The Mother Tongue of Your Intuition

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Have you ever wondered how to truly tap into your intuition? Or questioned why sometimes those gut feelings or inner voices seem so unclear? This very special episode kicks off a powerful and transformative 5-part deep-dive that will help you deepen your intuition by becoming more fluent in your intuitive languages. 

In this part-1 episode, you’ll discover the most common intuitive languages – what they are, how they work, and how YOU can become an intuition polyglot!

Whether you’re just beginning your intuitive journey or looking to advance, these will be great ways to enhance your intuitive ‘muscle’ and build a stronger trust relationship with your intuition.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • The 8 most common clair- senses that make up our intuition 
  • How to clearly identify your dominant intuitive language
  • An invitation that will have you getting confidently fluent in your intuitive mother tongue!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

 Spend some time playing around with your dominant, intuitive language.

[00:00:00] Hey, whoa, dear one. I am recording this episode from my brand new office. And if you’d like to see me in my new office, head on over to my new YouTube channel. I’ve been uploading episodes from soul guide radio with video to YouTube. As well as some of the Thursday reels. I’ve been uploading, onto Instagram and they are all there at the YouTube channel. And you definitely can subscribe and be up to date on all the videos that I will be adding to that platform, which I’m really excited about. And we’ll link that YouTube channel in the show notes. And before we get into today’s super amazing content, which is part one of a five part series, I would love to share a listener review. And this listener review comes from the amazing Sherris shank, and she says, soul guide radio is joy. And I happen to know Sherris and I can go ahead and tell you that Sherris is also joy. Allyson makes the spiritual life accessible to everyone by making complicated concepts, easy to understand. 

[00:01:17] I am always inspired by what she offers and feel uplifted after listening love this podcast. Thank you so much. Sherris and listeners. Hey, listen. Up Sherris is a gifted hypnotist. So if you’ve ever been curious about hypnotherapy, we’ll go ahead and link in the show notes, her website, and a way to get in contact with her

[00:01:44] so you can get to know all the ways that Sherris could support you on your path through hypnotherapy. All right, let us get into today’s topic, which is exploring the mother tongue of your intuition. And today, as I mentioned, we’re kicking off a five part series. Deep dive into your many intuitive languages. And learning and expanding your intuitive languages is a key and essential aspect of being able to communicate with higher self source and spirit guides at higher and more sophisticated levels. So why don’t we go ahead and get right into part one of this five part series. In today’s episode, I reveal how our intuition speaks in senses, not words. The eight different Clair senses and how to identify your dominant, intuitive language

[00:02:45] We’ll end on an invitation that will have you getting super fluent in your intuitive mother tongue. So you can up level your overall ability to communicate with your higher self and the divine. So you’re going to want to stay with me until the end.

[00:03:00] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in the soul guide circle we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group or in the show notes. Today, we’re exploring the mother tongue of your intuition. And some of you have been at this for awhile and you are maybe a student of soul blueprint where we deep dive into how to identify and get fluent in your intuitive languages. Maybe you’ve been an intuitive for a long time and this is content that maybe you’ve been exposed to before, if that’s the case. 

[00:04:30] Fantastic. You’re in the right place because remember spiritual growth and expansion is often not about adding new information into your brain or into your system. It’s about applying more deeply what you already know. So, if you are on the more advanced side, I really invite you to see how you can apply this more deeply, push the edges of your comfort zone. 

[00:05:03] Really get to know what your dominant, intuitive language looks like and spend some time. And what I like to call your gym of intuition, doing reps. So that intuitive muscle gets stronger. If you are on the newer side of things than welcome, you are in the right place. Ready to kick off your connection to your intuition, to the next level. So with that in mind. It’s important to be aware and to remind yourself that our intuition doesn’t communicate with us the way you and I communicate to each other. We use verbal language words, and we use nonverbal cues, facial expressions, hand gestures, et cetera. We use our ears and our eyes to physically. see

[00:05:58] nonverbal cues and hear the language hear the communication coming in. Our intuition uses senses. So yes, indeed. We sense a vision, right? But it’s not a physical vision. It’s a non-physical vision that we see in the mind’s eye. Or we sense words, of course, messages coming in. Especially if your dominant language is clairaudient. Or we have a sense. 

