Releasing the Energy Blocks Tethering You Down

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Running a business isn’t for the faint of heart – entrepreneurship can and will trigger every wound that you’re carrying inside! The powerful silver lining? Each triggered wound provides the opportunity for amazing, growth-inducing healing!

This episode of Soul Guide Radio is the second instalment of a very special five-part series exploring Energetic Soul Client Attraction, a process that will allow you to send out the right energetic signals at the right time in order to attract your dream clients. In this episode, I dive into the second vital energetic alignment: releasing the energy blocks that tether you down. 

While experiencing these blocks may not always feel pleasant, the truth is that we NEED to feel in order to heal – and releasing these wounds is essential to unlocking the next level of our potential. Get ready for a soulful episode that explores trauma, growth, healing, Human Design, and the beauty of divine timing!  

In the previous episode, I revealed how to align your Soul Mission to the soul of your business – I recommend checking it out if you missed this important first step!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

    • The different types of blocks that may show up in your business (and how to recognize them)
    • A guided 5-step process for releasing your blocks
    • An invitation that will have you shedding the excess energetic weight that no longer serves you!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitations:

(1) Ask your Human Design not-self theme if it has a message for you and go through the five-step process to release any heave energy you’re holding on to.

(2) Start or refortify a daily energy block release practice that has you keeping your energy clear, clean, and high vibe.

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. I am thrilled. To be doing a five part series for you, revealing the five parts or energetic alignments to soul client attraction. As a reminder, energetic soul client attraction is the process of putting out the right energetic signals in your business. So that. The perfect, ideal, sole dream clients and customers can find you.

[00:00:33] Last week we explored part number one. If you haven’t had a chance to check that out, I would listen to these in order. I would hit pause here. We’re going to leave a link in the show notes for this part one episode. Um, where we explored how to align your business to your soul mission. In today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about the second energetic alignment of releasing the energy blocks that tether you down.

[00:01:05] And healing is not part of the path. Healing is the path and nothing serves as a better trigger than running a business. Running a business will trigger every wound you have inside. And what a gift, because when a wound is triggered, it rises to the surface so that it may be healed. If it’s not triggered, it stays inside of our energy system, weighing us down like a barnacle, throwing us out of alignment, and we do not want that.

[00:01:35] And that really, really does so much to thwart This energetic soul client attraction because it is our wounds primarily that have us putting out the wrong signal, having us put out a signal that’s too weak, or us putting out a signal at the wrong time. And we’re going to be exploring into all about how we can get ourselves healed, get ourselves released, get ourselves into energetic alignment, get us into.

[00:02:11] The beauty of Divine Timing, really surrendered to Divine Timing. in this juicy, juicy, powerful episode of Soul Guide Radio. Buckle up, get out a pen, get out a notepad. Don’t multitask for this one. This is really, really one of the absolute keys to business success is keeping yourself and your energy clean and clear and healed and really success in life in general.

[00:02:38] So be with me today. It’s gonna be amazing. In today’s episode, I reveal the main blocks that show up in your business, how to use your emotional compass to recognize when a block is present and how to release those pesky blocks. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you shedding all that excess heavy energetic weight that no longer serves you in your life or your business so that you may soar.

[00:03:07] to higher and lighter and freer levels of soul aligned success. So I promise you’re going to want to stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts.

[00:03:36] And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Alison Scammell, your host and Soul Guide.

[00:03:52] Hello, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of Soul Guided Leaders and Entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are growing prosperous heart led business that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at

[00:04:10] or in the show notes. Today we’re talking how to release the energy blocks, tethering you down in your business, taking you out of alignment to attracting the right quality and quantity of client or customer. Let’s start with what are the main blocks that show up in business and this is really true of life, but we’re going to be focusing on the business today, first and foremost, and these are the wounds that come from within.

[00:04:46] They’re often caused by outside circumstances, but they are, they come from inside your soul experience. And those are current and past lifetime traumas. And any current lifetime trauma that you have. And this lifetime has a root, it has a core from previous lifetimes. The reason why we manifest current lifetime traumas is to help us to heal.

