What is Your Higher Self?

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Getting sick can sometimes shine a very bright light on something deeper that’s going on. I’ve been sick these past weeks, and it’s shone a VERY bright light on the degree to which I’ve been conditioned to associate my worth with a very specific type of productivity. This conditioning made me feel that if I wasn’t producing content, meeting with clients, or clearing my inbox, I wasn’t creating any value in the world. Maybe you can relate to that belief – but I’m here to tell you it’s just plain FALSE!!

Today’s episode of Soul Guide Radio reveals how strengthening your relationship with your Higher Self allows you to rewrite the limiting narratives that keep you from recognizing how amazingly valuable you TRULY ARE!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • What your Higher Self really is – and how it speaks to you differently than other divine wisdom
  • A powerful message for you from MY Higher Self (and how to ask your Higher Self for more!)
  • An invitation that will have you surrendering to the divine wisdom that your Higher Self is always sending you, so you can experience more joy, ease, and alignment!

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Start noticing to the next degree of awareness those stories that you’re telling yourself, especially the ones that are weighing you down.

[00:00:00] Hey ho dear ones, I have a funny voice, I have been sick, I’ve had the flu, I’ve been going through a crazy spiritual, uh, breakdown. Maybe you can relate to this. Do you feel like you’re spiritually breaking down? The breakdown before the breakthrough? The spiritual breakthrough? I Got the flu. I haven’t had the flu in years.

[00:00:34] I am typically a super healthy person. And this flu really did a number on me. It shined a flashlight on the degree to which I’m conditioned. To believe that my value is tied to the amount of, air quotes, productivity that I experience in a day. So if I am productive and the productivity has a very specific definition, therefore I am worthy.

[00:01:08] I am creating value. If I am not productive with this specific definition of. Producing content for you, writing emails, meeting with clients, teaching classes, writing social posts, recording podcast episodes, recording social media content, all the things I do in an average day and week to keep my business afloat.

[00:01:35] If I’m not doing that, I am not creating value in the world. And that is plain false. It is false for me, and it is false for you. Hear me, dear one, that is an illusion. That is a lie.

[00:01:54] This is what we’re going to unpack in today’s super powerful episode about your higher self, about your connection to your higher self, because that’s the thing that’s going to rewrite the stories, deconditioning you. and help you tap into what’s already there. You don’t have to find it. You don’t have to go get it.

[00:02:22] You don’t have to learn it. It’s inside of you already. It’s just covered with layers and layers of masks and conditioning and wounds and ancestral trauma. And underneath all that is the authentic you. Perfect. Whole. And guess what, my friends? VAL U A BLE. Just by existing. Just by being. A soul.

[00:03:02] Incarnate. In a human body. Having a human experience. By existing. You. You are valuable. And that is the end of that story. There’s no conditioning. There’s no yeah but. There’s no if. You are valuable because you exist. Now I had a different, uh, thing I was going to talk about today. I feel like being very unedited.

[00:03:40] I just want to take this Episode in one take, I feel very punchy. I have been sick for two weeks. I’ve been beating myself up right and left. I’ve been having spiritual awakenings and discoveries. I’ve been up in the high, down in the low. I’ve been all over the place. And I am just punchy right now. And I really feel like just giving you a soul punch.

[00:04:07] A soul punch of truth. A soul punch of inspiration. A soul punch of awakening.

[00:04:14] So this is what I had written down, which is the only thing I write down for any episode, is the three points, my three main points I convey that in today’s episode I reveal what your higher self is. How it speaks you differently than other divine wisdom and a powerful message your higher self has for you in this moment.

[00:04:38] And I’m going to keep it to those three things because I don’t even know what the message is, but I think it has to do with this conditioning and we’re being called to go into a collective cleansing. Just wringing out of our energy all these stories that we tell ourselves and that we live by and that affect our energy and they affect our emotional and mental health.

[00:05:09] And we are collectively purging ourselves from these false stories. And the purge can be pretty uncomfortable. It’s not fun to purge this painful stuff, but you get rewarded and there is ease and joy and flow and truth and true authenticity as your reward on the other side of the purge. 