[00:06:30] We, we feel what the intuitive message may be. We just have an inner knowing of what the intuitive message maybe. And all of these various senses

[00:06:44] are not something that you see or hear or touch physically. And because of that, the brain will come in and second, guess it. Well, I sense that my intuition is saying X, Y, Z. But I’m not sure. I’m second guessing myself. I’m doubting. Especially if it’s over a big question. A big decision. That’s when we tend to get up into our head because we feel like the

[00:07:17] stakes are high. And we need to get it right. So we need to be a hundred percent sure it’s our intuition that’s actually speaking to us. And when we don’t get a clear physical sign and all we’re getting are these senses it’s super easy to override the senses being lost in our thoughts saying, I’m not sure if this is real. 

[00:07:43] I don’t know if this is really my intuition speaking or not. 

[00:07:47] In this five-part series, we’re going to be talking about how to overcome the second guessing and the doubting. And it really starts with getting to know what your dominant, intuitive language is. So that you can really flex that muscle and really develop a trust relationship to it. That’s what we want to do. 

[00:08:11] Develop trust with our mother tongue. That is the language. The intuitive language that comes most naturally and easefully for you. So to uncover your dominant, intuitive language, let’s go through the most common eight different clair senses. These are the Clair senses that we use to receive messages from the divine, from the spiritual realm. Now, listen. Our intuition speaks to us in an infinite number of different ways. 

[00:08:51] So these are just the eight key ways that we intuitively communicate with the divine, but please know that you could have an intuitive to it, of language that actually falls beyond this. But for the purposes of you really getting super fluent in your intuitive languages I really invite you to choose one of these eight different Clair senses that you sense is part of your dominant, intuitive language, because it is highly likely that you’re going to be relying on one or more of these Clair senses and yes, some of us are bilingual or multilingual. , but I would say for most of us, we do have one go-to that edges out the rest that is in those situations, when you’re asking the divine a question and you really need an answer. The one that’s just going to be coming through most powerfully, most easily, most dominantly. 

[00:09:55] That’s the one we’re trying to hone in today. So the eight different Clair senses are first, the clairvoyance, and that is using your sense of sight. And this will come to you in your mind’s eye as a vision. So if you ask your higher self a question, you get a vision in response to that question. Secondly is Clairaudient. 

[00:10:22] And that is the sense of hearing. So you will hear a message coming in, but it won’t necessarily sound the way you’re hearing me talk right now. It is a sense of hearing. So for some people it’s like hearing your inner monologue, right? Hearing the thoughts inside of your head, except for in this sense, it’s not coming from inside of your head. 

[00:10:48] It’s coming from your higher self or the divine. So it’s coming from on high and your higher self usually comes to you. You receive the messages from your higher self from your heart. And your intuitive messages come from the heart. And often when it’s a spirit guide or even source or other nonphysical consciousness, they send an energetic signal to your third eye chakra, that energy that resides between your two eyebrows. And you will sense that communication coming in from your third eye, how- ever to receive that intuition you must be embodied. 

[00:11:34] So you must be sunk down in the body connected to your heart energy at the center of your chest to receive that third eye communication. So the third eye is not necessarily meeting you up in your head. If you’re up in your head, lost in thoughts, you’re usually disconnected from that ability to receive those intuitive signals coming in through the third eye. The third Clair sense is Clairsentience. 

[00:12:03] And I find a lot of my clients have this as a dominant, intuitive language. And that is the sense of feeling. You feel an intuitive response. And the thing where people can get flubbed up here is we have a lot of social conditioning telling us not to trust your feelings. Don’t rely on your emotions. Be clear eyed. You know, there’s this real conditioning out there that says not to rely on your emotions to make decisions. Don’t be emotional, you know? Make rational decisions after a lot of research, right. And indeed, sometimes research is required for us to land on the right decision, but your higher self will point you to the right research and in the information age, we really need to discern which information we’re being called to consume to get us to that right decision. 

