Unplugging From the Collective: The 5 Biggest Wounds That Thwart Us

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These days we hear a lot about “the collective” and “collective fear”.

We hear that it’s “the collective” that keeps us down and blocks our growth.

But what does that really mean? And how are we truly affected by it on the daily?

If you’ve been curious about these questions, then you’ll want to add this week’s episode to your podcast playlist.

Because unfortunately, we all get plugged into the collective from time to time – often without realizing it. And it can put us in a state of fear or stress.

And when this happens, we can take on wounds and pain of others.

So I have an important message for you:

When the pain isn’t ours, it often doesn’t serve us. So the empowered thing to do is to send it back.

And that’s exactly what we unpack in today’s episode. I channeled and downloaded from Source the 5 biggest wounds from the collective that can block our growth.

I also share insight that will enable you to heal and to protect yourself from taking on pain that you don’t need to take on.

This is a powerful episode that you will want to return to again and again, so you can remain on the high-vibe and aligned path you’re meant to be on.

>> LISTEN NOW To learn how to heal your own wounds and send back the wounds that aren’t yours, so you can ascend to a higher way of living and being 💗

In today’s episode, we explore:

  • The 5 biggest wounds coming from the collective that block our growth in life and business
  • How to know whether a wound is coming from inside of you or from someone else
  • How to unplug from the collective so you’re never unnecessarily taking on blocks that aren’t yours


  • Listen to Episode 3 on releasing blocks HERE
  • Listen to Episode 70 on releasing blocks HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation: Go through this cord cutting process of unplugging from the collective one time in the next 48 hours.

[00:00:00] Hello, my dear ones. What is happening in your world today? I hope things are well, you know, I’ve noticed that I often start episodes with, I hope you’re amazing. And I do. And if you’re not, I so honor where you are and it’s okay. And there are reasons why you’re not feeling amazing. And if not in this moment

[00:00:29] and past moments where you’ve had challenging times, there’s a very valid and just reason. We have wounds. We have pains inside of us. We’re going to be exploring our wounds and where wounds come from in this very powerful episode of soul guide radio. And so often when we’re struggling, the wound isn’t even coming from us, it’s coming from

[00:00:56] other people’s pain. And there are times when we invite in or can invite in other people’s pains to help others heal and to heal ourselves, but how Source explains it to me is those are exceptional times. And the general rule is when the pain isn’t ours, it doesn’t serve us. So, we need to send it back and that my friends is what we are going to be exploring in today’s episode, which for me, it came through from Source

[00:01:41] to do this episode and it feels to me really powerful. Most of the information I’ll be sharing today is channeled. And really, I have to say, I channeled it from Source, and I just have to say, I also like my years and years of working as a healer and working with hundreds, thousands of people to help them clear

[00:02:04] their biggest blocks, their biggest wounds. I have to say that the information that I, that came through from Source so magically and amazingly lines up to what I experience every day. And so, I’m really excited to share this with you, because I really feel from my heart that you are going to see shifts in your day.

[00:02:29] And in your perspective, that will enable you to heal. And enable you to protect yourself from taking on pain that you just don’t need to be taking on. So, in today’s episode, I reveal the five biggest wounds coming from the collective that block our growth in life and business. How to know whether a wound is coming from inside of you or from someone else and how to unplug from that pain

[00:03:04] that’s not coming from you or unplugged from the collective. So you’re never unnecessarily taking on blocks that aren’t yours. We’ll end on a really powerful invitation that we’ll have you healing your wounds, sending back the wounds that aren’t yours in a way that will truly enable you to ascend to a higher way of living and being.

[00:03:31] So you’re gonna want to stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:04:02] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:04:09] Hey there, soul guide circle, that is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1600 leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other

[00:04:34] and the planet. Find a link to join on my website, Allyson scammell.com or in the show notes. Okay. Today we’re talking about wounds that aren’t coming from inside of us. They’re coming from the collective. So, what is the collective anyway? I think you may hear slightly different definitions on this, but they all go, I think, in the same direction, but I’m just going to go ahead and channel a definition from Source to make it as clear as I can be.

[00:05:09] So the collective is an energy field that is the collection of the living beings on planet in physical form. And they are affected by various things happening in the outer world, various things being reported in the news. And it, it affects the collective consciousness of those, having the human, having, being in physical form and having a human experience.

