Turning Life Challenges Into a Great Adventure  

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Adventures are fun and challenges suck… right? Let’s think again! When you consciously approach life’s challenges as great adventures, it can activate something deep inside yourself and empower you to handle these tough times with more ease – while releasing wounds, learning valuable lessons, and shifting into something higher!

The truth is that we NEED challenges in order to reach our dreams. They’re a vital and necessary part of the journey to realize and fulfil our big soul missions. In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I empower you to transform the way that you approach the challenges that you encounter along your path, so that you can move through them (and learn from them) without being derailed!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How challenges trigger your wounds and give you the opportunity to heal
  • How to identify and embrace the gifts inside your challenges (yes, even the really big challenges!) 
  • An invitation that will have you turning the lessons you learn from your challenges into a roadmap for soul-aligned success!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Think of one challenge in your life or business that has been a nuisance. Spend some time feeling the feels, breathing, and releasing any energy blocks around that challenge determining what lessons it has given you. Once you have found the lessons, find how you can turn it into an adventure going forward.

[00:00:00] Hey, ho, dear ones, a few days before recording this episode, we had a powerful full moon aligned to the human design gate 28, which is the gate of adventure and challenge. Huh? I have this gate defined. And like, why would it be called the Gate of Adventure and Challenge? Adventures are fun and challenges suck, right?

[00:00:28] Well, there’s a reason why it is called this gate. And it’s an empowering reason. And when you really tap into the energy of this gate, and it doesn’t matter if you have it defined or not, you really can activate something inside yourself that is a true empowerment. For you to say, look, right, I have all these challenges in my life and they do suck, but I’m going to learn how to empower myself so that I can handle them with an ease, getting the lessons, getting the healing, shifting out to something higher and using that lessons and healing to actually start to really bring.

[00:01:18] The things that I really want to bring into my experience, into my experience, because it’s often our challenges that are required on our path to reaching our dreams, right? We can not reach some of our dreams without certain challenges, isn’t that crazy? But then when we are on the path and we reach the challenge, it can be like, Oh my gosh, it’s the wrong dream, I’m a failure.

[00:01:49] The challenges can derail our efforts. So then we never get to the dream, but we needed the challenge to get to the dream. So friends, you are in the right place. I’m going to tell you what to do to get over this conundrum and get to the other side. And to turn life’s challenges into a great adventure.

[00:02:14] And before I get into any of that, I do want to share a listener review. This comes from MB underscore Rudy, and she gives us five stars. Thank you. And says, divine timing. Allyson has a way of showing up in my earbuds at exactly the right time. Okay. With poignant spiritual messages. That is right. MB underscore Rudy.

[00:02:38] That is what I’m here to do. That is what I set the intention to do. I tune into your energy before I even think about what I’m going to record for the day, because I want to give you exactly what you need on a soul level. And I’m going to be doing that today. So buckle up. Here we go. In today’s episode, I reveal how to find the gift.

[00:03:00] Gifts inside your challenges, even the really big challenges, how those gifts are the things that you actually need to lead you to your dreams coming true and how to turn those challenges into great adventures. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you transforming your every day into a thrill ride of adventure so you can turn the lessons your challenges bring you into a roadmap for big soul aligned success.

[00:03:28] So please. Stay with me until the end. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission. Amplify your spiritual gifts. And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:03:58] I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:04:06] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses. That are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at allysonscammell.com

[00:04:25] or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking about how to turn your challenges into adventures. I have the divine channel. I have this gate defined 28, the gate of challenge. Struggle and adventure. I have the 38 defined, so that means I’ve got the channel 2838, which is the channel of the fighter. So what that means is I attract a lot of challenges into my life.

[00:04:56] When you are in low expression of this gate and this channel, life really sucks. You take on every struggle that comes your way and it leaves you with this feeling of why me? I look around and I see people doing this thing that I’m struggling so hard with, and I see other people doing it with relative ease.

