Channeled from Source: Rest and Relaxation Explored

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What do rest and relaxation mean to you?

Perhaps soaking in the tub 🛁

Maybe lounging on the beach 🌊

Or a nice cat nap 💤

And while those are all great ways to rejuvenate, how often do you incorporate rest and relaxation throughout your day?

Because when we make it another “to do”, it often gets pushed to the next day or something reserved only for weekends.

While we all understand that rest and relaxation is vital to our well-being, I wanted to dig deeper to find out how we can easily shift into a relaxed state of being.

And in this episode, I turned to Source to expand our awareness even higher. And I received some unique messages that are not only important, but also so simple to incorporate into your daily life. You’ll find yourself thinking, “Why haven’t I done this before?”

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the powerful techniques you’ll learn in this episode to add more rest to your life.

▶️  PRESS PLAY on this episode: Channeled from Source: Rest and Relaxation Explored to learn how to tap into deeper states of rest and relaxation so you can reach higher levels of vibrant, alive energy 💗

In today’s episode we explore:

  • The energetic state of rest and relaxation
  • Why it’s so important for us on our path
  • How to add more rest and relaxation into your life and business


  • Listen to Episode #43: Channeled from Source: Fun and Play Explored HERE
  • Listen to Episode #44: Why You Can’t Force Fun (And What to Do Instead) HERE
  • Find out your Human Design type HERE

Allyson’s Resources:

This Week’s Invitation:

Notice when you have painful emotions and notice how that is taking you away from rest and relaxation. Feel those emotions for 60-90 seconds and then release back to your heart space. Notice your patterns that enable you get into the states of rest and relaxation.

[00:00:00] Hello, dear ones. Ah, I am feeling very relaxed as I’m speaking to you today, I’ve been in a lot of conversations with source lately about fun and play. And that has been the big theme for me and my growth and teachings that I’ve felt called to share with you. Just did the last two podcast episodes on fun and play.

[00:00:32] So if you haven’t checked those out yet, I highly recommend you do so because the energetic states of fun and play are very much related to the energetic states of rest and relaxation. And this will be another episode that I’m going to be channeling from source as they have you know, I use the pronoun they for source, but you know, however you relate to source.

[00:01:00] I see Source as the ultimate collection of energy and consciousness, I approach source as a they but please use the words that feel right and aligned for you to relate to this all knowing, all loving energy wisdom. And I will say here that source hasn’t been telling me much about rest and relaxation lately. So, whilst a few episodes ago, when I channeled a message from source on fun and play, we had had been talking a lot about it.

[00:01:32] Some of what came through still surprised me, but we, source and I have been in this deep conversation about that topic for a while. And recently source hasn’t been talking to me much about rest and relaxation. I know its important source tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to do this episode. So clearly, it’s important, but I’m sharing this because I really have no idea what’s going to come through.

[00:01:57] The last time I do this, did this, I had some pretty good clues, but really, I’m going to be an open channel today and just see what wants to come through. I’m going to ask source to be specific, give us something unique, give us something that we haven’t considered before. Let’s go a layer deeper on this topic and source is saying, sure, we’re game.

[00:02:23] So I’m really excited to unpack this all and to start the channeling and before I do, I would really love to share a listener review because these listener reviews fill my heart with joy and they always tell me, am I on the right track? Are these episodes landing with you? Because that’s really, my number one priority is to be in service to you.

[00:02:49] And so these reviews really fill my heart with joy and help me as I create content that is in highest service to you. So, this comes from share the love with all from Spain. Oh, I love that username. It reads highly inspiring. Listening to Allyson is connecting with what I feel is true for me and that feels being like home still, that we are in an evolving way.

[00:03:19] She makes this easy and fun, and I really enjoy the vibe. Thank you so much share the love with all from Spain, truly from my heart, I appreciate you taking the time to give this podcast some love. And if you dear listener, haven’t had a chance yet to give a rating and review I invite you to do so. And I will read your words on the air.

[00:03:45] Getting back to the topic at hand for today. In today’s episode, I channel a message from source about the energetic state of rest and relaxation, why it’s so important for us on our path and how to add more rest and relaxation into your life and business. We end on an invitation channeled from source that will have you tapping into deeper and deeper states of R&R that’s rest and relaxation.

