The True Power of Your Human Design Open Centers

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When it comes to Human Design, defined centers tend to grab the lion’s share of the spotlight. While defined centers reveal where we have consistent access to energy, the less-understood open centers are where we can find (and step into) a LOT of our power!

In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, we uncover how understanding your Human Design, particularly your open centers, can illuminate both your challenges and your hidden superpowers.

We explore we are most susceptible to social conditioning within our open centers and the powerful questions you can ask to maintain your alignment and stay in high expression of your energy.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to identify open centers on your Human Design chart – and powerful questions that will help you check in with them!
  • How to use your open centers to heal and align to high expressions of your energy (with examples from my own business)
  • An invitation that will have you stepping out of your shadow and into your light!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Go through your open centers and ask the open center question to explore into where you might be dipping in shadow. Then explore how that open center is a superpower for your life and business.

[00:00:00] Hey ho, dear ones, today we’re talking human design, open centers. I love, I love, love, love my open centers. They are the place where we can find challenges, find our shadow energy. So that’s when we show up with low expression, and that’s when we’re not showing up as our best. This is where we consistently have a tendency to show up in a low expression of our energy because remember human design is not black or white and it’s not absolute.
[00:00:37] And we can all evolve beyond our chart and we all have all parts of the chart. So your human-designed body graph points you to your tendencies. And it’s usually pretty accurate. And if you ever find that you’re just not connecting to your human design chart, it could be that there might be a discrepancy in your birth time that can happen where it’s not a hundred percent accurate. And also it could be that you’re socially conditioned out of certain aspects of your energy.
[00:01:15] We’ve all experienced that social conditioning away from the true alignment of our energy and speaking of social conditioning, our open centers are where we’re most susceptible to conditioning outside of ourselves. And conditioning to something that isn’t in alignment with our truth and to high expression of our energy. So, what I’m going to share with you today is super, super, powerful with regards to both your own healing. And how our open centers are actually where so much of our power is found.
[00:01:56] And when we don’t realize that, and we don’t know how to step into that, we can get inadvertently stuck in shadow in low expression of our energy. So let’s go ahead and step into that high expression.
[00:02:11] And today’s episode, I reveal how to use your open centers to heal and how your open centers are part of your energetic, superpowers. And how to use your open centers to align to the high expression of your energy. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you stepping out of your shadow and into your light so that you can supercharge the transformation and the results that you bring to your clients.
[00:02:38] So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.
[00:03:08] I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide.
[00:03:15] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul-guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart-led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness.
[00:03:31] Find a link to join our closed Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking about open centers. And if you haven’t run your human design chart before we’ll leave a link in the show notes where you can run your chart for free.
[00:03:48] And I’m the body graph, your defined centers show up as either triangles or squares. And if they’re colored in, it means you have a definition there in that particular center. And if they’re white or not colored in, then that means you have openness.
[00:04:04] And defined centers provide a consistent source of strength or energy.
[00:04:11] So you have consistent access to that energy. Well, undefined and open centers receive an amplified energy from others.
[00:04:23] So for example, if you have an open And that is your belief system that sets like what you believe in the world and how you establish your beliefs. If you have a definition there, you’re going to be pretty clear. I believe this. I think the world is this way. If you have openness here, then you’re going to be susceptible to other people’s beliefs and, or in high expression, really open to seeing all sides of an argument instead of what the definition, we can be a little bit rigid and you know, it has to be this way instead of seeing other sides and other points of view. So all centers, whether you have a definition or are open, have both a high expression and a low expression.
[00:05:14] So what I mean by that is. When you’re in high expression of let’s say your throat center. Okay. I have openness here. So that means when I’m in high expression when I’m in alignment to my open throat center. I start a conversation by listening. I never kick off a conversation. And this isn’t necessarily so much with your close family and friends.
[00:05:42] Like when I’m talking to my husband, I don’t really have to follow this, but this is more like say in a group of friends or in a work meeting or in a client session. The best way for someone with an open throat center to start is by listening. And you’re just receiving what everyone else is saying. And you’re either waiting for an actual invitation from Allyson.
[00:06:09] What do you think? Or just the energetic invitation, like you feel like the nudge to add your contribution to the conversation. And when you wait to be recognized to speak with an open throat center, everybody stops and listens. Everybody leans in to see what you have to say, because with that openness. You are feeling into everybody’s thoughts and opinions on the conversation.