[00:05:39] And of course, we’ll end on an invitation that will have you surrendering to the divine wisdom That your higher self is always sending you so you can experience more joy, ease, and alignment. So please stay with me until the end. Well, hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to connect to higher self and to connect to and co create with the spiritual realm, as well as to grow.

[00:06:49] Prosperous heart led businesses that are indeed on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at allysonscammell.com or in the show notes. And the true inspiration behind this episode, what the heck is our higher self, came from this spiritual class I just took talking about the human design chart evolution that we are experiencing and will experience .

[00:07:17] , poignantly in 2027, where a 400 year era is coming to an end, and we’re about to embark on a new 400 year era. And of course, the eras overlap. So, uh, we’re in this sort of transitionary energy right now, which makes it unstable and sometimes very uncomfortable. And I’m going to be talking more about that transition.

[00:07:45] One of the key points of it is that our center point of awareness from a human design perspective used to be the spleen center, which governs your fight or flight fear responses. And it was really a survival center. That kept us alive back in the 19th centuries. And now we don’t need that survival center to be our main point of awareness.

[00:08:16] It’s an important part of who we are. We’re always going to need those survival instincts. However, we are evolving away from the spleen center as our center point of consciousness to the emotional solar plexus. Which is emotional, right brained, intuitive. Now they’re both intuitive. The spleen is also intuitive.

[00:08:39] But from a very primal, primitive, although not unsophisticated, but it’s a very physical connection to the intuition. Whilst the emotional solar plexus is an emotional. And it’s a process by which you raise your energetic frequencies. And raise the vibrations of the emotions you’re experiencing. to be more and more joyful emotions.

[00:09:07] And this enables you indeed to step into the role more powerfully as the conscious creator of your experience. So we’re going to be able to with greater and greater, uh, I want to say precision, but I, I don’t necessarily want to say that word, because that’s sort of a brain based word. The brain wants precision.

[00:09:30] But the heart, the higher self, wants alignment. So that’s the word I’m looking for, where we’ll be able to live a more aligned life, aligned to soul mission, aligned to our soul contracts, aligned to our true authenticity. And having the solar plexus as our primary point of awareness and not the spleen, you can imagine it’s like we’re evolving away from survival skills and we’re moving into thrival skills.

[00:10:06] The thrival skills of the emotional solar plexus so all of that to say I’m enrolled in this class to learn about this transition, which I will talk about more in future episodes, so stand by for that. And as part of it, one of the students asked, Well, what’s the difference between your higher self and source?

[00:10:27] And to that, the person, the human design expert leading the course said, I’m not sure. And I can’t be there live, and I wouldn’t have said anything even if I would have been there live. I was, I’m listening to replays. But had I been there live, and somebody would have said with a nice projector invitation for me, and also I have an open throat center, so it means I really do need to be invited to speak.

[00:10:54] And had I been there live, and someone said, Hey, Allison, you teach on this, what do you think? I would have said, Your higher self is that piece of you that is connected to Source. Your higher self is your energy footprint

[00:11:18] that is fully and completely connected to Source. So you can imagine, when we incarnate in human form and have a human experience, there’s a piece of our energy that leaves Source. It leaves the spiritual realm and it goes into a physical body That’s often vibrating somewhere in the third dimension So that’s a lower vibrational timeline That’s very physical in nature. It’s very much spleen based living of Fight or flight And our fear responses kind of guiding us forward as our point of decision making. And as our energy frequencies raise, and our baseline raises, which I call in Soul Blueprint, I refer to it as your dominant energetic frequency.

[00:12:24] So that’s your average energetic frequency over time because your energy frequency is always in constant movement going up and down and up and down. If you plotted all of those points and averaged them out over time, that is your dominant energetic frequency or your baseline. And as your baseline raises higher and higher, and we are evolving collectively in the collective consciousness of humans on planet right now are evolving to be able to increase our baseline more and more and more and live and experience this expanded consciousness.

[00:13:00] And as we do that, we can actually be in physical form, but be living in the fourth dimension and the fifth dimension and even the sixth dimension. So yes, we’re in physical form, but we’re so connected to the spiritual realm and to non physical consciousness and to Source that we are in a different timeline.