[00:04:13] So you can reach higher and higher levels of vibrant, alive energy. So, I have a hunch you’re going to want to stay with us until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission,

[00:04:41] amplify your spiritual gifts and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:04:58] Hey, ho soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1800 leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other

[00:05:23] and the planet. Find a link to join on my website, or in the show notes. Okay, dear listeners, I’m going to be doing another channeling of source. And like I mentioned earlier, I truly have no idea what’s going to come through and I am going to be as open as a channel as I possibly can be.

[00:05:46] So nothing is being filtered from me and it’s coming directly from source through me to you. I will begin the channeling now. Greetings my dear one,

[00:06:05] we really enjoy these channeled messages. It’s a good time to recognize that Allyson is a pure channel. She has very high access to us and we want to mention this, even though she’s resisting because she, we feel her resistance, but we’re mentioning this because we want you to trust what’s coming through, trust her ability to channel us purely without any filters.

[00:06:51] And that’s what is happening.

[00:06:58] Deep breath.

[00:07:02] We invite you to take deep breaths with us.

[00:07:09] Big inhale, big exhale. Come into this very moment. We invite you to relax into your heart space. Your heart chakra and listen to this insight, receive this wisdom from your heart. Imagine your heart is taking it in and not your brain. Imagine you’re looking out from your heart. Imagine your eyes are behind your heart.

[00:07:42] Your consciousness is behind your heart and not in the center of your head.

[00:07:55] Living and being from the heart and not the brain is one of the most profound shifts you can take to invite in more rest and relaxation.

[00:08:13] And this particular shift is not entirely related to sleep. So indeed, it’s not just about sleeping more, although sleep is important and we’ll be getting to sleep in a second, but what is going to put you in a state of rest throughout your day, and a state of relaxed throughout your day as being from your heart space?

[00:08:46] When your perspective is in your heart worries, melt away. Worries drain your energy; worries are the contrast to rest.

[00:09:08] We can only truly be in a state of worry when we are in our thinking mind, when we are in our head and the energetic frequency of worry is one of the lowest vibrational frequencies you can experience, when you’re replaying negative scenarios, when you’re thinking of worst case scenarios, when you’re worrying about things that just don’t need to be worried about.

[00:09:37] Those are constant energy drains, energy leaks throughout your day, leaking, leaking, leaking and at a certain point, your tank gets low. Your tank even gets to empty. And then you are in a space that is far, far away from rest, from full, from vibrant, from relaxed, from alive. You are in the state of empty and nothing does more to empty your energy than worry loops, than being in a constant state of worry.

[00:10:20] Even when you don’t realize you’re in a state of worry and it’s happening on a subconscious level, you have a subconscious worry that’s creating low levels of anxiety. Worry, resentment, shame, and those energies drain, drain, drain.

[00:10:45] However, when you notice the worry, when you notice the drain is happening, there’s something powerful you can do. You can stop and ask the question.

[00:11:07] What is making me worry? What is the true cause of this worry? What is the root? You want to try to get to, uh, as closest to the root of the worry as you can, invite the root of the worry to arrive. Normally the root has nothing to do with the outer world situation that’s going on. Normally it’s a deeper, deeper pain.

[00:11:42] We might have an outer world, uh, annoying or pesky situation causing us to worry. But normally that worry is not about the situation at all. It’s deeper. It’s a deeper wound. Invite that wound to the surface. The worry is your compass guiding you to the wound, to the energy block. See how deep you can go to identify the most painful thought that’s present.

[00:12:19] So let’s say your neighbor is playing loud music and your annoyed. They are annoying you because you don’t have peace and quiet. You’re angry that they’re inconsiderate and it’s putting you in a constant state of annoyance and anger throughout the day that’s draining your energy. It’s taking your ability to concentrate away.

[00:12:44] It’s draining your ability to feel rested and relaxed. Well, what do you do? You might say well do I go over there and force them to turn it down? Well, that doesn’t feel very restful.

