The Case for Just Being Honest

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Today’s episode is about honesty… and what happens when honesty clashes with tradition.

I tell my eight-year-old daughter Freya that I’ve been lying to her about the existence of Santa Claus.

While I’ve loved seeing her excited about the magic of the season, I’ve never felt good about lying to her – especially when she’s asking me point-blank questions while saying “Please, don’t lie, mama.”

Reflecting back, I wish I would have been more honest with her about a few things from the start, and for the few very good reasons which are explored in this episode.

This episode of Soul Guide Radio is a non-judgmental, collective shift in perspective – revealing how trusting our children with the truth actually helps them strengthen their spiritual gifts! 💫  

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How hiding the truth from our children can block their belief in their own intuitive gifts,
  • What we need to be saying to them instead, and
  • An invitation that will have us all being honest and set free by the truth, so that we can evolve humanity to a higher consciousness!

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Give honesty exploration. Ask yourself if there are any ways you wish to be a little bit more honest? Also ask: Is there something you’re going along with because society just does it?

[00:00:00] Hey, ho dear ones. I have kind of an emotional episode for you today. I haven’t really processed all the emotions of it, which is normally something I do first, before I record an episode. But I received the nudge from my higher self, the just, , share with you all of it, of what I’m going through. Uh, so I’m just going to do it and we’ll see how it ends up. And I’m doing it all really in service to you. And it’s about telling the truth and the importance of telling the truth. 

[00:00:29] And I’m specifically referring to. We need to tell our kids that there’s no such thing as Santa Claus. The tooth fairy or the Easter bunny or those other things that we tell them that don’t really exist. 

[00:00:45] And. Before I go any farther with this. I want you to know that. I’m not really speaking to you as an individual parent. Because every individual parent has to decide what’s best for them and their kids and their family. So if you have older kids and you practiced believing in Santa, that’s amazing. You probably have loads of fond memory. 

[00:01:09] If you still have Santa’s believing kids, I’m sure it’s a great source of joy for you and your kids. And if you have little ones, you know, toddlers and babies, maybe this is something you’re looking forward to, so I’m not speaking to individual parents, I’m speaking to us all collectively and how we need to collectively shift our perspective and I’m going to offer you a really compelling reason as to why. And ultimately you’re the parent and I don’t judge you, please know, I do not judge you.

[00:01:42] I know how hard it is to parent. And I honor you, and I thank you for everything you do,

[00:01:49] I want you to be higher self led about what’s right for you, so imagine this episode is a message to the collective, okay? And, I feel so strongly about this. I’m going to tell Freya today in an episode in front of you that I’ve been lying to her about the existence of Santa Claus.

[00:02:13] She’s eight years old and she very much knows that there are strong indications here and there and everywhere that he’s not real. And so I’ve been wanting to have the conversation with her and just be honest.

[00:02:26] But I wanted to also give her the fantasy of the excitement of all the lovely amazing things that kids get to feel and experience when they believe this person like Santa Claus exists and is going to come give you presents and, it’s very exciting and I wanted to give her that excitement. But I never liked lying to her, especially when she started asking me point blank questions about it.

[00:02:58] And I did my level best to answer the questions in a way that it was actually the truth, that I was telling her the truth. 

[00:03:08] But ultimately I’m now realizing that I really wish I would have just told her the truth. And it’s okay. Cause I was doing my best and I don’t judge myself and I don’t judge any parent. This is nothing about this as judgment. I’m just sharing. Uh, perspective. 

[00:03:22] And you’re going to understand why in a minute, why I’m feeling so strongly about getting this message out there.

[00:03:30] About how we just need to start telling the truth. So why don’t we just go ahead and get right to it? In today’s episode, I reveal why we have to stop lying to our children about Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. How this blocks. Their belief in their own intuitive gifts. And that’s the reason why we have to stop. 

[00:03:52] And I’m going to tell you exactly how this is happening and what we need to be saying to them instead. We’ll end on an invitation that will have us all together. Just being honest. And being set free by the truth. So we can evolve as a humanity. To higher consciousness. So please stay with me until the end. Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs and the soul guide circle. We are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes. All right guys, today, we’re talking about. Y, we need to be honest with our kids. About such things as Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy. And the reason why is because it blocks us all. And certainly I. Was told there was a Santa Claus when I was a kid. That I believed in. But here’s what’s happening. We’re telling our kids to believe in something. That they can’t see. Or hear or touch or taste or smell. Something nonphysical. 

