Burned Out vs Half-Hearted

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Have you ever felt burned out when it comes to your business? 😫
Or maybe you’re just going through the motions? 🤖
Being burned out and working half-heartedly in our businesses can sneak up on us from time to time, often without us even realizing we are in the danger zone. 
I know, because I recently caught myself working half-heartedly on something related to my business, and I was actually shocked by it. 🤯
I was surprised because I do the work of a soul-guided person. I meditate, I ask for guidance from my Higher Self and spirit guides, I rest and play when I fee the need (for the most part). 
And yet…
I still found myself not working WHOLE-heartedly on a project for my business. 
So, I took it as an opportunity to explore why it was happening and even more importantly, to learn how to recognize it for the future. 
And that’s exactly what I’m sharing with you in this episode of Soul Guide Radio. 
You’ll learn the differences between burned out and working half-heartedly (because there is a BIG distinction) and learn how to move back onto the path of joyfully working as a whole-hearted soul-guided entrepreneur. 
▶️ Press Play on this episode: Burned Out vs. Half-Hearted to learn how to create with your FULL heart so that your soul clients are drawn to you with joy and ease. ❤️

In today’s episode we explore:

  • The clear distinction between being burned out and being half-hearted
  • Why it is so important to notice when you are in a half-hearted energy
  • How to identify the projects and pursuits that put you in a full-hearted energy


Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

Ask your higher self, what are you calling me to do or to be to put me in full hearted energy?

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. It’s a beautiful sunny day today. I’m feeling high vibe. And I’m recording this on a new moon. So, you likely aren’t listening to it, or you may or may not be listening to this on a new moon, but I believe that when I record these you time jump to this moment and we’re connecting in this moment.

[00:00:24] So, I’m inviting you to go ahead and connect in with new moon energy. And in this particular new moon is about what you’re craving to learn, what new things that you’re craving to learn. So, I really hope to share with you some cool things that maybe you hadn’t considered in the way I am going to present them to you before.

[00:00:48] It’s also a beautiful time to engage your five senses. I’m mentioning this now because these are kind of nice things to explore on any day. Right? So how can you explore your senses? Engage your sight, your smell. I finally broke down and bought a diffuser, something I’ve been wanting to buy for years. And I guess I didn’t because I thought, oh, I just want to buy the exact right

[00:01:17] one. So, I have no idea what the exact right one is. I know that one day soon, I want, I’ve known for some time. Like for example, I have wanted to invest in a blender, a really good blender and I’ve wanted to buy a Vitamix. So that day is coming soon. I haven’t invested in it yet, but it’s coming, but it’s not like for the diffuser I had this idea.

[00:01:39] I’m just waiting till the time is right to purchase this thing. Like why. Why didn’t I? So finally, my daughter has been really suffering from a bad cold that’s just been going on. We think it’s hay fever. So, the doctor said, get her diffuser for night and put some eucalyptus in it. So, what did I do? I drove home from the doctor’s appointment.

[00:02:02] I hit the organic shop on the way home. And I talked to the lady. I. Which one should I get? She said, oh, I have this one at home. So, I said, okay. Right? So, I bought it. I didn’t do any research. It’s not special. It diffuses, it’s got a pretty light, it has a timer, which is useful. And may I tell you that sense of smell?

[00:02:25] I have it going now. And I have the essential oil of balance, which was given to me as a gift. Which I can finally use properly because I have a diffuser whilst before I used to sort of just rub it on my hands. So, it’s always a beautiful, powerful time to engage our senses, our smell, our sight, our feel, our touch, our taste.

[00:02:55] What do we hear? What do we truly hear? And it’s a good setup for what we’re going to be exploring today, which is the difference between being burned out in our life, in our business and being halfhearted, there’s a big distinction and it’s actually super important because to be either in your business is going to make it un-fun for you.

[00:03:27] And it’s going to affect your ability to bring in results from a joy, ease, flow state. But it’s actually from a getting fully booked with soul client’s perspective. It’s actually better, if you will, air quotes better to be in an energy of burnout than halfhearted, because if you’re tired and you’re still creating from a full heart, you’re still going to be able to call in soul clients.

