The Power of the Pause to Ask the Right Question

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You do it. I do it. My clients do it… we all consume far too much information each and every day. This isn’t something that we do consciously. The modern information era has rewired our brains – and it’s super easy to feel overwhelmed by our constant exposure and access to a steady stream of media, influencers, and other noise.

When things feel too complicated, finding the answers we need can feel harder than it has to be. How do we cut through all the clutter and static so that we can figure out our best next steps?

In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explore the power of the pause to ask the right question – and reveal how it can help you take those sticky, difficult life challenges and uncover their most easeful solutions!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How chaos can cut you off from your Divine Guidance Team – and how to know when you need to pause
  • How to ask the right question in the right way (and receive the answer you need with clarity!) 
  • An invitation that will have you receiving the perfect solutions to your life’s biggest conundrums, so you can shift out of the confusion and start living a life that’s more simple, joyful, and aligned!

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Think about the biggest conundrum in your life. Reflect on it, feel your emotions, breathe deeply, and release.

Ask yourself: Does anything need healing? Are there lessons to learn? Is there a past life connection? How can I make this easier? What clarity or solutions are ready to come through? 

[00:00:00] Oh, hi, dear ones. So listen, you and I, we do this thing. I know you do it. I know I do it. I see it all the time with my clients and I think it’s not my fault. It’s not your fault. It’s like the way the brain is wired and I think it’s an outcome of the modern information era where we just on the average day, we’re consuming too much information and we have access.

[00:00:31] To too much information, and we have too many choices, which leads to overwhelm. And what we do is drum roll. We make it harder than it has to be. We make it so hard and so often, always, 100 percent of the time, even if your situation seems so confusing, so insurmountable, there’s always a way to simplify things.

[00:01:11] And when things are simpler, an answer will always arrive. When it is complicated, it’s too complicated to find the answer. There’s no solution to this complex equation. But if you turn advanced calculus into 325 times 261, okay, we all remember multiplication from school. You could get an answer to that.

[00:01:44] But what if you could even, Make it so simple the equation gets down to like 5 times 5. I’m helping my daughter learn her multiplication tables now. And I’m teaching her little tricks like, Hey, it rhymes, Freya! 5 times 5 is 25. Okay, that’s pretty good, but what if we could make it as simple as 2 plus 2? 2 plus 2 is 4.

[00:02:12] If we make the equation of the problems in our life, the struggles, the conundrums, so easy, if we simplify it to the point where it’s boiled down to, well, what’s the answer of 2 plus 2? It’s clearly 4. Then all of a sudden, complex problems are starting to feel very manageable. I can do this. I can get through this.

[00:02:42] Okay, now I see the pathway out. Now I see the light at the end of the tunnel, where I need to go. But how do you do that? How do you take advanced calculus and boil it down to 2 plus 2? Metaphorically speaking, if we’re saying that those are the challenges of our lives. And some of our challenges seem so complicated.

[00:03:04] How do we make it simpler? Well, that my friends is what we’re going to be unpacking in today’s super powerful episode of soul guide radio, which is all about the power of the pause. To ask the right question. That’s the thing that’s going to make your sticky, complicated, difficult life challenges into something that has easeful solutions that you can take action on immediately that leads to the results you want to experience.

[00:03:37] So let’s go ahead and get right to it. In today’s episode, I reveal how to know when to pause. How to ask the right question in the right way and how to receive with clarity the exact answer to the question, giving you the solutions you need from your divine guidance team. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you receiving the perfect solutions to your life’s biggest challenges and conundrums.

[00:04:03] So you can shift out of the confusion and into the bright light of crystal clear clarity to start living a life that’s more simple. Joyful and aligned. So you’re going to want to stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level.

[00:04:29] We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allison Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:04:51] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our close Facebook or in the show notes.

[00:05:14] Listen, guys, this episode might seem a little basic, like pausing to ask questions, but listen. We don’t do it when we’re in the middle of the pain. When life hits us with confusion, a painful situation, something that’s so challenging, we just feel like there’s no way out. That actually gives us the thought, there’s no way out.

[00:05:43] When you can’t see the solution, your brain will conclude there’s no way out, there is no answer. And when that thought starts to feel true, that creates a chaos in your system. It’s an overwhelm, so overwhelming that it cuts you off directly from your divine guidance team. That is the source that’s going to give you the answers you need.

[00:06:10] No matter how complex your problem is, your Divine Guidance Team has the exact, simple, actionable solutions for you. It will always give you your best, next, heart led step. But when we’re in the middle of the chaos, of the trauma, of the pain, it’s really hard to do that, especially when we start to believe there’s no hope.