[00:06:01] I mean, it lives at the north pole, right? It lives with the land of the fairies. Wherever the Easter bunny lives. And we’re saying, believe in this thing, it’s real. And if you believe you get presents, you get rewarded for believing. And we perpetuate a whole thing around it. A whole holiday, a whole commercial or G around it. And then they get old enough and they all figure it out on their own. 

[00:06:27] Usually. And they realized that that thing we told them to just believe in. That thing that they couldn’t see, hear touch or taste just believe. Was actually a big lie. And this leads children and us all to the belief system that you can’t. Trust. The things you cannot see. If you cannot see it, it must not be real. Just like Santa Claus, just like the Easter buddy.

[00:06:57] And it takes away our belief in non-physical things such as. Our intuition. The divine spirit guides, angels fairies. Consciousness inside the earth. Consciousness in the spiritual realm. Also things you can always see, not in physical form. You can’t always hear.

[00:07:20] You can’t always smell or taste. You can’t give a hug. The way humans give hugs, but it’s there and it’s extremely real.

[00:07:29] And so when kids get to that space of, oh, I think there’s a higher power here. I guess I can’t believe it. I can’t trust it. I trusted Santa Claus and that ended up to be. A lot of BS. So now.

[00:07:45] There’s this thing called the divine. Spirit guides angels. No, there’s not. And listen, you guys, I’m seeing this with my own daughter. I’m seeing this with Freya. Because we used to channel the fairies and work with the fairies. And lately she’s been saying, I don’t think the fairies are real. You told me the Easter bunny was real and it wasn’t. 

[00:08:09] And what can I say to that? I lied to her. I didn’t want to. But I just followed the collective conditioning. I did it. I, along the way, I’m like, I don’t want to be doing this. I don’t want to be doing this, but I did it.

[00:08:25] And my message for us all today here is we have a choice. We don’t have to follow the collective conditioning and you aren’t robbing your kids of a magical experience. 

[00:08:34] If you say, well, actually the tooth fairy isn’t real. But we can still practice it. We can still have the game and have the fun and have the fairy tale. And have the fantasy. We can pretend. Or maybe instead of the tooth fairy, we should channel an actual fairies because fairies and the spirits realm actually exist. So, yes, you say, okay, I’m going to leave money under the pillow. I’m going to do that as your parent, but 

[00:09:08] let’s channel one of the fairies about your tooth. There’s so many things you can still do. That’s fun and exciting for your kids. That doesn’t involve these false narratives.

[00:09:21] Okay, everybody. I am joined today by the amazing. Incredible Freya. Scammell. Who is agreed to be my guest. So I told Fred I had something important to tell her on the podcast today, which I’m going to do. But before I do that, I want to tell our listeners who most of them come from. Places outside of the Netherlands or Belgium or Germany where they celebrate. Center class. So, can you tell us who Centre classes frail? So, um, since. The class is, 

[00:09:54] so he comes out. I landed a November. And then, um, so you put your shoe out and then you put a carrot in it the first day. And, you make a list of what you all want. Did. And then you put it in your shoe. And then the next evening. The next morning when you wake up. I’m present in your shoe. And then you end day, you get a calendar and your shoe differ. 

[00:10:24] Just say, can take. I was into class. 


[00:10:28] Which days you can put your shoe. And, on, five December Dallas, yesterday. You, get cinder class. Doorbells on, in the evening. Yep. Rings your doorbell. Rings your doorbell in the evening and then there’s a big sec of prisons And then the present ended. There’s like, and there’s also, , a chocolate letter. 

[00:10:53] . , so , she’s very well summed up the center class tradition and it’s a lot of fun. Isn’t it? It’s my favorite holiday is your favorite holiday. And lately you’ve been asking me questions about center class and the presence. 

[00:11:06] You’ve been finding things. Like. 

[00:11:11] Like, you’ve been finding a present in the basement that you wanted. So tell him, tell me what you’ve been thinking. Like you’ve been asking me, is this all real mama? Do you do this? Haven’t you been asking me that. Yes, but. Well, I don’t think she took classes real because he was real, but he died. He died. Well, Freya. This is the important thing that I wanted to tell you. What you said is a hundred percent true. He was real. 

