Press Play To Feel Good

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Have you ever felt out of sorts, and you just can’t seem to get back into a high vibe energy?

You try all the things (affirmations, mediation, exercise), but you just are in a funk and can’t seem to get out of it. 👎

Well, I have the cure for what ails you. In today’s episode of Soul Guide Radio, I share exactly what you need to do to FEEL GOOD!

In it, I walk you step-by-step through a technique (I suspect you haven’t heard before) that will have you feeling good in just a few minutes.

Feeling good is like a muscle you need to build. 💪🏽

And if you keep returning to your “feel good workout,” I promise you’ll become much better at raising your energy vibration whenever you wish to.

In fact, I suggest this become your go to podcast episode whenever you need a boost of feeling good.

▶️  PRESS PLAY on this episode: Press Play to Feel Good to learn how to FEEL GOOD whenever you need it and walk away feeling peaceful, joyful, and grateful. 💗

In this episode, we explore: 

  • The real reason why forced or toxic positivity does not work
  • The real secret to feeling good that few people talk about
  • My intuitive reads for YOU, dear listener, regarding what you need on a soul level to raise your spirits 💫


  • Find out your Human Design Profile HERE
  • Listen to Episode #23: The Truth About Our Emotions and the Power of “Emotion Work” HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

Every day, for the next 3 days, carve out some time and scan your body for any resistance. Feel all your emotions and then go back to the heart space to invite in joy, love and peace. May you feel good.

[00:00:00] Hey Ho, dear ones. I’m so excited to record this episode. I have to say it came to me from my human design authority. I have been digging so deep into human design and if you are a human design junkie, too, hello, kindred spirit. If you are not, and you’ve heard about it, you’ve dipped your toe in the water, but it was just this like overwhelming foreign language that didn’t make sense.

[00:00:30] I get it. That’s how I felt at the beginning. Like I remember I ran my free chart, and I was like, I have no idea what this means. I invite you to just start reading and playing around. When you start reading about it, it’s both simple and complex at the same time, but you can lean into the simplicity of it and really start to see shifts in your life right away as a result of aligning to your human design type.

[00:01:04] So our authority is our decision-making apparatus, how we’re designed to best make decisions and for me, I’m a spiritual person. So, you guys know me. I’m about energy, intuition, non-physical consciousness. So, I’m always trying to figure out like how human design, which is meant to map how we show up best and function and perform and created our very best

[00:01:32] as, as our human, you know, on our human journey, like in our human suit, based on when we arrived on planet. And I’m always trying to marry that up with our soul map and how our soul journey is meant to unfold. And for me, I feel like it’s two paths that are completely interlinked and mirroring each other and reflecting each other and working together.

[00:02:02] So our human design authority is working in tandem with our intuition to guide us to our best path, our most aligned right path. And I’m a projector with a splenic authority. So that means I get intuitive hits in the moment. Right? So, these hits I’ve come to realize for me are so flipping powerful.

[00:02:29] They’re actually more powerful when I sit down and I connect to higher self and I ask, higher self and I say, higher self, give me something good today. Give me my next episode for soul guide radio. I will get juicy stuff. I will get stuff that I will want to follow up on for sure, but it’s never as good as when I’m thinking,

[00:02:50] I’m just out there living my life in the now. Responding to what’s unfolding in front of me and all of a sudden, pow, I get this splenic hit in the moment. And let me tell you, I have come to pay attention to those hits because they give me the biggest rewards. So why am I telling you all this? I got a splenic hit to do this episode.

[00:03:13] So I feel like it’s gonna be super amazing. And from my heart. I’m feeling like you are gonna majorly love it. I hope this is true. So, when and where did I get the splenic hit? I was in my car taking Freya to Judo and I had the radio on and all of a sudden, I heard the little jingle. I always listened to feel good radio, and I heard this particular radio station’s jingle feel good radio.

[00:03:43] And I thought, you know what? I listen to this channel because it’s all about music that makes you feel good. That’s its schtick and the splenic hit arrived. What about doing an episode that people could listen to whenever they wanted to, to help them feel good? It. And because it’s soul guide radio, we’re gonna take a twist on this that I suspect you likely have never heard before.

[00:04:08] So the intention of this episode is something that you can listen to again and again, and again, put it on your podcast playlist favorites, and whenever you need a little zap of raising your spirits, elevating your energy, feeling good, feeling relaxed, feeling spacious, feeling playful. You can come to this episode again and again

[00:04:31] and again. How cool is this? So, let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I reveal the real reason why forced or toxic positivity indeed does not work. The real secret to feeling good that few people talk about in my intuitive reads for you, dear listener, regarding what you need on a soul level to raise your spirits.

