The Power of Kundalini in Life and Business with Brianna Rose

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Kundalini is a divine feminine energy that lives within all of us. While it lays dormant in most people, engaging in certain practices can help you to activate this powerful well of energy and tap into its amazing creative potential! 

My guest for this episode is Brianna Rose, an inspiring and industry-leading Kundalini business expert. With her 10+ years of experience building impact-driven businesses paired with her undying desire to make Kundalini mainstream, she was destined to revolutionize the online business and spiritual coaching industry… and in this episode of Soul Guide Radio, she will revolutionize the way that you think about energy.

During this incredible conversation, Brianna and I explore what Kundalini IS (and what it is not), how it can help you locate your wounds, and how the simple and the profound coincide in this practice in magical ways!

Guest bio: Brianna Rose is the creator of the Light Leader® movement, which is filled with thousands of visionary women entrepreneurs and Light Leader Kundalini™, a deeply transformational experience blending both Kundalini and embodiment work that focuses on the practitioner becoming the inner guru and transcend limiting beliefs which allows them to come into their natural rhythm of success.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to infuse powerful Kundalini energy into your life — and use it in your business to attract your soul clients
  • How to create a Kundalini practice that truly serves you (and your best first steps!)
  • An invitation that will have you moving your body in ways that will help you heal and manifest abundance

Brianna’s Resources: 

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

Try sitting with your Kundalini energy and see how it feels and take action on the things that are coming through for you.

[00:00:00] Hi Brianna. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio. Hi, I am so excited to be here. Thanks for having me. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited to talk about this topic. I get a lot of people now pitching me to be on the show, so I think, yay, that’s a sign that I’m doing something right. And, um, I loved you, you know, you, you came to me and said, Hey, I’ve got a cool topic and yes, um, you really caught my eye with this one, Brianna.

[00:00:28] I was like, this is, and you know, it’s funny, it’s the first thing I look at. I don’t look at bio, I don’t look at social followers. I look at topic. Mm. And we’re talking about energy. Yes, we are. That’s so cool. So, um, I am an energy, uh, you know, I’m just an energy person. I’m fascinated with it. I can’t get enough about it.

[00:00:52] I don’t think there’s a lot of really, I. I don’t know. I’m like, I’m such a channel that I, I get most of my stuff from like, nonphysical sources. Yes. But I, I don’t think there’s a lot of tons and tons of great books out there about ener. There are. There are. Mm-hmm. But I think that there’s just, as we were talking about before I hit record, there’s a lot of misinformation out there.

[00:01:14] Yes. Yes. And you were saying Kini is a place where there’s a lot of misinformation. Mm-hmm. And I want you to talk about that and just. To share something about, um, yeah, like I was reading a, I just, you know, remember reading a book like 10 or 15 years ago when I was kind of on the start of my spiritual discovery, and this guy was so down on Kundalini and said it was just this.

[00:01:39] This dark thing, and I remember having an opposite experience with it. Yes. At the time, that was the opposite of dark. Mm-hmm. So I would love, let’s start with what is Kini energy? Mm-hmm. And then I’d love you to share some of the misunderstandings that are out there about it. Yes. Ugh. I love everything that you just shared.

[00:02:01] Um, cuz I too think, yes, there’s great books out there, but there’s nothing like you being your own channel, you being your own guru, um, you experiencing the learning that you’re receiving and seeing how it lands in your body. And so, For me, for anyone that’s listening, tune in and see how this feels in your body.

[00:02:17] But to me, Kundalini is an energy that we all have that lives within us. So every single person that’s living on this planet has this energy that lives within them. Now for most people. It lays dormant in your body. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, I think of these people as muggles, or people that just like don’t know that they’re magical, whereas other people, they kind of get the call or the pull to start to work with this energy, and so this energy is a divine feminine energy.

[00:02:48] It’s pure feminine energy. If you don’t relate to those words, just think of it as creating and birthing energy. And it said that this energy is the same energy that’s created everything that we see in this world, including me and you. That’s why it lives within us. And so again, for most people, they have this energy and it’s kind of this like energy reserve that they’re just walking around with.

[00:03:11] Um, but for other people, the energy starts to awaken. And so this energy is located, if you’re familiar with acupuncture, It’s located at the Dante point. Most people, when you Google Kini, it will say, oh, it’s located at your root chakra at the base of your spine, and it’s near that area, but it’s actually located between your naval center and your root chakra.