[00:11:45] He was the, he was a Saint. Uh, what was he? I already know. Yeah. I know what you’re about to say. I already know that he’s not real. So you already know it. Yeah, he was real. He was real. And he’s, and he’s from Turkey. I have no way he’s from Turkey. He was a Saint something. Sorry, I should have looked this up before we recorded. But he was a person who lived at one time. 

[00:12:09] He was a Saint. He lived in Turkey. And he used to. Give out. Presence to poor people. It didn’t end. Anyway, this whole. People. Yeah. I think he gave like, um, food to poor people. And, um, people used to put their shoes at night by the. A wood burning stoves. To warm their shoes. So they’d be warm in the morning and that somehow the tradition came to be putting presence inside of the shoes. 

[00:12:41] But here’s the thing. Can I say something? And then you should share what you were going to say. I’ve felt bad. All these years. Not telling you the truth about it. And I always wanted to tell you the truth. That he was a man. He lived, he did nice things. He gave presents to people and that was all real. But now. 

[00:13:02] I already knew it my whole life. 

[00:13:04] I just never told you. 

[00:13:06] But would you have rather, I would have just been honest with you from the beginning. Yeah, you lied to me the whole time. I know that’s terrible. Isn’t it? Yeah. 

[00:13:16] . Here’s why I feel sad about it because I never want to lie to you. And I always want to be honest with you. And you and I used to talk about fairies and we used to talk to fairies. Yeah. And now you’re you told me not too long ago, you weren’t sure if the fairies were real, but here’s the thing. I am. 

[00:13:34] Right. I understand that. But there are certainly. You can’t cheat in today. Not real. 

[00:13:42] What I’m trying to say to you, Freya, there are certain things that are real that you can’t see. I know. Oh, you do know. Okay. Like what. Well, 

[00:13:51] That’s a little lines. Are we. So they’re very rare, but they, Living. Africa, and so, yeah. Tired cheap it part Buffalo and. Time and your life. But those aren’t ones that, look like. Men lie and enter line, but they’re really rare. She, but you probably also don’t take it area, but they are because. You probably also never heard of it, but yeah. Because a lamb. 

[00:14:27] My friend said that, that you wish a very, very, very reared. Weird light. And he looked like a Buffalo and alive. Like a Buffalo lion. Yeah. Wow. Okay. So, so. There are rare things in the world that we don’t see very often. And those are real. Okay, but let’s get back. 


[00:14:53] but you’re just extinct. That’s true. That’s true. Okay. Let’s get to fairies and angels. Cause I’m just going to share with you what I believe. , I believe they’re real. And they’re non-physical we can’t see them the way. You can see this pen here. I see this pen. 

[00:15:08] It’s physical. I knock on it. I write with it. But let’s just ask, do you want to talk to the angels? Are the fairies. 

[00:15:17] Just for fun, just for play, to see what happens. 

[00:15:22] No buddy. Can you try for me? 

[00:15:24] Okay. Should we, should we try the angels? No. The fair, the fairies. Okay. So, what I want you to do is take some deep breaths and fill up the load. 

[00:15:38] Okay, let’s do that next. Okay. She’s going to pick an Oracle card from us from the spirit animal Oracle. So these are spirit animals. And you can’t see them, but there are real. Go ahead. Yeah, I’m good at it. Goodnight. Get. Card it. Um, and I’m going to show you that. It does. It’s gonna that it’s my favorite animal. Okay. 

[00:16:01] Try to get my favorite animal. Okay. That’s your reward for playing along with me, you get to pull an Oracle card for us. So I’d like you and I both together to take some deep breaths and fill up the lower part of your belly. 

[00:16:18] One, we’ll do three. 

[00:16:21] Inhale and. Two. And listeners spread with us. Three. Now I want you to just sink into your body. And place your awareness on your heart energy, your heart space, right at the center of your chest. 

[00:16:38] And we’re going to set the intention to speak to the fairies. And we’re going to ask the fairies to appear. 

[00:16:45] And. We’re going to ask the ferries a question. What question do you want to ask the fairies? How old are you? Various, how old are you? I, yes. 

[00:16:57] See, you just heard 30, did a person say 30. Well, I said my head. Yeah. Well, where did that thought come from? Oh, no, my head. Do you think it could have come from the fairies? They kept coming in my head. Yes, they can. See, what happens is they send you signals. That you received. Oh, no, they can go from. They can go through your ear. 

