The You-est You: Unleashing the Next-Level of You with Julie Reisler

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One key characteristic all soul-guided entrepreneurs share is that:

We are called from the deepest part of our soul to show up authentically.
But yet, there are times when we hide the truest parts of ourselves from others. Or we make decisions that feel bad based on what others want.

As a lightworker, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. Those times when you aren’t being true to your heart and inner knowing, and it feels awful.

But what if you could be connected to your core authenticity on a daily basis so that you can show up as your truest self? This means doing things that others might not like but doing it only because it’s for YOU. And feeling the joy you receive from being fully aligned with your true self.

Well, in today’s episode with the AMAZING Julie Reisler, we delve right into the topic of staying connected to your authenticity. Julie shares how to tap into the you-est you and unleash the next level of you.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Julie is the founder and CEO of Empowered Living. She is Master Transformational Coach and Life Designer that helps women reclaim their you-est selves in order to redesign their lives from the inside out.

During our conversation, she offers some profound questions for you to discover the you-est parts of you and what you want in this life. Because getting more of what you want SKYROCKETS the joy you experience on the journey.  

Julie’s questions touched me very deeply and made me think in a way I haven’t before. I know it’s going to help you SHIFT things in both your life and business.

You’re not going to miss one minute of today’s episode to hear the super juicy nuggets we uncovered!

>> LISTEN NOW To learn how to fully align with your you-est you so you can show up in your life and business just as you are meant to and TRULY experience the joy of the journey.

Guest Bio:

Julie Reisler, founder and CEO of Empowered Living, is a Master Transformational Coach, Bestselling Author, TEDx Speaker, and Podcast Host of The You-est You®️.

Julie has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, The Chopra Center, and Thrive Global and is the author of the Get a PhD in YOU book series. She is a multi-time TEDx speaker and teacher on the popular app, Insight Timer, with over 145,000 downloads.

Julie is also the founder of the Life Designer® Coaching Certification Academy and Sacredology® Community. Julie has a master’s degree in health and wellness coaching and is on the faculty at Georgetown University in their coaching program. She loves guiding big-hearted spiritual entrepreneurs to be their ‘You-est You’ in their careers and life.

In today’s episode, we explore:

  • The most common reasons why we struggle to be our true authentic selves
  • What it means to live your highest potential and most authentic life
  • How to unleash the next-level you


  • Listen to Episode #18 with Ron Reich HERE

Julie’s Resources: 

  • To find out your intuitive type, take Julie’s assessment HERE
  • To find out more about the Life Designer Coaching Academy, click HERE
  • To find our more about her Sacredology Membership, click HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation:

1. If you don’t have one yet, start a meditation or silence practice. 

2. Find a question that spoke to you in this episode and journal about it. 

[00:00:00] Well, hello there. My dear ones, how are we doing today? I hope you are super fantastic because we have a super fantastic episode for you. I had an amazing time speaking to today’s guest and she and I were just connected. We are soul sisters and we’ve been together somewhere sometime. I think we were buddies or I’m not sure what.

[00:00:28] We really just did connect on this episode, which I think really created some super juicy information, insights, awareness that are really going to serve you in powerful and profound ways. And before I get into today’s episode topic, I do want to give a shout out to BeLindsey. She gave this podcast a super amazing rating and review, and I’d just like to share it with you guys

[00:00:58] now. She says, I love this podcast and am consistently inspired to infuse my life with more of my own goodness and gifts. Thank you for supporting such expanded growth. Well, thank you, Be Lindsey. I really appreciate the feedback. And if you are feeling inspired and connected to this podcast and you’re feeling so called then give us a rating and review.

[00:01:24] I would be so grateful. So, if you’ve been thinking to yourself, yeah, yeah. I need to give Allyson a rating and review and I just haven’t got to it. Now is the time my friend. And I’ll give you some love on a future episode. Okay. So today we have a really cool topic and a magnificent guest. We’re talking about how to tap into the you-Est

[00:01:48] you and unleash the next level of you. And I’m speaking to Julie Reisler about this super cool topic and like I mentioned, she, and I just had a really amazing connection, and she just has, she offers some profound questions in today’s episode for you to think about and explore. And these questions like really touched me and I hadn’t ever heard them before in this way.

[00:02:18] So I think this is really new stuff that is going to, that you haven’t heard before. That is really going to help you shift things in your life and business. So, you are in the right place today my friends. So, in today’s episode, Julie and I explore the most common reasons why we struggle to be our true, authentic selves, what it means to live your highest, potential, and most authentic life and how to unleash the next level

[00:02:50] you. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you fully aligning with your you-Est you so you can show up in your life and business just as you’re meant to. So, you can attract just the right people and truly experience the joy of the journey. So, you’re gonna want to stay with us until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio.

[00:03:18] A podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:03:40] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:03:49] Hey there, soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1400 leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other

[00:04:13] and the planet. Today, we’re talking about how to unleash the next level you and our guest today is an expert. Julie Reisler is the founder and CEO of empowered living. She’s a master transformational coach, best-selling author, TEDx speaker, and podcast host of the You-Est You. Julie is also the founder of the life designer coaching certification academy and sacredology community.

[00:04:44] Julia has a master’s degree in health and wellness coaching, is on the faculty at Georgetown university in their coaching program. She loves guiding big hearted, spiritual entrepreneurs to be there You-Est you in their careers and life. Julie and I had just a blast connecting on this topic. We really go deep, and I have a hunch you’re really going to receive a lot of amazing insights from this conversation.

[00:05:11] So please enjoy.