[00:05:42] And so this energy field is filled with a lot of fear, stress, doubt, overwhelm, panic. And it is a powerful energy that is very low in vibration that all humans inadvertently get plugged into in their experience. And it has the effect of lowering you and your unique, energetic resonance down to the lower vibrations of these wounds, of these wounds and these fears that are in this energy field of the collective.

[00:06:25] So I also channeled source about what are the five top wounds that are present inside of the collective. And all of our wounds have a story. There’s a thought or a circumstance or a story that triggers the pain. So essentially, we’re revealing the five painful thought systems or belief systems that trigger

[00:06:55] this painful energy, creating these wounds. And when we are inadvertently plugged into the collective, into these wounds, then we will take on these wounds, whether you know, this wound is inside of us or not. And most of these are related to wounds that we, we do have inside of us wounds or blocks that are coming from past lifetime, current lifetime, coming from ancestral lines.

[00:07:27] So it’s not that we don’t have them inside of ourselves. We do. I mean, we have variations of all these wounds that I’m about to reveal. However, when we are plugged into these wounds in the collective, it heightens what’s inside of us. It perpetuates, it prevents us from really clearing and releasing these wounds for good.

[00:07:53] So being able to recognize that and recognize what’s ours and what isn’t is a really important and nuanced and advanced part of your soul journey to healing, to truly healing, releasing and being, and maintaining is really a word coming through right now, maintaining your energy to be at that higher, more powerful resonance that you’re meant to be.

[00:08:22] Okay. So, let’s get into the wounds. None of these are going to surprise you. They shouldn’t surprise you really because that, this is it. These are the wounds that we have and, and the collective has, and they impact us every day. And the thing that really struck me about these wounds is, wow, they really will throw an entrepreneur off his or her path for sure.

[00:08:46] So again, another reason why this is so important, and it gets back to it doesn’t matter how amazing your marketing is, how amazing your products and services are. If we are too way down and thwarted by these belief systems, it’s going to slow us down. It’s going to thwart us. So, let’s get into it. Let’s start with number five.

[00:09:14] I like this one. The fifth biggest wound coming from the collective is, it can’t be done. It’s not possible. So, you really think about like, with all of these wounds, think about all the different ways that shows up in our life. No, I can’t do that. It’s not possible for me. I want to do something different in my field or different in my business that hasn’t been done in this way before.

[00:09:39] So, if it hasn’t been done before, then it can’t be done. The wound would say, the wound would say other people will have to have done it first and in a similar way. And then maybe it can be done or maybe, maybe it’s possible for them, but not for you. So, these wounds can speak to us in so many different ways and hold us back on our path.

[00:10:03] So think about any time your higher self is calling you to something. To create something, do something, be someone, notice any sort of form of it can’t be done. That can’t happen that way. That is a wound that is likely in part coming from an energy field that’s outside of you. And it’s an important reminder here that our wounds tell us lies.

[00:10:30] It’s an illusion, it’s an absolute illusion that anything can’t be done, it’s an illusion that anything can’t be done. And when you truly get into the mindset and the energy of the truth because the truth is always the flip side of the block, it can be done. It’s all possible. All things are always possible.

[00:10:54] That’s got to be true. We are creators of our experience. And if we didn’t have these wounds, imagine my friends, if we didn’t have these wounds thwarting us, they were just lifted. And we were all collectively in the energy of all things are possible at all times. Can you imagine things would happen that the brain couldn’t even fathom?

[00:11:17] It would go beyond our mental capacity for a time until our mental capacity opened up, opened up to this reality, that all things are always possible. Something so exciting about that thought, right? Okay. This is, this is one for an entrepreneur. Number four. This is one that is, boy, it is this thwart in entrepreneur.

[00:11:44] Number four largest wound inside of the collective is, there’s not enough. There’s not enough clients. There’s not enough money, there’s not enough resources. There’s not enough time. Think about the time scarcity, all the things that create scarcity and competition. So much of that, whenever that affects us, which affects all of us all the time, that there’s not enough, not enough love.

[00:12:10] And it’s an illusion. Going to the truth, there’s always enough. There’s always enough time. There’s always enough resources. There’s always enough clients. There’s always enough money when you truly believe that, when you truly get into the energy of there’s always enough, your outer world will always reflect that, always.

[00:12:34] And you guys maybe have heard me tell the stories where I literally was down to no money anywhere. All credit cards maxed out. I could have called my parents for money, but I would have lived on this street before I would have called them for money. Not because they’re not amazing, wonderful, lovely people, but just, I’m a farm girl from the upper Midwest.

