Living From the Neck Down

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Do you find yourself lost in your thoughts? 💭

Lost in worry? 😩

Worrying about what might happen in the future is a normal thing for us all to experience – in fact our brains are wired for it.

But it’s not very fun to experience day after day. And I’m here to tell you that you DON’T need to live this way – what I refer to as living from the neck UP.

Instead, I’ve learned that it’s living from the neck DOWN that enables you to consistently experience an easeful life.

But before I made the shift, I had to receive a message from Source over and over again. And that message was:

“Live from your heart space. Spend most of your day in your HEART and take trips up to your HEAD.”

And it was such a HUGE shift for me once I got this message and put it into practice.

Once I began living from the neck down, I saw:

⭐️ Needless worry became a thing of the past
⭐️ A consistent connection to my intuitive gifts
⭐️ Living my fullest potential became EASEFUL

And I want YOU to experience this same transformation! So, today’s episode of Soul Guide Radio is dedicated to learning how to live from the neck down and in the body. In this powerful episode, you’ll learn truly life-altering shifts that will change your life for the BEST!

▶️  PRESS PLAY on this episode: Living from the Neck Down to learn how to live from the neck down so that you live each day in alignment and thriving 🙌

In today’s episode, I share: 

  • The HUGE difference between living from the neck up and living from the neck down
  • Why living and being from the neck down is likely the MOST powerful adjustment you can make to living your fullest potential
  • How to make this change in perception so you can live in your body continually connected to your intuitive gifts


  • Listen to Allyson’s Near Death Experience Episodes
  • Listen to Episode #17 on When your Business Has You on a Worry Loop HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

Notice when you are on worry loop, living from the neck up and ask your higher self for a message of truth.

[00:00:00] Hey, ho dear ones. It’s almost June when I’m recording this and I am sitting here with two sweatshirts on, my fuzzy slippers. You know, I am just cold. I am one of those people who is always cold and I’m just, ugh, I am going to invest in a sauna, and I just need it. I, I just, you know, I know that the nutritionist out there listen to this are gonna say

[00:00:29] I need to eat spicier food. I need to have hot water with cayenne pepper. Like there’s a way to turn up my internal temperature thermometer. I’m sure they’re right. But I am just always cold. I think I need to live in the desert. I love heat. Or at the very least, I think as I get older and I’m not that old yet, but I see warm climates in my future.

[00:00:58] So I’m setting the intention now to find that perfect place in the world, maybe for a second house or second place to live. I always kind of considered myself as that type of person who lives in more than one place in the world. And wherever it is, it’s very warm and it’s pretty warm all year. It doesn’t have to be, you know, like Southern California

[00:01:26] climate, but I need warmth. And in the meantime, I’m gonna try to manifest a sauna, a cedarwood finished sauna. I think I’m gonna put it in my back garden because there’s nothing, I mean, an outdoor sauna, is that just not the coolest? I don’t have a huge back garden, but it’s big enough. And I am the person who would use the sauna throughout the summer.

[00:01:52] And I would, you know, I’m definitely the person who would use it almost on the daily. So set the intention with me now, I intend to procure the perfect sauna so I can live warmth, warmly, and I felt called to share that with you as an intro, what does it have to do with the topic at hand for today? It’s gotta have something there’s gotta be a connection.

[00:02:18] Oh, there is. So, I just set that intention and when I did it, I was completely, it was a real intention by the way. And it’s important for me getting the perfect sauna is important to my vitality, my life. This is a desire for my soul. I, I need that, that, that jolt of warm warmth, that super warm, I believe it’s healthy for my body.

[00:02:46] So this is an important intention for my health, vitality, wellbeing. So, it is an important intention. And so therefore I was really sunk down into my body. I was. My awareness was below the neck and that’s what we’re gonna be unpacking in today’s super powerful episode. So, before I go off on any more tangents on saunas, which believe me, I can, let’s get into it.

[00:03:22] In today’s episode, I share the difference, the huge difference between living neck up and living from the neck down, why living and being from the neck down is likely the most powerful adjustment you can make to living your fullest potential and how to make that adjustment and make that change in perception.

[00:03:51] So you can live in your body continually connected to your intuitive gifts. I’ll end on an invitation that will have you living from the neck down so needless worry becomes a thing of the past and you are able to live each day in alignment and thriving so you will definitely want to stay with me until the end.

[00:04:18] Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:04:42] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:04:50] Hey there, soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1900 leaders and light workers who are in service to each other

[00:05:14] and the planet. Find the link to join at my website, as well as in the show notes. All right, today, we’re talking about something so simple and so profound, life altering. This is not hyperbole. This is real real truth. Something that I’ve really been living on the daily, these recent weeks and months.

