The Energy of Money with Julie Foucht

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In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I welcome back one of my most amazing and thought-provoking guests, Julie Foucht! Julie is an incredible business coach who has spent over 20 years working with women looking to honour their divine feminine spirit while making more money. She’s an expert in understanding the impact of masculine paradigms on women entrepreneurs – and she believes it’s vital for women to be rich! 

Our candid conversation explores the energetic frequency of money (and its relationship to love), how we can build energetic fields that welcome more wealth and abundance into our lives, and what happens when we cut off the energetic flow of money. You won’t want to miss Julie’s inspiring insights!

Guest bio: For over 20 years, Julie Foucht has worked with women coaches, healers and soul-fueled entrepreneurs to open their money channels and create soul-fueled, financially abundant businesses. She received her coach certification in 2006 and has built a 6-figure coaching practice that allows her multiple vacations a year, her dream home on the Central Coast of California, and lots of time to play with her grandchildren.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • Powerful money practices that you can incorporate into your everyday life
  • How to understand and align to your own energetic cycles and flow – and uncover your financial set-point
  • An invitation that will have you connecting to the energy of money in ways that open you up to all the wealth ready to arrive to you!

Julie’s References:

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Have a conversation with money. Use a pen and paper to free write asking money questions. Write whatever comes up in the moment and then go back and visit what it said.

[00:00:00] Hey, ho, dear ones. We have a super fantastic episode for you today, where I have Julie Foucht back on the show, and I’ve had her on the show a few times, and I received so much positive feedback. She is such an energetic ray of light. I love connecting to her energy, and we’re talking about a topic that’s just frankly quite fun to explore, and that is the energy of money.

[00:00:28] And we are spiritual people on a spiritual path. And we, I think most of us understand money is an energetic frequency, but I think it’s really easy to get caught up in the paper aspect of money. Like it’s just this. thing that gets printed somewhere, and we work hard for it, and we need it, and it’s a struggle to get it, and it’s something that we have so much wounding around.

[00:00:57] And we’re going to be really exploring in today how it just is actually, we can, we Weed through all of that, if you will, to get to the essence of it and that it is an energetic frequency of exchange. We exchange the energy of money in exchange for something that we perceive to be of equal value. That is what it is.

[00:01:23] And it is a frequency of love, ultimately. The true essence of the energy frequency of money is one of love and abundance and Julie really brings to life. How we can tap into this frequency. So let’s get to it in today’s episode. Julie tells us why it’s vital for women to be rich. What happens when we cut off the energetic flow of money?

[00:01:54] And she reveals to us some powerful money practices to incorporate into our everyday life. We end on an invitation that will have you connecting to the energy of money and ways that has you opening your receiving channels to all the wealth that’s ready to arrive to you. So you’re going to want to stick around until the end.

[00:02:15] Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable power.

[00:02:39] Stoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide.

[00:02:51] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find the link to join our closed Facebook group at

[00:03:11]. Or in the show notes. Today’s guest is Julie Foucht. For over 20 years, Julie has worked with women coaches, healers, and soul fueled entrepreneurs to open their money channels and create soul fueled financially abundant businesses. Julie received her coaching certification in 2006 and has built a six figure coaching practice that allows her multiple vacations a year.

[00:03:37] Her dream home on the central coast of California. And lots of time to play with her grandchildren. She is married to the love of her life, has four children, two stepchildren, two fur babies, and eight spoiled grandchildren. I had an absolute amazing exchange with Julie. Please enjoy.

[00:04:08] Julie, welcome to Soul Guide Radio. I am so happy to be here with you. It’s so fun to connect with you. It is so fun. You’ve been on the podcast a few times and those were just super popular episodes and I got tons of feedback. So very, very happy to have you back, and you’ve been on my podcast as well and part of my summer lecture series.

[00:04:33] So it’s always the delight when you get to make those connections and continue them. So really happy to be here. Yay, I totally agree. And we’re talking about one of my favorite topics is energy. I love talking about all things related to energy and we’re talking about energy and money. So what’s not to love?

[00:04:56] Money being but an energetic frequency. So tell us from your perspective. How is money energy? Well, when we look at what money really is, money is the energy of appreciation. We give money in exchange for something that we want, whether that’s groceries or a trip to Disneyland with your grandkids or some coaching, but it’s an exchange.