[00:05:22] Welcome, Julie. I’m so, so thrilled to have you here on soul guide radio. Thank you. Thank you. I, what an honor. I love what you’re talking about. I’m thrilled to be in your energy and with your beautiful listeners. And I’m excited to dive in. So, you have an amazing podcast, and we were just chit chatting about it a little bit before, you get incredible guests on your show.

[00:05:45] Thank you. You know, I I’ve always said it’s like, I feel like when I birthed my children, right. A labor of love, I just, I really like you want to just help as many people to feel connected to their best self, their higher self, and the message comes in all forms from all different kinds of amazing human beings.

[00:06:04] And it’s, it’s an honor and gift to, to be sharing some of that light. I call it my podcast, my labor of love too, yes

[00:06:15] Oh my gosh. I agree. Because it does, you know, what is it? I remember Brooke Castillo did an episode once on the compound effect. I know that there was a book about this. I didn’t read the book, but I heard Brooke’s episode about the compound effect. And she was talking about like, okay, so let’s say you have a podcast, and you release an episode every Wednesday and that every Wednesday you show up, no matter what, even if you have your days where you just don’t feel like it, but you are committed to it.

[00:06:45] There is a compound effect. Now I’m not advocating for burnout or anything like that. But I am saying there is something for showing up for the things that you really do love and that service. And then that compound, I do believe that compound effect kicks in and it creates that momentum. I, I I’m with you. And I think there’s something about like, you know, we started with an intention, you know, having that intention and really no matter,

[00:07:08] exactly. There’s some weeks trust me. I’m like, yeah. Not feeling my best and it’s, it doesn’t matter. And I think that’s also how we build efficacy and trust with ourselves as well. So, like, we show up for what we love, no matter what. Yeah. Yeah. And, and I’m totally with you. And I think that, yeah, the labor of love podcast is such, it’s like, so defines what we’re talking about in that.

[00:07:30] So let us talk about the You-Est you, which I love, and I love unleashing the next level of you, which is what we’re going to talk about today. And it’s really interesting. I have to share a little story here. I’m feeling called. We were connected you and I, by the amazing Ron Reich, who I think we’re, we’re both big Ron fans.

[00:07:51] And I got the intuitive hit years ago when a client of his was my coach and she said, this was several years ago. So, kind of before we were talking, before you heard that next level you expression, which is which, like I had never heard of next level you before. And I remember she said, well, I was talking to my coach and my coach asked me to ask myself, what would the next level you do?

[00:08:18] And I thought, I just, like, I got the intuitive hit. I don’t know who her coach is, but I want to know. And that is such a brilliant way to phrase that question. And I love that Ron then connected you and me. And this is what you talk about. This is like, you know, one of the gifts that you share to the world is to talk about this.

[00:08:38] So how do you define the You-Est you? Yeah, I, oh, I love this question and I love the question. I love questions. I’m very curious person. I love what you just brought up about what would that next level you, how would she be and what she’d be doing. So, to go to this question of the you-Est you know, look, I think at the base of it all there, you know, we all have this core authenticity to each of us.

[00:09:03] We all have that part of us that often, you know, early, early on before people, places, things, stories, you know, all kinds of stuff that gets in the way, this, this aspect of us. There’s a higher divine connection that we all have. And for me, what I found, I’ll say it this way. I did a lot of life and I say it that way because it really, you know, I did time.

[00:09:26] It sounds like in jail, but for me, it really felt like I was trapped in my own bars of myself because I was so concerned, you know, the people pleasing and am I doing the right thing? Am I being the good girl in my, you know, making sure that people are happy? And I, it took me out of the lane of being connected to my authenticity, myself, my next level self, my heart, all of that.

[00:09:47] And for me, Experiential learner that I am, it was a lot of, you know, some breakdowns, but with marriage, with my health, my career, all of it, what I realized in doing so much in our work is in excavating myself I saw you know what? There is a, there is an aspect of me that’s true, that’s authentic that is my voice, my, my heart, my, my dreams, that part of me that each of us have that you have, that everyone listening has that we know that there’s an inner knowing.

[00:10:15] There’s a connection to that. And the beautiful thing like nature, you know, I use nature a lot as a teacher. You know, you never have a moment in nature that’s the same. So, it’s always evolving. We’re always changing. At least I believe when we’re awakened and choosing to be in the driver’s seat, that’s the goal and the impetus, but that

[00:10:32] you-Est you is really about being aligned a hundred percent aligned with your authenticity, regardless of whether or not other people love it or don’t love it, or, you know, it means getting out of people-pleasing it means getting out of good enough or not good enough, it means really staying aligned with your, with your intuition, your higher self, your inner knowing your authentic dreams and desires and purpose and passion.

[00:10:57] And you kind of started off with that question, you know, what would your next you know, next level you do? And what I’ve seen is that that’s, that kind of question will help you to stay connected to your you-Est you I mean, very basically if you take nothing else, I would say, it’s your, it’s your authenticity.

[00:11:14] It’s, it’s who you know, you are, I can share in a moment. There’s a great question that kind of gets to the root of this, but I can tell you, Allyson when I decided, I just said, you know what. I am going to choose to live authentically, and as my me-Est me and that meant starting a podcast, leaving my job and ending a marriage deciding to take my health crisis in a whole different direction that led to healing.

[00:11:39] All of it. I really believe when we’re tuned in, we will have the answers. We do have them. We have the guidance; we have the support and the love that comes from within it comes from that higher aspect of ourselves. So, long, long ass winded answer, but I hope that was helpful. I thought given a little background might be helpful to, to your beautiful listeners. Oh yeah.

[00:11:59] That is amazing. And I love, I like me-Est me too. I like how that sounds. And then when you said, you know, you know who you are and I think that’s so true, like at our core in our hearts, we know who we are. And then we, having a, a normal human experience we second guess it, and we doubt it and we wonder is that really who I am?

