Untethering Yourself

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Astrid, my greyhound, isn’t just a beloved member of the family — she’s also my life coach in many ways and the inspiration for this episode of Soul Guide Radio! As a greyhound, Astrid’s lineage includes thousands of years of breeding for hunting skills and instinct. When she’s chasing rabbits, she is working in her zone of genius. For the sake of the rabbits, I need to keep her tethered on her leash, which keeps a source of joy just out of her reach.

If you think about it, I’m sure you can identify areas in your life where you keep YOURSELF tethered — where you put a leash on the pursuit of your own dreams and desires, and hold yourself back from experiences that will bring you joy and excitement. This is YOUR version of chasing rabbits. It’s an act that entices you not because of a promised reward at the end, but because simply doing this thing IS the reward.

We tether ourselves from these experiences out of fear — fear of failure, fear of outshining those around us, fear of not living up to the expectations of others. We leash ourselves up to stay safe, but this safety keeps us from living (and thriving!) in the present moment, tapping into the absolute joy of our own focused, untethered energy, and developing mastery through overcoming challenges. Letting yourself fully experience the thrill of the chase can be a powerful form of manifestation, so I encourage you to go after those rabbits!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • Why it’s likely you’re currently tethering yourself in one way or another — and the right way to untether 
  • Why untethering is essential for your joy, growth, fulfillment, and success
  • An invitation that will have you tasting the freedom and exhilaration of no longer holding yourself back

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Be in contemplation. What is your chase the rabbit? Notice if and how you are tethering yourself and begin the journey of healing your way to untethering.

[00:00:00] Hey. Hey ho dear Ones. How we doing on this? Fine, fine day. I have another app taking that again. I have another episode brought to you by my beloved Greyhound Astrid. She, uh, is my life coach in so many ways and. We love to walk in the dunes. I live below sea level, so the thing that protects me from the ocean is some built up sand dunes.

[00:00:29] So when I walk to the beach, I walk uphill the whole way and it’s sand, but it’s also beautiful dune grass and trees, and it’s just my magical place. I love to go with Astrid. And the other day we were walking. Taking that again. And there’s a spot in the dunes where there are rabbits, rabbits live there and they, there’s a concentration of them in this one area, and I call it rabbit alley.

[00:00:59] And whenever I walk Astrid through Rabbit Alley, she goes nuts. Because Astrid has been bred for thousands of years. The Greyhound is one of the oldest dog breeds to chase rabbits. That’s her. She chases rabbits. It is when she is in her joy, her thrill, her genius. It is what she’s here for to do, and I feel so cruel taking her through Rabbit Alley and keeping her tethered on her leash.

[00:01:42] And the other day I was walking her. And I realized how we tether ourselves, how we put a leash on our own dreams and desires and experiences, and we tether ourselves from going after the thrill of the chase for the rabbit. And that is the inspiration behind this episode. That is what we’re gonna unpack.

[00:02:13] So why don’t we go ahead and get right to it. In today’s episode, I reveal why it’s likely you are now tethering yourself. Why untethering freeing yourself is essential for your joy and success, and I’ll share the right way to untether, I’ll end taking that again.

[00:02:37] I’ll end on an invitation that will have you tasting the freedom and exhilaration of no longer holding yourself. Taking that again, I’ll end on an invitation that will have you tasting the freedom. An exhilaration of no longer holding yourself back from the greatness you’re here to experience. So be sure to stay with me until the end.

[00:03:00] Insert intro music. Well, hello Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs in the Soul Guide Circle. We are pursuing our soul guided dreams while lifting up humanity. Find a link to join our close Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes.

[00:03:22] Today we’re talking about Untethering, brought to you by my dog and my Spanish Greyhound, Astrid. So why is it likely that we are tethering ourselves now? Well, the first and foremost, it’s the same reason why I don’t let Astrid off her leash. Yes, it’s illegal. Okay. I could get a fine. And yes, when she’s on the trail of a rabbit, she’s kind of out of her mind.

[00:03:52] So she could be a danger to herself. You know, greyhounds are very, uh, injury prone, so jumping up and down and all around. She could hurt herself and she wouldn’t ever hurt another person, but she could get overly anxious with another dog. I don’t think she would ever do anything aggressive, but I wouldn’t wanna find out.

[00:04:14] But beyond that, I never let her off her leash because she’d be gone. Now, of course, I could put a GPS tracker on her. But we’re walking through the dunes and I walk her through rabbit alley and she senses Rabbit, and I let her off the leash.