[00:05:01] We’ll end on an invitation that will simply have you feeling good. So, this is one you’ll wanna stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:05:37] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:05:45] Well, Hey, there’s soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1900 leaders and light workers who are in service to each other and the planet. Find link to join on my website

[00:06:14] or in the show notes. So, the episode I have for you today is designed for you to listen to again and again, whenever you wish to feel good, this episode was inspired from my radio station, feel good radio. So, this think of this episode as feel good, soul guide radio. Let’s start with why some platforms, content, communities, whatever it may be that is intended to help us to feel good

[00:06:50] doesn’t work. We feel annoyed or out of sorts with it or unaligned. And I think these communities, coaches, groups, content, wherever it’s coming from are well intentioned, but we do see a trend among personal growth and spiritual communities towards this overly positive, forced positivity, sometimes toxic positivity.

[00:07:20] I understand, I understand why this, this is happening, and I have compassion, you know, for this, you know, I try not to, to get pissed off by it and be like, how dare they be forcing toxic positivity out there in the world? I think that these groups and communities are well intended, and they really want to feel better.

[00:07:40] And I think that their fear, what is happening is, this is my perspective to why this is happening, is they have pain inside, right? Pain, trauma, wounds. We all have them. And so, what they wanna do is they wanna feel better, but they’re just not to my mind, in my opinion, taking the right avenue, the right path to feeling better.

[00:08:09] And so they’re going directly to thoughts. I am happy. I feel good. The world is full of rainbows and unicorns. Let’s only focus on the positive. Let’s see the glass half full. You can do it. You’re amazing. You got this. Woo. Well, okay, those are all nice thoughts, right? However, it doesn’t take into consideration that we are here in human form to experience contrast, and it’s really not, life isn’t meant to be a hundred percent air quotes, positive all the time.

[00:08:48] And even calling something positive is a judgment of the ego. If you ever went to your higher self and said is this situation positive or negative, you’re gonna get some sort of metaphysical answer that’s gonna be more like, what’s the lesson? What are you here to learn? You know, even in the air quotes, negative experiences is where we find our deepest healing and our biggest lessons and our biggest growth and our biggest evolution.

[00:09:17] So we can’t really call that negative. Right? I mean, it could feel painful and that’s the truth. And we honor that. But, you know, it, it just is, it is, right? Without any judgment, we have experiences and sometimes the experiences trigger feelings of joy and peace and love and calm. And sometimes our experiences trigger pain, suffering, sadness, fear, unworthiness.

[00:09:48] And so our job is just to understand what our energy is telling us, cause that’s always the truth of every situation and if our energy is telling us that we are sad, fearful, you know, feeling shame, feeling powerlessness, that’s the truth and slapping happy thoughts on top of that is not really gonna do anything to help you.

[00:10:16] It’s gonna confuse you actually, cause you’re like here I am working so hard to think these happy thoughts, but I still feel worthless. I’m saying the affirmations: I am worthy. I fully and completely love and accept myself, but yet I still feel bad. I still feel pain. So, I believe what’s really happening with this toxic positivity is its avoidance.

[00:10:43] People don’t wanna feel the pain. They don’t wanna sink down into it, feel it, release it so then they can heal and evolve and then go back up and then feel true feelings of joy. True feelings of happiness. And then when we say I am happy, I am worthy, we actually feel the truth in it and when we feel the truth in it, we vibrate at that.

[00:11:09] And when we’re vibrating at happiness and worthiness and joy, we attract circumstances in our outer reality that enable us to experience more happiness, joy, worthiness. So, I have compassion for these communities if they are well intentioned and what I invite these communities to do, if they ever tune into soul guide radio is understand that if your emotions aren’t matching your thoughts, you can’t force thoughts to rise up your emotions.

[00:11:41] It just won’t work. You have to go to the emotions first, heal the wound, and then your thoughts are naturally gonna shift to happier, more joyful, more uplifting thoughts. And if you wanna learn more about emotion work and how this all works, I invite you to check out an episode I recorded its episode number 23, the truth about our emotions and the power of emotion work

[00:12:14] and there’s a link to that episode in the show notes, because I really unpack how this really works. So, what do we wanna do instead when we wanna feel good? So now we know we can’t force it with happy thoughts cuz that doesn’t work. So, what does work? Well, I’m going to offer you something that other people aren’t talking about and that is here’s the real secret.

[00:12:41] Listen in, come close. If you want to feel good.

[00:12:51] If you want to bring in positive feelings, happy feelings, high vibrational feelings, the best way, the most powerful way to raise your vibration is to feel bad first. Yep, you heard me feel pain first. Why? Because when you dip down into the pain that’s inside of you, so it’s not like you’re going out there to find sad or fearful situations.

[00:13:25] I’m not asking you to watch a sad movie. What I’m saying is scan your inner energy. Look within and just ask the question. Is there resistance inside of me? Is there sadness? Is there fear? Is there unworthiness? Is there shame? It’s in there, right? You’re living with it and unknowingly vibrating at these low vibrational frequencies of these painful emotions and that’s causing you, you know, without intending this to happen.