[00:03:34] And so if you connect the base of your spine to your naval center, it kind of creates this diagonal line. And in the center of that is where the Kundalini nerve lives, and it’s said that this energy is coiled three and a half times. So that’s why you often see it depicted as a snake. And so this energy’s coiled three and a half times.

[00:03:53] It lives at that Dante point. Through conscious movement. So any conscious intentional movement can actually start to awaken this energy. And so for me, I never really resonated with the term snake and never felt right when I thought about that. Um, when I tune into it, I actually visualize it as a diamond because just like a diamond, when you put pressure on it, it’s going to shine more.

[00:04:19] And so the Kundalini energy is actually a light energy. It’s a light frequency. And when you are doing this conscious movement, this intentional movement, you can start to put pressure on the kundolini energy so she can rise up so that way she can shine more. And so as the light is shining, like anything we see in the world, we illuminate.

[00:04:41] The darkness. And so as this energy is shining up, it’s actually ascending through our central spinal column for those of you that wanna understand like the science of it. It’s ascending through our central spinal column, and then it descends out through our vagus nerve, leaving us with this like full body activation.

[00:04:59] While the energy is kind of coursing through our body, it’s illuminating our shadowy parts. And so our body’s constantly storing information, whether it’s good information or bad information. Uh, we all have some sort of traumas, whether it’s big T trauma or little T trauma that our body’s constantly remembering.

[00:05:18] And so as that energy is ascending up and it’s kind of coursing through our body, It’s guiding us to those things in our life that need to be healed or that need to be kind of worked on and looked at in order for us to essentially live a more aligned, happier life through the metaphysical lens, it said that this energy, since it is this divine feminine energy, Her intention is to rise up through your energy system, rise up through your crown chakra, and it said that at that point is when she’s going to meet her divine counterpart, which is Shiva, the divine masculine.

[00:05:54] So this is actually a. Balanced approach to awakening your energy. It’s not just let’s all be in our feminine. It’s actually let’s be in our feminine. Let’s awaken this, creating energy, and then meet and harmonize the masculine. Um, so that’s like a brief overview of what this energy is and how it’s kind of working through the body.

[00:06:13] So I would love Brianna to share with you Yes. My experience with this. Tell me, and this was like, um, when was this? 2016? I suppose. So, uh, four, seven years ago. Seven, eight years ago. No, no, no. But way before that, sorry, this was like, um, nine, 10 years ago and I was go, I was going through a difficult time in my personal life.

[00:06:40] And I went to my first kind of full on spiritual retreat and it was really spectacular and really magical and it healed so much. Awakened so much. I felt like I was this onion and just layers and layers of me yes was getting peeled back when I was in this. I don’t wanna say rock bottom, that’s too strong, but I was in this really difficult point, which is actually a really great time to heal if, if you’re not in so much stress.

[00:07:07] You know that you can Yeah. But I was to that point where I, I, I was able to heal, but I was also in a lot of pain and it was just almost like this perfect intersection to just get in there and release it all. Yeah. And I believe. I left the retreat and I was like vibrating in this enlightened energy. I was kind of, I was like, I feel so amazing.

[00:07:30] And I remember I was going, I went right then to a family reunion where there was just a lot of fear and just a lot of very like low vibey stuff going on. Yes, family dramas, you know, all the things. And I was like, I, I was almost out of body. I, like, I didn’t know where my energy was supposed to go, but I believe that I had a kini release while I was there or something.

[00:07:56] My intuition just told me it was that and it was both amazing and it was uncomfortable. I felt, I felt, um, Like I, I, I couldn’t, I couldn’t like, release enough. Yes. Like my container was releasing so much, I just couldn’t, and I remember Googling it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That’s, I didn’t know where else to go. Yeah.

[00:08:18] And some article said to do, um, what’s it called? Uh, a dance, but, um, what’s it called when you just dance and you don’t? Free flow dance. Like an ecstatic dance. Yeah. It was like, just like dance and let your body go. Yeah. And just like, and it helps to release. And that was literally that helped. That That helped.

