Your Intuition Speaks Foreign Languages

 “Honing your Developing Intuitive Language skyrockets your overall ability to communicate with the Divine.”

Identify your intuition’s second language

I love foreign language learning.

The grammar can be HARD, tiring, and nonsensical. But when it starts to click, and you have real conversations in a foreign language, it’s SOOO rewarding.

Take Dutch, for example, which I’ve been learning for the past 3+ years. There are aspects of Dutch I adore, such as its diminutive case. So if you put a “cha” or “sha” sound at the end of most things, you’re implying the object is small. 

I also love how literal Dutch is. The hospital is the “sick house.” The landlord is the “house boss.” Some say that long ago – way before the Delta Works were built – the Netherlands was constantly being flooded. After all, it IS below sea level. 

So Dutch folks didn’t have time for flowery language. They had to get straight to the point, because they never knew when the next flood was coming. Thus, a direct and literal language was born.

But it’s also an absolutely maddening language.

The verb often goes at the end of a sentence, so you have to stuff everything into the middle. And the word order is insane. At times, you have to invert the noun and the verb, but only under certain circumstances. 

Why am I mentioning foreign language learning here in Soul Guide Sunday??

Because our intuitive languages can work similar to spoken languages!!

First, we have our Dominant Intuitive Language – which is like our native or mother tongue.

AND…we also have a Developing Intuitive Language, which is our second language and similar to learning a foreign language (although it doesn’t take nearly as much time or effort).

Like learning a foreign language, it doesn’t come automatically. You have to CHOOSE IT, study, and go through a lot of repetition.

Of course, you can be a polyglot and have more than one Developing Intuitive Language, so the trick is to identify which one your heart is calling you to start studying and developing now.

And the most magical part is that honing your Developing Intuitive Language skyrockets your overall ability to communicate with the Divine.

Here’s an exercise to help you identify your Developing Intuitive Language:

  • Take several deep belly breaths
  • Sink into your body, pivot your awareness down, and connect to your heartspace at the center of your chest
  • Set the intention to connect to your Higher Self and Developing Intuitive Language
  • Ask your Higher Self: “What is my Developing Intuitive Language and what message do you have for me in this moment?”
  • Perceive what you receive coming back in response – and notice HOW the message arrived to you? This will point you to your Developing Intuitive Language

What is your Developing Intuitive Language? Be sure to post it HERE in the Soul Guide Circle – a closed Facebook Group for soul-guided entrepreneurs looking to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way.

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

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