The Journey Towards Self-Mastery

“Ultimately, the only guide who knows your best next step on your path towards self-mastery is your Higher Self.”

Your High Self knows the way…

Last week, I wrote a post about the importance of waiting for divine timing.

In the post, I revealed 5 powerful ways to focus your energy while waiting for your next big opportunity, relationship, or creative spark to arrive.

Powerful way #5 invited you to focus on: Gaining new levels of self-mastery.

In today’s post, we explore what self-mastery truly means.

The dictionary defines self-mastery as: “the ability to control one’s own desires or impulses : SELF-CONTROL, SELF-DISCIPLINE

Yikes…so masculine and not at all how I approach it. 

I define self-mastery as living, working, and being in a way that’s optimal to your unique energy design.

The journey towards self-mastery is a path of continually:

  • Unlocking the next level of your spiritual gifts and 
  • Living each day more from your LIGHT than your SHADOW.

So how do we gain new levels of self-mastery?

💗 First and foremost, ask your Higher Self.

Your Higher Self is THEE voice to lead you towards your self-mastery. 

You can read blog posts like this (which will really help!), and ultimately, the only guide who knows your best next step on your path towards self-mastery is your Higher Self.

When I ask my Higher Self for my best next step towards self-mastery, I receive:

“Continue your study of Human Design and living deeper into your Human Design type.” 

Which brings me nicely to point #2, which is to:

💗 Get to know your Human Design.

Learning how to live truer to my Human Design Type has changed my life.

What I LOVE most about human Design is that there is always another layer of self-discovery to peel back.

For example, lately I’ve been experimenting with my Environmental Arrow, which is about what type of physical spaces you prefer to live and work in and the consistently with which you approach routines.

My Environmental Arrow is right pointing. This means that travel and exploring new places and different cultures is an important aspect of my life. As part of this, having new environments to work in on the daily is key to my creative process. 🔑 

For years, however, I worked each and every day in my office. Then one day, my home office started to feel like a cage. I felt trapped because I wasn’t honoring my energy’s desire to work in a variety of spaces. 

So I started to experiment with working in my back garden (where I am right now), at the beach, in coffee shops, on a train, you name it. I can work from anywhere! And the more variety I experience, the more my creative juices flow.

If you’re new to Human Design, start by running your chart and getting to know your Type, Strategy and Authority. I also recommend checking out Karen Curry Parker’s Introduction to Quantum Human Design.

If you know a thing or two about Human Design, then ask your Higher Self this question:

What aspect of my Human Design is calling me to experiment around with so I can live deeper into my self-mastery?”

If you’re not sure where to start, try exploring your Environment Arrow! It’s super fun!

💗 And lastly, invite in the amplification of your Spiritual Gifts

Our Spiritual Gifts are what we use to connect to and co-create with the spiritual realm.

Amplifying your spiritual gifts is a co-creative process between you and your Divine Support Team.

It starts by you INVITING IN a deeper connection.  

This tells your Divine Support Team that you’re ready, and you’re asking for their support to grow to the next level.

You can initiate an invitation with a simple intention such as: “I invite in a deeper connection to the spiritual realm.”

Focusing on growing your spiritual gifts is key to gaining self-mastery because true self-mastery means we are living each and every day guided by the voice of our Higher Self. 

If you’d like to learn how this is done, then you’re in luck. I’m hosting a 5-Day Experiment to Amplify your Spiritual Gifts that starts TODAY. 

Click HERE to receive Experiment #1 to boost the power of your Gift of Intuition.

My invitation for you this week is to ask your Higher Self in what way you’re being called to live deeper into your self-mastery. 

And start experimenting around with what enables you to live in a way that fits you unique energy design and allows your light to shine brighter and brighter.

And until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

P.S. Are you ready to tap into deep relaxation and boost your ability to manifest while you SLEEP? 

Sleep and Grow Rich is the ultimate nighttime mindfulness that enables you to heal, get intuitive downloads, and manifest during your sleeping hours.

Let's get SOUL-ED OUT in 2025!

Join the 3-day LIVE Soul-Guided Planning Workshop in January 14-16 and discover how 2025’s key energetic themes will play out each quarter, so you’ll know EXACTLY how to map out your year to get your best results!
You get:
✅ two 90-minute live sessions, 
✅ an expert-led training video, and 
✅ a 10-page Soul Plan Template incorporating 2025’s energetic themes!