Healing Your Way to Reaching Your Dreams

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If you’re looking to achieve a dream or experience growth in your life or business, your most powerful first step… is to make peace with your pain. Healing is the key to any growth, because if there wasn’t healing to be done, you’d already be at your next step!

Our soul is wired for growth and expansion, and our wounds are what stand between us and our desired growth. In order to allow our growth to continue, we must first release these blocks — and this won’t always feel good! During this process, it’s important to honor where you are and be gentle on yourself. Once you’ve learned how to detach from the stories that are triggering your pain, it becomes much easier to make peace with your pain… and to truly heal

In this episode, I share how to identify the blocks that will come up as you ascend to new levels while pursuing your dreams, how to access your hidden wounds and heal at a deeper level, and how to lean into the ease that is always available to you.

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

    • Why achieving bigger dreams often requires more healing — and how to build this healing into your journey 
    • An in-depth example of my own process of releasing blocks while growing my global Soul Guide Circle community
    • An invitation that will have you healing your way to reaching your biggest soul-guided dreams!

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

Think about a big dream you have then go to your heart space asking for clarification, and healing to any wound or blocking that is hindering it.

[00:00:00] Hello dear ones You guys probably know by now that I love me, some human design. It’s just a modality that I really like to use to help me understand myself better and my clients. And one thing that I’ve gleamed from my human design is I have a gift for finding the light in the dark discovering how our pain serves us. Our pain serves us in so many different ways, and it is painful, and especially if you’re someone who has had a lot of current lifetime trauma, it’s not an easy thing and if you find yourself not wanting to confront it or. Not ready to make friends with it. That is beyond understandable. So when it comes to making peace with our pain, it’s really about 

[00:01:00] honoring where we are and being gentle on ourselves. And. Noticing whether there might be some opportunity to make peace with your pain, to connect to it in a way where you detach from it. So what that means is you detach from the stories that are triggering the pain, and when we do that healing, the pain gets to be a lot more easeful.

And this is what we’re gonna be unpacking in today’s super powerful topic about healing your way to your dreams. So in today’s episode, I will unpack why the bigger the dream. Likely the bigger the healing, how to incorporate healing as you pursue your dreams and how to lean into the ease that’s always available to 

[00:02:00] you. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you healing your way to reaching your biggest soul guided dreams and intentions. So be sure to stay with us until the end. Hello Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs in the Soul Guide Circle. We are pursuing our soul guided dreams while 

[00:03:00] lifting up humanity. Finally, link to join our closed Facebook [email protected]. Or in the show notes today we’re talking about how to heal your way to pursuing and reaching your highest dreams. And you may have heard me say this before, that healing isn’t part of our path.

Healing is the path. Healing is the key to any growth, any growth at all. Requires you to heal because if there wasn’t healing to be done, you’d already be at your next step. the thing that prevents us from growing is a wound or a block, and the soul is wired for growth.

We are wired to always be expanding out. So when something is thwarting our expansion, That will feel bad, that will feel painful, and that will indicate to us that we 

[00:04:00] have something that is ready to be released so that the expansion can continue. So let’s think about our dreams. The bigger the dream. So the farther away a dream is from our current circumstances, typically the more healing that wants to happen and is required to happen on our path.

So let’s break this down a little bit. We have about 2200 people, soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs in our closed Facebook group, the Soul Guide Circle. This is a place that I dream to grow. I dream to make it a wonderful place.

I think eventually I dream of taking it off Facebook to something else. But I dream of creating a global community. Of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs that are here to pursue our soul guided dreams, lift up humanity, support each 

[00:05:00] other, and this global community is the tip of the spear of the new consciousness that’s arriving on Earth. And we’re here to talk about it and support each other and really create the new systems, be part of the movement to create the new systems where everyone can thrive. So let’s say my dream was to grow it, to keep it on Facebook and to grow it to 2300 people.

