The Foreign Languages of Your Intuition

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I love learning languages – both foreign languages and the intuitive languages of the senses. We all have one primary intuitive language that comes to us most naturally, which is like our intuitive mother tongue (for example, my dominant intuitive language is clairaudience). But here’s the thing… The Divine is constantly reaching out to you in different ways that you’re most likely missing!! Luckily, just as we can learn new spoken languages, we can ALL become more fluent in the many languages of our intuition.

Today’s episode of Soul Guide Radio is part 2 of a 5-part series on deepening your intuition. This week, I reveal the secret trick for getting detailed messages from your Higher Self through MULTIPLE intuitive senses!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How honing your many intuitive languages boosts your overall intuitive abilities
  • How to identify the developing intuitive language your Higher Self is asking you to flex
  • An invitation that will have you getting fluent in each of your developing intuitive languages!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

 Ask your higher self, what is my developing intuitive language, and to play around with that intuitive language in the next coming days, really honoring where you are.

[00:00:00] Hey, ho dear ones. And welcome to this part to deep dive into your intuitive languages. I love talking about intuitive languages because.

[00:00:15] I am a linguist in non-intuitive speak. I just love languages. I love learning foreign languages. I’m conversant and five. I’m right now studying Dutch and I’m at the level looking to get even better, hoping to really get advanced. And then once my Dutch gets to an advanced. Point. I want to go back to my other languages, which I feel like I’ve forgotten because I’ve been so focused on Dutch and sort of refresh those. 

[00:00:49] So I’m an absolute lover of foreign languages of the spoken word. And. I’m a lover, an absolute lover with a big L of foreign language of the senses. And our intuition speaks to us in senses mostly, but also signs. And. Yeah. Our intuition speaks to us in an infinite number of ways, but we really want to primarily focus in. On the senses, because those are the primary ways that we kick off and receive. Community. Communications with the divine. And before we dig in any deeper with any of that, I would love to share with you. Oh, listener review.

[00:01:39] And this review comes from Alyssa Laurie, and she says, talking about, my episode about the new money. 

[00:01:48] HeartSpace. And if you haven’t had a chance to check that out, we will link in the show notes. And she says, this episode was just what I needed to hear. Oh, I’m so happy to hear that. And it helped me reframe where and why I get stuck around an abundance mindset. Heartset. I love it. Oh, I’m so glad you love it. 

[00:02:09] Cause I do too. I just sent it to all my teen adult children and partner. I’m so grateful to have found it when I did, ah, what a great review. I love that you sent it to your family. Hey, listen. I pride myself in being able to take complex spiritual ideas. And translate them. I am really. Uh, communicator, I’m a translator. I’m a lover of foreign languages and one of the foreign languages that I love. To play with is translating complex spiritual ideas. And concepts and. Processes into. Plain language that you can integrate into your experience right away. And in ways that lead to real results. So if you have family or friends who you had. Wish to expose themselves more to some of these concepts, but you fear that. They may find it too. Airy fairy or too confusing. 

[00:03:14] Hey, that’s what I’m here for. I’m here to use plain language that people can relate to. Cause that’s one of the things I get frustrated by some spiritual teachers. They leave me feeling inspired, but I have no idea what they just said. And I know I have no idea how to take action on this inspiration I feel inside. 

[00:03:36] So what I want to do is leave you feeling inspired. But yet understanding. What you just heard integrating those lessons and being able to take real live action. In the form of doing or being in ways that lead to real results. And this episode right here is part two of a five part series to deep dive into the languages of your intuition. 

[00:04:06] Your intuition is one of your key five spiritual gifts that enables you to communicate with the spiritual realm, learning and expanding your intuitive languages is a key and essential. Aspect. Of communicating with your higher self source and spirit guides at higher and more sophisticated levels. Last week, we explored how to clarify the mother tongue of your intuition, which is your dominant, intuitive language. And if you haven’t yet, I do recommend you checking that out. 