[00:04:33] Sh in 15 minutes she’d be in Belgium. I mean, she is so fast and she would get so excited. I don’t even know where she’d end up. She would take off and be gone. And so obviously I’m not gonna let her off her leash. And the reason why is because I want to keep her safe. I want to keep her safe, so I keep her leashed from.

[00:05:05] What she’s here to do. She’s here to chase rabbits. Okay? She probably has a new soul mission now, which is to be part of our family and be companion, have companionship with our family and heal. Okay? So now she’s got a new soul mission cuz she’s not chasing rabbits and she’s not gonna chase rabbits. Okay, but let’s just, um, imagine with me that her original Soul mission, she’s really here.

[00:05:31] She’s designed in a physical sense, in an energetic sense to chase rabbits. And that is her thrill. Her thrill, unfortunately is not hanging out with me. I’d like to think it is. She is not an emotional support animal, let me tell you that. She’s evolved beyond a lot of things that we rely on dogs for.

[00:05:51] Sadly, for me, she’s like, get your own emotional support from within. , and whatever her soul mission is now, the point is nothing is gonna enliven that dog, like the thrill of the chase of chasing rabbits. And we all have that.

[00:06:15] We all have a thrill. And it’s such a great metaphor for what our goals and our dreams should look like. What is your chase the rabbit, that thing you do where doing it is the reward. It’s not what you receive after you do it.

[00:06:38] It’s not catching the rabbit. It is the journey. It is the act. It’s enlivens you. It gives you joy, it gives you everything you need.

[00:06:54] And we tether ourselves back from really chasing our rabbits because we fear, we have fears. We fear failure. We fear we’re not good enough. We fear others won’t understand. We fear we might outshine our partner. We fear we won’t live up to the expectations of somebody. So we put a leash on ourselves. We do it all the time.

[00:07:20] We leash ourselves up to stay safe from not hurting ourselves and not hurting someone else.

[00:07:34] But what would happen if we took the tether off? If we unhooked it, what would happen?

[00:07:49] Well, let’s get back to Astrid. So when she is walking through Rabbit Alley, she is completely in the present moment. She is utilizing her senses. She has a gifted sense of smell. Her nose is going crazy. She’s actually a sight hound. Which means they have superior vision, so she’s looking up, down, right, left.

[00:08:24] Her body posture is just ready to take off, and if I did let her off her leash, she would sprint in this very fluid focused energy. She’s designed a sprint. And greyhounds are also also gifted, uh, taking that again, and Greyhounds are also gifted jumpers and Spanish greyhounds because they are bred to run through fields, not around tracks.

[00:08:55] They think three dimensionally instead of two dimensionally. So she’s thinking up, down, what’s the fastest way to get through this forest to get to the rabbit?

[00:09:09] And it’s such a focused energy and it’s completely untethered. I don’t think that the best trained greyhound in the world would come to you if you called it when it was in the middle of chasing a rabbit off the leash. It cannot. Once it senses Rabbit and it is free, it’s gone. It’s gone and it’s in its passion.

[00:09:47] It’s in itself mastery utilizing its five senses, using its intuition, using its ability to run fast and jump high to chase. Something that moves as fast as it does. Not that many animals except for like a cheetah. And by the way, cheetahs and greyhounds have the same body type and running style, which I find kind of cool.

[00:10:14] Very few things can keep up with a greyhound. Rabbits can do pretty good. They’re pretty darn fast. And they dart around and they’re small and they jump into holes. They’re good at hiding. So they challenge the Greyhound in a way that’s just exhilarating to them. It’s exhilarating. I wish you could see it.

[00:10:33] I’ll take a video of it sometime. Of what Astrid does when she senses the rabbit. The annoying part is she doesn’t ever wanna leave rabbit alley and I have to drag her out at a certain point. I’m like, all right, I gotta get back to work Astrid. So that’s annoying.

[00:10:52] But when we tether ourselves, when we’re in pursuit of our passions, we rob ourselves of joy and success. We’re robbing it because we’re pinning ourselves down, holding ourselves back because of fears. And those fears are. They’re part of our experience. They’re our blocks, our wounds, our social conditioning.

