The New Money “Heartset”

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As you step into the energy of New Year’s Eve, are you ready to say goodbye to old patterns that no longer serve you and welcome a new cycle of abundance? The “new money heartset,” reveals how the divine time has arrived for a shift beyond traditional money mindsets. Previous money mindset techniques might have failed you, especially if you’re a soul-guided leader, lightworker, or entrepreneur who is driven by a greater purpose than just making money. By focusing on the heart and body, rather than solely on financial metrics, this episode reveals the secret to having the right “heartset” to attract true wealth and prosperity.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  •  Why having a money mindset centered on abundance can actually lead to lack and scarcity. 
  • How to get into the right heart space. 
  • An invitation for embodying a new money heartset that successfully leads to an explosive growth in wealth and prosperity.

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Spend some time with your why. Anchor that energy in your heart to adopt a new money heartset as a source to provide you all the things that you’re going to need to fulfill your big soul mission. 

[00:00:00] Hey, hello, dear ones. This episode will be released on new year’s Eve. So whenever you decide to push play on this episode, we’re in the energy of new beginnings, right? Saying goodbye to what no longer serves us to welcome in a new year, a new cycle, a new perspective. New energetic alignment to something that serves you higher. And this episode is all about releasing our past money mindsets. Because a lot of the money mindset tools that we’ve been taught over the last 20 years or so since the explosion of personal growth. That they haven’t really worked for most of us. Especially if you’re a soul guided leader or Lightworker or entrepreneur. And we’re more motivated by other things than money.

[00:01:01] Taking on a money air-quotes mindset. Is not. Usually going to lead us to more money. There are certain things and energies that will however. And it’s something that can be found more in the heart. So that’s why the title of this episode is called the new money heartset. And this is the energy that’s going to lead you to the wealth and abundance that you deserve. So. I have got some really juicy stuff to share with you. 

[00:01:45] that’s really going to change your relationship to money and wealth and abundance. In the ways that really serve you and work and lead to results. So let’s get to it. In today’s episode. I reveal the likely reason why your past money mindsets have failed. Why having a money mindset centered on abundance can actually lead to lack and scarcity. And what you want to do instead to get into the right heart space. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you embodying a new money heartset that successfully leads to an explosive growth in wealth and prosperity. 

[00:02:31] So please stay with me until the end.

[00:02:34] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts and soul power to grow prosperous Heartland businesses. That are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find the link to join our closed Facebook group or in the show notes. All right today, we’re talking about the new money heart set. And I’m going to be telling you in just a sec, exactly what a heart set is, but let’s start with why it is likely that some of the money mindset tactics and techniques you have learned in the past have failed. And the reason why they don’t work for purpose driven folks like us is because those mindsets typically center around abundance. And abundance is great. 

[00:04:12] I love feeling abundance and I love being in abundance. And I love defining abundance as greater than just money, because it certainly is. However. When you’re trying to get a right mindset around money in a way that leads to more money and you’re focused on. Yes money, but also even focusing on abundance, either one does something that leads to

[00:04:42] a mindset that doesn’t actually work. And that thing is it didn’t disconnects you from your purpose, the reason why you do the work you do. Because most of us aren’t here to make money or even feel abundant. We are here and we feel cold and driven to make a big impact. We are here to change lives. We are here to lead the Ascension process on mother earth. We are here to heal. 

[00:05:21] Others, inspire others, entertain others. Allow others to see beauty. In new and creative ways.

[00:05:29] In my case, I am here to lead the new era of Lightworkers so they can connect to co-create. With the spiritual realm at higher and more sophisticated levels. And they can step into the role of conscious creator of their experience. That’s what gets me excited. That’s what motivates me. It’s not making money, although I want to make money. Although I like to go on nice vacations. 

[00:05:58] I like to own nice things. I like to have more money for my business so I can invest in more help. And more training programs and nicer branding and all the things I love all that I want that. But that isn’t the thing that gets me leaping out of bed in the morning. It’s really not the thing that gets me leaping is you, my dear one, it’s serving you. I take it so seriously, I take it so seriously. 