[00:12:22] Why do think it’s so hard? It really is. It can feel hard. Of course, it doesn’t need to be, but it can feel like a real struggle to be our true, authentic self. And I think one of the first things we do is just second guess what it is, or maybe we try to make it more complicated than it needs to be. I think maybe sometimes that’s there.

[00:12:41] What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, it’s a great question. God, I think about this all time. You know, I’ve seen this a lot. I’ve been very fortunate, grateful to be I’ve been coaching people for the last 10 years or so. And I always am working with someone as well, a coach as well, because you know, getting those deep questions, really looking at what is underneath, what, why is it so hard?

[00:13:02] I think you; I think you really pinpointed a lot of the reasons, one being, you know, self-doubt, even greater than that as fear. I mean, there’s the, the idea that we’re either really in a space of fear or love, and you can really get as simple as that. So, fear shows up as self-doubt, lack of confidence, questioning yourself.

[00:13:20] And I see this, especially with women, it does happen for men too, but especially for us women there, you know, there’s a lot of lot of different background reasoning why that might’ve happened and happens. But I think it’s also fear of the unknown. I think sometimes I know for me, Look having this realization, I woke up and literally in the middle of the night, I two kids under the age of two and my, you know, my inner wisdom kind of woke me up to say, you know, you’re really not, you’re not okay here in this, in this marriage right now.

[00:13:51] And he’s a really good person, but it was not the right fit for me. And that was really challenging to, you know, Am I going to follow that? Am I going to stay? I mean, that’s just one of many examples. And I think when we get that, you know, authentic connection to ourselves, sometimes it can be, you know, hey, like the other, that other voice also said, hey, it’s time to leave your, you know, your, your day job.

[00:14:12] I was a single mom then at the time, I mean, it made no sense. People thought, what are you doing? What is coaching? What do you, you know, all of that? And so, you have to be really grounded in who you are. You gotta be grounded in yourself, I think in something greater than yourself, however you define that and it takes something, it takes courage and it takes, I think, support and it takes connection and it takes something because you know, you’re going to have also others that have opinions and, you know, the doubt and the fear alone that can stop you dead in your tracks.

[00:14:43] And so it’s understandable. And I think the most important thing is for all of us, when, if you’ve had that is certainly not to judge or to go into that space of, you know, why didn’t I do that? And I don’t know why I can’t and that doesn’t help. It’s really, how can I, how can I step into my next level me now?

[00:15:03] What would that look like? What would that, who would I be being and how can I be compassionate for the times I didn’t do that. So, I think it takes something to really, really decide. And really stay connected to your authenticity. Yeah. It’s such a good example when you were saying you were, you had two small children and you realized that you were in a partnership with an amazing person, but not necessarily the amazing person for you.

[00:15:29] And that is really hard. as a mother myself like that, getting that, that message like that is like, that’s a hard one to follow through on. And so, I think that it’s a such a good point that our higher self, that, that voice, that heart voice we’re talking about, isn’t always going to lead you down the easy path or the, the, the path that on the outside, or maybe in some circles is the should path.

[00:15:56] And I always say how I approach is, the words that I use most often to describe this voice as the higher self-voice. And when my higher self is talking to me and guiding me to a decision, that’s going to take a lot of courage to take. I always know. And sometimes I forget in the moment, but ultimately, I always go back to the truth that when you step up and have the courage to follow the voice, that voice, that calling that heart led energy,

[00:16:26] you’re going to get a reward on the other end of the courage, whether it be as your, as, uh, you-er you are stepping in more into your authenticity, you’re going to be expanded energy. You’re going to be living in a higher, more aligned place. Do you do, would you agree with that? Oh my gosh. I’m, you can’t see me and everyone listening

[00:16:45] can’t see. I’m like nodding I’m leaning it. I’m my whole-body language is like, yes, sister preach it out. Exactly. I totally agree with that. And I would say. Here’s the thing, right? If we pull this back even more, we, I believe each of us has really incredible unique individuated, you know, divine, individuated gifts and talents and skills and, and, and, and, and learnings.

[00:17:10] Right. And so, you know, it’s always a choice. We all have free. will, how we want to handle any kind of question or situation or dark night of the soul? I can tell you it was a dark night of the soul. I woke up. It was really dark. I was really scared. I couldn’t breathe. And it was not an easy path. And I could have easily, could have easily not listened to it.

[00:17:28] I had done that before and I do believe it affected my energy and my health. So, you know, having that courage, it takes something. I love what you said. I, I, I really do believe in, we don’t have to know what that reward or that transformation or that miracle. I mean, you know, a miracle, if you know the course of miracles, it’s just such a beautiful book

[00:17:48] talks about miracle as a shift in perspective. So, it could even be all the sudden you know what it, and this is what happened. I saw it and it was like, you know what? I can do this. This is, this is okay. This is actually going to work for my highest good. And like you said, you know, our higher self, which, which to me is our, you know, is your you-Est you that is your you-Est you, your higher self and your you-Est you.

[00:18:08] That is, they’re synonymous and my higher self, led me to an incredible life, very different, very, very different than the path I was on for those who’ve known me a long time are like, dang, you did a big ass you turn, I mean, you know, big, big, and I wouldn’t change it. And so, you know, those gifts that, that emerge the rewards that, you know, I, I recently spoke with Martha Beck, Allyson who wrote the way of integrity and it’s similar.

[00:18:35] It’s like when we stay in integrity and authenticity in who we know we are, the universe, there’s that quote, the universe pays you back for taking risks on its behalf. That’s by Shakti Gawain one of my favorite quotes, I have it painted over my Archway of my office. And I look at it every day. You know, the universe, there’s something we don’t even have to know how and what yet what I’ve seen.