[00:08:38] Yes. And, um, it was so extraordinary. Now, do you think that that’s what I was having, obviously what, I mean, what does your intuition say? Because I, I mean, obvi obviously, there’s no way to know, but like, what do you th Well, how do you respond to that? Great question. Um, I think first thing first is like what your intuition was telling you is probably the truth, right?

[00:08:57] So it’s like if you came out of that and you’re like, I think this was a Kundalini awakening or activation trust that over anyone or any Google result, I think that has like the. The highest ranking. Um, but from what you’re sharing, it does sound like a kundalini, um, awakening or release. And I will say for anyone that’s listening to, um, it doesn’t mean that you’ll always have that type of experience that you had.

[00:09:20] Yeah. Like a kundalini awakening can be really powerful and vibrating. Like you’re in this like, almost like ethereal world and also. It could be like small little shifts every single day and it’s really depending on where you’re at and um, your soul’s journey. But it seems like you were in a space where it was safe for you to kind of go through that type of experience in that moment.

[00:09:43] Yes, for sure. Yeah. Um, that’s so cool. And so I would love to know, um, it’s just interesting that we’re talking about this now because I set the intention then 10 years ago to return to Kini and like study it more and understand it more. And I never really did cuz I went on to other things. Yeah. So I’m so happy we’re talking about it now.

[00:10:04] Um, tell us how it can help us locate our wounds. Mm, yes. Great question. So, The body has its own intelligence. The soul has its own intelligence, and the way that I think of it is the body is the house to the soul. So if we learn how to move the body, um, and actually speak to the body, we’re essentially speaking to the soul.

[00:10:27] And so the way that we can start to activate this Kundalini energy is through curated movement or conscious movement sequences, which are typically known as Koreas, which are sequences of poses, posture, mantra and breath work that you do together in a specific sequence for a specific outcome. And so as we start to move the body in this curated way, the body knows how to self-heal.

[00:10:52] The body knows how to self-regulate. And the way I think of it as when the kundolini energy is rising, the visual that I get, at least, it’s kind of like those snow globes. You know when you shake up a snow globe and like all the snow kind of like rises to the top and then it falls. It’s kind of like that where you’re shaking up your energy system.

[00:11:11] All of this stuff that needs to be released, rises to the top and then whatever is supposed to land and kind of come back to center, will come back. Um, every day. As humans, we’re sitting on the computer screen, we are driving our cars and we’re not, you know, we’re not typically in an aligned position where our body can facilitate or work through energy cuz we’re hunched over or we’re.

[00:11:35] Slouching. I mean, I’m guilty of this too, right? And so when the bodies in these like funky positions, the energy gets dislodged, the energy can’t rise up. And so we have to move our bodies in these really intentional ways to essentially shake up our energy systems, shake up, um, you know, kind of loosen all of those blocks that we have so that way you can rise up to the top.

[00:11:57] And then we can process and heal those things that are rising up to the top. And then when we, you know, complete that everything can kind of shift and land where it’s supposed to. Um, through the lens of like the science of Kundalini. Our body, our system has so many, um, So many beautiful opportunities for us to heal.

[00:12:19] And so as we’re actually working with this energy, as it’s shining a light, our body, our fluids have these, has a crystalline structure to it. And so as that light from the energy of Kundalini is shining up, It’s like hitting these little crystaline structures, almost like a disco ball. So everything’s like lighting up and turning our body on.

[00:12:39] And that’s why for me, when I work with this energy and this is the way I teach it, there’s many different ways to teach this. I’m not saying I am the guru on Kundalini, this is my experience, but I see it like as you share at the beginning of this conversation. It’s definitely for me, a light frequency.

[00:12:56] It’s a light energy. It’s a light fueled experience because you’re finding your light, you’re activating your light, you’re turning yourself on like that bright little flashlight. It’s illuminating your entire energy system, but your physical body does have a roll in it, and then you’re lighting up your physical body.

[00:13:12] You have this like beautiful like disco ball light inside of you. That is turning yourself on where the pain is, where the trauma is. I think for me, the experience has been the body knows where those things are. The soul knows where those things are. We don’t have to attach to understanding exactly where they are.

[00:13:29] I think part of it is like that art of surrender of this is my intention. This is what I want my Kundalini energy to do. This is where I want to be. Allow it to do the rest because it knows how to self-heal and self-regulate. We kind of have to step out of the mind with that and let the body do what it knows how to do naturally.

