Manifestation v. Conscious Creation

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What’s the difference between manifestation and conscious creation? While these concepts are similar in meaning, they’re actually quite different in practice – and understanding their differences is absolutely essential to fully embracing your power as a conscious creator!

If you’ve been tuned into the coaching world lately, you may have encountered some negative conversations around manifestation. I believe that many of these opinions are based on a misunderstanding of what manifestation REALLY is, and what the practice can truly offer us. This thoughtful episode of Soul Guide Radio deeply explores the concepts of both manifestation and conscious creation, while debunking a few of the false beliefs that have become popular. 

Listen now to learn how to integrate both into your experience with more ease and confidence!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • Why your energetic frequency fluctuates, and how to raise your baseline so that you can align to your biggest dreams
  • Why NOW is a potent time to claim your role as a conscious creator – and how to powerfully step into that role and attract abundance! 
  • An invitation that will have you consciously creating a joyful and wildly successful year ahead!


Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

For the next seven days, go to the next level on being hyper aware of what your energy is vibrating at.

[00:00:00] Hey, dear ones. This is a juicy episode. You are gonna be so glad you’re tuning in. I really invite you to be with me for this whole episode. It is gonna be a wild ride, and you are gonna get massive results.

[00:00:13] So if you’re multitasking, go ahead. If you’re knitting or folding clothes or stirring the soup for dinner tonight. Go ahead and keep doing that. But if you’re multitasking in any other way that’s taking your consciousness away from me, please Come to me. Come with me.

[00:00:31] Maybe grab a pen and a notepad. You might wanna take some notes because I have got some amazingly good nuggets to reveal, because we’re talking about the difference between manifestation and conscious creation. They both are meaning towards the same direction. They both have a basic meaning, but they’re actually, in practice, quite different. And it’s really important to know the difference so that you can step into your powerful, powerful role as the conscious creator.

[00:01:07] I have noticed it for my clients lately. Some of them are really tired with this word manifestation. They’ve seen too many coaches and courses out there promising, like, get rich quick through manifestation schemes. You know, manifestation doesn’t work that way in that sense. I mean, in a way, it kinda does, and it kinda doesn’t, and I will explain to you in a minute What I mean by that and I totally get my clients who are having a little bit of a backlash to this word manifestation, But I also notice it among coaches who are tired of these ego based manifestation programs.

[00:01:49] And I feel like in their messages condemning these programs, they’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater and sending the message through their rants and rails that we don’t manifest and we don’t have the power to manifest, and that’s just wrong. So I understand why they want to, you know, make a stance against programs that aren’t really talking about manifestation in the right way, but then I invite them to also talk about manifestation in the right way, and that’s what we’re going to do today. We’re just gonna get to the truth, the truth about what it is and the things that you really need to know to integrate into your experience. So let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I reveal the difference between manifestation and conscious creation, why now is the potent, potent time to claim your role as conscious creator and how to powerfully step into that role.

[00:02:52] I’ll end on an invitation that will have you consciously creating a joyful and wildly successful year ahead, so please stay with me until the end. Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs Here to bring about change on a massive level, we’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, Amplify your spiritual gifts and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Alyson Scammell, your host and soul guide. Well, hello there, Soul guide circle, that is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, We are pursuing our soul guided dreams while lifting up humanity.

[00:03:50] Find a link to join our closed Facebook group atAllyson scammel dot com or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking manifestation versus conscious creation. The thing I want everyone to understand is that we are always manifesting. We are always in relationship to the law of attraction, which is a universal law that basically says like attracts like. And what that really means what that really means is Our energetic frequency of today determines our outer reality of tomorrow.

[00:04:34] Our outer reality today is a result of the energetic frequencies that you were vibrating at yesterday, last week, last year, last decade. So It’s all about energy and energy vibrations. It’s like manifestation. You can look at at it like a magnet. And what we vibrate at is magnetizing things in our outer reality that’s at the same frequency.

[00:05:11] Okay? So this is when it gets really helpful to understand, what Am I vibrating at? What are these different vibrational frequencies? And I love to and If you guys have been with me for a while, you’ve heard me talk a lot about the map of consciousness developed by David r Hawkins. And this map is based on a logarithmic scale that spans from zero to a thousand.

[00:05:38] And the Emotion that we are feeling or we are being in a given moment correlates to the vibration the energetic frequency of our energetic vibrations, of our energy body. So the lower and the more painful our emotions, the lower we’re vibrating. And the higher and more joyful emotions, the higher we’re vibrating on the scale. So shame is around twenty, guilt, thirty, grief, seventy five, Courage is up at two hundred. Neutrality is two fifty.

[00:06:15] Reason is four hundred. Love is five hundred. Joy is five forty. Peace is six hundred. And anywhere between seven hundred and a thousand is enlightenment.