[00:04:42] It kind of sets everything up for the five part series and we’ll leave a link to that episode in the show notes. And today we’re exploring the foreign languages of your intuition. So let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I reveal how honing your many intuitive languages boosts your overall intuitive abilities, how to identify your current developing intuitive language and a secret trick for getting juicy, detailed, intuitive downloads will end on an invitation that will have you getting super fluent and you’re developing intuitive languages while at the same time, activating advanced. Danced intuitive abilities that you never dreamed you’d have access to. 

[00:05:30] So please stay with me until the end. Well, hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking about the foreign languages of your intuition. And it’s really important to start to get to know, oh, the ways. That, that divine is speaking to you. 

[00:06:51] And that’s why we want to explore in to these different intuitive languages. And that’s actually how it boosts your overall intuition because the divine right now is speaking to you in lots and lots of different ways that you are likely missing. I miss it too. We all miss it. Okay. However, if you recognize and learn and understand for yourself and your own energy and your own gifts. All the different ways. 

[00:07:25] The divine. Most naturally speaks to you. And all the different ways, intuitive insights arrived to you. You aren’t going to become a much, much more overall intuitive person. In your life and in your business. Because I guarantee you, there are times in your everyday and your every week that a divine insight is arriving right into your lap. And because you haven’t learned how, because none of us were taught this in school. And you haven’t had the opportunity to learn how to recognize that that indeed was an intuitive insight. 

[00:08:08] It’s just going to get missed overlooked. Second guessed. I hear it all the time with my clients where they tell me a story about something that happened. And, you know, there’s a lot of stories that a client could tell me to warm up, say a one-on-one session together. So why, you know, why do they choose the stories they choose? Well, there’s a divine reason. There’s a message in there. There’s a learning, there’s something that’s setting up the coaching session for us. And they’re likely not even realizing it on a conscious level. They’re just like, oh, I feel called to share with Alison this story. And so often. I hear this like powerful punch of an intuitive message in for them. 

[00:08:53] And I will say, well, you know, that’s the divine talking. That’s your higher self talking. That’s your spirit guides talking. And then it’s like, oh yeah. And then all of a sudden they immediately see it not an, on an intuitive level, their inner knowing kicks in. It’s like, oh yes, of course. That was an intuitive message. And I was just the mirror that reflected back to them. 

[00:09:15] What was actually happening. So indeed doing a bit of studying on and noticing in your own life, all the different ways the divine speaks to you is only going to make you a much more overall intuitive person. So in my signature certification program, soul blueprint, which teaches you how to connect to, and co-create with the spiritual realm at higher and higher levels, and specifically how to communicate. To the spiritual realm at more sophisticated levels, we uncover your dominant, intuitive language, which was the topic. Of last week’s podcast episode. 

[00:09:54] And that is like your mother tongue. That is the intuitive language that comes most easily for you. And although our intuition and the divine speaks to us in an infinite number of different ways. There are eight key Clair senses that we often use to receive messages from the divine. And a quick recap on those is clairvoyance is the sense of sight. Clairaudience sense of hearing. Clairsentience sense of feeling. 

[00:10:28] And this is usually that physical feeling. Getting that gut feeling, getting the tingling up the spine claircognizance is that sense of knowing you don’t know how you know, but you know that, you know, Clairgustance is the sense of taste, but not coming from a food source. Clairalliance is the sense of smell, but again, no physical source, you just smell a rat or a smell, an opportunity. clairempathy is the sense of emotional feeling and clairtangency is that sense of physical touch. So when thinking about your dominant, intuitive language, so the mother tongue of your intuition. Another key way to identify it. Is to notice which of your physical senses, so your sense of sight. Hearing taste, smell, touch. Is. Most powerful within you. Do you have really good eyesight? That could mean that you’re also very high in clairvoyance and that sense of sight getting visions in your mind’s eye. So my dominant, intuitive language is clear audience sense of hearing, and I have the hearing of a bat. I can hear a pin drop. I’m very sound sensitive. 