[00:04:03] But if you are fully energized and creating from a half heart, it will be hard for your soul clients to find you. And this is what we will be unpacking today. So here we go. In today’s episode, I reveal the clear distinction between being burned out and being halfhearted. Why it is so important to notice when you’re in a halfhearted energy and how to identify the projects and pursuit that put you in a full-hearted energy, we’ll end on an invitation that will have you creating with your full heart so that your soul clients flock to you with joy and ease.

[00:04:55] So I suspect you’re gonna want to stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:05:27] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:05:35] Hey there, soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1900.

[00:05:57] Yes, we’re growing almost to that 2,000 mark, leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other and the planet. Find the link to join on my website, allysonscammell.com or in the show notes. I have to tell you, I started this episode talking about astrology, and this is really where the inspiration came to me for this episode.

[00:06:23] I was reading my Energy Almanac, which offers astrological insights for the year. And one of the messages for that particular time of the year, I don’t even remember from an astrological perspective what was going on, but the shadow had invited you to pay attention to is if you were approaching your work halfheartedly and it just hit me halfhearted and at the time I was considering my launch strategy for the soul guide academy and that’s my signature, a high end group program for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs.

[00:07:07] And I was going through the motions with it. I was going with what had worked in the past. I was going, what, with what I thought people would want. And I realized that I had a halfhearted energy to it, and it really struck me because I guess I thought I had evolved beyond that, or I thought that I was so aligned in my business, which I generally am that, you know, I guess I naively thought there’s no way I could be half-hearted with something as important as a launch strategy to my signature group offer.

[00:07:47] That would be the one thing that I should have the most wholehearted, whole excited, wholly aligned energy too. But there I was, half-hearted going through the motions and I realized that there, that this happens, it sneaks up on us and we can confuse it with being tired, being burned out, not really feeling like it, having low motivation.

[00:08:15] But it’s actually two different things. Now, before I reveal the, this clear distinction, I would love to share with you a listener review and this listener review is timed for a reason. So, the beautiful Kc Rossi had this to say, and she was an amazing guest on soul guide radio. So please check out

[00:08:43] that episode, we’ll leave a link in the resource section. And this is what Kc has to say. Time spent with Allyson and her energy is like a refreshing elixir for the spirit. Oh my gosh. That’s amazing. I loved being a guest on the show and can’t wait to listen to future episodes. Thank you so much, Kc

[00:09:08] and I think the reason why she felt this way, that my energy is like a reflection, refreshing elixir for the spirit is because I show up for this podcast consistently. Whole heartedly. And I will mention here, if you feel wholehearted with me and this podcast, and you feel so called to share a few kind words of what you receive from this content, I would be so grateful for a review.

[00:09:39] I will read it on the air with loads of love, and you can find a link in the show notes that will take you to the various places where you can leave a review. Okay. So, let’s start with the clear distinction between being burned out and being half-hearted. So, burnout is you’re simply tired and you can be in full alignment.

[00:10:02] You can be creating content that makes you sing. To be honest, there are times where I get really excited about something. And I can overdo it from the excitement. I seem to notice with my website, like I get bursts of inf inspiration to want to update my website and the content on my website. And so, I’ll just like, start, I will have not touched my website for months on end

[00:10:30] and then all of a sudden, I feel like I just get a call for it to be a refresh, which is the best way actually, to update your website. And then the new content just starts flowing through me about what I wanted to say. I always say like, your website is like your CV or your resume for your business.

[00:10:48] So I get called to like to update my CV and it just flows through me, but then sometimes I can get carried away in the process I’ve noticed with updating websites. Cause what I like to do is, I will update my about page, let’s say. And then I like to kind of reread it and reread it and reread it and reread it until it really sings.

