Using Social Media to Engage Your Audience While Remaining Unplugged with Ron Reich

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Do you have a love/hate relationship with social media?

You love to use social media to quickly and easily engage your audience but feel icky when you spend too much time on it?

As a soul-guided entrepreneur, you may have a difficult time with social media.

You know that many successful entrepreneurs have used social media to grow their businesses, but you don’t feel excited about it for your own business.

Maybe you may have found it hard to use social media in a way that feels good to you. In a way that feels in-service to your audience and yourself.

Or you have been successfully using social media for your business, but you feel the need to UNPLUG from the platforms to achieve more balance in your life.

And I get it. Social media has its pros and cons and sometimes you may feel that the cons really outweigh the pros.

Well, in today’s episode, we are exploring social media in a NEW way to help you see it in a different light. And I’m willing to bet that reframing the way you think about social media will start getting you excited about using it to grow your business.

My guest today is the amazing Ron Reich, marketing guru and my current marketing coach (so good, he’s on the podcast for a second time!). Let me tell you, when he starts sharing his wisdom about marketing, you want to sit up and pay attention. He is a GENIUS when it comes to growing businesses to 7 and even 8 figures, and it’s an honor to share our conversation about social media with you.

The nuggets that he shares in today’s episode are 100% in-service to you and helping you GROW your audience on social media while still maintaining a balance that feels authentic to you.  

>> LISTEN NOW To learn how to use social media in a way that feels good, engages your audience, and still enables you to feel unplugged at the same time.

Guest Bio: Ron Reich’s mission is to inspire excellence in A-Player entrepreneurs so they can build the businesses of their dreams. He helps successful online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to seven (and even eight) figures through his advanced marketing systems.

In today’s episode, we explore:

  • How to strike the balance creating consistent content on social media that engages your audience while maintaining that UNPLUGGED feeling
  • Social media trends on the horizon that are important to soul-guided entrepreneurs
  • NEW socially conscious social media platforms that are coming online


  • Listen to Episode 18 on How to Make Multi-Six Figures with a Small Following with Ron Reich HERE
  • Check out Cal Newport and his book Digital Minimalism HERE
  • Check out Heroic: Training Platform  HERE

Ron’s Resources: 

  • Visit Ron’s website HERE
  • Learn more about Ron’s Launch Engine Intensive HERE
  • Join Ron’s FREE FB Group HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

1. Find Ron Reich on Facebook and join his Free FB Group: Heroic Profits for Mission-Driven Coaches and Experts 

2. Special Invitation for listeners: DM Ron and let him know Allyson is a mutual friend. He will send you free access to his program, The Anatomy of an A+ Player. 

Allyson Scammel…:         Well, hello, my dear ones. How is it going? I have a really cool fresh episode for you today with content I know you haven’t heard anywhere else. And I’m speaking to the amazing marketing guru and genius, Ron Reich, who happens to be my coach at the moment. I had him on this show a few months ago to talk about how to earn multi-six figures with a small list or a small [00:00:30] audience. So if you haven’t checked that episode out yet, I highly recommend you do. There’s a link in the show notes.

And today, we’re exploring social media trends important to soul-guided entrepreneurs. And when we started the discussion, I wasn’t really sure which direction we were going to take it, but we took it in a pretty cool direction that is in service to you, and I know you are going to enjoy some of the nuggets we uncover. In [00:01:00] today’s episode, Ron and I explore how to strike the balance between creating consistent content on social media that engages your audience while maintaining that unplugged feeling, so you don’t feel like you’re on social media all the time.

Ron reveals trends in social media on the horizon that are important to soul-guided entrepreneurs. And we discuss some new socially conscious social media platforms [00:01:30] that are coming online. We end on an invitation that will have you using social media in a way that feels good, and engages your audience, and enables you to feel and be unplugged at the same time. So be sure to stay with us until the end.

Welcome to Soul Guide Radio, a podcast for soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how [00:02:00] you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson Scammell, your host and soul guide.

Hey there, Soul Guide Circle. That is the name of this community of soul-guided leaders, [00:02:30] influencers and entrepreneurs. In the Soul Guide Circle, we have big soul missions and we yearn to earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1500 leaders and light workers who are in service to each other and the planet. Find a link to join on my website or in the show notes.

Today, we’re talking social media trends, how to plug [00:03:00] in without being overly plugged in, in a way that serves your audience and enables you to grow and thrive. And I’m speaking to the amazing Ron Reich, who is a true expert on this topic. Ron Reich is on a mission to inspire excellence in A player entrepreneurs so they can build the businesses of their dreams.

He helps successful online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to seven and [00:03:30] even eight figures through his advanced marketing systems. Ron and I have a fantastic time exploring this really important and really timely topic that’s in service to you. Please enjoy. Well, hello, Ron Reich. Welcome back to Soul Guide Radio.