[00:05:21] It is unfair. Life is unfair. Well, life is fair. We can make it fair. And if you feel like your life is unfair. If you’ve had periods of your life where it’s been lots of challenges, or maybe you’re in that period now where it just feels like one challenge after another, well, listen here. Because let’s just, just go ahead and assume it’s all fair.

[00:05:52] Everything is fair. Because everything is giving us what we need on a soul level. So it’s fair. It doesn’t mean you like it. It doesn’t mean you don’t want to change it. Let’s just accept it. We accept it. Acceptance of our challenges is the first step to be able to find the gifts and turn it into something higher, like an adventure.

[00:06:17] I accept it. Accept it. And if we know that we need some of our challenges to actually get to our dreams, because out the challenge there is no dream, then we can really find acceptance in our challenges. And the reason why that works is because sometimes we need what I like to call the gifts inside of our challenges in order to get to a dream.

[00:06:48] So the gifts are first and foremost healing. So we need to heal in order to reach a dream that we have for a life. We need the lesson. So often we have to taste, we have to really know what we don’t want before we can get to what we do want. And that goes beyond like imagining in our mind. I can imagine a lot of things in my mind.

[00:07:16] What I don’t want to experience, but some of those things I’m not really sure until I taste it, see it, sense it with my own experience. And then I can know, no, I don’t want this. This is not for me. And that is then going to point me to directly what it is I do want. It is the most powerful way to clarify what your bloody dreams are.

[00:07:42] And so often when I’m on the start of a journey with a new client and I say to her, what do you want? And she’ll say, yeah, well, I kind of want to have like a few clients in my business and I want to like, you know, get a couple of courses out there. And I’m like, that’s fantastic. But does that put a fire in your belly?

[00:08:02] Does that like say, I’m so passionate about this. Like I’m gonna jump out of bed every morning and get to work. And she’s like, well, no, but like, I don’t want to dream bigger than that because I’ll just get disappointed. I, I won’t be able to reach that. So I just want to be clear about what I can reach.

[00:08:20] And that’s when we start to do the work and say, listen, your dreams need to give you that fire in your belly, that passion. I want this so bad. Right? And we don’t get into the energy of over caring, which I actually talked about in last week’s episode on reaching your dreams by showing up, and we’ll leave a link to that episode in the show notes.

[00:08:46] So over caring is attachment, but like, we do need to care. Our dreams need to be big enough, and you know, small dreams we kind of care about. But it’s really the big dreams that are gonna get us lit up. And when we’re going after the big dreams, we definitely need along the path to taste what we don’t really want or what doesn’t really work to get us to what we do want and what does work.

[00:09:19] So the gifts inside of our challenges is the healing and then the lessons and the insights. And sometimes your higher self. is going to call you to something it knows you don’t want. And it knows you’re not going to like to help you heal, get the lesson and clarify so that you can get to what it is you do want and you don’t have that energy block in there anymore.

[00:09:46] Weighing you down and we’ll have what I call energy blocks. Those are the things that we need to heal. Energy blocks are kick the can for our dreams. They don’t take our dreams away. Nothing can take our dreams away, but what it does, it kicks the dreams down the road. Like kick the can. It just kicks it into the future away from the present moment.

[00:10:12] And what we’re trying to do is bring our dreams. Into our present moment, into our manifest reality, and the healing, the block, Healing it is required for that dream to come into your experience and we needed a trigger in the form of a challenge to bring the energy block into our conscious awareness, otherwise it would be tucked down inside of us to a place where we couldn’t feel and we wouldn’t know what’s there.

[00:10:45] So the challenge triggers the wound that comes to the surface of our energy so that we may feel it and release it. And then that brings our dream one step closer to us, one step closer to this present moment to our physical reality. So how do we find these gifts? We ask the question, the power of the question.

[00:11:10] I have a whole podcast episode I want to record. Um, the power of the pause to ask the right question. It can change your life and it certainly can change your whole perspective on a situation in a nanosecond. The power of the pause to ask the right question. So in your business, you’re trying to sell a program.