[00:06:41] And you’re able to really, you know, do a great job summarizing what the group is thinking. Adding a point of view that nobody’s mentioned before, or really just bringing the conversation to the next level energetically, or, Adding an exciting element to the conversation. This. This is the type of thing. But an open throat center can do. However, if I kick off a conversation, nobody will hear me.
[00:07:11] So, if you have openness here, you don’t want to kick off a conversation. Because you won’t be heard. And because most of us didn’t realize with this open throat center that we need to wait. To be recognized before speaking and we’ve spent, you know, most of our childhood and, most of our lives trying to be heard, being like, Hey, Hey, can you hear me? Can you hear me? , we have a lot of wounding around this open center that we are not heard. And every open center has an example of this, where we are susceptible to wounding in our open centers, because we didn’t know how to align to the high expression of them. So, if you want to explore into whether or not you have some wounding or blocks around one of your open centers, I’m going to. Provide you now with a question to ask to check-in. How you are doing with your open centers to see if there’s anything that needs to be released, anything that needs to be cleared up so that you can indeed step into that high expression of it. And these are questions that I got from my quantum human design training program by Karen Curry Parker.
[00:08:31] And if you’d like to learn more about her human design certification program, we will leave a link to that in the show notes. So let’s start with the head center. And this is the place where you have ideas and inspiration. If you have openness here, you will feel pressure. To answer questions, even if you don’t feel like you have an answer yet in this moment. And you will also feel pressure to pursue the ideas and inspirations of others. So you have an endless supply of inspiration here, but what you really want to do is make sure that that inspiration and those ideas are coming from you and, or are the ones that you are meant to be pursuing. So the question of the head center, if you have openness here, and these are questions to ask, like often, you know, write these questions down as I offer them to you. 4 4, 4-year open centers and set the intention to check in on them, and if you’ve never done this before, set the intention to check in on these questions about once a week and then once a month, and then maybe once a quarter.
[00:09:43] But, do check in on these questions often, and this will just keep you in alignment. So for the head center, the question is, am I under pressure to answer other people’s questions? And live out their ideas and inspiration. That is the question. If you have an open head center, Move to the Oschner Ana center.
[00:10:08] This is where we have our belief systems. And I’ve already mentioned a little bit about the asthma center. So, if you have openness here, you want to ask. Am I struggling to be certain about making up my own mind? Or to convince others and myself that I am certain. So this is about. Finding what you believe to be true. And not trying to convince yourself or be overly influenced by others. So am I struggling to be certain about making up my own mind? Or to convince others and myself that I am certain.
[00:10:46] We already talked about the throat center. So if you have openness here, the question is, am I trying to get attention perhaps inappropriately so that I can be heard? Okay. So the real trick to the open throat center is waiting. For someone else to ask you what you think is waiting for that energetic nudge. And when you get it, I promise everyone in the room will stop leaning in and really, really want to hear what you have to say. Moving down to the identity or G center. , when you have openness here, you can really question your love ability, and you can question whether or not you are going in the right direction. So I would say, especially with these two hearts centers, Energies, which is the identity center, what we’re talking about now, and the will center, which I’m going to talk about in a sec. If you have openness here. This is a real place to be susceptible to wounding. So you really want to add these questions or variations thereof to your weekly routines to just be checking in on, because these are the places we, where we’ll always be susceptible to dip into shadow. And so these questions just help us with our awareness so we can shift into something higher. So for the open G center, the question is, do I question my lovability? Am I struggling to find direction? Do I love where I live, where I work, and who I’m with?
[00:12:27] So this is about loving your surroundings, your life, your direction, your work. And then the love that you also have for yourself.
[00:12:35] The will center. We’ll center here. If you have openness, you can really get into proving. So pursuing your dreams in life to prove something, instead of allowing those dreams and the fulfillment of those dreams, to just bring you joy and to be a source of inspiration. So we will really be susceptible to proving when we have openness here and the will center.
[00:13:02] So the powerful question to ask and to ask often is what, if anything, am I trying to prove?
[00:13:11] Moving down to the emotional solar plexus center. This is also a powerful one. Because if you have openness here, you feel emotion disturbed wrongly. I have openness here. So this can lead to people pleasing. This is the people-pleasing energy because we don’t want to get into conflict. After all, conflict is so painful. Uh, for those who have an open emotional solar plexus. So the very powerful question to ask here is, am I avoiding truth and conflict and trying to keep everyone happy? And that is definitely a question that I have in my journal to be checking in on often.
[00:13:54] Moving down to the root center and this regulates our pressure center.