[00:06:43] So if you find yourself spinning out of control in the middle of something that feels very painful, and it doesn’t even have to be like a big trauma. You know, like, for example, like, I find myself spinning a little bit when I think about my daughter’s schooling. I feel like this school just isn’t right for her, but I don’t have the alternative solution of which school I can send her to instead.

[00:07:14] So I keep sending her to the school and I just, like, sometimes I feel Like there’s no solution to this problem. I don’t like where I’m sending her, but I don’t have an alternative solution. There’s no solution to this. And this, this situation can enable me to really spin out of control. She’s not going to learn, she’s going to get left behind, it’s going to affect her ability to perform when she’s older, it’s going to affect her ability to get in the colleges she might want to go to, I’m giving her a bunch of childhood wounds she doesn’t need.

[00:07:55] Ha, hey listen, I know how energy works and I know how many wounds we get from childhood. And I’m like, Oh, my God, she’s getting so many wounds and I’m not doing anything to protect her. I’m messing her up. I’m not giving her the best education for her energy and for her gifts. I’m thwarting her. I mean, this is how I can spin out of control.

[00:08:20] And when I spin out of control. I get left with that feeling, the feeling of there’s no solution to this. There’s no way out. And when you feel like there’s no solution, you close the door for the solutions to arrive. But for solutions to arrive, my dear ones, what do they need? What has to be there? There’s one thing that has to be there for the solution to your problems or challenges to arrive.

[00:08:55] And that thing.

[00:08:59] There has to be space for it to arrive, otherwise it can’t arrive, and if, even if it did arrive, it squeezed its way into your consciousness, your thoughts and energy would be so cluttered and overwhelmed, you wouldn’t be able to see it. So this, my friends, brings us to the power of the pause, the power of the pause to ask the right question, to get that two plus two solution.

[00:09:32] It’s so simple. You can’t not understand it. You can’t not take action on it because it’s just so simple and all of the best solutions. All have a simplicity to it. Even if you look at really advanced solutions, there’s a flow to them. Even if they are on the surface, okay, that solution was complicated, but if it’s the right solution, you’ll be able to lean into and connect to a flow to it.

[00:10:09] And if you spend enough time with the solution, it’s going to start to feel easeful.

[00:10:18] So the right time to pause. To ask the right question is anytime you feel, of course, like you need direction and guidance from your divine guidance team, and especially when you’re spinning, you’re in chaos, you’re in fight or flight or freeze mode, you are reaching the thought system, there’s no solution to this, there’s no way out.

[00:10:46] Don’t hit the pause button. And you do that by stopping and taking three deep belly breaths. Don’t be breathing in your upper chest. Whenever I try to get my husband to deep breathe to calm him down, he breathes in his upper chest and it literally looks like he’s in pain. I’m in stress watching him breathe to relax.

[00:11:16] So I’m trying to teach him about low belly breathing. Low belly breathing. That’s what takes in the most oxygen into our system. That’s what sends it to all corners of our body and our energy body. The deep, ah, belly breath. By the time you get to your third deep exhale, And try to make your inhales and exhales the same length.

[00:11:44] You will have just created space in your energy system, in your thoughts. Your thoughts will have slowed down. And when you create the space first, and you can do it simply with three deep belly breaths, Then, and only then, can you move on to actually asking the question. Asking the question in the right way.

[00:12:13] So we’re deep breathing, we’re pausing, and we’re asking the question to our Divine Guidance Team, right? And you can start with, and it’s a good idea to start with, what’s the solution, okay? But sometimes, the problem is so big, it has so many tentacles. Just asking that question alone can put you back into overwhelm, which cuts you off and then takes that space that you just created away.

[00:12:45] So if you can just ask, what’s the solution to this problem, and it doesn’t trigger any sort of overwhelm, then Ask that question, okay? If it triggers any sort of tension, heaviness, overwhelm, then instead of asking what’s the solution to this problem, go to what’s the healing that wants to happen, and then go through the healing, go through my five step process.

[00:13:13] And if you need help with that, we’ll leave a link in the show notes to an episode I recorded on self healing. And then after you’ve gone through the healing, what are the lessons? What are the lessons? What’s the healing and the lessons? Okay. So that’s what you always want to start with. That is like energetic housekeeping.