Well, as I sink into the body and I say to myself, I dream of growing this community to 2300 leaders and light workers, I just kind of get like, yeah, right on. you can use your initial thoughts that arrive after you Think about a dream as a guide to let you know how on or off track you are, how much healing needs to be done. So, There’s not a whole lot of healing that is required to get me to 

[00:06:00] 2300. I feel like you know, this community has had a really nice, steady growth and getting to 2300, that’s perfectly in line with the growth we’ve seen in the community, so it feels useful. I don’t have any painful or limiting thoughts coming back to me.

I don’t feel bad in the body when I think about it, it feels aligned and on track. So let’s make the dream bigger and see what happens. So in order to do that, of course, I wanna first take a couple deep breaths, sink into the body, connect my heart space. I wanna make sure that the dream is soul led, soul guided coming from the heart, because this is how we stay in alignment.

And if the dreams are coming from our, our thinking mind, from our ego, it’s still gonna trigger 

[00:07:00] wounds, but they’re, it’s not gonna give us the lasting happiness as a soul guided dream. Ego led dreams gives us a spike up when we achieve it, and then a spike. Back down when we’ve consumed it or it’s no longer here, or it’s we have buyer’s remorse or whatever it is.

So soul guided dreams lifts up your overall energetic frequency, and it has you living from an overall greater place of joy. There’s no spike up and spike down. So as I sink into my body and think about what do I dream of growing this global community to? Like, Ooh, you know, and this is coming from the soul, so not from my mind.

I’m seeing the, the number 100,000 people from all over the world, like all corners of the planet, not just the more developed countries, people from all backgrounds, all cultures, all socioeconomic levels 

[00:08:00] coming together, supporting each other, lifting each other up. I definitely see it off of Facebook onto something else that’s more socially conscious and it feels really amazing, I have to admit.

So that is an indicator. Joyful emotions indicate that you’re on the right track, dreaming the right thing, and there’s a, I feel expansive and spacious, which is also a great indicator, dreaming in the right direction. So now you, I just wanna lean into is there any pain or resistance that’s there, even if it’s not obvious right away.

Now I wanna get my, my out, my magnifying glass and try to find it. So I would love to grow this community to a hundred thousand soul guided leaders and light workers from around the planet, 

[00:09:00] but, And the butt that’s coming through is. But what if I attract some difficult personalities that drain my energy and drag the group down?

I’m a projector, so I have to really watch my energy. And if I’m man managing a lot of people, I. My thought system is there’s bound to be some personalities that are fantastic people, but might not be in alignment to my energy and might drain me. I may not have the energy to sustain this, to be the facilitator of such a large group of people.

That is what’s coming through now. It’s not a super painful thing. Right. This isn’t a big trauma block coming through, but it doesn’t matter. When we’re on the path to pursuing our dreams, usually the new level we get to is the new devil, and often those new 

[00:10:00] devils, those new blocks, those new wounds are not super painful because you’ve already done the work releasing the big, big pain.

And now it’s getting more subtle and nuance, but it can, the subtleties and the nuances can knock you off of your path just as much as the big pain does. So just because it’s subtle doesn’t mean it’s not important, right? So what I’m feeling is subtle. So then, I’m doing the process we go through on our path to healing, and that’s number one.

Scan and see what’s there. I did that. I found I might not have the energy to sustain this. It may be too big for me, are my thoughts, and I might attract some people who bring my energy down. So then you wanna go to step two and you ask yourself, what feelings are triggered when these thoughts feel 100% true?

[00:11:00] So I feel weighed down, kind of like tired, fatigued. Kind of like, ugh, like I, I don’t need this. I, you know, I keep things smaller is better than I don’t have to deal with this headache. So kind of like, how could I turn that into an emotion? Defeated, I guess. Yeah, defeated. Kind of like failing all of those things.

So then you wanna move to step three, which is feeling the feels. You wanna bring all of those emotions up from deep inside. Bring them up and feel the physical sensations. Feel the tactile. Imagine you’re pulling your emotions up from deep inside. These are your energy blocks. These are your wounds, and the way to release them is to feel them 

[00:12:00] feeling leads to healing. So feeling the feels and you wanna stay in the feeling the feels until the emotional wave starts to go down and it just starts to feel less intense. Then you go to step four breath long, deep inhales, long deep exhales sink into the body and really release all that.