[00:12:58] You don’t ask your parents for money. It’s just not something you do. You figure it out yourself. And that second, when I was really down to nothing, I got a tax refund that really was like, I don’t even know. I think it was a bank error. I was really sure that I owed money that year, but I got a very sizable tax refund.

[00:13:20] And then when that tax refund was gone and I was again, down to like, like, I don’t know how I’m going to eat tomorrow. I got a job offer that fell from out of the sky that was very lucrative. And I’m sharing that with you because in that moment of this happening, when I was really down to nothing, and money just appeared out of nowhere.

[00:13:42] I, when I look back, I don’t know that I was aware of this at the time, but I was really in the energy of there’s always enough, like something my higher self kicked in and this inner knowing washed over me that there’s always going to be enough. There is nothing to stress about here. So, there’s no need to focus on the lack.

[00:14:05] There’s no need to focus on your bank account is empty and your credit cards are maxed out. There’s always enough. And let me tell you my outer world reflected that in a powerful and profound way. Okay. You’re going to see two, three, well, you know, all of these are related, but I think that, you know, two, three and four are quite connected.

[00:14:28] So number three is, I am too much, I am too much. My gifts are too much. My energies too much. I am just too much. And other people won’t like that because I am too much. And I’ll just go to number two, related to number four. The second biggest wound in the collective. I am not enough. The connections here, two and three connected because they’re both related to the wound of not fitting in.

[00:14:58] I’m not enough air go. I won’t fit in. I am too much air go. I won’t fit in. So, I won’t fit in is kind of, is also the wound here. I might not fit in. I might not be accepted. That’s a deep wound. It drives so much of our behavior, our fear of not fitting in and the, I am not enough. I’m too much. It’s just, it’s almost like a pendulum that can go back and forth.

[00:15:25] The second that you start to realize that you are enough, then your pendulum starts to swing into, but now I’m too much. So, this back and forth between I am not enough. I am too much. I won’t fit in. And again, those are the illusions, and the truth is I am enough. I am more than enough. I am just right. I am perfect.

[00:15:47] I am a powerful being of love and light and I fit in with the right people. I fit in with my tribe. I fit in with my soul connections, the people who I’m meant to fit in with, the people I’ve meant to serve, the people with whom I meant to connect. I’m a perfect match for them. And they accept me just how I am, just how I am.

[00:16:14] They wouldn’t change a hair on my head and anyone who doesn’t fall into that category of this soul connection, they are just meant for someone else. So, their opinions just don’t matter. That is the truth. Boy, when you get into that truth, life takes a different turn. Life looks differently. So many of our small worries will melt away when we know that we are just right, and we are accepted by just the right people.

[00:16:49] And we no longer need to contort ourselves or twist ourselves into a pretzel of something that is not real and not our truth and not our authenticity to fit in and gain acceptance. We no longer need to do that because our people love us and accept us just the way we are and much more deeper and more profoundly than that

[00:17:16] as we accept ourselves fully and completely just as we are. Okay. Number one, number one wound from the collective is, I am not worthy. I don’t deserve it. What entrepreneurs want to do at the end of the day, they want to earn income. They want to make sales. This wound will thwart our sales, thwart our ability to connect to ideal clients again and again, and again, I’m not worthy of making a sale.

[00:17:51] I’m not worthy of a soul client. I’m not worthy of the income. I’m not worthy of the joy. I’m not worthy of ease. I don’t deserve it. So much of those thoughts, which we’ve all had at some point in our experience. So much of that is not coming from inside of us. We are responding to this collective energy field that is telling us this on a subconscious level, on a conscious level.

[00:18:20] Very often, this is all arriving to us on a subconscious level. So, it’s affecting us day in and day out and we don’t even realize it. And we’re plugged in to this collective energy field without realizing it. And I’m going to get to that in just a second. Well, what do we do when that happens? But before I do,

[00:18:41] let’s just go back to the truth here. The truth is you are worthy, my friend. The truth is, listen to me, listen to my words, connect with me, you deserve it. That is the truth. You are worthy of every ounce of success, income, money, joy, happiness, love, connection, health, wealth. You deserve it on a soul level, you are here to heal, grow, evolve, and experience joy, fun,

[00:19:20] laughter, humor, excitement, adventure. Earth is really here on so many levels to be our school, right? Learn, grow, evolve, and to be our playground so we can have this experience and in return, we love and honor and tend earth for being the thing that teaches us and being the thing that holds us and allows us to have this fun experience.