[00:13:59] So the pressure we put on ourselves to get things done, this is about our stability. And when you have openness here, it’s not a great idea to put a lot of pressure on yourself. If you have definition here, a little pressure on yourself can actually help you. To reach those goals that you’ve set for yourself but with openness. You do everything in a day so that you can feel free. So you created a to-do list to check through everything on it. And your longing is that feeling of being free when the to-do list is done, but the problem is our to-do lists are often never done. So, if you have openness here, you could always be prolonging that feeling of being free to just be. So a very powerful question to ask for an open root center is, am I still trying to get things done so I can be free? I am still trying to get things done so I can be free.
[00:15:04] And if the answer to that is yes. Maybe you need to relook at that to-do list, take some things off of it, and just give yourself space and time to be in that free. Precious energy. Going to the spleen center. When you have openness here, you will have a tendency to hold on to things longer than what serves you.
[00:15:29] And this can be pain. This can be people. This can be situations. So very, very powerful question for you to ask often is am I holding on to things or people or pain, et cetera, for longer than I should? So am I holding onto these painful things? These people who don’t serve me for longer than I should.
[00:15:55] And if you get a yes, it’s time to do some exploration into what am I truly ready to let go of. Because holding onto it really no longer serves me. And lastly, I love this one. Open sacral. So if you have an open sacral, you are a manifester projector or reflector, and we do not have consistent access to energy.
[00:16:20] We create in bursts and ideally followed by periods of rest. The problem is we have a hard time knowing when to stop after the creative bursts. So we don’t go into our period of rest and we go into a whole heck of a lot of burnout. And I’m speaking from a lot of experience here. So this is literally a question I recommend you ask on the daily. And to be honest for all of these questions, I would get into a habit of asking some variation of them on the daily as just part of your energetic check-in systems. And for the open sacral, do I know when enough is enough? Do I know when enough is enough and you probably cannot get the answer.
[00:17:09] No, I don’t. And if you do just ask the question, is it time to rest? Is it time to stop? Or how can I re-fortify my periods of rest? So I don’t work through them. And what does rest mean for me? How can I really get into the energy of rest during my rest cycles so that I can fill my tank so I can get ready for my next creative burst of energy? So we just spent a whole lot of time talking about how we dip into shadow with our open centers and we have these tendencies.
[00:17:48] So let’s get into how we can use our open centers as energetics superpowers. And how this is our superpower because we are this energy in others. When you have openness. So let’s go back to the head center to give you an idea of how this can work. If you have openness in your head center. You have an endless supply of inspiration, passion, creativity, and ideas. And I, for example, have definition here.
[00:18:24] So when I’m in your presence, you amplify my own ideas and inspiration and creativity. So that’s why it’s so powerful for people to pair up where one has a defined center and one has an open center. You can, really become a match made in heaven. Like if. You have openness in your head. And I have definition in my head and we get together to do some brainstorming. Hm. We become a powerhouse of a team. So, what you want to do is look at your open centers and notice. Reflect on the past on ways that you have really amplified this energy and in others, or how ways that you’ve really shown up and high expression of this energy. And then ask the question, how can I do more of that? One example I can give you with my open throat center is I’m really good at teaching classes because I’m feeling into the energy of the group and what everybody needs on an intuitive level at that moment. That’s why I never teach the same class twice. I mean. I’ve run Soul Blueprint, like five cohorts now. And so it is all the same materials because I’m going through your five spiritual gifts. And I’m talking about the spiritual gift of intuition and healing and manifestation, right? But every time I teach a live class, it ends up being really different content, even though it’s all exploring.
[00:20:08] For example, the spiritual gift of intuition. But I’m reusing my open throat center to feel into the needs of the participants in that moment. And, I just allow the content to come through me through my throat center. Like a channel to give people exactly what they need on a soul level in that moment. This is a real high expression of the throat center. So. How do I really get him in alignment with this?
[00:20:39] I set up my business so that most of my offers include some sort of live class or live experience with me because that’s when I pack the biggest punch and transformation for my clients. Now, if you have definition here, if you have different aspects of your chart, you may find that evergreen content actually works really, really well for you. And you can pack your punch in a recorded video that you share many, many times.
[00:21:10] All right, let’s go through how to use your centers to align to that high expression of your energy and turn them into superpowers. And we’ll go through them again. One by one, we’ve gone through the shadow. Now we’re going to go through the light, starting with the head center. If you have openness here, you are deeply inspired at all times.
[00:21:34] So you really want to think about. This energy, as I am wise about what is truly inspiring. In your business, think about offers that inspire others or certainly in your social content.
[00:21:49] If you have openness in your Asana center, you are wise about information and beliefs. You have the gift of seeing many sides of an issue and have many different understandings. So it might be interesting for you to take a hot-button issue happening. That you feel like you have a strong opinion on something you’re passionate about and share with your audience, the different sides of this issue in a way that’s in service to them.