[00:13:49] Hmm. And so Kini yoga obviously can help with this and I used to practice it for a time and, um, you got me interested in, in returning to it. Mm. And what I find cool about the yoga practice is that it. Can take a very subtle movement, just like Right. Uh, you know, your, your arms in the air Right. And holding that Yeah.

[00:14:13] For a period of time. And it creates a lot of resistance, you know? Yes. And it’s, it creates this like, wow, I’m having this, I’m not like doing anything, but I feel like I’m having this huge workout or this huge, uh, I don’t know how you call it, but, um, yeah. That, that, yeah. So, so, um, how do you then, Because the movement is such a key part of this.

[00:14:39] Yes. And getting into the right movement. Mm-hmm. Is it finding the right Kundalini yoga practice? Like what are the, the, the steps for people who are interested in, in trying this out for their own bodies? I. Yeah, yeah, great question. So I would love to just talk about the yoga piece, um, because I think that that’s so important to me.

[00:14:59] Any conscious movement can actually awaken the Kundalini energy, running, walking, stretching, any of that can actually start to awaken the energy. There is a form of yoga called Kundalini yoga meditation. That was brought here to the west in the late 1960s. Um, that practice to me, in my body was very restrictive and dogmatic.

[00:15:22] There wasn’t really any, um, Information as to why we were holding our hands up or why you’re doing the poses. And for me, when I started practicing it, I was like, well, why? Like, why are we doing it this way? What’s happening in my body? And no one really had answers. It was kind of like, be quiet, trust the guru.

[00:15:41] Don’t ask questions. And for me, my intuition kind of lit up and was like, ask more questions, find out what’s going on. And so, For the last 10 years, I’ve been really studying the movement piece of like, why do these postures work? What’s actually happening in the body? Which led me to creating my own lineage of Kundalini, which is now known as Light Leader Kundalini.

[00:16:01] And so essentially what we do and what I kind of created was I. When we look at the body through actually the lens of Chinese medicine, we start to look at the meridian system. We can take the meridian system and overlay it onto the postures, and from there we can start to understand what’s happening in the body and why these postures are working and what they’re doing in the body, and also why sometimes they don’t work.

[00:16:24] And the reason why I started to kind of get curious about this was. There were some postures that I was doing that made me sick, that made me not feel good. And when I would bring it to a teacher, they would say, I don’t know, just keep practicing it. The goose said, this is how you practice it. You know, kind of suck it up and just do it.

[00:16:42] But again, my intuition was like, no, you’re hurting yourself like you’re not. This isn’t the right thing for you. And so that kind of led me down this path of understanding the language of the body, understanding the, the, like the energetic anatomy, cuz we’re not taught that typically in school. And so through that lens I was able to discern and understand why some of the postures work for people, why they don’t work, and what’s actually happening in the body when we’re holding those poses or pastures for an extended period of time.

[00:17:09] When your arms are up like this, right? This is like a common one. If anyone can see me, typically your hands are like, this is like a very common Kundalini yoga posture. Most people have seen it. You have your arms up there, typically you’re up for about three minutes. For those of you that have never done that, three minutes might seem like nothing to you, but three minutes is a long time to have your like this.

[00:17:29] It’s Brianna. It’s so hard. It’s so hard and I think that it’s so hards, so cool. I love things that are so simple, but that can be so profound at the same time, and I, that’s what I think that is. So yes, it is hard, but it, but when you get hard through it, it feels so darn good. Yes, agreed. Agreed. And and the reason why it feels good is because when you’re up like this, you’re actually stim stimulating the fire meridian, which is all about our heart center, magnetism, radiance.

[00:17:58] Um, it’s opening us up. But if you’re someone that has too much fire, if you have someone that is, does not have enough fire in their energy system, this is going to be tough. And the reason why? The Cris, the postures, why they work is because you are in them for an extended period of time. And so what that’s doing is essentially opening up that meridian channel.

[00:18:18] If you only did this for 10 seconds, you’re not gonna feel anything. You’re doing this for three minutes. You’re giving your your body that time to essentially awaken its own intelligence to open up the murdering system so that way the energy can flow. Our body has all of these energy highways and just like on a regular highway, if there’s like a car crash, there’s a backup that happens, right?