[00:11:22] Those fears are not a reason to beat ourselves up. It’s just awareness. This is awareness. We’ve put a tether on ourselves to the amount of joy and success we can experience. So it’s so important to notice when we’re doing it and to take off the leash. To unhook so we can go into the joy, the pure joy of the chase of the rabbit,

[00:12:07] And this is such a good example. And metaphor for manifestation.

[00:12:17] So we have a goal. Let’s imagine I’m Astrid. And my goal is to. Catch a rabbit. Clear simple focused. Not muddled. I want to catch a rabbit. Okay.

[00:12:33] My passion. My exhilaration. My focus then becomes. The thrill of the chase. When we make it about the journey. That’s when it doesn’t matter if we catch the rabbit or not, it just doesn’t matter.

[00:12:54] If I’m Astrid,. I’m utilizing all of my genius, my speed, my smell, my sight, my jumping, my intuition. In that thrill of the chase.

[00:13:10] And if I don’t catch the rabbit, it’s okay. Cause I got to experience the joy and exhilaration of the journey. And when you’re in a joy and exhilarated state and you’re in that energy frequency for longer and longer periods of time. Then guess what you start manifesting in your outer reality.

[00:13:33] Experiences circumstances, physical results that bring you joy, exhilaration, success, abundance. And it might be the rabbit. You might actually catch the rabbit, but it might be something else.

[00:13:48] This or something better.

[00:13:53] So, let me ask you, what is your chase? The rabbit.

[00:13:58] What is something that when you do it, it’s not really a doing, it’s a being you’re out of your body. You’re just, it’s joy. It’s just the joy for doing it, being it.

[00:14:10] And when I was walking Astro through the dunes and the idea came to me for this episode, I was really in tears because I was like, Thinking about how I put a leash on myself and it just made me want to cry. But I leashed myself. And it came out of the context of. I feel mean sometimes we Astrid. There’s something cool about preventing her from what she is born to do.

[00:14:38] And I feel mean.

[00:14:42] And then in the context of thinking, I am mean for leashing her, how cruel am I? At least myself.

[00:14:50] I mean, I can’t take Astrid off the leash because she’ll run away and it’s illegal. But I don’t need to leash myself.

[00:14:59] I don’t need to leash myself. Yes. If I untether and I really go for it, I could get hurt. I could fail. I could disappoint others. I can make others feel bad about themselves. All of that could happen.

[00:15:20] But nothing hurts worse.

[00:15:24] Fed knowing. That. I’m the one. Tethering myself. And holding myself back. From experiencing the full range of joy. And the full range of soul line accessed. Taking that again. And the full range of soul aligned success that I’m destined to experience.

[00:15:49] My soul is yearning to experience.

[00:15:57] So when I asked myself, well, what is my chase? The rabbit. But there are many answers and you’ll have many answers to, but the first answer that came to me was this podcast.

[00:16:10] Doing this podcast for you right now. Feels like a chase, the rabbit moment. I feel like I’m utilizing all my gifts. I’m in service to you. I’m in high alignment of my own. Self-mastery utilizing my, my energy. My know-how. . Using my voice. In a way that feels exhilarating and joyful and in service to you.

[00:16:35] And if you listen to this and say, buy gum, I’m going to go to Alison’s website and enroll for, uh, one of her classes or her membership. Then that’s. So beautiful. And I cannot wait to serve you on a deeper level. And if you just say now’s not the right time and I just I’m loving, receiving from Alison in this moment.

[00:17:00] Beautiful. Beautiful.

[00:17:06] Because when I’m focused on the journey,

[00:17:12] When I’m focused just on my love. My absolute joy of recording these episodes. When I’m, when I’m in my right energy. So I’m well rested. I’ve been taking care of myself. I’ve been doing things that bring me joy that make my content well very full. So I have all these lovely ideas to share. When I’m in that energy, that part of myself mastery high expression.

[00:17:42] This is all I need.

[00:17:44] I have everything I could ever need. I’m chasing the rabbit. And I really want to untether myself. In this podcast and the, my, in my other areas of my life that are. Taking that again. And the other areas of my life that are my chase, the rabbit.

[00:18:06] And I don’t want to hold myself back.

[00:18:10] So that brings us nicely to how do we do it the right way? So when we take the leash off, we don’t injure ourselves or get lost.

[00:18:20] Or do something illegal.

[00:18:23] Well, Sometimes. You’re meant to get a little lost it’s part of your path. Sometimes you’re even meant to get injured, but injuries by does by divine design.

[00:18:39] Taking that again, that injury is by divine design because there’s something you need from it.