Ron Reich:                           I am super excited to be back here.

Allyson Scammel…:         [00:04:00] Only really special people get invited back.

Ron Reich:                           I’m flattered. Thank you so much.

Allyson Scammel…:         You’re so welcome. And so we had you on this show a while ago talking about how to build a list, or how to hit multi-six figures on a smaller list or smaller following. So we’ll leave a link to that episode in the show notes, because I thought it was so good with so many really great actionable nuggets for you guys listening. And so this is a different [00:04:30] topic, but maybe we’ll hit on some similar themes. We’re going to be talking about trends in social media that are particularly relevant for the soul-guided entrepreneur, because soul-guided entrepreneurs have a little bit of a complicated relationship to social media.

Ron Reich:                           Absolutely.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah. Have you noticed that in your work?

Ron Reich:                           Yeah, for sure.

Allyson Scammel…:         Well, you tend to work with people who are … Or do you? Because I know you work with a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs such as myself. But you [00:05:00] work with people who are already making multi-six figures on their way to seven. And by the time they reach you, have they already made peace with their relationship to social media?

Ron Reich:                           I would say that’s pretty correct. Yes. As of right now, I’m trying to think of exceptions. But there are some exceptions, but by and large, most of my seven figure case studies, the people that I’ve coached to seven and multi-seven figure [00:05:30] businesses, most of them definitely had social media, at least one social media platform as an important part of their mix of how they build their audience and generate leads.

The exceptions would be those who for whatever reason were really focused on email. They just have a very, very good email list. They’ve been able to generate traffic [00:06:00] outside of social media to an email list. And typically, that would mean through doing things like speaking and being on podcasts, like we’re recording here, also SEO for example, building their lists through search and some optimization.

But those are the exception, so that is one path of the things I mentioned. But again, by and large, social media has been a thing that has helped a lot of my successful clients. And one of the reasons for that, or the reasons for that, of [00:06:30] course, is that in this day and age, because of social media, because of these platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, all of them, it really is this is the easiest time ever to reach your target audience without paying anything.

If you think back to even like 10 years ago, how the landscapes changed, but if you go about 20 years, if you were looking to reach coaches, for example, you would really have to do some work. I remember when I got [00:07:00] started out, I was not signed to coaches at the time, I was placing ads in magazines. I was putting flyers on cars and things like that. That was the early stage of Google AdWords.

Facebook was not even a thing by then. And if you go back before that, you’d have to, and I did this a little bit as well, you’d have to rent a mailing list and send people stuff in the mail. The point I’m getting at, and this all costs a lot of time and money. These days, again, and [00:07:30] social media still is kind of a shortcut.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah, I like that perspective. It’s a way that we can appreciate social media a little bit when we are not appreciating it. It does make it easier, doesn’t it?

Ron Reich:                           Well, here’s the thing. This is just something that I know you talk about. I believe this came up in our last interview. Everything has a price. [inaudible 00:07:55]. Everything has as a price, and [00:08:00] there’s pros and cons to everything. The good thing about social media is that, generally, is that you can reach your audience very cheaply. And then of course there’s all sorts of prices that you have to pay. There’s all such of negative things about social media and you have to decide to what extent you’re willing to play that game.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah, so true. All right. Let’s talk about that, to what extent. I think that tees up my first [00:08:30] question really nicely. I think a lot of people in this audience struggle to … Because on the one hand they want to live these unplugged lives, and not be overly on our phones and on the computer and whatnot, but on the other hand show up consistently on social media to grow an audience. How do you strike the balance between being unplugged and being on social media?

Ron Reich:                           Okay. Yeah, this is one of my absolute favorite topics. A good resource out to people [00:09:00] is one of my favorite authors, maybe even my favorite author, a guy by the name of Cal Newport. He wrote quite a few great books, but one book that I recommend people check out it’s called Digital Minimalism. And it’s really about what we’re talking about here.

And one of the big picture, he’s not on any social media platforms. And really, you want to spend the least amount of time possible on social media and on technology in general. This also will include email. But the thing is, here’s the thing, [00:09:30] you want to think about he’s not saying, and I would not say this either, is it’s not about being completely anti-technology. You’re in Holland, I’m in Columbia. We are having this interview. Technology is freaking awesome. Technology is amazing.

This is like we’re in the future. This is amazing. What you want to be thinking about is how could you be, not just a digital minimalist, but in [00:10:00] this context, how can you be a social media minimalist, in the sense that what’s essentially the least amount of … I’m not going to say time and effort, but I’m going to say, what are the important levers, the things that we can …

How can we use social media for our benefit without getting sucked into the bad things about social media, right? Because again, it’s not about not using social media. Because the truth of the matter is, [00:10:30] is that for you listening to this, I promise you it’s going to be easy for you to hit your income goals and make a bigger impact, and you’re going to be able to do it faster if you use social media to your benefit versus just say, “I’m totally going to be off social media.” I’m just telling you the truth. I’m just being honest because I want you to be successful. Okay, so how do we do that? Well, I would use myself as a case study.