[00:06:25] And what my guides tell me is that the scale She goes up much, much higher than a thousand. And as we ascend to higher consciousness, we have the ability to vibrate beyond enlightenment in human form. How exciting is that? And because energy is never stagnant, We are never just perpetually in the energy of courage. Right?

[00:06:51] Our energy vibrations are always going up and down and up and down, and mostly in response to our outer environment. If we’re driving down the road and someone cuts us off, that’s gonna put us right at One fifty to anger. Maybe we were listening to my a great podcast. Maybe you were listening to Soul Guide Radio, and you were feeling all vibey, and you were up at six hundred, And then you get cut off, and that’ll drop you down to one fifty. And you’ll be like, hey, jerk.

[00:07:18] Watch where you’re going. And then you’ll take a few deep breaths, and you’ll be back up to two fifty. And then you’ll think about, oh, you’re to do to your to do list, and then you’ll go into overwhelm, and then you go back to, like, one sixty seven. So you see how we’re always going up and down and up and down. So the goal is never ever to be perpetually high vibe Unless you’ve reached enlightenment, and that means you have no more wounds left to heal to heal, most of us aren’t there yet.

[00:07:47] So Our goal, our dream, our desire should really be focused on how can I raise my baseline? And I call that the dominant energetic frequency or DEF. So that’s when you plot all of those different energetic frequencies you feel in an average day and average it out. What is your average vibration? That’s what’s dictating most of your manifestations.

[00:08:15] If we spike up to love and are in love for two minutes And then we spiked back down to desire, which is one twenty, and we’re in desire for forty minutes. You know, that’s gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna manifest something in between desire and love, but more towards desire. Right? And that’s that sort of ego led desire that sometimes has a kind of a a neediness or maybe a it’s an attached energy. That this idea desire that, uh, this idea that I need this thing in order to dot dot dot.

[00:08:52] That’s kind of what desire’s really a frequency of. So what does this have to do with manifestation versus conscious creation? Well, this is how I relate to it. I relate to it as manifestation is when our baseline, when our dominant energetic frequency is below neutrality. So we’re spending most of our day in fear or anger or overwhelm or stress.

[00:09:24] And when we are below two fifty in our dominant energetic Frequency, we are more in a response mode. We are still manifesting. We are always manifesting, but we are manifesting in response more in response to our outer reality. We are manifesting in response to our wounds, telling us we’re not worthy of manifesting something better. We’re manifesting according to social conditioning, telling us that We have to work really, really hard to succeed, or only certain people make it in this profession and most people don’t, and All those different stories that we get from the collective, we are manifesting according to the people around us, and maybe we’re not hanging around the most supportive people all the time.

[00:10:14] So it’s really a response mode manifestation. And I would say that’s where a lot of humanity is right now, those who are not on an awake path. Their baseline is maybe around neutrality, maybe a bit lower, and their whole day is just one in response to their outer reality so all they’re doing is responding. They’re the audience of the movie of their life watching their life happen on a screen without taking control and becoming the conscious creator. When you choose to become the conscious creator, you get out of the audience, You find the director’s chair, and you plop down, and you start telling wishes what to do.

[00:11:08] You start putting your orders into the universe, the multiverse source, and those wishes start coming back to you. And this is a creative energy. This is when we can start intending our higher dreams. Think about your dreams for a second. Are any of your dreams having you in the frequency of fear or grief grief or shame or blame?

[00:11:35] I dream of this thing so that I can feel shame. No. That is the frequency of our wounds. When you think about your dreams, you’re probably typically in elation, serenity, bliss, joy, love, connection, contribution, abundance. Right?

[00:11:53] So in order for us to match that frequency of our dreams, we need to raise our dominant energetic frequency. And when our DEF gets to be around three hundred and higher, so that’s that’s around the frequency of willingness, optimism, hope. We really assume the role as the conscious creator, the role of the director of the movie of our life. And conscious Creation, I should say, is not one of desire. It’s not one of attachment.

[00:12:32] When we are Truly in the role of conscious creation, we are resonating at these higher frequencies. And, okay, we’re putting our orders into the universe. I intend to bring this thing into my experience. I intend to bring that thing in our experience. We are putting our orders into the universe, And it doesn’t matter what comes back because what comes back is in the energy of love, peace, and joy.

[00:12:59] So whether it looks like our dream intention or something different, it doesn’t matter. It’s always this or something better. So either it shows up exactly as you’ve intended it or it is in some way better, and the energy is completely unattached. And there’s few things in our experience that’s more freeing than being unattached to your dreams. And that is a journey, being unattached to your dreams, and we dip in and out of attachment all the time.

