My Biggest Wins and Lessons From 2024

“And I’m damn proud of this milestone.”

Reflecting back before moving forward…

Before we can look forward to plan the year ahead, it’s important to reflect back.

And I’m excited to share with you my annual reflections on my top 3 biggest wins and lessons from 2024.

My Top 3 Biggest Wins:

1. I’ve clocked in over 1,000 1:1 coaching hours

My biggest win for 2024 is well exceeding 1,000 hours of private 1:1 coaching. And this doesn’t include all the hours of coaching I completed to obtain Master Life Coach certification – nor does it include the thousands of hours teaching classes and coaching small groups. 

This is 1,000+ hours of paid 1:1 coaching – where I charged anywhere between $150/hour to $2,000/hour.

And I’m damn proud of this milestone.

It’s a profound sense of accomplishment for consistently showing up in my coaching business – rain or shine – and it’s more valuable than hitting any income goal.

2. The 3-hour midday rest cycle

The journey to getting to know our own energetic needs never ends, and I’m delighted by what I uncovered this year.

My second biggest win was discovering that I need a FULL 3-hour rest break In the middle of my work day. And giving myself permission to rest for 3 hours in the middle of the workday has led to a big upleveling of energetic harmony…and productivity!

You see, I used to work longer hours on Monday through Thursday, so I could take all of Friday off. 

But as a Projecter with an Open Sacral, I am designed to work in bursts followed by periods of rest – and that work is not meant to exceed more than 4 hours per day. So it makes MUCH more sense to spread out the rest through the whole week – instead of storing it all up for one day.

And importantly, a successful 3-hour rest cycle – that actually fills my energy tank – is screenless. It consists of a nourishing lunch, walking my dog in nature, reading a good book, or going to the sauna or acupuncture or getting a massage (and NOT watching Netflix or doing Spelling Bee on my phone).

Truly. Life. Changing.

3. My new lair of enlightenment

Projecters have this annoying Strategy to “wait for the invitation.”

Most Projecters I know feel frustrated by all the waiting, and we long to have that Manifester initiating energy to just get things going.

But I realized that when you’re not resisting the waiting, our Strategy is simply delightful (and this is true for all Strategies).

My third biggest win for the year provides a wonderful example of how ease-ful following your Strategy can be.

Years ago, when I first became a coach and transitioned from working in an office environment to working from home, I set the intention to always create a home office sanctuary.

In time, I started calling my home office my “lair of enlightenment.”

When we moved to the Hague, I set up a nice home office, but I sensed it could be better. Then one day, my husband said out of the blue, “Do you want to renovate the attic and turn it into your new home office?”

(Hint, this was a Projecter invitation.)

I said YES.

Then, we had to find contractors, which are hard to come by in the Netherlands.

We got some quotes, but they were astronomically high.

So we decided to WAIT.

Then one day, my neighbor said, “We just finished a renovation and the contractors were amazing, do you want their contact information?”

I said YES.

And so went the entire renovation. It was a series of waiting for the right invitations to arrive where my Splenic Authority was saying a big YES.

The end result has been an absolutely incredible home office that came together with amazing ease and alignment – all because I followed my Projector Strategy of waiting…..

Stay tuned…I’ll be posting a video tour of my new lair of enlightenment on the socials. (If you’re not already, be sure to follow me on IG, and FB, so you don’t miss it).

My Top 3 Biggest Re-Lessons:

I am calling these “re-lessons” because they are all lessons I’ve encountered before, but I learned on a deeper level in 2024. Here we go…

1. Stop fighting the flow

My biggest re-lesson for 2024 was to stop fighting the flow.

This year, several of the launches I planned for my business didn’t produce the results in the exact way I had planned them to.

When this happened, I was frustrated because the clients weren’t arriving according to the plan.

But when I released the frustration, I noticed that the clients were arriving in different ways.

So my launches WERE producing results, but just not how I had planned them to.

And when I let go of the attachment that clients had to arrive a certain way and instead tapped into the FLOW of how they wanted to arrive, it transformed strained and tiring launches into beautiful experiences of ease and flow – that resulted in my programs filling up with dream clients.

2. I’m not for everyone.

We moved to the Netherlands in the middle of the pandemic, thus making new friends was a challenge. So when I met someone who I thought was a potential new friend, I was thrilled.

She went to an evangelical church and was a devout Christain, and that was fine by me. Our beliefs were different, but I honestly didn’t give that a second thought.

Then, out of nowhere, this new friend stopped texting and started making excuses as to why she couldn’t see me.

Finally, I asked her if I had done something to upset her, and she said she wanted to meet for coffee with our husbands present.

At this point my intuition had kicked in, and I strongly sensed that they had reviewed my website or Instagram profile and concluded they didn’t like my beliefs.

I was right. At the coffee, the husband informed me (while the friend sat in silence) that they find speaking directly to the Divine dangerous, and they can no longer have anything to do with me, and our daughters (who were also good friends and in the same class) can no longer play with each other.

After an initial period of feeling hurt and mourning the loss of this new friend, I re-learned the lesson again, “I am not for everyone.”

I am here to be true to my beliefs – no matter what – and those who find it dangerous or simply don’t like it, are NOT the people I want to develop close friendships with.

3. Running a successful business means meditating and moving my body…every day

I love my job. I love showing up every day to explore new ways to serve you, find solutions to your problems, and inspire you.

I love it so much that I can go right to work, instead of meditating, and I can work through the times I’ve blocked out for exercise.

And when I’m tired or feel like sales are down, I can still fall into the mindset of “If I just work harder, then the clients will come.”

But a big re-lesson for me this year was that no matter how much I’m loving or frustrated by my business, meditation and movement must come first. 

I am at my absolute best with a clear mind and expanded energy, and that’s how I intend to consistently show up to serve you at my absolute highest.

Here’s an exercise to do a 2024 year in review, so you can leverage the wins and turn the lessons into big growth opportunities.

  • Take some deep belly breaths, sink into the body, and connect to the heart space.
  • Then, with pen and paper, write down in a free flow – without thinking too much – your answers to the following questions:
    1. What were the things that went right for me in 2024? What were my biggest wins?
    2. How did those wins make me feel?
    3. How can I leverage those wins in 2025 to create more wins?
    4. Where did I feel most stuck in 2024? What were my biggest challenges?
    5. What are the lessons I’m meant to extract from those lessons and is there any healing that wants to happen?
    6. What’s ready to shift, so that I learn from those lessons and don’t repeat them in the year ahead?

This Week’s Buffalo Steps (my word for homework):

Do a 2024 year in review to capture your biggest wins and lessons and set yourself up for big soul-aligned success for 2025.

🤍 What’s your biggest win from 2024?

Be sure to post it HERE in the Soul Guide Circle – a closed Facebook Group for soul-guided entrepreneurs looking to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way.

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

Join a Live 3-Day Soul-Guided Planning Workshop to:

Craft your 2025 SOUL PLAN
And let’s make 2025 YOUR YEAR to grow a soul-ed out business. Join now for only $22

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your Soul Plan for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:

✅ 2 Classes to help you get clarity on your soul mission and long- and short-term visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training showing you step-by-step how to complete the 10-page planning template, and
✅ The 2025 planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025

Discover the power of soul-guided planning so you can get CLEAR on what your heart is calling you towards and craft your SOUL PLAN for the next 12 months to help you get there.

With this 3-day Workshop, you get:
✅ 2 Classes to clarify your soul mission and visions of highest soul-aligned success
✅ A master-level video training revealing the energetics of soul-guided planning, and
✅ The 2025 10-page planning template with insights into the energetic themes for 2025