[00:05:41] And actually it’s really been years, years, I’ve been trying to live into this truth and into this way of being, of living from the neck down. And it was the number one message I received from my higher self and my divine support team after my near-death experience. So, I was living a very closed off life.

[00:06:05] I was not at all connected to my intuition. I was very much living from the neck up before my NDE, then I had this experience and it blew me open and it gave me so much information of how we humans are meant to be and thrive in our days, in our lives. And so, there was so much to integrate. I couldn’t have integrated it all at once.

[00:06:30] So I had to take it step by step when I was essentially relearning how to live in the world and be in the world. And the number one lesson that came to me over and over to the place where it got quite annoying. I was like, could you give me something else, please was live from your heart space, be from your heart space, spend most of your day in your heart and take trips up to your head versus living most of the day in your head and taking trips down to the heart.

[00:07:05] So this message from my divine guidance team came to me over and over and over again. And I needed the repetition so much because it was such a drastic shift from how I had been living completely neck up, in my head. So, let’s unpack what this really means. We have an awareness; we have a perception. We live from a point of awareness.

[00:07:33] Very often we have evolved in our human experience to have that point of awareness to be from behind our eyes, right? And inside the brain we’re living inside of our rational thinking. We get lost in our thoughts. We get lost in the worry because the way our brain is wired towards something called negative bias.

[00:08:03] That’s when, to keep us safe the brain is wired to automatically go to the most negative thought, the most worst-case scenario and play that scenario out. Thank you brain for keeping us safe. We appreciate that. Well, the problem with that is 99.99% of the time, the worst-case scenario doesn’t play out or anything even close to the worst-case scenario.

[00:08:33] So we are in our minds living above the neck in a swirling whirl of worry about something that hasn’t happened and is likely not going to happen and that is the essence of neck up living and we’ve all, myself included, let me tell you, we’ve all spent a lot of time up there and I can tell you, I have been on the journey in my business.

[00:09:04] I’ve had, I spent years in my business where I made no money and I was always in my head, always on a worry loop. Well, then things started to shift for me, and business started to take off. And I, I then noticed that I was actually in my body most of the time in my business and I don’t necessarily catch myself on a worry loop,

[00:09:23] so often in my business, living above the neck. However, I noticed it big time in my personal life recently, big, big time. My daughter, I am originally from the United States and my daughter goes to a Dutch school and I really felt like I wasn’t being accepted. I felt like an outsider. I felt like nobody was talking to me.

[00:09:48] I felt misunderstood. I felt like the language barrier was a real issue because yeah, most Dutch people are pretty good in English, but in this context, it being a Dutch school, I felt like there was this, there is this energy of people want you speaking Dutch. And whilst I’m learning Dutch and my Dutch has improved greatly, you know, I’m not fluent yet.

[00:10:14] I’m getting there, so I was, was very self-conscious about my language abilities and if somebody would ask me something in Dutch and I wouldn’t be able to respond, and I was worried about having to switch to English and it got to a point where every day I was walking to school, completely lost in worry from the neck up, completely lost.

[00:10:37] Who will I run into? What if they ask me something? What if they won’t accept me? What if they won’t like me? And you better believe Freya was feeling that cause you know, our, our kids feel what we feel. So, I realized I was transferring that worry onto my daughter who was trying to fit in and get friends and gain acceptance.

[00:11:01] So I said, oh, oh, this is got to stop. Not only for my own sake, but for my child’s sake. So, what did I do? Well, it’s a shift. It’s an adjustment. I call it the pivot down and the pivot down is pivoting down to sinking back into the body, placing your awareness on your heart space, having your heart chakra be the center of your experience instead of that space behind your eyes, connected to your head and your thinking.

[00:11:42] You shift it down into your heart. So right now, I’m in my heart space and I still have, I, I feel when I’m grounded and planted in my heart space, there’s like a weight to it in a good way. It’s like, uh, you know, when you feel resistance, you can feel heavy and constricted and it feels bad. Well, it doesn’t always feel so great.

[00:12:06] Well, when I’ve been really grounded in my heart space, there is a heaviness to it, but it feels good. It’s like grounding, it’s solid, it’s spacious. And it’s nearly free from needless worry. And I’m going to be explaining in a minute, the difference between real worry and needless worry. And here is the most exciting part of all this.