Allyson Scammel…:         Can I just pop in here to say, Ron, you are the perfect case [00:11:00] study for this, because I truly … You’re not paying me to say this. I think you are brilliant at this. You as a case study, this is the real deal. Ron, really, I feel like you’re brilliant about showing up consistently on social media, creating amazing content and being an unplugged person who isn’t slaved to your technology.

Ron Reich:                           Well, thank you so much. I receive that, I appreciate that. And so here’s actually how you do it. I’ll tell you, I’ll give you behind the canal or whatever [00:11:30] the medical is.

Allyson Scammel…:         I’m taking notes.

Ron Reich:                           Here’s the thing, is that typically my … I’m quite active on Facebook. Most of the action happens on both my personal Facebook profile as well as in my free Facebook group. And then I also do stuff on Instagram. I started [inaudible 00:11:54] on Instagram. And I’ll just tell you that I’m [00:12:00] quite active on the two platforms.

I personally spend an average at maybe, really an average of 20 minutes a day or less on between those three things. I’m not really spending a lot of time on social media, but this is digital minimalism, social media minimalism, but I am having it used for me. So how exactly do I do that? Well, I’ll explain it to you. Essentially what I do is my main system is [00:12:30] I’ll go on certain platforms at specific scheduled times a day.

And typically, my preference is I will typically go … I like to post things in the morning. So typically most days I’ll post one thing in the morning on Facebook and one thing in the morning on Instagram. Sometimes my team posts stuff on Instagram, to be honest, because I’m really bad with Instagram. But with carousel, single image stuff I can [00:13:00] do myself and it’s easy and I love doing carousels. And other fancy stuff, other people do it for me.

But anyways, what I’m getting at is that. Here’s my typical daily social routine. I will spend time, if it’s a Facebook post, I’ll spend them writing the post. And I did not write the post on social media. I will write the actual content in a word document. And once the post is finished and I edit it, et cetera, I will spend literal … This takes literally three minutes, like two minutes. I will go into Facebook, I [00:13:30] will post the article. And then I will look at it to make sure that still it’s good, let’s just see it live.

And then I delete, not delete, I X out of Facebook. And I typically do not check Facebook until later on the day, typically in the late afternoon or early afternoon at about 3:00, 4:00. And then what I’ll do as part of that … And sometimes I’ll also post something in my group as well. I might post two things, so that might take four or five minutes.

 [00:14:00] And then in the afternoon I will look at the post and I’ll see if there’s any comment, see if there’s any engagement, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And again, I typically use a timer and I’ll schedule just about 15, 20 minutes of that. And there you go, that’s your 20 minutes per day. Instagram, I am doing more stuff on Instagram and I am having more people do stuff for me on Instagram.

On Instagram, I personally will just go in and … I do the same. I’ll go in and post stuff, and then I will, at the end of the day, I’ll like [00:14:30] people’s comments and things like that. If there’s any engagement, I’ll respond to them, et cetera. I do have other people, I do my team do some other stuff, like some other Instagram engagement stuff as well, which I actually do not do. I have that [inaudible 00:14:47].

 Again, that’s kind of a 20 minute per day email schedule. And just one other thing I’ll mention here is that one part of social media course is that’s on the content aspect. And then the other aspect of it [00:15:00] is actually what you call querying clients doing sales, doing prospecting, having DM Messenger conversations. And that’s that. I do that at scheduled times during the day.

Typically, if I’m really in sales mode, I’ll block out time in the morning where I’m just focused on basically doing the DM thing and having conversations with people. And then if I’m less in the sales push, I’ll do the same thing. At the end of the day, I won’t actually check the, [00:15:30] or DM people until the afternoon, and that’s when I’ll spend time having conversations with people and things like that.

Really, this is kind of told. There’s no reason why anyone could not do what I just mentioned. It’s just about having the discipline to realize what really moves the needle. It’s not checking your phone every five minutes, it’s posting content, responding to comments and not being a slave to the phone.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah. And I notice you’re not doing a lot [00:16:00] of consuming. You’re creating content and engaging with users, but I don’t hear a lot of scrolling newsfeeds and consuming.

Ron Reich:                           No. Zero consume. It’s called the newsfeed direct eradicator. It’s an extension that actually eradicates the newsfeed on Facebook so you don’t even see it. I think they might even have them for the device. But I hardly ever watch and use my device. [00:16:30] That’s another kind of, I guess you could call it the hack, is that I always use the desktop version of both Facebook and Instagram. But there’s a couple things that you kind of hack that divide the iOS version of Instagram for the stuff we’re talking, but you don’t need to do everything on desktop.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah. I think I just recently got to the point where I’m with you, Ron, consuming extremely little on social media, and basically just creating and engaging. [00:17:00] And I have to say, I am so much happier. You know these studies all coming out about these teenage girls are … Instagram is leading them to like 25% more depressed. I believe it. I feel it. I would say it was about a month ago, I really kind of stopped all social media consumption and I feel a difference in my energy. I really do.