[00:13:13] Because certainly with all the choices out there of what you can consume for research, we want to consume the right stuff. And that sense of feeling makes you feel intuitively what the answer is. Then we have Clairecognizant.

[00:13:30] , and that is a sense of knowing. Like the Clairsentience. It’s easy to second guess. But with this one, you just know, you don’t know how you know, but you know that, you know, It’s an inner knowing that this is the answer. 

[00:13:45] This is where you need to turn. And that is the claircognizance. Then we have the Clairgustance and that’s the sense of taste. For all you projectors out there. You’re not self-theme is bitterness. And when you’re out of alignment, you will taste bitterness, not coming from a food source. But you can also taste the opportunity. Right. So it’s that that sense of taste not coming from food is your sense of taste intuition. There is also the Clairalliance. That is the sense of smell. So smelling a rat, smelling an opportunity, not coming from a physical source.

[00:14:27] Number seven is the Clair empathy. 

[00:14:30] And that is the sense of emotional feeling. And I should clarify here, the Clairesentience Is a sense of feeling, but it’s really a physical feeling. I feel nausea in my gut. And it’s telling me that I shouldn’t. Turn right. I should turn left. For example, Clairempathy is that sense of emotional feelings? But I also feel like Clairsentience. When you’re dealing with that physical feeling, there’s usually an emotional aspect to it. So if you’re feeling light and tingly, that usually means you’re feeling joyful or exhilarated, and it’s a breadcrumb that you’re going in the right direction. Clairempathy is a real sense of emotional feelings. I feel shackles on, I feel, heavy now, heaviness is more clairsentience. 

[00:15:26] You can see how these two are sort of. , related. But you can notice. And again, if you are more advanced. Take it to the next level. If you are high on feelings and you think that the sense of feeling is your dominant, intuitive language, is it an emotional feeling or a physical feeling? And definitely you’ll be feeling both in both instances, but what comes to you more strongly that will tell you whether your dominant, intuitive languages, Clairsentience, that’s more physical or Clairempathy, which is more emotional. And finally we get to clairtendency and this is a fun one just to play around with in general, even if it’s not your dominant. 

[00:16:09] And that is the sense of physical touch. So you can hold on to a watch that belonged to your grandfather to see if you can get messages from him, if he’s crossed over or from your higher self or source or from any, uh, consciousness that’s on your divine support team. And like I said, if you haven’t played around with your clear tangency gift, which we all have, even if it’s not your dominant, it’s a fun thing to do. 

[00:16:37] So grab an object that has significance, or that might be calling your name and just ask that object, if it has a message for you, and that will be using your Clairtangency, and you really want to. Then yes. Use your physical touch to receive the intuition. And there’s two ways to play around with this gift. The first way is, and this is using the actual gift of Clairtendency is to receive the intuitive message from that physical touch. So that physical touch is going to be speaking to you and you’re going to perceive what you receive coming back in response. That is using. Your senses to receive communications. 

[00:17:27] It’s a perception. And you’re using the physical touch. I am touching right now. Some lip gloss. I’m going to ask this. It isn’t a very meaningful thing. Let me. We get something that’s a little bit more meaningful. I have got this coin that has a Buffalo on it. And I’m the back of it. It says I am solid. So this was a gift from my kids. And it is meaningful for me. 

[00:17:59] I have it right here on my desk. So I’m going to hold it. And I’m going to ask it a question. And I’m going to use my intuitive gift of physical touch. Which is not my dominant, by the way. To receive. I’m going to perceive the message through the touch that’s using. It’s not holding the object itself. 

[00:18:22] It’s using physical touch to perceive the message. That’s one way to do it. A second way to do it is to hold the object and then use one of the other Clair senses to receive. So when I say Claire tangency is about. Holding an object or tuning in energetically. You don’t have to physically touch it to an object. It really is the perception. 

[00:18:50] The sense of physical touch is where you receive the message. So if I receive a message from this coin, From my touch. Which I don’t use as often. So this is a good way to stretch your intuition, which is a good way to boost your overall intuition. So I recommend you play around as well. I receive.

