Your Dreams Are Not What You Think They Are (Here’s The Truth)

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As we ascend to higher consciousness and experience higher vibrational resonances, the beliefs we learned as children may no longer serve us – and in order to thrive in this new world, we need to shift and reimagine the way we think about many things… including our dreams!

This thoughtful episode of Soul Guide Radio explores the false understanding that we have been taught when it comes to our dreams – and what it actually means to be in the dreaming process. You’ll learn what’s missing from the way you currently think about dreaming, how the feeling of desire can lower your energetic state, and why being too attached to your dreams can steal your joy and peace.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • The truth about what our dreams really are – and how to dream the RIGHT way
  • How to intentionally align your life and your business with your dreams
  • An invitation that will have you stepping into the true power of your dreams, so you can hop on an accelerated path to consciously bringing your biggest dreams to reality!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Ask your Higher Self for a dream. What dream are you calling me to in this moment? Then, explore into how this dream is actually what your heart is yearning for in this moment.

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. I have got an episode for you today. So, I want you to do something with me right now. It’s gonna feel weird, but just be with me. Take your dominant hand. Whether you’re right handed or left handed, hold it out in front of you, put it on the opposite shoulder and pat. I’m doing it right now.

[00:00:20] Pat yourself on the shoulder because it takes guts to show up and do this spiritual work and be the spiritual light worker being that you are, because it often means that you are going against grains. You are unlearning things that we were taught as children to be absolute truths. But understanding and seeing that, wow, actually that thing wasn’t truth.

[00:00:49] That was actually false. And you have the courage to recognize that, which is the first thing, and then unlearn it, the second thing, in there, probably some healing that needs to be done, and then tapping in to what is the truth. And we’re going to be doing that today. This episode is about the evolution of our dreams.

[00:01:17] Look, as we ascend to higher consciousness. We need to re imagine what our dreams are, because it’s different in the fifth dimension with higher vibrational resonances than the third dimension, which is more of a fight, flight survival type energy. So I’m going to be revealing to you how to dream the right way as we Elevate to expanded consciousness.

[00:01:53] So why don’t we go ahead and get right to it in today’s episode, I reveal how we have a false understanding right now of our dreams and what it means to dream the truth about what our dreams really are and how to dream the right way in life and business. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you stepping into the true power of your dreams.

[00:02:20] So you can hop on an accelerated path of all of your big dreams coming true. So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. Here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:02:55] I’m Alison Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:03:05] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. I’m In the Soul Guide Circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at

[00:03:23] or in the show notes. Today, I’m revealing to you the truth about your dreams and what it means to dream, to be in the dreaming process. Let’s start with how we have. Our whole lives had a false understanding of our dreams and what it means to have a dream. How we currently understand dreams is that a dream is something we wish for that’s not in our current physical or manifest reality.

[00:04:01] So let’s say you’re a business owner and you dream of having your first 10K month or your first 100K month, and it is not yet here. You have not yet experienced that, but you dream of it. Okay? When we define our dreams by the things that we don’t have, but we want, that puts us in the energy of desire.

[00:04:29] Desire is an emotional frequency. It comes from the 3D survival paradigm. On the map of consciousness, which is a scale that goes from zero to a thousand, mapping our energetic resonance as it relates to our feeling states, when we are in the energy of desire, we’re vibrating at 125 out of a thousand.

[00:05:00] It’s actually below anger. Anger is a higher vibrational emotion than desire. Anger’s at 150. When we are well below neutrality, which is 250, we are in what’s called a survival paradigm. We’re in fight or flight or freeze. This puts us into an energy of craving, being disappointed because our dream isn’t yet here, our happiness or joy in this moment.

[00:05:35] And most importantly, and powerfully, this puts us in enslavement. We are enslaved to the thought. Once I get my dream, then I shall be free. Then I shall have joy. Then I shall have abundance. Once I need my dream, I shall be free and the more we’re attached to the idea that we need our dream in order to be happy or free, the more enslaved we are.

[00:06:10] I remember it very clearly. When I was dating my now husband, and we were going through a difficult time, and I didn’t know if we were going to end up together or not, and it was very, very painful, and I was extremely attached to the thought that I need him to be happy. I need this relationship to be happy.

[00:06:34] That thought felt so true to me at the time, and it enslaved me. It absolutely enslaved me. And then one day I woke up and I recognized that I had willingly put myself in a cage. I didn’t even shut the door. I was just willingly sitting inside of a cage, looking out in this craving, disappointed, denying energy, very painful, very low vibrational.

