A Tale of a Psychic Hit

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Do you experience recurring visions or nudges that seem to carry a deeper meaning – but aren’t sure whether these visions are just your imagination or divine messages from the spiritual realm? These may be psychic hits providing insight into a point in time BEFORE it arrives to your manifest reality. Psychic hits can contain powerful lessons from your Higher Self… and offer you the opportunity to grow, evolve, and create better outcomes.

In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explain what a psychic hit is (and what it isn’t) and how to recognize when they pop up in your life. I also share a detailed tale of one of my own high-impact psychic hits – how it came to me, how it manifested, how I responded, and what I’ve learned from it! 

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to know when you’re getting a psychic hit (and what sets them apart from intuitive hits)
  • A step-by-step guide for what to do if you think something big is on the horizon
  • An invitation that will have you recognizing all of the psychic hits that you may be missing!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Reflect on if you’ve received any sort of psychic guidance in recent weeks or months.

Ask your divine guidance team if they been trying to send you something. If there’s any healing, follow through on that healing, if there’s any inspired action of course followed through on that inspired action.

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. How are we today? We’re talking about psychic hits and you know, there’s not a lot of other coaches out there who will bring to you. what a psychic hit is, how to recognize it, what to do when you do how to call in psychic hits as clearly and succinctly as I do. I believe it’s one of my gifts to take big spiritual ideas that you hear about a lot and they feel kind of vague and you might even think, well, I don’t even know if this is really true or I don’t even know if this is something I could access and I will present it to you today.

[00:00:43] In a way that you can integrate and I’m telling you, you can receive psychic hits and you do receive a psychic hits often without being aware that it’s coming in and I’m going to reveal today how to recognize when it is a psychic hit coming in and I’m going to share with you how to integrate these insights.

[00:01:10] in a way that really serves you on your path. And I had a psychic hit recently that I want to share with you the story that I think illustrates that. How this works really, really well. And in fact, I think it’s one of the whole reasons the whole thing happened so that I could heal, learn, grow all those things, but also to share it with you and to illustrate how this can work and how this can work in your life and your business.

[00:01:45] So let’s go ahead and get right to it in today’s episode. I share a tale of a psychic hit. I’ll reveal how to know when you’re getting a psychic hit. And then I’ll tell you step by step what to do when you do, especially if you sense something big is on the horizon, whether it’s a big challenge or a big opportunity.

[00:02:09] I’ll end on an invitation that will have you recognizing all of the psychic hits. Psychic hits that you may be missing so you can always plan and be prepared for what’s ahead. So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level.

[00:02:34] We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts. And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and Soul Guide.

[00:02:57] Hello, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of Soul Guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are growing prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group @Allysonscammell.com or in the show notes.

[00:03:17] So we’re gonna start this episode, which is called A Tale of a Psychic Kit, with what is a psychic kit, how is it different than intuitive hits? And I will say that our next door neighbors are doing renovations. So you might hear noises in the background. My podcast editor will probably only be able to edit out so well.

[00:03:43] So apologies in advance for any background noise. But let’s get into what’s the difference between say a psychic hit and an intuitive hit. They are the same in some ways. It’s information that’s coming from the divine, from your higher self. It’s come from coming from non physical, intuitive sources, the spiritual realm.

[00:04:06] It’s coming from source, your higher self. And Source and Higher Self has the big picture. It sees into the future. It doesn’t know everything because we have free will and the collective has free will. And so we never know exactly how the future is going to unfold, especially when we get farther and farther away from the present moment.

[00:04:34] But Source and Higher Self and your spirit guides have a really good idea. And in some ways they do know. This consciousness does know exactly what’s going to unfold in the physical reality. So you’re tapping into something that has the vision of how the future will unfold. This divine consciousness can see things on the path, on the current path, the past path, the future path, that we cannot see.

[00:05:09] Then a psychic hit implies that we’re getting a pre cognitive hit. We’re getting a hit of something that’s going to unfold in our manifest reality that hasn’t yet unfolded, right? An intuitive hit could be about anything. It could be about a future event, but it also could be about understanding something that happened in your past.