[00:06:28] Like I am so committed to be in service to you. I am. From my heart. So committed to helping you get results in your life. I was born to be a new era guide and helping you to activate your spiritual gifts. And live a higher aligned to your purpose life.

[00:06:55] And if I focus on that impact and transformation I feel called to make. Ooh. Now we’re in the energy of the heart set. That’s actually going to successfully attract me to my experience. All the money, people, resources and opportunities that I will need. To fulfill 

[00:07:25] That mission.

[00:07:27] That is what’s going to activate. My abundance to the next level. 

[00:07:33] But before we dig deeper into getting into that heartset. Let’s just explore why it is exactly that having a money mindset centered around either money or even abundance can actually lead to lack and scarcity. Putting you in the frequency of lack and scarcity and thus attracting more circumstances into your manifest reality that are a reflection of lack and scared of the city. It’s because when we’re focused on let’s just say money. It’s just too easy for the brain to determine there’s not enough of it. Have you ever heard the expression? 

[00:08:19] Never too rich, never too thin. I mean, certainly the people who have lots and lots of money are the worst ones. You know, some of my wealthiest clients and I’ve had some wealthy clients are the ones that are in the biggest scarcity. And you might be thinking, whoa, okay. They’re in this scarcity mindset. 

[00:08:40] Why is it that they’re attracting so much money? Well, it’s usually because these are people who’ve always had a lot of money. Usually wealthy people who always feel like there’s not enough money are people who were born into money. So they already have this inner knowing because they’ve always had money. 

[00:08:58] That money is always there. So they’re vibrating at the frequency of money’s always there. Okay. Money’s always there, but they’re also vibrating at the frequency of there’s never enough.

[00:09:08] And that’s gonna ultimately, and it just depends on what kind of frequency they’re actually vibrating in. Maybe it will lead to them. Actually losing money or maybe it will lead to them. Having the same amount of money or more money, it doesn’t matter. Exactly. What it means for them in terms of their ability to manifest money. 

[00:09:29] What’s more important is that it leads to their unhappiness. 

[00:09:35] It leads them to not be able to enjoy their money. And for their money to actually be a source of pain for them. And money. Isn’t here to be a source of pain. It’s here to be a source of joy. Source of love. A source of enabling us to live a fulfilled life. To be in alignment to our soul mission to feel supported along the way. And because money is so Quanta fire ball. So easy to quantify money, right? How do you quantify being in alignment to your soul mission? I mean, what is that worth to you in dollars or Euros? Might be hard to say, you might say, well, it’s priceless, right? But it’s pretty easy to quantify how much a thousand dollars is worth. Right. 

[00:10:32] We can feel that or choose your currency.

[00:10:36] So if it’s quantifiable because of the negative bias of the brain, that has a default mode of saying there’s never enough. Adopting a money mindset focused on.

[00:10:51] Having the right thoughts about money to attract more money. Really just sets you up for failure.

[00:10:58] And the reason why is because no matter how well you’ve trained your brain, it is important to train our brain. To not be so susceptible to negative bias and to see the positive things and the times where there is enough and it is coming in and it all is okay. And it is working out the way you want it to. And that is important. But again, wanting to attract more money by thinking the right thoughts on money just makes it all too easy for the brain. Even on subconscious levels to go into. 

[00:11:31] Yeah, but that’s still not enough. Oh, I just got that new client. That’s great. Okay. Now I want more. 

[00:11:38] I just had my first 10 K month. Oh, that’s great. Now I want my first 20 K.

[00:11:43] The brain will very easily just move on to the next thing. So it’s really just never enough. Even when it is coming in, then you just set the higher marker for what you want. 

[00:11:55] So it’s important to recognize when your brain is doing that. And that’s just, you know, being aware of our thoughts. That’s a really important part of spiritual growth and evolution. 

[00:12:05] Generally speaking on all topics is being aware of your thoughts. And noticing. Are they serving you on your path or are they saying things that are triggering pain and suffering? And if it’s triggering pain. Then that means there is blocked energy ready to be released. 

[00:12:25] And we are grateful for that indicator because then we know we have a block.

