Protecting Yourself From Energy Vampires

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When dealing with vampires in movies or books, you have options: garlic, crosses, and the trusty wooden stake. But how do you deal with real-life energy vampires?

An energy vampire is someone who consistently exposes you to low frequency emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress, sadness, pessimism, and anger. They may be an obnoxious acquaintance or a demanding client, but they may also be someone you love – a friend, parent, spouse, or even child. 

While most energy vampires don’t deliberately try to drain you, being around their energy frequently or for long periods can pull yours down. In this short and sweet episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to protect your energy from low vibe people and organizations, and stop bringing negative energy home with you!


Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to perform relationship inventories, energetic shielding, and cord cutting 
  • How to surround yourself with more of the high vibe people that uplift you 
  • An invitation that will have you protecting your energy in powerful ways, so you can stay joyful and high vibrational!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Start or re-fortify a daily practice of energy, shielding, and cord cutting doing an inventory of those people and places, noticing who the energy vampires are. 

[00:00:00] Hey, ho deer wants this episode is going to be short and sweet and it’s gone a be high vibe. Cause we be protecting ourselves from those energy vampires. Those people who just bring us down, they may be people who get on our nerves repeatedly. Or people that we just genuinely love. Hey, you might be married to an energy vampire or who have a child.

[00:00:26] Who’s an energy vampire and you love them. And they’re good people. And it doesn’t mean there’s anything. Negative or bad about them. It’s just means that they haven’t learned. And haven’t chose to learn how to protect their energy and keep their energy at a neutral or higher space. So they are often caught in their worries and their doubt and their fears and their stress and their anxieties that brings their energy way down.

[00:00:59] And if you’re around that too often, or too many people that have that low vibrational energy, it will pull you down.The inspiration behind this episode came to you from an Oracle card. I drew. I was feeling like I just, I’m not sure what I want to talk about today.

[00:01:27] And so I pulled a card for inspiration from my energy and spirit Oracle deck by Sandra and Taylor. And I. I fricking love this card and I actually really love this topic because it’s something I know a whole heck of a lot about. And I pulled the card phase entanglement. Phase entanglement is a fancy way to say you might be getting sucked down by energy vampires. So I’m going to read to you and a hot sack, what the guidance message is from the card and a whole lot of other stuff. In today’s super powerful episode about protecting your energy.

[00:02:12] So let’s go ahead and get right to it

[00:02:14] In today’s episode, I reveal how to protect your energy from those low vibe folks. The importance of energetic shielding and cord cutting and how to surround yourself more and more by those people who lift you up. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you protecting your energy in powerful and important ways.

[00:02:39] So you can stay joyful and high vibrational. So please stay with me until the end.

[00:02:46] Insert intro music. Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in the soul guide circle. We are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find the link to join our closed Facebook or in the show notes. All right.

[00:03:10] Today’s episode comes to you from an Oracle card. I pulled called phase entanglement. I’m going to read to you. What some of the guidebook has to say about this. Many emotions can be transferred to you and your daily life through phase entanglement. Which indicates a matching of vibrations. Okay. So that’s when you’re vibrating at a certain way and the person around you or the people around you. I start to match your energy or you match their energy, which is how energy works. Typically low vibration. We’ll automatically come up to high vibrations because high vibrations are stronger and less.

[00:03:57] You are the one high vibe person surrounded by a group of low vibe folks. You will tend to find unless you know how to protect yourself, that your energy actually starts to come down and the phase and tanglement and the phase entanglement has you coming down to match their low vibrational? Resonances. This card reveals the potential for this phenomenon. To exert a negative energetic influence and your life at this time. When you’re around happy or unhappy people, you can carry their vibration when you leave their presence. There may be someone in your environment who’s anxious, depressed, critical, or pessimistic when you’re around them, it drags you down.

[00:04:49] And when you leave, you bring that negative energy home with you. This is a natural reaction, but this card is telling you to reduce your exposure to these people as much as possible. It’s difficult enough to keep yourself optimistic without these energetic vampires, making it even more.

[00:05:15] So set boundaries, ask angels to surround you. And counter the negativity with positive, positive, and hopeful statements. It’s your life choose to spend your time with joyous and supportive people. That is a nice message. And I’m going to give a yes and to it. So in terms of protecting our energy from low vibe folks, I would maybe reframe. That message a little bit to be like, Hey look. We are here to experience the range of emotions and we’re going to be around people who are experiencing the range of emotions. But we want to look for those people who are consistently low vibe. And don’t add any value to our lives. That’s really what the. The definition of energy.

[00:06:08] Vampire is if you have a spouse was a stressful job. And they’re coming home stressed all the time. And transferring that stress onto you, but you love this spouse and this spouse is providing for your family and being a good dad to your kids. That doesn’t make him necessarily an energy vampire. You might want to share this podcast episode with them so they can start to understand how their stress can be transferred onto others. And you might want to help them learn how to manage their stress.

