Taking an Energetic Shower: Cord Cutting and Shielding

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Starting the day with a brisk shower or ending it with a warm bath is something that you probably do almost on autopilot as just a regular part of your routine. But while we regularly cleanse and care for our physical bodies, we often neglect to do the same for our energy bodies. 

Our lives are full of experiences that impact our energy in big and small ways, for better or worse. When we’re regularly affected by negative energy – and don’t take steps to protect ourselves – it can leave us feeling anxious, unaligned, and even angry! In this soulful episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how ‘energetic showers’ can cleanse and heal your energy body – and how to build a super-powerful, intentional, and nourishing daily practice that will keep you energetically clean and protected!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How and where your energy may be siphoned away or impacted
  • Why it’s important in today’s ascension energy to have a daily shielding and cord-cutting routine (and how it can boost your ability to heal yourself and others)
  • An invitation that will have you maintaining energy that is clear, clean, high-vibe, and aligned to your highest dreams and intentions!


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Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Start or up-level your daily cord cutting and shielding practices and routines. Reflect on what you have been doing and if it is working.

[00:00:00] Hey, ho, dear ones, this is the most, okay. So one of the most powerful episodes that you will tune into on Soul Guide Radio for today’s energy, because we’re going to be talking about shielding and shielding. We’ll see you Cord cutting, I’m going to be telling you exactly what that is and why it is something that you should really be in daily practice with, and then eventually evolving to several times daily.

[00:00:33] And because we are going through an Ascension process. We are ascending. We are evolving from relying on survival skills in fight, flight, freeze, to survival skills. Being the conscious creator of our experience and higher and higher energy frequencies, a huge important part of that is learning how to take an energetic shower.

[00:01:04] We are so good at keeping our physical bodies clean. I know some of you all, you want, you take a shower every day. Washing your hair. I don’t shower every day. I’m, you know, I’m kind of like a three times a week. And then when I do shower, I like do a full cleaning. So it’s like, instead of doing it quickly once a day, I do it, you know, like an Uber job of cleaning three times a week, probably more than you want it to know.

[00:01:37] But it’s just like, think about. The care and upkeep you give to your physical body. How do you care and upkeep for your energy body? Some of you might be thinking, well, not at all. I don’t know what Allison’s talking about. And some of you might be thinking, hey, I’m, I’m on this. I have a cord cutting and a shielding practice.

[00:01:59] But if you are someone who already has a practice, it really is time to uplevel it wherever it is. And I’m going to be telling you why and how to do it in today’s super powerful episode of Soul Guide Radio. So why don’t we go ahead and get right to it in today’s episode. I reveal why it’s so important in today’s ascension energy to have a daily shielding and cord cutting routine.

[00:02:28] The most powerful way to shield and cord cut. And how this process can boost your ability to heal yourself and others. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you maintaining energy that is clear, clean, high vibe, and aligned to your highest dreams and intentions. So I promise you’re going to want to stay with me.

[00:02:48] Until the end, welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:03:16] I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and Soul Guide.

[00:03:24] Hello, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at allysonscammell.com

[00:03:44] or in the show notes. Today we’re talking about taking energetic showers. And what that is, is just a quick process to clear your energy aura. Okay, so we have a physical body, but we also have an energy body. Our energy aura goes out in about six feet or two meters in every direction. We’re like a globe.

[00:04:16] And so how do you keep this energy clear? Because this is the truest part of you. Your energy is the truest part of you. Your physical container is. The human suit you’re wearing as you’ve incarnated into your experience and your human suit is super important and it carries in it the DNA of your soul and it knows the entirety of your soul experience.

[00:04:44] Like our human bodies are so sophisticated and they’re actually vessels of love. So we need to care for our human bodies for sure. But most of us don’t even really spend much time thinking about our energy body. Which is really the true essence of who you are. You are, I am, we are, but energy. And so as we ascend, there’s all sorts of energies out there in human form and in non human form.

