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Is your intuition trying to tell you something? How often do you truly tune into the messages your body is sending? Welcome to part 3 of our transformative 5-part series, where we delve into the sophisticated language of your intuition through your physical body. Discover the incredible ways your heart space, third eye, and even your gut can communicate profound insights from your higher self and the divine.
When you understand how your physical body speaks to you on an intuitive level, you’ll be able to decode its signals and receive its messages – with MIND-BLOWING results!
Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover:
- How to identify your dominant intuitive physical touchpoints
- How to recognize and receive clear intuitive messages from your body
- Why messages don’t need to be translated into words to give you what you need
- An invitation that will have you getting to know your intuitive bodily touchpoints, so you can amplify your intuition to the next level!
- Part 1 – Episode #172: The Mother Tongue of Your Intuition
- Part 2 – Episode #173: The Foreign Languages of Your Intuition
Allyson’s Resources:
- GET ACCESS to 10 High Vibe Minutes – The ultimate morning mindfulness practice for busy soul-guided entrepreneurs
- Learn More and Enroll in Soul Blueprint – A certification course to amplify your Spiritual Gifts
- Contact Allyson Directly: DM on Facebook, DM on Instagram, Send an Email
- Join our community at the Soul Guide Circle of soul-guided leaders and entrepreneurs
- Leave a review for Soul Guide Radio (and we’ll read it on the air!). And…if you take a screenshot of your review and send it to me, and I’ll send you an Intuitive Gift of Gratitude
This Week’s Invitation:
Spend some time getting to know your unique bodily, intuitive touch points.
[00:00:00] Hey ho dear ones. I have been having so much fun recording these episodes. Which is a deep dive into the languages of your intuition. And this is part three of our five part series to do just that your intuition is one of your key five spiritual gifts. That enables you to communicate with the spiritual realm, learning and expanding your intuitive language is a key and essential aspect of communicating with your higher self source and spirit guides at higher and more sophisticated levels. In parts one and two, we explored how to clarify your dominant and developing intuitive languages. And if you haven’t yet, I recommend checking those out. We’ll leave links in the show notes. And today we’re talking about your intuitive. Bodily touch points. Our human body is so sophisticated in getting us intuitive messages. And so it’s really the process of getting to know just how your unique physical body speaks to you on an intuitive level.
[00:01:09] So why don’t we go ahead and get right to it? In today’s episode, I reveal the various ways our intuition speaks to us through our physical body, how to identify your dominant, physical touch points and how to receive messages from the body.
[00:01:27] We’ll end on an invitation that will have you getting to know your unique, intuitive bodily touchpoints to really amplify your intuition to the next level. So please stay with me until the end. Hello. So guide circle, that is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness.
[00:02:32] Find a link to join our closed Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes. All right today, we’re talking about your intuitive bodily touch points and these are the touch points in the human body. That you receive intuitive messages from. So there are many, many different ways that our body speaks to us. And I’m just going to go through some main touch points. That make up your intuitive physical compass. And the number one place of the body that we receive intuitive messages is from the heart space. And now. Source. Tells me.
[00:03:19] And what I’ve downloaded from my guides is that the only messages we can receive. From the HeartSpace come from that of the higher self. If you’re communicating with a spirit guide or crossed over loved one or even source.
[00:03:38] Okay. Our higher self is that piece of us. That’s connected to source. But.
[00:03:44] The messages Emad aiding up from HeartSpace. Are the messages coming from your higher self? Now. The other place where we get messages from the divine. Is the third eye. Now that is the space you can physically feel between your eyebrows. Yes, these are energetic spaces too, but this episode is really about how we physically feel messages coming in from our physical body.
[00:04:17] Our intuition speaks to us from the neck down. And what that means is we are embodied. We are inside of our body. We were, we are out of the thinking mind. We are out of our head and into the body.
[00:04:32] And when we are in him in this embodied state, that’s when we can receive messages coming in to the third eye.
