“I saw that,” said Karma

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People talk about karma as a source of cosmic justice – the idea that “what goes around, comes around.” We’re told that we need to focus on radiating only positive energy out into the world. Not only is this an unhealthy mindset that can lead to toxic positivity, it isn’t even a reflection of how karma actually works! 

Understanding the truth behind karma can help us hop on a powerful pathway to higher vibrational living. This soulful episode of Soul Guide Radio dives deeply into the concept of karma – its origins in ancient belief systems, what really lies beneath the idea of karmic energy, and the importance of giving ourselves grace and compassion when we’re feeling stuck. BONUS: I also share my 5 step process for energy healing!

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

    • The only true pathway to radiating “positive” energy 
    • Why people sometimes mistake the law of attraction for karmic consequences
    • An invitation that will help you understand how karma truly works, so you can maintain habits that will enable you to experience more joy!

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Name your number one energy leak that shows up on the daily or at least on the weekly.

Spend some time exploring what is really happening there.

[00:00:00] Hi, dear ones. It is my intention that I give you something you deeply need on a soul level in this episode. You are not randomly pushing play in this moment. You are called. You got a nudge. Your heart was like tap, tap, tap. Check out one of Allyson’s podcast episodes. Check out this episode on karma, because there’s something you need.

[00:00:31] And it’s going to be really powerful. And it is my intention that you receive something very deep from spending this time with me. It’s one of my greatest joys to be in your earbuds. So, may this exploration serve you on your path. Let’s go ahead and get started with a short, sweet, and amazing listener review from none other than Tanya Horse Lover.

[00:00:58] Hey, listen, Tanya, I love horses too. I grew up on horses. I love them so much. So you and I share a love of horses. I love your username. And Tanya Horse Lover says, Allyson is a soul guided entrepreneur. Yes, I am. I really, really am. She gives this podcast five stars. Thank you so much. And says, I have loved listening and learning from Allyson.

[00:01:23] She is uniquely gifted in her ability to guide you to your higher truths and help you tap into your potential as a business woman. That is what I’m here to do. And I hope I do that today because we’re talking about karma. And the inspiration behind this episode comes from my passion planner and passion planners have a weekly quote of inspiration.

[00:01:49] I can just tell you the week I’m recording this episode, the quote was, if you feel empty, Seek what fills you up. And that’s a quote by Rolando Rivera. If you feel empty, seek what fills you up. Hey, I buy that. I’m I’m with that quote. I think that’s, that’s, that can be, you know, you know, all these inspirational quotes.

[00:02:17] Of course, there’s caveats to all of them and you can, you can sort of. Dissect them, if you will, but even that quote, I’m going to give you a yes and for the seeking what fills you up because sometimes it’s just not that easy. That’s the thing. Yes. In theory, if you’re exhausted, your content well is empty.

[00:02:40] Go out and do things that make you feel creative and fill your well and give you energy deposits. But sometimes we can feel stuck in doing that. And it’s that stuckness we’re going to unpack today. And what gave me the idea for today’s episode was an inspirational quote in the Passion Planner from a few weeks ago.

[00:03:05] And the quote was, I saw that karma. I saw that karma and I was like, Ooh, and then there was a little explanation underneath it and it said, realize that your actions release positive or negative energy out into the world. Energy is neither created or destroyed, just transferred. Take 15 minutes and focus on only radiating positive energy to those around you in both thought and action.

[00:03:43] Mmm, dear ones, I have a problem with this. I like the idea behind it. I like where they were going, but this is not. This, they unintentionally, because I really love the Passion Planner. But they unintentionally, this is where toxic positivity comes from, really, right? Like, just go ahead and take 15 minutes to be positive.

[00:04:08] You’re in a bad mood? Well, come on. You have a roof over your head, you should be happy. This is not healthy framing mindset. So we’re gonna unpack in today’s episode what is healthy, how we should be approaching this idea of, I saw that. karma and radiating positive energy to those around you. So let’s go ahead and get right to it.

[00:04:36] In today’s episode, I reveal what’s really happening underneath the idea of karma or karmic energy, the only true pathway to radiating high vibrational energy. Which is what I call air quotes, positive energy and how to hop on the pathway to higher and higher vibrational living will end on an invitation that will have you understanding how karma really works so you can maintain habits that enable you to experience more and more Joy on the daily.

