Reach Your Dreams by Showing Up

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When you’re working toward a big dream, you may sometimes feel stuck or stalled out, especially if this dream has been in your thoughts for a long time. So, what does it really take to make a wish come true? Contrary to the teachings of books like The Secret, it takes a lot more than just thinking about it! If you want to reach your dreams with more ease, you need to start showing up for them.

When you intentionally get into the right energy, you can actually accelerate and amplify your ability to consciously create the reality you’ve been dreaming about… and bring all of those juicy and satisfying wishes to fruition!

In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I explore what it means to show up powerfully for your dreams of tomorrow – and what can happen when you get clear on what you really want and stay committed!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • The role that your energetic resonance plays in conscious creation – and how to tune it for your most powerful results!
  • How to overcome the most common blocks that pop up along the way
  • An invitation that will have you showing up for your dreams in a way that has you fulfilling even the most hard-to-reach goals!

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

 Take a dream you’ve had that has felt hard to reach and spend some time with the end state. How do I want this dream to look? What’s one thing I can do today differently? And, what’s one new way of showing up or being that I can do today that puts me in alignment to this dream fulfilled.

[00:00:00] Hey ho dear ones, I’m sitting here with a long sleeve t shirt on, a fleece, and an Icelandic wool sweater. And it’s the end of April. I am so ready for warm weather. And I’ve already told my husband about 50 times that the Netherlands is the coldest place that I’m ever going to live from this point forward in my life.

[00:00:23] And it actually doesn’t get that cold here. Not nearly as cold as where I grew up in South Dakota. And from here out, wherever we live next from here, and we’re not planning a move yet, but My husband and I are very wanderlusty people, so we’re always kind of thinking about if we’d want to explore a new spot in the world or not.

[00:00:48] But wherever we go from here, it will be warmer, and I’m just so ready for heat. And I’m also ready to finally put my sauna, I, I’ve been dreaming for a sauna in my house. I had one once. When I lived in Maine for 18 months, our house had a sauna and in the winter, and Maine winters are like nine months long.

[00:01:13] So for nine months of the year, I used that sauna every single day. So I have my spot in mind in my house for the sauna and it’s going to be spectacular. And I’m hoping to get things going and building on that this year. So I can be filled with that warmth. I’m just so desiring. And this gets us nicely to today’s episode, which is all about reaching our desires, fulfilling our dreams, reaching our dreams by showing up.

[00:01:52] And you might be thinking, well, yeah, I already show up for my dreams. I’m not sure what that means. I’m not sure if it pertains to me, but I’m telling you it does. And you’re going to want to hear about this powerful concept. I’m going to be sharing with you because it will get you into the energy of accelerating your ability to consciously create your experience.

[00:02:16] And that means wishes fulfilled. That means. reaching your dreams, experiencing those dreams that you’ve been thinking about and pondering about and working towards. And especially the ones that you’ve been working towards for a long time, and they just don’t seem like they’re coming. Maybe you feel plateaued.

[00:02:37] Maybe you feel stuck. Maybe you feel completely stalled. If you resonate with any of that, you’re in the right place. Cause I am going to show you what to do in today’s episode. I reveal exactly what it means to show up for your dreams of tomorrow, how that actually helps to consciously create those dreams and allows you to reach those dreams and how to overcome the most.

[00:03:06] Common blocks that pop up along the way that block your efforts. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you showing up for your dreams in a way that has you fulfilling even the most hard to reach dreams. So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level.

[00:03:35] We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m AllysonScammell, your host and Soul Guide.

[00:03:57] Hello, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of Soul Guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are growing prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at

[00:04:15] or in the show notes. All right, we’re talking about showing up for your dreams. What does that mean? The essence of conscious creation or manifestation is being in the energy today of our dreams of tomorrow. So if you read certain manifestation books like The Secret, it will say our thoughts create our reality.

[00:04:41] That is not the case. Our thoughts can create our reality. Trigger our emotions, our thoughts that we believe to be true, trigger our emotions. Our emotions create our energetic resonance and our energetic resonance attracts our physical reality to us. That is the truth of how it works. So if you’re sitting there saying to yourself, with, you know, trying to get the thought work down and you’ve learned a lot about thought work and you’re like, I know that I need to tell myself that I am worthy.

[00:05:16] I am worthy. I am worthy. I am worthy. But the truth is you’re not feeling worthy and you’re resonating energetically because you’re feeling unworthy. You will attract people, circumstances, things in your outer reality that reflect back to you that frequency of unworthiness. Unworthiness. So yes, our thoughts that we believe to be true create our reality.

[00:05:46] But sometimes we think we’re sitting there saying, I am worthy, I’m worthy. And we think that that’s what’s going on. We believe that for ourselves, but the reality is we have a block or a wound or something heavy inside of us that’s sending out a different frequency. So we don’t even realize that we’re actually vibrating at unworthiness.