[00:04:38] So if I take some deep breath sink into the mind body and set the intention to connect to my higher self. I’m going to ask my higher self, what message do you have for the listeners?
[00:04:52] And I’m just going to feel where I physically feel the message coming in. It’s a perception. It’s a receiving. And I’m going to try to feel it physically in my body.
[00:05:10] And I’m feeling it now coming up from my heart space. And the messages you are on the leading edge of consciousness. And as part of that, doing this work of getting more sophisticated with how you speak to the divine. And how you speak to the higher self and receive messages. Is a critical.
[00:05:35] A key and essential Aspect of your spiritual development. So. Good on you for being here. And tuning into this episode today. Listen, that was coming from my higher self. Thanks. Hire yourself. So, , not a plug for soul guide radio. But we know when I do these episodes, they’re in highest service to you. And I do connect into your higher self. And ask, uh, you know, your higher self, what you need on a soul level.
[00:06:06] And that’s how I cure, rate this content. So. It’s all in alignment. Okay. So that was clear for me coming from the heart. Now I’m going to channel source and the question is going to be the same source. What message do you have for the listeners? And I’m going to do my same process and sink into the body, connect to the heart space, connect to source. As source the question. Now when I receive. The message from source.
[00:06:33] And I only noticed this if I really tune into it. I’m channeling all the time and using my intuition all the time. So it’s such a natural part of who I am. That I don’t normally even notice this. However, when I stop to recognize and pay attention, I very easily notice that. Uh, what I will feel, and I will tell you. If I get this or not, but. What I believe I will feel is a sensation at my third eye. Because what’s happening is. Sources sending an energetic signal to me that I’m receiving at my third eye, which I can physically feel.
[00:07:16] It feels like a tingling sensation, and I actually can even feel my third eye moving. And then my brain translates that energetic message into words. And then that’s the words that I. Offer to you. I translated into the English language using words because these communications I’m talking about are wordless. So it’s our brain that comes in and puts words to the word lessness. That’s why sometimes you might receive a message from the divine and you’re just like, you have an inner knowing of what it is. But you can’t put it to words. If you ever experienced that don’t fight that. , the messages at its purest sense is wordless. It’s a frequency.
[00:08:09] It’s a feeling. It’s a knowing.
[00:08:12] So if the brain can’t translate the word list, message into words. It likely means that. It’s not meant yet at least, or maybe ever to be translated into words. And can you find the piece and just feeling the feeling or having the knowing. You’re going to get what you need.
[00:08:36] For us to integrate messages.
[00:08:38] It’s not necessary for us to have the words. And in fact, often the words can flub us up. Because maybe they don’t tell just the accurate picture doesn’t feel quite right. Then we start second guessing. So if you’re feeling the message coming in and it’s just worthless, allow it to be and just feel and receive. And B. And just have that inner knowing that it’s integrating and just the right way into your consciousness. Okay. Getting back to receiving messages from your third eye. And this is what you may find you’re going to receive from other non-physical consciousness beyond your higher self. Again, I’ll say it a thousand times again. Our intuition and the divine speaks to us and we receive messages from the divine, 1,000,001 different ways. And as you play around with it, you might find that often you’re picking up a frequency. At least in part from your third eye chakra. And see if you can play around with feeling the physicality of those energy frequencies coming in. So I am going to connect to source.
[00:09:52] Taking some deep breaths sinking into the body, connecting to HeartSpace.
[00:09:57] And then I’m going to connect a source. I’m going to ask source what message it has for you. The listener. And then once I’m going to channel the message and then I’m going to describe to you what I physically felt throughout all of this. So source what message do you have for the listener, please?
[00:10:20] Hmm.
[00:10:23] Greetings, dear ones.
[00:10:26] As we. As you all. Ascend to higher consciousness. We really do invite you to get to know. Just how intuitive your physical body is.