[00:19:48] So that brings us nicely to how to know whether a wound or a block or a pain is coming from inside of you. So, meaning some past experience or some hereditary wound or it’s not. It’s coming from someone else; it’s coming from the collective. Well, the first thing is noticing, just being in a mindful state, noticing what is really happening, where is my energy slowing down.

[00:20:20] This requires us to slow down. Be away from screens, unplugging from the collective. You know, it starts with just unplugging from our phone, unplugging from our work, unplugging from obligations for a minute to go inside, noticing what’s there. And you want to start by following any painful feelings. And when you’re in a neutral state, I invite you to

[00:20:51] ask this question it’s really powerful. Is there a painful feeling inside of me? So, if you carve out this time, you can, you can even be in a state of peace or joy. And let’s just say, you’re like, okay, now’s my time for inner reflection to make sure that I’m not unnecessarily plugged in or to see if I have a wound inside of me that needs healing or attention.

[00:21:15] You just ask the question. Is there a painful feeling inside of me? And the painful feeling will be in there even though you’re in a higher state of neutrality or love or joy or peace, but you’re just asking that painful feeling that’s tucked away and you’re not resonating at that painful feeling. It’s just inside of you, you ask it to present itself, or maybe you are in the painful feeling.

[00:21:42] You’re noticing the painful experience, then either way, you’re going to stop what you’re doing and then ask the second question. What thought is triggering this pain? What thought is triggering this pain? I imagine you’ll find a lot of the thoughts coming through will somehow have either be directly related to the five wounds I just mentioned or have at least a dotted line to one of them.

[00:22:10] And then when a thought arrives to you, you go to a third question which you direct to your higher self. And that third question is, is this thought coming from me? And if you get a no, then you know, that at least a portion of this thought is coming from outside of you. So likely a piece of it is coming from a wound inside of you.

[00:22:33] And a piece of it is coming from the collective. Often, it’s going to be a split. So, part of it is coming from our own experience and part of it not. But there will be occasions when it’s all coming from outside of you. And there will be occasions where it’s all coming from inside of you. So having this awareness is super important for you to heal your energy and maintain healthy energy.

[00:22:59] So how do we unplug from the collective? So, we’re never unnecessarily taking on the blocks that aren’t ours. Well, there’s a process. It’s an easy and powerful process. And I’d like to take you through it right now. I’ll do it with you right now. So, my outer energy right now, I would say is resonating beyond neutrality.

[00:23:23] I think I am in a state of love and joy right now, maybe even higher because I get quite high vibrational when I’m connected to you in this way. So, what I’m going to do, even though I’m in this high vibey state right now, I’m going to see if there is any pain inside of me that I may not be aware of. So, what painful feeling is inside of me and I do sense something.

[00:23:47] So what I’m going to do is just bring that painful thing I sense inside of me to the surface, it’s like, you’re inviting it to the surface of your skin to be experienced and felt so you can get more clarity on what’s there. So, inviting that painful feeling up, what does it feel like? Feels like disappointment, sadness, anger.

[00:24:10] So now I want to ask, the second question is, what is the thought triggering these emotions? What is the belief system triggering these emotions what’s coming through is a clear fit to the number two wound? I am not enough. And when I kind of explored deeper in that, like, why am I not enough? I am not enough because I’m not able to

[00:24:33] tell my NDE story, my near-death experience story, and I’m not telling it. And that’s, the fact that I’m not telling my story, which I feel called to tell and to share with you, but I’ve had some blocks and resistance around that, some fear around that. It’s because I haven’t shared it yet. It’s triggering, like I’m not enough.

[00:24:56] Like it’s interesting. It’s like, it’s like I should have done it by now. So, the fact that I haven’t is indicating I’m not enough. I’m not able to. So really interesting. Didn’t expect this to come up, but this is what happens when you slow down and look inside and see what’s really going on. So now this is interesting, and I am curious to know the answer to this question, because that is coming from me.

[00:25:18] I know a piece of that is coming from me but let me just check to see if any part of that is coming from the collective. So, I’m getting a strong yes. See, this is good stuff. You guys I’m surprised. I’m surprised. I didn’t realize this. This is the tricky, though the sneaky way that the collective can, can affect us and we don’t even know.