[00:06:11] And then it’s confusing to us when people start showing up in our lives that aren’t valuing our worth, right? Because our outer reality is reflecting our inner resonance. So what we want to do is make sure, you know, check in with our thoughts. Do I really believe these thoughts? Do I really believe them?

[00:06:39] If they’re low vibrational, so thoughts that are triggering pain, limiting thoughts, then that means, and that’s an indication that there is a block or a wound that needs to be healed or some de conditioning that needs to happen. If they are high vibrational, joyful thoughts, check in. To make sure that you’re really believing, fully believing the thought.

[00:07:09] So if the thought is I am worthy, are you really believing that? And it’s okay if we fluctuate, we always do. You know, we go in and out of believing a thought such as I am worthy. We have days where we really show up and own it. And then we have days where maybe we got triggered and we’re actually questioning it.

[00:07:27] Like, I don’t know, am I worthy? So being in the energy now is just being really aware of what’s really happening in my energy. So think of a dream. Think of a hard to reach dream, a hard to reach dream, but one that’s not like so far away from you. It feels hard to reach, but you know, deep in your heart that you can do it and you eventually will do it.

[00:07:59] So for me, I dream of making Soul Blueprint, my certification program, as big as human design. Okay. But this is where I want you to get very clear about your end state. The clearer you can get about what this dream really is so that you can really show up for it very specifically today helps to fulfill the dream.

[00:08:30] Because you’re putting your order into the universe of exactly what you want so that the universe can reflect that back to you and get that back to you. Okay? And it, you know, getting to know exactly what our dreams are is a process. It is a journey. We have to taste what we don’t want sometimes to know what it is we want.

[00:08:54] So just go with the level of clarity that you have today and know what you want. That as you stayed on the path and stay committed to the dream, you’re going to get clearer and clearer with regards to what it is you really want. So getting to my example, I want to really grow Soul Blueprint to, you know, Really get to light workers and soul guided entrepreneurs all over the world.

[00:09:24] But listen, I have all individual circuitry in my human design. So that means I am designed to get the new. Or different or expanded concept from source, which I have done in soul blueprint. I channeled that and co created with source. And then I am here to present this new concept to the tribe. Okay. And my tribe are soul guided lightworkers, leaders, and entrepreneurs.

[00:09:57] People, coaches, healers, artists, writers, actors, freelancers who are thi, this is my target audience, and if you fall outside of it, it doesn’t mean that Soul Blueprint isn’t meant for you. If you’re here resonating with me, then it’s meant for you, but this is just who I target as my tribe to get to Soul Blueprint, and then the tribe will take Soul Blueprint and introduce it to the collective.

[00:10:29] And if you look at human design, Ra channeled that from Source. He called it The Voice, but it was a collection of consciousness connected into Source. And then he took human design and he co created it. He created the basic structure of the human design system. And he introduced that to the tribe, right?

[00:10:52] And that was a targeted collection of lightworkers who were very passionate about learning human design. And then creating their own takes and interpretation of human design, you know, it doesn’t stop with Raw’s vision. So then you have people like Karen Curry Parker, who has created quantum human design to take human design to the next level.

[00:11:15] And now human design is going, it’s transitioning to being. Something that was for the tribe or the community, and it’s going into the collective to everyone. More and more and more people are learning and understanding and knowing about human design. It still doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Nothing is, right?

[00:11:33] Nothing is for everyone, but you can see how this transitions out to larger audiences. So how does that pertain to me and my goal? I don’t think that it’s a good idea for me to think about. the end state of how soul blueprint gets to the collective. That goes beyond me. But yes, I eventually want to pass soul blueprint on, make it part of the ripple effect to higher consciousness.

[00:12:07] So the ultimate, ultimate end state of this dream of mine is that it gets to the collective. So people all around the world who want to connect to and co create at deeper levels with the spiritual realm and understand their energy and understand their soul mission and how to fulfill it. But for the purposes of my work and my target and my energy and my thoughts, feelings, and actions, I see my dream As getting Soul Blueprint solidly to the tribe, and the tribe is big, I’m not, this is not small numbers here, this is a global tribe.

[00:12:49] So, you know, I get the number a million. Could I certify a million people in Soul Blueprint in my lifetime? Like, I’m getting a heart yes to that. And I can check with my higher self, should I make it higher than a million? I’m getting no. A million is what it’s going to take. to really successfully get soul blueprint to a solid global tribe.

[00:13:12] So then that tribe is passing soul blueprint to all of their loved ones, clients, colleagues, communities. And then that’s what then gets it to the collective. So this is an advanced dream for me that I’ve spent You know, the last 15 years taking action on. So if you don’t feel like you have that level of specifics for your dream, that is okay, but keep working towards it and you will, and it is a great idea to get to know your human design type and like, what does your circuitry look like?