[00:10:41] It is. Indeed a divine container of your soul. It knows. All of your past lifetimes, it knows your soul mission. It knows your soul curriculum. That which you’re meant to do, be learn, heal from evolve to in this lifetime. Knows your soul purpose.
[00:11:06] So get to know how it speaks to you intuitively.
[00:11:12] See, if you can love it a bit more.
[00:11:18] There’s so much conditioning. In the collective about. Having unloving feelings towards your physical body.
[00:11:29] Could you invite in some more love for this? Very very special container. A container that is here. To hold you support you. Enable you to.
[00:11:44] Be in this wild ride of the human experience. Is there something you could let go of? Heal from. So that you could invite in more love.
[00:11:58] Having a more loving relationship with your physical body is going to amplify your intuition.
[00:12:08] See, if you can set the intention. To forge a new. Relationship with your physical body. To one that is based on love.
[00:12:20] And see.
[00:12:24] The wonders.
[00:12:27] That are.
[00:12:31] That are.
[00:12:33] Hidden. Inside. Your physical container.
[00:12:42] Ooh. Okay. I have to admit something. I got so lost in that channel that I forgot.
[00:12:50] I forgot to feel the physicality of it. Uh, some of you who’ve been with me for a while, know that I really squint my eyes hard. I S I scrunch up my face at various points. When I’m channeling and I, I don’t, that’s not me doing that. My body just goes into this autopilot when I’m channeling. And for whatever reason, I’ve never really asked why. I ha I it’s part of my process to scrunch up my face. Uh, periodically. During a channel. So, uh, I did, I do remember scrunching up my face, which I always do, but let me go back to the physicality. Of.
[00:13:36] Me receiving that message from source. At my third eye. Okay. So our, so let’s break it down. And now I’m really going to notice how you come in source. What are you calling me to eat for lunch today? I’m going to make it a little bit simpler. So I’m not so focused on the channel and getting, you know, getting the channel. Pure for you. I wanted to say, get the, getting the channel.
[00:13:59] Right. But that’s not a good channel experience. Isn’t about getting it right. It’s about being, just being the channel. So not thinking about it, not second guessing it, not trying to take it a different route. Uh, direction, not filtering it. So I was trying to be the purest channel I could be for you.
[00:14:19] And so it’s actually a sign. I was being quite pure in that channel because I’d forgotten about noticing how source comes in physically. So, if you are ever channeling. You really want to focus on being as pure as possible in the channel. And so all you are as a vessel of what’s coming through. There’s nothing else. Uh, there’s no opinions coming from your brain. Or filtering coming from your brain and your just pure channel. Anyway. Getting back to the physicality of source, communicating with us through the third eye. I’m just going to simply ask source.
[00:14:55] What are you calling me to eat for lunch today? And I should mention I’m meeting my husband for lunch at a sandwich shop today. So maybe source will tell us to go somewhere else. We’ll see. Okay.
[00:15:16] Thank you source. I happen to know the sandwich shop pretty well. And, uh, sources telling me to get the home. I’m a vegetarian. So the sources telling me to get the hummus sandwich on a whole grain baguette. Cause they also do wraps, which I do like, but I’m. I’m getting the bag yet today. Thank you SARS.
[00:15:35] I love that. That sounds delicious. And I very, very much felt that at the third eye, it is a tingling sensation. And like I said, I can actually feel like a very slight amount of physical movement. I don’t know. Which way my third eye is moving, but it, it feels like it’s that area right between the eyebrows. And so what I invite for you is to play around with this for yourself. Play around with, especially starting and this, you know, if you’re at the newer side of all this really start with the heart space.
[00:16:15] That’s first and foremost. And see if you can really feel those messages coming from higher self up from the HeartSpace it’ll feel like it’s just rising up. It’ll feel like an emotion rising up, but in the form of a message or an insight. And then play around with that receiving messages and physically feeling the messages coming in from source or spirit guides or angels or other non-physical consciousness at the third eye chakra. The other really, primary intuitive touch points are the gut. If you have sacral authority. In here, human design.