[00:05:10] So there are. People in your life, maybe you have a few energy vampires, but not even just energy vampires. There are people plugged into your energy and siphoning, siphoning your luscious, amazing life force. And it’s not good for you, certainly. And it’s not good for them to have that sort of energetic entanglement.

[00:05:40] And even with your kids and your partner and people with whom you’re really, really close, you want to have, at least once a day, a time where you cut the cords, the energetic cords that connect to you and to those people that you’re plugged into on a daily basis. To give your relationships an energetic reset.

[00:06:03] So if they’re having a bad day, you don’t get pulled down by it. And you do get pulled down, even if you’re not aware of why. So let’s say you and I are in a sales conversation or you’re doing a private session with me. And we create. In that session via zoom or in person, it doesn’t matter an energetic connection.

[00:06:26] There’s an energetic cord that connects your energy body to my energy body, especially as lightworkers. We create deep energetic connections, especially those that to whom we feel very aligned. So you and I are in a one on one session. We’re feeling alive. We’re changing the world. We’re moving mountains, the call ends, and then we don’t cut the energetic cord with one another.

[00:06:52] And let’s say that night I get into a fight with Pete. Pete gets home and gets home late from work and didn’t call me, and then he’s complaining that I didn’t do the dishes, and I’m like, Hey, buddy! Like, I don’t appreciate this attitude and he and I are getting a little squabble. On a certain level, you are gonna feel that you are not gonna know what it is, unless sometimes you can go into a super intuitive energy and maybe there would be a reason why you would get an intuitive insight on that.

[00:07:25] You could actually say, huh. I think something’s going on with Allison. Maybe she’s having a fight with her partner. But most of the time we just feel like, ah, I feel energetically pulled down and I don’t know why. And usually it’s not even that we’re just like feeling irritated or tired or like, uh, I don’t like how I feel.

[00:07:48] So the best thing for us to do is cut the cord after the session. And I’m going to tell you how to do that in just a second. And I’ve heard. Clients say, Well, I feel bad. I feel bad cutting the court. It’s like I’m sending their energy away. It’s not that it’s not cutting off any love or support. It’s just keeping your energy clear and their energy clear.

[00:08:16] You’re still there. If you are a coach and you have clients, or customers, you’re still there loving them, holding the space for them, and you’re doing it from a much cleaner, higher vibrational space when you cut the cords after a session with them or a period of time with them. Okay. So the reason why this is more important now than ever is because As we go through these growing pains of Ascension, we are very susceptible for unsavory energies coming into our space.

[00:08:55] Listen, there’s energy out there, real true dark energy, in both human form and other forms, that is trying to thwart the Ascension process. Imagine all the people With a lot of money and a lot of power who benefit from us being cut off from our spiritual gifts, cut off from our intuition, and just believing like sheep, everything they tell us.

[00:09:26] You know, you need to do this. You need to pay for this. You need to, you know, just think of all the social conditioning, patriarchal social conditioning. Now we could have a whole conversation about what’s going on. And I don’t want this to turn into an episode about conspiracy theories, although I probably should be doing an episode sometime soon about what I see really happening in the collective.

[00:09:50] But I’m going to hold off on all of that for now. And, you know, I just invite you to drop into your own intuition to feel into, yeah, there’s some unsavory energies out there that want to keep the power. They want to keep the control so they don’t want us ascending and they don’t want us with deeper connections to intuition and source.

[00:10:16] So they’re going to do things to sabotage this ascension process. I can tell you this is happening at multiple levels and there’s multiple ways in which they do that, but essentially dark energy is coming in to your space to tell you not to trust your intuitive gifts, not to. Believe that there is an ascension process, inserting all sorts of things, doubt, and other things to weigh your energy down.

[00:10:50] But here’s the beautiful thing. We are creatures of self will. We have power. Our own will, we can command our space. We get to decide and be the directors of the movies of our lives. But we first have to believe that we have this power because if we don’t believe what, what, what we believe to be true, what we truly believe is what we create.