[00:17:21] That’s right. And then they go. 

[00:17:26] Well, the, the messages do yes. They send an energetic signal to your brain, that your brain translates. Into words like or numbers like 30. 

[00:17:35] Let’s ask a different question. Like very. Your name. Okay, there you go. So for ferries, what are your, what one ferry who’s with us. What is your name? I heard Christina. Christina. I like that. 

[00:17:52] So you keep saying, you’re hearing, you probably have an intuitive gift of hearing, but it’s only fruit dish. The right ear. Okay. How about this fairies? What message do you have for Freya? Okay. Like your name. What is your name? Yeah. 

[00:18:12] Yes. We know they’re saying. We know, because we know you very well. And we’ve been with you ever since you were a baby. Oh, yes.

[00:18:21] Okay. Any other questions for the fairies? 

[00:18:25] Um, My mom’s name. Name. How about something? Like, what’s a message for my mom. What a meshing. For my lungs TV show. Podcast. Okay, what? Okay. That’s a great one for ya. Ferries, what message do you have for us, for the listeners of this podcast now free. I want you to feel in your heart, what you feel. The fridge. The ferries are saying as the message. Pick a car. Okay. 

[00:18:56] So the ferries are saying, use the Oracle card deck to convey the message. So now I’m giving the card deck to Freya as her reward for playing along. There they are. And she’s going to pick a card. Any card, use your heart. And when your heart says this one, then that’s the one you choose because that’s using your intuition. 

[00:19:18] And also we’re going to try to pick my favorite animal and she’s, it’s a double whammy. 

[00:19:23] She’s going to try to. Pick a card that has a profound message for us and her favorite. Animal all in one, go. This way, I can’t see. Let me see. Yeah, this one. Uh, yes. Okay. Are you sure? 

[00:19:40] Oh, it’s actually really perfect for this. It’s a coyote. Oh, I love Kyle. 

[00:19:49] So when I went to my mom, Grandma’s your grandma’s house. Yeah, my mom, your grandma. So I shot, I saw a K DOD, very. 

[00:20:01] That’s right. Well, Dan. Pretty. And one time I paid you more than likely. It was really little, you weren’t with me. Um, and I, and I really liked it and he really likes me. So I really like how you. Didn’t I tell you at one point that your, one of your spirit animals was a coyote. Yes. That’s what I thought. 

[00:20:20] So listen, this message is perfect because it says, go ahead and read it. 


[00:20:28] well, yeah. Okay. This is a girl who’s learning how to read and Dutch, and this is an English trust in divine detours. What is the why me? So divine is a word that they use to describe all the things like fairies and angels and spirit animals, and spirit guides. All the things that are real, but you can’t see. But this card means to me. Is. 

[00:20:55] Uh, divine detour was you. Being told that scent to believe in central class. And then finding out that central class wasn’t real. Yeah. Well, I I found out he, yeah. I also found out a few years ago, but I forgot. But remember when you found out there was no Easter bunny and you were really mad at me. 

[00:21:16] For not telling you the truth. Yes. How did that make you feel when you first found out about there was no Easter bunny? 

[00:21:24] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, so I think that was our detour. There are divine detour. And now we’re going to go back on track back to a relationship based on truth. And believing in the things that are real. Even if we can’t see them like easily crash my bandaid. What do you think? What does your heart say? You mean? Santa Claus. Oh, yeah. And English it’s called Santa Claus. What is your heart say? Is he, does he live at the north pole with a bunch of elves and reindeer? I don’t think she’ll be. Cause you. I won’t take you. There’s no grocery. We stores anywhere around. Well, all the. Um, like. And then two people go there and I mean, class. Explores go there just to see what there’s y’all. All I dare. 

[00:22:21] Right. But I don’t think they live there. Extremely called dare. To explore it only go there, like for a week or something. Oh, okay. Okay. Well, I’m here for. To forge a new relationship with you based on trust. And I want to share with you, the things I believe are real, even if you can’t see them, the things that you can’t see, but are real. And by can’t see, you just can’t see them the way that I see you, but you can see them in other ways. Last thing. 

[00:22:54] And then we’ll wrap this up and then Frey gets to have her post-school snack. I have a little bowl here that I’m holding. Let’s imagine that in this bowl, There’s a tiny. We’re going to ask a ferry to appear a small ferry, to a fear appearance inside this tiny bowl. I want you to see, do you, do you feel like you see anything? 