[00:13:32] All of this is a journey, and all of this is really awareness. It’s not how can I be perpetually high vibe? It’s how can I raise my DEF? And we raise our DEF by being mindful, first and foremost, of where is my energy? What is my focus in this moment?

[00:13:53] How am I vibrating? Okay. So let’s get into why it is so important right now to be focused on your role as conscious creator and stepping into that role. We are raising collectively to higher consciousness so we can vibrate at higher and Higher frequencies go beyond the one thousand scale. Our DEFs are also raising collectively, but this is not for everyone.

[00:14:25] This is for those who are awake, those who are doing the work, those who are healing, those who are educating themselves about energy and spiritual gifts and universal laws like you. And so what’s happening because some are ascending, because they’re learning and they’re awakening to their gifts and how the universe really works, and some are not. So this is creating more than one timeline. This is creating multiple timelines. And One set of time lines is stuck down in lower frequencies, very much in the third dimensional, very physical and very low vibrational, where people collectively have a DEF that’s lower, and in some cases, quite a bit lower than two fifty on the scale.

[00:15:22] And then there are light workers, such as us, that are raising omniscale, and we’re going into a different set of time lines altogether. So in these higher vibrational time lines, we are creating a a different reality. We are ascending above the low vibrational systems, the low vibrational collective fear. And when we do that, the more that we ascend, the higher our DEF gets, the more powerfully we can consciously create. And there is a bifurcation happening where some are asleep, and they’re not choosing this, and they’re staying in the lower frequencies, and some are raising to the higher frequencies.

[00:16:16] We can’t force our loved ones to come up with us. Everybody’s gotta be on our their own path. The most powerful thing we can do is be the example of what’s possible to our loved ones. And then eventually, if they’re awake enough, they’re gonna say, I want a piece of that. I see how happy you are.

[00:16:35] I see how joyful you are. How can I get some of that too? That’s spiritual leadership being the example of what’s possible. So how do we do it? How do we powerfully step into the role.

[00:16:52] Well, it’s all about raising our DEF. And the first and foremost, the first It’s part of raising your DEF. Your baseline is getting hyper mindful of your energy. How am I vibrating? Where are my thoughts?

[00:17:10] Am I lost in whirling thoughts that has me wrapped up in anxiety, which is pulling my DEF down? Never ever ever is it a time to beat yourself up or self criticize. We’re just inviting a next Level of awareness and mindfulness to our energetic frequency of any given moment. When I tap into my energetic frequency in this moment, I feel like I’m around, like, a four ten or even, like, a five hundred. Because I’m always in a quasi channel state when I’m recording these episodes, so I get pretty high vibrational.

[00:17:53] Am I vibrating between four ten and five hundred the whole day? No. I’m not. But recording this episode and being these Higher vibrations is really gonna help lift up my DEF. And I always make sure before I hit the record button to any of these podcast episodes, that my my energetic frequency is pretty high.

[00:18:15] If I have something on my mind weighing me down, I release that thing before I start recording. So that gets me to my next step of raising your DEF, is noticing when you have the wound. The block, The painful energy, the painful emotions is telling you you have a wound, you have blocked energy that’s ready to be released. I will link in the show notes several episodes I’ve recorded on how to release our energy blocks, and this has a profound effect. In some ways, the most profound effect in raising your DEF.

[00:19:00] Another powerful way to raise your DEF is to consider your core valued feeling states. These are the feelings, the emotions that you experience when you reach your dreams. So thinking about one soul guided dream and intention you have for your life, for your business, that means a lot to you. How would you feel if you fulfilled that intention? For me, when I do this late lately, an emotion that keeps coming back to me is exhilaration.

[00:19:32] Exhilaration. I wanna feel exhilarated in my life and in my business. You know, I’m an I’m an adventure person. I’m a thrill seeker. And I think that for me right?

[00:19:43] And we all have different core value feeling states. For me, exhilaration kinda taps into that thrill seeker part of me. So what can I do today? And once you’ve identified your core value and feeling states, the question is, what can I do today to put me in those frequencies, to put me in those emotions? Exhilaration is a good example because that’s like That takes a little bit of thinking.

[00:20:09] Like, there’s and and and when I say what can I do today, it’s like, what are the little things we can do? What are the things that are easily accessible? You know, I don’t have to drive fifteen hours to get to the Swiss Alps, and start hiking some difficult mountain trails. Like, I’m talking about what can I do today, easy to fit into my agenda, doesn’t cost me money or cost me very little money, and it would put me in a true energy of exhilaration? Let me just ask that question of the higher self.

[00:20:41] The higher self will tell you, will guide you. I’m getting the message to go to my gym and hit the sauna. Now I love me a sauna, as you guys know. And, Typically, my sauna time is my relaxation time. It’s my harmony time.