Ron Reich:                           Absolutely. The thing is there are [00:17:30] for you [inaudible 00:17:30] for all of us. There are better things to do. You have way better things to do than spend time on scrolling social media. It’s the ultimate low value activity. Read a book instead, or [inaudible 00:17:46] instead, go for a walk instead, instead of DMing someone.

 Now, if you’re doing things intentionally, like we’re talking, if you’re doing things intentionally, like trying to get clients, that’s all good. Thumbs up on that. But you’re probably better off spending [00:18:00] time with your kids, or with your significant other or with a good friend, calling them in real life than liking the person you went to high school with 10 years ago post.

Allyson Scammel…:         And I think maybe a listener is out there saying, “Okay, you guys, that’s all well and good. You’re saying on the one hand create content and then on the other hand don’t consume. But then who, if everybody followed that advice, who would be consuming the content?” And I think there’s a difference [00:18:30] between what you just said, Ron, liking somebody you haven’t actually spoken to or been in the physical presence of in 10 years, and probably never even liked that much 10 years ago.

Liking the meal they made for dinner, the photo of it. And the type of content you post and I post is educational. We’re teaching people. We’re teachers. And so I feel like consuming my content, whether it be on an email or a podcast or a Facebook [00:19:00] post is educational, and it is in this case, I think, a valuable use of consuming. What do you think about that?

Ron Reich:                           For sure. Yeah. I mean, no one’s really asked me this question before. I’m trying to even think of a good answer. But it is correct that I put out a lot of content on social media, but I perceive you do not spend a lot of time consuming content on social media for the reasons why we’re out worrying.

I think I would almost get more just an answer [00:19:30] to this in the sense that when you put out content and you’re consistent with it, and you’re putting stuff that’s good, the right people are going to find your content. And that’s just how it is.

And I guess this is one of those things where … I don’t even know how to answer this. But the truth of the matter is that a lot of people, a lot of them just don’t have the discipline to be like us and not spend time on social media, not spend time consuming.

 The vast majority of people who are better [inaudible 00:20:00] [00:20:00] for example, as I’m talking about this, it is almost like a self-selected type thing, because I’m … My goal is to get clients on Facebook, right? That’s one of my main avenues, right? Therefore kind of by definition, the only people who are going to become my clients are people who are into consuming contact on Facebook. Right?

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah.

Ron Reich:                           Yeah, I think we just have to accept the fact that, that’s kind of what it is. And then the truth of the matter is, after [00:20:30] they become my clients, you being an example of this, they do spend less time on social media, so it all works out.

Allyson Scammel…:         That’s true. You’re a good role model. But I do think, Ron, let’s say that you wanted to learn something completely new. Is there anything that you would go to social media to learn?

Ron Reich:                           Okay. Perfect case study is really set that specific to social media. For example, [inaudible 00:20:52] therefore in order for me to up my Instagram game, when I was really starting out here, [00:21:00] I [inaudible 00:21:01] things like that, but then I would have to spend time going on people who were doing well on Instagram, and I would spend time looking at their posts and the kind of pictures that they were doing, the kind of stuff they were posting.

 Same thing, when I started out doing Facebook, doing the Facebook thing a lot, I spent time looking at what people are doing, and reverse engineering it and then kind of coming up with my own stuff. Really, if I’m being honest, other [00:21:30] than that, I wouldn’t … If I wanted to learn something, Facebook or Instagram would not be my first choice. Although YouTube is actually … YouTube actually is legitimate actually for a lot of stuff, because you can …

 For example, I’m thinking about … It’s actually quite popular here where I live in Barranquilla, Columbia. I’m thinking about starting to do kiteboarding pretty soon. And I was just kind of like, “Oh, I might do this. I might start doing this in a few weeks.” [inaudible 00:21:59] And [00:22:00] actually, there’s a school here giving out lessons, but I also didn’t Google how to kiteboard, I went to YouTube and I typed in how to kiteboard. And of course there’s all these video tutorials.

And so that would be a legitimate thing that I would spend time. But yeah, a lot of times I’ll use YouTube because I like videos. I have this new, it’s kind of a couple years out of date, this need printer. It’s a wireless printer, and I couldn’t figure out how to connect it to my computer, so I’m like, ” [00:22:30] How to connect X, Y, Z printer,” [inaudible 00:22:33]. Hopefully that answers your question.

Allyson Scammel…:         It does. I think that the bottom line is, the point is your people, so the listeners of this podcast, your audiences are interested in hearing what you have to say in social media, right?