And you wanna go back to the vision? Back to the vision. I’m gonna go back to a hundred K Group global community, lifting each other up, leading humanity to a higher consciousness. Now how does that feel? Now I’m back to feeling joyful, expanding, spacious, ha. Limitless. 

[00:13:00] There’s an ease. There’s an alignment.And now I know when I’m setting my intentions, I want to intend to attract just the right people. And it doesn’t matter if I’m attracting 10 people in or a hundred thousand people in, we can still put out the right, just the right energy frequencies to attract just the right people. And I think I had.

What I’m uncovering is that I had a limiting belief that more means I can’t have the energetic alignment that I’m used to. Cuz in my business I’ve gotten to a place where I always attract in just the right people. I’ve never attracted in a hundred thousand people before, but if I can do it for 10, I can do it for a hundred thousand.

Is the awareness coming through and that feels true. So whenever your thoughts feel true and they feel neutral or higher, 

[00:14:00] meaning they feel neutral or you or joyful, right? Higher vibrational or joyful, that means you’ve done most of the healing around that. That wants to happen in this moment. So there could be more healing down the line, but you’re pretty cleaned up for today, right?

And that’s how I feel right now. I feel joyful about this intention, about this dream. And then you go to the fifth step, which is asking your higher self, what message do you have for me about this dream? What is my best next step? So the message, what of the messages I already received, is I can be energetically aligned with a larger group of people.

I have that ability and my best next step is to,yeah, so the message I’m getting is I’m thinking I’ve been on a break. Quite a break from online ads and I’ve been 

[00:15:00] doing just organic growth and I am feeling called to go back to online a advertising again to accompany my organic growth. So I, I will be doing things to grow organically, but then also investing in ads.

Again, this is something I’ve been nudged to for a while and I’m getting the hit again. That now is the time to start thinking about investing in ads again, and it. Feels right and aligned. So that is all really, really powerful awareness that I got about my dream that came directly from my pain, from my wound, and had my wound not talk to me.

I would not realize that I had this hidden fear that if I grow higher, it means that I will attract a situation that’s not in alignment. You know, more people means out of alignment. That is not true. More people can also mean and does also mean, and I’m going to intend it to 

[00:16:00] mean harmonious alignment for me, my energy, my gifts, because I’m attracting just the right people who want and need on a soul level what I’m having to offer.

Okay? So this is really how it’s done. So we incorporate our healing. Into our dream pursuit by doing just what I did. When we think about our day, our week, right, typically when we think about pursuing our dreams, we think about the action we need to take, which is important. Getting momentum behind your dreams requires inspired action, but it also requires knowing where you wanna go and getting more specific about that. So that requires visualizing, connecting to the higher self. This is something I did in this process before I even got into the healing. I connected to the higher 

[00:17:00] self to get clear about. What is it that I really want? What do I wanna grow? In this example, the Soul guide circle too. So I got clarity back on that, and then once I got that clarity, I went into, all right, now that I have this clarity about my dream, what is a roadblock, an obstacle?

What is something that’s standing in my way that. Is thwarting me from bringing this into my experience, and that is a wound, a block, a baggage, whatever you wanna call it, and that’s where the healing needs to happen. And typically, as you saw in my example, that healing will give you really powerful insights for as you go forward.

So as I grow, I’m gonna be a little bit mindful. If I’m ever inadvertently taking on the thought system that more people means I will get out of energetic alignment. It doesn’t 

[00:18:00] have to mean that. Right. And in fact, I think if I stay small with smaller people in an attempt to be energetically aligned, that’s going to eventually get me out of energetic alignment.

So I will actually need the more people to stay aligned, and that’s a very, very empowering insight for me. So how do we then lean into the ease of it all? Especially if we’ve got bigger trauma wounds, bigger pain, we feel very thwarted. Well, This is when we wanna detach a little bit from the thoughts and stories we tell ourselves, because the attachment to the story is where the biggest tr pains are triggered.