[00:05:33] It could be in the present. Intuitive hits are just all the information that’s coming to you. To you, that’s an insight that’s divinely arriving from the spiritual realm, but a psychic hit has a specific flavor to it. And different people define it different ways. So I’m just going to tell you how I relate to it.

[00:05:55] And that is you’re leaping into the future to a point in time that has not yet manifested in physical form. And you’re getting an insight to that before it arrives to your manifest reality. Now psychic hits will arrive to you out of nowhere. Sometimes, you’ll just get the vision, the sense, the feeling, the knowing, something’s gonna happen.

[00:06:22] Sometimes, you get the sense that something specific will happen, but sometimes you just know something is gonna happen. Maybe you have a sense of foreboding, something bad or challenging or painful is gonna happen. When a lot of my clients, for example, will tell me, well, Allyson, I don’t know the difference between a psychic hit or just my imagination.

[00:06:44] I’m going to share with you how to know the difference in just a sec, but before I get there, I want to share with you. Uh, psychic hit that just happened to me, and I’m going to use this story to help illustrate how this can all work. So I live in the Netherlands, and there is a huge bike culture here, probably the biggest in the world, where everybody rides a bike, and there’s bike path infrastructure, and The bicyclists are the number one, they rule the roost.

[00:07:14] So they even trump pedestrians. And they certain, and I just mean this in sort of an energetic sense. The bikes are on the top of the transportation hierarchy, above trains, above walking, above anything else. And so as a driver, if a So, if your bicyclist is going in the wrong direction and then you happen to hit them but it’s not really your fault because they’re going in the wrong way or doing something they’re not supposed to do, if you’re the driver and you hit the cyclist, you’ll still be at fault.

[00:07:49] So, that’s it. Because of all this, I drive super defensively in Holland. I never ever want to. Would be obviously the cause of any sort of bike accident. So I maybe don’t ride my bike as defensively. I have an electric bike and I like to go pretty fast on it. So maybe I’m just learning some lessons here as I’m sharing.

[00:08:13] Maybe this is part of my psychic lesson that I’m about to share with you that I need to be. defensive whilst also on the bike as defensive as I am driving. So that means I’m just really looking out. I’m very cautious when I drive because I never want to inadvertently run into a biker who’s flying in out of nowhere.

[00:08:36] So recently I just started getting a lot of visions and thoughts of bike accidents and falling onto the pavement. Um, sometimes the vision was of me driving and hitting a bicyclist and sometimes the vision was of me falling on the pavement because I was on the bike myself. And I didn’t really like give it much thought to begin with.

[00:09:04] And I always want to make sure that I don’t inadvertently manifest something I don’t want to manifest. So whenever I got this vision, I would recognize a thought like, I fear hitting a bicyclist while driving, and I would feel the feels and release. So I wasn’t holding on to any blocked energy that would cause me to inadvertently manifest some terrible situation like that.

[00:09:33] So I was feeling the feels, breathing, releasing, and then going back to the heart space and just going to thoughts like, I am always safe when I drive. I am always safe when I’m on my bike. I always drive defensively. I always see everything that I need to see so that I really manifest safe and easeful outcomes.

[00:09:53] Well, Transcribed After the, so the visions kept coming and they would just come in out of nowhere and that they would be followed by a foreboding feeling, but it was very mild. It was very mild, just the sense. And again, I really didn’t think much of it. I just thought. Oh, you know, this is a fear playing out that I, I fear may be hitting a bicyclist and it’s the fear I think is more of me hitting someone else than me getting hit.

[00:10:24] And so I thought that my higher self was just pointing me to. I’m going to talk to you today about how to get rid of the blocked energy that needed to be released. Well, lo and behold, one day I’m driving the car and I parked the car in front of our house because we have street parking and I’m chatting with Pete about something.

[00:10:46] It’s it’s dark. It’s night phrase in the backseat. Something happened in the car. I don’t even remember what we’re got a little confused. Did we forget for his water bottle somewhere? Something like that. And then I do something I never do. I never do. I just opened the car door. Now, why would you not just want to do that in the Netherlands?

[00:11:08] Because there might be an oncoming bicycle that you would clothesline. Sometimes they call it clotheslining. Anyway, the, the, the bicycle would hit your door, right? Because they ride very close to the parked cars and you would door them or clothesline them. And it can lead to very serious accident accidents.