[00:18:58] And I’ve actually, you know, I’ve tracked this, and I’ve worked with a lot of people to like, I would just say, you can track this beautiful, you can track this evidence. Keep note I listened to my higher self; I took action. I changed my whole life. And notice what emerges. That’s helped me cause I still have you know, logical left brain side to me, and it’s helped me to look and see, oh my gosh, look at what is,

[00:19:20] what is flourished? Because I listened. It doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s why we need, I think friends, support, you know, podcasts like yours and, and conversations like this to remember, oh yeah, this is part of the process. Yeah. It is not a linear process. This is an evolution. And if you’re awake and you’re expanding and you know, want to shift consciousness, which I believe,

[00:19:42] probably everyone listening is in that space. You know, this is part of it and trusting, trusting, you’re going to be lagged. You’re going to have the people that show up, the conversations you need to hear to really step into this. So yeah, I, a hundred percent. I, I love the way you said that. I think it’s very powerful to realize it may not be easy, but to trust there will be something really wonderful on the other end.

[00:20:05] Oh, my gosh. It’s so good. I love that quote. I just, I ha I wrote, I got the first half down. I actually hadn’t heard this before in this way. The universe pays you back for, taking risks on its behalf. Oh my gosh. That’s so good. I’m going to paint that on my walls. Do it. It’s behalf. Oh my gosh. That is so good.

[00:20:26] And I think I mentioned to you that I was trained under Martha back, so I love that you just had her because you’ve had her on your show. Did you just have her back? I had her; we just spoke recently. We just had, Oh my gosh. That’s so cool. She is so, so, so, so good. Oh, I love this. Yes. Higher self, you-Est you, love it. Also, people call, you can call it intuition,

[00:20:47] right? Would you also say that it’s, that’s connected to your intuitive voice? Absolutely. Intuition, your inner knowing. It’s like, you know, that’s heightened the receiver. That’s how you, that’s how you get the message. That’s how, you know, okay. I’m going. You know, go this way. I’m going to start my career and leave my job, whatever it is, you the message.

[00:21:05] It’s the receiver. It’s the way that we, the way our body communicates with us, the way this higher intelligence or higher self communicates. Absolutely. Love it. And how do you coach people or teach people to connect to that inner voice and that knowing? Yeah. You know, receive those messages yeah. To receive them.

[00:21:22] Well, I think the first thing is oftentimes what I see is many times people come in and either feel like they’re living kind of neck up. So not connected to your body or you know, maybe they’ve had it, you know, intuitive knowing’s, and it’s been scary. It scared them, or they felt doubt or it’s, you know, many of us, I grew up in the Boston area around every university known to humankind and like, you know, it’s very logic database.

[00:21:46] So you might come from that background were no, it’s not logical. So, I, I often I joke I’m like, if you are logical left brain woman who is you know, in that space of knowing there’s more but not feeling it. We’ve got to start with creating that connection to your body, grounding basic principles of, of mindfulness meditation.

[00:22:07] I mean, it just doesn’t sound so sexy, but it really changes the whole game, the whole way that you perceive and receive information, because what it does, obviously, without getting into the whole science of it, it, it tampers your stress response. It helps you to get more in your body. You can create heart coherence, which helps to

[00:22:25] connect to, to greater heart intelligence and wisdom. I’ve been very big into heart math, which studies the science of your heart intelligence. Literally there’s intelligence that comes in your heart in that field. But getting, getting quiet, getting still, it’s kind of the opposite of what is happening in our world, right?

[00:22:40] There’s like more and more chaos and people doing different things and showing up on social media. It’s fine to do that as long as you are first grounding and connecting. So, I always teach first breathing meditation. Like we started with a few deep breaths, grounding, activations, meditations. I teach many different types.

[00:22:59] Everything from, you know, your, your seven chakras, your energy wheels to grounding your, literally yourself into earth to connecting to your heart. I mean, there’s a lot of different ways to do that. Very easily. Take a minute and just breathe really like six, six seconds in, hold it. Six seconds out. Really nice, delicious breath that helps to

[00:23:20] totally shift your, your internal chemistry. That’s kind of laying the, you know, the soil before you plant. Like if you have a lot of crappy soil, you got to really create soil that’s going to help you to plant what you want and be able to grow. So, from there, you know, there’s a lot of different techniques, but I will tell you, you know, and I study this.

[00:23:39] I teach it in my coaching program. I teach it, I use it myself, but it’s really this, you know, after you’ve connected to yourself, then there is tuning into your body. A great way to do this, a great little tracker way to tap in is before you eat something, before you make a decision, just notice, is your body leaning in, is it leaning away?

[00:24:01] Like, what is your body doing? How are you responding? Notice how you feel when something feels aligned and you’re in flow. And when you’re not, and write that down, that’s your body giving you really powerful information. And then I also do one of the techniques is intuitive journaling, which is where you quiet and then ask your, ask your higher self for wisdom.

[00:24:20] And there’s no editing. And it’s just a complete, I always say like throw up the words, do not worry what it says. And oftentimes if you do that enough, you will not only get an answer that is very different, that comes then comes from your, your brain and your overthinking logical mind. You’ll also notice that you’ll start to get in tune with that voice that is typically very different, very calm.

[00:24:43] It often will, will speak to you in, might be in colors and pictures and sensations. So, we want to, we want to befriend that part of ourselves, like you would a dear friend and you want to really give time and attention. So, I teach that. I use that both in coaching, both in the program I lead and frankly myself.