[00:05:25] It’s an energy of exchange as such. This energy of money. Is part of the energy of source, the energy of everything that is, and if it’s an energy of source, it’s an energy of love. So we get it all wrong when we demonize money. Money is really all about saying, Hey, I love what you did for me. Have some exchange for it.

[00:05:52] Use this for something that you need or you want. And the more that we can look at it as this loving energy of exchange, the more open we become to receiving more of it. Because who doesn’t want more love and appreciation and acknowledgment and that’s what money is all about. Nice and so this podcast is for soul guided entrepreneurs and I’ve been a coach for 10 years now.

[00:06:24] And since I first became a coach, a lot of entrepreneurs and online entrepreneurs, you know, had, it was a consistent struggle to get things off the ground and to get energetic momentum going in the business so that they were bringing in consistent revenue. And I feel like, and some of my peers, although I don’t have data to back this up, but.

[00:06:49] It’s been even a bigger struggle in the last few years post COVID, you know, there was, I think, a bubble and that sort of burst. And then you had, it’s like now it’s sort of evening out and, and we’re, we’re finding our way in this new world. So some of my, some of my clients feel that the struggles even, struggles even greater to be a successful coach or online entrepreneur.

[00:07:13] In today’s day and age. And so what do you tell your clients when they come to you and just say like, I’ve been at this Julie and I want to make consistent revenue in my business. And it’s just like, ah, the money’s just not coming. What do you say to your clients when they come to you with this? Well, I think the first thing is to recognize that we need to be a build an energy field.

[00:07:36] We need to build the field around us first. So a lot of people think it’s if I just get the right marketing strategy, or if I just build my list and it’s really not the starting place, the starting place is that tapping in. Connecting to source and allowing that to open. And so what I say to my clients is you’ve got to keep in the practices.

[00:08:07] And one of those practices is how do you treat money? If you treat money as if it’s a bother, money’s not going to want to come play with you. If your response to money is to be constantly in criticism, Because there’s not enough, or you have to spend it on something, or then money’s just going to go elsewhere.

[00:08:32] If you can begin to treat money as an honored guest, as a best friend, as a partner, as a lover, then money responds to that energy. The other thing that does is that as you open that channel of receiving money, other people feel it. Like, do you want to be hiring people that are grouchy and desperate for money?

[00:08:59] Probably not what you want to hire is people who are in that higher vibration in those love, right vibrations. So there’s some really great strategies you can use. Now, I’m not all about just think good thoughts. Cause I think we are human beings and that’s an impossible task. But I am about being in the practices.

[00:09:26] So letting those lower energy thoughts flow through and that’s okay. And then returning to, and source wants me to have a good day. Life source wants me to feel uplifted source wants to provide for me, where am I stopping source from providing for me? Oh, I found 11 cents on the floor or walking through a parking lot.

[00:09:55] I’m so grateful that money comes to me. No matter how much it is, I am grateful that money comes to me. And, and when I was first dating my husband, he would go leave change on the sidewalk for me to find, because he loved how it lights me up to find change, because it’s a reminder to me that money’s always there.

[00:10:16] I just have to pick it up and I do it with gratitude and I do it consistently. When I track, when, when money comes in from my clients, I’m consistently tracking. So that I can give it gratitude so that I can be in that space of openness. And yes, please. And more. And I think that that a lot of people don’t treat money that way.

[00:10:42] A lot of people and a lot of clients, like they don’t look at the bank accounts. They don’t want to know they are not treating it as if it’s a gift. They’re treating it. Like a lot of people treat it like, oh, it’s unfair when the reality is. That it is unlimited and as we open ourselves and open our channels of receiving and open our channels of gratitude, we can receive more and more and more of it.

[00:11:15] And rather than comparing ourselves to say what a billionaire has, we just need to work on opening those channels. Yes. I love that. And I really do feel like it is not, it, it’s just that I’m like such a believer too in daily practices, and we’re always going to have the painful days and the painful experiences and the thoughts that trigger more pain.

[00:11:43] And it’s just learning how to respond to that, how to recover from that, and then how to shift into those higher vibrations so that you can open up these channels of love and abundance and receiving. I want to ask you in a hot second about some of your practices to flow through some of the painful stuff to get back into those opening channels of receiving.

[00:12:05] But first, I, I’ve noticed something lately about my own ability to Receive abundance, and it’s really something that’s come to me, say, in the last 12 months where and this could be like a cyclical thing. You know, I think money flows and cycles and it’s about being in alignment to the cycle. So if the cycle wants to be slow.