[00:11:53] That also means most days I do not like loud music, although I can be in the mood for loud music. But usually I’m saying turn that down because my husband and my daughter love loud music. So that’s a constant, ongoing battle. 

[00:12:10] So if you notice where you have. A lot of abilities in your physical senses that could point you to your dominant. Non-physical Clair sense.

[00:12:21] Our dominant intuitive language tends to stay with us from birth to death. it will tend to not change, although it can. Remember, there are no absolutes when it comes to spiritual teachings, there’s always exceptions and things are always subject to change. However you will likely find that your dominant, intuitive language does stay more constant for you. You’re developing intuitive language and we all have at least one developing intuitive language at any given time of our journey. That is the intuitive language that your higher self is asking you to flex. And by flexing the muscle of your developing intuitive language, which is just that it is developing. 

[00:13:12] It is like learning a foreign language. When you flex that muscle. It enables your overall spiritual gift of intuition to get more powerful. So, for example, my dominant, intuitive language is clairaudient. And for some time now my developing intuitive language has been my clair. Buoyant. So my sense of vision sense of seeing. And I tend to.

[00:13:44] Use my clairvoyance for different things. And you may find that this happens for you as well, that if you are doing one process, a certain intuitive language appears or for another process, a different intuitive language appears what I mean by that. And to provide you an example is when I do energy healings, That’s what I’m really engaged in my

[00:14:11] intuitive gift of clairvoyance. I get visions into your energy system. So I could pinpoint exactly where the block is coming from

[00:14:23] However, if I’m doing a visualization exercise where I’m trying to visualize an ideal outcome or visualize. Soul guided intention. Sometimes I have a hard time accessing my clairvoyance. Sometimes visions, arrive with relative ease. And whenever you’re struggling to receive the intuition. Something wants to shift. Maybe you’re too much in your head. Maybe you have a block that needs to be released. 

[00:14:58] Maybe you’re wanting to see it. But it actually wants to arrive in a different way. So if I’m visualizing an ideal outcome,

[00:15:08] And I’m not getting anything. Then. I don’t want to struggle. I don’t want to school wheeze. Uh, vision in or force a vision. I want to take some deep breaths and notice what other in. Sense is coming up to receive the message. And for me and those situations, I will typically go back to my dominant, intuitive language. 

[00:15:35] My clairaudience. And it’s in that clairaudient where I actually get messages. Of what is in the vision. And that is just as powerful as actually seeing a vision in your mind’s eye. So. If you find that you’re struggling. With one of your intuitive languages, you might be focusing on the wrong one. And there might be another way that the intuitive insight wants to arrive. 

[00:16:02] So let’s get to how you can identify which developing intuitive language wants your attention at this point of your journey. And developing intuitive languages tend to change over time. When you get really good at one developing intuitive language, just like when you get very fluent and one foreign language, then it is time to move on to the next one or go back to one that you studied a few years ago. So with developing intuitive languages, we want to focus in on what our higher self is calling us towards right now, at this point in our journey. And it’s the same process I offered in last week’s episode to clarify your dominant, intuitive language, and it’s taking deep breaths. 

[00:16:53] Pivoting your awareness down. 

[00:16:57] Sinking into the body. Coming into the present moment. 

[00:17:03] Placing your awareness on your heart space. 

[00:17:08] And setting the intention to connect to your higher self. 

[00:17:14] And with that connection. To the higher self. Grounded in your heart energy. You asked the question simply what is my developing intuitive language at this point in my journey? And then you want to perceive what you receive coming back and response and notice which intuitive language you use to receive it. It may be your dominant, intuitive language, which is your go-to. Telling you. A different intuitive language. But maybe you receive it. As the developing intuitive language. So what I mean by that is my, let me just double-check. 

[00:18:00] Yeah, my, my developing intuitive language is still clairvoyance. So when I do this process, I get a vision. I get a vision of the word clairvoyance. And. If you go through this process and you’re not sure, take your best guess. And this is where you really, really want to go to the gym of your intuition. This is not a one and done process. 