[00:25:00] I practice this every day, Allyson I really, I mean, it’s changed my life. It literally, I mean, I won’t go on and on, but I will tell you I’ve looked at my life when I did not listen. You know, it’s a, it’s a whole different ball game. And so, I know we all have this, and we all have this incredible, highest wisdom at all times that is loving us and guiding us at our fingertips.

[00:25:20] That’s why I’m passionate about it because our intuition is our lifeline. It is the GPS. 100%. Oh my gosh. I love this so much. So big part of this podcast is actually teaching people how to connect to higher self, intuition, inner knowing, however, whatever words feel good to you to describe it. And I use basically all the same techniques of deep breathing.

[00:25:41] I do a lot of also work with heart energy and tuning into that, the heart chakra, and that heart intelligence as well. And I love, and I also teach my people about intuitive journaling and tuning into the body. The leaning in, leaning back. So, I love that it’s such a consistent story. And a lot of my people will say, I just don’t know.

[00:26:02] I just don’t know if it’s my heart or my head talking. And I just invite listeners to say, yeah, I think you do. I think you do, especially, especially if you just really, that your body, I feel like the body will just tell you, how do you feel right? And if it’s kind of a yes response, it’s going to be some form of like expanding outward, freeing, being able to breathe deeper.

[00:26:28] And if it’s kind of a, no, that’s not a good part for you, you know, that’s not a good next step for you. It’s going to be some form of constricting, you know, inward caving, heavy. And I think it’s just that practicing and learning to trust just as you said, learning to trust, learning to trust. And I’m in a very similar boat to Julie.

[00:26:46] Like I used to be a very, live a very, I call it third dimensional, logical life, and I’m, my listeners know my story. I had a near death experience in 2009 and that experience like blew me open. And I didn’t even know that there was like real, like, I didn’t even know any, like, I didn’t know anything before that experience happened.

[00:27:06] And so it was kind of like, literally it was like an overnight thing. Something that was completely off inside of me was turned on. And I just want to echo what you’re saying because I’ve, I felt it so similarly in my experience and when I started leading from the heart and from my higher self, everything, and I also had a huge 180 degree change in my career, in my life and my relationship and all, all, all

[00:27:31] so for the, so, so much better. And I think that this is getting us nicely to my next question. When you, when you really start to turn your ship into this more authentic, Juicy spacious place. You start to live your highest potential. Right? And you start to live your most authentic life. We’ve been talking about this, but can you say a little bit more about what that means to live that highest potential?

[00:27:56] Absolutely. And I think it’s important to just say one thing that came to me intuitively to say is because you and I have talked about it, we had these huge one eighties and just for those listening, you know, it doesn’t always mean that you’re going to have to have a huge, like a near-death experience or 180, like intuition comes in all forms and it might be, I know there might be some who don’t need the, for me, it sounds like we’re similar, Allyson.

[00:28:17] It was like, Nope, you’re going, for you to get this it’s going to be your entire all aspects of life, but I’ve seen it where, for some people it’s not, it doesn’t show up like that so, I don’t know. Sometimes that can be overwhelming to hear like, oh no, I don’t want my whole life to turn around. So, it’s everyone’s.

[00:28:32] Yes. And I’m glad you said that it’s normally something I have as a disclaimer. I think that you and I kinda, it sounds like we both teach this, so maybe we had this cause we’re called to teach it. We had to really get, our boat had to get really rocked, but it’s an absolutely yes that your experience with this can be very subtle and it can be just as profound.

[00:28:53] Yeah, as well. Yeah, exactly. So, I’m going to actually ask a question to everyone to think about that’s going to that I think is such a deep question that still has me. When I think of this, I’m like, oh, okay. This is a powerful one to think about before I ask that. I want to, like you had said earlier, we all have this, this knowing, right?

[00:29:17] Like, even if you’re like, I don’t know. Right. There is a part of you, even if it’s not clear. There is that part of you that has a sense you could go back and look at what did you, you know, what, what have you loved most? Where have you found the most joy? I mean, some of the questions I would say that are great for kind of uncovering your, your you-Est you, your purpose, your passion are where have you, where have you felt like time has completely elapsed and you, you were in flow and you didn’t notice when have you felt incredible joy, credible connection.

[00:29:45] When have you felt like you disappeared yourself in the best way? These are so connected in the moment. So, some of those questions can be really great if you’re feeling like I am not sure where to start. I believe this isn’t, this is a daily inquiry and that curiosity asking questions is really what it’s about because when you ask those questions, what happens is, I mean, we know this, you start to seek and search.

[00:30:09] And so one of the questions that I think is so powerful is, I’ll ask it, really think about is:  what do you know about yourself right now that you’re pretending you don’t know? What do you know about yourself you’re pretending you don’t know? Okay. And I’ll just, you can always pause and write or come back to it, but that often when you really sit with that question, first of all, I really believe there’s an aspect of us and it might be that you need a little support or help kind of getting to it, however, There’s a piece of you, maybe, you know, maybe it’s pretending you don’t care if you get married, but you really, you know, you really want a partnership or a child or

[00:30:51] to, you know, have your own business or whatever it may be. You really, you know, you really want to be out there as an artist and you haven’t let yourself, I mean, it could be anything, but what do you know about yourself you’re pretending not to know? That’s one of those questions. I, I try to ask myself often and to really get, okay, where can I step out and come up to that next level, me-Est me or next level you-Est you.

[00:31:14] So those questions can really, can be a great instigator to have you look deeper and say, okay, who is that? And how do I, how do I step into that? But I think it’s, I think number one, it’s really honoring where you are now. It’s really honoring who you are now and while looking at, okay what’s important to me, like you said, and I so believe this, you know, our heart will lead the way, what, what matters to my heart right now?