[00:17:01] You’ll get that gut. Aha. Uh, response. . , that is your intuition talking. And you are someone who’s really meant to be connected into that gut response. Which is a highly intuitive touch point of the body. So play around with that connect to that, get to know your authority.
[00:17:18] Also in human design, the spleen is the energy center. That’s highly intuitive. And so if you have definition in your spleen, you are likely someone who has. A sophisticated. Bodily intuitive compass. So your body, your physical body is really gonna speak to you intuitively. And so that’s just something to play around with.
[00:17:45] If you have an open spleen. You are likely a very gifted healer. I’m a gifted healer and I have definition in the spleen. So remember we all have all parts of the chart. So if you’re a healer and you have a defined spleen, it doesn’t mean you are not a gifted healer. You are. And however, if you have an open spleen,
[00:18:07] And you never considered yourself to be a healer before.
[00:18:11] Think again, there’s so much healing gifts in the open spleen. So define spleen. Physical bodily, intuitive gifts, open spleen, energetic healing abilities. Okay. The other place, we often feel it in the body is at the back of the neck. The hairs are going up on the back of your neck. Oftentimes when crossed over a loved ones are present, you can feel their presence. You can just feel it all over your physical body.
[00:18:48] There is a. Loved one present, and then you can feel the hairs rising sometimes at the back of your neck. And that is telling you nonphysical. Consciousness is present. And then that just brings us nicely to sometimes you just feel it all over and it is a physical sensation. That there is some consciousness present and it wants to communicate to you. And if you’re feeling happy. And aligned and spacious about what is present. It is likely a high consciousness being and its presence. With you is. One that’s going to lead to positive.
[00:19:33] I don’t like to say positive and negative, but, uh, let’s say higher vibrational outcomes. But if you feel a presence. And you feel fear, you feel physical heaviness, you feel a foreboding. You feel a desire to move inward. It could be some dark energy presence or non savory energy present. And it’s just presence.
[00:19:58] That’s just not going to serve you. So what you do in situations like that is you put up an energy shield and I’m not going to. Reveal to you exactly how to do it in this episode. But if you’re interested in energy shielding to protect your energy, which is a super important part of all of this, so that you are speaking to that super high vibrational consciousness that is here in highest service, your highest and greatest good. Head over to Alison’s.
[00:20:39] Moving into identifying your dominant physical touch point. Your human design chart can also guide you to the touch points that are going to show up. You know, consistently for you.
[00:21:00] And beyond that you do the same process I’ve taught in part one and part two of the series. You take some deep breaths. Ah, you sink into the body. You’re feeling your physical body connect to the heart space.
[00:21:15] And then set the intention to connect deeper to your physical body. It’s yes. You’re also connecting to your intuition. And then connecting deeper into your physical by year physical form. And then ask your intuition and your body. What is my dominant physical touch point for receiving intuitive messages?
[00:21:41] And perceive what you receive coming back in response.
[00:21:47] You might get more than one. As I do this, I’m getting so powerfully for me. It is my heart and my third eye.
[00:21:54] And a little bit, my gut.
[00:21:58] And. What else?
[00:22:01] I feel like there’s something else. So we’ve got heart third eye gut. So sacral.
[00:22:10] And.
[00:22:12] Oh, my spleen. I don’t even know where my spleen is. But I’m just getting the intuitive message that it’s also my spleen energy.
[00:22:24] So this is curious. The spleen is an energy center in human design. But does that also mean I’m just asking this of, of source. Is this also my physical spleen, my Oregon, the spleen. This is also an intuitive, I’m getting a yes to that. So it’s really interesting. The things that, get to know about your spleen. I remember Wayne Dyer. The late Wayne Dyer talking about how we. Really, he was talking about how to. Cultivate a life of gratitude. Of just being grateful. And I just remember him using as the example, the random, but maybe not so random example. About your spleen. And him saying, do you ever wake up in the morning and you’re just grateful for your spleen? And I’m just thinking of him in this moment.
