Channeled From Source: Fun and Play Explored

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Quick question – When was the last time you engaged in lost-track-of-time play?

…You were laughing so hard your cheeks hurt. 😂

…You were immersed in the energy of joy! 💃

I wouldn’t be surprised if it took you a minute to remember when.

As adults, play isn’t something we often prioritize. But putting fun on the back burner can actually hinder us from realizing the dreams we long for in life and business.

Lately, Source has been giving me a lot of information about the importance of fun and play.

And there’s a seriousness to the message (which I know, seems a bit ironic when it comes to fun). And this message is this:

Prioritize play and fun.

It’s time to put play and fun at the top of your agenda, not at the bottom – as in “I’ll do something fun only if I have time.” 📝

This message is so important, in fact, that I decided to record my first ever podcast episode that is mostly a channeled message from Source.

▶️  PRESS PLAY on this episode: Channeled from Source: Play and Fun Explored to learn how to immerse yourself throughout the day in the energetic frequency of fun and play so you can magnetize your highest intentions into your life with joy and ease. 😜

In today’s episode we explore:

  • The energetic state of fun and play
  • Why fun and play are so important and should be prioritized
  • How to add more fun and play into your life and business 🙌


This Week’s Invitation:

1. Identify an activity that you do routinely, such as brushing your teeth and invite more fun and play in, be open and mindful of how it shifts your energy and experience. 

2. Identify another activity that has been challenging in your life or business, ask the question, what can I do or be to add more fun and play to this challenge to enable me to align to the magical and mysterious?

[00:00:00] Hello, my dear ones. How are we doing on this fine, fine day? I am so excited to share that I will be channeling this entire episode from source for the first time on soul guide radio. And I’m not channeling right now. And the inspiration behind this episode is Source. Source tapped me on the shoulder

[00:00:27] and ask that I do this and what we’re going to be channeling about today. And I have no idea what’s going to come through, but I have some hunches. And the reason why I have hunches is because we’ll be exploring the energetic states and frequencies of being fun and play. And source has been giving me so much information for my own life in the past few months about the importance of fun and play.

[00:01:00] And there’s a seriousness to the message, not that source wants to make fun and play serious. Not at all the message coming through is prioritize fun and play. So, the serious comes from they, source wants me and wants us to put play at the top of our agenda. Not at the bottom, if there’s time or not at all.

[00:01:31] And that’s where I think most of us are. Most of us are in this place where we get the work done. And if, and only if the work is done, maybe if there’s time, there’s a few minutes to play. And 90% of the time we work through that time anyway, and source is telling me this has to shift for all of us because to truly find flow and find higher energetic frequencies in your work in your life to align to your highest

[00:02:05] dreams and intentions. And to bring those intentions into your experience in a place of true joy, ease, and flow, fun and play must be present. It requires this delightful dance of us being tapped into this timeless, effortless state of fun. I was curious to see what the dictionary had to say about fun and play.

[00:02:32] And the dictionary defines fun as a source of enjoyment, amusement or pleasure and play is to occupy oneself in an activity for amusement or recreation. And I think especially the play definition doesn’t really put me in that energetic state of play to occupy oneself. So, it’s even like, I feel like our dictionary definitions that we’ve

[00:03:00] grown up with telling us what fun and play are. I think there’s a shallowness here. For me, these definitions don’t really spark inside of me this feeling of enjoyment or amusement or pleasure, it feels sort of textbook. And I think that’s what many of us evolve to when we get to be adults and we grow out of play

[00:03:27] and we treat it as this thing that potentially you could schedule into your agenda maybe, but we don’t relate to fun and play in all the things we do, in all the ways we show up that you’re able to tap into these energetic frequencies of fun and play at any time to occupy oneself in an activity for amusement or recreation in any activity your approaching

[00:03:56] could be one of amusement and recreation, which is also a very textbook word. So right now, I am at work. Doing this podcast is part of my business and I am in the energetic state of fun and play. I’ve called this up. Now I suspect, well, I’m getting a yes here. Source is going to be talking more about how to call that energy up.

[00:04:26] So you can infuse this at any activity, you can turn any activity that you’re engaging in to one of enjoyment, amusement, pleasure, and of course, recreation. So, let’s get to it. In today’s episode, I channel a message from source about the energetic state of fun and play. Why fun and play is so important and should be prioritized.

[00:04:55] And how to add more fun and play into your life and business. We end on an invitation channeled by source that will have you immersed in the energetic frequency of fun and play. So, you can tap into the flow and magnetize your highest intentions into your life with joy and ease. So, you’re going to want to stay with me until the end.

[00:05:21] Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:05:46] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:05:54] Well, hey there soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1800.