[00:14:01] The unintentional effect of that is that you attract outer world circumstances that trigger more of those painful emotions. So, what we wanna do is heal, heal. I saw a Facebook post the other day and I just, you know, I really didn’t align with it. That’s all right. And she’s like, I’m getting so tired of these healers telling me to feel bad.

[00:14:25] Well, I don’t wanna feel bad anymore. And to that, I say, I understand nobody wants to feel bad, right? I mean the, our emotions drive us for everything we do in life. You know, the goals we set are based on emotions we wanna feel. When we are in avoidance and we’re avoiding things through alcohol, sugar, binge watching, overly plugged into technology.

[00:14:53] We’re avoiding emotions we don’t wanna feel. So, I understand. So, actually this process I’m inviting you into is actually a less, it’s choosing the less painful route because you are doing healing on the daily. You are doing healing from a place of neutrality, or even from a place of feeling good.

[00:15:19] It’s a very empowering way to do it. So, what do I mean by this? So, let’s just say, okay, you’re listening to this episode. Maybe you’re in right now, a state of neutrality or because this is your feel-good episode that you come to when you wanna feel good. Maybe you are feeling a bit low vibrational emotion, you know, air quotes, negative, and you’re in some painful emotions right now.

[00:15:44] This is the perfect time to scan and maybe you’re listening to this episode feeling amazing and you just wanna feel better. So, it doesn’t matter where you are on the scale. Doing this process is gonna enable you to go to the higher vibrations wherever you’re vibrating right now. And the higher vibrations are the joy, the peace, the enlightenment, the love.

[00:16:08] Right? So, scan, scan your inner body. Do I feel any pain or resistance? I’ll do it right now. I’ll do it right now with you. And what I’m gonna get is probably something you have too, or you have some variation of it, which is why I’m getting it in this moment, because it’s for you. It’s for me and for you both it’s for us.

[00:16:37] So I’m gonna scan. I already did this, this morning. So, I’m on the cleaner side. I do this every day. And in fact, I do this several times a day, which is how I am able to feel good a lot of my day is because I’m taking control. I’m deciding when I feel bad or when I feel pain, right? So, the second I notice it.

[00:17:02] I go into this process, which I talk about a lot, and you’re just stopping to scan and asking, is there any pain or resistance or suffering inside? Well, I’m getting something. So, when you notice it’s there, maybe it just feels resisting or it feels conflicting, or it feels heavy. It might feel like, uh, tingling on the skin.

[00:17:29] I’m feeling like tingling at my forearms. So let me just sink into the body. You wanna get down into the body and I’m gonna pull up the thought, what is the thought that’s triggering this resistance? So, what I’m getting is it’s all too heavy. So, like, I think it’s just like everything happening in the world.

[00:17:54] You know, I’m recording this in June and its summer and people just wanna travel, but now all the airports are overwhelmed. I don’t know. It’s just things that I think we perceive to be easy before now feel hard. Things that we could just do without thinking about now we have to spend a lot of time thinking about. There’s also like pending financial concerns, global financial concerns.

[00:18:23] So this has created a heaviness, a fear of what’s gonna happen, right? That’s what I’m really tapping into for myself. And for you. What’s gonna happen is the thought maybe something bad will happen. Maybe it will be hard. Maybe there’ll be a global crisis. Another global crisis is looming. So, try to find the thought that triggers the most pain or fear or uncertainty for you.

[00:18:51] So I’m getting some, for me at some variation of, we don’t know what the future holds, and it might be painful, you know, it might be a painful future for the collective. Okay. So, then you wanna think, all right, when that thought feels a hundred percent true, what emotions are triggered? So, in my case, it triggers, fear, frustration, anger, resentment, like exhaustion, like I’m just tired of it.

[00:19:23] So once you’ve identified the emotions, if you can, you wanna feel those feels for 60 to 90 seconds, and if you can’t name the emotion, that’s totally fine. Just feel whatever you sense is inside of you. So go ahead and feel them with me, fear, anger,

[00:19:46] and you’re feeling your emotions. As I feel mine, maybe some of them are the same, resentment exhaustion,

[00:20:01] just dig deep inside and bring the emotions up to your outer awareness to the surface of your skin. So, you can experience them and release them. This is how we healthfully process the pain that’s inside of us. So, we healthfully release it by feeling it and if we decide when we feel the pain, it’s actually quite empowering.