[00:31:38] Right? Like, I, I gotta tell you for me, I think women, especially stepping in and shining more and getting, you know being successful and having incredible careers. And I mean, I was in a corporate job where I made a third less, I won’t even go into that. And I saw this with, with other women that I worked with, especially for myself and it that, you know, That’s just not cool.

[00:32:04] So where’s your heart feeling? I call them heart flares. Like where’s your heart flaring? Where does your heart feel like she, he, it, they want to just expand? And like you said, Allyson it’s so true either you know, we’re either in that space of, you could call it love or expansion or connection, or you’re in a space of constriction and fear.

[00:32:24] And so where are you expanding? Where’s your heart feel like yeah, I completely feel aligned there, followed that, the universe, you know, the, the, the field of intelligence will fill in the gaps and take care of the rest. You stay connected to your higher self, your you-Est you every day, asking questions. How can I serve at the highest level?

[00:32:42] How, where does my heart want me to serve today? Focus on that. I’m telling you; I mean, I’ve seen it over and over again with clients, with myself and I’m sure you have too, the universe will fill it in. Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh, that’s so brilliant. I love it. This is really, I’m going to repeat it, Julie, because it was so good.

[00:33:02] What do you know about yourself that you’re pretending you don’t know? That is great. I think you need to copyright that. I didn’t make that up. I heard it a while ago. I love it. I love it. Yeah, it is so, so, so good. I hadn’t heard that one before and it’s interesting as I was reflecting, I got, I didn’t get anything for my business, which I guess is good, but I think

[00:33:25] maybe that’s what I was expecting. Like something for my business, but I got like, I’m pretending like I’m eating healthier than I am. I’m pretending like I’m exercising more than I am. Like kind of that whole, like, just taking, I’m pretending that I’m taking care of myself more than I am. And I think that was like, I’m glad I got that answer because I think probably when we asked that question, I mean, who knows what you get, you’re going to get what you get.

[00:33:49] Everybody will get something different, but I wonder if a lot of people aren’t going to get something similar that it’s more about you and your self-care and your, and your, your personal growth and not necessarily getting clients and, you know, growing the business and more money and that kind of stuff.

[00:34:03] Yeah, I think, love your authenticity and like, you know, just really getting, oh my gosh. Wow. I am, you know, pretending I’m eating healthy. Yeah. That one comes up a lot. Yeah, sister, I got you on that. Oh goodness. Okay. Or for me, and this is not fun to say out loud, you know, I’m pretending that I’m really there with my kids spending a lot of time, you know, good quality time.

[00:34:29] And I’m really not as much as I could be. And that’s when it, typically feels really crappy. However, it’s good to see it because then I can change it and I just did this past weekend, I’m like, okay, changing that around. And you know, they’re in their teens and there’s only so many more years until they fly so, right.

[00:34:48] And it’s a beautiful way to frame the question too, because it’s not, it’s framing it in a nice way. So, you’re not beating yourself up. It’s giving you the opportunity to make the miracle as you as the way that you defined it, making that shift, right. That shift in perspective. Yeah, exactly. Look, I think it’s courageous to even ask yourself the question.

[00:35:07] I think, I don’t know if you follow, I love Mel Robbins, her high five high five yourself in the mirror. There was actually a lot of research on that. I’ve been doing it and it’s like, you’re high fiving yourself. But even by even asking that question, you are literally. You know, some people don’t even want to ask that question.

[00:35:23] Right. Cause you have to look at it, just say like, all right, I’m doing it. I’m looking at this. I’m going to see what comes up and, you know, notice your body. Like, when I talked about my kids, my stomach, it felt like it dropped, it made me sad. I feel like I was going to cry. I mean, honestly my throat. And so to me, that’s important, right?

[00:35:38] If I were then to take all of the things that I’m pretending. That I don’t know, you know, I would look at them and see what is the most important right now. And that’s recently what I did and I’m like, oh crap. Like it is definitely in the parenting category. Yeah. Oh, that’s brilliant. Thank you for sharing that.

[00:35:55] And I definitely also relate, um, with my own kids and, and I had just like my husband’s going, just to share just cause I think you and I are really on the same wavelength right now, but my husband’s going away for a week. And so I’m like on my own, which is fine. And I was just thinking like, how do I want to spend this time?

[00:36:12] And I just came to the realization that I don’t want to like get together with girlfriends. I just want to be with my daughter, like, that’s it, and that’s going to be this time with him away as much, it’s just focused, concentrated time on her. So, thank you for sharing that because I think that I, that was definitely for me too.

[00:36:30] All right. That is really, really good stuff. I want to shift now, shift to we’re in this like juicy, juicy energy here. I want to go into the next level stuff. I don’t know why. I just love, I love next level. The first time I heard that, I was just like, that is just, something about those words really speak to me maybe because I’m like, how can I grow?

[00:36:55] How can I expand? How can I learn? How can I step into the next level of you so I would love to know, like, how do we like getting into that, so when you say next level you, is it kind of like a future you, like, how do we, how do we approach our next level us? Yeah, that’s a great question. I actually, this is something I’ve thought a lot about.

[00:37:15] And like you, it’s a constant, like, I, I always joke, like I could just be a lifelong learner and take courses and certifications and talk about this every single day, which is what I think both of us do. Yeah, exactly. So, I think, you know, first of all, To me. This is not about, yes, it’s about taking actions.

[00:37:36] It’s not about doing first. I think it’s really about who you are being. And one way to access this is to use visualization, is to use your mind’s eye. Your, you know, that, that, that part of you, that’s able to really get into a realm of infinite possibilities. So, it could be as simple as putting on some music that makes you feel calm, meditation music, frequency 528, any anything that’s going to help you, binaural beats something or, or you don’t have to have music, but something that’s gonna help you go within and, and really to allow yourself to just, you know, to feel into to,

[00:38:15] ask your higher self. Okay. Let’s, let’s imagine, you know, a year from now or six months from now. And that can be very helpful. If you’re not visual. I remember this, one of my first clients, he’s like I have a hard time doing this and not, I don’t, I don’t see anything. So, I think if you don’t see anything then feel into what would it feel like to that, that next level?