[00:13:21] When we raise to these higher frequencies, and we can’t get drugged down, and even if something happens, and just because you’re in higher frequencies doesn’t mean there won’t be a calamity in the world or in your life, but your response to that calamity will be so different than when we are drugged down into the third dimension, where we’re so tied to these painful stories, And so tied to the conditioning.

[00:13:48] That tells us we’re not enough. That tells us we have to work really, really, really hard to add any value to the world. That tells us money is the root of all evil. That tells us if we want to make a lot of money, we have to kill ourselves. From blood, sweat, and tears. I mean, think of that. Blood, sweat, and tears.

[00:14:08] That’s what the social conditioning says is what you have to donate of yourself to earn good money. You gotta give your blood, your sweat, and your tears we’ve all lived our whole life thinking that to be true.

[00:14:26] So, hire self. Is that piece of our soul that is connected to source. So guess what? That means it’s all knowing it’s all loving. It knows the whole story of your soul curriculum, of your soul DNA, of your soul mission, of all of your past lifetimes, of your soul contracts, of your core wounds, what you mean to do, heal, evolve to, learn from, experience in this lifetime, how it’s going to set you up for your next lifetime, the ancestral wounds that you’re here to heal, the ancestral gifts that that you received from your lineage.

[00:15:10] Because we receive more than just wounds. We also receive gifts and know how.

[00:15:15] Your higher self knows all of this. And the thing that my Divine Guidance team has always told me, again and again and again, and this was a huge theme for me as I went through my near death experience, was that, of your Divine Guidance team, Which is Source, Higher Self, Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Crossed Over Loved Ones, Other Non Physical Consciousness, Spirit Animals.

[00:15:42] Of all of that Divine Consciousness, the number one voice is ALWAYS your Higher Self. ALWAYS. Now your divine guidance team is never going to get into a fight with each other, and the angels aren’t going to say one thing, and your crossed over grandfather is going to contradict that and say no, no, no. So it’s not like There would be dissent among the ranks.

[00:16:10] The only time that you would experience dissent among the non physical consciousness you’re plugging into is if you are inadvertently plugged into dark energy or low vibrational energy. We can get plugged into a crossed over loved one that’s in a very low vibrational place. So it doesn’t even need to be dark energy.

[00:16:35] And that’s okay when that happens. If you get inadvertently plugged into dark energy, it’s just a matter of clearing it away. And remember, high vibrational energy is so much more powerful. So if you feel that’s happened and you’re not sure what to do, call me up. I’ll zap that energy away faster than you can ever imagine.

[00:16:56] And, or call an energy healer that you know and trust. I think sometimes that’s a really time to get support if you feel like Dark energy has attached itself to you. It does happen and it can happen, you know, by nothing you’ve done wrong. It just can happen. How do you know if it’s happened? I would say if you’re sleeping terribly.

[00:17:19] Dark energy really messes up with your sleep. You can feel like you have really negative thoughts that are more negative than normal and you have this feeling like I don’t know where these thoughts are coming from. I don’t feel like they’re coming from me. You can feel emotionally overwhelmed, but it doesn’t feel like it’s something in your life.

[00:17:38] Like, I don’t understand why I feel so emotionally overwhelmed. So if you experience or are experiencing any of these things, it is possible that some dark energy has attached itself to your energy system and is siphoning energy off from you, manipulating your energy, just doing things that it shouldn’t be doing.

[00:17:59] And it’s really a whole new podcast episode that I can and I will record, in the near future about what to do when you feel like you do have dark energy attached to you. But until then, hire a good energy healer. I am here at your disposal or somebody in your network to keep your energy clear, clean, and high vibe.

[00:18:20] So the point of all of this is that sometimes when we really get into channeling and connecting to Source and connecting to Spirit Guides, we find a go to frequency that we really love. Like, I’ve got some clients who are very connected into the angelic realm, for example. And so, they have a very, very special relationship with the angels, which is beautiful.