And definitely if you have. A lot of unprocessed current lifetime trauma. It really is a time to think 

[00:19:00] about hiring a therapist or a healer to help support you through the pain, right? Self-healing is really powerful And I recommend having a routine, a daily mindfulness practice that includes healing and energy release as part of your self healing practice, but to also from time to time. Visit a healer or a therapist, especially if you have big wounds, and even if you’ve processed most of your big wounds and you’re down to the nuance blue wounds.

Hiring a healer such as me can really help you get in there and find those wounds that are so nuanced that they are hiding from you and difficult to find because you can’t feel them. They’re so nuanced you can’t feel them. That’s a thing that can happen. So yes. It is having a home practice on the daily, on the weekly, and it’s also 

[00:20:00] spending little time and money with a therapist or a healer to help hold the space for you, to help you heal on, on deeper levels from time to time.

So that is definitely one way to lean into the ease. having a fortified home practice along with occasional investing and healing as you need it. And I would say the more unprocessed current lifetime trauma you have, the more time and money you should think about investing in a healer or a therapist in the near term.

If you are someone who doesn’t have that, or you’ve processed a lot of that, you wanna think about hiring a therapist or a healer from time to time. And in my opinion, if you don’t have a lot of. Unprocessed current lifetime trauma, you should invest in an energy healer. Therapists are great for current lifetime trauma. Healers are really great for ancestral 

[00:21:00] trauma, past lifetime trauma, trauma coming from other planets, dimensions. I mean, hey, we are old souls and we have had all sorts of experiences and the unprocessed pain from all of those experiences, and you can imagine how many lifetimes you’ve had. We have so much unprocessed pain that we store up inside of our system that a really good energy healer will help you clear all of that.

So it’s truly, truly an important investment you can make in yourself and a good healer will truly help you to heal all sorts of things, painful things from a place of ease. Right, and there’s a lot, there’s a lot of different healing modalities out there that make it more useful. There’s emotional freedom techniques or EFT tapping that is something I use a lot that really can help you with that.

Bigger, more uncomfortable pain, and you can always ask your divine guidance team to come 

[00:22:00] in and help you release the pain, help you lean into it and make it feel more useful. And remember, the more you detach from the story you’re telling yourself that’s creating the pain or triggering the pain, the more useful it is to process.

So as you approach yourself healing, try to imagine that you’re just a scientist in a lab and you got out your micro, your magnifying glass, and you’re just trying to uncover the story you’re telling yourself. You’re trying to uncover. The emotions you feel when that story feels true, and then you’re just like, huh, I wonder what it would feel like to allow myself to fully and completely feel this shame or this powerlessness or this failure.Just be like, huh, I’m just, I’m just. A soul having a human experience, and I wonder what this would be like if you lean into the lightness and ease of 

[00:23:00] it. You can release a whole lot of very deep pain from a place of ease. There will still be discomfort there, but it, but there’s always a reservoir of ease available to us that we can lean into when we need it.

So dear ones, my invitation for you this week is two, think about a big dream you have for yourself and your life. Go into the heart space, see if there’s any clarifying that needs to happen. To refine your dream and then ask, is there any wound or block that is thwarting my dream from coming into my experience that is ready to be healed today and.Incorporate this self-healing on the path to pursuing your dreams. Just as you incorporate 

[00:24:00] visualizing and taking action and just treat the healing process as a normal and healthy and essential part of your pursuit to reaching your highest dreams and intentions. All right, my dear one, that is all I have for you this week.

If you received something lovely and nice from this episode, I would be so grateful for a rating and review. I will read your words on the air and you can find a link to leave a review in the show notes. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. [00:25:00] 


00:01  Intro

03:08  Healing & growth

04:05  Soul Guide Circle example

08:35  Lean into resistance

10:49  Identify triggered thoughts

14:24  Ask for messages

16:15  Inspired action, visualization & insight

18:24  Lean into the ease & heal more deeply

23:18  Invitation & conclusion

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