[00:11:31] So I swung, I mean, I literally never do this, you guys, but I swung my door open without looking And I didn’t hit a bicyclist, but there was one coming and it really scared him and he had to swerve his bike quickly to not hit my door and ended up flying into the bushes that are across the street from our house.

[00:11:59] And I felt terrible. And he wasn’t hurt. He was just. Shaken up very understandably and I was like, oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry He was okay, his bike was okay. He was just a bit rattled. And so I just was like, Oh my gosh, was that what the psychic hit was leading me towards? I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I’m glad it was that and not something worse.

[00:12:28] So I immediately went into healing because again, I didn’t want to manifest any more situations like that. So I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t holding on to any blocked energy that I would be vibrating at. Because our outer reality is pulled in from our energetic vibration. So if I’m vibrating at a fear of getting into a bicycle accident, I’m going to manifest that.

[00:12:55] Or something that’s equal to that frequency. So I immediately did the healing, the clearing, the learning of the lessons, which is always an important part of it. Always, always, always check your side door mirror in your car to see if there are oncoming bicycles so that you can always open your door safely for you and safely for the person on the bicycle.

[00:13:22] Okay. So I was kind of hoping, well. I, I wasn’t hoping because I kind of just put that whole thing out of my mind, but sadly, I was still getting the visions that were just sort of popping in out of nowhere. And still at this point, I wasn’t really giving it all too much thought. I was just going into healing when I would get a vision, just for my maintenance for not inadvertently manifesting something I didn’t want to manifest.

[00:13:53] Okay. It was probably a week or two after the door incident that Freya and I were going to her swimming lesson and we were on the back of my bike and we were running late. So Freya was on the back of my bike and I have an electric bike so it can go pretty fast. So again, here’s my lesson coming through again to.

[00:14:18] be as defensive as a, on a bicycle as I am in a car, but I wasn’t being defensive. So I’m just kind of learning my lesson here as I’m talking this through with you, but I was going pretty fast to get her to the swimming lesson on time. So we get to this kind of weird street where there’s cars and trams and bikes and people.

[00:14:43] So you always have to kind of, I had to turn left and it’s always kind of a tricky turn. There’s no stoplight, there’s no light. So I just have to wait. Further to be a clear moment and go, and of course I was running late, so you know, I was kind of going faster than I should have been going probably. But I look right, I look left, I don’t see, I don’t see any oncoming cars or bikes at all.

[00:15:10] And I could see pretty well down the street. I turn left and I’m. Um, now in the bike lane and I’m behind a group of bikes and ahead of me is a little boy on a bike going pretty slow. So in Holland, you don’t have to hand single signal, although you can, most people don’t hand signal when they’re going to pass.

[00:15:33] But what you need to do if you are passing and you think that someone might see, might not see you, and there could be some sort of. The problem if they don’t see you is you must ring your bell. If you’re passing and you think that the bike ahead of you might be turning or might have to do something to get in your lane, you must ring your bell to indicate that you are there.

[00:16:00] So I went to pass these people in front of me that were going pretty slow and behind me. So I went to of me was a bike going super fast. They didn’t ring their bell. So I had no idea that they were coming and they smashed into Freya and I, and Freya and I went, it was a young kid. He smashed into us and Freya and I went flying onto the pavement.

[00:16:29] And I weirdly, I don’t even like, I don’t really have an explanation for this. Maybe it’s going to come through as I tell the story. I. Hit my knee pretty hard, but I wasn’t in super pain, but I was in shock somehow. And I just laid there for like, I don’t know, 10 seconds. And there was immediately a crowd of people who came around to ask if we were okay.

[00:16:57] Freya. This is the end of the video. Please subscribe and click the bell icon to get notified when I post a new video. And I will see you guys next time. Bye.

[00:17:20] And then I don’t know for how long, maybe 10, 15 seconds. And finally I snapped too. And I immediately went to Freya to make sure she was okay. She was fine. She was just very rattled. I was okay. I had my, I had a pretty bad. bloody knee and my jeans were ripped open and I had a big old cherry on my knee, but I was okay.