[00:18:47] However, when you want to be guided about your life, do I turn right? Do I turn left? Yes. Consult the angels. If you feel, like, called to connect to that consciousness. But never, ever, ever, forego the voice of the higher self. That’s why when I’m channeling, I almost always just connect to higher self and source.

[00:19:11] I mean, if you connect with your higher self, you are connecting to source. However, it is a different frequency. Your higher self, uh, speaks to you from your heart space and it comes up like a feeling, like an emotion, and it often speaks to you in a very quick, short message. Like maybe you’ll just get the word rest, or you’ll get the word love

[00:19:34] Sometimes your higher self can have longer, more sophisticated messages for you. So it just depends, but if you notice that your higher self is speaking to you in really short little snippets, then don’t discount that. Don’t allow that to be a source of frustration, because you want something more specific.

[00:19:54] Hey, look. I’ve been a channel for a long time and I’ve channeled lots of messages for lots of clients. And I do notice that sometimes people want to shoot the spiritual messenger because they always, I shouldn’t say want, there’s a group of people out there who always want the message to be. more specific.

[00:20:15] It’s just not specific enough, Allison. And if I channel a message, such as rest or love yourself, they’ll get very frustrated. Because they want to know specifically, what do you mean by rest? What kind of rest? How do I rest? What does love mean? What are you trying to tell me? Give me a specific message.

[00:20:36] And typically, when that happens, And you get triggered. It just means there’s a wound there or some conditioning telling you in order for you to integrate the message or receive the wisdom, it has to be more specific and only a very specific message. Is really worth your consideration, and that is not at all the case. 

[00:20:59] So I’m going to channel a message for all of us from my higher self. And it is going to be more specific because I’m asking for, Oh, I mean, I, okay, back up. I have absolutely no idea what’s actually going to come through. So maybe I’m just going to get the word rest or authenticity, but here’s the cool thing.

[00:21:20] Let’s say I just get one word. Then what you can do is ask your higher self for more. And that’s not from a place of frustration, because you’re mad at your higher self for not giving you something more specific. And if you feel that anger and frustration, release it first. Feel the feels, breathe, release, think of the thoughts, it has to be more specific and order it for it to be valuable.

[00:21:47] Imagine that thought is true, feel the feels, breathe, release. And then ask your higher self what it means by that word or that message fragment or whatever is coming through. So you can go deeper and deeper and deeper. And you can also do journaling, free flow journaling. I got the word rest. And just do some journaling or some intercontemplation.

[00:22:09] What does the word rest mean for me at this point in my journey? Because what it meant last year is going to be something different than what it means in this moment. So, speaking of this moment, I’m going to channel a powerful message from our collective, I’m, I’m, I’m plugging into our collective higher selves.

[00:22:33] For a message for all of us in this moment, and it’s going to be relevant for you Whichever moment in time that you chose to push play on this episode

[00:22:47] Taking a deep breath you can take one with me filling up the lower part of the belly, ha Coming into the present moment Connecting to my heart space Connecting to my higher self

[00:23:05] and asking also connecting to your higher self And asking what message wants to come through in this moment,

[00:23:23] and I’m just gonna pause there and say, I’m not channeling yet. Typically, when you are getting messages from your higher self, it comes up from the heart space. Like an emotion, but I am feeling the message come in through my third eye chakra because I’m plugged into your higher self. So because it’s more than just my higher self, that’s why the message is coming into my third eye chakra.

[00:23:52] So I just want to like repeat that message. The only voice, the only consciousness that can speak from your heart is the voice of your higher self. So I was actually curious as I was about to channel. I’m like, oh, is this gonna come up from my heart even though I’m connected to other higher selves?

[00:24:11] And you know, I am really then connected in the source, right? Because Your higher self is that piece of you that’s connected in a source. So anyway, this is sort of a hybrid Channeling, but I did want to explain that so you start to get a deeper Understanding of the different ways that divine consciousness speaks to us.

[00:24:31] So anyway, I guess I’m just channeling source here but I’m bringing together all of the consciousness that tunes into this podcast, and I’m tuning into that specific consciousness that is part of Source. So it’s nuanced, and yes, ultimately it’s just Source, but I think it’s important as we get more sophisticated with our gifts to go into this more nuanced space.

