Healing the Witch Wound

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Our spiritual gifts are incredibly powerful. They can help us build stronger connections, heal our deep wounds, consciously co-create our reality, lead others into more meaningful ways of living and being, and tap into our highest potential.

So… why do so many of us have the urge to just shut them down?

For many of us, embracing and expressing our spiritual gifts doesn’t feel SAFE. We’re afraid of being judged, ostracized, ridiculed, or rejected for engaging in a spiritual practice and nurturing our connection with the divine. This fear is a wound that many people in the spiritual community call the ‘witch wound.’ In this episode of Soul Guide Radio, I reveal how to truly heal your witch wound, so you can live an authentically spiritual life in your highest alignment! 

Start unlocking your spiritual gifts. Listen now to discover: 

  • How and why the witch wound cuts you off from your spiritual gifts 
  • How past and current trauma and conditioning shapes your experience of the witch wound – and my 5-step process for healing it!
  • An invitation that will have you connecting to and co-creating with the divine in the powerful ways you are designed to

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Ask yourself: what part of my witch wound is ready to be released today? Go through the five step process and then do some post release re-patterning, so you can anchor in and connect to the message of truth coming from your higher self.

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. There’s something I hear from my clients all the time. And it’s some variation of, I need to shut it down. I need to shut it all down. Now, what, pray tell, do you think they’re referring to? What do they need to shut down? And I have, I have a hunch that you suffer from this wound. And you’re telling yourself, whether you know it or not, that you need to shut it down.

[00:00:31] And what you think and what your fear blocks and wounds and conditioning is telling you, you need to shut down your spiritual gifts. You need to shut down your connection to the divine, because frankly, it’s not safe. It’s not safe to do it. The community won’t accept you. People will find it weird.

[00:00:58] They’ll come after you. And what this wound is, is what many in the spiritual community call the witch wound. And it’s called the witch wound because lightworkers tend to be very old souls. Who have lived many lifetimes and we’ve all had a lifetime or many, many lifetimes. Where we were persecuted or members of our family were persecuted because of our intuitive gifts and connection to the divine.

[00:01:34] And it comes from this idea that you were the village witch. You know, you were burned at the stake for being a witch and what is a witch in many of these contexts. They were referring to you as the witch because you were engaging in a spiritual practice, a connection with the divine, understanding your energy, understanding the truth about who you really are.

[00:01:58] So you were labeled a witch and something bad happened to you in a past lifetime. And this is literally every light worker is afflicted with this. And then certainly we had loads and loads of conditioning in this lifetime. And it all tells us to shut it down, witch. Shut it down. Well, I’m here to tell you, don’t shut it down.

[00:02:24] Heal it out. We don’t want to shut it down. We want to heal our witch wound. That is going to set us free. That is going to lead us to the promised land. And that is exactly what I’m going to show you how to do in today’s very powerful episode. So in today’s episode, I reveal what the witch wound really is, how it completely cuts you off from your spiritual gifts and true essence, and how to truly heal your witch wounds.

[00:02:54] I’ll end on an invitation that we’ll have you connecting to. And co creating with the divine in the powerful ways in which you are designed to, so you can live your life in highest alignment. So you’re gonna want to stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs.

[00:03:19] Here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide. Hello, soul guide circle.

[00:03:45] That is the name of this global community of soul guided leaders and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we are using our spiritual gifts to grow prosperous heart led businesses that are on the leading edge of consciousness. Find a link to join our closed Facebook group at allysonscammell.com or in the show notes.

[00:04:07] So, If you are listening to me and you connect to me in any sort of way, friend, dear one, you are an old soul. And even, I’ve seen this before, actually you might even be a new soul. There are advanced lightworkers on planet right now who are actually new souls and you can imagine you’re like energetic prodigies.

[00:04:34] You have this, like, massive potential and capacity to resonate at very high energetic frequencies, but, you know, it’s like, imagine a child prodigy at the piano, they’re a master at the piano, but they still have to learn other life lessons in resonance. love, or managing money. So I see that playing out in my new souls.

[00:05:00] So, and that’s a, that’s a small percentage of folks. Most of the folks who are on planet as light workers, and certainly who are connected to me are old souls. Be that here nor there, we all have advanced sophisticated energy, and we all have, especially the old souls, lots and lots and lots of lifetimes and lots and lots of past lifetime experiences.