[00:05:11] So please stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts. And clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:05:41] I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and Soul Guide.

[00:05:52] Hello, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global and growing community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we are growing prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find the link to join our closed Facebook group, Allysonsgamble.

[00:06:10] com or in the show notes. Today, we’re talking about karma and this idea. I saw it in my passion planner. I saw that karma, you know, that it just didn’t sit well with me. I don’t know who wrote that. Did the passion planner people write that? Is that a quote that’s out there in the interwebs? Is it been around for a while?

[00:06:36] Well, let’s unpack this a little bit. So what’s really happening energetically underneath karma? And let’s just start for a sec. What is karma? Well, in Indian religions, karma refers to a principle of cause and effect where one’s Intent, intentions and actions influence their future and future outcomes. So therefore good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier futures.

[00:07:09] And some belief systems will say it also leads to happier rebirths when you go into your next lifetime, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths. And I do not like to use the words good, bad, positive, negative, because are here to heal and healing always puts us down into painful emotions, which is low vibrational energy.

[00:07:46] We really are here to experience the range of emotions. And so, I really like to look at it in terms of high vibrational experiences and low vibrational experiences. And so, of course, the idea behind this is that we should set intentions that are meant to help people, serve people, connect, uplift, and not use people, cheat, lie.

[00:08:16] Bring a situation down, et cetera. But when you get to a quote that says, I saw that, I guess what that means is, and I think this is where sometimes the personal growth discourse can kind of get things that they’re not helping the way they want to help us. Because when I read something like, I saw that karma that puts pressure on me.

[00:08:44] And I think. What it wanted to say was you wanted to go to the gym today, but you decided to lay on the couch and watch Netflix. I saw that. I mean, that’s how it arrived for me. And then the explanation is spend 15 minutes radiating positive energy and positive thoughts and intentions. Well, what if I’m not feeling air quotes positive and I just yeah.

[00:09:14] I’m feeling like I want to be on the couch under my covers watching Netflix. Is karma going to punish me? No, karma is not going to punish you. What wants to happen in this situation and how I encourage you to approach karmic energy, this idea that there’s a cause and effect and there is, there is a cause and effect.

[00:09:42] To our thoughts, feelings, actions, intentions, but just be compassionate on yourself, that we are here to have the range. There are times where we won’t go to the gym and we will sit on the couch, but it’s an invitation to question why go into inquiry with self compassion and love. So using our example, you really want to get to the gym, but you’re tired.

[00:10:12] You’re not motivated. So there’s this push pull energy inside of you. You want to do it, but you just also really want to stay on the couch. So energetically you’re in a push pull and you’re probably vibrating pretty low. You’re probably vibrating, your emotional resonance is probably that of regret, shame, you know, probably a lot of self criticism, guilt, powerlessness.

[00:10:41] You know, you want to do it, but you just feel like you can’t, you’re stuck and you’re in a very low vibrational resonance. It’s hard, and in fact, it’s impossible to radiate positive energy when the truth of your energy is low vibrational. And the reason it’s low vibrational is because you have blocked or wounded energy.

[00:11:08] That is ready to be released. It’s risen to the surface. It’s risen to your conscious awareness, which is how you can feel it, and it’s ready to be felt and released. So you cannot radiate positive energy or radiate high vibrational energy unless you’ve cleared away the low vibrational energy first. You can’t force yourself To radiate something high vibrational because it won’t be.

[00:11:39] And if you force yourself anyway to radiate positivity, it’s not positive. The words and the actions might appear positive from the outsider looking in, but your energy is radiating at guilt and shame and sadness. And that’s the truth. Our emotions and our energetic resonance. Always tell the truth and that truth is not to be judged, shamed, criticized.

[00:12:11] It’s the truth. It’s where you are in this moment. So if you do stay in those low vibrations, that gets you into manifestation, law of attraction, like attracts like. You’re going to start attracting more situations and circumstances that are in alignment with your low vibrational resonance. Okay? You’re not getting punished by karma.

[00:12:41] It’s just your energy is attracting your outer circumstances. It’s like attracts like. So what we want to do is look within and ask, what is really happening to me? Why is it really, I don’t want to get out off the couch. So the first thing you want to do is go into healing. Healing is always the way if you want to spring up to higher vibrations, you must dip down first.