[00:11:19] Right? So if we don’t believe we have the power, we won’t have the power. So first I want you to step into your power with me right now and just believe in your heart. You have the ability to protect your own space energetically. You have the ability to shield and protect your own energetic space and you have a powerful ability to do that.

[00:11:49] And this is a super important aspect of this process is stepping into your power and owning it. Being a diva, this is my space. I get to decide who is in and who is not in it. So having this daily, several times daily practice is more important than ever because of these unsavory elements that are trying to thwart us and keep us down.

[00:12:23] Okay. So how do we do it? There’s lots of different ways and you will hear lots of different spiritual teachers offer you different things. I’m a big believer in trying on a lot of different things and landing on what feels best for you and certainly always be led by higher self. What is your higher self calling you towards?

[00:12:46] And to get started, or even if you’ve been at this for a while, it’s nice to try on what other people are doing to get new ideas and inspiration so you can incorporate aspects of that into your own routines. So I really invite you to be in this open, experimental energy and eventually land on what feels best and works best for you.

[00:13:10] So let’s start with the cord cutting. Cord cutting. It’s just as it sounds. It’s cutting all the energetic cords of all the physical, mostly physical, but also non physical. So the consciousness that’s here, but not in physical form that gets plugged into your experience and sending that energy back. If we all have divine guidance teams, we’re That is Source, Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Crossed Over Loved Ones, a very, very high consciousness, high vibrational light.

[00:13:46] You can’t really cut the cords with this high vibrational energy that you agreed to on a soul level to have them part of your guidance system as you journey through life. In this current lifetime, in the human suit you’re wearing for this lifetime, like you’re not cutting the cords to this divine entities.

[00:14:10] This is more like, so when I say cutting the cords to non physical energy, you can imagine it’s like cutting the cord to dark energy that sneaks into your energy aura. And this is also maybe you have a crossed over loved one or. Or a crossed over loved one of a friend who maybe you didn’t really know very well, who you are channeling.

[00:14:35] And they’re not really part of your divine guidance team, but you have messages. They have messages for you and you’re in a communication. If they’re not a super high vibrational member of your divine guidance team, I would cut the cord to that crossed over soul. Or, and just. Keeping your energy as clear and high vibe as possible.

[00:14:56] You really only want the most highest vibrational energy in your space. That’s what is going to keep you clearest, cleanest, and high vibe. So, for the cord cutting, you want to imagine, and you can take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, sink into your body, and just look within. See if you can start to look at your own energy body.

[00:15:24] What do you see? And you’re really kind of looking at your energy aura going out in all directions. Typically, and this is something you can develop over time, and this is something I specifically teach people how to do in my certification course, Soul Blueprint. I take you step by step through a cord cutting and shielding process and how you can look within your own energy and to start to see which cords are plugged into you.

[00:15:55] And you can even know if you have a particularly agitated cord. Like, maybe you’re having a difficult relationship with your mother, for example. I see when I’m working with clients, a lot of the agitated cords are usually going into the mother. So you can see if you have an agitated cord and who that is connected to and if there is some healing or anything.

[00:16:18] Extra healing that is required. These are all the things that you’ll learn how to do in Soul Blueprint. I will leave a link in the show notes to check that out if you haven’t already. And if enrollment is closed for a cohort, you can add your name to the soul list, which is a bonus filled waiting list to let you know the next time a cohort and enrollment is open.

[00:16:41] So back to the cord cutting. What you just want to do is kind of look into your energy body and imagine that you have a sharp object. It can be a scissors. It can be a knife. What I use is an energy crystal. So we have crystals. We go to the crystal shop and buy a physical crystal. Imagine that you’re holding in your hand.

[00:17:05] an energy crystal with magical healing properties, take that energy crystal and set the intention to cut all the cords that are plugged into you. And you can go out in all directions around your energy aura. Then what you’re going to do is send all the energy that’s not yours back to where it came from.

[00:17:26] And you’re going to call all of your energy Back to you, blessed and transformed. That is a super important thing to do right before you go to bed. So I really recommend you do this cord cutting at least once a day and the shielding, which I’m going to get to in a sec. Do it at least once a day to start and the once a day should be right before you go to bed to keep your energy as clear, clean, and high vibe as you can right before you fall to sleep.