[00:13:37] That clears away any of the blocks that are ready to be released. And when you start to grab the lessons that you’re going to learn, from your challenges, you start to see the light and the darkness and that empowers you. And that empowerment creates more space in your energetic system for more solution to arrive.

[00:14:00] Okay. Another super powerful question to ask, especially if you are struggling with other people, but it’s not only just with other people. It can also be situations And that is, do I have a past lifetime wound or entanglement? So if you’re struggling with a person, it’s a good idea to ask, do I have a past lifetime entanglement with this person?

[00:14:29] If the answer’s no, that’s fine, but there’s likely still a block or a wound there that’s ready to be healed. If you get a yes, ask your divine guidance team what is the nature of this entanglement. See if you get any awareness there. If nothing is coming through, to be honest, this could be a great time to work with an intuitive like me, a healer, someone who can hold this space for you.

[00:14:56] That’s what we’re here for. To say, look, okay, you have this problem with this person. You had this past lifetime. You know, I can do a past lifetime regression with you and tell you exactly what the entanglement is. And when you get that awareness, what’s gonna happen? It’s gonna be like, oh, it all makes sense.

[00:15:16] Now I understand why we’re in this challenge in this lifetime. I get it. And when you have that awareness, again, it empowers you. You start to accept the challenge, make peace with the challenge. It doesn’t mean you like it. It doesn’t mean the pain is gone. It just means that you’re in a more empowered position, creating even more space for even more powerful, clear solutions to arrive.

[00:15:45] And then the last question you can ask is, what clarity do I need? To get me to the solution. So instead of saying, give me the solution to this complex problem, you can take that down and get it in bite sized chunks and just ask, What clarity is ready to come through in this moment to help me get to my ultimate answer?

[00:16:12] And this brings us nicely to how to receive the exact answers coming through from our divine guidance team. Well, of course, you know, this is the power of the pause to ask the right question and you can. Receive, perceive what you receive coming back in response. And you should do that. You should start there, pause, ask the right question, perceive what you receive coming back in response.

[00:16:41] But I have noticed when we’re really in the middle of it, in the middle of the pain, it is sometimes hard to wait for that answer to come back. If we have successfully taken three deep belly breaths, it’ll be a lot easier for that answer to arrive in the moment. But maybe you don’t get anything in the moment.

[00:17:02] So you’ve asked the question, what clarity do I need to divide guidance team to get me to a solution to my problem? And nothing arrives in the moment. And that’s, to be honest, with some of these complex challenges that are very painful that you’re struggling with in the moment, you may find the answer doesn’t come back right away.

[00:17:23] Or maybe you get a little nudge here, a little nudge there. But what I notice often happens is the solution unfolds before you. Maybe you’re talking about it with a trusted friend and that trusted friend comes back to you with like, that’s what I needed. Oh, this happened to me once where I was attracted to this certain coach and I invested a lot of money.

[00:17:52] in this coach’s stuff. And I wasn’t exactly sure what attracted to me to this person because it wasn’t the typical type of person I would hire. And so I invested this money, invested this time, and I ended up getting really hurt by this coach. I felt like they didn’t deliver on their, what they had promised me.

[00:18:14] And they created a environment where I couldn’t communicate that this wasn’t a good situation. And I really felt like There was this like environment of toxic positivity where you could only say positive things. And if you said anything that wasn’t a hundred percent positive, you would get shunned. And it just created for this incredibly uncomfortable situation.

[00:18:38] And I was really frustrated by it. And I was doing a lot of story fondling. If you know Byron Katie, that means I was getting. lost in the stories about it. And then I was telling a trusted peer about it, who’s another spiritual intuitive medium type person. And I was just saying, I just, I said to her, I just don’t understand why I’m so affected by this.

[00:19:04] I don’t understand why it hurts so bad. And that’s another little clue. If you have, if you’re encountering something that hurts worse than you think it should, there is highly likely a past lifetime entanglement there. And then she said it to me. She said, Oh, you had a past lifetime with this person. And it clicked.

[00:19:29] And I was like, Oh, of course, everything made sense. I was able to do a past lifetime regression and get. the lifetime and I’m and then it just like all clicked. I’m like, oh, I get it now. And I beat myself up a little bit because I was like, why didn’t I pause to ask the question? I know that that’s a question that you should always ask because it can help you get solutions, help you get answers, help you out of the challenge.

[00:19:59] But I was just too caught up in it. That I forgot to pause and ask the right question, but I still eventually got the clarity I needed. And it came through, not from me, but from a peer who was holding the space and she was a clear, clean space and able to get the solution whilst I was all lost up in my thoughts.