[00:11:10] Now, again, I only do this when I feel called, when I feel like I am in a flow state towards it. And when I’m in the flow, in this wholehearted energy, it flows through me like, who am I? Like your about page is really deep when you think about it, if done properly. And let me tell you an about page is a journey, it’s it takes a while to get it, to feel like it really sings.

[00:11:40] And I think it’s something that is never really completed. It’s always evolving. Your about page is really on the deepest level, who am I and how am I here to serve you? So, when I feel called to update my about page, I really try to let it flow through me, but I’m a human and I can get overly excited and then I think I can get overly perfectionist.

[00:12:04] So then when I dip into that energy of it’s got to be perfect when I start to get inside of my head, then all of a sudden, I noticed, like, I think I’ve read that about page one too many times. I’ve done one too many tweaks, one too many refines and then all of a sudden, my energy is getting tired, and I’ve entered,

[00:12:29] I start to go into a burn out energy. So simply speaking, when you’re burned out, you’re tired and you can be burned out when you’re out of alignment and you can be burned out when you’re absolutely in alignment, but you’ve just maybe dipped into your head too much. You’ve dipped into a shadow. You’ve dipped into some resistance, and it’s caused you to overdo it.

[00:12:54] Now half-hearted, half-hearted usually means that it’s not quite the right pursuit, so whatever it is in your business, it’s your website, it’s an offering, it’s a platform. Maybe you thought, oh, everybody’s on TikTok. So, I need to be on TikTok and you’re treating it from a halfhearted perspective. When you do that, it will not grow.

[00:13:25] It will grow at a trickle unless you’ve got loads of money to pay for a team to grow it for you but if your live energy isn’t there that team in order for that platform to grow, that team needs to be top tier marketers, and you need to be paying them a lot of money because it’s one thing I’ve noticed in my business as I grow, if my live whole hearted energy is not there, it will not grow.

[00:13:57] It might, it may, it may grow at a trickle, but it won’t get that juicy momentum that leads to the soul guided success that I truly yearn for. And let’s face it, half-hearted energy is not nearly as fun. Now the energy of half-hearted and the energy of burned-out play off each other. If you push yourself to do something repeatedly, that you feel half-hearted about, that can lead to burnout.

[00:14:29] If you are burned out, it can lead you to approach something from a halfhearted perspective because you are in a fatigue state. So, from that perspective, you can be in alignment with the pursuit. Like let’s say it’s the right social media platform and you’re just super, super tired and you’re pushing yourself to create consistent content anyway.

[00:14:57] And so it’s putting you in a half-hearted energy, but even then, I think it has a slightly different flavor to it. It has a slightly different energy because you’re ultimately excited about that pursuit. Let’s say you want to grow your Instagram profile and you’re excited about it and you’ve just, you’re tired, but you’re not taking a break and you’re pushing yourself to go anyway.

[00:15:23] So for me, that content is more like a tired heart at content. So, your heart’s in the right place. You’re just tired and you just need to take a break. Maybe your creativity well is on empty. If you ever feel like you’re having a hard time coming up with new content, it’s time to take a break. It’s time to push your chair back.

[00:15:45] You know, if you have a dog, grab your dog leash. That’s what I do. Get outside in nature. You don’t need a dog by the way. Grab your coat. Get outside in nature, engage the five senses. Smell, see, connect to your nature elements, the trees, the wind, the earth, I’m telling you in one 30 good, 30 minute five senses, engaged walk.

[00:16:15] I strongly suspect you’ll come back with at least one new idea for content, if not more. And then when you come back to your chair, after taking that break, you’re usually back into, or on your way back into a full-hearted space. So, we kind of have three concepts going here. We have burned out, but in alignment, which leads to us creating from a tired heart and we have halfhearted, which means we’re out, something is out of alignment

[00:16:51] and it’s not, that off-ness is preventing us from reaching our full heart to create with the full force of our energy, the full force of our passion and that’s putting us in a state of half-hearted in the creative process and if we push ourselves to create from a half-hearted place for too long, that will actually also lead to burnout.