[00:24:59] Okay, I’ll stop talking now so we can just get to the message. Thank you for listening and connecting in to your higher self.

[00:25:13] We’re going to start this message, uh, where this podcast episode started, and that is with the deconditioning that wants to happen for lightworkers on planet. And it is such an important. Aspect of your spiritual growth and yes, it’s about healing those wounds that you hold inside and healing those core wounds and healing the ancestral wounds and in addition to that, it is the deconditioning.

[00:25:48] The deconditioning that comes from the collective fear that tells you stories that are illusions, but they are stories that you live by.

[00:26:08] And deconditioning just really starts with awareness. Using your emotional compass. To notice when you’re feeling off or out of alignment, or sad, or mad, or triggered. And noticing the thought that’s triggering the negative emotions or the painful emotions. And asking the question, is this thought coming from me, or is it coming from conditioning?

[00:26:46] You may get the answer, yes, yes. It’s coming from you and conditioning because you have a wound there inside that’s ready to be released and you require some deconditioning from the collective illusions. So in that case, you want to heal the wound first, release the wound, and then go into a deconditioning process where you

[00:27:22] Rewrite the story and you can only effectively rewrite the story if you’ve released any block energy that may be present. So if you try to rewrite the story and you have lots of anger or sadness or shame present, the new story is not going to feel true. And you’re not going to be able to attach to that new story and really integrate that new story and then live by that new story.

[00:27:54] So the release first is super important and then post release you want to go to a story that feels somewhat true. It doesn’t have to feel 100 percent true. So, deconditioning and reprogramming takes time, and it takes a lot of repetition. So you just want to go with, start with, does it feel sort of true?

[00:28:25] And does it feel uplifting? Does it feel freeing? Does it feel like it’s really connected to my truth? Does it feel like a story that enables me to be my authentic self?

[00:28:47] So to give you an example, maybe your conditioned thought is I have to work really hard to be successful, and I have to work even if I’m tired, even if I’m sick, even if I’m just feeling off, I have to work. And if I don’t, I am not valuable. I am worthless. If I don’t work, I am worthless because the only way to add value is to work hard in that classical sense of work.

[00:29:25] And we are inviting you to rewrite that story to be, I am valuable because I exist. I am. Therefore, I am valuable. Every day, I exist. I create value in the world. So find that story, find that thought that feels like it’s going in the direction of your truth. And see if you can repeat it over and over again like a mantra.

[00:30:07] I am valuable because I am.

[00:30:11] I create value because I am. I add value to the world because I exist.

[00:30:21] And our invitation for you this week is to notice those stories that aren’t serving you anymore. That’s bringing down your energetic vibration. That’s causing you to feel sadness, overwhelm, shame, painful emotions. And just ask yourself, what is the story I’m telling myself? Is that story coming from me?

[00:30:53] Or collective conditioning? If you get the answer both, and it’s likely you will, at least at the beginning, Release what’s inside of you first. Take deep breaths of release. Ahhhh. Connect to your higher self. And ask your higher self for the story of truth. Write that story down. Write it on a sticky note.

[00:31:24] Write it on your journal. Write it in your daily planner. And say it again. And again, and again, until it becomes part of your story. It becomes a story that anchors you in and anchors in the way you live. And it’s integrated into your experience, into your actions, into your being. And then, move on to the next story that’s no longer serving you.

[00:31:53] Wishing you blessings. Whoo! So this is Allison talking again. That message was channeled, but it’s really funny because I am in a quasi channel state, like, whenever I’m recording an episode, so If that kind of, as I was channeling, I’m like, Oh, this sounds like stuff I say all the time because this is what I teach and this is what I’m here to help you understand at a deeper level.

[00:32:20] And so I channel this kind of stuff a lot and it is similar to things I’ve said over and over and over again. But this is the message that wanted to come through and remember everybody it’s in the repetition. It is how we learn. It is not from the one and done and the ah ha and that specific message that comes through from the divine that says on Tuesday at 2 p.