[00:19:11] It’s an important time to focus on your grounding. And this message is for all of us. So if you don’t already have a grounding practice, I invite you to. 

[00:19:28] Start one. 

[00:19:31] And if you do have a grounding practice, I invite you to refortify it or expand it. Because as we ascend to higher consciousness, it doesn’t mean we float away. We have to be grounded and have a stable platform. 

[00:19:48] As we grow, Spiritually and energetically. Okay. So that is just a message that came through that wasn’t necessarily about intuition, but it is because developing. A . More sophisticated intuition is really about making sure you feel grounded as you communicate to the divine. You have a grounded, solid platform underneath you so that you can reach higher and higher and higher frequencies in the. Nonphysical realm. And as I received that message. 

[00:20:24] Okay. My dominant is clairaudience. So that’s why I’m a really gifted channel. I get messages. I hear. So, yes, it’s hard for me to turn that off. And you will find the more sophisticated you get with your dominant, intuitive language. It’s really hard to turn it off. And you really shouldn’t. I was trying to really. I receive from my physical touch just to. Convey this point and to practice around with it. 

[00:20:54] But I, I actually was, I was going into a bilingual receiving here where I was receiving the message from that physical connection, my physical touch on this coin. As well as my Clair audience. So you will find that you will often dip into receiving messages from the divine in a bilingual and trilingual and multi-lingual way using several of the different Clare senses. So lastly, let’s get into the important question of how to identify your dominant, intuitive language. And if you already know your dominant, intuitive language, see if you can get to know it at a more sophisticated level. All right. So the first thing you want to do is take some deep belly breaths. Because whenever we connect to our intuition, we have to get out of the thinking mind. We have to get out of the left brain and into the right, although we’re not in the brain where in the body. You are sinking down. From the neck down is where we access our intuition. And we get embodied.

[00:22:08] And you do that simply by taking deep belly breaths. Filling up the lower part of the belly. And embodying. Feeling your big toes. Feeling the tips of your fingers. Feeling your sits bones, as it connects to wherever you’re sitting. Or if you’re standing, feeling your heels connecting in to the ground beneath you. And you just want to sink in. To the body. This is where we access our intuition. This is where we access all of our gifts. It’s sunk down in. It’s not up in the head. You want to go out of your mind and into the body? And with each deep belly breath, just invite yourself to sink deeper and deeper in. It’s like, you’re going on a trip within yourself. You’re going in, not out. Usually when we’re in our thoughts, we’re thinking outwards we’re lost in the past or ruminating about the future. But we’re not in the present moment. And accessing the intuition is in the now the only moment in time there ever is, is this. Moment this second, this now. You’re in the now you’re in your body. And then you connect to your heart space at the center of your chest. 

[00:23:49] Allow your heart to become your center point of awareness. Now, some of you may have a strong gut. Access to your intuition. So you get strong gut responses. That gut knowing. You may also want to connect to that as well, but always start with the heart space. 

[00:24:13] And then you want to move to asking questions. Asking questions kicks off a co-creative process with the divine. Every time you kick off a question. The divine hops into action. To get you the answers. And the answers arrive to you in what you perceive. It is a perception. And you’re receiving what your per saving. So you asked the question. What is my dominant, intuitive language. And then you moved to perceiving what you’re receiving. 

[00:24:54] And notice not only what you perceive, but how it arrives to you. So if you get a vision. Of clairvoyance and the vision says, or it’s somehow indicating clairvoyance. That is highly likely that it is clairvoyance. So notice the medium, it arrives to you is also pointing you to your dominant, intuitive language. 

[00:25:23] I mean, as I do it, I, so here really clear clairaudient. I just, it comes in through my sense of hearing clairaudient. I can practice with my other senses and I can practice with my Voyance. And I can see. When I do that. I get a vision of an ear. 

[00:25:43] I can practice. I’m also very, very high on claircognizant. I would say I’m almost bilingual. Or that I am bilingual. Although my clairaudient edges out, my cognizant. But what happens is they work in tandem and you might find that your language is also work in tandem. So that, in my example, I get the message that comes in. And sometimes the message is like, oh, I don’t know what that means. 