[00:12:31] That’s okay. If it wants to be fast, then of course that’s okay. Like it’s not always going to be on super high fast speed for some of us. You know, there’s going to be this cycle to it. And I’ve noticed for me, it’s been very slow, but not like if, and if I didn’t like, like kind of reflect on that, my brain would automatically make that to mean bad, but the slow, I don’t know.

[00:12:58] It’s like when I surrender to the divine timing of it, and I’m not resisting it. It’s incredibly abundant, it’s incredibly revenue producing, and it’s like, I don’t know, it’s like, like this, oh, it just sort of, it just flows in, and it’s, it’s slow yet powerful. And I’ve really felt this, this, this type of flow in about the last 12 months.

[00:13:23] So I was wondering maybe if you could first comment on that, that sort of like low y rhythm of it. Yeah, I think it’s important for us, especially as women. To recognize that we are constantly in that flow, that we’re constantly in a cycle and to begin to track and understand our own cycles first over the month.

[00:13:49] And then. Over a, you know, the seasons and the year, as we do that, we can see where our energy flows and where our money flows and then we can be smart entrepreneurs and make plans. So, if you’ve got a month, I know that you travel once a year for a long period of time. So maybe that’s a month that has a different kind of look money wise.

[00:14:16] And you can just plan for that because you know, that’s going to happen. I know that my energy is going to drop in August. It just is. So, any, any launches I have planned, anything I have planned for August, I have to start bringing my energy down and closing things up because I know I’m not going to have the energy there, right?

[00:14:39] And it’s the same thing. When we get into December, my focus is completely on. Elsewhere in December, so we start bringing the energy down and, and, and we need to know and accept that business has been in this paradigm, masculine paradigm of ramp up, push, push, push, push, push. And what that does to women is it just.

[00:15:03] Where is this out? It takes everything out of us. We’re not designed to work that way. So yes, I think there’s a rhythm. I also think that we have a set point. It’s interesting as you’re, you were talking, I was thinking about this. So if you are used to in your life, making 3, 000 a month. And all of a sudden you have a 10, 000 a month, you’re likely to then have a contraction because the 10, 000 feels really uncomfortable in your body.

[00:15:35] And so while we love those 10, 000 a month, what we want to do is we want to aim to grow a little more slowly or a little more, especially if we go 3 to 10, and then contract back to 2, we want to recognize that we weren’t ready. And we’ve got to practice expanding, and it’s like blowing up a balloon. We want to do it a little bit at a time.

[00:16:01] And what will happen is your set point begins to change. So maybe you go from 3, and then you start consistently having 5, Then you can push to a 7, 000 a month, and when you’re consistent at 7, and it’s comfortable at 7, then you go to 10. And then from 10, you can go to 15. And yes, I do think that the jumps can get bigger because now you’re used to jumping.

[00:16:27] Right. It’s more comfortable, but I’ve seen this over and over where that contraction happens. Because, oh, my God, that doesn’t feel comfortable. And you know what? We are human beings. We are souls living a human experience. And so we’ve got to be in rhythm with our bodies as well. And if our body’s uncomfortable with it, We’re going to totally sabotage.

[00:16:53] And so I think part of it is recognizing, oh, I pushed beyond where I was comfortable. Let me get comfortable with that. What does it feel like? And we can even do that, like playing in our unconscious mind, like pretending I’m having 10, 000 months all the time. Pretend you’re there. Your mind will get used to it.

[00:17:17] So that as the money starts flowing, you don’t have that contraction. And then one more thing I want to say about that is whether you’re in the flow like you are, which is where we should all live, whether you’re in a contraction or an expansion period, none of it means anything. Don’t judge yourself, you know, if you contract back, that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong.

[00:17:44] It’s just what is and when we can learn to say, oh, huh, that’s interesting. I wonder what happened there without the judgment, without making it about something’s wrong with us, then that opens more flow when keep the judgment out, then we can open that flow up again much more easily. 100%. And I think what I was doing.

[00:18:19] When I noticed that my flow was getting slow, I was making that to mean bad and judging it, and it actually was really powerful and amazing, like, and it was actually really abundant, and so, I just mentioned that because flow and abundance can look and feel like a lot of different things and it’s not always super fast and high charge and accelerated, which is fun when that happens and you ride that wave.