[00:18:47] You guys, I’ve got the channel 28 38, the channel of struggle.

[00:18:53] Aye. Am meant to be challenged in this lifetime and get the lessons and pass the lessons on to you. It’s one of the reasons I’m here. If your profile line in your human design is a three. You are just meant to be always an experimentation. You came up fail. Because you are here to learn from all of those times where it didn’t go according to plan.

[00:19:22] It’s not a failure. It’s just those moments. It didn’t go as you anticipated or expected or intended.

[00:19:30] And you are one of the world’s great experimenters, but we all have all parts of the chart. So even if you don’t have the three line or the 28 38. There’s going to be some piece of your energy that is about learning from mistakes. And passing those lessons on to others. And ultimately we’re all here to heal because healing is the path.

[00:19:54] And we need to get injured. Either physically or emotionally or mentally or whatever it is that’s happening.

[00:20:02] In order to heal.

[00:20:05] And that’s how we grow and evolve to the next level of our potential. So the right way to do it is to be gentle and aware. You’re aware. I’m taking my leash off. I’m untethering myself. To really chase the rabbit.

[00:20:26] And.

[00:20:29] If I get triggered. Thank goodness, because that means there was a wound that’s ready to be released. If I get hurt. It’s going to be. Uncomfortable. But I’m going to be healing as well, because if you’re hurt, there’s a wound that’s ready to be healed. And getting the lesson so that the next time I’m chasing my rabbit.

[00:20:55] I won’t get hurt in that way.

[00:21:00] I’ve learned. So. Many lessons. About how I can podcast. So that’s my chase, the rabbit, one of my Chase’s. Taking that again. So one of my chase, the rabbits is podcasting. Right? And taking that again. So one of the ways I chase the rabbit is by podcasting. And I’ve learned so much from years of podcasting and recording over 200 episodes.

[00:21:31] I know how to do it in a way that’s in high expression. I’ve podcasted from a place of complete burnout. I’ve podcasted to. Zero audience. Where I didn’t have any listeners. I’ve podcasted on topics that fell flat. That didn’t feel good to me. Record to record. I’ve interviewed people that I knew weren’t a good fit for the show, but I thought that they were maybe a sexy title or they had a lot of social followers and it would work out it didn’t.

[00:22:06] And I’ve, you know, and I’ve, I’ve suffered from compare and despair. You know, I’ve worked so hard to grow this podcast. And I’ve seen others. Launch a podcast and within months they’re bigger than I am. That’s so painful. When you get into the compare and despair. How is it that I’m working my butt off to create something that means so much to me.

[00:22:33] Is my, one of my chase, the rabbit. It’s one of the ways I taken that again. It means so much. How is it? Taking that again. How is it that I spend so much time creating something that means so much to me, it’s how I chase the rabbit. I do it in deep service to you. And. Uh, my perception it’s growing so slowly.

[00:22:56] And others can grow. There’s so much faster. It’s not fair. And that hurts. Leffler not to care. I care a little bit still. But I’ve learned to care less and less and less. And to no longer compare and despair and focus on my experience. And I grow at the rate that I meant to grow.

[00:23:19] I have really learned how to.

[00:23:23] Run this podcast in a way that’s in complete alignment to my energy, the messages I want to share.

[00:23:31] And. Getting to know my human design type has helped a whole heck of a lot.

[00:23:38] You know, for example, I can’t really record a podcast on a topic. If it feels hard. It has got to flow out of me with like a passion and an ease, or it doesn’t flow at all. Like at all.

[00:23:55] I always find my three main points typically. And that’s all. I have three bullet points. Right now I’m looking at my three bullet points for today. Y it’s highly likely that you are now tethering yourself. Why untethering yourself as essential for your joint success and the right way to untether? That’s my notes for this episode. That’s the best way.

[00:24:20] Sometimes I have more notes. Because there’s people I want to reference maybe some human design stuff. That’s okay. And I will do that, but those are always harder for me. They don’t flow like I’m flowing right now. And I’m just in a channel state. I’m totally in my body from the neck down connected to higher self and source. And it’s just following through me.

[00:24:50] And I’m chasing my rabbit right now.

[00:24:53] But if you weren’t there listening, I wouldn’t have it. Rabbit chase. So you and I co-create this together. And I just want you to know that. I get so much feedback on this podcast from people. How it changes their lives.