[00:12:35] When you shift your awareness into your body and you sink down into your body, you’re shutting off your brain response. You’re shutting off that loop in your critical thinking that’s always looking for the worst-case scenario. So, as I was walking to school every day with Freya most days, it was nothing.

[00:12:59] It was walk to school, give her a hug goodbye, smile, and say hello to a few other of the parents and the teacher and leave. I mean, that’s what my experience was most days. But guess what? Every day I walked to the school, living from my neck up, I was conjuring up all sorts of crazy scenarios that could happen,

[00:13:22] right? So, when I started to pivot my awareness down and place it from my neck down, sinking into my body, connected to my sacral, connected to my heart space feeling my connection to the tip of my toes, worry loop gets shut off, that worry loop searching for the worst-case scenario is no longer playing. And then

[00:13:53] getting back now this, yeah, this is all powerful. But when I was saying early, getting to the most powerful part, okay, here is to my perception, the most powerful part of all of this. When you are sunk into your body, you are connected to all of your energy blocks so if you have real worry in your system, in the form of a block, and this is an important thing to distinguish real worry versus needless worry, real worry lives from the neck down in the form of a trauma block, a fear block, or it’s a real present situation that is in front of you.

[00:14:41] And it’s not that often when we are in the real moment of a real situation, that is triggering true worry. So, a great example is you’re walking through the forest, and you encounter a bear. Okay. That’s a good opportunity to, well, it’s a good opportunity to sink in your body and connect to your intuitive gifts if you’re able to

[00:15:07] but that’s a real present moment situation that is not a scenario that’s been conjured up in your head. It is happening before your eyes. And I appreciate you might be thinking, well, Allyson I have let’s say financial problems and these financial problems could lead to a real-world present situation where I get, say kicked outta my house.

[00:15:31] And what I say to that is until you are in the moment of somebody knocking on your door and saying, okay, we’re kicking you out in this moment. Thinking about getting kicked outta your house is still; I would put it in the category of needless worry. It’s going to drain your energy. And I suspect when you’re thinking about it, you are from the neck up.

[00:15:57] The more empowering thing to do in that situation of worried about money is sinking back down into the body, connected to your intuitive gifts, connected to the full power of who you are to say, what can I do next? What is my best next action to save my home, to get back on my feet financially, to start bringing in real income, those empowered choices and the answers to those questions reside in your body, connected to your heart

[00:16:34] and this is where we are connected most powerfully to our intuition and to our divine guidance team so we can make the most empowered choices for ourselves and our situation, whatever that situation may be. So needless worry resides in the neck, up in those worry loops, playing out worst case scenarios that don’t happen.

[00:17:00] And in that neck up, you’re not releasing blocks. You’re often creating blocks or adding to your blocks so you can see why this is so powerful and so important. When however, you are sunk in your body, living from the neck down and there’s a block present, ready to be released. You connect to that block and when you’re in the body, you’re in a feeling state.

[00:17:29] So let’s say I’m walking to school. I’m noticing my head spin outta control. I’m noticing, I keep saying, well, what if they don’t accept me so that I’m like, ah, here I am living from the neck up. So, it’s an awareness. It’s awareness. So, what do I do? I go back down into the body. I go back into the heart space, connecting to my body.

[00:17:55] And if I have a block that says I’m not worthy of acceptance, I don’t deserve it. Any sort of block that’s tied to these thoughts, I go into it and I start feeling that block. I start feeling that unworthiness. I start feeling that fear and guess what that does my dear ones? It releases it. So not only are you living in your body, you are healing when you do that, often without even realizing it.

[00:18:29] And then even better than that, the entirety of our intuitive gifts and our spiritual gifts and connections are accessed most powerfully from the neck down, from our feeling, from our senses, from our heart space. So, in addition to healing, we are now connected to our intuition, which is going to tell us the truth.

[00:18:59] Our intuition will never needlessly say you might encounter this worst-case scenario. Our intuition will always tell us the truth. The truth, you are accepted, you are where you need to be. You are love. You are light. All is well, all is okay. You don’t need to be accepted by everyone, but the people who you will have a true connection with will accept you completely and always, always most important is that you are in complete acceptance of yourself.

[00:19:39] So walking to school, holding Freya’s hands, when I’m in my body, these are the truths I’m hearing and not the whirling worry of worst-case scenario that comes from living from the neck up. The benefits from living from your neck down are endless, but I’ll also mention here back to my sauna intention, I intend to manifest the perfect sauna for my house.

[00:20:06] When you set your intentions from your neck down, grounded, rooted in your heart space, it’s a very spacious, unattached energy and manifestation loves non-attachment and there’s nothing more powerful for you being able to manifest into your experience, your highest dreams, and aspirations than powerfully unattached energy.