[00:20:22] So clarity and solutions can come in from a variety of different sources. And often it will feel like a click, like, uh, yeah, that’s it, you know? And so notice those clicks. Notice that like, it’s like an energetic hit, like, bam, that’s the solution, or that’s why it hurts, you know? Like, oh, there is a past lifetime entanglement.

[00:20:46] This is what it is. Ah, so notice those clicks. It’s going to feel like a little energetic burst of clarity. Like, aha, that’s what I was looking for. And it can come from other people. It can come from television commercials. It can come from all sort of different sources. So what you need to do is just be open and ready to receive the solutions.

[00:21:14] And whenever you feel like, ah, the solutions just aren’t coming, then you have to go into pause. Three deep belly breaths, and then you ask this super powerful question, how can I make this easier? How can I make this question conundrum challenge easier? How can I just figure out one piece of it and just let the other aspects go?

[00:21:44] So if I think about Freya’s school, like I still don’t have a solution. But yet, in a way, I do. Okay, so here’s another good t So, I think so often, that’s such a good example. I Did you hear what I just said? I don’t have a solution, but I do have a solution. But I’m second guessing the solution that’s coming through, because that’s another thing we do.

[00:22:05] We second guess what our divine guidance team is telling us and that creates what more confusion Right and more overwhelmed and no more like oh, there’s no answers But yes, there is answers. The answers are coming through but we second guess those answers So what I’ve been getting about phrase school for so long is keep her there Keep her there and just make it better for her there.

[00:22:32] Don’t change schools, get her additional help. Like right now she’s working with a children’s coach, get her enrolled in things like children’s yoga so she can, you know, learn how to start to relax and things like that. I’ve been getting all these cues and guidance on how to find a real easeful solution to this problem that I thought was really complicated.

[00:22:53] But I just kept resisting it. And the reason I resisted it is because I don’t like Fresco. I don’t feel good there. I feel horrible in my body when I’m there. Okay. So this is a crazy story, you guys. And this truly exemplifies how answers can come in from all sources. And this is not the first time this has happened, but I had a soul client reach out to me and say, Alison, this is crazy, but.

[00:23:24] You and Freya showed up in my dream and Freya has shown up in a lot of my soul clients dreams. And yeah, I talk about her a lot. And so my soul clients are very connected to me. So it would stand to reason that things I talk about show up in their dreams, but I do think it’s more powerful than that. Like Freya’s higher self is like consciously showing up in these streams to get.

[00:23:50] attention. To get my attention, to get their attention. Whenever she shows up, there’s healing for everybody. She is like the great goddess Freya showing up. To give us healing guidance and direction. So Freya showed up in my soul client’s dream. And so I do dream interaction where you identify the major dream elements and you interact with those dream elements to get answers, guidance, and solutions.

[00:24:14] So when I did the dream interaction for this dream, the message I got from Freya was very clear, I want to stay at my current school. So just stop second guessing it. And it was very like, kind of like she was wagging her finger at me, like, move on, girl. This, the, the, the answer is here. You have the answer.

[00:24:38] So stop struggling with the answer. And then I interacted with myself, which was kind of funny. I interacted with me that was in my client’s dream. So this was kind of a unique little way, but it was a way, it’s basically kind of a version of me just talking to my higher self. And my higher self said to me, girl, you know, better surrender, you know, better than to be all this second guessy surrender, surrender to it.

[00:25:12] Surrender to the guidance coming from Freya. And it’s coming from Freya’s human self. Cause Freya is literally telling me, mom, I don’t want to change schools. Surrender to her higher self. Who’s also trying to say, who’s also telling me that and surrender to your own higher self. And your own higher self is saying you have wounds that need to be healed.

[00:25:36] This school is triggering them. And that’s your work. I, we can’t force others to heal. We can only focus in on our own healing. So I have my own healing to do with regards to my relationship with the school. I need to do that. And then I need to surrender to the answer that’s here. Surrender to the answer.

[00:26:01] Freya is fine where she’s at. She needs some additional support. We’re getting that for her. The solution is here. Stop fighting against the solution. And that’s what we tend to do. Why? Why do we fight against the solutions? Because we make it harder than it needs to be. Getting right back to where we started.

[00:26:28] We make it harder than it needs to be. So check in. On a difficult challenge you have and the solutions that have come through. Do you feel in your heart, those were actually the right solutions and you’ve just been fighting against them, resisting them, pushing them away. Could there be some wounds that need to be healed so that you can receive the answers and integrate those answers that could be possible?

