Spiritual Luxury in Life and Branding

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Ever feel bad for desiring luxury items? Or say to yourself some version of: “Spiritual people shouldn’t desire luxury.”

Did you know thoughts like this actually put us in lack energy? And deeper than that is often unworthiness – I don’t deserve luxury.

Well, let me set you straight right now. There’s nothing wrong with desiring luxury items or experiences.

In fact, our higher selves can GUIDE us to desiring luxuriousness…which puts us into the energy frequency of abundance.

This is why I am SUPER excited to talk to you about Spiritual Luxury. It’s a high-vibrational, results-producing concept that blends together Spirituality and Luxury.

In fact, viewing luxury through the lens of your higher self is a POWERFUL practice that guides you to understanding what you truly want to experience in this life.

And if some of those things your higher self wants you to experience happen to be more luxurious, then there’s no room for shame or judgement.

In today’s episode, I delve into the concept of Spiritual Luxury. Prepare to see luxury in a whole new light so you can tap into abundance in a way that fulfills your dreams!

>> LISTEN NOW To learn how to experience luxury in a spiritual way, so you can be in the frequency of higher abundance and live a more fulfilling life.

In today’s episode, we explore:

  • The concept of Spiritual Luxury
  • Why the energy of luxury is an important one to tap into
  • How adding an element of luxury to your brand will boost your abundance and help you attract the perfect soul clients


  • Listen to Episode 12 on Soul-Infused Signature Offerings HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation: Take some deep breaths, go to the heart space, tune into your higher self from the heart and ask this question: What luxurious desires are you calling me towards?

[00:00:00] Hello, my dear ones. We have a cutting-edge episode for you today. Have you ever thought about spiritual luxury? I love exploring into these new concepts or new feeling concepts. Maybe it’s something you’ve considered before, but I think a lot of us aren’t talking about spirituality and luxury together, and it’s a really exciting high vibrational results saying concept that I’m super excited to share with you today.

[00:00:37] And I think in some circles, the general feeling is that these two things should not go together, spirituality and luxury. And in fact, if you are on a spiritual path, you’re not thinking about luxury, that’s ego. The ego wants luxury because luxury is about status. And having expensive looking things to put you in a different status and that’s driven by the ego and is not necessarily aligned in a high alignment way to our spirituality.

[00:01:11] And while yes, this can happen. There’s another way to approach it all and approaching luxury from your higher self, from a place of spirituality. And its really powerful stuff, you guys, and I’m really excited to explore into all of it, which brings me nicely to in today’s episode, I define what spiritual luxury is, why the energy of luxury is an important one to tap into and how adding an element of luxury to your brand

[00:01:48] will boost your abundance and help you attract the perfect soul clients. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you experiencing luxury in a spiritual way. So, you can be in the frequency of higher abundance and live life in a more fulfilling way. So be sure to stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level.

[00:02:22] We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson, Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:02:46] Hey, their soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. And in the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1500 leaders and light workers who are in service to each other.

[00:03:10] And the planet. Find a link to join on my website, Allyson scammell.com or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking spiritual luxury. What is it? Okay. There’s probably many different ways to define it, but let’s go into first what luxury is. Okay. What is luxury? Well, dictionary definition is sumptuous or extremely comfortable living or surroundings, lives in luxury.

[00:03:42] Another definition, something that is not essential but provides pleasure and comfort and something that is desirable, but expensive or hard to obtain or do. Okay. So, what is spirituality? Well, boy, that that’s a whole, you know, that’s a whole podcast in and of itself, but let’s just take a piece of spirituality, which is being led by the higher self.

[00:04:11] Being led by a higher voice that is connected to a source of non-physical energy that is all loving all knowing. And that voice of our soul, of our intuition, of our heart, of our higher self is guiding us on the path that is in highest and greatest service to our soul and to the things that we are here to heal from experience, evolve to be in this lifetime.

[00:04:42] Okay. Are those two sets of words, incompatible? I think on the one hand they can be, if you look at the luxury market Chanel, Rolex, Louis Vuitton. Fill it in, fill in the blank of your different luxury brands. The biggest thing about the, a luxury brand is it’s about status. That’s why you’ll never see a commercial or advertising

[00:05:09] for a luxury product that isn’t serious, that is humorous or silly because it’s always going to be very dramatic because all ultimately you can buy, let’s say a watch that looks very, very similar to a Rolex that certainly tells time, as well as a Rolex but you buy the Rolex ultimately most people for the status, it puts you in a special club.