[00:12:30] But to really make it easier for you to set yourself up to be in that right. Energy to attract. All the things that you need to enable you to fulfill your soul mission, to include money. And other things. Is to be instead in the heart. Be instead in the body. Embodying abundance. But embodying your alignment, to your soul mission. And this is what I call the heartset. Being in the body. Plugged into the heart space at the center of your chest. Focused on your, why? The impact you want to create in the world. And in essence, we’re going one. Emotion 

[00:13:26] Past.

[00:13:27] abundance. So, what that means is. Y you do the work that you do. Well, because you want to feel abundant. 

[00:13:36] Good. What will abundance give you? 

[00:13:40] Think about going one emotion past abundance, and that will get you to the emotion. To really anchor into the heart. So you become, that becomes part of you you’re being, and you’re vibrating. At that being, and that’s going to attract your manifest reality. 

[00:14:02] To be a reflection of that being.

[00:14:06] So. I am here to train the light workers of the world. To be stronger soul guided leaders and lead there. People and their audiences. To higher consciousness. That’s my why I’m here to be a truth teller. A guide, a storyteller. I’m here to activate others into their leadership abilities. And when I feel like I’m in alignment to that, and I have soul aligned success to that mission. Uh, it really does go beyond abundance. It goes to exhilaration freedom. Peace.

[00:14:49] It’s like an exhilarated joy and a relaxed joy. It really dips into enlightenment and what, once you get into enlightened energy, it is an affable. And that means there are no words to describe it because it’s just so amazing. So I go into that ineffable space. 

[00:15:11] That there are no words out there to describe it. 

[00:15:15] And I anchor those emotions into my heart. And I just am. I just be, I’m just, I just am. And this enlightened energy. This is my heart space. 

[00:15:30] This is my money. HeartSpace. My new money. HeartSpace. And from this. 

[00:15:39] High vibrational energy. I just say source. 

[00:15:45] Please provide me with all the money. Resources. No, how. People. Opportunities for healing. 

[00:15:54] Learning. Education.

[00:15:57] That enables me to follow at the highest level possible. Highest level of alignment that is. Fulfill my soul mission. And make a massive impact on humanity. And mother earth.

[00:16:18] That. Is the new money heart. Set. That we are being called towards, as we evolve to higher consciousness. And we’re evolving out of the brain out of the mind. And into the body and into the heart. As our primary point of awareness.

[00:16:40] So, yes, we’re aware of our thoughts. That’s super important. And that is a practice that’s part of this. But it goes so much deeper than thought. It goes beyond thoughts. Into the body. And into the heart. 

[00:16:57] My invitation for you this week is to spend some time with your why. 

[00:17:05] What Motivates You? What is that impact? You want to leave? On your clients, on your loved ones, on your community. On the earth. What is that? 

[00:17:19] And if you can imagine yourself fulfilling that mission, how would that make you feel? Go beyond abundance. 

[00:17:29] What lies beyond abundance for you? 

[00:17:32] And can you anchor that energy in your heart? To adopt a new money heartset. As a source to provide you all the things that you’re going to need to fulfill your big soul mission. And just be in that. High vibrational. Heart set energy.

[00:17:53] All right. My dear ones. That’s a wrap for this week. I would really love for you to head over to wherever it is you listen. Hit subscribe. Click on leave a rating and review. I received five stars with lots of love. And let me know specifically what you received from this episode in a review. Take a quick screenshot of that. Email it to me at Alison at Allyson. 

[00:18:21] And I will send you a bespoke. Gift intuitive gift based on something you really need in the moment on a soul level. That you will love as my way of saying thank you. And as always until next time. May your soul. Guide the way.


00:00 Introduction

00:28 Releasing Past Money Mindsets

01:23 The New Money Heartset

02:02 Why Money Mindsets Fail

03:37 The Importance of Heartset

04:47 Aligning with Your Soul Mission

07:10 The Power of Heartset in Manifestation

07:41 Understanding Scarcity and Abundance

13:07 Anchoring Emotions into the Heart

17:07 Invitation

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Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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