[00:17:41] I didn’t, it didn’t feel like anything was broken. I was fine. I was just rattled. And then I confront the person who ran into us. He was a young guy and I’m pretty sure that he had been drinking and he started apologizing. And he said that the His bike bell had broken and he hadn’t got it fixed. And so everyone was like, are you okay?

[00:18:04] Are you okay? And I was pretty mad at the kid, but I thought, you know what? I think he’s been drinking. I just said to him, please get your bell fixed and please be a safe and responsible Person on a bike. And he said, yeah, yeah, yeah, I will. I will, I will. And then he immediately got on his bike and biked away.

[00:18:24] And I was just very rattled. And Freya was just very rattled. But we were okay and my bike was okay and everything was okay. So we decided to skip swimming lessons. We went back, we took a shower, washed up our wounds. Thankfully Freya wasn’t very hurt at all. I had, I was pretty scratched up, pretty bad. And we got on the couch under, uh, under a blanket and we watched something cozy on TV just to sort of decompress from that experience.

[00:18:55] And this was all my psychic hits playing out. And so when I asked my higher self, like, why didn’t you just tell me, like, why didn’t you just, instead of giving me these visions of bike accidents. And then it manifested in two accidents that involved a car and a bike, and it involved me in one scenario being at fault, and it involved another scenario where someone else was at fault that I was part of the accident.

[00:19:27] Like why didn’t you just give me an intuitive message to say, Hey, this could happen. be careful. Like, why didn’t you give me clear guidance? Why did you give me these vague nebulous visions, higher self or source or the divine, you know, talking to my divine guidance team? Why didn’t you just like spell it out clearly to me what was going to happen?

[00:19:53] And the message I received back was this was all part of my learning because it’s one thing for them to give me an intuitive message. And I might be like, yeah, yeah, okay, I got it. But then when it actually happens to you, that’s when you really learn. You really learn to drive defensively. Ride your bike defensively.

[00:20:17] Be alert. You learn to be more agile. You learn to look in different corners of your eyes that you didn’t learn to look before. All the things that you can learn from an accident. And in addition to that, I had some healing that needed to happen. And it was healing that I really needed to experience to release some of these fear blocks.

[00:20:42] So I said, okay, I get that. I get that. So then I asked my higher self, like, what could I have done better? And my higher self said, you, Allison, should have known that those visions coming in were actually psychic hits. It wasn’t your imagination. And because I was getting so many of them, I should have gotten my journal out and a pen and I should have done some inquiry, a better job.

[00:21:07] I was kind of quickly going through the motions of it all. So that was good. I mean, I was mindful. But I wasn’t as mindful as I know that I should have been, and I should have asked the question, right? The divine sometimes can’t really get us the answers we need unless we ask the questions. And I was getting these visions.

[00:21:32] So all I needed to do was stop, take a second and ask, what are these visions trying to tell me? What is the message? What is the healing? But instead I was just kind of like, Oh yeah, I see it. Okay. Yeah. I’m going to release a little bit here, but I’m going to drive on. Okay. So this brings us nicely to how do you know when you’re getting a psychic hit versus your imagination?

[00:21:56] Well, you know, to be honest, like how often is it just our imagination? For me, it’s like your imagination gets engaged when you’re exploring a creative idea or even exploring a challenge. It’s like a brainstorming, right? I’m exploring this opportunity or I’m exploring this challenge. But if you just get a vision, Or a thought out of nowhere.

[00:22:23] It’s not random, friends. There are no coincidences. So it doesn’t mean you need to go into inquiry with every little vision or thought that comes into your head. Although eventually, we are evolving to that. To that place of hyper mindfulness. that we are always aware of thoughts and visions and sensations and feelings.

[00:22:43] That’s where we’re evolving to as human beings. But until we get to that point, you really want to notice definitely if you’re getting some sort of thought, feeling, sense, inner knowing, vision of something that could happen in the future and you’re getting it more than once. There is likely something there.

[00:23:05] It could be a fear kicking in that’s just nudging you trying to get your attention. And it could be as well as a fear, especially if it’s a, you’re sensing a challenge on the horizon, there’s likely going to be some form of a pain or low vibrational energy there. Hopelessness, shame, sadness, fear, something painful or resisting as well as.