[00:05:23] And we all have had. The past lifetime experience where we were persecuted for engaging our spiritual practices. And many of us were actually killed in various ways. A lot of lightworkers actually lived during the time of the Salem Witch Trials. But even if you didn’t have that specific past lifetime, you have some form of it because why?

[00:05:53] Connecting to the divine is powerful. It is the most powerful way we can be in human form is to have a full connection to the all loving, all knowing, all seeing power and wisdom that is the divine, that is source. So people, humans who are disconnected from that, living in fear, trying to keep the power, they will, the first people they will look towards to shut down their gifts are the lightworkers.

[00:06:29] That’s why indigenous communities have been so threatening throughout the ages. For the powers that be, because indigenous communities knew this. They understood this. They had the strong connection to the divine. So that’s why when outside powers came in to take over, these were the first communities that were targeted, not just because it was a land grab.

[00:06:55] And certainly that was part of it. So they were trying to, you know, kick out the people who were living there already. But it was also, let’s shut down the power so we can control. It has always been about control. Whenever someone else is trying to shut down your connection to the divine, they’re trying to control you.

[00:07:20] And they do that, in essence, by gaslighting you and saying, you’re a witch. You’re different. It’s weird. You shouldn’t be connecting in. to spirit guides? What’s spirit guides? That’s strange. And so, although in our modern world, we don’t get burned at the stake for engaging in our spiritual wounds, but you better believe that we get ostracized by certain communities.

[00:07:52] We get rejected. We get labeled. People find it weird. People find us weird. Certain religious discourses find it dangerous to connect directly to the divine. And even if you say to yourself, well, I know that they don’t believe what I believe, but just that feeling of being rejected for who you are, and that’s really what’s happening.

[00:08:14] At my core, I’m a spiritual being having, having a human experience. And part of that is I am fully engaged in my spiritual gifts and my ability to connect to and co create with the spiritual realm and I am in a constant co creation with the spiritual realm when I am at my best and my highest. And that is the truth of who I am.

[00:08:38] So if someone else says to me, and it’s especially someone that I had some sort of connection with, says to me, I reject you because of your beliefs and I find you dangerous. It still can hurt. It still can give you that moment of pause to be like, Hmm, maybe I need to shut it down. Because the truth is one of our core needs as human beings is to feel accepted by the group.

[00:09:10] It is a core need. The way we need food. And water and shelter. And we need to feel acceptance. We feel the need to feel acceptance by our tribe, our clan, our community, our neighborhood. And when we’re rejected for being who we are, that adds to the wound. That adds to the, I’m a witch, I’m different. I’m engaging in an alchemy that is to be feared.

[00:09:44] You know, that’s the essence of a witch. They engage in magic. That’s scary. They look scary. They ride a broom. This is the archetype. There is the practice of witchcraft, which I don’t know a whole lot about. And I know that some people who consider themselves Wiccans are very spiritual people. So I’m not really talking about that.

[00:10:10] I’m talking about the label, the negative label. Of being a witch in a way that’s dangerous and you’re a danger to society. So, of course, if people are feeding you the message that you’re a danger to society, you’re an outcast. Cause that’s another part of a, the witch archetype, they live in the shadows, right?

[00:10:36] They live on the fringes. That’s gonna be wounding to a person. And if you compound that on top of a past lifetime wound where you were literally killed or hurt or ostracized in a way that led to you not having enough to eat or not getting medicine, your witch rune is going to be real. Okay. And that witch wound in its effort to keep you safe, it’s going to keep you safe falsely by cutting you off from the divine, cutting you off from your spiritual gifts.

[00:11:16] And there are so many lightworkers who’ve actually had a past lifetime where they’ve died for being an intuitive or engaging in spiritual practices. When that has happened and you’ve had a traumatic death. What you carry forward to the next lifetime is a belief system in your subconscious that is, that tells you.

[00:11:41] And you probably don’t even realize you’re getting these messages, but they’re coming through at a subconscious level. If you engage in your spiritual gifts, you could die. And that seems sort of extreme, but it’s not because you’ve had that experience in your soul DNA likely or something very traumatic, even if not death.