[00:07:06] And I started to heal that. And I started to realize that I don’t need anything to be happy, or I don’t need anyone else to be happy. And all the happiness I could ever hope for, dream for, can be found inside of me. And that was the first glimpses of this realization, the realization that being too attached to our dreams and having this false thought that in order for me to feel, now fill in the high vibrational emotion, enlightenment, peace, joy, love, I need this desire.

[00:07:43] I need this person. I need this money. I need this new house. I need this thing. And that is false. That is a false narrative of the 3D survival paradigm. It’s low in vibration and most importantly, it actually thwarts our dreams arriving to our manifest reality because it keeps us in a low vibrational energy.

[00:08:20] And how we manifest. is being in the energy today of our dreams of tomorrow. That’s how we manifest our dreams of tomorrow are ones of love, joy, peace, enlightenment. So if we’re in a low vibrational energy of fear and desire, but wanting our high vibrational energies, of joy and peace to arrive. We’re going to be out of energetic alignment.

[00:08:52] Thus, our dreams will not be attracted in to our physical reality. So dear ones, here is the truth about what our dreams really are. This is the new definition of a dream that we’re evolving to. Are you ready? A dream is what your heart is yearning for, In this very moment, it’s not about the future. It’s not about dreaming of the future, although changing your energy of this moment is the way and the only way to change your circumstances for the future, because that’s how we manifest.

[00:09:44] It’s what your heart is yearning for in this very moment. And think about it. What do your dreams give you? Not things. I know you. You’re not motivated by money. You’re not motivated by fancy cars or houses. You’re motivated by how those things will make you feel. It’s the feeling. It’s not the thing. Your heart is always calling you to a wholeness or a completeness.

[00:10:21] And so a dream is your heart identifying what you need to feel whole, that joy, that peace, that love, that connection. And when you tap into the feeling of wholeness, It sends the strong signal that you don’t need anything else. You don’t need any outer world material, person, place, or thing to have everything your heart is yearning for, because it’s all inside of you at any given moment.

[00:10:57] So when I think about a dream I’ve had for my business is to have a Consistently 100 K months. I mean, if you ever dream of having a seven figure business, you first have to start having 100 K months, right? That’s just how you get to the seven figures over a 12 month period. And I dream of having a seven figure business.

[00:11:21] So what would a 100 K per month business give me? Well, the things that it would give me is global reach, which is really important to me. It would give me extra resources to give back. I do dream of one day starting a foundation or a nonprofit arm of my business where I’m helping women entrepreneurs from all over the world who may need financial assistance to get their businesses up and running.

[00:11:50] I also dream of helping greyhounds, who are an animal that greatly suffers, to make racing greyhounds illegal and to stopping the practices of harming this breed, this very wounded breed of animal. For good around the planet. And if I had extra resources, I could really dedicate those two great rescue shelters and lobbying efforts to make this change.

[00:12:21] I would be able to travel. That would enable me to really travel to all sorts of places I’ve never been to. And when I travel, I really like to think about the experiences. So, you know, you don’t need money to have an amazing travel experience. However, it can open up some doors for you for new experiences.

[00:12:46] and adventure and building a team of people to help me get soul blueprint out into the world to as many lightworkers as possible. And as I rattled all of that out, off. It just was what was coming from my heart. The thing that actually got me most excited was the idea of getting Soul Blueprint out to more and more Lightworkers, because I really feel this is an important and critical step.

[00:13:21] spiritual modality to help humanity evolve to higher consciousness. Soul Blueprint teaches you how to be in a constant co creation with the divine, which is how we are meant to live, be, and thrive in this world. And with Soul Blueprint, it teaches you every moment, well, right now I need my spiritual gift of healing.

[00:13:46] Now I need my intuition. Now I need manifestation, teaching, leadership. And in not much time after learning the Soul Blueprint methodology, you don’t even really need to stop and think about it. It just becomes part of who you are in a constant and ever flowing co creation with your higher self and the divine.

[00:14:12] That’s the thing that gets me most excited. Okay, so let’s go with that. I dream of getting Soul Blueprint to hundreds of thousands of lightworkers around the world. Here’s the million dollar question. How would that make me feel to do that? How does your dreams make you feel imagining that your dream is fulfilled?

[00:14:47] That’s the energy you want to tap into. And for me with soul blueprint, getting lightworkers all over the planet would make me feel success because that is my signature as a projector. It would make me feel. In deep, deep service and contribution to the planet. It would make me feel wildly creative in my genius.