[00:05:16] And we need to trigger the pain to release it from deep down inside of our energy system so that it may come up to our conscious awareness to be experienced and felt so that it may be released. We cannot heal energy wounds with. out feeling them. You must feel to heal. And as a defense mechanism to protect us, we have the ability to take big, big trauma that’s too intense for us to process in the moment.

[00:05:51] Especially if we’re children when this is happening, and we can take it and tuck it down deep inside our energy system so deeply that it cannot be detected. It cannot be felt. Our emotional compass is not activated in this example. However, these trauma blocks tucked deeply inside us so deep that we can’t feel them.

[00:06:18] Doesn’t mean that they’re not present and they’re not knocking us out of energetic alignment. They are, which is why this work is so important. The next type of wound that I think shows up more in business than we realize because so often this is related to money and that is ancestral wounds. Those are the wounds we inherit when we are born, when we choose our family lineage.

[00:06:45] And we do choose our parents, and we choose our parents based on the lifetime we can expect to experience incarnating as ourselves, right? So I chose to be Allison. I chose my parents. And so I chose all of those childhood wounds. I chose, I chose all the challenges of my life because those were the specific challenges.

[00:07:13] I needed to heal on a soul level. Some of us had horrible childhoods. Some of us had pretty happy childhoods. You know, it’s all what we needed on a soul level. All of us in our soul experience has had. the range of different types of traumas. All of us have had really, really big traumas to little t traumas.

[00:07:38] So it’s all inside of our soul DNA. And when we choose our family lineage, we are also choosing those ancestral wounds that just get passed down from generation to generation. So when I chose my lineage, you know, I chose to workaholic parents, very loving, amazing people, but they were both workaholics that really contributed to my wounding about overworking.

[00:08:10] Right? And I did that. by design because I needed those wounds to trigger what was inside of me so that I could release them and heal. And so those are wounds that are really coming outside of your soul experience to an extent. Typically ancestral wounds are related to our current and past lifetime wounds.

[00:08:30] So they all can kind of heal together, but this is stuff that you inherit from others. You know, just like you inherit your eye color or your earlobes or your belly button, we inherit ancestral wounds next. And this is also wounding that comes from outside of you is social conditioning. So conditioning from the collective conditioning from authority figures in your life.

[00:08:54] That things need to be a certain way. You know, we can only have this much amount of success. And I think what so powerfully falls into social conditioning that will knock us straight out of alignment on our business path is divine timing. In our overly toxic masculine culture, it’s the idea that we.

[00:09:18] always need to be growing. We always need to be launching. We always need to be planting seeds and those seeds need to be growing right away. And if they’re not, we’re failing. But especially I feel like with my study of human design, that has really taught me the art of waiting, the art of divine timing.

[00:09:39] And it’s really taught me how plain wrong this idea is that we’re always growing. I mean, certainly our soul is always growing on a soul level and expanding or always wishes to be growing. Our souls are wired, wired for growth. Our businesses are not always meant to be. It’s like doubling and tripling in size year after year.

[00:10:05] Now some people do have that experience and that’s good for them. I think if you are a generator and a manifesting generator, you could potentially expect to experience that growth upon growth upon growth. Anybody with an open sacral manifesters. Projectors and reflectors, that is a challenging thing to achieve.

[00:10:31] And if it doesn’t feel good to you to have that cycle of always, always growing, you should not take that on because we are really designed for bursts of growth followed by bursts and cycles of rest. But I think all of us are in, you know, we, we, we aligned to the four seasons where you have a spring.

[00:10:55] Where you plant your seeds, you have a summer where things grow, you have a fall where things start to die. You have a winter where everything’s just frozen and you’re in a rest state. And then you rebirth again into the spring with new seeds. So it’s, we, we live in cycles and all of our dreams, all of our growth.

[00:11:16] All of this alignment, even healing, is subject to divine timing. Like, if you think of some of your core wounds, you might wonder, Why is it not healed by now? It’s not meant to be healed by now. Your triggers come at a divine time. Your outer world triggers that trigger your wounds, those are all divinely timed.