[00:18:24] This is clarifying. It’s like asking. Your higher self, which foreign language are you calling me to learn? Oh, French. Okay. Now I’m going to enroll in a French glass. I’m going to download a French language learning app on my phone. I’m going to get in a French conversation group and I’m going to get serious about learning French. You’re clear senses your intuitive languages work in the exact same way. It’s like memorizing vocabulary, conjugating verbs, getting to know the grammar, getting into the conversation and the idioms and the expressions. And the more time you spend with your intuition, the more fluent you will get and the more sophisticated the downloads you will receive from the divine. And that’s brings us very, very nicely to.

[00:19:13] A secret trick for receiving detailed, intuitive downloads. Well, okay. So the real trick is. Carving out time each and every day to go to the gym of your intuition. If you would like help. With that from me, I do encourage you to enroll in soul blueprint. I teach you step-by-step how to develop a daily practice that works for you, your energy and your busy schedules. 

[00:19:42] So you can really become fluent in your intuitive languages. And beyond that, there’s another trick. And that is. Noticing how your intuitive languages show up in a BI lingual manner for you. So that you can receive more and more detailed messages from the divine.

[00:20:04] And. How this works is you take your dominant, intuitive language. Typically, although whatever intuitive language wants to arrive as the one that wants to arrive. And then you pair it with your claircognizance and that is your inner knowing. So getting back to when I do energy healings, I’m. Always in a bilingual relationship. To the information coming through about the reading. I will get a vision of your energy system and a vision of the block. And then my clair cognizance kicks in and that’s the inner knowing. Telling me exactly what the block means. And is it a past lifetime? 

[00:20:53] Is it ancestral? Is it, you know, something from childhood? Is there an insight that we need to know in order to clear it? Are there some barriers up that are keeping the energy held inside? There’s so many different things that could come in to tell me about your block with the purpose. Of course, of getting us everything we need to know. 

[00:21:18] So that. I can support you in the releasing of the block and the healing of the block. So, how you can play with this at home is think of a question you have for your life in your business. And you’re looking for guidance and direction. From the divine. And so go through the five step process you take deep breaths. Pivot your awareness down. Connect to your body connect your heart space. Set the intention to connect to your higher self. And then when you get to step five, which is perceived, what you receive coming back and response. I invite you to activate the bilingual intuitive gifts inside of you. And see if you can, with mindful intention use to intuitive gifts. So it will likely be one of your Clair senses plus claircognizance, which is inner knowing, but it could be something else it could be hearing and seeing, working together, it could be smelling and feeling working together. 

[00:22:26] So see if you can practice to Clair senses working together. To get you the intuitive answer, guidance and direction. And see if you can notice which to Clair senses are arriving. And as always, whenever you’re not sure, take your best guess. And you are likely. Very much going in the right direction with these so-called guesses. The divine speaks to us in so, so many different ways. And the more we recognize those ways and especially the ways that come most naturally and easily for you. Is the way to get you more intuitive and more sophisticated in your abilities to communicate with the divine, going to the gym of your intuition is so important. To be able to really hold these abilities . And really starting to recognize which developing intuitive language you’re being called to hone in at this point in your journey. My invitation for you this week is to ask your higher self, what is my developing intuitive language, and to play around with that intuitive language in the next coming days. And really honoring where you are. So if you’re at the beginning side of this journey being very light and easeful and curious,

[00:23:51] and if you are more advanced, really pushing your edges so you can get more sophisticated and your ability to communicate to the divine. That’s a wrap for this week. I’ll be back in your earbuds next week for part three of our five part series to amplify your intuition. 

[00:24:10] And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way. 

00:00 Introduction

02:25 Translating Spiritual Concepts

03:56 Exploring Intuitive Languages

09:30 Understanding Clair Senses

16:02 Identifying Your Developing Intuitive Language

19:13 Secret Trick for Detailed Intuitive Downloads

23:30 Invitation

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your Soul Plan for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:
✅ 2 Classes to clarify your soul mission and visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training revealing the energetics of soul-guided planning, and
✅ The 2025 10-page planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025