How Desire Enslaves Us

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“The starting point of all achievement is desire.” This is a quote from Napoleon Hill’s classic bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. The book may be hugely popular, but it’s really important to identify from where your desire is coming (and what it’s vibrating at).

While desire might SEEM like a powerful motivator that fuels your dreams, it has a dark secret: Desire is actually a super LOW-VIBE emotion – even lower than anger and pride.

Being in the frequency of desire puts us into a state of craving. And when we’re unable to attain the things we crave, we’ll fall into the energy of lack – which can trap us energetically in a cage of disappointment.  

Join us as we explore practical steps to elevate your energetic frequency and live a more fulfilled life.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How to identify, release, and transform your desires into higher vibrational intentions 
  • Learn how to allow yourself to become the conscious creator of your experience 
  • An invitation that will have you getting in just the right energy to set the soul guided intentions that you manifest with joy, ease and speed.

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Ask the question: Is there any healing that is ready to happen? Then call forward a soul guided intention from your Higher Self.

[00:00:00] Hey ho dear ones today, we’re talking about desire. And how desire. Can in slave us. And the thing about it is that’s very important to know throughout this episode is that desire’s not bad. Just like sadness, isn’t bad and anger. Isn’t bad and shame. Isn’t bad. However, the truth of desire is it’s actually very low vibrational. When we’re vibrating at the frequency of desire, we’re actually below anger. 

[00:00:37] Anger is higher vibe than desire. So it’s actually not good or bad it’s awareness. It just is. It’s part of our emotional compass. Telling us that we’re actually out of alignment. Because the energy that we actually want to be in when it comes to thinking about desiring something. Is that of soul guided intention. The intention of the possibility of the callings coming from the heart that is in alignment to the soul mission, because if the intention is coming from the heart, it will always be soul aligned. 

[00:01:24] So we want to use are often ego led desire. 

[00:01:28] If you will. As part of our emotional compass indicating to us that we’re actually out of alignment.

[00:01:34] And it’s not bad. It’s just awareness that something wants to be released. Something wants to be shifted so that we can shift back into that soul aligned intention frequency. That is higher in vibration. And it’s going to get us. That we actually really want to experience. So, this is a powerful episode. 

[00:02:05] This is going to really change some. Um, perspective for you. And really get you in that frequency of, of your dreams. So you can start manifesting that, which you really, really want to be experiencing

[00:02:20] So let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I reveal why desire is so low vibe, how desire enslaves us and what we can do to liberate ourselves into higher and higher frequencies so that we become the conscious creator of our experience. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you getting in just the right energy to set the soul guided intentions that you manifest with joy, ease and speed. 

[00:02:50] So please stay with me until the end. 

[00:02:52] Hello, soul guide circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in the soul guide circle. We are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook [email protected] or in the show notes. All right today, we’re talking about how desire actually enslaves us. 

[00:03:55] Listen. 

[00:03:57] Desire is a very low frequency. When you look at David R. Hawkins map of consciousness, that goes from zero to a thousand. So 700 to a thousand is enlightenment. It’s pure consciousness. And 20 is humiliation is 50. Is despair. Coming in at 1 25 is desire. That’s lower than anger. And what happens when we’re in that desire? 

[00:04:32] I desire something. I desire money. I desire, love, I desire ice cream. I desire wine. That puts us in an emotional state of craving. It’s really a craving. I crave my desires. And when we crave our desires it puts us in the mindset that there’s never enough. I mean, think about a time where you actually had a sugar, like a real and true sugar craving, or think about something. That you know, doesn’t really serve you and you have a tendency to crave. I mean, I’ve been in those situations where I’m just like stressed and I’m not sleeping well, and I’m just craving junk food. 

[00:05:20] There’s literally, in those times never enough junk food. I can put in my system to see she ate the craving because. It’s actually at its root emotional I’m stressed. And I should be releasing that stress. And engaging in stress relieving activities instead of trying to feed a beast. 

[00:05:43] With junk food, that’s actually never going to get full. 

[00:05:46] And so you release that emotional blockage. Right. So when we’re in this emotional state of craving, there’s never enough of that. Which we are craving so we are perpetually vibrating at the frequency of lack. 

[00:06:07] I’m lacking something in my life. Therefore I’m craving fill in the blank. 

[00:06:12] Junk food, wine, money, love sex. Drugs.

[00:06:17] Or even clients or even, you know, heart led things. We can dip down into these low frequencies of desire when we have heartless intentions that aren’t manifesting. So we have the heart led intention for clients, clients aren’t showing up. 

[00:06:36] So we go into a desire for clients, a craving. And we go into the false mindset that if we had clients, then we would be happy. We would be abundant. We would be free. But when it’s a low frequency of desire, then the second we manifest a client, we just want another one. And so that thing we think clients are going to satiate actually doesn’t.

[00:07:01] Because there’s blocked energy inside of us that actually wants to get out. Desire is telling us it’s part of our emotional compass, just like apathy, grief, fear, or shame. That we have blocked energy that needs to be released. So, again, it’s not good or bad. 

[00:07:21] It just is. It’s part of the human experience. We’ve all been in desire and we will be in desire again in the future. And it’s part of the emotional compass telling us that something is ready to be released. 

[00:07:34] And here’s the other thing. That the frequency of desire puts us in. It creates a disappointment. As we view our life, we view it in an energy of disappointment when we’re feeling desire. Because you don’t have that, which you desire, or you don’t have enough of that, which you desire. So everything you do have. Ultimately disappoints, you. 