[00:11:38] And every time you get a trigger, a piece of your wound is released and it flows up to your conscious reality so that you know it’s present, that you may feel it and release it. And the rest of your wound is still inside your energy system. We can’t heal these massive, massive wounds that have been with us for generations and lifetimes in one trigger.

[00:12:01] That’s too much for the body to process. We would, you know, it would just, it would just be too much. That’s why there is this divine timing and flow. And anytime we are impatient with time, anytime we’re thinking this should be here by now, and certainly you projectors out there, you know, we’re just designed to wait and it can be so frustrating because we want it to happen.

[00:12:28] Like yesterday, but that’s really wounding and social conditioning talking when you get to the truth of it. If you release all of that pressure you put on yourself, I should be somewhere farther along than where I am in this moment. And if you unplug from all that conditioning and start to decondition To the truth, you will always find peace in the present moment.

[00:13:00] You will always find peace and you will know that the growth will arrive at the right time and in the right way. And you will find peace and alignment to divine timing. Anytime you’re out of a feeling of peace to divine timing, there is some wounding there. So let’s get into how do we use our emotional compass to recognize.

[00:13:29] When a block is present, well, first you can go to human design and I think some in some ways this is the most powerful way we can use our emotional compass and you go to your not self theme. So generators and manifesting generators, you will feel frustration. When you’re out of alignment, human design purists would probably not say this.

[00:13:52] They would just say you’re in shadow. You’re in low expression of your energy. Something wants to shift. Something wants to change. I would say that’s all true. And I would say also there is some sort of wounding present. Now it could be pure social conditioning that’s present. So, you’re running your business and you’re feeling very frustrated.

[00:14:18] It could be you’re not in alignment to divine timing, so you’re frustrated and that’s coming directly from social conditioning. But I have a hunch somewhere in there is some sort of current past lifetime or ancestral wound that is ready to be released. And then with the releasing of the wound is checking into the stories you’re telling yourself.

[00:14:42] Is there something that’s ready to be deconditioned inside of you so that you may go back to your signature emotions of freedom and satisfaction, telling you you’re back in alignment. For manifestors, you’re going to feel anger because you are meant to go with those creative sparks that you get in the moment.

[00:15:03] And if someone thwarts you in your creative process, that will anger you. So that probably means you need to go back to your strategy of to inform. So oftentimes from a human design perspective, tapping into your non self theme means you’re probably also not following strategy and authority. And again, underneath that, like, why aren’t you following strategy and authority?

[00:15:27] It could be because you don’t know about it and there’s a learning curve that needs to happen. And that was me for most of my life. It was probably for you too. And you might be new to human design and just learning yourself. But again, underneath that, there’s probably a little bit of wounding. Whenever we feel painful emotions, there’s a little bit or a lot a bit of wounding there.

[00:15:47] And I’m going to be telling you in one second what to do when you notice the painful emotion present. So, So, manifestors, you feel that anger that’s asking you to do some inquiry into what’s going on so you can go back to peace. For projectors, we feel bitterness. And for me, I’ll just say, when I feel projector bitterness, I get a literal bitter taste in my mouth.

[00:16:12] And I think that with all of our non self themes, it’s got a real Bite to it. That really is telling us this is not self theme telling you you are out of alignment. So whatever your not self theme is, get to know it. It will feel different than other painful emotions. Usually when I’m in projector bitterness, it means I’m over giving.

[00:16:39] That’s a thing projectors do. We tend to over give. And so, that will just be my key. I’m actually really grateful for my bitterness. It serves me in so many ways. to tell me to get back into alignment. Is there a reason I’m overgiving? Probably has something to do with not owning my worth, which means, what?!

[00:17:03] There’s a wound present, ready to be released. You reflectors, the unicorns of the human design types. You will feel disappointment when you’re out of alignment. and so you want to do some inquiry so that you may find yourself back to harmony. So, You One of your primary emotional compasses are these non self themes, but anything else is just painful or resisting emotions showing up on your path.

[00:17:31] So if something happens in your outer experience or you’re just sitting on the couch minding your business and all of a sudden a painful emotion starts to arise or a thought that is triggering pain, that is your cue. Now, some of you are going to be at a more advanced level of all this, so it’s not going to be huge trauma pain that says, Oh, I’ve got a wound now that could show up.

