Making Joy Your #1 Measure of Success

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While running our businesses, our biggest focus tends to be on making sales. We stress about attracting leads, booking clients, and earning more money. But what if the #1 measure of your success wasn’t your revenue, but your happiness? In this heart-led episode of Soul Guide Radio, I share an instant reframe that will likely lead to immediate results – and set you up for massive, long-term, joyful success! 

Tune in to learn the measures that you should be using in your business to create more balance, how to ensure that the energy you spend in your business gains you more than just sales, and one powerful example of how I build trust, provide value, and create positive impact BEFORE the discovery call – while simply doing something that I love!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • Why creating measures of success is so important – and why being overly focused on one specific measure can actually put you in ‘lack’ energy   
  • How to identify your most fulfilling sources of joy (and your biggest energy drains)
  • An invitation that will have you setting up your life and business to be a consistent source of joy, in ways that kickstart your sales and income!

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Do the joy inventory. Look at your to do list for today. Do those things spark joy? Are there any things that are energy leaks that you can cross off the list that don’t need to happen?

[00:00:00] Hey, ho dear ones, I’m super excited for today’s episode because I think it’s going to give you an instant reframe that leads to immediate results and then sets you up for quite massive long term results. So I’m super excited to dig into it all. But before I do, I would love to share a listener review and this comes from Amy in Minnesota.

[00:00:27] And she says, long time listener. Thank you so much. I have been tuning into Allyson’s podcast for years when I want to understand energetic dynamics around my books, my business and the spiritual realm. Oh, she gets me. Allyson breaks her frameworks down and gives me the deep understanding I need, but I also get clarity and personal breakthroughs just by being in her presence.

[00:00:51] Her generous spirit is palpable. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. I receive this. Review with so much love. And if you, my dear listener have received something, anything from me and, or this podcast, I would really love to know specifically what nugget hit home for you. You can leave a review wherever you listen.

[00:01:14] If you listen on Apple, head to your smartphone, open the app, and you find a little link that says leave a rating and review. And certainly you can find a link on my website in the show notes for leave it a review. And it takes you to a variety of different platforms you can choose from. It really helps me to know how this podcast is landing for folks.

[00:01:35] So I can. curate bespoke content for you. And it is a way that more listeners can find this podcast. So it gets into the earbuds of more lightworkers out in the world who are in need of these insights. Today, we’re talking about making joy your number one measure. Of success. And this is something I recommend you do no matter what your profession is.

[00:02:04] And I think it’s particularly important when you run a business. Because when we run businesses, we put a whole heck of a lot of pressure on ourselves to make sales. And sometimes when we’re in partnerships and our partner is holding a lot of the financial weight. providing for your couple or your family that can put even more pressure on you to make sales because your partner may be saying, Hey, where’s your revenue that’s contributing to the family kitty.

[00:02:44] And that can, you know, start to feel very heavy and feel like pressure and making sales from the energy of pressure is difficult. It can happen. But that’s when you’re digging really into 3d energetics. It’s a forced energy. And that’s when you have to really rely on consumer psychology, 3d sales and marketing techniques, a lot of stuff that don’t feel great.

[00:03:19] For soul guided entrepreneurs, they can work, but from forced willpower, not alignment. And soul guided entrepreneurs have been called to their businesses to be in alignment, to be in sharper alignment, to life purpose and soul mission. So we need our sales process to also be one that’s in alignment. So today we’re gonna explore how to really get your mindset and your perspective on board in a way that keeps you in alignment and leads to a real growth and revenue.

[00:03:57] So let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I reveal why creating measures of success are so important, especially in business. How we normally place way too much focus on one specific measure in a way that actually puts us in lack energy and how to make joy your number one measure of success. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you setting up your life and business to be a consistent source of joy in ways that kick starts your sales and income.

[00:04:30] So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable energy.

[00:04:56] Stoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:05:08] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at

[00:05:27]or in the show notes. Today we’re talking about making joy your number one marker of success, especially in business. But why is it so important? Why is it so important to have measures in general? For me, business has two components. One component is energetic. How do I feel? Am I in alignment? Do I have an energy block?

[00:05:59] Am I in the energy of joy? Do I feel like I’m on cloud nine? Point with my sole mission. The other part of that is more than nuts and bolts. What is actually working and what isn’t? What are the strategies and tactics that I’m putting into place that are working and leading to clients? When I find something that feels good, it’s a strategy that feels good.