Ron Reich:                           Yeah, absolutely. The truth that matters is that people are there, they’re on social … Your people, because we have a similar market, the market of spiritual [00:23:00] business people, they are on social media. In real life, this is the whole thing. Do you want to swim upstream or do you want to go with the flow? They’re on social media. They’re on Instagram. They’re on Facebook. They’re on TikTok. Right? Again, you can make things harder for yourself by saying, “Oh, I’m not going to do that,” or you can make things easier for yourself by saying, “Okay, I’ll play the game.”

Allyson Scammel…:         Yes, I agree. [00:23:30] This is something I hear a lot from my clients who are a little bit more at the beginning of their journey, and they’ll say, “Allyson, I created a Facebook group three months ago. I post consistently and I’m not getting any engagement.” What do you say to people who would say that to you? I’m ready to give up.

Ron Reich:                           No, if I’m being honest, I myself have experience with this. For whatever reason, [00:24:00] I don’t think it makes sense for us to spend time [inaudible 00:24:01]. Facebook groups specifically, engagement has really gone down for everybody, I think since about, maybe since about June or so. Things I would say there is that I do think that, okay, two things, on one hand, if you have a Facebook group and you have a decent amount of people in it, it probably is a legitimate asset.

 Again, we’re looking to optimize. Probably if you’re posting every day, or two or three times a day, you’re not getting any engagement, really [00:24:30] the 80-20 of a Facebook group is really posting about three times a week. Really, you want to be doing maybe one or two good articles just per week and then do a weekly Facebook Live, a weekly livestream.

That’s kind of what you want to do, and I would encourage people to do that consistently. And I think it’s good to be consistent there, but then most likely you’re going to be better off. Kind of get your content system in place, and then you need to prioritize getting more people [00:25:00] in the group versus more eyeballs. Because the thing about Facebook groups is that there’s just a very good container of your more engaged people.

 Honestly, I’ll do Facebook live, I’m doing a weekly Facebook Live, sometimes there’s only like two or three people listening live. Honestly, sometimes no one who’s listening to them live. But I still do them, and then later on there can be one or two people who would [00:25:30] comment or they would ask questions. But then that one or two persons also became a client, right?

It’s like there’s strength in small numbers. That’s what a lot of people have to realize. If you’re going about things the right way, and we don’t have time to get into this, the details of it, but we’re not really looking to sign up a million clients. We’re looking to get just a few awesome dream clients to hit our revenue goals.

That’s [00:26:00] where I would say for starters, who’s looking to give up, if you really do have a group with some people in it who have been active in the past, it’s probably a legitimate asset, I wouldn’t just give up on it. But at the same time, you want to consider adding some more stuff. Still, I personally being more engaging on my personal profile, then there’s other social media platforms, there’s Instagram [inaudible 00:26:22]. It makes sense to be able [inaudible 00:26:25].

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that’s good. It’s kind of like checking in, [00:26:30] making sure that you’ve got a consistent schedule and you’re posting consistently. And then also just double-checking that if in this example, the Facebook group is the right option for you, and maybe it’s not, and testing other things. And that’s really the big thing about social media, right? It’s like testing, testing, testing until you start to find some formulas that work. You-

Ron Reich:                           [inaudible 00:26:53].

Allyson Scammel…:         … Yeah. You had said that there has been a trend, that’s really what this episode … We’ve been talking about other [00:27:00] things, but one of the big things I wanted us to get into a little bit are trends in social media. You had mentioned that there’s been some changes in Facebook group engagement. What are some of the other trends that you’ve noticed in social media that might be of interest to this particular audience?

Ron Reich:                           Okay. A few interesting things that has come up recently are it does appear that … It’s really interesting. Facebook is weird, I’ll tell you that much for sure. [00:27:30] I would just say one thing is that Facebook is more of a … Facebook isn’t really a great way, in my experience, to really draw your audience and get new leads. It’s really more of a great place to be in front of the people who are already following you and kind of warm them up and get them to eventually become clients.

It’s more of a closed universe, if that makes sense. Having said that, one thing we’ve noticed is that Facebook is weird, like I mentioned. On one hand, Facebook [00:28:00] specifically, they are [inaudible 00:28:03]. Facebook seems to not be so … Organic reach for everyone has been down quite a bit, both in groups and on your personal page, if you do that, which I do and you do as well. That has been down.

Who knows why. But most of you hypothesize that Facebook wants you to. They want you to pay money, or they want to pay to play, so they’re not really into that, which [00:28:30] that makes sense to me. And at the same time say, “Okay, great, Facebook, I want to play the game. Let me do some advertising.” But then as you know, as many people know if you’re running ads, ever since the new iOS updates about privacy and things like that, Facebook ads have been harder for a lot of people as well, and so it’s like, “Okay, what are you doing here?”