[00:32:43] m. You’re gonna, get called to buy a lottery ticket, and then you’re gonna win two million dollars. I mean that is just not ever how spiritual growth looks like. It’s always in the slow, the subtle, the consistent, the repetition over time. And with that slow, subtle, consistent repetition over time, that’s when massive spiritual growth starts to take place.

[00:33:10] So if you liked that message, oh beautiful, I invite you to take on that invitation and start noticing to the next degree of awareness those stories that you’re telling yourself, especially the ones that are weighing you down. If you felt like, oh, Allison, I wanted a different message, I wanted something more specific or I wanted a razzle dazzle, you know, something I can really sink my teeth into.

[00:33:37] In a more interesting way, just notice, notice that and just ask why, why do you need something more specific or something different? Is there something that you need to release so that you can go back to the repetition of that that you already probably knew but are just being asked to live deeper into that wisdom and to integrate it even deeper into your experience.

[00:34:07] Alright , that’s a wrap for this week. Thank you so much for tuning in this week and every week. I’m really feeling called to like, you know, Soul Guide Radio. You know, I feel like it’s going to be going through another Metamorphosis, I feel like this is my year to go bold. So I’m gonna be going much bolder on this show.

[00:34:28] I might be changing the name of it or like thinking about some sort of rebrand. So that’s a possibility. But it’s going to remain its focus on soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs who are on the leading edge of consciousness, who want to connect to and co create with the spiritual realm at more and more sophisticated levels to really do the big work in the world that you feel called to do and you really need that.

[00:34:56] Really sophisticated, connected connection with the divine to really be able to step into that bigness of your full potential and fulfill those big soul missions and have that big massive impact that you know that you’re here to make and I’m here to help you and this podcast is here to help you do all of that.

[00:35:18] And if you think you might be interested in learning more about my Signature Certification course that helps you do all of that, so you can really just be better at what you do because you have the full access to your soul power, then I do invite you to check out Soul Blueprint. I am expanding Soul Blueprint out to be a six month experience instead of a three month and it’s going to be lots of mentorship from me and it’s going to be, just a six month spiritual awakening of true ahas and taking your spiritual abilities to places that you never thought possible. And I’m very, very excited to be your mentor on this journey if you’re feeling called towards that. And if you are feeling called and curious, then head over to allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint

[00:36:12] And if enrollment is closed, you can join the soul list and that’s the bonus filled waiting list that will let you know the next time a cohort is opening up. All right, dear ones, thank you so much for tuning in this week. I’m so grateful for you. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. 

[00:36:38] Hi, dear ones. Listen here. The soul blueprint certification program is a road map to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals how to activate your five unique spiritual gifts. So you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business.

[00:37:08] Learn more and enroll atallysonscammell.com/soulblueprint or if enrollment is closed, you can join the soul list. So you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses. Again, that’s allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint

00:00 Intro

00:47 The Illusion of Productivity

01:54 Connecting with Your Higher Self

07:00 The Spiritual Transition of 2027

10:23 Understanding Your Higher Self and Source

16:13 Dealing with Dark Energy

21:02 Channeling Messages from the Higher Self

28:50 Rewriting Your Story

32:01 Conclusion

Let's invite in your Spiritual Gifts so you can get your clients massive results and create a Referral Buzz!
Let's invite in your Spiritual Gifts so you can get your clients massive results and create a Referral Buzz!

Discover how with SOUL BLUEPRINT –
A 6-month certification program revealing a proven leading-edge spiritual modality that will amplify your 5 Spiritual Gifts, maximize your coaching and healing skills, and help you experience more repeat business, enthusiastic referrals, and glowing testimonials.

Enrollment is now open for the March Cohort!

Discover how with SOUL BLUEPRINT –
A 6-month certification program revealing a proven leading-edge spiritual modality that will:

  • amplify your 5 Spiritual Gifts,
  • maximize your coaching and healing skills, and
  • help you to create MASSIVE results in your clients’ lives – leading to more repeat business, enthusiastic referrals, and glowing testimonials.

    Enrollment is now open for the March Cohort!