[00:12:07] And then on top of the witch wound are the ancestral forms of the witch wound. Cause most of us lightworkers, we come from long lines of intuitives and healers and shamans and medicine men and women. And these gifts tend to skip generations. This happens a lot with clients where I tell a client like, wow, you come from a long line of healers and your grandmother on your mother’s side was a really gifted healer.

[00:12:38] And sometimes they’ll be like, oh yeah, that makes total sense. And sometimes they’ll be like, when it doesn’t make sense, almost always they’ll say, Oh, well, that grandparent was very aloof and I didn’t know them very well. And they stayed to themselves because they had the gifts. It scared them. They feared being rejected by society, but yet they had these gifts.

[00:13:08] So what they did is they withdrew themselves and lived sort of the life of the hermit. Many life workers have fallen into that. Well, I know I have these gifts and I will express them, but I won’t tell anybody about it. So they go into the archetype of the hermit. And that is its own form of wounding.

[00:13:33] Because we, as humans, aren’t meant to be here as single units. We are meant to be accepted by a tribe and part of a tribe. An acting thriving member of a tribe, even if you’re an introvert and you like your alone time. In my human design type, I have the two line, which is the hermit line, which means I need alone time to be able to create at my best, but then I can’t have only alone time.

[00:13:57] If I spend too much time alone, I start to feel very sad and isolated. So this is another part of this witch wound. It pushes people into a shadowy isolation, not the. I’m carving out alone time to fill my well. It’s an isolation of rejection, of fear of being part of a group. Maybe if they’re part of the group, they’ll inadvertently display a piece of their spiritual gift, and then people would point at them and say, which.

[00:14:32] So to avoid that, let us go ahead and isolate and hermit. So. And that trauma from our ancestry gets passed on and passed on and passed on as well as past lifetime trauma we’re getting. And then as well as the current lifetime conditioning and collective fear that exists around engaging your spiritual gifts and being a spiritual person.

[00:14:59] So it’s coming at us in a lot of directions. Here’s the good news. Here’s the empowering news. We can heal this wound. Part of the reason why we’re here and we’re ascending to higher consciousness and the reason why you decided to incarnate now is to lead mother earth to higher consciousness and to heal this wound.

[00:15:23] this witch wound and healing this witch wound opens the portal door between your human self and your higher self so that you have this blissful, powerful, aligned, high expression connection into the divine the way we are designed to, the way we are meant to. We are born with this power. We are designed to be in human form with a constant connection in with the divine, a constant co creation between human self and higher self and source and spirit guides.

[00:16:11] And in that co creation, we use our spiritual gifts and how most of us practice co creation with the divine. We’re in our human suit, cut off, cut off, cut off. And then we carve out 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there for journaling, meditation, maybe yoga, maybe some other practice that then connects us in, and then we go back to our human third dimensional experience.

[00:16:39] We are evolving out of that. So we’re spending most of our day in a co creation and connection to the divine, in an energetic flow, not cut off. It’s a constant connection. One of the things that I’ve noticed in my own spiritual journey is I used to ask my guides a lot of questions and wait and channel their answers.

[00:17:09] It would be part of a morning practice and I’d be like, all right. guides, what solution or guidance do you have for me for this problem? And then I would sit there and wait, and then I would receive their answer and I would write their answer down. And that is a great way to go. If you are on the newer side of your spiritual practice and still trying to cultivate your intuitive gifts, I recommend actually doing just that.

[00:17:37] But what I have evolved to and what you can evolve to, and maybe you’re already there, is I It’s just a constant flow. It’s not even, I have to ask, pause, receive. It’s a constant flow of asking, receiving, asking, receiving, asking, receiving. I don’t even feel this need to pause and channel the answer. It just comes to me.

[00:18:04] I think when we’re really, really connected into the divine, we all have very powerful, clear, cognizant, The intuitive language of the clear cognizant is turned on very high, and it’s just your inner knowing. I just know, I just know this is the answer because you are in such a communion that the answers are just flowing through you.

[00:18:29] And yes, you can still have the pause to channel answers and you should do that from time to time, especially if you feel called to, but we’re really evolving to that point. Point where it’s just a flow of ask, receive, ask, receive, ask, receive. Okay. How do we heal this wound? Well, it’s my five step process, folks.