[00:21:01] Harmony is another core valued feeling state. And so for as part of that, relaxation is a core part of me feeling harmonious. And, typically, my sauna time is my relaxation time to contribute to harmony, but my higher self is saying I could tap into exhilaration as well in the sauna. So you see here, this isn’t a practice of identifying activities that you tick off your checklist, like go to yoga, check, do meditation, check. This is a mindful practice where my higher self is saying, hit the sauna today.

[00:21:36] And when you’re in the sauna, Actively bring up feelings of exhilaration. Take some deep breaths, sink into the body, connect to the heart. Maybe you recall some times in the past where you felt that core valued feeling state, so times in the past where I felt exhilaration and fully and completely feel, and just be in the emotion. This is raising your DEF. And not only is it raising your DEF, it’s putting out the energetic frequency of your core valued feeling state so that you can start consciously creating an outer reality that gives you more of your core valued feeling states.

[00:22:18] This is the like attracts like, and it’s not forced positivity. It’s not faked. Your energy always tells the truth. So it’s the truth of your energy vibrating at your core valued feeling states. And the best way, The absolutely best way to call up a core valued feeling state is to first release a wound.

[00:22:40] It’s the dip down before the leap up. So getting back to my example, what I’m gonna do when I I am gonna go to the sauna today, and I was sort of on the fence before recording this episode. I was like, uh, I think I’m too busy today. I’m recording this on a Wednesday. Frig is out of school at noon.

[00:23:01] I have a client this morning, so I’m like, oh, you know, I I don’t really have time to go to the gym today and and to do a sauna. But now I am going to prioritize that because my higher self is telling me to, and it’s saying it’s gonna raise my DEF by doing so. So I’m gonna first prioritize getting to the sauna stroke gym today. Then when I get to the gym, I’m gonna do my workout, and then I usually do the sauna after the workout. And I’m gonna get in the sauna, and the First thing I’m gonna do is look inside to see if there are any wounds or resistance that’s ready to be released.

[00:23:42] I’m gonna be in that resistance, feel those low vibrational emotions for about sixty to ninety seconds, and then I’m gonna deep breathe, release. Releasing the wounds first really helps you to raise up to higher frequencies. So once I do that, I’m gonna call up the feeling of exhilaration. I’m gonna think about some times in my life that were exhilarating. I’m gonna ask my higher self for things that I could do in the future that would be exhilarating, creative projects that would be exhilarating, and then other non work related things that I could try to put me in the energy of exhilaration.

[00:24:34] And I’ll just make it an a time of exploration of exhilaration whilst I am vibrating and feeling, truly feeling the feels of exhilaration. And I am certain The more I do this, I will start attracting more and more things in my outer reality that enable me to truly feel exhilarated. Alright, my dear ones. My invitation for you this week is to, for the next seven days, let’s just do this now. Let’s just do this.

[00:25:16] For the next seven days. I invite you to be to the next level. Wherever you are today, I invite you to go next level on being hyper aware of what your energy is vibrating at. Where is your energy? If you are someone who has a left facing manifestation arrow in human design or you kinda like numbers, you like getting specific, See if you can put a number to your DEF.

[00:25:45] In this moment, my DEF is two seventy five, three ten. If you are someone who doesn’t really like numbers and you like to think more about the feeling and the experience and you have a right facing manifestation arrow and human design. Think about the feeling. In this moment, I’m feeling neutrality. I’m feeling optimism.

[00:26:08] I’m feeling willing willingness. So you can start to get to know what your baseline is in this moment, your DEF. And then I invite you to think of one soul guided dream or intention you have for the next six to twelve months. Notice the core valued feeling states that you feel when this dream intention is fulfilled. And what is one thing you can do today or tomorrow, tomorrow at the absolute latest, that would enable you to fully and completely experience that core valued feeling state.

[00:26:47] Alright, my dear ones. That is a wrap for this week. I hope you received a lot of juicy nuggets from this episode because doing this work, I tell you, this is about as results producing work as we can do. Focusing on raising your DEF will get you results in the most soul guided and blissful way. And if you receive something nice from this episode, I’d be so grateful for a rating and review so more people can find us, and you can find a link to do that in the show notes.

[00:27:20] And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for ten high vibe minutes, the Ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In only ten minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to manifest big wealth and abundance. Get free access now on my website, or in the show notes.


00:01  Intro

03:56  We are always manifesting

05:24  Map of Consciousness

08:57  Manifesting in response

10:20  Becoming a conscious creator

12:59  “This or something better”

13:57  Why become a conscious creator?

16:49  Raising your DEF

18:59  Core valued feeling states

22:32  Sauna example

25:04  Invitation & conclusion

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