 Because of those two things, I would say as far as trends go, right now is a good time to be looking at other platforms, even [00:29:00] if you’re already using Facebook. And the other things to keep in mind though is that Facebook is still working well, in my experience and experience with my clients, for people who are already pretty engaged with you. Facebook does serve your posts to the people who you’ve had Messenger conversations with, for example.

You’re going to have your kind of core people that are consistently liking your post, your kind for super fans, Facebook is still showing that content, so you’re still [00:29:30] good there. And that’s kind of your hardest audience. I would say it’s good to continue that, but really you want to be looking to grow your audience outside of Facebook, which brings me to as far as trends go. I mean, really, as of right now, I mean, it’s certainly an evolving platform, but Instagram is really good.

There’s a lot of opportunities on Instagram. One of the big things with Instagram is that everything is becoming more visual, and video is the wave of the future. But also, [00:30:00] Facebook, I mean so the company Meta, what used to be Facebook, also owns Instagram, as most of us know, but Instagram is way more, they’re way more friendly to …

 A big part of Instagram is like personal brands, influencers and things like that. Instagram is pretty cool with you wanting to promote your brand on Instagram. In my opinion, it’s actually more business friendly than Facebook is right now. That’s [00:30:30] one thing that we’re seeing on Instagram. I know anecdotally I’ve gone deep down this rabbit hall. A lot of people are getting a lot of cheap traffic and a lot of good engagement on TikTok, so that’s … Especially if you’re looking towards younger people.

That is the thing. LinkedIn is actually, and seems like it’s … If that’s your market, if it makes sense for you to be on LinkedIn, I haven’t seen that, I haven’t heard any [00:31:00] bad things about that, it’s like anything you have to be consistent with, et cetera, et cetera. So-

Allyson Scammel…:         My clients seem to have a lot of luck on LinkedIn, using LinkedIn for direct messaging.

Ron Reich:                           Yeah, absolutely. For sure.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like Instagram is a better place to be for organic growth.

Ron Reich:                           I would say so. Yeah.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah.

Ron Reich:                           If you’re at earlier stages and you are considering Facebook versus Instagram, I would lean towards [00:31:30] Instagram, to be honest. If you don’t already have traction on Facebook, I would lean towards Instagram.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah. Cool. All right, Ron. That is all super interesting. And what if we got out your crystal ball and we looked into it, what do you … And we know this is just projections and having fun here and looking into the future. What do you hypothesize to be some of the trends going ahead a year or two into the future?

Ron Reich:                           Yeah, so this is actually quite interesting. [00:32:00] The trend that’s really been happening for quite a while and I don’t really see it changing is that there’s just so … People’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter and shorter, and there’s so much media, there’s all these social media platforms, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And I just think this is going to be exponential, generally, which all the platforms over these next couple years.

[00:32:30] And as a result of that, there’s two things to keep in mind, and it kind of leads to the same place. One thing to keep in mind is that because people’s attentions are, there are so many options and their attention is so scattered, the more you can be super targeted, because people are looking for exactly what they’re looking for, right?

When you sign in to Netflix or when you go onto YouTube or whatever, when you go onto any of them, you’re looking at your feed, right, which is exactly what you [00:33:00] are into, right? The more you as an expert or a soul-guided business person can really be exactly what your target market is looking for, that’s going to help you stand out.

 It should about being hyper-niched. That’s going to be important more now and in the future. That’s important now and it’s going to be very important in the future as well, probably more important. And the flip side of this, or the plus [00:33:30] one of this is that, because you are getting so numb with technology, they actually are craving that actual personal connection.

The more you can actually connect with your people, have an actual personal connection with them, earn social media, the better of you’re going to be. And even beyond that, I know the topic is social media, but even to be honest, taking people off, taking your clients off of social media is going to be a good thing to do.

That’s why I am doing live events, sending them stuff in the mail, getting on actual calls with them. Having that actual face [00:34:00] to face communication is going to be huge. It’s like this has been happening for the last couple years, it’s just going even faster in that direction.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah. And so using social media to get new leads, potentially, and then once you have established that connection, inviting them off social media. Does that sounds like what you’re saying?

Ron Reich:                           Yeah, absolutely. For sure. And of course you can still have things like DMing, and sending them videos via DMs to have that actually personal touch, that makes a huge [00:34:30] difference as well. But yeah, for sure, 100%, the real magic happens in any kind of one to one or somehow live conversation.

Allyson Scammel…:         Yeah. And in the hyper-niched, is it that we need to have a hyper-niched audience or that our topics need to be more specific. If we’re doing a Facebook live, we have a very specific topic that we’re talking about.

Ron Reich:                           Well, it’s kind of, I would say kind of one niche to the other. The more you can [00:35:00] really target who exactly is your dream client, who exactly are you looking for, what are their exact problems, what exactly are their exact emotional drivers, that’s our first step. Right? And then step two is, “Okay. Well, what content are these people going to respond to?” And then that gets us to the other part of the question. It’s really that’s it. Know who your audience is and then crafting content that’s specific to them. But yeah, that content is probably going to be quite specific for sure.