[00:05:40] It’s a five-figure watch. Okay. And so, it functions very, very, very similarly to a $10 watch, you know, you can get at the local supermarket. But it’s obviously not the same thing. It puts you in a different category. It is something that is desirable, but expensive and even hard to obtain, to obtain. Right?

[00:06:07] And there is absolutely nothing wrong with desiring a Rolex watch. Absolutely nothing. And in fact, our higher self can guide us to wanting Rolexes. Or the Rolex equivalent. And I’m going to get to that in a second. However, when it is our ego telling us that we need the Rolex using the Rolex as the symbol for something luxurious and expensive, and our ego is saying you want that $10,000 Rolex.

[00:06:36] That’s what you want when you get that $10,000, you’re going to get that status. You’re gonna feel like you’ve arrived, and it will bring you happiness. That is some of the things our ego mind, our thinking mind might tell us. But what happens in reality is that our ego tells us to get the Rolex. And that’s, by the way, I’m not saying it all that this is a bad thing

[00:07:02] you guys, I’m just saying that this is a thing that’s happened to all of us, where our ego has told us to get something that’s maybe expensive, maybe not a $10,000 watch, but we’ve all been driven to buy something from the ego. Right. We all have. Okay. So, it’s just a thing that happens. Okay. So, when it does, in this example, $10,000 Rolex watch ego wants it, not the higher self, so it’s not coming from the heart

[00:07:29] or the gut or the body or those places that our intuition speaks to us. It’s coming really from the brain. And you’ll feel it in your frontal lobe saying, get a Rolex watch. When you buy it, you’ll walk into the store. It’s the whole experience is meant to be luxurious. The store is luxurious. The people are usually dressed very nicely.

[00:07:50] They are normally real experts on watches. They talk you through it. They do all the things. You get it in a beautiful box and a beautiful bag. Everything feels luxurious. You get home, you put it on. It feels amazing. You feel good. You feel happy. If this is an ego desire driven solely by the ego. So, you have just had this spike up in happiness and feel good, feel like you’ve arrived.

[00:08:21] Feel like you’ve gone up to the next status in life. It will come back down. That’s the energy of ego desires. It goes up when you receive it or think you’re going to receive it. And then once you do, it crashes back down and the energy of it doesn’t stay at a consistent high vibrational energy of joy. It goes up and it goes back down.

[00:08:46] It goes down in the same measure that it went up. So, if you went up to a 10 on a happy scale. You’re going to eventually go back down to a minus 10 on an unhappy scale. So, in this example, you’re going to eventually feel regret, remorse. It was too expensive. I shouldn’t have bought it. This wasn’t a good use of my money.

[00:09:07] Or maybe even you manifest a situation. You don’t do this on purpose, but it can happen where it gets stolen. It gets damaged because you’re actually in an energetic frequency of not feeling good about the purchase. So, that’s how we can sometimes inadvertently manifest situations where, you know, something bad happens to our purchases, like getting lost or broken or stolen.

[00:09:33] Why does that happen with ego wants that up and down? This is how source has explained it to me that in fulfilling an ego want, which again is not bad. Okay. It just is, right. And we all have done it and will do it and continue to do it. And it’s okay. But it’s just having this awareness that fulfilling an ego want or desire will spike your happiness levels up in your brain and your thinking mind.

[00:10:03] So you’re thinking you’re happy. You’re thinking desires fulfilled, but often your energy is not vibrating at the same frequency. It’s actually vibrating at a lower frequency. And you’re eventually going to come down to tune into that lower frequency, which is going to be a more painful frequency or, and, or you will manifest a circumstance i.e., your watch getting stolen that triggers a painful emotion.