[00:13:15] So look within. Maybe you have some unworthiness going on. I want to go to the gym, but I don’t deserve to move. I’ve had that before. I’ve literally had the thought, I don’t deserve to move because moving makes me happy, and I don’t deserve to be happy. I’ve had to heal those types of thoughts often in my life.

[00:13:38] So what’s, you want to see what’s really going on, what’s really keeping you on the couch, or whatever it is, whatever circumstance in your life that’s keeping you stuck. Okay. So you guys know I teach a five step process for energy healing. You pause, scan, look within. Step two, you identify the thought that’s triggering pain or resistance.

[00:14:05] Three, you identify the emotions that are triggered when the thought feels a hundred percent true. Four, you feel those feels fully and completely. That’s the releasing process. Bring it all up from inside you. And then you go to five, deep breathing, release on the exhale and go to your heart space. And this is when you want to ask your heart for a message of truth.

[00:14:36] So in this scenario where we’re wanting to go to the gym, but we can’t get off the couch, we’ve done the healing, release some unworthiness. And now ask your heart, do you, are you really calling me to go to the gym today or are you calling me to rest? Maybe your higher self is actually calling you to rest and it’s your brain, it’s your mind, it’s your conditioning that’s saying no, but I should go to the gym.

[00:15:06] That’s what healthy people do. They go to the gym. See what your higher self says. Your higher self may say, no, you need to rest today. You need to not go to the gym today. Maybe your higher self says, okay, you can do this and dig a little deeper. You don’t have to do much when you get there. Just grab your gym bag and go do 10 minutes.

[00:15:34] Do some easy stretches. Your body will thank you. Your higher self will guide you. To what the right and best next step is for you and your energy so that it can raise the higher frequencies. Cause, effect. Then when you’re in higher frequencies, you start manifesting circumstances that reflect those higher vibrations.

[00:16:04] If you’re resonating at peace, you’re going to manifest situations that bring you more peace. So this brings us nicely, the only true pathway to radiating high vibrational energy is through the healing process. It’s the only way. Now you might wake up one morning and feel super high vibrational. You might say, Allyson, I don’t need to dip down and heal to radiate high vibrational energy.

[00:16:38] I’m just doing it in this moment. I’ll say, beautiful, ride that wave, but your next trigger is coming. It’s coming my friend. We heal in waves and you can get to a point where you’re in between waves. And life is just a line. You’re feeling good. You’re getting to the gym without push pull energy. You’re in a, you know, you’re in some high vibey goodness.

[00:17:06] It won’t last friends, you know, until the next thing happens. You know, someone in your family gets sick. Maybe it’s not even happening to you. It’s happening to someone else. There’s always going to be the next thing that’s going to trigger us and bring us down to low vibrations. And so this is the time to go through the healing process and then be led by the higher self to your next best step.

[00:17:44] And when you heal, because karma is about intentions. Not setting intentions that only benefit you and not others. Although maybe sometimes if you are led by your higher self, it will always lead you to those intentions that are air quotes, good karma always. And maybe if you’ve been living a very selfless life.

[00:18:13] Always taking care of and worried about other people. Your higher self is highly likely going to lead you to intentions that are just about you, about filling your well, about giving you what you need. And it’s the opposite of selfish. It’s what you need to fill your well. So intentions led by the higher self will always lead you to high vibrational karmic energy.

[00:18:40] Always, if you are being led by the ego mind, the fight or flight part of our brain, that is unlikely to result in higher vibrational, more aligned outcomes for you. And we all have had lots of those ego led intentions. I have a thing, I like to eat salty things in the evening. You know, Pete and I like to watch a little bit of television together in the evenings, not a whole lot.

[00:19:13] And it’s our way to get cozy. We cuddle on the couch. And dang do I like to eat salty snacks while I do that. But then after I eat the salty snack, I don’t feel good. It feels icky. It’s a habit I don’t like. So every time I’m sitting on the couch and my brain says, Go get some. What I really like is the The sweet and salty popcorn.

