(2) Ready for Some High Vibrational Habits?

“I’m being called to focus on how the situation is serving me, and not on how it’s irritating me.”

The Week 2 Readout…

It’s week 2 of: My 5-week Experiment to Raise My Dominant Energetic Frequency!

To recap…While our energy vibration is always moving up and down, our Dominant Energetic Frequency – or DEF – is our average energy vibration when taken together over time.

When we raise our overall DEF, we add more joy to our experience, manifest more powerfully, and align more fully to our highest dreams.

(To learn more about your DEF and the experiment, check out last week’s post.)

If you’re joining me in the experiment, then this is the start of Week 2 for you and the end of Week 2 for me – and I’m excited to report my results!

Last week, I received the message from my Higher Self to integrate these 4 high vibrational habits into my every day to raise my DEF:

  1. Meditate 2 times per day


  2. Walk every day in nature


  3. Exercise 4 times per week


  4. Stop drinking alcohol

For week 2, I received 4 more high vibrational habits from my Higher Self to raise my DEF. They include:

  1. Continue integrating the four habits from Week 1

The message was: Don’t add anything new if you’re still struggling to integrate last week’s habits.

Since I was feeling good about last week’s habits, I decided to integrate more…

  1. Choose to focus on the lemonade, not the lemons 🍋

When an undesirable outcome arrives, I’m being called to focus on how the situation is serving me, and not on how it’s irritating me.

This is NOT about forcing myself to think happy thoughts. Instead, my Higher Self is calling me to choose to focus on the uplifting aspects of those situations that don’t go as planned.

Here’s an example from last week….My husband bought me a gift certificate for a back massage for my birthday. So I booked a 60-minute deep tissue massage, and I was SUPER excited to get my neck and back worked over.

When I arrived to the studio, however, I discovered the masseuse only did facials, and I had mistakenly booked a 60-minute facial!?

This was not what I wanted AT ALL, and I felt disappointed. Then the masseuse (who was actually a facial specialist) started to lecture me about paying more attention to what I was booking before I book it. And this made the disappointment turn into anger.

So I decided to focus on the lemonade, not the lemons.

But in order to get to the lemonade, I had to release my resistance first.

So I gave myself permission to feel the disappointment and anger, so I could release it.

Then, I asked the facial specialist if she’d consider doing a 45-minute facial that included a mini facial massage.

Her face immediately lit up at the suggestion, and she said, “Yes, my clients love this. They find it very relaxing.”

I could see in that moment that she was determined to turn our misunderstanding into a lovely experience for me.

So, I got all cozied into her heated chair and had a wonderfully relaxing treatment. I enjoyed it so much, in fact, I booked a follow-on treatment in a few weeks.

This was situation where I could have easily allowed my negative emotions to pull my DEF way down. But in focusing on the lemonade, I was able to actually raise my DEF higher.

  1. Notice the consistent vibrational pulldowns of your average week

My Higher Self called me to notice where I was getting my energy consistently pulled down to lower vibrations in an average week.

The answer was clear for me: Wednesdays.

Wednesday is a half day for Freya at school, and there’s always too much packed into the schedule. By the end of the day, I’m tired and frazzled.

So for next week, I intend a light and ease-ful Wednesday and will experiment around on how to make it a higher vibrational day.

  • Focus on PROGRESS…not perfection

When it’s a question of creating new, higher vibrational habits, we will always have slip ups. It will NEVER be perfect.

When we accept it will likely be two steps forward and one step back, we can see that we’re consistently taking one step forward.

So how did I do for Week 2??

At the start of the week, my DEF was: 357 (out of 1000).

My Higher Self says my DEF is now: 389. That’s 32 points higher than last week and amazing progress!

And I feel it. I feel lighter, more spacious, and more immune to life’s minor annoyances.

I invite you notice what high vibrational habits are calling you from the heart. And together, let’s rise higher.

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

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