[00:13:04] Well, we invite you to feel gratitude for your neighbors because they’re triggering something inside of you that has a deeper root, it has a deeper tale. That goes deeper than I’m annoyed at this loud music. So, ask what’s underneath this? I am annoyed by this loud music. My neighbors are inconsiderate.

[00:13:31] What’s goes deeper than that. Could it be? I feel like I don’t deserve peace and quiet. Could it be I’m afraid of truly expressing myself and this music is just the distraction I need. Could it be I’m afraid of being seen. So, this music will keep me hidden in my irritation. There’s going to be something deeper, and the music was just the trigger.

[00:14:07] Then we invite you to identify the emotions that deeper thought is triggering, that deeper wound. And once you name the emotions, feel them for 60 to 90 seconds and then let them go. Deep breaths, relax, go to your heart space. Feel the relaxation, feel the rest.

[00:14:40] What wants to happen next? Maybe you want to go for a walk in the forest to get away from the loud music and maybe as you’re in your heart space being and experiencing nature from your heart, the creative insights arrive, you’re in your heart. You’re spacious. You’re filling your tank with energy, with vibrance, with space.

[00:15:12] In that space is where your most powerful solutions have the path to arrive. So maybe you realize that you know what? I don’t mind that they play loud music in the afternoon, it’s just in the morning. That’s my creative time. In this rest, this calm you’re approaching the situation from a higher level space, from a kind space.

[00:15:46] Maybe it gives you the courage to knock on their door and say, I love that you love music. I love music too, but the mornings are my time for creativity and rest and your music is disturbing that. Would you mind playing your loud music in the afternoons? It doesn’t bother me then. If you’re coming from a place of kindness and truth, most people on the planet will reflect that back to you.

[00:16:20] And in most examples, that neighbor would say, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Yes. I didn’t realize it was so loud. Thank you for telling me. We’ll play it loud in the afternoons, but we won’t play it too loud. Thank you for letting us know. This is what relaxed energy creates in situations, even when there’s friction, this is what rest puts you in, a state of flow where the best solutions are able to arrive, your best creativity,

[00:17:02] most powerful manifestation, manifesting our highest dreams and intentions using the law of attraction loves, and in fact, on a certain level, it needs relaxation. When the opposite of relaxation is present, it’s usually some form of attachment. Some form of need, some sort of form of grasping, some form of lack, and that pushes our highest dreams and intentions out into the future.

[00:17:42] It pushes it away from our current experience whilst relaxation is like a warm invitation. When you are in a true state of relaxation, it’s nearly impossible to feel high levels of attachment. You’re just to relaxed, you’re in the flow, you’re in your heart space. And when you’re in the flow and in your heart space and in the energetic state of relaxation, you’re filling your tank with energy and filling your tank with energy.

[00:18:20] And it feels like rest, and you feel rested, even if you didn’t sleep that many hours the night before, which brings us nicely to sleep. Most people on planet are not getting enough sleep and every person requires a different amount of sleep. There is no one magical number. Some humans, some people on planet function, optimally with a shorter sleep at night and naps during the day.

[00:19:02] It used to be, um, a long time ago on earth it was the common practice for there to be several sleep cycles and not just one. And humans who are more in tuned to nature. So, if it was hot out, they did most of their work at night when it was cool and slept during the day when it was warm. And there was a natural rhythm to sleeping and working and being, and in the modern world, we’ve gotten away from that.

[00:19:38] And there’s only one sleep cycle for most people. It is at night and it’s sleeping a long period of time. But some people are wired for that. While others are. So, it’s getting to know and getting even a greater awareness of what you need, what you require to feel rested. Do you need nine hours of sleep uninterrupted?

[00:20:04] Do you need six hours with a one-hour nap? Do you need five hours with a one-hour nap and two half hour naps?

[00:20:18] Explore, give yourself permission. Check in with your human design type. Your human design type will give you clues on how to optimize your sleep and your rest.

[00:20:40] And when you notice what gives you true rest, give yourself permission to follow those patterns. Be in those patterns, follow that flow. One tip or trick is to really give yourself permission to sleep whenever you’re tired, when you’re on a vacation, we even invite you to schedule a sleep vacation. Give yourself at least seven days for a sleep vacation.