[00:19:39] And yeah, you can get the healthy stuff that only has like a hundred calories, but it, let’s face it, it’s not healthy. And my brain will say, Oh, there’s some sweet and salty popcorn in the drawer. Go get some. That is not my heart speaking most of the time. Your heart will absolutely call you on an occasion to popcorn or a piece of cake or something like that.

[00:20:05] But in my example right now, that’s my old brain saying it’s, you know, it’s just coming from, you know, junk food is just made to be addictive and it’s made to trigger the brain to say, I want more of that. But junk food over the long haul does not lead to high vibrational living. In fact, it’s very low vibrational.

[00:20:31] It brings, it’s just, it’s not good for the body. It brings us down, it, it weighs us down physically because it can lead to weight gain, but also energetically. And, you know, healthy foods has the opposite effect. It brings us up energetically and it helps us lose physical weight, but also energetic weight.

[00:20:52] Have you ever had a green smoothie or a green juice? I mean, cucumbers, celery, lemon, maybe throw in some parsley, ginger, oh, it’s so good. Makes me want to go buy one today. I used to be really into juicing and then it just got to be too time consuming and so I actually gave my juicer away. But if you drink a green juice or smoothie, you will feel an energetic buzz afterwards, especially if you haven’t had one for a while.

[00:21:26] If you drink a green juice or smoothie every morning. You know, you don’t feel the effects so powerfully, although the effects are there. But if you haven’t had one for a while, you will get a little energetic buzz right afterwards if you tune into your body because you’re consuming things that your body really loves and gives it a lot of energy.

[00:21:52] So when my brain is saying, go to the drawer and get popcorn, that is a brain based, ego led intention. That is gonna lead me likely, not always, but most of the time it leads you to either neutral or low vibrational emotions, which leads to low vibrational outcomes. So what I need to do and what I intend to do the next time I’m sitting on the couch And that little voice in my head says, go to the drawer and get the popcorn.

[00:22:29] I’m going to stop and I’m gonna heal. Cause guess what? Yep. There’s healing involved. Whenever we are craving things that we know aren’t good for us. There’s healing that wants to happen. So actually I’ll do it in this moment. I’m going to go through the five step process, scan. What is the wound telling me that I need to get popcorn instead of like a bowl of strawberries or even a bowl of wasabi peas or just something healthier.

[00:23:02] But to be honest, I’m not even hungry. So I don’t really need anything. This is what we do after dinner. I am full. I mean, to be honest, I should just make myself a cup of tea. That’s all I really need. Okay. Okay. This is good awareness. Okay. Getting back to the wound. What is the wound telling me that I need the salty snack?

[00:23:29] Ooh, this is good. You guys, I didn’t expect this. Okay. I’m getting the message. I don’t even want to be watching TV. Did you hear earlier I gave you a little justification, Oh, Pete and I get cozy. This is how we snuggle up. Hmm. I’ve been wanting to watch less TV. I don’t necessarily want to give it up for good, but I do want to watch less.

[00:23:57] And so the message I’m getting is that I want to be watching less TV because I want to be doing something more nourishing for my soul in the evenings. Because I’m craving nourishment and I’m not getting it. My brain is saying, go get the popcorn because that might do it. Well, the popcorn is actually just making it all worse.

[00:24:22] So, the thought is, you know, I’m choosing something that’s not nourishing my soul. And the emotions that triggers is sadness. Makes me really sad that I do that. My poor soul. I’m sorry. I want you to be nourished. So, I feel the feels. I feel the sadness. You know, I can feel this sort of self critic, I feel like kind of the feeling of beating myself up.

[00:24:56] I should know better. I should do better. So that shitting on myself feels just sad and shameful, a little bit of shame, just quite low vibrational. So I’m just going to feel the feels, allow those up to the surface. If you are identifying a painful thought or emotion, you can, I invite you to feel the feels with me for what’s coming up for you and you stay with feeling the feels until the emotional wave starts to go down and then you return to the breath.

[00:25:35] Big inhales, release on the exhale. Then you sink back into your body,

[00:25:45] connect your heart space and then set the intention to connect your higher self. And in my case, I’m going to ask my higher self for guidance about how to do a better job nourishing my soul in the evenings. Other than TV and popcorn. So my higher self is saying, Oh, my higher self is saying, do the puzzle with Freya.