[00:38:37] And I think next level is not just career. It’s not just, you know, the money you’re making, the people you’re serving. It is also your wellbeing, your health, your spirituality, your sleep, your connection with family, with your children, with yourself. So, in the back of my book, I have one of those wellbeing wheels.

[00:38:55] You don’t have to have the well-being wheel. You could just create you know, write out categories that next level. What is that next level? What would that look like? What would that feel like for, and I would go through those careers, my health, my relationships, my finances, you know, my spiritual connection, my connection to my, to me, to, to the most important person yourself.

[00:39:17] And who would I be being? Right? What, what might, I mean, questions like you know, who might I be being? What would that look like? Like if, if I’m really being that next level? For me, I’ll be honest. Sometimes I’m like a couple minutes late. It would be showing up early, showing up early. That that could be, you know, it’s, as small as that, it could be, you know, I, lunches are prepared the night before for myself.

[00:39:40] I cook this Sunday for the whole week because I take explicit care of my body and my health. It could be, I, I make sure that I have, you know, I work with an acupuncturist every week. I mean, there’s a lot of ways that this can play out, but I think it’s asking that question and then tuning into your own heart wisdom, you know, what, what would feel expansive going back to that?

[00:40:01] And what would that look. You get the what it would look like. You got to reverse engineer it and start with who would you be being? So, who would you be being meaning, am I somebody, I’m somebody who’s kind of? Well, if I’m being kind, and that means to myself, am I being resilient? You know, maybe it’s being a little more patient that those emotions are so important, and we want to connect to that first and then you can go into the actions.

[00:40:26] So I think doing the visualization or the kind of flash forward to get a sense of what really excites you and moves you. You know, next level I did this, you know, when I started my business, Allyson it was literally from nothing. I mean, I have friends that were like, wow you just left? And we’re like, here I go.

[00:40:43] I mean, this is seven years ago. I literally, I mean, I had a coaching client and two personal training clients. That’s what I had when I started. And I remember thinking, God, I really would love to do a Ted talk. I just, that would be next level. I would love to do; I have no idea how that’s going to happen.

[00:40:57] And someone asked me to do a little group to meet and give Ted talks to pretend. I thought, okay, I’m going to, so I created one, it was really not good, but it was experience. And we got up and we, we shared, and there were like eight of us. And then two years later there was this, like, of course the universe opened this opportunity and I had applied not even forgetting about it, realizing, thank goodness.

[00:41:20] I looked at my Facebook DM. They responded to me there. Right. Ended up getting two of them, which is just nuts, but it’s, that was the next level. And so, I had a vision envision it, and then who was I being somebody who was stepping in and, and doing them. And so that’s an example, and I’m sure everyone has an example of where you’ve done this.

[00:41:40] It can be helpful to look and see, where have I already done this? How can I like acknowledge that and really honored that truly not just like, oh yeah. Okay, great. Next thing. Now we want to really like, savor those times you’ve already done that you ever, we’ve all done this. And so, look and see where you’ve done that and then apply that to, okay, what’s next?

[00:41:59] What would that feel like, look like and who would I be being? That is really brilliant. I love the, who would I be being? And I often say when you are, when you really are tuned into that heart energy, that higher self voice, it almost never tells you to do more. Almost always tells you to be. Or at least start with the being, which is exactly what you’re saying.

[00:42:20] And I love that whole start with the being first and then see what the inspired action is from there. That is so brilliant. Oh my gosh, Julie, I have loved this episode so much. I’ve just. I feel so energetically connected to you. You are doing amazing work in the world. I love to ask my guests to lead, leave my listeners, leave our listeners with an invitation, an invitation.

[00:42:46] And I used to say, leave people with a challenge, but I actually thought that was too masculine. And we’re trying to bring in that divine feminine and those states of being so just leaving them with an invitation to invite them to whatever. Oh, I love that. First of all, thank you. I could keep talking to you for hours.

[00:43:03] I love your energy and I can feel everyone. I’m hoping this conversation was really powerful and impactful. You know, the invitation is first of all to, I would say it’s two-fold. One, if you do not yet have you know, a meditation or silence practice, and I’m not talking like you got to sit up straight the whole time.

[00:43:22] Give yourself some time to go within it could be quiet. It could be with a mantra. It could be guided. It doesn’t matter. Just start something it’s helped me heal my health situation. It’s helped me. It’s helped me in so many ways. There’s so much evidence. So give yourself that gift of being, of quiet, of going within that yin, feminine energy, five minutes a day, 10 minutes, three minutes.

[00:43:45] Just, you know, if nothing else starting with that if you don’t already have a practice, if you do fantastic. And I really think, you know, getting, I love journals, that’s like fancy, pretty. I have a lot of pretty journals. This was my thing. Find or use your computer or your tablet. Although I think there’s something about handwriting

[00:44:03] that’s different connecting to intuition, but I invite you to just find the question that spoke to you most in this episode, you know, maybe it is the, the question about, you know, what am I pretending? What do I know about myself that I’m pretending I don’t? Maybe it’s that question. Maybe it’s what feels expansive or

[00:44:19] you know, if I were living my, my next level, me as me, who would I be being? Could be any of the questions, pick one that spoke to you. And I would just give yourself after you get quiet, give yourself some, some heart space to journal and just notice what comes up. Notice your body, notice how you feel. This could be the beginning of your most intimate, amazing relationship with yourself.