[00:18:54] It’s my five step process, but then I’m going to give you another piece of the pie. So if you’ve been a member of the Soul Guide Circle community for a while, you probably know my five step process. So the first thing you do is scan and look within. And then you identify the thought, what is the thought for you?

[00:19:19] It’s not safe. I need to shut it down. You’re going to have your own form of the witch wound. And just feel into what limiting thought or belief is cutting me off from the divine. And allow the most painful or prominent thought to arrive. Then you want to imagine that thought is 100 percent true. Go And in step three, you go into feel the feels, feeling all the physical sensations, feeling all the emotions, call the emotions up from deep inside you to feel the feels, and then breathe and release.

[00:19:55] Step four, breathe, release, releasing this witch wound, releasing this blocked energy. And then you go to step five. You connect back into your heart space at the center of your chest. Set the intention to connect to your higher self. and ask your higher self for a message of truth that was hiding on the other side of the block.

[00:20:23] So if I do this right now in this moment, you know, I’ve healed this wound again and again and again and again. So I will have a nuanced version of this. If you’re on the newer side of healing this wound, it might be a little bit simpler to identify. It’s not safe. People will reject me. I’ve been healing those thoughts for so long.

[00:20:46] So maybe I’m just going to get that again, but maybe I’ll get something a little more nuanced. Let’s see. Let me tap into my witch wound. Witch wound, what do you got for me?

[00:20:59] Oh, nothing’s coming through. I am seeing an image of my brother who is an atheist and he really, really, really doesn’t believe in any of this stuff. And it does make him a little bit uncomfortable. But I think he ultimately accepts me and he accepts my beliefs and my practices, even though he doesn’t believe that, too.

[00:21:23] I think he’s really, really cut off. I think he has a big, big witch wound. that has pushed him towards atheism. You know, sometimes the witch wounds get so big, pushes people towards religious extremism or atheism. Right. And he’s been pushed towards atheism. What’s the message here?

[00:21:54] See, it’s new. I, I’m feeling it’s a nuanced situation here. What wants to come through? Oh, this is interesting. So clearly I don’t really have much. happening inside my energy, but I’m getting the message. Okay. So this is nuanced guys. This is a bit of a more advanced healing here. I’m getting the message.

[00:22:18] This is totally news to me that his witch wound, because it is so powerful in our ancestry, it’s affecting me. Wow. So Because I sense that and I can’t force my brother to heal, I can only focus in on my own healing. So I need to ask my higher self, well, how can I heal or help to heal this and shift this?

[00:22:53] And the message I’m getting is heal that piece of you that feels sad. That your brother who is, I feel in my heart, a really intuitive person that cuts him off from that. Yeah. I can feel that. So I do feel sad that my brother is so cut off for him because I think he is an extremely intuitive person. So this is, wow, this is really cool.

[00:23:21] You guys, I had no idea. So I’m going to spend some time with that. That my wound is some form of, I am sad my brother is so cut off. And that’s going to help. Actually, when I heal myself as part of healing an ancestral wound, that will actually heal him a little bit. It’s not going to heal him a lot because he has to want that for himself.

[00:23:47] And so if he doesn’t want that for himself in this lifetime and go on the pathway of healing his witch wound, he will carry it forward. to the next lifetime. And I have a sense in his next lifetime, he’s, cause on a soul level, he knows he has this witch wound. So when he crosses over and then thinks about his next lifetime, it is highly likely he’s going to choose a lifetime that will enable him to actually start to heal this witch wound.

[00:24:18] And I can help him. And this lifetime, I never have to tell him I’m doing this, you know, just by healing me. The more I heal and certainly the more ancestral wounds I heal for myself, it heals all of my ancestry to include him. So when we’re thinking about healing the witch wound and you have a loved one where you think might have quite a strong witch wound, you cannot force the horse to drink.

[00:24:49] You can lead them to water. But even that’s a little bit tricky. You always want to ask them permission first and say, Hey, I received an intuitive hit about a block you might have. Do you want to hear about it? If they say no, do not go any further. Unfortunately, I wish we could, we can’t force this on others.