[00:26:11] So I bought a puzzle for Freya and me to do together. It’s a harder puzzle than we’ve ever done before. Cause she’s seven, right? So I guess I’ve, I’ve been reluctant to get it out because I have this idea. It’s going to, it’s an, it’s a 1, 000 piece puzzle. So it’s kind of difficult. And I wasn’t sure if it’s going to be too easy or hard for her.

[00:26:35] So I am going to tonight. And I’m going to make my buffalo step, which is my word for homework, or my word for follow on inspired action, I’m going to make it very, very simple because if I make it too big or hard, I won’t do it. Right? So we need to make our inspired action very simple. And I’m just going to.

[00:27:01] There’s a kind of a craft table in her room. I’m just going to clear off that craft table and I’m going to get the box out and I’m going to invite her to join me and we can just start looking at the pieces. Maybe we can take it out of the box and flip them all over so they’re all facing upwards. That always takes a while and that’s an easy thing to do.

[00:27:22] So that is my Buffalo step for the evening. That’s going to put me in higher vibrations and that’s going to lead to me experiencing more and more joy on the daily. So how can you. Hop on the pathway to higher and higher vibrational living. I want you to start with your biggest energy leak at the moment.

[00:27:51] Your biggest energetic pull down. Think of your average day or your average week. What feels the worst? What feels the heaviest? Is it a habit? Is it something you really want to do and you’re not? Is it something you really want to stop doing, but you can’t identify your number one energy leak and go through the process.

[00:28:17] Start with the healing process. What do I need to release? And then go to your higher self to be guided to your next best step to something higher, something more expansive for you. And this brings us nicely to our invitation for the week. My invitation for you is to go ahead and do just that. Name your number one energy leak that shows up on the daily or at least on the weekly.

[00:28:53] It’s something that happens in your everyday that just brings you down. Spend some time exploring what is really happening there. It’s probably bigger than you think. It’s probably triggering more painful emotions than you realize. Identify the thought, feel the feels, and get guided by your higher self to your next best step and make that next best step very simple, very easy.

[00:29:23] Make it so easy it would be silly not to do it. And you will find your energetic karma going on a spiral upwards to higher and higher vibrations. And I really do. I recommend in this world where we’re always getting these positive quotes and positive thoughts and positive this and that, we get the, you know, yogi tea.

[00:29:56] I love those quotes, but sometimes I’m like, huh. I don’t agree with that. So, let’s really be discerning. And just because it’s written in a pretty book or on a tea label doesn’t mean it, that’s the way it really is. So, when you feel like people are well intentioned and they’re trying to offer you an insight to lift you up, take that.

[00:30:20] But when you notice that it’s not quite right what they’re saying, go ahead and just discern it for yourself so that Um, we can end this cycle of toxic positivity, radiate positive energy, sit down right now and radiate positive energy. It just doesn’t work like that. And when we take on those beliefs, it actually just brings us down instead of lifts us up.

[00:30:45] So I hope this episode will help you with your discernment. I am so grateful for you each and every day. I feel you listeners. I feel you deeply. I feel like here in the Soul Guide Circle, we are a deeply connected group of leaders and lightworkers who are in service to the planet and to each other. And I just want you to know I’m grateful for you.

[00:31:11] And if you received anything from this episode or other episodes, I am super grateful for a rating and review. Head over to the show notes. You can find a link. If you have an iPhone, you can go to your Apple podcast app and it’s very easy to leave a review that way. I will read your words on the air. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:31:40] Are you ready to deepen your connection to your intuitive gifts? Then it’s time for 10 high vibe minutes, the ultimate daily mindfulness practice for soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In only 10 minutes per day, you’ll keep your energy high vibe and align to your highest dreams while transforming your daily practice into a powerful tool to.

[00:32:03] FS big wealth and abundance. Get free access now on my website, Allysonscamell.com or in the show notes.


00:01  Listener review & intro

06:14  What is karma?

08:20  “I saw that”

09:27  High vibe energy v. low vibe energy

12:17  Law of attraction & healing wounds

13:51  5 step process for energy healing

16:12  Radiating high-vibrational energy

18:44  Ego-led intentions

22:18  Healing “bad” cravings

27:40  Biggest energy leak

28:37  Invitation & conclusion

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