[00:20:33] And when you are really, truly sunk in your body, you realize you have everything in this very moment you could ever, ever need. So, there’s no reason to be attached to anything and when you truly feel that it is freeing and that freedom puts you in the energy of calling whatever you desire into your experience with a joy and ease and a flow that puts you in an aw state every time it happens.

[00:21:06] So how do we do it? How do we make the adjustment? And it starts simply, as I had mentioned earlier, being aware, where is my point of reference? And allow your emotions to be your compass. And normally you can get the awareness. Normally you get the noticing when you are living from your neck up and it’s okay.

[00:21:32] It’s not a time to self-criticize. It’s just awareness and often when we’re in a worry loop from the neck up, we’re feeling stress, anxiety, fear. It feels tight, constricting, tiring. So, notice when you feel those feels. And then say, oh, okay. I’m noticing here I am from the neck up. Allow me to pivot down, the pivot down.

[00:22:01] And I like to pivot down by placing my awareness on my heart space and my point of being becomes not my brain, not my frontal lobe. It becomes my chest, becomes that space between my chest, my heart energy, and I’m living and being from my heart center. And for some of you, it might be helpful just to sink into the body, connecting into the sacral,

[00:22:32] that’s the area around your abdomen, below your heart space. For some you might just simply wanna place your awareness on sinking into the body, feeling the tips of your toes. Are you in your body? When you sink down in, you might feel tingling sensations. For me, it often feels like somebody is pouring a fizzy drink on my skin, and it’s a bubbling sensation, almost like a burning sensation

[00:23:05] that’s not painful. That is, you releasing energy blocks. Sometimes we’re releasing teeny tiny ones, but those teeny tiny ones can really, if not released, they can push us into a very non-aligned space. But when we’re always in our body, we’re always able to be releasing, releasing, and sometimes you don’t even know what you’re releasing and that’s okay.

[00:23:35] And you’re in your body and you’re in your body. And you’re also connected to your intuition, to your divine support team, getting the messages of truth. So, let’s recap this process. First, you notice you’re in your head, in a whirlwind of worry, notice with self-compassion no criticism. Then you pivot your awareness down and go into the body.

[00:24:05] Now, if you are in your head, thinking about a particularly painful thought, a very powerful thing to do to add in here and you don’t have to do this every time, but only when you’re grappling with something particularly painful, you can ask yourself, okay, when this particularly painful thought feels very, very true, what emotions are triggered? Then you wanna sink down into the body.

[00:24:33] Go below the neck and you wanna feel those feels so you can release, then its deep breaths release on the exhale. Go ground in your body, ground into your heart, ground into your sacral, ground into the tips of your toes. Connect to your higher self, connect to your divine support team. Ask the question, what is a message of truth

[00:25:01] you want me to know right now? And very often you’ll get a message of truth that counters the worry loop that was playing in your head that was only an illusion. So back in my case, with my walks to school with my daughter, my truth is I am accepted. I fully and completely love and accept myself. There’s that great line from EFT.

[00:25:26] For those of you familiar with EFT, I am grounded. I am loved. I share this acceptance with my daughter. I am well, I am thriving. I am joy. And when I stay below the neck, when I live below the neck and I stay there, when those messages of intuition come through, I can start to live deeper and deeper into the truth behind the wisdom.

[00:25:58] So I can accept myself more and more profoundly because it’s living from the neck down, we live deeper and deeper into our truths. So, my invitation for you this week, dear ones is to notice when you are on that worry loop, living from the neck up, pivot your awareness down to the neck down, place your awareness on your heart space, on your solar plexus and ask your higher self for a message of truth.

[00:26:39] And this process is not a one and done. It is a new way of living and being and you, you won’t be able to do it a hundred percent overnight. I promise you I can’t. And I still have times in my day when I’m neck up, but it’s just honoring that this is a process and little by little, you’re gonna spend more and more of your day living from your neck down

[00:27:10] and this will enable you to thrive in ways you never imagined possible. That’s all I have for you this week, my dear ones. And if you’re feeling so called to give us a rating and review, I would love to know in your review, what did you receive from this episode or another episode that spoke to you on a deep level?

[00:27:33] What shift occurred? What result? What insight? What feeling did you feel? Let me know in a review and I will read your review on the air. And there’s a link in the show notes to the various places where you can leave reviews that we can find. All right. As always, my dear ones, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:28:04] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days? Then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find a link to download on my website, as well as in the show notes.

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