[00:21:12] And on that vacation, you can go anywhere or do anything, but there’s no particular schedule to follow. You get to sleep whenever you feel like sleeping, then notice on day four, not day one or two, but notice on day four, how you’re naturally wanting, the natural rhythm that is appearing, that will give you a big clue on your natural sleep cycles.

[00:21:50] And if you have children, get your partner involved so they can, your partner can watch the children when, when it’s time for say a nap, ask for help,

[00:22:05] ask for help to um, enable you to be in the flow and the rhythm and the routine that leads to your optimal levels of rest. And when you get into that rhythm, you will notice often not always, often you either, either will need less actual sleep in a 24-hour cycle, or you will notice the nights that you get uh, bad sleep.

[00:22:52] Maybe you have a bad dream. Maybe you’re going through an energy upgrade. Um, maybe your child is sick and has woken you up in the middle of the night. And for whatever reason you’ve had disrupted sleep, you will notice the next day that you are still rested because you have given yourself so many energy deposits and that you are your rest

[00:23:17] is at such an overflow that disrupted sleep here and there will have less and less of an impact on you. And that’s the true power of finding your restful flow.

[00:23:41] And what we want to do right now is we want to lead you in a guided meditation. If you’re driving, you can still do this meditation actually, you can do this meditation, anytime, anyplace, you can add it to your daily spiritual practice, or you can add it to something you do in the middle of a busy workday, around lots of people.

[00:24:09] And indeed you can do it in the car.

[00:24:14] We invite you to start with your breath. Long, deep inhales, long, deep exhales. We invite you to go to your heart space and tap into the energy

[00:24:33] of your heart.

[00:24:38] Now we invite you to notice any energetic frequency that is taking you away from rest or relaxation, just notice is there a worry. Is there an agitation? Is there a fear? Is there anything present that’s taking you away from rest and relaxation? Give yourself permission to feel those feels for 60 to 90 seconds.

[00:25:09] Once the emotional wave starts to decrease in intensity, go back to your breath, long inhales, long exhales, go back to the heart space,

[00:25:31] connect to source from the heart space, connect to source and say, I call in rest. I call in relaxation. You can say it out loud or to yourself. I call in rest. I call in relaxation. I call in rest, I call in relaxation. Now just be in the frequencies of rest and relaxation,

[00:26:07] breathing, breathing, inhale, rest.

[00:26:17] Inhale, relaxation,

[00:26:23] exhale, anything that’s taking you away from rest and relaxation.

[00:26:31] I call in rest. I call in relaxation.

[00:26:46] I call in rest, I call in relaxation.

[00:26:57] I invite rest and relaxation to be with me for the rest of my day. And in, through the night.

[00:27:10] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[00:27:26] So my dear one, our invitation for you this week is to

[00:27:35] notice those times when you’re feeling worried, when you’re feeling agitated, when you’re feeling

[00:27:46] painful emotions that are draining your energy, that are, that they feel like they’re on a loop or a repeat and you,

[00:28:03] your inner knowing is telling you that these emotions on a loop are draining my life force. We invite you to bring those emotions to the surface of your skin, fully and completely feel them for 60 to 90 seconds, and then release, release, release and go back to the energy of rest and relaxation. We also invite you to start noticing your patterns, the patterns designed specifically for you that enable you to get into the rhythm and routine of deep rest and deep relaxation.

[00:28:56] We wish you blessings.

[00:29:02] Hello, dear ones. This is Allyson coming back to you. Wow. That was unexpected for me and really powerful. I was in a super deep state of meditation as I was channeling that, probably deeper than I’ve ever gone before. So, thank you for holding the space for me as I did that, because I feel like even though you’re listening to this in a clock time sense after I recorded it, I do feel like you are with me as I’m recording, and you time jumped to my present moment.

[00:29:37] And we’re meeting at this present moment, and you are holding the space for me. So, I really want to thank you for that, and this was a really like, yeah. I just feel really, I almost feel emotional about what came through from source and I realize, you know, how we all, we all have our energy draining from us throughout the day in ways that we don’t even realize.