[00:18:07] We don’t know. We never know what tomorrow may bring. There always may be a new trauma popping up into our experience, but in this moment, maybe you don’t have trauma. Maybe you’ve done a lot of healing. Maybe life is pretty good. You have to be extra careful because you have what I call nuanced blocks, and those throw you out of alignment just as much as the big trauma blocks.

[00:18:34] So you have to be really mindful of when your emotional compass is tapping you. The emotions are going to be annoying. It’s going to feel not quite right. You’ll be like the princess and the pea. I’m sitting on all these cushions, but it’s still uncomfortable. You’ve got a nuanced block. There’s something in there that’s ready to be healed.

[00:19:00] And every time you advance to a new level, there’s going to be a new devil. So anytime we grow to the next level of our potential, we are unlocking new gifts, new success, new growth, but we’re also unlocking a whole new range of wounds. And typically these wounds are less painful in the classical sense.

[00:19:21] So you have to be very mindful to what is present. So if a painful emotion appears, specifically a non self theme, that means that you either have A current, a lifetime, or an ancestral wound. You have some social conditioning and or you’re out of alignment to the divine timing of things. And it could be all of those things together.

[00:19:49] And I would say often it is all of those things together. So let’s get right into how do we release the blocks. I’ve taught this before. I’m going to teach it to you again. If you’ve heard me say it before, maybe you’ve enrolled in some of my classes. There’s never enough repetition on this. Stay with me.

[00:20:08] Do it here with me now. Step one is really to. Notice your emotional compass sounding off of some sort of painful, resisting emotion, non self theme present. And I should say, actually the best way to do this process is part of a daily practice. Part of a daily morning practice. And maybe you do it after you meditate for a little bit.

[00:20:39] And your energy is actually in a high vibe state. So there is no pain present. So how can you heal if there’s no pain present? Well, you call up the pain. And this is actually the most powerful way to release because you’re in a neutral or higher state. If you are in the middle of the trauma, it is very difficult to successfully and healthfully process the trauma because you’re in fight or flight.

[00:21:05] You’re in survival mode. It’s difficult to heal when you’re in the middle of it, it can be done and we’re all evolving to the point that we healthfully process painful emotions in the moment, so we no longer need to store it in our energy system, but until we all reach that point. And to facilitate us reaching that point, the powerful and empowering thing to do is to create a daily practice.

[00:21:41] So let’s say you’re in the daily practice and, or you’re going about your day. Somebody says something mean to you that triggers you and your emotional compass is sounding off that you have a pain point. You can do it in that moment and or you can do this as part of a daily practice when your energy is probably neutral.

[00:22:03] And let’s just go through the processes if your energy is in a neutral https: otter. ai You’re doing your morning daily practice and you scan. Step one is you scan within. It’s a five step process. Step one, look within and scan. And you’re scanning for pain, resistance, out of alignment, anything that feels off.

[00:22:26] Just sink into your body and start scanning. And then you just want to call up the resistance or pain and go to step two. Ask the pain or resistance what it’s telling you. We want to identify the story it’s telling you. I’m already getting one. 2023 was the most joyful year in my business, but it was also me putting a lot of work in and not having the revenues that I’ve had in past years and the revenues I would have wished to have.

[00:23:01] And I just got this thought like, ugh. Like from a revenue perspective, 2024 is just going to be another year of the same. That was just the thought that just, I had no idea that thought was there, but when I just took a, you saw, I mean, how long did I just do that? I did that for just a few seconds and all of a sudden this thought appeared out of nowhere because it was inside of me.

[00:23:24] Now you want to go to step three. So identify a thought for yourself, whatever, what, whatever arrives first that feels most painful or prominent. Then you go to step three and you ask. What emotions are triggered when this thought feels 100 percent true? Because most of the thoughts you identify won’t feel true all of the time, but you want to go to those moments in time where it feels true.

[00:23:46] We want to lean into the pain. So when this thought feels true, essentially the thought is the struggles I experienced in 2023 will carry over to 2024. When that feels true, it feels heavy. frustrating, defeating, like, I just like, it makes me want to have like an emotional outburst. Like, ah, so I’m feeling like an outburst.

