(4) This High Vibrational Habit Put Me Over 400

“This doesn’t mean I no longer feel sad, mad, or fear. I do! But I’m able to notice and release it more quickly and with greater ease.​​”

The Week 4 Readout…

It’s week 4 of: My 5-week Experiment to Raise My Dominant Energetic Frequency!

To recap, our Dominant Energetic Frequency – or DEF – is the average energetic frequency we’re vibrating at in a given day or week. When we raise our overall DEF, we add more joy to our experience.

(To learn more about your DEF and the experiment, check out the posts from Week 1Week 2, and Week 3)

Here’s a summary of the high vibrational habits from Weeks 1-3 to raise our DEF:

  1. Meditate 2 times per day
  2. Walk every day in nature
  3. Exercise 4 times per week
  4. Stop drinking alcohol completely
  5. Choose to focus on the lemonade, not the lemons
  6. Notice the consistent vibrational pull downs from your average week
  7. Focus on progress over perfection
  8. Find alternatives to alcohol (or fill in your low vibe crutch) that bring you joy

If you’re joining me in the experiment, then this is the start of Week 4 for you and the end of Week 4 for me. Or you may join the experiment whenever you feel called!

For Week 4, I can report some big energy shifts.

I felt empowered at the start of the week, and maintaining the high vibrational habits listed above felt ease-ful.

I can report big progress with habit #6: Notice the consistent vibrational pull downs from your average week.

For me, that consistent pulldown was Wednesdays because I would overpack my schedule each week – leaving me frazzled by the end of the day. But this past Wednesday, I mindfully planned a day with less activities and to-do’s and set the intention to lean into the ease of the day.

But as the day unfolded, I noticed myself going into “auto-rush mode” purely out of habit. I had nothing to “rush to”, but because I was used to having a frazzled Wednesday, I had developed an automatic tendency to rush through things – even when there was no need.

Once I gained this awareness, I was able to notice when the rushed energy kicked in. When that happened, I took deep breaths, sank into the body, and set the intention to slow down and relax – which brings us to the first NEW high vibrational habit from Week 4 to:

  • Have a plan, but notice your patterns

Drawing on the lessons from Wednesday, while it’s good to have a plan to maintain your high vibrational habits, we are creatures of habit, and we will fall back into old habits – even with the best laid plan – if we are not mindful.

The next high vibrational habit from week 4 is:

  • Assume people have good intentions

This habit refers to those times when you think someone might be ghosting you, being rude to you, doing your wrong, etc. And if you aren’t 100% sure of their intentions or what may be going on in their personal life to NOT assume the worst and to instead assume something better.

In fact, this habit (along with #5) is inviting us to train our brains out of “Negativity Bias.”

Negativity Bias is the brain’s tendency to allow things of a more negative nature (such as unpleasant thoughts, emotions, or social interactions) to have a greater effect on us than neutral or positive things.

For example, let’s say we’re walking down the street and are greeted by two people. Person #1 smiles and says hello, and person #2 scowls at us. Our tendency will be to forget person #1 and focus on why person #2 scowled at us – with an inner monologue of: What did we do to them? Why were they so angry? What a jerk.”

Unless we’re mindful, negativity bias will also have us automatically choosing to assume the bad over assuming the good – putting us in a LOW energy frequency.

And if you find yourself saying, “I cannot assume [Insert person’s name here] has good intentions because they consistently do things to hurt me or disappoint me.”

Then that’s excellent feedback something is ready to shift in the relationship. Maybe this person no longer serves you, and it’s time to part ways, or an uncomfortable conversation is required. 

And the final high vibrational habit for Week 4 has been an absolutely game changer for me, and that is to:

  • Properly tune your energy before falling asleep at night

This is about getting into a high vibrational energetic state before you sleep at night. The results are deeper sleep as well as the ability to heal and manifest while you sleep.

This has had a profound impact on me, in fact. Since I’ve been doing high vibrational meditations before sleep, I’m sleeping more deeply than I have in years and waking with a high vibrational buzz the next morning – ready to take on the day.

I feel so profoundly about this, in fact, I’ve created a powerful new program to help you experience it too. It’s called Sleep and Grow Rich, and you may learn more about it HERE.

So how did I do for Week 4?

At the start of the week, my DEF was: 392 (out of 1000).

Now as I check in, I receive from my Higher Self that my DEF is: 413. And wow, do I feel it!

I feel spacious and in flow. I feel immune to minor annoyances. Creative sparks are arriving to me right and left. Soul clients are falling on to my schedule out of the sky.

This doesn’t mean I no longer feel sad, mad, or fear. I do! But I’m able to notice and release it more quickly and with greater ease.​​

This 5-week experiment has been life changing for me in many ways. I hope you’re experiencing some shifts too.

My invitation for you this week is to notice any “auto patterns” or Negativity Bias and to tune your energy before falling asleep at night (and check out the PS if you’d like my help with this).

See you next Sunday for Week 5!

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

Are you ready to tap into deep relaxation and boost your ability to manifest while you SLEEP? 

Sleep and Grow Rich is the ultimate nighttime mindfulness that enables you to heal, get intuitive downloads, and manifest during your sleeping hours.

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your Soul Plan for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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