incredible clients are showing up out of nowhere and with incredible ease. The barriers Allyson has helped me take down to my natural abundance is incredible and transformative. Even during the early stages of the pandemic, I doubled my business!

Before working with Allyson, I was letting setbacks completely derail me. I wanted to be able to trust that the money would come and trust the process. But I felt that if I didn’t over effort, it wouldn’t happen. Now I’m experiencing life’s flow in a completely different way.”

Heather Douglas Mayer