[00:10:34] So if you can look at ego desires as what goes up, must come down. So, then you’ll eventually be landing back at a neutral, right? What’s in higher service to you is to have your higher self-lead your desires and form your desires, guide your desires, and your higher self will guide you to luxury. It will guide you to things that feel

[00:11:04] luxurious. Cause at the end of the day, luxury is a feeling it’s a feeling and I invite you to go away from luxury as a status symbol because that’s status is often driven by the ego, right? That’s an ego want, I want status. So, I’m going to buy a Rolex watch. That’s going to give you the up down that is not going to lead to an, an actual raise in energetic frequency, which leads to actual lasting joy.

[00:11:36] The steady feeling of joy and higher self is going to guide you to objects, experiences, people, places that put you in this energetic frequency of luxury, which brings us nicely to why the energy of luxury is an important frequency to tap into. So, I want to go right now. I’m feeling called to tap into my own higher self and call in a desire led by my higher self, that will enable me to experience the energy of luxury.

[00:12:16] And that energy of luxury is scrumptious, extremely comfortable, pleasureful, desirable, you know, it’s that, that just something that feels so soft. Like, maybe you get a new sweater. That’s just so soft. It feels so good to wear that it’s just luxurious. Okay. So maybe I’m already getting into, what I want so I’m

[00:12:46] going to the heart space. And I’m asking my heart to guide me to a desire that brings me the energetic feeling of luxury. What is my heart guiding me to? A very soft sweater? Like, like I’m kind of getting like really soft, comfortable clothes. This is something that’s been coming through for me for a while.

[00:13:07] That is important for me to be extremely comfortable, but I also like to be stylish. I like to look good. I don’t like to look like I’m wearing pajamas. So, I like clothes that are stylish, well put together. Like if I have to do a Facebook live, it looks very Coquette as the French say and stylish on the screen, or if I’m out and about, I like to look stylish, but I also like to be extremely comfortable.

[00:13:36] So I’m kind of getting called to almost. I have a few pieces of clothes that fall in this category, but I would say most do not. And I have been getting called for some time for an entire new wardrobe really. Like I already did. Couple years ago, I did a pantsuit purge where I purged all the pantsuits from my closet, that from my old job, my old day job desk job that had just been sitting in my closet for like a year collecting dust.

[00:14:08] And I was resisting getting rid of those pantsuits because I thought, what if my business doesn’t take off? What if I someday need to go back to my old job and wear those pants suits again? Well, I finally did a pantsuit purge and it just felt amazing. And I donated the pantsuits to an organization that helped lower income working women to get better, better jobs.

[00:14:31] So it all felt super, super, super good. So, I replaced those pantsuits with a new set of clothes that have been nice and good, but I think I’m now up leveling again, and I’m being called to luxurious clothes that feel amazing and look good. And do they have a luxurious price? I don’t think so. I don’t think that they’re going to be, I’m not going to find them at like a dollar store.

[00:14:57] So it’s not going to be inexpensive, but it’s not going to be Chanel. I know that much. So, and for me, I like to buy clothes from like small to medium sized organizations. I like to get up and coming everything like clothes, shoes, whatever I’m looking for, something new to buy. I like to get up and coming designers who are doing new cutting-edge things.

[00:15:22] So my higher self is calling me to manifest, to call in a new designer and or designers or stores, clothing stores that sell this type of clothing. And it’s going to feel really amazing to me. It’s going to feel sumptuous. It’s going to feel lavish. And pleasureful. And so why does that matter? That I’m in these energy frequencies of sumptuous, lavish, pleasureful, these are really high vibrational frequencies.

[00:15:58] And because it’s my higher self calling me towards it, it isn’t actual true, energetic vibration that when I experience these new clothes and this example, my energy. My energetic frequency is going to raise. It won’t be a loo, an a, an illusion of happiness that I create in my mind. It will be a real energetic lift of me wearing clothes that feel really good and luxurious for me to wear is going to raise my energetic frequency.

[00:16:34] And it’s going to put me ultimately, In the energy of abundance and that’s what we want. Luxury is an element. It’s a, it’s an energetic part of abundance that abundance, that everything that my higher self is calling me towards is always available to me at any given moment. We want to turn on your inner knowing that you are able to call in things that are luxurious and you deserve to experience things that are luxurious.