[00:11:34] You’re trying to sell your one and ones. You’re trying to sell a group program. You’re trying to sell something and the clients just ain’t coming and it’s a challenge and it’s triggering a lot of pain. The first question is, what’s the healing that needs to happen here? What’s the healing? What do I need to release?

[00:11:51] And then what are the lessons? If you get a client from one way that felt good, maybe you met a client at a sporting event of your kids. I would ask myself, how can I replicate that? I would bring good old fashioned business cards to the sporting events. I would strike up conversations. And yeah, I would talk about what I do and then when people say like, wow, that’s so interesting.

[00:12:18] Can you tell me more? Then that’s your invitation to say, Hey, yeah, absolutely. Here’s my card. Check out my website. I’ve got this free gift. You can sign up for my newsletter and get this cool thing. If you got a new client from one way that felt good, right? Because we’re always looking for those ways to bring in new clients and customers that feel good to us.

[00:12:37] How can you replicate that? That is a breadcrumb to tell you that this is a way to attract clients. Even if it seems very obscure and random and it was a one off, what was the energy you were in? When you got that client, what are the lessons that I can integrate into my experience to bring more of what it is I want to experience?

[00:13:03] That is the gift inside the challenge. So several years ago, my business was just taking off and it was just accelerated growth after accelerated growth. And I was very targeted on soul guided entrepreneurs to help them grow a prosperous heart led business, which is what I do today. But I was less focused on the spiritual aspect, although that was certainly a part of it.

[00:13:27] It was, you know, I was really serving those soul guided entrepreneurs. who are looking for heart led strategies, but I had not yet birthed my Soul Blueprint signature program, which is really the thing that I believe I am called to bring into the world and grow and scale. Like this is what my focus is being called towards, like all singing and all dancing towards Soul Blueprint.

[00:13:57] Well, several years ago, I was using Soul Blueprint all the time in my coaching, but I didn’t. I wasn’t calling it that, and I didn’t have it all kind of brought together in a very succinct methodology and certification program like I do today. But all of a sudden, my business just sort of slowed down. And it was, it coincided with the fact that I stopped.

[00:14:25] Offering some of my high end group programs, which is the thing that was really bringing in a lot of revenue. And I just felt called to stop offering that. So obviously that would mean that a decrease in business revenue, but it was almost like, I don’t even know, like. I wasn’t really thinking about any of this too much.

[00:14:45] It was just all sort of happening. You know, I’m very surrendered to the voice of my higher self. So I was just surrendered and taking the action that my higher self had called me to and everything really slowed down. And I even took on way fewer private clients. So that’s also a big source of revenue.

[00:15:05] So that was a slowdown. And then before you know it, I had a much smaller revenue, but I hadn’t decreased my expenses yet. And I was like, whoa, this is not sustainable. And it took me a weirdly long time to like connect those dots because I was just kind of, to be honest, I was just surrendered. And I wasn’t really kind of paying attention.

[00:15:29] I was just doing what my heart was calling me to and my heart had not said, Hey, Allyson, go decrease all your expenses. My heart just hadn’t called me to that because I think I was being led into this challenge on purpose. And the challenge I was being led into is a decrease in revenue, but not a decrease in expense.

[00:15:50] And all of a sudden I had no profit. And I was like, Oh, okay, something has got to change. So I had to totally decrease my expenses. And at that team time, I’d had a pretty big team. Actually, I had almost one full time employee. I had a marketing manager that I was paying a lot of money to Facebook ads, copywriter, podcast editor, a branding person, a web person.

[00:16:21] I had this really amazing team I had built and I was like, I can’t, I don’t have the revenue for any of this anymore. So I had to like, let people know, like, I just like, it was all freelance work. So it wasn’t like I was really letting anybody go, but I had to let all these folks know that I couldn’t continue for a while or I had to really decrease hours.

[00:16:44] And it was really the amazing gift in that, as I’d grown, I had grown to a level where I was, I had inadvertently become disconnected from my business. And there were things in my business that I hadn’t done in a really long time and I had lost sight of. So that forced me to kind of connect into all the various parts of my business.