[00:23:14] I’m super grateful for my spleen. Thank you, spleen. Not only do you do whatever bodily function you do. And I should know this, but I’m just not going to look it up. So I’m sure you listener, you do know. What the spleen does physically for us, but I know intuitively what it does for us, whether you have openness or definition. So, , thank you, Wayne Dyer. And thank you, spleen. All right. So how do we receive messages from the physical body? Well, in one way, it’s the same, how we receive and any other way, you’re perceiving what you’re receiving, coming back and response. So you’re just feeling it, it’s a perception, just like your. Your senses as a perception. You’re perceiving from your physical body, what the messages that’s coming through. And then there’s another way to do it. And this is especially helpful.
[00:24:09] If you have a physical pain somewhere.
[00:24:12] A headache, a upset stomach, maybe have a cramp in your leg. So you want to take that physical pain? So let’s say you have an upset stomach. And you become, you imagine that you’re becoming the upset stomach. Allow yourself to invite that upset stomach. To uh, appear throughout your entire awareness.
[00:24:36] You’re just feeling it everywhere. And you ask the upset stomach questions. Why are you here? What message do you have for me? What can I do or be to alleviate this physical pain? You would be amazed if you’ve never done this before. By the amazing messages you can receive from your physical body, but also from your physical ailments. So just yesterday or two days ago, I had this, like what felt like a pinched nerve in my back.
[00:25:09] And it just came out of nowhere and then it started affecting the whole right side of my body. And my right arm and it was really physically uncomfortable. So this morning when I woke up, it was the first thing I felt was this. Pinched nerve type feeling. And I went through this very process. I became the pinched nerve. I asked the pinched nerve, some questions.
[00:25:37] Why are you here? What message do you have for me? And I swear
[00:25:42] after I did that process, the pinched nerve was gone. I literally haven’t felt it all day.
[00:25:51] And I, I believe it appeared because it had a message for me and it was trying to get my attention. And that’s another way our physical body will work in tandem with your higher self and sometimes annoying ways. When you’re not getting the intuitive messages that are trying to arrive to you, a physical ailment will appear to get your attention to say, Hey, look, we’re trying to get you a message.
[00:26:19] You’re not listening. So I’m giving you this migraine. I’m giving you this, broken bone. It can be. A big physical ailment to get your attention. And so when you do have, and if you are experiencing a big physical ailment, I guarantee you, there’s an intuitive message that is trying to reach you. So I really, really invite you to ask the question. What is the intuitive message that is trying to get my attention. All right.
[00:26:53] My invitation for you this week is to spend some time getting to know your unique bodily, intuitive touch points.
[00:27:03] See, if you can play around with receiving messages from both your heart space and your third eye chakra and the other dominant ways your physical body receives intuitive messages. And certainly if you do have a physical ailment, ask that physical ailment what message it has for you. And why it has arrived. That’s a wrap for this week.
[00:27:25] I hope you received something super good from this episode. If you did head over to wherever it is, you listen, hit subscribe, give us a rating and review, and I will read your words on the air and then take a screenshot of that review and send it to me. If you leave a review on Spotify. I haven’t figured out how to get those.
[00:27:51] If you guys know, let me know. So if, especially if you’ve left a review on Spotify, screenshot that and email it to [email protected] because I, at this point, haven’t figured out how to access those. So, I definitely need a screenshot. And if you send me a screenshot on any platform, you leave a review.
[00:28:14] I will send you a very high value, intuitive gift that you really need to say. Thank you. And I will be back in your earbuds next week with part four of this amazing five-part series. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.
00:00 Introduction
00:49 Exploring Intuitive Bodily Touch Points
03:10 Heart Space and Higher Self Messages
03:56 Third Eye and Source Messages
06:18 Channeling and Physical Sensations
16:55 Human Design and Intuitive Touch Points
23:59 Receiving Messages from Physical Ailments
27:10 Invitation