[00:18:46] That is great. And it can be very exhilarating and fun, but like, it can also be just like this sort of lowly slowness, but it can be that equal powerful, equally powerful, uh, And I love what you’re saying about, like, tracking your cycles from a human design perspective as a quick sort of quick and basic rule.

[00:19:11] If you have an open sacral, so manifestors. Projectors, reflectors, which I’m a projector, you are wired for what they call boom and bust cycles, but I call them boom and rest cycles. So it’s accelerated growth followed by cycles of rest. If you have a defined sacral, you’re a generator, a manifesting generator, it can look more consistent where you have sort of that consistently You know, this month I’m making this month and then next month it’s the next and it’s a more of a consistent.

[00:19:42] See, and that can sometimes feel better for you. So that’s a little trick you can look into. Is my sacral open or not? And that can help you to better understand your natural flows because we all have different cycles. And I totally agree with Julie. Start to map out. When you feel like contracting and resting and going into your cave and when you feel like you’re out there ready to be on discovery calls and creating, and that’s really going to affect this flow we’re talking about to attract in this abundance.

[00:20:11] I also think that we overlook part of the cycle of creation is being in the dream space. Like, it’s not all about action, and if you are only in action, you’re missing a huge opportunity to create new things, to birth new things in the world that have never been seen. But the world, you know, if somebody said to you, how are you?

[00:20:39] And you said, oh, well, I’ve been in the dream state. I’ve been lying on the couch for three days. They think you were lazy. Right. Now, the dream state is not laying on the couch for 3 days watching Love Island. It is like, Oh, I’ve been down. I’ve been dreaming. I’ve been taking bubble baths. I’ve been walking.

[00:21:00] I haven’t been taking action because something new is trying to come through and I’m making space for it. And, and, and that is a piece that we don’t make room for in, uh, in the, in the, in the Society, the old paradigm of business. And I think it’s something that we really need to build in to our practices and into our daily life.

[00:21:28] Yes. Yes. Love it. I so agree with that. You know, it just makes me also think about like building in cycles of rest as well. And I, you know, I, I heard my human design coach the other day saying, building in a cycle of rest is not laying on the couch, worrying. And I was like, you know what? I recognize myself resting, laying on the couch, worrying.

[00:21:51] It really is giving yourself permission to have that rest. And if there is worry exploring into that, to see that’s a real true thing, trying to get your attention, like what is ready to be released so that I can return to my rest or my creative contemplation or whatever it is. So 100 percent Julia, I would love to.

[00:22:10] I’ll ask you about some of your practices. I love practices. I love daily routines like Again, referencing human design, I have three left facing arrows. So like I’m a pretty routine person, but even for the right facing arrows, I think it’s really useful to ground us and have us give us something so that we have a way to respond to when life throws you some difficult things.

[00:22:37] So what are some of your daily practices that help you open up and keep those channels of receiving, receiving open? The, the first one that. I do pretty consistently is that my husband and I walk every morning, so we have wilderness out our back door. And even if we’re chitchatting, I still get to be out with mama earth.

[00:23:01] Right. I still get to walk. I am, I am aware of the trees and the stones and the animals and the energy. And I think for me, that’s a really, sometimes, you know, my brain doesn’t stop to meditate, but that’s an active way of touching base with source. I am not as consistent, but when I do it, it’s better and a morning energy cleanse.

[00:23:28] Which is just opening to source and letting source energy wash away anything that is not mine. Anything that’s like, clinging to me any energy. That’s not my highest and best good. And then allowing that to clear my space as well. And a lot of times, you know, I’ll use my wand, or I’ll use palo Santos or sage, but you don’t even have to use anything.

[00:23:53] You can just use intention and clear your space. And, and I like to see, like, source energy washing over everything and just clearing it out. I also, when money comes in, I have a spreadsheet on my desk where I see it. I don’t have to open a document. I don’t have to do anything. I just grab my spreadsheet and I write the dollar amount down so that I can be in gratitude and I can track where I am.

[00:24:24] So, if I have a goal in the month, and I’m not reaching that goal, then I know I need a little more activity there. But the reality is. Most of the time, I don’t even do that. I’m just marking down the amount with gratitude and I do that consistently every single month. Because when I started doing that, I could take those sheets and I could show you the months when I didn’t track or my lowest income months.