[00:17:11] And this is part of what raises our overall energetic vibration to experience the plush, the posh, the gorgeous, the magnificent, and every single one of us experiences, luxury different. So, what is luxurious to you, may not be luxurious to me. And your higher self will guide you to your truth, to your plush and posh.

[00:17:40] Okay. Moving on, how to add an element of luxury to your brand in a way that will boost your abundance and help you attract the perfect soul clients. So, a big backing up here, a little bit, a big part of my business philosophy, especially if you are in the service-based industry. So, you provide a service, but even if you decide products or even if you do sell products, is that you have one signature offering

[00:18:12] that has a high price tag on it. And that signature offering is infused with your unique genius with your spiritual gifts. And I did a whole episode on how to craft soul infused signature offerings. And we’ll leave a link to that episode in the show notes, which I encourage you to check out if you haven’t already.

[00:18:33] And when we do that, when we have that signature offering that is tailor made for our soul client avatar. And it’s us showing up at our very best and full expression of our gifts, that my friends is very valuable. It is incredibly valuable and the results that you’re able to help your soul clients experience

[00:18:58] is incredibly valuable. The results are worth a lot. And until it changes, but as far as where we are today, and I do think this will shift, but right now we usually often in most circles use money to measure value, go back to the Rolex watch. It costs so much to create, it costs. There’s the pieces they put into the watch.

[00:19:29] There’s the time it took to make the watch. And you better believe there is, they place a lot of value on the Rolex label, on the brand that is far and away what Rolex deems to be the most valuable part of the watch. It probably takes $2,000 to create the watch. And then they add on $8,000 for the Rolex label to get at that 10,000.

[00:20:03] I don’t know that, but that’s just a guess, because I know that’s how the markups of the luxury market are. You’re paying for the label you’re paying for the status. Well, I’m not talking about that. I’m not talking about marking up your products by 800% because it has your name behind it. I think that taps into the ego side of luxury, that status side of luxury that we want to steer away from, because we know it doesn’t

[00:20:32] add to lasting joy to a higher vibration. It leads to the spike up and spike down. So, what we want to do in our businesses is go to that spiritual luxury. where you’re tapping into the energy of the results, you’re creating in your client’s lives. And just how valuable that is, because it is valuable my friends and putting the appropriate price tag on that.

[00:21:00] Putting a price that matches the energy. And when that is in alignment, I have a very strong suspicion that that is going to be a high price tag for you. And whenever there’s a high price tag, a high offering, it, I think my philosophy is that it’s a wise idea to consider how to add some luxury to your brand because people are investing more money in you.

[00:21:26] It doesn’t mean rebranding. It doesn’t mean moving to a luxury brand. It just means considering the energy frequency of luxury and certain elements of your brand name, how do you do that? I’m going to offer four easy, simple quick shifts that you can make to adding that luxury frequency to your brand.

[00:21:49] And you can incorporate one of these things or all four, like just incorporate the things that feel good and feel in alignment to you. The first one, the first element of luxury you can add to your brand is white space. If you go to any of the classic luxury brands, you will see a lot of white space on the page.

[00:22:12] White space adds element. Like whenever something is too busy or too crowded, first of all, it’s hard to read and things get lost. Adding that white space, like to your website, to your info products. It actually really helps it to become easier to consume. And it does add a very subtle, but nice energetic frequency of luxury, of spaciousness.

[00:22:42] Of Ah, sumptuous. So, whenever you can just adding a little bit more white space, it is more attractive and easeful for the eye. One thing you can do, and this is again, some low-hanging fruit here is you could consider adding one luxurious stroke, expensive looking font, and this is font you would use for just big titles and big headings.

[00:23:10] You wouldn’t use it a lot, but you would just use it a little bit throughout your website and again, info products and other places that other places where your brand shows up and that font is just, it can be free. Definitely. There’s so many amazing free fonts out there, but it just has a little bit of a luxurious feel and energy to it.

[00:23:35] And again, that’s just sort of, polishes up the look of your brand. Number three is less is more. And I just think this is a super amazing rule to live by in business in general. But certainly, for something feeling luxurious less is more usually means there’s not a lot of copy. So not a lot of words. There’s not a lot of photos.