[00:15:16] It would be exhilarating. It would make me feel energetic harmony because I would be stepping into the bigness that I know was inside of me. So. It would be like, I don’t know, like this balance of my energy instead of that feeling of like, I have all this bigness and it’s not like it’s just stuck. I feel like it would be the balance and harmony of stepping into the bigness of who you truly are.

[00:15:45] And so those are the emotions that my heart is yearning for in this moment. That’s the dream right there.

[00:16:00] So, getting to then how to align your life and business to your dreams the right way. Okay. Think about those core valued feeling states you identified for how your dreams will make you feel. How can you add more of those high vibrations, those core valued feeling states to your present moment, to right now?

[00:16:34] To, as you listen here with my voice in your earbuds, how can you add more vibrations in the spiritual paradigm out of the survival paradigm into the spiritual paradigm of love, joy, peace, and enlightenment and beyond? Well friends hear me now. This is not something you can force. It’s impossible. If you force love, it’s a false.

[00:17:07] Reality, you can’t. It’s your mind working into overdrive trying to convince you you’re feeling love when that’s not the actual case. It’s false. So if you’re not feeling joy in this moment, and you’re feeling anger or desire or fear or grief or guilt or shame, good, you’re a human being. Here, to experience the full range of emotions, what we’re evolving to is our response to our low vibrational motions, not to avoid them or not have them, but to learn how to respond the right way to recover the right way for when we are triggered and feel painful emotions.

[00:18:03] So, what do we need to heal in this moment? so that we can start vibrating at the core valued feeling states of our dreams. So when I think about that, when I think about my dream, boy, in this moment, I feel pretty aligned to it, but you can always find something. So if I really dug in there, got my flashlight out, you can always find a little bit of resistance.

[00:18:32] Otherwise, it’s highly likely that your dream is in your physical reality very soon or is already there. Okay. So, hmm, I guess maybe I feel a little anger because I see other spiritual coaches and modalities out there that I know are producing false, this false happiness. They’re convincing people that That their modality is one that brings joy and some of them, certainly not all of them.

[00:19:13] Some of them actually don’t bring joy. It’s teaching a false narrative and that makes me angry and it makes me angry that they’re out there. Getting their word out there. And some of them have hundreds of thousands of followers and multimillion dollar businesses. And that makes me angry that they’re spreading false narratives and they’re doing it successfully, you know, with material success, not true success.

[00:19:42] That pisses me off. That’s low vibrational. That’s anger. That doesn’t help me get my dreams. I can use it to motivate me and inspire me. But it doesn’t serve me in this moment, and I’m better off releasing it. So I teach a five step healing process. It’s what I I also teach students in a deep dive sort of way in soul blueprint where I teach you how to really tap into and debate your unique spiritual gift of healing and your healing gifts, which you have, whether you see yourself as a healer or not, I promise you, you do.

[00:20:30] So, if you ever feel that heart nudge that you want to really activate your spiritual gifts to the next level, I do invite you to check out Soul Blueprint. If enrollment is closed, you can always join the soul list, which is the bonus field waiting list. So you’re the first to know when enrollment is open again.

[00:20:54] You can find that link at And in the meantime, until you enroll in soul blueprint, you can use my five step process. Which is identifying the thought, feeling the feels that are triggered when the painful thought feels true, fully and completely feeling those feels, breathing and releasing.

[00:21:20] So I’m going to call that anger up. And I invite you to do this with me with your own resistance around the dream you identified. Feel the feels. Ooh.

[00:21:37] And then when the emotional wave starts to go down, you can return to your breath, long, deep inhales and release on the exhale. And once you release that, and only after you release that, then you want to go back to the dream and go back to the core valued feeling states of, in my example, it was like, Really deep contribution of like massive impact, connection, love, joy, abundance, really enlightenment.

[00:22:18] I feel enlightenment in this dream is very high vibrational and the harmony of stepping into your full power, into your full potential. All right. So once you call those emotions up and give yourself permission to feel those high vibrational motions, you can imagine you fulfilled your dream. You fulfilled your dream.

[00:22:50] Our dreams are to enable us to elevate and evolve to higher frequencies of love, joy, peace and higher. Our heart nudges us to things, to physical things, to earning money, houses. In my example, getting soul blueprint out to the masses. That’s a heart led work. And our heart does that to guide us to what it is yearning for in this moment.

[00:23:28] And once you start vibrating in this moment at the frequency of your dreams, your dreams have to start attracting and pulling into your manifest reality. But sometimes what we pull in is going to be different than what you thought it would be or should be. And the trick, the learning here is to get into the practice of recognizing when these dreams are indeed arriving into your experience, even if it looks different than what you had originally envisioned.