[00:24:55] And so I, it’s a little piece of magic. Writing down the number and I write it down in pencil because I’m always like, you know, I track it day by day, but I write it pencil because. More money might come in later in the day. So I’ll have to erase it and add that in. So it’s not like I’m, you know, if I wrote it in pen, that blocks the money from coming in for the rest of the day.

[00:25:21] So I write it in pencil. So there’s an opening for more money to come in. So those are three of the practices. I have a ton of other stuff, but those are three practices that I’m pretty consistent with. Nice. And you have said that it is vital. That women make more money and not just more money that women make a lot of money.

[00:25:46] Why would you call that vital? Can you say more about that? Yeah. And I think that that comes from those days when I was in an abusive marriage, but I was home with the kids and I didn’t control my own money and I didn’t know I could. So when women have money and I would have left. If I had had money or known I could make my own money, I would have left much sooner.

[00:26:12] So number one, women with money get to make choices. They make choices that are good for them. They make choices that are good for their families. Number two, when women have money, they give to causes they believe in. They support causes that they believe in. And, you know, I support a couple of different causes consistently for.

[00:26:38] To, to the point where I made friends with people in the office, right? Because I’m, I’m giving to, to places I believe in and women with money get a seat at the table of decision makers. It’s hard to get a seat on a board when you’re working three jobs just to pay the bills. I believe that women have the compassion, the insight, the creativity to solve some of the problems we have in the world today.

[00:27:10] That men just don’t see. But we have to have money to be able to do that. And then the other thing is when you have money, you get to do things that raise your vibration. You get to go on retreat, like you’re running a retreat next week. You get to do things like that. I just got back from taking my grandkids to, we call it Grammy camp.

[00:27:33] So we do a once a year Grammy camp, like those kinds of opportunities, raise your vibration As your vibration raises, it raises the vibration of those around you. If we can raise our vibration enough, if we can give ourselves opportunities to live juicy, abundant lives, eventually, there’ll be a tipping point and we can tip.

[00:28:04] Society can tip the planet and I really think it’s women, you know, the Dalai Lama said, the Western woman will save the world and I really believe that that’s true, but it’s only it at if we are willing to and I hate to use the word authentic, but I’m going to be our authentic self to tap in to connect with source to be the flow of source energy into the world.

[00:28:32] That’s how we saved the world. Just receiving that. And yeah, what was I just doing? I was just writing something. I was just recording a podcast actually. And I talked about how you don’t need money to travel and have an amazing experience, but it sure does help, you know, You know, afford those travel experiences that really are the experiences that you’re, you’re, your heart is calling you to, and we just, my husband and I have just up leveled our travel.

[00:29:08] We’re big travelers, and we just recently, I feel like, have up leveled that we really are mindful about what do we want to experience. We’re not just going to go through the motions of booking the stuff and showing up and doing the tour. What, uh, what the other tourists are doing, like, and I kind of noticed in doing that, I’m just It it really does help to have the resources to then just be able to experience the things that you want to experience And I know it’s kind of like yeah maybe that’s like of course allison, but i’ve like I really felt that like just tangibly recently and it’s like No money doesn’t buy you happiness but It does open so many doors and it does give you seats at the table And it gives you the ability to make the choices that you really want to make and so Yes And I can tell you, I’ve been poor.

[00:29:59] And poverty doesn’t buy happiness either. Poverty makes life hard. Yeah. Yeah. So I, I, I much prefer having money. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I’ve been, I’ve, I don’t want to say I’ve been poor. I have been down to zero money. And it was either ask my parents for money or like, Live on the street and when I got in, I’m a farm kid from the upper Midwest and you don’t ask your parents for money.

[00:30:31] I mean, it’s just something you don’t do. I’ve never done it my entire life. Not since I was maybe 12 years old and the 2nd, I was literally down to my last cent, but a call came out of the blue out of the sky. A former boss had to call a person to get to a person to get to a person to find me synchronicity and had a hugely lucrative job offer for me.

[00:30:57] So that that that was, like, the best gift I could get in terms of, like, you can hear. Julie say source is all you always got your back, but and I believe you like when you say that I trust you so I believe you and that moment when you really feel it and experience for yourself. That’s when I knew all sources got me.

[00:31:19] Source is not going to let me starve or sleep on the street sources got me. And I think it took me a long time. I mean, I repeated that to myself. Consistently for years, and it was true and I could see it, but it took a long time for it to really. Like, permeate my whole body to where and I still will have days and, and for some reason where I go, what is it all disappears, right?