Allyson Scammel…:         [00:35:30] Good stuff. All right. We’re talking about here trends in social media, and there’s a light side and a dark side to it. And a lot of people in the spiritual community resist being too much on social media for a variety of reasons that we’ve already talked about. And then there’s some spiritual teachers that are actually getting off of Facebook, for example, because they feel as though they’re being censored, and they’re noticing certain topics they talk [00:36:00] about will get banned or will have …

I’m friends with one spiritual teacher, and she has a pretty large following on Facebook, and she said she’s been saying stuff, talking about stuff lately that is maybe not so … I guess Facebook hasn’t maybe really agreed with it, and she’s noticed that her viewership has gone from thousands to in the lower hundreds.

She is looking to [00:36:30] pack up her junk bunk and trunk and move off Facebook because of that. I’m not in that camp yet, but I’m kind of like … I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like I just want to give Facebook a middle finger. But I suppose they’re listening to me now, so I should be nice so I don’t get … They’re always listening. I don’t know.

There is this sort of Facebook ick factor. I feel like it’s like they’re always listening. What is my question? I don’t know. We’ve already talked about this a little bit. [00:37:00] Have you noticed, are there any more socially conscious, less data miney, censorshipy platforms out there that you see coming up?

 I know I have some people say good things about Mighty Networks. What are some of the other ones? My team and I were making a list in case I decide to move off of Facebook. What do you say to this conversation, or what reaction do you have?

Ron Reich:                           Okay, a couple things. First, one thing, so I’m actually very excited. I’m actually currently working [00:37:30] with a company called … You can check them out. It’s called They’re going to be launching. It’s all about helping people. The mission of the companies to have 51% of the world flourishing by the year 2051. We have some ways to go on this.

 And this is really about the founder, who’s a good friend of mine, Brian Johnson. He’s not so excited about treating this virtual reality that Facebook/Meta is looking to create and kind of the way things are going with all this technology. [00:38:00] He wants to create a virtuous reality. That’s like the big mission for everybody to be their best who are excelled.

And so they’re launching an app actually on April 4th. And it’s going to be an app to start with, but they’re launching an actual community, like a social media platform community. That’s probably going to be about a year from now. That, I think, is going to be a really, really good kind of place where a lot of these soul-guided entrepreneurs who listen to this are going to want to hang out.

That’s just one thing I want to mention. [00:38:30] You can go check them out at The other thing, to answer your first question though, when you’re talking about this woman getting censored, here’s what I’ll say. And I’m just being honest, I’ve been doing this for a long time, is the conversation is a little bit different. Two things, one thing is, is if you’re getting censored, that means you’re talking about things that somewhat are hot button issues.

 There’s all sorts of politics. Everybody has their opinion, all sorts of different stuff. What I’m getting at is that we all need [00:39:00] to decide early on in our business career if we’re a personal branded, if we’re the front person of whether or not we want be political, if we want to take on these political topics. Whatever you want to do is super awesome. Perfect.

If you believe [inaudible 00:39:19], that’s super cool. And if you feel as like you [inaudible 00:39:24] that conversation, that’s super cool. Personally, I actually don’t talk about politics at all [00:39:30] on social media just because [inaudible 00:39:33]. I don’t think that energy is really, really good. But if you want to be political, realize that, that actually can be to your benefit, right? Because you attract to the degree you’re willing to repel.

There other people that will either hate your message, there’s going to be the other 50% who are listening that love that you’re talking about it. If I wanted be talking about politics or hot button issues, and they [00:40:00] topics that Facebook does know, but I know Facebook specifically doesn’t like, then yeah, your mission really is going to be migrating your audience from Facebook to a different platform.

That’s really how you’re going to have to do it. If it’s true that, which I believe it’s true, it is true, Facebook in this context is actually watching you and all that. It doesn’t need to be super complicated. [00:40:30] It could just be mainly having everybody [inaudible 00:40:33] on Facebook to get it to your email list and having email as your main form of communication, for example. It doesn’t need to be this big drastic thing, you can still make it work.

Allyson Scammel…:         Basically what you’re saying, tell me where I’m wrong, that understand the game that you play in. Like you said, there’s certain hot button issues that are going to … And if you’re touching those buttons, then Facebook is going to potentially have a response. If [00:41:00] you feel like it’s important and part of your mission to have conversations about that, then yeah, there are other platforms and that’s what we’re talking about now. And this sounds really cool. I love virtuous reality.

Ron Reich:                           Right. That’s kind of awesome, huh?