[00:17:08] And for a while there, I didn’t even have a virtual assistant. Which is something I’ve always had since like 2018. And so I was doing everything myself for a while, which was how I got started, of course. And it was painful and overwhelming. But when I. I released the pain, you know, leaned into the pain, released it, and then turned the overwhelm into adventure.

[00:17:42] I decided to turn the overwhelm of like, Whoa, I had all these people helping me in my business. And now I, there was a slice of a time it lasted for about a month. It wasn’t that long. where I was kind of, except for like podcast support and a few other things, I had no one. And I just said, right. I feel completely overwhelmed, how, I mean, okay, so I’ve done the healing, I’ve released the overwhelm.

[00:18:13] Now, how can I turn this into an adventure? How can I figure this out? Okay, there’s a whole host of things I’m just not gonna do because I don’t have the bandwidth and I’m gonna really look at my time. And I got to think about what’s the absolute most important prioritized way I can structure my day and my week so I get the biggest bang out of the energy I put in my business.

[00:18:42] I cannot be distracted on the little things over here and the little things over there. I have to be laser focused on the things that bring me the biggest return. And it was such a gift because it really taught me to hone how to focus on business priorities. What are the things that bring me the biggest return?

[00:19:07] biggest results. That’s what I’m going to focus on. If I don’t have someone else to give the other stuff to, to delegate the other stuff to, it just won’t happen. And then little by little, I rebuilt a team. It was smaller. It was leaner. It was meaner. And it felt really good and aligned to me. I had just the support I needed.

[00:19:32] Again, my expenses had come way down. And then in that space, in that space, I really started to realize the thing that I wanted to do was certify people in Soul Blueprint. I wanted to create this methodology that I had been using for years, but I just hadn’t brought it all together into a program, into a certification.

[00:19:59] This is what I wanted to do. is really what I want to do. So then I restructured the whole business so that all roads lead to soul blueprint. All roads lead to soul blueprint. But if my business hadn’t slowed down and had my revenue hadn’t decreased, I am a hundred percent certain I would have just kept doing what I was doing because it was making money.

[00:20:32] And I wouldn’t have stopped and paused for the power of the right question being, is this really what I want to be doing? I know it’s making money, but is this really what I want to be doing? I would have just kept going until I got to the point where I was like, Whoa, I feel completely out of alignment because I love working with Soul Guided Entrepreneurs and I’m still working with Soul Guided Entrepreneurs and I’m still helping them to build prosperous heart led businesses and Soul Blueprint is out in front and doing all of that.

[00:21:07] And I needed the challenge of my revenue going away for a while. And it really wasn’t my revenue never went away, it was my profit went away for a while. And I needed to taste the sting of no profit. And that led to very difficult conversations with my husband saying, Hey, why aren’t you contributing to the family kitty?

[00:21:30] Now all the financial pressure’s on me. That’s not fair. And it led to all sorts of challenges. And every time, every time along the way I paused, I did the healing that needed to happen. I extracted the lessons and insights and then. I turned it into an adventure to figure out how can I make this work? It always brought me this higher, sharper alignment that eventually always, always was leading to more joy in my experience.

[00:22:06] And I realized that joy is so much more valuable to me than revenue, like, really? Really? And I am speaking as a person who is basically, I’m speaking to you as someone who is literally at a point in her life with no money, like, maybe could have been homeless. I mean, I wouldn’t have, because I had friends and family that I could have bunked in with, so it wouldn’t have gotten to that, but like, I, I’m not a silver spoon.

[00:22:36] I am not a person who’s always had money. I do know what it’s like to feel like to have zero money. So even with that perspective of someone who has had a lot of wealth and who has had zero wealth. I can tell you I will choose joy over revenue any day of the week because the gift the gift inside having zero money is that’s when I learned that source has always got me.

[00:23:05] I’ll actually truly never be homeless. I’ll never go hungry because I know my inner knowing on this is so strong and so powerful because I’ve seen how source has provided for me. Every time I thought I was down to my last dollar, all the certain source provided me something extraordinary because I’ve tasted that I’ve experienced that.