[00:24:14] So you’re going to want to identify all the emotions that are triggering you. And then you go to step four, where you feel the feels. You bring up all of these feelings from deep inside and you fully and completely feel them. This is how we release the wound. Trauma wounds must be experienced. So you feel the feels fully and completely feel the physical and tactile sensations.

[00:24:50] And I should say here that if this feels too intense, this is your cue that you should see a therapist or a healer. You have something. Very intense inside of you that’s ready to be released and you just need some support. We all have times where we need the support of others. You can’t always operate on yourself, right?

[00:25:13] You have to go to someone else to hold the space for you to help you. So if it feels too intense, just go to the place where you feel like you’re releasing and it still feels safe. And I would really look into hiring a good energy healer such as me or a good counselor to help hold the space for you.

[00:25:36] And then once the emotional wave starts to go down, you move to step five, which is deep breaths and release on the exhale. You’re releasing all that no longer serves you. You’re releasing all the pain, all the resistance. And as a bonus step, as part of step five. You can go to your heart space and just ask your heart for a message of truth that was hiding on the other side of the block, because our blocks always tell us some non truth.

[00:26:17] Our blocks tell us illusion. And when you release the block. All that’s left is truth. You don’t have to find the truth. You are the truth. And the blocks just thwart our truth. So when you release a block, what’s left is truth. So when I breathe and release and go to my heart space, and I’m just going to ask my heart for any message of truth I receive.

[00:26:45] This is the year for you to soar, shine, shine. and reap the rewards of all past work that you’ve put in. Ooh, that feels good, and that feels true. So I’m just going to go ahead and go with that truth, and I’m going to take that thought to be my new thought. I’ve released the old one. I’m going to repeat the pains of the past, and I’m replacing it with the new belief system.

[00:27:14] This is the new, this is the new me, the new, this belief system is me. I am me. In the sense that I am taking this on as truth. I am going to soar, shine this year and reap massive rewards. Unattached and in alignment to divine timing. My invitation for you this week is to go to your human design, not self theme.

[00:27:45] Ask it. If it has a message for you, if that message is painful in any way, heavy pain or light pain, go through the five step process to release the emotions that that thought or story is triggering inside of you. And as part two of this invitation, I invite you to start or refortify a daily. energy block release practice that has you keeping your energy clear, clean, and high vibe.

[00:28:22] And if you would like my help with this, it’s probably the most powerful thing I do as a coach and a healer is to help others heal. The energy healing I do is next level. I work with really, really advanced energies and I can help clear your energy in ways that will feel like, you know, 10 years of therapy.

[00:28:50] This is feedback I get a lot. And I am very powerful in doing group energy healings. And in my membership, Sold Out Circle, there are 24 live classes in a year, which is a whole heck of a lot. And in each live class, I do some sort of group energy healing that will really powerfully help you clear yourself.

[00:29:20] Of any sort of blocks or conditioning or out of alignment to divine timing that’s knocking you out of alignment. and thwarting your ability to get into powerful energetic soul client attraction. I also have a guided meditation library as part of this membership that has many, many different types of healing and releasing guided meditations that you can listen to on the daily to keep your energy very clear, clean, and high vibe.

[00:29:54] If you want to learn more and join us, I would love to have you. I’ve never packed so much value into a program for such a low investment. There’s no obligation to join for four months, six months, a year. You can cancel at any time. You can learn more and join us at alicenscammell. com forward slash circle.

[00:30:18] You can find that link in the show notes and I would love to welcome you in to our community. That’s a wrap for this week. You are going to love next week’s episode where we get into part three of our five part series, which is all about amplifying your spiritual gifts. Probably my all time favorite topic and.

[00:30:40] As always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 High Vibe Minutes, the ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In only 10 minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest.

[00:31:10] Big wealth and abundance. Get free access now on my website or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

04:30  Lifetime trauma wounds

06:29  Ancestral wounds

08:42  Social conditioning & divine timing

13:32  Human Design

17:23  Recognizing your blocks

19:53  Releasing your blocks

27:37  Invitation & conclusion

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Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

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