[00:13:52] And you can really align your dreams to match that. Certainly, getting to know your human design arrow, manifestation arrow will help. Are you someone that needs to get specific with the details of the dream? Or do you need to get specific with how you want to feel and what you want to experience? So these are little cues that can really help you clarify your dream, your end state.

[00:14:19] And with that clarity, you can get into that energy today in a much sharper frequency showing up today for your dream. And that accelerates your ability to manifest it. So how else do we show up for our dreams? Okay. So taking my example, I want to certify a million Soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs and soul blueprint.

[00:14:46] How do I show up for that today? Cause I am pretty far away from those numbers right now. Well, my platform for Soul Blueprint is on Teachable and that’s the, my course portal where you can find all the content for Soul Blueprint. I’m in the process of refining Soul Blueprint level one and creating Soul Blueprint level two at the moment.

[00:15:13] When I think about creating this content, am I thinking about certifying 10 people or am I thinking about certifying hundreds of thousands? That puts you in an entirely different energy. If you are thinking about certifying 10 people, you’re like, okay, yeah, maybe I’ll just. Store it all on Dropbox. It can all be very casual.

[00:15:40] The whole process can be kind of flowy. I don’t really need systems and structures set up because it’s only 10 people. It doesn’t mean I’m not showing up and giving my best. I am, but it’s 10 people. They’re probably sole clients, so they know me really well. So if I make a mistake here and there, they’re going to be like, Oh, we know Alison, we love her.

[00:15:59] We trust her. So if she makes a mistake, we know that it’s probably a one off thing and she’s going to show up and. You know, it’s all going to be okay. But if I’m certifying, let’s say a hundred thousand, a lot of those people aren’t really going to know me personally. So they’re really going to look to how well organized is my system and my structure and how well branded is it and what’s the energy.

[00:16:28] So as I create. My platform, and it doesn’t mean I have a lot of fancy bells and whistles. I don’t, but what I do have, I try to make it the very, very best it can be because I’m in the energy today of certifying a hundred thousand lightworkers. So it’s the little things guys. When I think about the titles of my different modules, I make sure that they’re all uniformly formatted.

[00:17:00] And you might think, well, what difference does it make if one is all caps and one is capitalized in title case? It makes a difference. It, when everything Is as professional and well oiled as it can be. It doesn’t mean it’s complicated and it doesn’t mean it’s highly technical. It’s just as well oiled as it can be where you are with your level of technology and your level of know how.

[00:17:32] Are you showing up the best and most professionally that you can be? I know with clarity that I am. I have ideas for tomorrow to make it more high tech and to invest some more money here and there. But I don’t need to do that yet. I know that I can get a lot of people in the soul blueprint, and those folks will be in an experience that’s easy to understand.

[00:17:58] It’s easy to integrate. It’s well organized. It’s well branded. It’s very uniform. And they’ll walk away thinking, wow, that soul blueprint was so easy to consume. It was such a joy. It was so high vibrational. The content was so spot on, because at the end of the day, that’s the most important thing, is how powerful is the content.

[00:18:21] And I’m so excited to tell my friends about it and move on to levels two, three, and four. I’m in the energy of today, of certifying hundreds of thousands of people, showing up at my very best, trying to expand that container out. So that I’m creating space for more and more people to show up. So when you think about the end state of your dream, how can you start showing up today as if that dream is already here and that doesn’t mean spending more money and it doesn’t mean adding complicated technology.

[00:19:00] No. How can you just very simply do it by getting a little bit more professional, by getting a little bit more organized. By just saying, right, I’m in this to win it. I’m winning. I’m not half-assing. I’m doing this. I’m ready. And I’m showing up today as if my dreams are already in my experience. So when they do arrive, I’m not overwhelmed.

[00:19:26] I don’t. Flounder around because I don’t know how to handle the success. I’ve already been living like the success is already here. And the reason why this helps us to consciously create our dreams is it’s pure and simple. It’s energetics because we are simply in the energy today of our dreams of tomorrow.

[00:19:51] Okay. So when we’re in the energy today of our dreams of today, that is plateauing. If you have a program that you put out into the world and you typically get 10 signups, And you’re about to launch it again, and then you’re in the energy of 10 signups, you’re going to get 10 signups. Maybe you’ll get 11, but you won’t get more than 15.

[00:20:17] You need to be in the energy today of 30, if that’s what you want. And maybe you’re happy with 10, and that’s quite okay. But if you’re looking to grow that. Think about how you can show up in that energy of 30 today, even if you’ve been consistently getting 10. So let’s go into how to overcome the most common blocks that pop up to thwart our efforts.

[00:20:46] Well, the first thing that can pop up is over caring. If we’re talking about a big dream, I know you care about it a lot. And caring about a dream is what you want to do. If you don’t care about your dreams, they’re not the right dreams. If you’re not passionate about your dreams, you need to rethink your dreams, which is okay.