[00:25:42] Okay. So, I’m going to, this is kind of an advanced question. You do not need to ask this and if, if you try to ask this and you don’t get a clear answer back, don’t worry about it. You just really need to get a yes or no. Is a part of this wound is all or a part of this wound from outside of me? So, I got a yes.

[00:26:02] And I’m going to ask what percentage? What percentage of this wound, this I’m not enough wound is coming from the collective and I’m getting the number 86%. So, most of it, and there’s a little piece, 14% coming in from inside of me. So, what do you do? What will I do with this information that I have? And I, you know, the thing that’s cool about this process, it’s so empowering.

[00:26:30] I feel empowered. It’s like, ah, I’m going to send everything back that’s not mine. Okay. I just gave you the answer to the next part of this podcast. What you want to do is send everything back that’s not yours. That’s not meant for you. That’s not in highest service to your highest and greatest good. It’s just not yours.

[00:26:51] It’s not necessary. If it is necessary, sometimes wounds from other people are necessary for our own healing, growth, and evolution. And if that’s the case that will appear, right? Your higher self will guide you to that because essentially if it’s meant for you, it is yours, right? It is yours. So, what we’re looking for is anything that’s not yours and not in highest service to your highest and greatest

[00:27:22] good. And I’m getting that number for me is 86%. That is just a lot. And guess what, my friends, I do not want it. I do not want it at all. I have enough and you have enough to deal with our own wounds, right? So, let’s get rid of it. So, empowering. At this point, you just set the intention. I send everything back

[00:27:49] that’s not mine. Say it aloud. I send all these wounds back. All of this pain back that isn’t mine. I send it back to where it came from, and you don’t need to know where it came from. Sometimes we are plugged into the collective and sometimes we are maybe plugged into the wounds of a loved one or loved ones. At this point

[00:28:14] it kind of doesn’t matter. You’re just sending it back to wherever it came from, and the energy will go where you direct it to. So, it will find its way back home. And then you want to call all of your energy back to you. So, I call all of my energy back to me. And if you wish to, you can say blessed and transformed.

[00:28:36] I send everything that’s not mine back, blessed and transformed. I call everything that is mine. Blessed and transformed. And here is a third powerful step. So, there are three powerful steps here. Step number one, send it back. Step number two, call your energy back to you. Step number three is you want to unplug, like literally unplug.

[00:29:01] So, what you do is you just sort of close your eyes, look within and notice if you see or sense an energetic cord present, that’s related to the wound and you can ask the cord to present itself if it’s there and how cords plugged in to the collective appear to me, they appear differently than say a cord connecting me to a past lifetime trauma.

[00:29:28] They look different and I’m noticing lately that my cords that are plugged into the collective, it’s like a hazy kind of light cord. It’s just how it appears for me, if this is helpful, it’s plugged into my solar plexus. So, there’s a hazy light cord. But it’s not dense. It’s not a thick cord. It’s a, it’s a wide cord.

[00:29:55] Maybe this is more detail than you need. It’s a wide cord of hazy white light. So, I’ll share that with you in case that’s helpful. Maybe that’s appearing in some way similarly for you to help you recognize it, what I do is I imagine it’s like an electrical cord plugged into an outlet, the outlet being the collective.

[00:30:15] And what you want to do is unplug that cord out of the collective. And then you plug it back in to yourself at the crown chakra, right at the top of your head. So, you’re unplugging from the collective, the cord and plugging it back in to your own energy at the crown chakra. Oh, I’m already feeling my energy so much lighter.

[00:30:41] And that’s how you’ll know that you’re unplugged your energy will feel some form of lighter. Even if it’s super subtle, there will be a lightness to your energy because you’ve just released and let go and sent back something that was weighing you down. It was like a barnacle, and you’ve just gotten rid of it.

[00:31:01] So now what I really want to do, and my example here is go back to that 14% of the block that’s inside of me. I want to get rid of that too. Of course. So, you know, you thank the collective in a way, right? Because with that 86% really allowed me to call up that little bit that was inside of me. That might’ve been too subtle for me to notice on my own.

[00:31:27] So thank you collective right? And calling up that 14% and I did a whole podcast episode. I’ve done a few of them about how to clear your own energy blocks. We’ll leave links to those episodes in the show notes. So, I won’t go through great detail here, but call up the painful energy. I already know what the thought is, and I’m just going to call up that sadness, anger, regret.