[00:22:21] Maybe you want to open people up to not be so rigid Cause usually rigidity is what divides us. So with this openness, you can bring people together. If you have openness in the throat center, your words are heard best when you are invited to speak. So you want to save your words for people who truly desire. To hear your point of view and insights.
[00:22:49] So it’s about waiting. For. To be asked to speak, but also waiting for the right people who really value your words. And let me tell you when you do this, it really does turn into a superpower because you can feel what they most need on a soul level in that moment. And it’s deeply transformative both for you.
[00:23:15] And for those who receive what you are saying. If you have openness in the G center or the identity center, you want to think about how you experience yourself depending on the people who you’re with. So you want to really be mindful and choose to surround yourself with the people who feel good. And being in environments that feel soothing or high vibrational.
[00:23:44] And when you are in the right place with the right people, That’s when the right opportunities come to you. And being mindful in this way can really become one of your superpowers. So you really start manifesting those amazing opportunities to you.
[00:24:04] If you have openness in your will center, you want to be really mindful about entering into agreements, according to your human design strategy, and following your intuition to make sure that those are the. Agreements that are really in your highest and greatest. Good. So you want to make promises and commitments very carefully and deliberately.
[00:24:28] And it’s so important to remember that you have nothing to prove. And your superpower is actually in you valuing yourself. And for example, fearlessly asking to be paid, what you’re worth. So working on and calling the vaping a real sense of. I own my worth. I own the value I create in the world that becomes, an amazing superpower.
[00:24:58] When you have openness here.
[00:25:00] With the openness in the emotional solar plexus center you want to pay attention to the source of your emotions? And allow others to experience their feelings without making their experiences your own right. We are very sensitive. I have openness here. So you want to trust your own insights about how other people feel, because this is a well and true superpower of the emotional solar plexus is that you really have a powerful and accurate sense. To how other people are feeling. And it’s really important to take frequent breaks when the emotional energy is too intense. Moving down the chart to the open root center here, it’s important to set realistic goals, right?
[00:25:52] Because this is that pressure center. And make powerful decisions about being free, knowing that things will get done when they get done. And here we want to use pressure to create more energy and at the end of the day, rest and relax. Even if the to-do list isn’t done. So really activating your superpower here is about relaxing into the knowing that there is an abundant amount of time to get everything done.
[00:26:24] Moving to the spleen center. If you have openness, this is about ease, fully working on ease, fully letting the things go that are not in service to your highest and greatest.
[00:26:35] Good. With spleen definition, you are very intuitive and your body really speaks to you on an intuitive level. So you want to honor your body and the messages it sends you. Okay. Knowing that you receive intuitive insights in many different ways. And lastly that openness in the sacral center. Is really activating.
[00:27:02] It is a superpower to really align to the truth that I am not here to work in the traditional way. We are just not because we don’t have consistent access to that energy. So we can work hard and shirt, short bursts, and a powerful mantra to take on with the open sacral is I am very powerful when I am using my energy correctly.
[00:27:27] And when you use your energy correctly with this open sacral, You will turn that into a superpower because you will start creating at your highest and best. All right. So that’s so nicely brings us to your invitation for this week is to go through your open centers and ask the open center question to explore into where you might be dipping in shadow. And then explore into how that open center is a superpower for your life and business and how to really step in at higher and higher levels into that higher and higher expression of that energy.
[00:28:11] If you are one of those rare folks that have no open centers, then just ask, you know, go through, because remember we all have all parts of the chart. Go through those open center questions to check whether you’re not in shadow to see if you may be dipping into shadow and any of those. And certainly, these questions are powerful questions to also ask with certain types and gates and channels.
[00:28:38] So it’s highly likely, even if you don’t have openness in a particular center if you ask the question, you may feel that there is still some resistance there. That’s ready to be released and is asking for your attention. Oh, okay. That’s a wrap for this week.
[00:28:54] I hope you received so much from this episode. If you did head over to the show notes, head to where you listen to Soul Guide Radio, and find that link to leave a rating and review. And let me know what specifically you received from this episode. And I am so excited to read your beautiful words on the air. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

00:00 Intro

00:45 Understanding Human Design Charts

01:18 The Impact of Social Conditioning

01:42 Harnessing the Power of Open Centers

03:46 Exploring Open Centers in Human Design

05:15 High and Low Expressions of Centers

08:05 Questions to Uncover Open Center Wounds

17:57 Using Open Centers as Superpowers

21:29 Aligning to High Expression of Open Centers

27:48 Invitation

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