[00:18:00] I really invite you to eventually move to cord cutting several times a day. If you work with clients, I do recommend a cord cutting practice right after you get off the phone with them or out of a session. It’s not cutting off love. It’s just keeping their energy clear and your energy clear. It’s actually an act of love and support to do this.

[00:18:26] Okay. Getting into shielding. Shielding your energy aura is setting the intention of putting an energetic shield around your energy to protect it so that unsavory elements cannot get in. Again, I recommend doing this right before you go to bed at night and then getting into the practice of doing it several times per day.

[00:18:54] So you’re going to, when you do this, Many different ways to do it. I’m going to offer you but one, you’re going to imagine that you have an energetic shield coming out of your crown chakra, and it’s going to go out in all directions around your energy aura, around the globe of your energy aura, and it’s going to come in at the soles of your feet.

[00:19:22] And you’re going to set the intention to create this. energetic shield, imagine and visualize it going around your energy aura. You might even feel the soles of your feet tingling. And then you’re going to say some sort of affirmation, what I’m about to share, or something that feels even better. That is, I command my space and I only allow that energy in, That’s in highest service to my highest and greatest good, nothing else may enter.

[00:19:58] This is you claiming your power, claiming how powerful you are, and claiming your space. Okay? Now, how does doing this cord cutting and shielding on the daily actually boost your ability to heal yourself? Well, as you continue to practice the cord cutting and shielding, I really invite you to spend a little bit of time in the process, in a, Eyes closed, sunk into the body, looking in to your energetic space, engaging your intuitive languages to explore into whether you see or sense something in your energetic space.

[00:20:50] Something that you don’t want to be there. And it can even be an energy block coming from within. Some sort of, I’m not good enough, I’m not. You know, I’m unworthy, you know, some sort of inner energy block can sometimes rise to the surface and we can actually see or sense it in our energy aura as part of this shielding process and you can start to notice.

[00:21:17] If there’s some sort of unsavory energy in your space, if there’s a block that’s ready to be released, and as part of this shielding process, you can start healing your energy. So the cord cutting and shielding process also turns into an amazingly juicy and powerful opportunity to start to heal and continue to heal your inner energy.

[00:21:45] And those. Blocks that are rising to the surface, ready to be released. All right, my dear ones. My invitation for you this week is to start or up level your daily cord cutting and shielding practices and routines. Reflect on what you have been doing. Is it working? Do you feel like it’s working? If it’s not and you feel like something is still stuck in your energy, It is a great idea to book a session with me or a gifted healer, you know, maybe there’s something lodged in there that you need somebody else holding the space for you to clear that can happen.

[00:22:33] So definitely send me an email at [email protected] and we can talk about how I can help clear all that for you and get your energy space super clear and clean so you, your own cord cutting and shielding practice will really, really work. And if you You have been at this for a while. I really invite you to do this process several times per day.

[00:23:01] In the morning, a couple times throughout the day, and definitely always the most important time is right before you go to bed at night. And if you received something interesting, something useful, something helpful from this episode, I would be really grateful if you told me about it. Head over to the show notes.

[00:23:26] You’ll find a link where you can go to leave a review. You can leave a rating review where whichever platform you listen to podcasts on. Of course, I will read your words on the air. And I’m super, super grateful for the feedback. And, as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:23:52] Hi dear ones, listen here. The Soul Blueprint Certification Program is a roadmap to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money. It’s the only certification program that reveals Activate your five unique spiritual gifts so you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business.

[00:24:17] Learn more and enroll at allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint. Or if enrollment is closed, you can join the soul list. So you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses. Again, that’s allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint

00:01  Intro

03:46  Energetic showers & energy bodies

05:04  Energies around us

08:37  Why protect your energy now?

12:25  Divine Guidance Team

15:10  Cord-cutting practice

18:26  Shielding practice

20:09  Healing yourself

21:50  Invitation & conclusion

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