[00:44:41] I hope it is. For me, that is the most important relationship we really truly have is with, with you and you with you and your higher self. And so, I know you and I were on the journey together doing this. It’s a game changer. So that would be my invitation is giving yourself that gift of space, time, and getting to know yourself at a very deep level.

[00:45:00] That is a brilliant invitation. I love that so much. So, Julie, tell us a little bit about your you’ve just got a great way. Like, even if you’re not, the quotes aren’t coming from you, you know, the right things to quote. So, either way, it’s a gift. I love that you have a coach academy called life designer. I think there’s something like those words just resonate with me.

[00:45:23] Tell us a bit about your coaching academy, if any of our listeners might be interested in learning more about the type of coaching you do and the type of coaching you teach people. Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah. I love quotes. I have them all over my house. I’ve painted them everywhere on my front doors. I just, I love them.

[00:45:40] And I resonate with them. You know, coaching is what changed my life. I did a lot of other counseling support groups, all kinds of work, all great. And coaching was literally what, what changed my life and would help me to, to really follow through in my intuition. And so, I fell in love. I went back and got my master’s degree in coaching about 10 years ago here in the DC area.

[00:46:00] Beautiful, really amazing program and started teaching it at Georgetown university. And I realized, you know, I love teaching it and I’ve loved coaching people and been grateful to do it for a long time. And I just, I realized, you know, for a couple of years I had my, my inner knowing. You know, Hey Julie, you should create your own program.

[00:46:17] And I thought, well, I don’t know. That’s kinda, you know, of course the like doubt and I’m not sure. And with the pandemic I woke up, Allyson I literally woke up and I heard a voice that was like, you need to start this right now. You need to create it right now. And I was very lucky because I had been teaching it for a while.

[00:46:35] You know, these programs that I, that I went through and teach are fantastic. And don’t typically integrate intuition, body wisdom, healing arts in the same way. And so, life designer, you know, I think about, I always love architect and interior design, and I thought, you know, what are we really doing in coaching?

[00:46:54] You’re helping someone to design their life. And that the thing is you get to design it, however you like. So, it was actually the first thing I trademarked in my business. I had this epiphany, like I’ve I love this framing, this phrasing, it just feels like, okay. That’s what we’re doing, designing life. So, yeah, it’s a really powerful program.

[00:47:15] It’s a live virtual program. I feel like it’s another heart, you know, labor of love, heart centered program. I’ve had students from all over the world now that it’s completed and certified, it’s 20-hour practicum, you get coached, learn to be Really powerful coach from both a, you know, the competencies and sort of more of the masculine, but also the feminine I bring in positive psychology and appreciative inquiry and mind, body science and heart math.

[00:47:40] It’s been such a gap. I’m laughing. I was looking at, you know, at the next cohort we have, I was looking at dates and I thought I saw the date 2, 2, 2, 2. And I’m like, oh my gosh, I have to do that because I love numerology. And two is all about up leveling and partnership and collaboration and helping others.

[00:47:58] And so, you know, for me, it’s just. It’s a gift to teach, to teach others. I see this as, you know, Lightworker work the people that have come through it are really, you know, they’re using it in many different ways and, and I’ve had many coaches actually that have come through it but wanted to kind of fill in some of the missing pieces.

[00:48:16] So it’s been a, it’s been an honor. And, um, thanks for asking about it. I, certainly another labor of love. Yeah, absolutely. Well listeners, if this you’re feeling curious or connected to Julie and this amazing work and oh my gosh, all the things that you teach, and the academy is all the, all the things I love. We have a link in the show notes, so you can learn more about that.

[00:48:39] You’re also leaving our listeners with a, an assessment about what is your intuitive type. Yeah. So, it’s a really fun quick assessment. It’s such a great way to just tune in. We all have this inner knowing of course, as we’ve said, there are four different types. I don’t want to give it away, but it does give you your dominant, intuitive type we all have.

[00:48:58] And I’ll say the more you practice, this is the beautiful thing. The more you practice tuning in the more that you. You know, not just have one way of intuiting information. I know for me over the years, it, it comes in all of these four ways. So, you can take the intuition assessment and see what your dominant type is.

[00:49:15] I would love to hear what it is if you want to share, but it’s, it’s definitely, it was a lot of fun to put this together. Fantastic. Oh, man, that sounds so cool. And that link will also be in the show notes. And I do encourage listeners to check out Julie’s podcast. She gets some, like she has Marie Forleo.

[00:49:32] She has Bruce Lipton, Danielle LaPorte, Martha Beck, Kate Northrup, Selena Soo, like really amazing names in personal growth, business growth. And you, you are amazing. I would listen for you and I’m just on your website right now. And your podcast page is so beautiful. I love the videos of you. Just like bright, amazing, beautiful energy.

[00:49:53] So go to check out Julie’s website, go to her podcast page and just look how, just admire her amazing video. It’s going to raise your vibration. I promise. Oh, you’re so kind. I am so honored. Thank you, my friend. I really, I appreciate that. And love being in your energy and this conversation. Oh my gosh. Me too.

[00:50:13] And I have to just mention, before we wrap up two more connections. My husbands from Boston and I lived in DC for years before I, before I moved abroad, I lived in DC, too. Oh, Connections. Yay. Uh, well, thank you again so much, Julie. Listeners, please check out those links in the show notes. Get in her world.

[00:50:33] You will not regret it. And I just can’t. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What a gift and just thank you everyone for, I hope that this was impactful.

[00:50:52] and I want to thank you so much, dear listener for tuning in. I really, really do appreciate. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way. Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days, then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve?

[00:51:25] Find the link to download on my website. as well as in the show notes.

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