[00:06:15] Yes, we are growing, leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other and the planet. Find a link to join on my website, Allyson or in the show notes. So today we’re exploring fun and play. I’ll be channeling a message, an important message on this topic from source in just a sec. But before I get to the channeling, I do want to read for you a listener review.

[00:06:45] And this my friends puts me in a real energetic frequency of play because it just lightens my heart so much to hear how soul guide radio affects your life and what you receive from it. So, this rating comes from my dear friend, Lisa, the painted petal. And I happen to know who Lisa is. She is a brilliant artist, and I’m just going to give her a little love here that you can find out more about

[00:07:17] Lisa’s amazing art And I happen to know she’s got some Oracle cards that she’s just created and released out into the world, and they are spectacular. That’s the Always worth a listen, Lisa says. Allyson has a beautiful way with words and the ability to open her heart and connect with her audience.

[00:07:43] The content of her podcasts are so informative and at times they can be life changing. And I always find them worth listening to. Thank you so much, Lisa. And I love that she said my podcasts, plural, because Lisa has been a part of my community and life for some time. I think she’s been through, soul guide

[00:08:04] radio is my third podcast I’ve launched. So, she’s been with me through the years. I’m so grateful for her and a grateful for you, dear listener for being here, tuning in each week. And if you feel so called to leave us a review and say a few kind words about what you receive from soul guide radio, I would be so grateful, and I will read your amazing words on the air.

[00:08:29] All right. Let’s get to the channeling. So, I am just going to take some deep breaths. I invite you to do it with me and the topic at hand is fun and play explored. I will be channeling from source everything that I’m about to share. I have no idea what’s coming through, although I have some hunches because source has been communicating to me a lot on this topic recently, but I am also eager to hear the new wisdom that wants to come through.

[00:09:01] And we’re going to start with some deep breaths. Go ahead and take them with me. Deep inhales Deep exhales. I invite’ you to go to your heart space even if you’re driving, you can tune in your heart and just receive this channeled message from source from your heart. I shall begin channeling now.

[00:09:34] Hello dear ones. Thank you for connecting to us through this amazing medium of soul guide radio. We want to repeat what was already said that fun and play does have a seriousness to it. Not in a serious sense, but in a it’s time to prioritize fun and play sense. It’s a time to redefine fun and play. It’s time to infuse fun and play into all the things we do,

[00:10:25] in life and work. Is it possible to infuse fun and play into brushing your teeth in the morning? We think so. Is it possible to infuse fun and play into your work? Even when it feels hard, even when you’re struggling to learn something new, even when you’ve been rejected a few times, or you perceive you’ve been rejected.

[00:10:55] And we’ll take this time here to remind you that rejection is redirection. So even if you’ve been redirected a few times and you feel down in your business, is it possible to add fun and play? And we say, yes, it is. And we tapped Alison on the shoulder to record a separate episode on why you can’t force fun.

[00:11:29] So that will be the next episode to follow that we invite you to listen to, because that will have some important elements in it as a follow on to this episode. And why is it that we’re inviting you to prioritize fun and play well fun and play the energetic frequencies of it? Well, let’s back up.

[00:11:59] What is the energetic frequencies of fun and play? It is a vibrational state where you are

[00:12:19] no longer operating in clock time. You are in a frequency of no time. And,

[00:12:33] and getting back to that word, serious, seriousness or serious. There isn’t a serious present in that space of fun and play because it’s all light. It’s all

[00:12:55] boundless.

[00:12:59] We invite you to imagine that you’re a child on a brand-new playground. And you are experiencing the playground equipment for the first time, and it’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining, there’s sand on your feet and grass as well. And trees to climb.

[00:13:29] Imagine you’re sitting down at a swing set for the first time. Imagine just swinging back and forth. It feels good to feel your body rising and falling. Imagine you’re rolling around on the grass.

[00:13:53] The grass feels good, and it smells sweet. Imagine you’re then rolling into a sandbox full of sand toys.

[00:14:06] And you’re just able to play, just play. You have nothing thing on your to-do list. There’s nothing pressing. There’s nothing urgent. The only thing to do is just be. What do you feel like doing in this moment? What do you feel like doing in the next moment? What is tickling your fancy? What wants to happen next?

[00:14:32] How can I be curious? How can I explore? How could I discover?

[00:14:41] How can I feel the pleasure of the experience? This is the essence of fun and play. There’s an effortlessness. There’s a clock time that’s thrown out the window. There’s no thinking about to-do lists or I should be doing something else. I should be doing other things that are more quote, unquote important. And when you tap into that effortlessness, that joy, that freedom,

[00:15:20] you are in higher and higher energetic frequencies. You create a spaciousness in your energy. You open your energy up, you open the door to the spiritual realm, to your higher self, to your divine guidance team up. And what happens when that door opens up? Downloads insights, creative spark.