[00:25:13] People have to be ready, but you can try. And the first step is saying, Hey, I have this hunch. Do you want to hear about it? If they say yes. Tell them, well, I sense you have a big block that’s actually cutting you off from your intuitive gifts. If they’re not very spiritual people, try to use very clear, plain English or plain your native language words.

[00:25:37] And then if they’re still interested, then you can say, Hey, I know Allyson Scammell. She teaches this five step process. She has this podcast here. Listen to this episode and let me know if any of that resonated. So, certainly you can share Soul Guide Radio to anyone as a resource if they are expressing an interest to go deeper into their own healing.

[00:26:05] And lastly, once you’ve released the wound, I invite you to go into something I call post release re patterning. Okay? So, we’ve had this thought pattern for lifetimes, it’s not safe to engage in my intuitive gifts, so that is a. very entrenched belief system in your brain with your neural pathways. It’s like deeply entrenched inside of your system.

[00:26:35] So, when you release the wound that was creating that story, The story doesn’t exist anymore energetically, but because we are creatures of patterning and habit, you can go back into the thought pattern without realizing it, even if the energy wound is no longer there. So what we need to do to re pattern to thoughts that are truer.

[00:27:06] and moral line and we start to live into and connect to and feel the truth in to the thoughts that are true. We are actually created on a soul level to engage in these gifts and be in a constant co creation with these spiritual gifts and the divine. We go to our higher self for a message of truth and that will help anchor in.

[00:27:32] the thought repatterning. So if I just get a message of truth from my higher self, I get, we are designed in a soul level to be in co creation with the divine. So I just feel a hundred percent truth in that. And so if it feels a hundred percent true, you have your thought and that thought should be an affirmation, a mantra, to really reset your patternings to be in alignment to the truth and not in alignment to the illusion that was the block.

[00:28:15] If you get a thought from higher self and it feels 50 percent true, then you’ve got some more releasing that needs to happen and that’s okay. That’s great feedback. To go into the 50% that doesn’t feel true. That’s the illusion, that’s the block and release. So you wanna get your thought to be 51% or higher.

[00:28:36] It feels 51% or higher. True. Like more than half of it feels true. And just be with that thought. Turn it into a ma motto. Turn it into a mantra. Turn it into an affirmation. So you can really start live deeper and deeper and deeper into the truth that you are a spiritual being having a human experience with incredible spiritual gifts and a beautiful, deep connection with the divine.

[00:29:06] And you’re really here on a soul level to be in that beautiful co creation. My invitation for you this week is to go ahead and look within and ask. You got a witch wound. So you don’t have to ask, do I have a witch wound? Just ask, what part of my witch wound is ready to be released today? Go through the five step process and then do some post release re patterning so you can anchor in and connect to the message of truth coming from your higher self.

[00:29:43] All right guys, that’s a wrap for this week. I would love to know specifically what you received from this episode because this was a good one guys. I offered a lot of really good nuggets for you. I feel that I did that. So I would love to know what is a juicy nugget you received. Send me a DM on Facebook or Instagram and certainly head over to the show notes.

[00:30:05] You will find a link to that says, leave a review or go to your smartphone, find the app where podcasts are streamed. You can go to Spotify. You can go to Google Play, you can go to Apple Podcasts, and there’s a little link that says, leave a rating review. I’m super grateful for five stars. And then a review of what you specifically received from this episode.

[00:30:30] It means so much to me. To receive these reviews and I will read your words on the air. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Hi, dear ones. Listen here. The soul blueprint certification program is a roadmap to becoming a more powerful coach, healer, writer, artist, or entrepreneur, and then earning more money.

[00:30:59] It’s the only certification program that reveals how to actually Activate your five unique spiritual gifts so you can create massive soul aligned success in life and business. Learn more and enroll at Allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint or if enrollment is closed you can join the soul list so you’ll be the first to know when the next cohort is opening up and you’ll also be eligible to receive special high value bonuses.

[00:31:26] Again, that’s Allysonscammell.com/soulblueprint.


00:01  Intro

04:07  Lightworkers, old souls & lifetime experiences

08:15  Rejection v. acceptance

11:17  Ancestral witch wounds

15:04  How we are designed

16:58  Asking your Higher Self

18:48  5-step healing process 

20:24  Healing my wound

24:39  Wound release & post-release re-patterning

29:14  Invitation & conclusion

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