[00:23:31] the information of what it is, right? It’s going to be both. So it’s going to be the intuitive insight of what might come and the feeling, especially if you’re sensing challenges on the horizon. So you want to notice both. The feeling is asking you to do the healing. That’s the feel the feels and release, but the vision or the sense that’s asking you to start with inquiry.

[00:23:55] So I sense I’m going to get a speeding ticket. Like it doesn’t have to be like a big challenge. It can also be. A smaller challenge. My examples that I just gave you, that wasn’t a big, painful challenge. It just rattled. Both situations rattled me. When I, I got the guy with my door of my car and when I got hit on my bike, they both rattled me.

[00:24:21] And the reason. I manifested those situations is because I had healing that needed to be done, and I’m being called to be more of a defensive bike rider. I like to go fast on my bike. Certainly when I have Freya in the back, it’s just a calling to be more defensive. You know, as people, more and more people get e bikes, they just go faster.

[00:24:49] And the faster you go, there’s a higher opportunity that there could be an accident. With more speed, typically until we get used to bikes going faster, you know, I think that it’s just a time to be defensive is, is the intuitive message coming through. So, and I, I have the feeling that this is averting something bigger.

[00:25:13] I have that sense in this moment. That going through these rattling experiences, but they weren’t a big deal. And me being mindful and seeing it all and getting the divine guidance and doing the healing, right? And not just blowing past it as if they were two random events, which I think a lot of people would do.

[00:25:36] And certainly I would have done even five years ago. I would have just driven on without pausing to ask the questions. What’s the healing? What’s the learning? What’s the message from the divine guidance team? And this is preventing. I feel, and I’m receiving intuitively, a bigger accident or a bigger pain or challenge.

[00:26:01] It’s being averted because I’m doing this work. And maybe, I don’t know, had I been even more mindful and really started the inquiry when I was getting the visions, maybe I could have even averted even more, potentially. Right? But it’s okay. It’s all part of my path. If it happened, then it’s meant to have happened, right?

[00:26:26] I feel like when it unfolds in your experience, it was meant to unfold, even if it was something you regret or if it was very painful or very awful. Because if it would not have meant to unfold, it wouldn’t have unfolded. It happens because it was destined to happen. I’m getting a nod yes about that from my divine guidance team.

[00:26:54] So, what do you do when the psychic hit comes in? You kind of notice when you’re feeling a sense of something unfolding in the future and it arrives more than once and it arrives via a vision or a message or a sense or a feeling or even a thought. What do you do? Well, you pause and ask questions. That is step one.

[00:27:19] Pause and ask questions. Maybe you keep seeing numbers. I keep seeing the number 22. I’m looking at the clock right now and it’s 2 22. I’m looking down and I see page 22. I overhear someone talking in the grocery line and they say 22. I would say that the number 22 is trying to get your attention and I would sit down, take a few deep breaths, get out a paper and a pen and ask your divine guidance team, what does 22 mean?

[00:27:58] Now, if you get something more specific than that. Like a vision of you in some sort of accident or some foreboding situation happening. And you’re just getting this sense. And it’s, it’s a repeated sense. You really want to look for that repeat patterning. That’s something from the divine is trying to get your attention to get you a message, get you some healing, get you some awareness.

[00:28:28] Pause and ask the question, is there any healing that needs to happen? If you get a yes, go into feeling the feels and releasing, releasing the energetic blocks. Is there a precognitive insight you’re trying to get to me? So that’s, you’re trying to get me awareness that will. arrive in my manifest reality, but you’re trying to prepare me for it.

[00:28:57] Start with Yes and No questions, see what you get, ask questions, and even if you don’t get answers in that moment, be open and mindful for all the answers to your questions to arrive In the coming hours, days, weeks, your divine guidance team will always get the answers back to you. So the invitation is to be open and aware and ready to receive that divine guidance and recognize that divine guidance when it arrives.

[00:29:29] And if you’re ever not sure, ask, yes, no questions. Was this divine guidance? We almost always can sense if it’s a yes energy or a no energy. Go to those yes, no questions. All right, my dear ones. So my invitation for you this week is to reflect back. Do you think that you’ve received any sort of psychic guidance in recent weeks or months?