Allyson Scammel…:         That is really awesome. I mean, the bottom line is, I think, one of the main points that’s coming through here is that using social media to connect to your people and finding a way [00:41:30] that you can, finding those different platforms where your people are hanging out and that you really feel like you can express yourself and get your messages across. And I think that from my own experience, when I started my business, I’d worked in government, I’d worked … I had high level security clearances for a while, so I couldn’t even be on social media.

And when I launched my business, I had been off social media for years. And so I have this amazing learning curve and I really hated it at first. And I was totally one of those [00:42:00] people who resisted it, but then I just figured out a way to make it work. And my primary platform is Facebook. Do I get frustrated with it? Do I sometimes feel like I get an ick factor? Yeah. Do I meet all sorts of amazing clients through Facebook? Yeah. It’s like you had said earlier in the conversation, it’s like you take the good and leave the bad. Right?

Ron Reich:                           Yeah. And to that point, I think … That’s actually one thing, I totally agree. Exactly that. And again, as [00:42:30] a spiritual entrepreneur, we all know that, or as spiritual entrepreneurs, the whole thing … We all know this, right? It’s like what we focus on expands, right? This is one of the laws of attraction. We talked about more in our last interview. Be sure to check that out if you have not already. But exactly this.

Facebook is what it is, right? Or all these social media platforms are what they are. And you could spend time [00:43:00] thinking about exactly what you just mentioned, all the awesome things that are coming to you from Facebook or whichever one, all the basic clients, all the littlest, the actual millions of people that you can connect with.

  And if you think about that, that’s going to expand, that’s going to improve your vibration, that’s going to lead you to a [inaudible 00:43:22]. Or you can spend time thinking about the negative things, the things you don’t like about Facebook, how they’re sensory of people or whatnot, how my engagement is low. As you know, [00:43:30] we all create our own realities and we attract what we are. And this is true for everything in life, including social media platforms. That would be another way I would consider looking at this as well.

Allyson Scammel…:         Absolutely. Wherever you decide to be, create a positive relationship. And I think this is true. If you find the most socially conscious platform in the world, there’s going to be things about it. There’s going to be functionality flaws. There’s no social media utopia, not yet anyway. Maybe it’s coming.

Ron Reich:                           [00:44:00] Yeah.

Allyson Scammel…:         No. You just have to learn to compromise. And just as you were saying, Ron, focus on the things that are working and focus on the things that you feel good about.

Ron Reich:                           Yeah, absolutely. Just one last note there. One of my good friends, Susie Moore, who’s super amazing, she says … She’s like the happiest, most confident person I know and she’s totally smashing it in her business. And she says, “Whenever I make a decision, I fall in love with it.”

Allyson Scammel…:         That’s good. That is so good. [00:44:30] As you decide where you want to be on social media, fall in love with it. That is a great point to wrap this episode up on. But before we do, Ron, a couple questions for you. First, before I ask how listeners can find you, can you leave our listeners with an invitation?

Ron Reich:                           Yes. I actually have a pretty special of invitation that I would check with that I would invite them to is … Actually though, speaking of social media, go find me on Facebook. [00:45:00] I would invite you to join my group. There’s a lot of amazing free content in there. There’s hours and hours of video training. And it’s a special invitation just for those listening to this.

If you join the group, send me a personal message, send me a PM. And let me know that you are a friend of Allyson, and I’ll send you free access to one of my program, which is a $500 program called The Anatomy of an A+ Player, which will really show you how to really accomplish goals, increase [00:45:30] your energy, become more learned and all these amazing things. It’s actually a [inaudible 00:45:34] program, but I’ll happily give it to you for free as a friend of Allyson.

Allyson Scammel…:         Aw, thanks, Ron. And really listeners, do jump on this, Ron. And this is God’s honest truth. I tend to get a teacher and really consume for that teacher for a longer period of time. And Ron is that teacher in my life right now. I am not consuming content on social media, [00:46:00] except for Ron. Ron, I read your posts. And the reason why is it because it’s enriching and I’m learning.

Whether it’s paid or free, you offer the highest quality stuff. Really, that is coming from the heart. Listeners, take advantage of this offer. You will not regret it. Ron is a gifted teacher, and he just has a way. The word that always comes to me is value. You just leave your clients, [00:46:30] your consumers with so much value in all the stuff that you do. Thank you so much for that amazing offer.

Ron Reich:                           Well, absolutely. Excited to connect with your audience even more.

Allyson Scammel…:         Perfect. And we will leave the link to your Facebook group in the show notes. Well, Ron, thank you so, so, so much for taking the time to chat with us today. I loved this topic. I learned so much. Really, really grateful for your wisdom.

Ron Reich:                           Great to be here. Talk to you soon.

Allyson Scammel…:         [00:47:00] And that’s a wrap for today. I want to thank you dear listeners so much for tuning in and listening each week. I’m so grateful for are you. And as always, until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days? Then download my free Energy Upgrade [00:47:30] Meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website,, as well as in the show notes.


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