[00:27:03] So as we ask for answers as part of it, notice if you’ve been resisting the answers that have already come in. And lastly, it’s a great idea to check in with human design authority. So what is your human design authority telling you? And I can go through those authorities real quick. Like if you have emotional authority, you are You’re meant to ride your emotional waves.

[00:27:34] You’re designed to experience the full spectrum of emotions and clarity comes with time. So you’re not meant to make a decision right away or often answers to your challenges don’t come right away. So ride the emotional wave and when you get to the other side, what was most consistent? If you’re looking for yeses or nos, was there more consistently a yes or more consistently a no?

[00:28:02] And with emotional authorities can be kind of tricky to recognize. So it’s a good idea to start mapping out how long do you need to ride your emotional wave. Is it a day? Is it two days? Is it a week? Is it an hour? Like how long does your average emotional wave last? You can start mapping those. It’s a good idea.

[00:28:22] So you can really get to know how much time do you really need before answers and solutions start to arrive to you. Sacral authority is like the easiest one. You get the direct gut uh huh or uh uh or yes, no, yep, nope. So you just tap into that gut and ask yes, no questions and the answers are there.

[00:28:43] Splenic authorities is what I have and you get an intuitive hit in the moment. I find with splenic authority, it’s typically when you’re not thinking about it. And you’re going about your day and all of a sudden, bam, this intuitive insight arrives. And I find those to be the juiciest intuitive hits. Yes, I’m asking my higher self questions all the time and getting answers, but something about the splenic hits, those are the ones that I pay most attention to because there’s something really powerful in there for me for a solution.

[00:29:19] Ego authority is also a little bit tricky. You know, with an ego authority, you have the heart center defined. And so it’s about being connected to what you want and your truth. A lot of people with ego authority feel like it’s very selfish. And Cause you know what you want and you just really need to tap into what does my heart want?

[00:29:44] And what your heart wants is your answer. And so with the ego authority, it’s a good idea to talk through like what does my heart really want? And it’s a good idea to get to know like what you value. What you want and what you don’t want so that you can get to the answers you really want to commit to.

[00:30:06] And lastly, there’s self projected authority. And this is where you need to talk it out with trusted soundboards. Not just anyone. You have a trusted soundboard and you talk it out. And in your talking through a problem, the answer will arrive for you. You, especially, don’t want to look for answers outside of yourself.

[00:30:29] It’s all inside of yourself, but how other people can help you is hold the space for you as you talk it through. All right, guys, my invitation for you this week is to get out a paper and a pen and think about the number one conundrum you have in your life. The thing that feels most painful or perplexing or most difficult to find a solution for.

[00:30:53] And I want you to go through and do any healing. Any feel the feels, breathe release that needs to be done. And then I want you to go into a powerful pause. Take three deep belly breaths and then go into inquiry, asking questions. Does anything need to be healed? Are there any lessons here? Any past lifetime entanglement?

[00:31:18] And how can I make this easier? And what clarity leading me to the right solution? is ready to come through today and notice if you have been getting the answers and you’re resisting those answers, it just means it’s time to go back to healing so you can breathe, release, and just surrender to the answers that are already there.

[00:31:45] All right, my dear ones, that’s a wrap for this week. I hope you received so much from this episode. DM me and let me know. Let me know what nugget you received. I really want to know like, what has kind of like, ah, I needed to hear that today, Alison DM me in Facebook or Instagram. I would love to connect and then certainly head on over to wherever you listen to your podcast.

[00:32:10] If you listen on my website, you’ll find the link in the show notes to leave a review. If you listen on Spotify or Apple podcast or Google play. You will find a link to leave a writing and review, please do so I will read your words on the air. And if you’ve already left me a review, you can leave me another review on another platform and I’ll read your words again with so much love and gratitude.

[00:32:37] And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Hi, dear ones, listen here. The Soul Blueprint Certification Program is a roadmap to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, coach. Writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals how to activate your five unique spiritual gifts.

[00:33:05] So you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business learn more and enroll at blueprint, or if enrollment is closed, you can join the soul list. So you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up. And you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses.

[00:33:25] Again, that’s blueprint.


00:01  Intro

05:14  Chaos in your system

09:21  The power of the pause

11:56  Asking the question

14:00  Past lifetime wounds & clarity

16:13  How to receive answers

21:44  Second-guessing & examples

26:13  Why we fight against solutions

27:15  Human Design Authority

30:37  Invitation & conclusion