Passion Pursuits: Learn the secrets to pursuing your passions “on the side”

Summer is here, and the sun is shining. Well, not in Brussels, but hopefully it shines where you are.

As you may know, I specialize in helping people to pursue their passions on the side or transition to making a living of it full-time.

So what does “on the side” actually mean?

Also called, “the side hustle” or “side-preneurship,” it’s when you pursue the things you’re most passionate about on the side of a full-time day job and/or family or other responsibilities.

I’m a huge believer in pursuing your passions on the side because there’s less risk to you. You avoid the “all or nothing” mentality. And you are able to pursue your goals at a more ease-ful pace.

That said, I’m tickled pink to share with you another FABULOUS installment of my interview series, PASSION PURSUITS, where I talk to professional organizer and stylist, Jeni Aron, who is also an expert on the side hustle.

Jeni has been pursuing her passions on the side of a corporate day job for the past 13 years and has just transitioned to doing it full-time.

Jeni tells us how she did it, offers tips on how to pursue a side hustle, and shares what the most frustrating and rewarding parts of her journey have been.

This is one inspiring discussion, so check it out:

For more information about Jeni’s two businesses, Clutter Cowgirl and Styled by Jeni, visit her websites at: and

If you don’t have a side hustle, I challenge you to take a small step towards pursuing something you’re passionate about today. If you already have a side hustle or two, I challenge you to do one thing today to get one step closer to your goals.

Post your action step in the comments below.

To you + your passions,


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