[00:06:43] Maybe they need to look into different employment, things like that. But we want to look.So in terms of protecting your energy, it’s about those people who don’t add value to your life and only bring you down or more consistently bring you down then up. And it’s asking the question, do I really need them in my life? That is the most powerful way to protect your energy. And if you’re getting a no, it might be time to just take a strategic pause from the relationship or take a permanent pause from the relationship. So in terms of protecting your energy, it’s a great idea to do an inventory who are the people in my life, who consistently brings me up and everybody has their bad days, and everybody gets to have their bad day, including you, including me. So, this is about more consistently over time. And do I need to continue to be in a relationship with this person? And when your higher self says no. This is, you know, sometimes it takes a lot of courage to choose, to not be in relationship with someone, especially if it’s a family member or even a spouse or someone that you have a lot of history with, or a lot of vested interest with. And. So it does sometimes take a lot of courage to be able to follow through. Um, those heart led nudges that are guiding you to protecting your energy.

[00:08:14] But I promise you if your heart is saying. This relationship is no longer serving you there are new and amazing relationships waiting for you. When you say goodbye to those relationships that are no longer good for you.

[00:08:38] . And this goes beyond just individual relationships. This can also pertain to something like a gym or a yoga studio or a school or a bank, you know, places that you go to a lot and they just don’t feel good. The people don’t feel good. You walk in and you’re like, ah, this just isn’t the vibe I’m looking for. Can you then say, okay, I’m going to cancel this gym membership.

[00:09:04] I’m going to switch to a different school. I’m going to change my circumstances so that I’m plugging into energies and people that feel good. They feel aligned. They raise my energy frequency up instead of bringing it down. And a huge and important part of protecting your energy. Is energy shielding and cord cutting. So energy’s

[00:09:44] shielding can also protect you from dark energies from consciousness. That’s not in your highest and greatest good. And so you do that by setting the intention. And trust me, the energy will know what to do. It will work. To energetically shield your energy body, your energetic aura. And you intend for the shield to start at your crown chakra.

[00:10:07] And it goes up and out in all directions, creating like a bubble around your energy and it comes in at the soles of your feet. And you may feel your crown chakra and your feet tingling as you do that. And you set the intention to create this energetic shield, to protect your energy. And you can say an affirmation like this or one that feels good to you. I command my energy and I only allow that energy in that’s in highest service to my highest and greatest.

[00:10:38] Good. Nothing else may pass. And this really will help. To align your energy to those. People and con non-physical consciousnesses that are higher vibrational and resonance and a greater alignment to you. Likewise, whenever we interact with another person and energetic cord. Is created between you and that person.

[00:11:04] It is a really important idea as part of your daily. Energetic hygiene to cut the cords to all those people. That includes kids that include spouses, send their energy back to them. You can say blessed and transformed if you wish. And you want to call all of your energy back to you, blessed and transformed.

[00:11:24] And this just enables you to keep your energy clear and to watch that phase entanglement. Especially if their energy is going down to low vibrational places so that it doesn’t take you with them.

[00:11:42] And lastly, how do you surround yourself by people who lift you up? Well, a lot of times it’s trial and error.

[00:11:49] Like for example, I was looking for the right gym and I tried a gym and it didn’t feel good. And then I tried a second, Jim, and that didn’t feel good. And then I realized I really didn’t like Jim yoga and what I wanted was yoga, but. I much prefer a yoga studio. So then I started looking around to yoga studios and I tried one and it felt okay, but it was like too far from my house.

[00:12:13] And then I tried another one. And I walked in. And the energy hit me. It was a 10 minute bike ride from my house and I was just like, this is it.

[00:12:25] This energy feels so good. This feels like where I want to be. So looking for those places that coffee shop to work in that coworking space, that grocery store. Those places that you consistently go to. Is there a place that feels achy that you consistently go to and you just keep going that doctor, that acupuncturist, I mean, all the places you go to on the average month, What, what are the places that feel really good?

[00:12:56] Can you go there more or add more environments like that? And then the places that feel kind of achy or just not right, or just not an energetic, aligned match. Can you either stop going to those places or spend a whole heck of a lot less time there.

[00:13:15] And then it really gets back about doing an inventory. You know of those relationships that you have, what are the closest relationships to you? Of those relationships who lifts you up the most? Who brings you down the most. And when you start saying no to those people, those energy vampires who bring you down. It creates space. For those new or different relationships to arrive, that is an energetic match.

[00:13:47] And it is a person who maintains a higher vibrational resonance, so that if there is a phase entanglement that person or those people around you are lifting you up to higher and higher frequencies. My invitation for you this week is to start. Or re fortify a daily practice of energy, shielding and cord cutting, then do an inventory of those people and those places you go. Notice who are the energy vampires?

[00:14:23] What are the places that just don’t feel great? Can you reevaluate the need to be in relationship to these people in places?And if your higher self is inviting you to move on, I invite you to do that, creating that space so that you can create those high vibrational relationships and networks that protect your energy and bring you to higher and higher levels of joy. All right.

[00:14:56] That’s a wrap for this week. I had a lot of fun recording this episode. I hope you received so much from it. If you did head to those show notes, find that link for leave a review. Go ahead and click it. There are different platforms where you can leave a review. I would love to know specifically, what did you receive from this episode? I’m so grateful for your feedback, and I will read your amazing words on the air. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.


00:01  Intro

03:36  Phase Entanglement

05:43  What is an energy vampire?

07:23  Doing a relationship inventory

09:18  Energy shielding

10:50  Cord cutting

11:33  Finding high vibe energy

13:48  Invitation & conclusion