[00:23:30] And yes, it was painful. And uncomfortable, but I did the healing and got the lessons. And the lesson is sources always got my back. So I am never afraid of being without money, never. And it’s not to say I won’t wake up one morning without it. I’m not afraid of that morning. And because I’m not afraid of that, I am free.

[00:23:51] I am free that the, that, that money can bring shackles around us. With the limiting belief. You have to have me. Money can tell us that, you know, the dark side of money can put shackles on us saying, you have to have me to be happy. You have to have me to do anything. And it’s not true. It’s absolutely not true.

[00:24:15] And you might be thinking, yeah, but Allison, you need money to like pay rent and eat. Yeah. But if you let the grip of money go, if you take those shackles off and go into your heart space and connect to source and connect into the truth, that source is always got me. Source is never going to let me go hungry.

[00:24:39] Source is never going to let me go cold. You’re going to feel the truth in that. And when you are free of having fear around not enough money, you go into the energy of abundance. And when you go into the energy of abundance, that’s when your income generation abilities start to up level and you start to attract wealth and prosperity and health and friends and all the things that enable us to feel abundant.

[00:25:13] In amazingly magical ways. So let’s go ahead. Let’s start to turn our challenges into great adventures. And it starts with healing. You cannot be successful in doing this if you haven’t released the pain, because if you’re too attached to the pain, all you see is pain. You’re wearing glasses, if you will, that are tinted with paint.

[00:25:42] So if you’re not making money in your business, and that is triggering pain or lack or fear of not having enough, you can’t just go straight into adventure. I can’t force you to see that as an adventure. It won’t work. You have to heal first. You got to take off those glasses that are tinted with the pain of the challenge first.

[00:26:09] And you do that by feeling the feels, breathe, release. I recorded a whole episode on how to self heal. We’ll also link to that in the show notes. Do check that out. If you’ve already listened to it once, listen to it again. Super powerful stuff so that you can first and foremost heal the blocks that the challenge is bringing you.

[00:26:30] Because remember, our healing is one of the gifts of the challenge. Then and only then you can put on your glasses that are tinted with the lens of adventure, curiosity, experiment. How could I turn this into adventure? What would make this fun for me? Think about your next launch for your business. How could you turn your next launch into an adventure?

[00:27:04] What would feel adventurous to you? Would it be doing some Facebook live series like while walking out in nature? You know, by the way, and you might be thinking, Oh, well, that’s not professional enough and my hair and makeup won’t be done, done and the lighting won’t be perfect. People want organic and they want you being your true organic self.

[00:27:26] And if you’re someone who likes to walk in nature, then they want to see you without makeup on your hair, blowing in the breeze. As long as you can, it’s not too windy and you’ve got good sound quality so they can hear you. That’s all you need. And by good sound quality, I don’t mean a fancy mic. I just mean your smartphone.

[00:27:47] Make it an adventure. Think about how you got your previous client or even people who were sort of interested in working with you, even if they didn’t sign up. How can you do more of that? How can you take the lessons of the past that went well, the ways you did get clients and replicate that? Transform that into a great adventure.

[00:28:15] One of the ways that I am doing that in my own business is I’m realizing, and because how am I realizing this? Because I’ve had so many failed launches. Oh, listen, I am not an overnight success in business. I am the little engine that could, I don’t give up. I have perseverance. And that perseverance is what has led me to a multi six figure business.

[00:28:36] And I know my business will eventually get to seven figures from my perseverance. Okay. So I’ve had a lot of launches that didn’t go the way I’d want them to. So it’s not failure, it’s feedback. And what I’ve learned from all those launches is that I like long launch runways. So that means I don’t just have like a two weeks of talking about a program.

[00:28:59] I literally have like months. And I’ve noticed if I give myself super long launch runways, Those are my most successful launches. They feel the best for me. And so I also really love cultivating relationships. I’m a projector. I have penetrating energy. And so sometimes I connect with someone and they’re like, I love you, Allyson.