[00:23:13] Do you see, like, do you feel like you see a ferry in this ball? Appearing. Yeah, it has a pool. I saw purple too. So the ferry is appearing, but you don’t see it and feel it the way you see and feel a human being or a dog or a, a bison lion alright fray. Well, I really appreciate you being our guest here today on soul guide radio, any final words? She’s bowing.

[00:23:39] I can’t. All right. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Bye-bye.

[00:23:44] All right guys. Now it’s just back to me. Freya is downstairs having her post-school snack. . And I’m so happy with how that conversation went. I really feel like more. Bonded to her. I feel. Really good about.

[00:24:01] How we’re going to celebrate holidays going forward, because we’re still going to celebrate and we’re going to still celebrate all the traditions. And we’re going to do it because it’s fun. And it’s, it’s something to look forward to. , and I am going to. Really set the intention to incorporate. The things that you can’t see. But our real, I believe. Into the traditions. 

[00:24:28] So the next time she loses a tooth, let’s incorporate an actual tooth fairy. And let’s incorporate angels and let’s incorporate spirit animals because these are. 

[00:24:42] The real things that we believe in. That you can’t always see. And these are the things that I really would love for her to cultivate a relationship with. And when she asks me. Pointed questions about. Whether something is real or not. I am just going to share with her what I believe. And then I will point her and guide her back to her heart, back to her higher self. To ask her heart what her heart is telling her. And so this is something I. Invite for you to play around with your own kids. If you have them. 

[00:25:24] Or any of your loved ones and it’s really about.

[00:25:27] All of us. Connecting to what is true. And what is real. Even if you can’t see it. And there are the things that you can’t see that actually aren’t real. And they’re the things that you can’t see that are real. And can we start cultivating that truth within ourselves and within our loved ones and within our communities and within our clients. And this is the true message of this episode. It’s really not about parenting it’s goes beyond that. 

[00:25:58] It goes to something deeper. And collectively let’s come together. To cultivate. The truth. And to cultivate.

[00:26:08] What. It is, that is real. That we cannot see.

[00:26:13] And you can only decide for yourself what that is for you. Because there may be things that you believe are real that I don’t believe are real and vice versa. And just like Freya can only cultivate that for herself. And the only voice that will ultimately get you to your truth. Is your higher self. And the sooner and the earlier we can get our children connecting to their higher self in a way that builds credibility and trust. And not deceit. The more powerful our children’s bonds will be what their intuitive gifts. 

[00:26:51] And then they will be able to indeed pass that on to their kids. So as we evolve to higher consciousness, we’re all forging a deeper, more profound relationship to the only voice that matters. The only thing that’s really true. And that is your connection to your higher self. 

[00:27:13] My invitation for you this week is two. Give this all, some exploration for yourself. Is there any ways that you wish to be a little bit more honest with your loved ones? On any subject. Are there any ways that you want to be a bit more honest with yourself? Is there something you’re going along with because society just does it. That doesn’t feel good and you’ve just been doing it, but you don’t want to. I invite you to just question that question. 

[00:27:47] If you still want to be doing that. Or if you want to just start leaning into the truth, the truth of how you really feel. And the truth of what you really believe. 

[00:27:56] All right. I just feel so much better now. At the end of this episode than I did at the start. So I appreciate you out there holding the space for me, and I appreciate you, dear listener so much. If you received anything interesting or useful or provocative from this episode, I’d love to know about it. Head on over to wherever it is you listen, you’ll find a link to subscribe. 

[00:28:25] Please do that and leave a rating and review. And if you screenshot your review and DM to me, On Facebook or Instagram or send it to me in an [email protected]. I will read your mesmerizing words on the air and send you a high value and very cool, intuitive gift of gratitude. So that is a wrap for this week. As always until next time, may your soul guide the way. 

00:00 Introduction 

00:24 The Importance of Telling the Truth

02:04 Revealing the Truth to Freya

03:35 Impact of Lies on Children’s Beliefs

05:23 The Harm of Perpetuating Myths

09:22 Freya’s Perspective on Santa Clause

15:50 Connecting with Spirit Animals

16:49 Communicating with Fairies

19:06 Oracle Card Reading

20:31 Trusting in Divine Detours

25:26 Cultivating Truth and Higher Self

27:23 Invitation

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