[00:18:39] And then we are like stopping your bumper to bumper in your energy system. If you have a block, your energy is going to be like that car crash and it’s going to be blocked. And so when we’re holding these postures for an extended period of time, We’re putting pressure on the meridian systems to open up to release the block.

[00:18:56] And that’s why within these Koreas, a lot of people say like, I just did 10 years of therapy in three minutes. I’m a huge supporter of therapy. I’m not saying don’t do therapy, but the reason why we have such an accelerated, um, feeling of healing or ecstasy is because. I mean, most people aren’t holding their arms up for three minutes, 11 minutes, 62 minutes.

[00:19:16] They’re not giving themself that experience to self-heal. Like I said at the beginning, the body knows how to heal. We just haven’t been taught how to heal it or how to listen to it. And so when we’re getting into these postures, we’re offering the body the opportunity to release what it’s been holding onto for sometimes even decades.

[00:19:36] Beautiful. I love, I just wanna congratulate you. I’m so sick of guru culture and I’m so sick of, you know, just do it because that’s how I learned it and that’s what my guru taught me. And I never question my guru, so you shouldn’t question me. I mean, it’s just this overly masculine leader, follower energy that I’m just ready to.

[00:20:00] Be done with. And so, and I know in some of these fields of study, it’s pretty rigid. So honoring you for having the courage to say, Hey, I’m gonna take this practice and I’m gonna put a new fresh spin on it, or a new angle, or add new elements. Yeah. That just make more sense. Mm. Cause that’s evolution. Right?

[00:20:22] That is evolution. And I just wanna honor you for that. Thank you. And, um, I would love to know then, um, three of my favorite things to talk about are energy healing and manifestation. So talk us through how this energy can help us to manifest. Yes. Oh, those are also like three of my favorite topics too. So this is perfect.

[00:20:48] Um, you know, I think for me, the way I, I discovered how Kundalini was kind of like your secret weapon to manifestation was when I kind of started to have my spiritual awakening. There was a lot of, um, emphasis at the time of like vision boarding and getting into the energy of it, and I would try to do that.

[00:21:05] I’m like, it’s not working. Like is there something wrong with me? Because like, I feel like I’m like affirming my way to it. I’m doing all of the mantras. I had, like the iPhone reminders and all the things. And I was still exactly, you know, where I was. Things weren’t shifting. And so, During that time is when I started to play with the Kundalini energy, um, and kind of question it and understand how it’s working in the body.

[00:21:28] And what I started to figure out was if you are working with that fire channel, if you’re working with that fire meridian, that’s essentially the manifestation meridian, like it is the magnetism, it’s the alchemy, it’s the magician energy. And if you learned how to open up those energy channels, you can manifest rather quickly and rapidly.

[00:21:48] I typically work with entrepreneurs. I’m a Kundalini business coach, and so that type of community and myself included, we love talking about manifestation because we wanna manifest our dream business. And so having that business background, what I started to do was pairing the Kundalini postures in Koreas.

[00:22:05] With business strategy because I found that most people, they weren’t taking action on the business strategy or they were doing like the manifestation rituals, but just like me, things weren’t shifting, things weren’t working out because our energy is infusing every action. And so if we don’t have that energetic endurance or that energetic wattage to fuel the action, It’s just going to fizzle out.

[00:22:29] And so we have to treat the energy first and then the manifestation can actually move rather quickly. And so, When it comes to Kundalini, when we’re opening up those energy channels, we’re clearing out really fast. And so the only reason why manifestation isn’t going to happen to me at least one, it’s not meant for you.

[00:22:47] There’s something bigger and greater on the horizon that you don’t even know yet. Or two, you don’t have the energetic wattage to like attract in the thing that you want. Everything has a vibration to it, so you yourself have to be a vibrational match. For the thing that you desire. And so once we’re able to kind of clear out those blocks, whatever your body’s holding onto, Your body and your energy naturally is going to elevate in frequency.

[00:23:13] And so then you can literally become a vibrational match for the thing that you want, the thing that you desire. I myself was kind of my first little Guinea pig for this. I was like, I’m gonna just be my best test subject and work on my energy and see how this manifests itself in my business. And I started my business and within one year I had half a million dollars without any paid advertising, didn’t have a huge list, didn’t have all these things, and I was like, All right.