[00:29:26] You’re amazing. But now is just not the right time. So how can I cultivate that relationship so that I’m not pestering them and being overly salesy to them because that’s horrible and I would never want to be that person. But how can I cultivate the relationship in a way so that I am there and Soul Blueprint is there and my other programs are there at precisely the right time that they’re ready to say yes.

[00:29:55] To the experience, they’re ready to say yes to the financial commitment, and they’re ready to say yes to the time commitment. And I’ve realized the way to do that is a long runway. So I’m talking to people about the program in April, and then I’m gonna talk to them in June. So because of that. It’s a smart idea for me to have a program that I run three and even four times a year, but I have launch windows.

[00:30:28] Open enrollment strategies don’t really work for me. So I do like to have launch windows, which means like the carts open for this period of time and then it closes and then enrollment is closed until next time. But what I find to be the great adventure in all of this is if I’m in a launch window and someone says to me, and I know in my heart, they’re a soul client and I know in my heart, they’re going to get massive results from soul blueprint or one of my other programs.

[00:30:59] And they say, Allyson, you know, this April, But when you have a cohort that is not the right time, how can I get them in the June cohort? If I’m feeling like it’s a fit, they’re a fit, it’s all a fit, without being pushy, without pushing them into something they don’t want to do, Right? But from a very aligned and ethical place, how can I invite them into the energy of yes?

[00:31:25] If that’s, if, if the energy of yes is really there, how can I connect them to their yes energy for the next cohort? And let me tell you, friends, somebody. who is getting a yes for one launch of your program. If it’s a program you launch over and over again, or maybe it’s even just private coaching and they’re getting a yes energy, but maybe their mind is talking them out of it.

[00:31:49] I don’t have the money. I don’t have the time. My husband doesn’t support me, whatever. But there’s, but their heart is really in the yes energy. If you cultivate that relationship the right way, They will absolutely be in a Yes Energy for the next time. And those are absolutely the most easeful signups ever.

[00:32:09] Those are the signups that basically they already signed up, but they just didn’t sign on the dotted line yet. They just didn’t click to buy. I find that to be a great, satisfying adventure. to do that in a way that’s in service to you and ethical and heart led that cultivates our deep connection with each other and gets you into the divine timing of saying yes at just the right time.

[00:32:37] And that took me a long time to realize that that is really a lovely way That I love to run my business and I was able to get that awareness because I was, I tapped in to the energy of adventure. What would make this feel fun or easeful or adventurous or exhilarating? This is the gift of our challenges, turning them all into a big challenge.

[00:33:08] All right, my dear ones, my invitation for you this week is to think of one challenge in your life or business that has been a pesky little nuisance. Can you spend a little bit of time feeling the feels, breathing, releasing to release any energy blocks around that challenge and then go into what are the lessons that this challenge has given me?

[00:33:31] What are the lessons? And now, once I’ve extracted those lessons, how can I turn this into? a thrill seeking, exhilarating adventure going forward. All right, my dear ones, that’s a wrap for this week. I hope you received so much from this. If you did, get out your smartphone, head over to the app where you listen, whether it’s Spotify or Apple Podcasts or wherever, and find Soul Guide Radio, then find the link for Leave a Review.

[00:34:05] I would be so grateful for five stars and what you received specifically from me. From this episode, of course, I will read your amazing words on the air, and you can also DM me in Facebook or Instagram and let me know specifically your key takeaway from this episode. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:34:30] Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 high vibe minutes, the ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs, and only 10 minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy high vibe and aligned to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance.

[00:34:55] Get free access now on my website, allysonscammell.com or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro & listener review

04:30  Human Design

05:49  Finding acceptance & gifts

06:53  Clarifying your dreams

09:19  Healing, learning & the power of the question

13:05  Accelerated growth example

19:04  Clarifying my goal

22:19  Source has got you!

25:17  Releasing pain & creating adventure

28:15  Launch example

33:08  Invitation & conclusion

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