[00:25:11] I have one client who’s like behind, but she won’t just skip ahead till today. So she’s on podcasts from a year ago. And she’s so committed to listening to everyone.

[00:25:24] And she’ll. Send me a message about that thing I just said, and it was so amazing. And I was like, Boy, I didn’t just say that. I said that about a year and a half ago. But to her it’s landing for her at just the right time. It just, the moment she needs it.

[00:25:42] And that’s a gift of this podcast.

[00:25:46] I really strive to give you what you need on a soul level level. The minute you need it. The minute you feel called to push play.

[00:25:57] So the right way to untether is to just do it. And ask the question.

[00:26:09] What is my chase, the rabbit. And where am I tethering myself? Because of fears. And how can I start? Healing those fears.

[00:26:23] Without the healing. It’s going to be very difficult to take the leash off. I’ll tell you that right now. It will be forced. And it won’t. Feel like flow and passion. So you want to start with the wounds?

[00:26:48] And you can start with the fear that feels most prominent. You know, you can just say to yourself, I’d love to take my. Taking that again. And you can just start with the wound that feels most prominent. Just say. I’d love to take my tether off. Taking that again. Just say to yourself, I’d love to untether, but.

[00:27:09] What’s the first thought that comes to you. That’s a wound. So imagine the thought is a hundred percent true.

[00:27:18] And then fully and completely feel the fields that are triggered when the thought feels true. Breathe and release. You’ve just taken. That is the first step. To untethering. Is he feeling. And healing. Is really the right way to on a tether. And it’s really the only way.

[00:27:44] And. I shouldn’t say the only way.

[00:27:50] Taking that again. So healing is really the right way and the way to untether. And after healing, it’s just awareness. Sometimes we’re healed, but we fall into the pressures. Of. Social conditioning. Into old patterns. So notice if you’re just in an old pattern of tethering.

[00:28:15] And be aware and be mindful.

[00:28:19] Because you’re here. To be in the passion.

[00:28:24] Taking that again.

[00:28:27] Because when you discover your chase, the rabbit moment. It’s really.

[00:28:34] An energy frequency of doing, being flowing. Service to others, joy exhilaration, elation creation, connection, contribution, love. And it’s in the moment. And there’s no. Focus. And yes, you have an end state in your mind’s eye. Catch the rabbit. But it’s not about that. It’s about the thrill of the chase.

[00:29:06] And when you really embrace that. And you just give yourself permission to detach.

[00:29:15] From the pressure that you got to catch the rabbit, you don’t have to catch the rabbit. You don’t have to.

[00:29:22] It is my promise. I’m getting this straight from source. You guys. Sources saying right now, you don’t have to catch the rabbit. But sources saying, be in the thrill of the chase. That is your mission. To be in the thrill of the chase. What is your thrill of the chase?

[00:29:46] That is your mission to uncover. Dad is your mission to untether yourself. So that you may be it and do it fully and completely.

[00:29:58] And when you are. In that energy. Unattached from the outcome. That is when my friends.

[00:30:09] The clients com the love relationships, the friendships, the money, the health. The wealth the would ever it is. You wish to bring into your experience? That is when it arrives. With an ease. And a flow.

[00:30:31] I use these words a lot, but I really mean it from my heart.

[00:30:36] It will arrive with an ease and a flow that will leave you all inspired. Every time it happens.

[00:30:49] My dear ones. My invitation.

[00:30:53] Taking that again.

[00:30:56] My dear ones. My invitation for you this week is two. Be in contemplation. What is your chase? The rabbit. Notice if and how you’re tethering yourself.

[00:31:12] And begin the journey of healing your way. To untethering.

[00:31:21] So that you may fully and completely immerse yourself in the joy and soul aligned success. Taking that again. So that you may fully immerse yourself. And the joy. And soul line success. You are here to experience.

[00:31:45] And if you receive something. Connecting. From this podcast. I am so grateful. For a rating and review. It is how more people find us. And there are others out there who need this content.

[00:32:02] And I will read. Your review. Live on the air. Taking that again. And of course I will leave. Take that again. And of course I will read your review on the air. And as always. Until next time, may your soul. Guide the way.


00:01  Intro

03:39  Astrid & the rabbits

06:05  Why do we tether?

07:41  Focused energy & joy

11:24  The thrill of the chase & manifestation

13:12  You don’t need to leash yourself

14:43  ‘Chase the rabbit’ moments

16:36  Untethering the right way

25:15  Conclusion & invitation

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