[00:06:30] How can I do more and more of that thing? Do more of the thing that works and really look what is working and what’s not. So it’s really important to have both measures in place, a measure. for what’s working in terms of the nuts and bolts of your business and a measure in terms of what’s working that’s giving you joy, putting you in the energetic alignment.

[00:07:02] And this episode is specifically about the ladder, how to make joy your number one measure of success. But it’s also important to have other measures. And what I mean by that is really having a Uh, review process in place to reflect upon how our clients and customers arriving, even if it’s just one, even if it’s just a client who expressed interest, how did that person arrive?

[00:07:34] Well, if it was just a random coincidence, then what was the energy you were in right before that random coincidence took place? How can you invite in more of that energy? If you got a client who came in through your Facebook group, how can you do more in your Facebook group to get more people from the group onto the phone into a sales conversation?

[00:08:02] So as part of this, I really invite you to review the nuts and bolts of your business to see where have you been placing a lot of energy and effort and it’s not paying off. It’s not leading to engagement or clients. What there wants to tweak and refine. Does something different wanna happen? Is it just a small tweak?

[00:08:26] And then look at where clients are coming in and or client engagement. How can you do more and more of that? And you know, at the end of the day, business is one big experiment. And even when you get to the big, big corporations who are making millions, billions of dollars for. They are in continual experimentation with regards to what works and what doesn’t.

[00:08:53] And what works yesterday won’t work today. And what works today won’t work tomorrow. So this experimentation never ends. So this reflection process is not a beat myself up process because my sales aren’t what I want them to be. I invite you to pretend like you’re in a lab, you have your lab coat on, you’re looking back to look at.

[00:09:14] What works and what doesn’t, and really start to create those measures of what is and is not working in the business so you can adjust, tweak, and refine. And then you want to put these same questions through the lens of joy. What is bringing me joy in business? and what is draining my energy. And if you find something that both brings you joy and clients, Ooh, that’s the thing you want to double, triple down on.

[00:09:54] Because that’s the thing that’s going to set you up for consistent joy and revenue. I would definitely say this podcast is my labor of love. I definitely get clients from this podcast. And it can be that someone stumbles across it, listens to one episode, and then books a discovery call with me and enrolls in something right away.

[00:10:23] But what’s more common is that I’ll get on the phone with someone and they’ll say, Oh, Allyson, I’ve been listening to your podcast for months, or I binge listen your podcast, it’s number one on my playlist. And, you know, I’ve been then in their earbuds for several, several months. And they’re used to me, they’re getting results from me before they’ve even invested anything.

[00:10:45] And what that has done has built a trust. They trust me. You, dear listener, I hope that you trust me. I’m in highest service to your highest and greatest good. So that when we actually get on the phone, you’re already in a yes energy. And speaking of which, this is the one hundred and fiftieth episode of Soul Guide Radio.

[00:11:12] And I’ve actually done more episodes than 150, because I had a podcast before this one, but this is the 150th of Soul Guide Radio. And I can say that this podcast has been a consistent source of joy and revenue for me. Although not always, you know, I have deadlines and I feel tired and I feel like taking a break.

[00:11:35] But this funny thing happens every time I think about going on a six month break from the podcast and just go on a little hiatus. Every time, literally, I’ve had that thought. Somebody comes out of the woodworks to tell me how the podcast changes their life, means so much to them. I’m always in their earbuds.

[00:12:01] And that’s when I’m like, I don’t know. I always take it as a sign. To keep going, and I do build in a break, a summer break, but we’re also human beings. And so even the things that bring you joy won’t bring you joy 100 percent of the time. I mean, that’s not realistic. So you want to, as you do this exploration, you want to think what gives me a net joy like most days.

[00:12:29] Most times I’m sitting, I mean, every time I actually sit down behind the mic and I’m in the process of recording, I’m in the energy of joy. Sometimes though I have to boost myself up. I have to go for a walk beforehand. I have to do some journaling or meditation to really get into that energy of joy. But every time I’m behind this mic, I am in joy energy.

[00:12:54] And I think you, the listener, feels this joy, receives this joy, and it’s one of the reasons why you really connect to me and this podcast. So in your business, what is a more or less consistent source of joy? What do you do? Where are you being? What are you creating? Who are you connecting with? And what is your biggest energy drain?

[00:13:23] I feel like I’m so clean in my business right now. I just want to think what is my biggest energy drain in my business at the moment?