[00:31:51] Like, I still have those panic days. But when that happens. I can now, because I practiced it so much, bring myself back to, oh, that’s right, source has my back. It will be okay. Something will be okay. And I’m, I’m 62 now, so I’ve 62 years of experience that even in those low moments. It was still okay. You know, I still have a place to stay.

[00:32:23] Yeah, I still had food to eat. It may not have been the best or, you know, I wasn’t eating prime rib, but I was still being taken care of somehow. And so, you know, the, the empirical evidence is there. And I can feel it my whole body now because I’ve practiced it and practiced it. And I think that’s part of the key is people, people say, well, I tried that for a week and I still don’t feel it building the field.

[00:32:59] You’ve got to do it repeatedly. Yeah. And if, if you’re a list listener out there who feels like you’re someone who has money blocks and money wounds, and maybe you came from. Ancestry where there’s a lot of money struggle. That healing does not come overnight. You know, that healing is a journey and healing is not part of the path.

[00:33:21] Healing is the path. So, you know, if you’re someone who was like, Oh, here’s this block again, returning again, why? Well, because this is your path and this is your core wound and you heal it. Chunk by chunk, by chunk. And then every time you heal it, you become that more powerful, vibrant life force who can help than you can help others who may have some sort of similar struggle.

[00:33:46] Exactly. And I like to say it’s like a funnel. Every time that block comes up again, you know how to deal with it. So it takes you less time and then the next time, less time, and then the next time less. Until eventually you’re like, oh, block here. You are again. You’re mine. I recognize you and here’s how I’m going to go solve this.

[00:34:11] And you heal it again, because, you know, the path to healing now, and that’s when you become a really powerful teacher of others. Yeah. Yeah, totally. Oh my gosh. I could sit here and talk to you about the energy of money forever. I love this conversation. Julie, can you leave our listeners with an invitation?

[00:34:33] Yes. And this is one of my favorite, favorite money practices. I invite you to have a conversation with the energy of money. Just sit down with a pen and paper and just start writing like you’re writing a script. Hey, money, how are you? And money will respond. And you don’t, when you’re doing this writing, do it as a free, right?

[00:34:58] Don’t edit. Don’t stop. Don’t think about it. Go back and read it later. Just write whatever comes up. It’s amazing. The things I have learned about money and investing and spending and receiving simply from having conversations with money. Yes. That is brilliant. That is something that I also do, but I don’t do as much as I should.

[00:35:26] So I’m going to take that on as my daily practice as well for the next few weeks. Julie, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom on soul guide radio. The last time you’re on my podcast, I had people talking to me. How can I reach her? So I know there’s going to be folks out there that want to get into your world.

[00:35:44] How can they do that? So there’s a couple of ways. First of all, we’ve just put out a new quiz. It’s called the witchpreneur quiz, and it’s all about how you, in your particular witchiness, and there’s four different types, you can make money. And so like, what’s the best way for you to open your money channels through the witchpreneur quiz.

[00:36:07] We’ll give you the link, or you can, you can Google that. You can also join us in the feminine business magic Facebook group, where we do all kinds of fun money making. And money magic things. And then you can also reach me at my website, which is Julie Fouch, F O U C H T dot com. And all of those links will be in the show notes.

[00:36:32] Julie, thank you again so much for sharing your wisdom today on Soul Guide Radio. Thank you.

[00:36:48] That’s a wrap for this week, my dear ones. If you loved this episode and I just have a hunch you did, head over to those show notes, head over to where it is you listen. You’ll find a link to leave a rating and review. I know you hear me say that a lot. And if you haven’t done it yet, I’m so, so grateful that you do.

[00:37:06] And I will read your beautiful words on the air. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:37:19] Hi, dear ones. Listen here. The Soul Blueprint Certification Program is a roadmap to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, coach. Writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals how to activate your five unique spiritual gifts. So you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business, learn more and enroll at

[00:37:47] Or if enrollment is closed, you can join the soul. So you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses. Again, that’s


00:01  Intro

04:09  Meet Julie Foucht

05:00  How is money energy?

06:18  Building energy fields & opening channels

12:07  Understanding our cycles & flow

15:11  Financial set-points

18:16  Human Design & boom/rest

20:11  Dream space

22:08  Everyday money practices

25:37  Why women need to be rich

29:58  Source & healing

34:23  Invitation & conclusion

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