[00:17:17] So like a half-hearted burnout, if you will. So why is it so important to notice when you’re in a half-hearted space? Well, yes, the reasons I’ve mentioned, you know, we’re not here to create from a half heart. We’re here to create at our very highest to be at our best, to reach our full potential, to live in this passion state of, of bliss

[00:17:47] cause I feel so hearted about this topic. I feel so passionate, so motivated from my heart, from my higher self, from my soul. So yes, I suspect probably that’s fairly obvious. However, let’s go a layer deeper to look specifically at your ability to call in soul clients, your ability to magnetize soul clients, because you are putting out an energetic frequency.

[00:18:19] When you put that frequency out, the stronger your signal, the more likely your soul clients can find you and using the analogy of the lighthouse, your soul clients are looking for the brightest light they’re drifting along the sea looking for the lighthouse with the brightest light. And when we create from a half-hearted place, our light is very dim.

[00:18:52] So it either attracts in no people at all, or it attracts in the wrong people. They might be very, very good people, but they’re just not a perfect alignment for you and your gifts. So, I’m now to the place in my business that if I don’t feel wholehearted about something, I won’t do it. Now, okay. There’s lots of things in my business that I do because it’s good for business.

[00:19:22] So like, I always do my own bookkeeping. I don’t love bookkeeping, but I like to have my fingers and my pulse, on the energy of the money going in and out of my business, I feel like that’s important. Eventually I will hire a bookkeeper because it’s not something I particularly love doing. I can’t say I’m a wholehearted when I’m doing my bookkeeping, but it’s just something I feel like I want to do right now because I feel like it is

[00:19:50] overall better for the business. When I’m learning new technology, that feels hard that is not wholehearted. So, this is more like, yes, there’s just certain things in our business that we have to learn, certain things that we want to do, because we feel like it’s better for the business. So, this is more like your real creative endeavors, anything you’re offering your offerings really, really must be from a wholehearted

[00:20:18] place, if you’re offering something you think people want or you think might sell well, but you’re not that excited to offer it, thus, not in a whole hearted space with it, again, unless you have a very sophisticated marketing team or you yourself are a sophisticated marketer that’s able to overcome that, it’s going to be very difficult for you to sell it.

[00:20:43] We also want to be wholehearted in all the content we create. So, all the social media posts, any videos, any audios, anything you create any creative content for your business really is inviting you to be in a wholehearted energy for it. Which social media platforms you are on really requires a wholehearted energy.

[00:21:11] Otherwise it’s okay if you’re on a social media platform and you’re just kind of there, maybe a bit half-heartedly because maybe someday you want to grow into it. That’s fine. So, take, for example, me and Instagram, I put most of my heart energy into Facebook because it’s just something I know, and I’ve met a lot of soul clients through Facebook and that’s just where I am now.

[00:21:35] However, I do have a profile on Instagram. I’d be happy if you followed me, we’ll leave a link in the show notes. If you want to @AllysonScammell. However, I don’t spend a whole lot of time there yet. I’m interested in being there. I’m interested in going all in on Instagram, but I’m just taking my time with it.

[00:22:01] I don’t want to over commit myself. I don’t want to go into burned out energy, so, I’m just slowly tipping my toe into Instagram, getting some stuff happening over there and when I’m ready, when it feels right, I will go into whole heart energy with Instagram, if and when, but right now I’m just dabbling and that is okay.

[00:22:27] You can dabble with things from less than a whole heart if you’re trying to decide if that is really the right thing for you, but when you decide this is the thing that I want to go all in on, this is the platform. This is the podcast. This is the YouTube channel. This is the offering. This is the free opt-in I’m going to offer my mailing list.

[00:22:54] That energy really asks you to be in a full heart. I’m all in. All parts of me are with this, all my senses, all my energy, all my love. And when you do that, your light is going to shine so bright. That just the right people know how to steer their ship to you and find you. So that brings us very nicely to how do we identify the pursuits that put us in the full heart energy?