[00:13:32] Yeah, so I think it’s like this answer doesn’t really surprise me. It’s I’m very clear about when I meet clients and do classes. I have a set period of the week. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon is when I have all my scheduled time. It’s more or less from like, 2. 30 to 5. 30 PM, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, that those are my slots to schedule anything for my business team meetings.

[00:14:05] Discovery calls, clients, classes, podcast interviews. Whenever I schedule something out of that time, usually because of time zone change differences and the other person just can’t meet during those times, I feel an energy drain. So if I schedule something in the evening, if I schedule something on a Friday, that never feels good.

[00:14:28] And I always have this moment of regret that I did it. And I think I just need to have unless it’s an extraordinary situation or, you know, a one off thing. I think that’s fine. But the general rule and I already have this general rule in place, but it’s really to re fortify my boundary. That those are the time slots for my scheduled time and everything else is unscheduled.

[00:14:56] I am a person who thrives with a lot of unscheduled time. And I’ve learned that I feel more joy when I have more unscheduled time or a lot of unscheduled time. And so I build that into my schedule. And the message I’m just getting from my higher self is to continue to put your boundaries up around that.

[00:15:18] And with hold that standard because it is bringing you more joy in your business. So let’s get into the measure that pretty much I see all of my peers and clients using as the number one measure of success and it’s money. in business, even if you’re not in business, you know, it’s income. If I am bringing in a lot of income, I am successful.

[00:15:45] And if I am not, I am not. Now, if you’re running a business, a business implies income generation, it implies you’re selling something for money. And so that’s important. And that needs to be, you know, something that we intend to achieve in our business. But if it’s your only. And number one measure of success, it puts too much pressure on the earning process.

[00:16:17] And when it’s the only or the far and away, the biggest measure of success, when you have a low revenue month is very easy to go into the energy of failure, defeat, lack, because you have only one measure. The measure of money revenue and all businesses are cyclical where you have high revenue months, low revenue months, high revenue quarters or years, low revenue quarters or years.

[00:16:47] So when you have money as the only measure of success, you can see how when you’re in a natural cycle of the business, which is going into a lower revenue period, then it’s just going to put you in lack and failure energy. Likewise, if you’re on the newer side of your business, there is something called the learning curve.

[00:17:12] Most people don’t learn how to run a successful business overnight. It takes time. And yeah, it takes startup investment. I know a lot of coaches sometimes feel like all they do is invest in their business, but imagine that you were opening up a new pizzeria. There would be huge startup costs doing that.

[00:17:31] And I find A service based business that you’re running online. So if you’re a coach or a healer or somewhere in that market, yeah, there should be startup costs and this is going to help you launch a really successful business. Startup costs in you, you know, investing in yourself, investing in help, investing in business know how.

[00:17:55] Investing in spiritual support and growth, all of those things will help you to grow a successful business. But during those startup periods, it might not be high revenue times. In fact, for most people, it’s not. So we need to have more than just the money measure as success. Otherwise, we will be perpetually in lack of energy and that will, you know, negatively impact our ability to sell.

[00:18:28] When we place joy as the number one marker, even above money, it puts us in joy energy, it puts us in the frame of mind to be looking for all the ways. That you can set up a business to be a source of joy and most importantly, it enables you to feel successful in your business because you don’t need anybody else buying from you or engaging in your products.

[00:19:03] You don’t need anybody else. All you need is you setting up ways. to be and experience joy in your business. And that also means healing along the way. You can’t force joy. So being reflective to, Oh, I have some pain here. I have a block. I have resistance. What needs to be healed so that you can return to joy.

[00:19:32] And let me tell you guys, I’ve had big revenue years with low joy and low revenue years with high joy. And hands down, without even thinking twice, I choose, if I had to choose one, I’m going to choose the low revenue year with the high joy. Absolutely. No question. In my absolute experience, I will tell you, that’s what I would choose again.

[00:20:04] Joy feels so much better than money. It just does. And so what we want to start setting up is a business to be a consistent source of joy and revenue. Of course, we don’t want those two to be mutually exclusive. But when I had that realization that joy trumps money in business, that’s the time that I really started to put joy as my number one marker for is my business successful or not.

[00:20:37] Am I feeling incredible amounts of joy? And in the morning, when I do my morning practice, my AM soul ritual, I actively identify activities and things I can do in the day to bring joy. What would bring me joy today? What would bring me joy today? Recording this podcast episode is currently bringing me joy.