[00:08:10] So. I crave clients, clients aren’t coming in. Therefore, I am disappointed with all of my business.

[00:08:16] And so this gets us nicely to how desire actually enslaves us.

[00:08:23] And the reason why it enslaves us, is because it puts us in the mindset. I have to have the thing I crave. In order to be free. 

[00:08:36] I have to have this craving. In order to be. Happy. In order to feel abundant. 

[00:08:42] So I. Am enslaved. Until I have the thing. And I I’m enslaved in a cage that I put myself in. That is just one of disappointment. It’s sprinkles, everything that you have happening in your life. With that feeling of disappointment. So even when the good things start happening. And momentum starts to get made in ways that are actually serving you and are in alignment because you’re in the desire, enslavement, cave, you can’t see those things or you neglect. To see them. 

[00:09:20] This is such an easy trap to fall into. I’ve fallen into it so many times. So, yeah, there’s the trap of, I’m stressed and I have anxiety, so I am craving junk food. And that’s definitely that frequency of desire. But usually when you’re in a situation where you’re craving something that really doesn’t serve you. Like alcohol Or junk food. There’s actually even something deeper going on. Even lower vibrationally then desire. Usually there’s probably some heavy fear or grief or even shame. So those low vibrations are looking for relief. And we believe our mindset will tell us that the relief is in the pint of ice cream. And so then we go into desire for the ice cream thinking if we consume it, we’re going to feel better. But then after we consume it, we realize it didn’t. I provide the release we were looking for and it’s actually making us feel worse. And then we get into the disappointment cage.

[00:10:27] And then we put on the disappointment glasses and everything that we see in our life and business has the flavor of disappointment. Okay, . So let us get into how to turn this all around. And get into the higher frequencies of soul guided intentions. And remember, we love our desire. And it’s not bad. 

[00:10:53] It just is. It’s part of the human experience. And we appreciate it because it points us to where we have an energy block. There’s something inside of us, weighing us down. Telling us a painful story. So when you notice that you’re in a low frequency desire, which is going to feel like a craving. And it’s gonna feel like in slave moment and it’s going to feel like disappointing. When you start to feel those emotions, you can recognize that you’re in this low vibe, frequency of desire. So to liberate your self from your disappointment cage. You want to release the energy block that is there. So. Discover the thought that feels most painful or prominent. Imagine the thought is a hundred percent true. Feel the fields that are triggered when the thought feels true. I breathe and release.

[00:11:54] Then is a beautiful time after a release. You know, there, you can imagine the release is the crouch down energetically, and then we spring up to higher vibrations. And this is a beautiful time to connect to the heart space. Connect to the higher self sink into the body. And ask your higher self. What intention are you calling me to set? 

[00:12:21] And now you’re in higher frequencies. You’ve released that heaviness. And now you’re up to neutrality. You’re up to acceptance. Maybe you’re up to reason. 400 love 500. Joy five 40 P 600. And anything above 700 is enlightenment. Now you’re in the energy of conscious creator. Because you are at the frequency already of your dreams. And this is how we bring those dreams, those high vibrational soul guided dreams and intentions into our experience when we’re vibrating at those higher frequencies. Of our dreams in this moment, we start magnetizing those. Intentions into our manifest reality.

[00:13:15] We become the conscious creator. 

[00:13:19] And it starts with desire. Low vibe desire. Pointing us to our blocks. Thank you desire. We appreciate you for showing up. Then you feel the fields breathe, release. Connect to the old, higher self. By sinking into the body, taking long, deep belly breaths, connecting to the heart. 

[00:13:43] And asking the heart. What soul guided heart led intention do you have for me in this moment? 

[00:13:52] And as I do this. I’m going to call in an intention that’s for all of us. 

[00:13:58] I intend to always notice. When I’m in the frequency of desire so that I can release that and shift into something higher. Reconnect to my heart space. And truly be led. From the voice of my higher self. 

[00:14:18] And I intend to always be creating. More and more expansion and healing and evolution. So that my frequency can always be vibrating higher and higher. And I’m always evolving to higher and higher consciousness. 

[00:14:40] Ooh, that was a great intention. So if you liked that intention, head over to the show notes, because you can find it in the transcripts. 

[00:14:52] And that might be one that I’m just going to, you know, Write down or print out and just have around for me to read from time to time. Because that was a pretty good one. And that came directly from my higher self to yours. My invitation for you this week is to ask the question. Is there anything in my life or business that I’m desiring in the low frequency sense? Is there any healing that is ready to happen? 

[00:15:23] So I may release that desire and go into higher frequencies. And when you do that, I invite you to call forward a soul guided intention coming from your higher self. And if you received any juicy nuggets from this episode, I invite you to head over to wherever it is you listen, hit the subscribe button and leave a rating and review. 

[00:15:51] I will read your words on the air and if you screenshot that review and DM it to me, or email me, [email protected]. I will send you a very bespoke high value, intuitive gift, something you need in this moment. On a soul level to say, thank you. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way. 

00:00 Introduction to Desire

00:32 Understanding Low Frequency Desire

04:33 Exploring David R. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness

07:48 The Emotional Impact of Desire

11:52 Liberating Ourselves from Desire

14:54 Practical Steps to Higher Vibrations

17:18 Invitation

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