[00:15:48] It’s where our inspiration comes from.

[00:15:54] And when you’re tapped into that energy, that same energy, that playground energy, when you’re approaching your work, it’s the same. The portal door is open. The creative sparks arrive. You’re tapped into an ease of flow and you’re receiving energy deposits from your efforts instead of withdrawals. You leave, uh, fun and play activities more energized, more invigorated instead of drained and depleted.

[00:16:32] Because the energetic states have fun and play give you energy. They fill your tank. And when your tank is full and spacious and your portal doors open, you can start creating at your very best and you can infuse this energy into all activities. You can infuse it into yes, brushing your teeth. You can infuse it into figuring out that complicated technology that will serve your business once it is put into place.

[00:17:17] So how do you infuse fun and play into the everyday? Well, let’s go back to the example of brushing your teeth. It’s a good practice, in fact to think of a few things you do routinely every day and how you can infuse, how can you use those activities as a trigger to remind you the importance, if you will, in the sense of the prioritization importance of tapping into the energetic frequencies of fun and play.

[00:17:59] So we presume most mornings, you brush your teeth. So, let’s say you’re at the, in the bathroom. And the second you reach for your toothbrush; we invite you to take a deep breath.

[00:18:19] Come into the present moment, go to the heart space, tune in to the frequency of your heart chakra located at the center of your chest. And then as you put on the toothpaste, we invite you to set the intention to tune into the energetic frequencies of fun and play, tune into the spaciousness, the pleasure, the amusement, the flow, the timeless, the effortless, just be in the now, be in the moment and just brushing your teeth from that energetic state.

[00:19:09] There’s no anticipation of a download arriving. If it does, it’s just a magical gift or treat from the universe. Just all you have to do is just be because ultimately fun and play is not an activity. It’s a state of being, and you can be in that state and all activities.

[00:19:40] So we do really want to edit the dictionary definitions. They don’t really tell the true story.

[00:19:56] And ultimately there is pleasure in brushing teeth when you get that toothpick, that toothbrush up against the gums. You can give your gums a little massage, really get in there, clean those teeth. Maybe your toothpaste has a minty taste. We appreciate it’s probably got a taste you don’t particularly enjoy.

[00:20:23] And maybe there’s something nice about it. Get into the pleasure of a nice gum massage. And then when you rinse your mouth is clean, your breath is fresh. Your teeth feel good. It feels good to have a nice clean freshly brush teeth and clean mouth. Love that pleasure. How often have you brushed your teeth and then spent a second to feel the pleasure of recently brushed teeth?

[00:21:02] Most of us, most of the collective views brushing teeth is a bit of a chore. It’s just something you need to do. So, let’s transform the chore into more, into fun, into play, into pleasure, into gratitude. Hey, good job for brushing your teeth. When you’re teaching your children to brush your teeth, you probably congratulate them when they do a good job to get them excited to brush their teeth more, or to get them interested in brushing a little bit in the harder to reach places.

[00:21:43] Why can you not treat yourself in the exact same way? This is a, uh, um, wound from the collective. It’s a wound from the, um, social conditioning that there’s certain things that need to stop when you become an adult with regards to fun, play, uh, with regards to you, um, giving yourself credit, congratulating yourself, patting yourself on the back, saying good job.

[00:22:18] Why should you stop saying good job for something as simple as brushing teeth? Why should you? Just because it’s easy and it’s routine. Well, we want to invite in that you do tell yourself good job. It’s very easy to say. Well, I don’t feel like brushing my teeth today. I just want to get on with my day and I don’t want to take the time.

[00:22:44] I don’t like the taste of the toothpaste. I just want to get on and you don’t though, most mornings you do take the time to brush your teeth because you care about your dental care. You care about your teeth. You want to have fresh breath. Why not give yourself credit for that each and every morning and night, maybe sometimes in the middle of the day, you care for your teeth.

[00:23:13] Good job. Be proud of yourself. You did it, pat yourself on the back, be playful, have fun with it. This is how we want you to start approaching your experience. Your life. You deserve credit. Why not make it fun? Why not make it playful? Why not tap into the pleasure? Well, you might be saying, well, sometimes life’s hard.

[00:23:47] Yes. Sometimes it is challenging. And this is indeed why you cannot force fun, and Allyson will be exploring into that in greater detail in the next episode. So, we do invite you to tune into that because it’s quite important, in this conversation. So, we’re just going to stay in this space of inviting fun into those places you normally wouldn’t even consider to do it.

[00:24:27] And it can be as simple as how can I invite more fun in? How can I invite more play in?

