Why the Divine Isn’t More Obvious

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Have you ever wondered why the divine messages you receive are so vague? This is a common frustration I see with my clients so I decided to dedicate a whole episode into exploring the important reasons why. 

There are key reasons why the Divine sometimes gives us the same message over and over, while we’re longing for new, bright and shiny guidance. There are also good reasons why you actually DON’T want to Divine to get too specific as it can hinder your ability to integrate the guidance and take the right action. 

In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal why the Divine can be super vague and share practical steps to help you find the deeper and profound meaning in the cryptic communication.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • The big indicator that you have a wound blocking your spiritual gift of intuition in your ability to communicate with the divine. 
  • Why the divine isn’t as specific as you’d wish it to be, and what to do when you’re longing for more detail and the messages that are arriving. 
  • An invitation that will have you receiving and integrating all the messages coming in from the divine to help you learn, heal, grow, and evolve on your path.

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Notice if you are feeling frustrated by any messages coming from the divine and then do some journaling, reflection, and healing around that.

[00:00:00] Hey ho dear ones. I have a great episode for you today about why the divine isn’t more obvious. I know, it’s so frustrating for my clients. They come to me and say, The, the divine keeps giving me the number 87 and I have no idea what it means or I keep getting the message, you know? Uh, stick my thumb in my ear. I have no idea what it means or, um, I have been in sessions with clients and I’ve been. Channeling for them. And I’ve had clients angry at me. 

[00:00:35] Oh my gosh. I have had clients shoot the spiritual messenger. Angry at me for providing the, what they felt like was a too vague message. Angry. Well, what does this mean? Can’t you tell me more. And so then I ask the divine, can you give us some more information and I don’t get anything else. Why the heck would the divine do that? 

[00:01:01] That’s not nice. Why can’t. Our spirit guides, our higher self source. Just give us a detailed step by step plan for life. A roadmap. First, put your one foot here. Put one hand there. Why does it have to sometimes be so vague and open-ended, and maybe you feel like you just keep getting the same message over and over again. 

[00:01:29] Can’t you get something different, right? Well, there’s a divine reason why the divine sometimes speaks in vagaries and that’s what we’re going to be unpacking in. Today’s super powerful episode of soul guide radio. But before we get into all that. I do want to say. That I am going to be doing a little thing whereby if you give soul guide radio, a rating and review. And you take a screenshot of that review and you email it to me or DM it to me. And if you email it to me @allison at allysonscammell.com or DM me on Facebook or. Instagram. I will read your words on the air and you will get a nice bespoke, personalized gift from me. So I look forward to seeing these reviews and I look forward to giving you a gift so I can show my love and appreciation for you. 

[00:02:33] Okay. Getting back to the divine in today’s episode, I reveal a big indicator. You have a wound blocking. Your spiritual gift of intuition. So you’re inability to communicate with the divine. Y the divine isn’t as specific as you’d wish it to be. And what to do when you’re longing for more detail and the messages that are arriving to you we’ll end on an invitation that will have you receiving and integrating all the messages coming in from the divine to help you learn, heal, grow, and evolve on your path. So please stay with me until the end. 

[00:03:15] Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:03:43] I’m Alison Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:03:58] Hello, soul guide circle. 

[00:04:00] That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group. At Allyson scammell.com or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking about why the divine isn’t more specific and RBS. And I’m going to start with. 

[00:04:30] Revealing a big indicator that you have a wound. Blocking your ability to communicate to the divine. That’s your spiritual gift of intuition. And this indicator is you’re frustrated that the divine isn’t more specific. Whenever we get frustrated by the messages coming to us from our divine support team, we have a block that’s ready to be released. And that block is saying it has to be more specific for me to figure this out. 

[00:05:02] I need more information to take action and integrate. This wisdom. It isn’t enough. It’s not enough for me to figure out I need more. Right? These are all limiting thoughts coming from blocked energy. So the first thing you want to do when you feel that frustration is notice it without judgment and going into the field, the fields breathe release. 

[00:05:29] So you can release that release that frustration. 

[00:05:34] And part of the reason why the divine isn’t getting you more specific. Taking that again. 

[00:05:44] And part of the reason why the divine isn’t getting you more specific downloads or guidance it’s because you have some blocks around your spiritual gift of intuition and that specific type of those specific taking that again. 

[00:05:58] And those specific insights are being blocked. So we welcome this frustration. As a part of our emotional compass. Letting us know that there’s a block there that’s ready to be released. And every time you release a block, Around your spiritual gift of intuition. You open your portal door wider and wider so that you can receive more specifics. But here’s the deal. 

[00:06:29] Here’s, what’s really important. We so often don’t need. As specific of insights from the divine as we want. It’s our brain that tells us we need to get more and more specific that it’s never enough. We need more in order to take the inspired action. But here’s some of the reasons why the divine isn’t more specific. 

[00:06:57] Number one, you haven’t integrated the insights they’ve already given you. And that’s a big one. So what do they do? They keep giving you the same or similar messages over and over again? I find with most Oracle card decks, I tend to pick the same cards over and over again. And there’s some cards. I’ve had certain card decks for years, and there’s many, many cards I’ve never pulled from those decks because I always tend to get the same ones because those are the things I haven’t yet really fully integrate it. And so I remember after my near-death experience, I kept, I was doing, you know, daily channeling with the divine and I kept getting the message live from the heart space. 

[00:07:45] Live from the heart space, live from the heart space. I got so sick of hearing it. I was like, well, tell me how, tell me why. Give me something else, please. But the divine was trying to train me how to stop living from my head and start living from the heart. And that’s super easy to say, and it’s really challenging to put into practice. And all I needed to do was practice placing my awareness on my heart and the day and embodying. 