[00:21:06] Later today, I’m going to pack my lunch and go to the beach with Astrid, eat my lunch on the beach, bring my journal, lay in the sun, and watch Astrid sprint around until she collapses in the sand beside me and takes a nap. That brings me oodles of joy. Later today, I’m teaching a class. I have a discovery call.

[00:21:29] Those things bring me joy. And in the evenings, I get low energy, and that’s when Freya comes home and she wants my attention. So how could I maintain joy? Well, she and I have been loving playing the game Go Sushi lately, and the weather’s going to be beautiful today. So tonight, after she Gets home from school, I am going to play Go Sushi with her in our back garden.

[00:21:51] And that would bring me joy and that would bring her joy. And the most important thing I’ll do as part of this process is I will make that joy that I intentionally carved out into my day mean that I am successful. Not my bank account. Not my daily sales revenue rack up sheet. How much joy did I feel today?

[00:22:27] Did I make a plan to do these things to feel joy? And did I follow through on the plan? Oh, I did well. It was a successful day. And let’s say you made a plan to feel joy, but you were feeling sad or anxious or anxiety. And then maybe you did some stuff to start healing that and self care and self nurture.

[00:22:55] Can you make that mean you were successful that you gave yourself what you needed and you healed? You’re a success. You gave yourself permission to heal, which is the most important thing we can be doing on our path to grow and evolve to the next step is healing. Can you reward yourself for having the courage?

[00:23:21] to release those blocks? Can you make it a marker of success? So how do we do it? How do we make joy our number one measure of success? It really starts with looking at your every day and reviewing your daily and weekly to do list. Are these things sparking joy? Are they putting me in the energy of joy?

[00:23:50] So of those things where you get a yes to this and this and this and this for the most part, right? And energy is always a movement, so it doesn’t mean a hundred percent of the time. It just means that there’s a net joy, right? More joy than not joy. How can you add more of those things to your everyday agendas?

[00:24:13] And then super importantly, what are your number one energy leaks? What time of the day? What time of the week? Which day of the week? Is there a time of the month? If you follow some of the different cycles, what is your high vibe cycle and what is your rest cycle? Can you leverage that? Really get to know your energy and really start to reinvent your day and your week and your month and your year to be following those things that put you in joy, energy, and then making that mean you are successful.

[00:24:56] Full. And when you start to align your business around this joy energy and you start selling from a place of joy, I promise you. it will lead to an increase in revenue. Social conditioning will tell us following our joy is not the pathway to making money. And that’s simply wrong. That can be the way, but if you are adding joy in your business while also reflecting on the other things, what’s working in my business and what’s not, Letting go of the stuff that’s not working or tweaking and refining those things and doubling down on the things that are working and bringing you joy.

[00:25:45] That is the thing that’s going to lead to not only more and more and more joy. It’s going to lead to more and more revenue. All right. My invitation for you this week is to do the joy inventory. Look at your to do list for today. day. Do those things spark joy? Are there any things that are energy leaks that you can cross off the list that don’t need to happen?

[00:26:16] You could ask somebody else to do it. Maybe it could happen on another day of the things that do spark joy. Could you do a little bit more of that or add some things that bring more joy into your day? And most importantly, of the things that you put in your day that enable you to feel joy, when you follow through on those things and you are in the energy of joy, can you reflect back and say, Oh, what a success?

[00:26:50] Can you pat yourself on the back and say, what a successful day I had because I made a plan to build joy into my day. I was open to receiving joy. Any which way it wanted to flow in and it did flow in and I received it and oh man, was I a success. What a successful, joyful day I had. And when you really shift that mindset to do it.

[00:27:21] More joy means you are more and more successful. You will start to see all the other outer world classic definitions of success, money and other things start arriving into your experience with joy. All right, my dear ones, that’s a wrap for this week. I am so, so grateful for you. Thank you for holding this space and as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:27:54] Hi, dear ones. Listen here. The Soul Blueprint Certification Program is a roadmap to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, coach. Writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals how to activate your five unique spiritual gifts. So you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business.

[00:28:19] Learn more and enroll at allison’s gamble. com forward slash soul blueprint, or if enrollment is closed, you can join the soul list. So you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is on the way. is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses. Again, that’s


00:01  Intro & listener review

05:31  Energetic & nuts-and-bolts measures

08:02  What brings you results & joy?

10:03  Podcast example

13:06  Identify sources of joys & energy drains

15:25  Money as a measure of success

17:04  Start-up investment

18:28  Prioritizing joy

20:41  Morning joy ritual

23:30  Joy inventory

25:54  Invitation & conclusion

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