Filling Our Empty Energy Wells

“What does the core of your energy need to simply be happy? How full is your well of that core need?

Filling the wells inside…

I’m writing from the family farm where I grew up in South Dakota, and wow, it feels good to be home.

Like really good.

In fact, I’ve been living abroad on and off for 28 years, and it has NEVER felt THIS good to be home.

It got me wondering WHY.

Why does it feel so good? 

I uncovered the answer to what was making this particular trip happier in a session with my Human Design (HD) coach.

We were exploring my right-facing Environmental Arrow and how I love to live and work in a variety of different environments.

…Was I being called to move home? No, that didn’t feel right.

…Was I being called to spend more time here? No, I already spend a month here in the summer, which is quite a lot.

…Was I being called to move somewhere else? No, I love where I live in the Netherlands.

So what was it?

After some digging, we uncovered it was: KINDNESS.

Here’s what this means…

The neighborhood where I live in the Netherlands is amazing. It’s lush and green and a short walk to the beach and Dunes National Park.

It’s consistently rated the top neighborhood to live in the whole country.

But the people are not always so friendly.

As a foreigner who has lived there for 3 years, people do not say hello. They don’t invite you in for a cup of coffee. There’s no Welcome Wagon.

So over the past three years, I created my own support system and community. I found the KIND and supportive people.

But I realized that I was ready for my community to be bigger. In addition, my “kindness well” was on empty – and I didn’t know that I even had a kindness well.

But it only makes sense because TRUTH and KINDNESS are a core part of my unique genius.

I have the ability to help you find your truth, and it may be uncomfortable to uncover because there’s healing involved, but I’ll do it with a gentle KINDNESS that will enable you to reach your core truth with ease.

So I arrived back to South Dakota and people were simply KIND.

People were smiling at me, saying hello, asking me questions about myself.

It made me realize that I cannot fill my kindness well entirely from within – I also NEED others to be kind back to help fill my well.

And I NEED a full kindness well.

And once my well was full, I felt so HAPPY.

Now that I have this awareness, I’m committed to keeping my well full.

When I return to the Netherlands, I am setting the intention to allow in more kind people into my life. 

Because they exist. And it’s up to me to allow MY kind people to arrive and to create my kind community.

It won’t look like the community I grew up with, but it will work for me.

So let me ask you: Is there a well inside of you that needs filling?

Maybe for you it’s a peace well or a creativity well or a friendship well.

In other words, what does the core of your energy need to simply be happy?

How full is your well of that core need?

If it’s more towards empty, what can you do to start filling it today?

And see how happy your energy starts to feel once you do.

Until next Sunday, may your Soul Guide the way.

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