[00:31:53] I’m just going to be in those emotions, pull them up from deep inside of me for about 60 seconds or so, giving myself permission to fully and completely feel. And when the wave starts to go down and the emotions feel less intense, you look again to see if there’s a cord. And like I said, for me, I see a cord looks that looks very different from that hazy cord that I just unplugged

[00:32:20] and these cords you want to cut. You want to cut them all the way through, because you just want to detach and disconnect. And essentially, you’re going to, by doing that, you’re allowing your block to fall and it’s being fall from your system or dissolve from your system to be transmuted into higher energy.

[00:32:43] So I’m cutting the cord. Now what I do is I go back to my breath. And what do we do when we release a block or unplug from a block? I always like to go back to my higher self and ask my higher self for a message of truth because we’ve just released the illusion. The illusion is I’m not enough. That’s the non-truth.

[00:33:09] So now, oh, I feel my energy rising again, juicy, juicy energy feeling like I’m going back up to love peace, joy, but now I’m going up even higher you guys. I’m going up higher. So, I was in a high state. I dipped back down in the low state with mindful intention, cleared what I needed to clear, and now I’m going back up higher than I was before.

[00:33:31] So you get rewarded for doing this work, connected to higher self, asking my higher self for message for truth for me. And I’m calling in one that’s also for you. So, this my friend is for the both of us. You are powerful. You are a powerful beam of light. And you are the embodiment of enough. You are the embodiment of enough and you are the powerful beam of light that is and goes beyond enough.

[00:34:08] You are overflowing. You are expanding. You are infinite. Enough implies that there’s a container and that you’ve reached the limit of the container and you cannot be contained. So, I’m sharing that message with you, my dear one, you cannot be contained because you’re so enough, you are beyond enough. All right, let us do a quick recap.

[00:34:42] The five biggest wounds coming from the collective. Five, it can’t be done. Four, there’s not enough. Three, I am too much. Two, I’m not enough. One, I’m not worthy. When you want to notice whether you have one of these wounds inside of you or some variation thereof, or maybe you have a sixth, seventh, eighth wound, maybe you have something else

[00:35:07] that’s not falling into these categories. It’s still the same process. First, you notice, mindfulness. It pretty much all processes in this way starts with a mindfulness. Notice what’s there. Follow the painful feeling by asking three powerful questions. One, is there a painful feeling inside of me? Two, what’s the thought triggering the pain? Three,

[00:35:35] is this pain coming from inside of me? If you get a no, you want to go to another powerful three steps. One, you want to send everything back that’s not yours. Two, call all of your energy back to you, blessed and transformed, if you wish. And three, you want to unplug from that collective and bring it back that energy back to you or cut any cords that you see or sense to be present.

[00:36:08] Then as bonus credit, if you want to heal anything that you sense inside of you that is coming from you. It’s a good time to do that. And then go, if you wish also for bonus credit to your heart space, to get a message of truth that is on the other side of the block, waiting for you to find it and incorporate it into.

[00:36:37] your inner knowing. So, my invitation to you, my dear friends is to go through this process one time in the next 48 hours. Just one time. I know you’ll listen to a lot of things. And even listening to this podcast, right? Every week I’m inviting you to do something or be someone. So maybe you feel a little bit overwhelmed by all the things that we could be doing as part of our spiritual routine.

[00:37:05] I really just, I feel like healing energy blocks, and this is one important way. This is sort of advanced energy healing that we heal and maintain our energy. To me this really is some of the most powerful work that we can do. So, I really just invite you in with easefulness and lightness to go through this process one time in the next 48 hours and see how it feels.

[00:37:32] And if it feels good and if you feel lighter, if you feel like you’ve released, if you feel like this is in service to you, consider how to incorporate this advanced work into your daily or weekly spiritual routine or practice. All right my dear ones, that is all I have for you today, and I wish you a beautiful rest of your day, rest of your week.

[00:37:59] I look forward to connecting with you again next week, and until then, may your soul guide the way.

[00:38:11] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days? Then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your Soul Plan for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:

✅ 2 Classes to help you get clarity on your soul mission and long- and short-term visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training showing you step-by-step how to complete the 10-page planning template, and
✅ The 2025 planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:
✅ 2 Classes to clarify your soul mission and visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training revealing the energetics of soul-guided planning, and
✅ The 2025 10-page planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025