[00:26:11] You know? We ride at midnight. Okay, well, who rides, where are we writing to? What are we writing? Right. You get a cryptic message and then you’re thinking, well, what does that mean? There. Often your second language will kick in to tell you what it means. So in my case, what often happens is I get the message. 

[00:26:31] Clairaudient, Lee. And then my claircognizance my inner knowing kicks in to tell me exactly what the message means for me or for my client. 

[00:26:42] And I invite you to also notice as you go through this process, if you have a second language coming in, and your second language. Is either one of your dominant, intuitive languages, or it could be your developing intuitive language. 

[00:27:00] And this is the language that you’re learning in the same way. You would learn a foreign language. And this is going to be the topic of exploration for part two. Of this five part series. So if you’re not subscribed to this podcast, go ahead and hit subscribe wherever it is you listen. 

[00:27:21] So you don’t miss a single episode because this five part series is going to get really, really, really good. So let’s do a quick recap, our intuitive languages. Speak to us through our senses. We all have a dominant, intuitive language, which is like our mother tongue. It is the intuitive way of communication or sense that comes most naturally and most easily. You can decipher what your dominant intuitive language is by one. Taking deep breaths to sinking into the body. Connecting to the heart space, three setting the intention connect to connect to your higher self. For asking the question, what is my dominant, intuitive language and five. Perceiving what you’re receiving. To be which intuitive language and noticing how you received it. My invitation this week is to spend some time playing around with your dominant, intuitive language. 

[00:28:29] If you are at the beginning of your journey, see if you can name it. And see if you can start noticing how it shows up in your life. If you’ve been at this for a while, this is how you advance. It’s not me cramming a bunch of new information. About your dominant, intuitive language into your brain. It’s about your practice with it and living deeper and deeper and deeper into your potential with this language. 

[00:28:59] So see if you can push your edges. What are you being called to notice or do or be with your dominant, intuitive language? Set the intention that you would like to take your relationship with your dominant, intuitive language to the next advanced level. And speaking of which, if you would like my help and taking all of your intuitive languages and all of your spiritual gifts to the next advanced level, then I invite you to check out my signature certification program, soul blueprint, where we go through and activate and amplify your five spiritual gifts, intuition, healing, manifestation, teaching, and leadership. 

[00:29:46] And I show you how to bring those gifts together. To create a powerful, energetic alignment process that has you stepping into the role of the conscious creator of your experience. Soul blueprint will enable you to become a better coach, a better healer and earn more income and become a real recognized authority in your field. 

[00:30:10] If you would like to learn more about the next cohort, head over to the show notes where there will be a link and you can always find [email protected] forward slash soul blueprint. That is a wrap for this week. 

[00:30:24] I look forward to being back in your earbuds next week with part two of our five part series. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way. 

00:00 Introduction

01:50 Introduction to Intuitive Languages

02:31 Understanding Clair Senses

08:24 Exploring the Eight Clair Senses

21:25 Identifying Your Dominant Intuitive Language

27:29 Invitation

Let's invite in your Spiritual Gifts so you can get your clients massive results and create a Referral Buzz!
Let's invite in your Spiritual Gifts so you can get your clients massive results and create a Referral Buzz!

Discover how with SOUL BLUEPRINT –
A 6-month certification program revealing a proven leading-edge spiritual modality that will amplify your 5 Spiritual Gifts, maximize your coaching and healing skills, and help you experience more repeat business, enthusiastic referrals, and glowing testimonials.

Enrollment is now open for the March Cohort!

Discover how with SOUL BLUEPRINT –
A 6-month certification program revealing a proven leading-edge spiritual modality that will:

  • amplify your 5 Spiritual Gifts,
  • maximize your coaching and healing skills, and
  • help you to create MASSIVE results in your clients’ lives – leading to more repeat business, enthusiastic referrals, and glowing testimonials.

    Enrollment is now open for the March Cohort!