[00:08:15] And that was creating a shift in how I showed up. So I started showing up for more and more of my day from my heart space, but I needed to have that message again and again, and again, to be able to reprogram myself. Because we are people of habit and we have a lot of programming that we came into this lifetime program to live a certain way and be a certain way. And when we start releasing. The blocks that are blocking us from showing up and higher expression of who we are. 

[00:08:48] And then we start repatterning and reprogramming. Those ways we show up that don’t serve us. That’s when we actually do start, you know, re pattering to a higher way of living and being. And sometimes we need the divine coming in and just giving us the message over and over and over again, and repetition so that we can create these new patterns. 

[00:09:12] Another reason the divine doesn’t always get more specific is because sometimes getting more specific actually makes it harder. And when you have more details, you can get overwhelmed. You don’t know where to place. Your inspired action or where you to place your intention, you can actually get too much. And then these divine insights just get lost. The best way to receive information from the divine is to just simplify it. You start. With simplification. 

[00:09:47] Okay. So, and it doesn’t always have to remain simple. But look at, for example, soul blueprint. I downloaded that from the divine. And it is a methodology to connect to and co-create with the spiritual realm at higher and higher energies. And taking that again. It’s a methodology to learn how to connect to and co-create with the spiritual realm at higher and higher levels. 

[00:10:12] Okay. When I first started to understand this methodology, I was getting super, super simple messages about it. I mean, my very first, I would say. Message that was specifically related to soul blueprint is when I downloaded that we have five key spiritual gifts. And that just came out of me one day that we have the spiritual gift of intuition, healing, manifestation, teaching, and leadership. 

[00:10:42] And these are the gifts that we use to connect to. And co-create with the divine. So that alone was like, whoa, we have five spiritual gifts, really. I mean, I was using them all the time without realizing it. We all are, but then I got that clarity that they actually fall into five broad categories. And that we actually have gifts that we use and that we need to learn to use and learn to cultivate and learn to get more sophisticated with so we can connect and communicate to the vine at higher and higher levels. So it starts with very simple. But even when you get more advanced with your messaging, there’s still going to be as simplicity to it so that we can integrate it. 

[00:11:30] If it comes in too detailed and too complicated, we can’t absorb it. We can’t. Integrate it, it leads to overwhelm. And then we, we don’t actually receive the messages trying to come through. 

[00:11:47] So, what do you do when you long for more detailed messages coming from the divine? And you’re frustrated that they aren’t coming in? 

[00:11:56] Well, first and foremost, if the lack of specifics or the vagueness is triggering any sort of pain or resistance, it means that you have a block around your spiritual gift of intuition. That’s blocking your ability to communicate and blocking your ability to. Uh, receive. So you’re gonna want to heal. If you want to learn a very specific and powerful and successful way to do that, I invite you to join this soul blueprint. That is my signature certification course that teaches you exactly how all of this works. There is a link in the show notes. 

[00:12:35] And if enrollment is closed, I invite you to join the soul list. Which is the bonus field waiting list, letting you know when enrollment is open for the next cohort. So healing is first and foremost. And then secondly, what you want to do is take the message you do have, okay. So going back to live from the heart space, pretty vague, but also pretty fricking profound and life changing life altering. 

[00:13:04] Right. And a lot of the vague stuff you get. Is probably going to have that flavor. You’re going to feel like, wow, this is so simple, but wow. This is also super profound at the same time. Okay. So, what you want to do is take the simple message and do some journaling about it. Taking that again. And do some journaling around it. What does this mean? 

[00:13:27] What does it mean for me? What inspired action are you calling me to take? Who are you calling me to be? Do some journaling around what the message means for you in this moment? And just do a free flow. Don’t overthink it. Try to connect to your intuition whilst you’re journaling and you do that by just writing and being embodied and. Watching, if you are getting too much in your head and trying to over calculate what you think the answer should be, but if it’s the journaling is coming out, Have you ease fully, then you are connected to that free flow of your intuition. If you are someone who doesn’t like journaling, then do an inter contemplation practice while walking in nature while coloring well, making something with your hands while meditating. Um, sometimes it might be nice to contemplate it while folding clothes or knitting. Or doing something while you’re kind of in this rhythmic routine that doesn’t require. Require a lot of thinking and you can kind of in a way multitask, some people find that helpful. 

[00:14:38] So play around with the kind of inner contemplation practice that works best for you. And you will find if you do this, if you do the healing and then the exploring of what you felt was a too vague message, he will realize that, you know, a whole heck of a lot more than you realize, and you have a wealth of information. To use, to learn from grow, from heal, from an evolve to. So my invitation for you this week is to notice, are you feeling frustrated by any of the messages coming from the divine because you wish you had more, can you do some healing around that frustration and then take the insight? 

[00:15:24] You do know, no matter how vague it may feel to you and do a bit of journaling and, or inner contemplation around the message to see what. Other insights are there for you to receive? I remember if you leave a rating and review for so guide radio and send a screenshot to me either via email or DM, I will read your words on the air and send you a very sweet high value bespoke gift of appreciation.

[00:15:56] All right. That’s a wrap for this week. I’m so grateful for you each and every week. And until next time, may your soul guide the way. 

00:00 Intro

00:09 Client Frustrations with Divine Messages

00:59 Why Divine Messages Are Vague

01:46 Special Announcement: Rating and Review

02:33 Identifying and Healing Spiritual Blocks

04:26 Understanding the Spiritual Gift of Intuition

11:47 Practical Steps to Receive Divine Messages

15:08 Invitation


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