[00:24:39] What can I do to invite more fun and play in? What can I be to invite more fun and play in? So, let’s take, for example, your, mmm, learning something for the first time in your business with regards to technology, and it feels really difficult, and it feels like the opposite of fun. Well, this is a time we invite you to be led by the higher self.

[00:25:12] Let the higher self make what you may be perceiving as the difficult choices. Just hand those choices over to higher self. You can start with, should I be doing this? Am I the one to do this? Do I need to do this? Does my business really need this? If you get a yes, then it’s good to go to the next question.

[00:25:40] Am I the one to be doing this? Am I the one? If you get a yes,

[00:25:50] then the next question becomes, what can I do or be to add more fun and play to this activity, to this intention. I want to set up this technology for my business. How can I add more fun and play to the process? Usually, you’ll be invited into being light in the situation, treating yourself as you would a child just learning to walk or ride their bike or brush their teeth, your light with them.

[00:26:32] You try to make it fun. So, they want to come back for more. If you make riding a bike difficult and serious and challenging and painful, no child would want to learn how to ride their bike. But you make it light and fun and let’s give it a go and you’re doing great. And ah you want to stop now and pick it up again tomorrow?

[00:26:58] No problem. Treat yourself the same. You’re learning a new technology, well done. You’re learning. It’s an experiment. Be compassionate with yourself. And how can you add fun? Could you watch a how to YouTube video while walking through the forest, could you give yourself rewards for every time you get a new piece of the technology set up?

[00:27:32] Could you listen to music? Could you burn lovely smelling incense? How could you add more pleasure to the process? And when you do that, when you add that pleasure, the portal door to the spiritual realm will open up. And even if your genius, isn’t about setting up technology for your business in this example we’re using, the insights will arrive.

[00:28:02] The flow will come in and the process will have an ease. You’ll be tapping into the ease. And oftentimes when we tap into the ease, insights will arrive to you about how to make it simpler. Our mind likes to over-complicate problems and situations. And so often the solution is found in simplifying.

[00:28:32] Make it simple. How can I make this easier? And when there’s an ease, you’re giving yourself a much more easeful environment to tap into the fun and play because fun and play is easy. It’s easeful, it’s spacious. And when you’re tapped into the ease and you’re finding the simple solutions,

[00:29:07] the solutions come with greater clarity

[00:29:15] and they arrive to you with a magic, with a ha how come I didn’t see this sooner, but this is amazing. This is so much better than I could’ve imagined all because you decided to give yourself compassion, give yourself permission to learn and invite in the fun and play.

[00:29:52] So our invitation for you for this week is to identify two activities. The first activity is something you do routinely every day, such as brush your teeth, and we invite you to add more fun and play in, to tap into the energetic frequency of fun and play into that routine activity and just be open and mindful of how that shifts your energy and your experience.

[00:30:28] The second activity we invite you to identify as one that has been challenging you in your life or business, that’s an activity or a desire or a goal or dream that’s felt challenging. That’s even felt impossible. And we invite you to ask the question, what can I do or be to add more fun and play to this challenge to enable me to align to the magical and mysterious

[00:31:13] solutions that are ready to arrive to me?

[00:31:22] And we wish you blessings. Wow. So, this is Allyson talking again. The channeling is, has been complete. Although I feel like I’m always in a sort of. I’m always in a bit of a channel whenever I’m recording these episodes, but that was a full channel, if you will, where I really was just trying to bring in the insights directly from source without any sort of co-creation on my part.

[00:31:53] And let me tell you, I’m never going to view brushing my teeth the same again. I thought that was a really brilliant example and a brilliant message that came through from source. May you receive it with love, may it enable you to add the fun and play into your experience that wants to come through. So that’s all I have for you dear listener for this week, I am going to be doing a episode next week about why you can’t force fun and what to do instead.

[00:32:27] So it’s going to be a beautiful follow-on to this initial discussion. Thank you, thank you for tuning in and as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:32:43] Hey, did you know that you have a spiritual genius inside of you? And that genius consists of five primary spiritual gifts that when unlocked to their fullest potential, you’re able to use those gifts to serve your clients more deeply, manifest more powerfully and live life more joyfully. Join me for a five-week course, starting in June to unlock your spiritual genius.

[00:33:12] I’m also calling this course your five weeks to enlightenment and in five weeks, you’ll have more clarity about your spiritual gifts, you’ll have received advanced spiritual training to activate those gifts to their fullest and integrate them into your life and business so you can experience more income, more connection, and more flow.

[00:33:34] I’ve never taught these advanced spiritual tools before, and I’m offering this course at a beta price and there’s even an early sign-up bonus. So, I invite you to head on over to forward slash spiritual dash genius. Again, that’s forward slash spiritual dash genius. And you can also find that link in the show notes, and I really hope to have your amazing and magical energy part of this extraordinary experience.


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