[00:23:37] It’s working. And then I started to work with my clients too, and they started to see this rapid fire success. And I will say, this isn’t, you know, a quick fix. This isn’t like a pill that you take and then money lands in your lap tomorrow, but you’re going to get there far quicker than if you’re just trying to affirm your way to it or just trying to get into the energy of it because you yourself need to have the energy to fuel your action steps.

[00:24:02] At least that’s my perspective on it. Oh yeah, definitely. Um, yeah, and it, it, it really is in a way, it’s a gift I think when people are trying to manifest and, and 10 things into their experience, and it’s not happening in a way, it’s a gift because there’s some reason why it arriving today. It’s not gonna give you the joy you’re looking for.

[00:24:26] Totally. I find often when I, in business in particular, have a goal and I wanna say, sell so many of whatever, and I, I get way below that. Mm-hmm. And I have my initial disappointment and then I kind of feel into that release that Right. I realize like, oh, I didn’t have the energy for the. You know, I only had energy for 10 people, not 25 people.

[00:24:52] Yes. You know, and it, it was actually kind of a gift that it didn’t happen the way I wanted, so. Mm-hmm. It’s, it’s a nice way to look at it. Like if it’s not arriving Yeah. There’s probably some wounds. Yes. And, um, for sure, I always say if it’s not arriving, there’s something, you know, dimming the energy. Yes.

[00:25:12] That’s asking for your attention. And then, Yeah, it’s just, it’s um, that bigger, better thing. You know, it’s an access consciousness. They say this or something better. Yes. And if the thing isn’t arriving, then probably there’s a wound, maybe a tiny one, maybe a little t trauma in there, and there’s something better that’s wanting to happen at a different date and time.

[00:25:37] Yes. I so agree. And I’ve, I’ve even seen that, and I’m sure you can attest to this too, where things have manifested. Exactly when they were supposed to. Like, I might have wanted it five years ago, but like it happened, like when it’s happened, I say to myself, I couldn’t have handled that five years ago.

[00:25:53] Like it’s great that I was trying to manifest it, but like no way in hell could that have worked for me. Five years ago it happened exactly when it’s supposed to. Totally. And, um, I’m a also a, a student of human design. Mm. And it’s, um, it’s a human design is a great study too, to show us how the parts of our energy that’s really designed for waiting and we all have it.

[00:26:17] Yes, some of us have it more than others. I have loads and loads and loads of waiting in my chart, like on every level and. Old masculine energy, which is go, go, go. Now, now, now make it happen. Yes. Yesterday doesn’t support that very well. Mm-hmm. But when you really get into that flow of how you’re meant to create and get into that flow of the de the divine timing, yes, it is so, Re it’s so, um, relieving and, and, and to me, you know, you, you, we hear, we hear the word flow a lot, you know?

[00:26:55] Yeah. Especially people into energy, right? Yes. You’re a yoga person, you know all about flow. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But I feel like. To really feel flow and really like taste what flow feels like for you. Cuz it probably, we all experience it differently, right? Yes. I feel like getting an align to divine timing puts you in a flow like nothing else.

[00:27:16] Mm-hmm. It’s just like I. I’m in just the flow of the divine timing things as things are meant to unfold in my manifest reality. I am just here along for the ride to watch it happen, and I’m in creative awe, and I’m so grateful for all the things, big and small, and that I tell you I, I can’t. That’s the way that I really taste flow.

[00:27:37] That’s what I really said to myself. This is flow. Yeah. And I’m not always there. Yeah. And I have my days Brianna, where I’m like, why didn’t I get better results? So why isn’t this thing happening yet? Yeah. But then I release that, you know, give myself permission to have a little bit of a pity party, and then I go back to, you know what I wasn’t really ready for.

[00:27:57] You know, that innovation kicking in, saying wasn’t really time yet. Yeah. And then you go back to that flow. Yes. Ugh. I love that. I love how, just like I, I felt you when you were speaking tho those beautiful words. I was like, yes, that’s exactly how you taste it. It’s true. You know, it’s, everything’s working out for you and it’s okay to be human and have your little pity party cuz hello.

[00:28:17] We are humans. But, um, to come back I think is, is the best gift. It’s not how, how long we stay on the spiritual path, it’s how quickly we can come back to it. Um, and I love how you just described that. Oh my gosh. I’m loving this conversation. So if someone is totally new to Kundalini and I’ve been away from it for 10 years, yeah.