[00:20:32] So you’re not in some crisis when you do this, I mean, you can, but it’s more easeful and empowering to do this process when you’re feeling neutrality or somewhat low vibrations or somewhat high vibrations, but you’re in more or less a neutral energy and you are deciding when you’re gonna feel the painful or resisting emotions and you’re pausing from your everyday routine to fully feel

[00:21:01] those feels. And when you do that, you can only feel emotions for about 60 to 90 second waves. So, it’s a much more easeful process when you are in charge of it.

[00:21:20] So just stay feeling, feeling, feeling the physical sensations, feeling the tactile sensations.

[00:21:38] And when you feel the emotion start just starting to go down. The emotional wave is just starting to feel less intense than you start to deep breathe. Big inhales ha big exhales release on the exhale. Breathe. Breathe. Now, breathe again. Ah, breathe. Now, come into the present moment with me.

[00:22:07] Breathe. Ah, breathe. Now I’m starting to feel better. I don’t know about you. Go into the heart space. Feel your vibrations, raising, feeling the acceptance, feeling love, feeling joy.

[00:22:30] Ah, feeling peace if you can. And if you can’t that’s okay too. Just rising, rising vibrations, feeling higher and higher vibrations of joyful emotions

[00:22:53] and just staying in this high vibe feel good place,

[00:22:59] deep breathing, resting in your heart space, sunk down into your body. I’m gonna offer you some intuitive hits for you. Something that you need in this moment. Whenever you listen to this, these are some intuitive hits that will help you to raise your spirits, lift your soul, upgrade your energy and one of my superpowers and one of my, you know, a big aspect of my soul mission is to be the mirror of truth.

[00:23:37] Mirroring your truth back to you when you need that truth the most. So here is truth number one, you have a big soul mission, and you are ready to align to your soul mission to a sharper decree to a greater alignment. And when you do, you’re calling in your power, your high potential, your deep creativity, and you are designed to make a massive impact on your loved ones, on your soul clients,

[00:24:25] on your audience, on the planet and having this impact is not gonna drain you. It’s going to enliven you. It’s going to make you feel awe at the unfolding moment. It’s going to give you great joy and

[00:24:53] no one has arrived with your soul mission, but you, so your so mission is important and there’s absolutely no one better to put it into motion. Intuitive hit number two, your

[00:25:14] gifts are massive.

[00:25:19] You were born with massive spiritual gifts, a unique genius, gifts that no one else on the planet has, but you that’s just the truth of it. It doesn’t mean they’re better. It just means that you are the one that has your big gifts and your people, the world needs your gifts. And I’m your mirror of truth

[00:25:48] reflecting that, that inner knowing you have, that they are that big. I’m telling you they are and whenever you get the thought, well, they couldn’t be, I’m here as your mirror of truth to say, yes, they are.

[00:26:09] Intuitive hit number three, you’ve got this. You’ve got this. If you’re on your path and feeling like I put so much effort in and the return doesn’t match, I’m here to say the return is matching, but in not in the way that you expect it, if that’s how you feel, and the return is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger if you stay on your path.

[00:26:48] So you’ve got this. Stay true to your big soul mission. Stay true to your gifts and those big, big soul aligned intentions that you’ve set for yourself

[00:27:25] are going to start arriving into your experience with a joy and an ease that will exceed all expectations. One more deep breath in, one more exhale.

[00:27:36] Repeat after me, if it feels true and only if it feels true, I feel good. I feel spacious. I feel

[00:27:53] love. I feel joy. I feel peace.

[00:28:05] And spend a second and some gratitude with me right now, being thankful for all the things in your experience you’re currently grateful for. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[00:28:24] My invitation for you this week is to: every day for the next three days, carve out a time and it can be when you’re sitting, walking, washing dishes, you don’t, you can have other things going on when you do this, but not too much, no screens. Ideally you could be alone or at least in a, in a space and time where it’s likely you won’t be interrupted

[00:28:53] and when you’re in a more or less neutral space, neutral to even a bit low vibrational, low vibe and just say, all right, I’m gonna do a scan. I’m ready to feel good, but the real way, the true way, not the forced rainbow and unicorn way, but hey I love rainbows and I love unicorns. So, like the real rainbow and unicorn way, right?

[00:29:22] The real way that things such as rainbows and unicorns trigger real joy inside of me, not forced joy. That’s not joy. That’s actually very low in vibration, that’s resistance. So, scan for resistance. Feel the feels. Deep breaths. Go back to the heart space. Invite in the joy. Invite in the love. Invite in the peace.

[00:29:57] And may you feel good. And my dear ones, if you are feeling good about this episode from my heart with love, I invite you to head over to our show notes. You can find a place in the resource section to leave a review. I promise you it’s very easy. And just tell me, what has this podcast meant to you, given you, has it given you any results at all?

[00:30:33] Has it ever made you feel good? And I would be so, so happy and I would feel so, so good to read your beautiful words on the air and my dear ones as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:30:56] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days? Then download my free energy, upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website, as well as in the show notes.


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