When You Get Called to Pivot (and It’s a Bit Scary)

“And once I surrendered to my heart’s callings, business started to grow again in magical ways.”

The power of divine timing.

I was called to do a pivot in my business this year, and it was scary.

What if the clients don’t come?

What if this pivot doesn’t work?

And those were just the surface fears.

Underneath those fears were the real ones telling me: “It’s not safe to share my true self.”

And while I was pivoting, I did experience a slow down in business growth that made me second guess my heart’s callings because I should continue doing what I know works.

But once I released my fear blocks, I was able to tap into the truth:

I am called to help lightworkers reach their full spiritual potential.

And once I surrendered to my heart’s callings, business started to grow again in magical ways.

I gained real clarity on my pivot during a recent guest interview I did on a podcast focused on business growth.

During the interview, the host mentioned that because of her excellent business systems, she had never once experienced a slow down period in ten years of business. She’s only been on a steady cycle of growth.

And while I was happy for her, here’s why many of us will experience something different.

First, I had a strong sense that the host was a Generator.

From a Human Design perspective, those of us with open sacrals (Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors), we are designed to have boom and bust cycles (which I like to call boom and “rest” cycles).

This means it’s common for us to have a booming quarter or year followed by a period of rest and slow business growth.

Generators and Manifesting Generators, on the other hand, have more consistent access to energy, so you can experience more consistent income generations.

But, of course, you can also have financial ups and downs.

Second, I also sensed that the podcast host hadn’t done a big pivot in her business. So she had been offering the same kind of services to the same target audience year after year.

The bottom line is…at some point on your path, you’ll likely be called to pivot or rest. And when you do, your results may slow down and that might be scary.

To help you through the transition, be in constant connection to your Higher Self and continually tapping into your higher vision…what am I ultimately being called to?

And with that vision in your mind’s eye, then ask: What is my best next step?

And if the best next step is to rest or spend time in your inner cave, then give yourself permission to do just that.

Watch your urges to throw your higher callings out the window to return to “what works” because that will never be sustainable in the long run. Your higher callings will always return.

And when you stay true to what your heart is calling you towards, the soul-aligned success WILL show up.

So let me ask you…

What is your heart calling you to in this moment?

And what is your best next step to align to that vision?

If you’re being called to rest, slow down, or go to your inner cave, then please know that this is necessary BEFORE you can pick the pace back up.

And before you know it, you’ll be growing in more magical and wondrous ways than you could ever have imagined.

Would you like my help getting your BIGGEST DREAMS off the ground in 2023? Now is the best time of year to start working with a coach.

I’m SUPER EXCITED to share that I created a brand new private coaching container called Soul Sessions Five, and I bring all the tools from my kit along on the ride. To include:

  • Psychic Readings
  • Energy Clearings
  • Intuitive Business Coaching
  • Channeling and Mediumship and
  • Human Design Integration

2023 is going to be THEE YEAR for many lightworkers on the planet. Do you feel like it may be you? Then, that’s the perfect time to invest in a mentor like me to help you make a bigger quantum leap in soul-aligned success than you imagined possible.

Interested? I have a few spots available on my calendar THIS WEEK for Intuitive Consults.

👉 Book your Intuitive Consult HERE

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Want to chat with me about my VIP private coaching package, Soul Session Five, or any of my other coaching programs? Book an Intuitive Consult.

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your Soul Plan for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:

✅ 2 Classes to help you get clarity on your soul mission and long- and short-term visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training showing you step-by-step how to complete the 10-page planning template, and
✅ The 2025 planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:
✅ 2 Classes to clarify your soul mission and visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training revealing the energetics of soul-guided planning, and
✅ The 2025 10-page planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025