[00:29:58] Ask your divine guidance team, have you been trying to send me something? A precognitive insight, if you get a yes, go into inquiry. What was it? What’s the healing? What’s the lesson? What’s the message? Perceive what you receive coming back in response from your divine guidance team. And if there’s any healing, of course, follow through on that healing.

[00:30:25] If there’s any inspired action, of course, follow through on that inspired action. And we really are evolving to a place where we can avoid some of life spike crashes. And if you recall, a podcast I recorded a few months ago, where I tell the story about a car that was going to turn into me and hit me.

[00:30:52] I’ll leave a link in the show notes to the story so you can hear the whole thing if you haven’t yet. But a car didn’t see me and they were going to turn into me and time jumped. I jumped to a new timeline. of a split second ahead. And somehow it, I’ve never had anything like this happen before in my life.

[00:31:20] Somehow I skipped to the next second without the bike, without the car hitting me. And I was stunned. And I was looking at the driver who was stunned because they felt it too. And when I asked my divine guidance team, like, what the heck was that? I received the message that, We don’t need to experience all the bike crashes.

[00:31:51] Oh my gosh. I’m just, this is all coming to me now here at the end of this episode. So if you were lucky enough to listen to the end, we are coming full circle on the story, which I swear to God, I’m just recalling the story of this time jumping bicycle incident. The episode I recorded on it was called how to choose your struggles.

[00:32:15] I’m now seeing, I’m just now connecting the dots on how these two stories are related. And the first incident was about a reminder from my divine guidance team that we don’t need to take on all the struggles. So I had set the intention when we first moved here to always be safe on the bike, always be safe in the car, and always have a safe and easeful experience here.

[00:32:36] And that bike time jumping just demonstrated to me just how powerful our intentions can be. And now this second incident happened that rattled me with Frey and I and the bike and me and my car door. And that was a reminder to clean up my energy so that I can go back to that spaciousness of being. ease and safety and being mindful and being defensive when I’m on a bike, when I’m in a car so that I can always have a safe experience and I don’t inadvertently manifest those challenges and struggles that I just don’t need to manifest.

[00:33:22] And this all applies to you too, dear listener. So as you’re going through the invitation, Um, for this week, notice any intentions that your heart is telling you to set so that you don’t inadvertently manifest a challenge you don’t need to experience or it’s not in your highest and greatest good to experience so that you can really clean up your energy around it and just be on the aligned path you’re meant to be.

[00:33:53] And yes, there will be experiences, but those are really the ones that are meant to be on your path. Okay. But we don’t need to experience all the challenges, right? And we can make things more easeful. We can avoid a lot of bike crashes, so to speak, the bike crashes of life. So that life can be a more easeful, joyful, aligned and in flow experience.

[00:34:18] It also can serve us so that even when we do experience a bike crash of life, it’s not a bad one with broken limbs or worse. It’s just a bloody knee or a little bit rattled. So you can get all the lessons, do all the healing and get back in to the beautiful flow of alignment. All right, dear ones, that was a really fun episode for me to record.

[00:34:45] I hope you received so much from it. If you did, please tell me, like, I literally want to know. If you have an iPhone, get your iPhone out, go to Apple Podcasts. You can find Soul Guide Radio in your library. Hopefully you’re subscribed. If you’re not, go ahead and hit subscribe. And then scroll down to the leave a review section.

[00:35:09] I’m grateful for five stars and a few words. with what you specifically received from today’s episode. And of course I will read your beautiful words on the air. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 high vibe minutes, the ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs.

[00:35:43] And only 10 minutes per day. You’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance. Get free access now on my website, allysonscammell.com or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

03:50  Psychic hits v. intuitive hits

06:48  Tale of a psychic hit

13:33  Bicycle accident 

18:56  Psychic hit lesson

21:50  How to recognize a psychic hit

24:03  My psychic hit example

26:54  What to do when receiving a hit

29:44  Invitation, episode recommendation & conclusion

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Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:
✅ 2 Classes to clarify your soul mission and visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training revealing the energetics of soul-guided planning, and
✅ The 2025 10-page planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025