[00:21:10] And maybe you’re still on the pathway to getting clear about what you want your dream to be. So, you’re not passionate yet, but stay with it so you can find your passion. Find that fire in your belly. That’s what you want your dreams to feel like, a fire in your belly. And yes, you care. You care a whole hell of a lot, but watch that you’re not passionate.

[00:21:35] Over caring. The trick is to care without over caring. Over caring is another way to say attachment. When we over care about our dreams, we are attached and we get into the mindset that we need the dream to be able to feel the joyful emotions that we think the dream is going to give us. And that is never the case.

[00:22:01] That is never the case. Dreams come into our experience when we’re in the energy frequency of that dream today. So we always need to be finding our joy today and our current circumstances, whatever those circumstances are, and that opens the door for more. and new and expanded dreams to arrive. So if you feel like you’re over caring and you’re overly attached to your dreams, that is all right.

[00:22:33] That is feedback. There is some release that wants to be happening, releasing that attachment. So that you can go back to the nice flow of passion and caring without the attachment. The other thing that can thwart our efforts is getting, uh, what’s the word, derailed is the one coming through. by the current results you’re getting.

[00:23:00] So if you’ve been running a program and you want to grow to 30 and you just keep getting 10, after a while that plateau can really, you know, that those results of 10 can give you the thought that this is all I can get. This is the only thing I’m good enough to get. This is the only thing I’m worthy enough to receive.

[00:23:23] Remember, our current results are coming back, just giving us clues, right? It’s not even, I invite you not even to look at it as success or failure. Just look at it as all clues. It’s all feedback. So if you’ve been consistently getting 10 and you want 30, Something needs to tweak or refine in order for you to open that up to higher numbers.

[00:23:50] Maybe it’s your marketing. Maybe it’s your offer. Maybe it’s your ideal client. Maybe you have a whole hell of a lot going on in your personal life and now it’s just not the time for 30. Now is actually the time for 10. And that gives us nicely to another thing that can derail our efforts, and that’s being out of sync to divine timing.

[00:24:14] Most of us are in some way, shape or form out of sync to divine timing. We think we want it now. But we really don’t have the energetic capacity to hold it now. And sometimes our tricky, tricky higher selves will actually call us to 30 when it knows, our higher self knows, we only have the capacity for 10 today.

[00:24:41] But it’s, we’re being called to stretch our container and learn how to not work harder, but just work more efficiently. Cause when you’re thinking about growing and scaling, it’s not about how many more hours I can work per day to attract more clients or earn more revenue. It’s really about how typically it’s about working less.

[00:25:08] Cause most of us, especially at the early days of business are overworking to work more efficiently and get bigger results on the same or even fewer hours worked. So you can always ask your higher self, am I out of sync to divine timing? If you get a yes, ask your higher self for some guidance to get you back in sync.

[00:25:36] Okay? Okay? All right, let’s recap. Reaching your big dreams is truly the process of showing up for them today as if they’re already in your experience and always noticing along the way where there’s resistance and releasing that resistance as it arrives. And the more you show up in that energy, in those core valued feeling states, in the thoughts, feelings, actions, as if the dream is already here, that actually accelerates your ability to consciously create or fulfill that dream.

[00:26:16] And of course, there’s going to be roadblocks along the way. You want to notice, you want to be caring, but not over caring about your dream. And you really want to be careful not to misread. The results coming back today as failure. If. You’re not getting the results you want. Either something needs to be healed or deconditioned or something and or something needs to be tweaked and refined.

[00:26:46] And you, we want to embrace this feedback as helpful and required. And it’s here to help us get to where we actually want to go. And lastly, be mindful of divine timing and be checking in with higher self. Is this actually the divine time for this to happen? And can you help me get into sync with the divine timing of the unfolding of my dreams being fulfilled?

[00:27:15] My invitation for you this week is to take a dream you’ve had that has felt hard to reach and spend some time with the end state. How do I really, really, really want this dream to look? And what’s one thing I can do today differently? One new way of showing up or being that I can do today. That puts me in alignment to this dream fulfilled.

[00:27:44] All right, my dear ones, that is a wrap for this week. I would love your feedback to know specifically what you received from this episode. Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram. And I I would be so happy to hear about your experience and to hear from you. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:28:13] Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 high vibe minutes. The ultimate deepening. Daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in only 10 minutes per day. You’ll keep your energy high vibe and aligned to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance.

[00:28:38] Get free access now on my website, or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

04:18  Thoughts, emotions & energetic resonance

06:26  Check in with yourself & your dream

08:09  Get clear & my dream example

14:34  How do I show up?

18:45  Show up for your end state

20:37  Overcaring

22:48  Getting derailed by results

24:06  Divine timing

25:40  Recap

27:15  Invitation & conclusion

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