[00:24:16] If you vibrate in this moment at peace, and you spend more and more of your day vibrating at peace, you will attract more people, places, and things into your experience to enable you to experience even more peace. So it’s my invitation to you to notice. Notice. All the things that are popping up into your experience that’s enabling you to be in more peace and giving yourself credit and seeing that that indeed is the dream fulfilled, dipping into the old paradigm.

[00:24:53] If we define a dream as something that we dream about that isn’t yet in our manifest reality and that we align our energy to it and then we bring it into our manifest reality, then that is a dream fulfilled. Hope. But it’s changing our relationship to the dream. The dream itself is what our heart is yearning for in this moment.

[00:25:17] And the manifestation of those dreams into our physical reality is actually just the experiencing of the dream. It’s the experiencing. And either we’re experiencing the dream as we had envisioned it, Or it is in some way better, but we don’t care because we’re unattached. We’re in response to our unfolding moment in the experience.

[00:25:46] In the gratitude, in the love, joy, peace, enlightenment, noticing when we’re getting triggered and dipping down into fear, grief, apathy, guilt, without judgment, just noticing, going into a self healing, or sometimes you need to call up me. You’re a healer or a therapist to get some extra help because we can’t always operate on ourselves.

[00:26:13] And then we go back to those core valued feeling states. And one way to really boost this all and take it to the next level is to think about do some journaling around what activities can I do or be today that’s accessible to me in my everyday. That will put me in these core valued feeling states. So when I think about harmony, what can I do today that would put me in harmony?

[00:26:49] It’s a beautiful sunny day out. I’m definitely taking my dog Astrid to the beach. I’m going to bring my journal and I don’t always do this, but I’m going to get a cup of tea at our local beachside restaurant and Astrid loves it. She lies in the sand and suns herself. And I’m just going to sit in the sun with Asti, my, my, my, my lovable greyhound.

[00:27:15] And I’m going to journal and just be in these energies. You know, I’m right now setting the intention that my time at the beach is going to be a time for me to be right. I’m going to be in the energy of harmony, abundance, love, connection, and deep contribution. All right. Other activities I think of is for me is yoga.

[00:27:40] dance, walking in nature, going to a high vibrational coffee shop to work. There’s a couple super high vibe y coffee shops that I like to work from, so just going there. I have a right facing environmental arrow, so I really like to work and create in a variety of different environments. And then for me, it’s like getting acupuncture, a massage, a facial, like I carve out a bit of time and a bit of money, but not a lot.

[00:28:14] I mean, these things don’t cost tons and tons of money, but I do carve it out of my every week and my every month to help me maintain these higher and higher frequencies. All right, guys, I know I gave you some juicy nuggets today. So before I get to this week’s invitation, I really do invite you to think about what was one thing you received from this episode.

[00:28:42] Grab your smartphone, go to Apple or Spotify or Google Play, find Soul Guide Radio, find the link that says leave a rating and review. And leave me a rating and review. If you’ve left one already on one platform, you can leave another one on another platform. And I will read your words on the air. This really helps me to know how to curate content that really deeply serves you.

[00:29:14] I’d also love to hear from you. DM me on Instagram or Facebook or send me an email at Allyson at and let me know what you received. My invitation for you this week is to Ask your higher self for a dream. What dream are you calling me to in this moment? And you understand that the dream is actually what your heart is yearning for in this moment, in this present moment, right now.

[00:29:49] And then explore, how would it make me feel if this dream was in my manifest reality? And then what activities can I do today or tomorrow that will enable me to be in these core valued feeling states. And last but not least, is there any resistance that I’m ready to let go? All right, my dear ones, that is a wrap for this week.

[00:30:18] Thank you so, so much for being out there holding the space for me. I do feel you when I record. And I get so much positive feedback and uplifting feedback on this podcast. And so I want you to know how much I appreciate you and how grateful I am for you. And as always, until next time. May your Soul guide the way.

[00:30:50] Hi, dear ones. Listen here. The Soul Blueprint certification program is a roadmap to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals. Activate your five unique spiritual gifts so you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business.

[00:31:15] Learn more and enroll at or if enrollment is closed you can join the soul list so you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses. Again, that’s


00:01  Intro

03:27  Dreaming, desire & energy

06:10  Relationship conflict story

07:22  Over-attachment thwarts manifestation

08:59  What dreams really are

10:57  100k business example

13:02  Soul Blueprint dream

16:00  Aligning your life & business with your dreams

18:05  What do you need to heal?  

21:02 Healing & alignment process

28:27  Leave a review

29:27  Invitation & conclusion

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