[00:23:31] Well, this is also, I should say good time to get to know your human design type, your human design type can really help guide you to those endeavors that put you in that full heart. I for example, am a splenic projector. So, I get intuitive splenic hits in the moment about an idea or an offering or a person I’d like to work with.

[00:23:58] And let me tell ya those kind of human design splenic hits in the moment are really different. It took me a while to like, figure this out. But for me, they’re really different than alright, I’m going to sit down in the morning, I’m going to meditate and I’m going to connect to my higher self and ask for hits, ask for content,

[00:24:19] ask for the offerings, I will get good information, but it’s nothing like I’m in the moment, I’m not really thinking about getting a splenic hit, I’m out in the forest, engaging my five senses, walking my dog. I’m just having fun. I’m not thinking about, oh, what awesome content can I create for my audience? And then bam, the hit comes.

[00:24:46] And let me tell you, have I learned to trust those hits? Because those are the hits that put me in the full heart energy that get my lighthouse burned and bright for you, my soul client. So, you know, I’m the right person for you. I’m the right coach. I’m the right guide. So, for other human design types, it’s tipping your toe in the water and you get a response.

[00:25:14] So you get an idea, I think I’d like to create this thing, but you don’t go wholehearted right away, like jumping in headfirst, you just tip your toe, you create a little thing and you put it out there and then you get the response. Did the response feel good, or did it feel off? So, if it felt off, there’s some tweaking and refining to be done, but if it felt good, you’re on the track to something that will put you in a wholehearted space.

[00:25:42] So I’m not going to go into all the design types now, but it really is something to look into for your own type and beyond human design, I believe, you know what I’m going to say. I’m going to say, you’d go to the heart space. If you want to discover those creative endeavors that will put you in a wholehearted energy, go to the heart space.

[00:26:10] So, you know, if you’ve been in my audience for a while, you know, I teach a five-step process. It starts with deep breaths, big inhales, big exhales, pivoting your awareness down, placing it on the energy of your heart, your heart chakra at the center of your chest, connecting to your higher self and your divine support team.

[00:26:37] That’s step three. Step four is asking the question, what creative pursuit will put me into the energy of full hearted? So, my lighthouse can shine so bright my soul clients have to find me, they’re magnetized right towards me in a joy and ease state. And then step five is to perceive what you receive to be coming back in response.

[00:27:11] So if you perceive that you’re receiving to write a social media post about a specific topic that you’ve been feeling passionate about lately, then that is your calling card. You will never know if that idea will put you in a full-hearted energy until you actually go to do it and when you sit down to write that post, stay in your heart space. Right now, I am so neck down.

[00:27:42] I’m so sinked, sucked into my body. I’m in my body. I’m in, my awareness is actually in my heart space. I don’t even want to say the word H E A D because I don’t want to go up there, so I am in my body and this content is flowing through me in a full hearted, full love, warm embrace for you to be in service to you, to give you something that really impacts you and impacts your life in a profound way.

[00:28:16] I value your time so much. So, the fact that you’re taking your time, we’re in almost here the 30th minute, you’re still with me and I want to be in a full hearted, full service to you energy. This is the power of the full heart. And when you are in the full heart, you get energy deposits. It infrequently actually leads to burnout

[00:28:42] unless you start getting into your head and getting into shadow, which is normal. It’s okay, it happens. It’s a process though, of learning how to stay in the heart, stay in the full-hearted energy, creating from the energy, and you will feel energized, energized, energized with energy deposits. So, your light, your lighthouse light can just continue to shine brighter and brighter and brighter

[00:29:10] attracting more and more drifting boats that are looking for exactly what your light has to offer.

[00:29:24] So my invitation for you this week, my dear, dear one is to take the deep breaths, pivot your awareness down to the heart space, connect to your higher self and ask your higher self, what are you calling me to do or be to put me in a full hearted energy and whatever you perceive to receive, I invite you to do it or be it.

[00:30:05] Alright, My dear ones. That is all I have for you today. Always such a pleasure to be connecting to you via this podcast. And. As always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:30:28] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days, then download my free energy, upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.

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Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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