[00:28:37] How do we get started into some of this cool, cool energy work? Yeah, I think, you know, first thing is find the teacher that makes sense for you. Um, I think really look into, and this is for anything, any mentor you invest in, you know, their values or lifestyle, do they align with you and kind of go from there.

[00:28:53] I have definitely more of a feminine, modernized approach to it that relies for you. Definitely love to connect, but you know, do your research on the people that work for you. When it comes to practicing today, I definitely have brave resources on my channels you could find, but I think, you know, Like step one before All of that is connecting to your own Kundalini energy, um, and understanding where that is in your body and what it feels like and what that experience is.

[00:29:18] So for anyone, you could just sit like literally after this podcast and close your eyes down, connect to where that Kundalini energy lives in your body, and visualize the Naval center, visualize your root chakra, connect it, and start to just pulsate and kind of feel like it’s a living, breathing energy and start to feel that Kundalini energy.

[00:29:37] Open and expand and then contract with your breath and really start to visualize it. Feel it in your body. You can start to move it up your spinal column or talk to and ask it questions. I think when we can connect to our own energy source in that way, the postures, the cris, everything else we do is just gonna be that much more powerful, um, and magnified because we know where our energy is, rather than going directly to a teacher or directly to something and kind of having this disembodied experience.

[00:30:06] Connect to yourself first, connect to your energy source, speak to it, and maybe even ask and say like, lead me to the teacher, lead me to the correct book. Lead me to the correct experience. Um, and then allow it to unfold from there. Beautiful. Beautiful. And, um, oh my gosh, this has been really such a very, very cool conversation.

[00:30:26] And you know, I’ve learned so much new, and I think when all of us were, were I. In it and we’re talking to our peers. We are, we’re kind of all talking about the same things, just sitting around agreeing with each other, which is fantastic. And it’s so nice for like new, uh, uh, f uh, fresh insights to come in and I really felt like you brought that to me and I know you brought that to our listeners.

[00:30:52] So Brianna, I would love to invite you to leave our listeners with an invitation. Mm. I think I have two invitations. One is to, you know, I invite you to sit with yourself and sit with your Kundalini energy, just like I shared. I think like that, just try it out and see how it feels, but two, I find that.

[00:31:13] Whenever I listen to a podcast like this, I normally get these like intuitive hits and downloads and these creative ideas, and I’m sure everyone that’s listening is probably feeling that way too. And so my invitation is take action on those things that are coming through you. They’re coming through you for a reason.

[00:31:29] Don’t just like scribble it down or make the note and say later and put it in a parking lot. Take action within the next 24 hours, and whatever the juicy, intuitive hit is. Even if that’s like getting a massage, do it, or maybe it’s launching a new program, do it. I just encourage you and invite you all to take action and whatever came through you during this podcast.

[00:31:49] Love it. Wonderful invitations. Thank you so much. And I’m going to go ahead and take those invitations myself. I’m very excited. I’m gonna play around with my kini energy. Yeah. Um, I can already feel it, like I’m already connecting it. I can feel it moving. Um, and Brianna, I know there’s gonna be listeners that are gonna wanna learn more about you and this amazing work you’re doing.

[00:32:10] How can they find you? Mm. I love hanging out on Instagram, so you can find me at I am Brianna Rose. You can slide into my dms and say hello. It’s me and not a team member that’s managing that. It’s really me that’s going to respond and I love connecting with new people. So if you’re coming from this podcast, definitely say hi over there.

[00:32:29] And then I also have, um, a free Facebook group called The Rising Night Sisterhood, and I have over a hundred free trainings inside of there, all about. And manifestation and moving the energy. So if you’re just intrigued, definitely join that space. You’ll get a warm welcome for me and my team, and we’ll be able to guide you in the right, uh, place for any trainings that you might wanna learn about.

[00:32:48] So cool, so generous, and, um, all of those links will be in the show notes. Brianna, thank you so much for sharing your brilliance today on Soul Guide Radio. Thank you.


00:01  Intro

03:38  Meet Brianna Rose

04:18  What is Kundalini energy?

09:42  My experience with Kundalini

13:22  Locating your wounds

17:02  Building your Kundalini practice

23:25  Manifestation

27:01  “This or something better”

31:21  Getting started

33:13  Conclusion & invitation

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