[00:30:02] I thought that the, I, by the way, I’ve never had a neighbor pay loud music before. So that example came out of nowhere, but I thought it was a really beautiful example of how things like that situations, occurrences throughout our day drain our energy and when a painful emotion is triggered. Even if it’s a minor annoyance, there is a wound inside.

[00:30:28] Otherwise you would have something closer to a neutral or no response to it. You know, why is it that sometimes your neighbors are doing something, let’s stay with that example and it drives you crazy and it doesn’t bother your partner at all. It’s not because you are a difficult person it’s because you likely have a wound that’s being triggered, and your partner doesn’t.

[00:30:55] So as Source is saying, when the painful emotion is present, it is your compass guiding you to something that is almost always deeper than the outer world situation that is happening. I loved their invitation. I love recognizing your sleep patterns that truly lead you to your deep rest. So, I just share that invitation and to be honest, like I was in such a deep channel.

[00:31:26] What was the first I know there was two invitations, the first one. Oh, okay. Now I remember the first one was noticing, noticing when your emotional compass is going off and the painful or even minor annoyance feeling is present and notice how that is taking you away from rest. It’s taking you away from relaxation.

[00:31:49] Feel those feels, deep breaths, release back to your heart space. And I do believe that the guided meditation that they, they took us through, it was really powerful. So, I do invite you to, you know, favorite this episode, come back to this episode, go to the guided meditation whenever you need it. I was thinking, I was thinking as I was channeling, like, is it really okay that they can do that meditation while driving and Source is assuring me

[00:32:22] yes, because I think source wants you to know, like, this is what’s coming through right now. We can access these you know, meditative states, which helps us bring about rest and relaxation while doing all sorts of activities. So I think the message here is you don’t have to be in a Lotus position with incense burning, you know, in a quiet morning routine, you can infuse these many meditations, these ways to bring about relaxation and rest throughout your day, throughout all activities.

[00:33:00] And I think that that was, and source is telling me that that was really the point that they wanted to convey to you, which is really powerful. Hey, my dear ones, I’m going to mention here that next week, I have a really powerful five-week course starting. It’s really your five weeks to enlightenment. And the title of the course is called unlock your spiritual genius.

[00:33:28] And we’re going to be taking all of these downloads from source and everything coming through from the spiritual realm. And we are going to take it to the next level and I’m going to be sharing advanced spiritual tools to help you unlock the next level and the fullest potential of your unique spiritual genius.

[00:33:52] We’re going to be going through the five key spiritual gifts and how you can utilize those gifts in your life and business to manifest more powerfully, serve your clients deeper, call-in greater abundance and just live life more joyfully. This is going to be the most powerful course I’ve put together to date.

[00:34:15] It is the first time I’m running this course. It’s an all-new course and I’m going to be offering a beta price. I never offer prices or investments this low, but I really wanted to get this out to as many people as possible. I feel like the downloads coming through and these advanced spiritual tools coming through are really critical for you and your journey.

[00:34:39] And I feel called to share. So, if you’re feeling a nudge towards me and towards this course, I invite you to head over to the show notes or to my website, and there will be a link. And the website is forward slash spiritual dash genius. And you’ll get all the details there and a link to register.

[00:35:00] So I hope to see you next week, where we’re going to be unlocking your spiritual genius. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:35:17] Hey, did you know that you have a spiritual genius inside of you? And that genius consists of five primary spiritual gifts that when unlocked to their fullest potential, you’re able to use those gifts to serve your clients more deeply, manifest more powerfully and live life more joyfully. Join me for a five-week course, starting in June to unlock your spiritual genius.

[00:35:46] I’m also calling this course your five weeks to enlightenment and in five weeks, you’ll have more clarity about your spiritual gifts, you’ll received advanced spiritual training to activate those gifts to their fullest and integrate them into your life and business so you can experience more income, more connection, and more flow.

[00:36:08] I’ve never taught these advanced spiritual tools before, and I’m offering this course at a beta price and there’s even an early sign-up bonus. So, I invite you to head on over to forward slash spiritual dash genius. Again, that’s forward slash spiritual dash genius.

[00:36:31] And you can also find that link in the show notes, and I really hope to have your amazing and magical energy part of this extraordinary experience.


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