[00:24:01] There’s not a lot of stuff crammed in, everything is clear to the point and there’s no excess, you get succinct, easy to understand and right to the point. It gets there fast; it produces an emotional response. It produces an energy and anything that isn’t really relevant or really part of your telling your story about who you are, how you can help is just edited out and editing out a lot of things that you have stuffed into your brand.

[00:24:35] And, you know, I think we all have it. We all have probably more in there than what we need. So just going through and saying, how can I make this a bit more sustained, succinct? How can I tell the same story with fewer, but punchier words that elicit an even more the emotional response that I want to elicit?

[00:25:00] So having this less is more in my brand, really does add an element and an energy of luxury and last but not least. I think it’s a nice idea to share with your audience, the things that do feel luxurious or pleasurable to you. So, you don’t, if you don’t want to use the word luxury, you need not. But I think that our audiences want to know how we find pleasure.

[00:25:28] And gratification, what is pleasurable for you? And whenever we find those things that are pleasurable, we’re going to in some way, shape or form, tap into that energy of luxury as well. One of the things I find very pleasurable is getting massages. And I book myself at least two massages a month. It feels very pleasureful and it also feels very luxurious.

[00:25:56] Like I have the resources to book these. I create the time that feels very luxurious, actually creating the time for the massage feels more luxurious to me than paying like the actual money. So, carving out time for things I’m prioritizing in my busy week, this time for me to have this self-care and receive this massage, it feels pleasurable, but yes, it feels very luxurious.

[00:26:23] And when I get into this energy of pleasure, luxury, I have the time to do this. I have the resources to do this. You better believe it feels abundant. It feels abundant as hell. And whenever you’re in the energy frequency, and that starts to become your dominant frequency of abundance, you will attract in more abundance.

[00:26:53] You have to, it’s the law of energy and these elements of luxury help you to get into these frequencies. And when your desires, your luxurious pleasureful, posh, sumptuous desires are coming from the higher self. You will be able to raise your whole vibration to that of something higher, more joyful, more in alignment to you and your path.

[00:27:28] All right, my friends, this has been a fun episode to record. Let’s do a quick recap. What is spiritual luxury? Well, that is the energy of luxury as guided by your higher self to those desires that put you in the real true, energetic frequency of luxury. Why is this important that helps you to get into the energy of abundance?

[00:27:57] so you can attract in more soul clients. How do you add an element of luxury to your brand? Simply, many ways to do it, but I offer four in today’s episode, add white space to your branding. Add one, luxurious looking, font to certain headlines and headers. Less is more. See how you can take away information or make the content

[00:28:25] you have a little punchier using less words, less photos, less going on, and last but not least share with your audience the certain things that feel pleasurable stroke luxurious for you because yeah, they want to know, and you will be serving as the example of what is possible. And so, my dear ones, my invitation for you for this week is to take some deep breaths, go to the heart space, tune into your higher self from the heart,

[00:29:00] and ask this question. What luxurious desires are you calling me towards? What are my luxurious desires that I want to call into my experience? What desires will enable me to be in the energy frequency of luxury so I can call in a higher energy frequency of abundance? And I invite you to perceive what you receive to be coming back in response, and to go ahead and start to intend today those desires, to arrive into your experience.

[00:29:45] And now my dear ones, I’m super excited to read to you a review from an amazing listener named Sophia the great, it is titled exceptional content. And she says connecting deeper to my soul client and my unique genius has allowed my business as a healer to take off. Ah, Allyson teaches everyone to do this.

[00:30:09] Being able to truly trust my gifts and then provide a great service to my clients is priceless. Thank you, Sophia the great. You are great. And I love hearing this feedback that this podcast is serving you and enabling you to do these things. This is like, you really got to the heart of what this podcast is trying to do and how it’s in service to you, the listener.

[00:30:35] So thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Sophia. May you continue to receive great gifts from this show and if you, dear listener are feeling called to say a few nice things about this podcast. I really do invite you from my heart, to leave us a rating, leave us a review. I will read it on the air. And there are links in the show notes.

[00:30:58] If you don’t have apple, I mean, the obvious example is to leave it on apple podcast, but if you aren’t an apple user, there are some links in the show notes to other places you can leave reviews. And I look forward to reading your review on a future episode and as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:31:23] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days, then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.

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