The Emotional and Energetic Layers of Our Life and Business with Eos Koch

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Do you ever have days when you just feel bad in your business?

You’re tired? Defeated? Or overwhelmed?

Those emotions are putting out a vibration that your prospective clients can also feel.

Don’t get me wrong…These emotions are a normal, healthy response to the challenges that can occur on our entrepreneurial journey. The key is to be mindful when we’re resonating at these vibrations for long periods of time and to have the tools to shift into something higher.

Imagine instead…

Feeling uplifted, optimistic, and energized.

Spacious, open, and free. ✨

When we vibrate at these higher energy levels, we again put out a vibration that our prospective clients can feel. In fact, this energy is the feel-good energy we want in order to attract our soul clients.

So how do we shift into this uplifted energy when we need it?

Well, in today’s episode of Soul Guide Radio, we explore these vibrations and dig deeper to reveal the emotional and energetic layers of our life and business.

This deeper exploration is vital for soul-guided entrepreneurs because our energy guides our life and business.

Once you get to know these layers, you can SHIFT them into an energetic vibration that serves you and your business.

I’m excited to share my conversation about energy and emotions with the amazing Eos Koch, a web designer, photographer, author and coach. She guides women in creating a life they love and a business that supports their dream lifestyles.

You’re not going to want to miss one minute of today’s episode, as Eos shares her fresh and unique perspective on energetic vibrations and a very simple, but profound practice that will amp up your energy when you need it.

>> LISTEN NOW To learn how you can embody the energy you want to be in to call in the soul-aligned goals and dreams you have for your life and business.

Guest Bio:

Eos Koch is a web designer, photographer, author, and coach. Together with her husband, who is a web developer specialized in WordPress, they have their own WordPress theme, plugins, and a soulful website academy which supports soulful and creative women entrepreneurs in building a website that is an authentic reflection of their unique energy.

Eos guides women in creating a life they love and a business that supports their dream lifestyle by helping them build self trust to realize everything they need is already within. She believes in consistently showing up for our desires and courageously stretching beyond our comfort zone to create the life and business we truly desire from the inside out (from our soul) with slow and sustainable growth in a way that feels soul-aligned and serves the world as a whole.

In today’s episode, we explore:

  • The various emotional and energetic layers of your life and business
  • Why it’s important to get to know and be MINDFUL of these layers
  • How we can tap into the right emotions and energy to align to the SOUL of our business

Eos’s Resources: 

  • Visit Eos’s website HERE to take her quiz and also check out her book, The Soul of Business
  • Follow Eos on Instagram HERE
  • Follow Eos on Facebook  HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation: Start noticing and become more attentive about the contractions and expansions of your energy. Start to be more mindful of how your energy expands and contracts. 

[00:00:00] Well, hello, my dear ones. I have a question for you. What is your current vibration? What is your energetic resonance? What’s your vibe? Are you vibing high? Are you feeling expanded, spacious, free? Are you feeling a little contracted, heavy, shackles on, somewhere in between? Well, we have a really, really cool episode for you today that really is going to explore into our vibration.

[00:00:35] And in that exploration, we’re going into the emotional and energetic layers of our life and business. This is a super cool topic you guys, and so, so important for soul guided entrepreneurs. And before I get into all of that, I just want to take a second here to read a review of soul guide radio from one of the listeners.

[00:01:04] It, I really just, this review just really made my heart smile. And if you are feeling so-called if this podcast serves you. We would be so grateful for a rating and review on iTunes or wherever you listen. And I’m going to be reading those reviews on the air and pro tip here, if you want to put in the review, something about what it is you do, or how people can contact you, I will be reading those in the review.

[00:01:37] So there is some cool incentive for you to get in front of some new, fresh, cool audience. And the audience of soul guide radio is about as cool as you get. Let’s be honest. So here is a super amazing review that we received from L T S Tashi or LT stashi let’s say it’s LT, Stashi. This is what he, or she has to say.

[00:02:02] There are a lot of fluffy podcasts out there and Allison’s podcast is head and shoulders above them. Super practical and honest conversations. I get simple shifts every time I listen. Thank you. Well, thank you, LT stashi. That is super nice feedback. And that’s really what I strive for. Simple shifts that lead to profound results.

[00:02:28] And speaking of which let’s get back to, today’s really profound topic. We’re talking about emotional, energetic layers and how you can get to know those layers and shift them into an energetic vibration that really serves you and your business. And we’re speaking today with EOS Koch and she has a really fresh and amazing perspective on this topic.

[00:02:55] So in today’s episode, Eos and I explore the various emotional and energetic layers of your life and business. Why it’s important to get to know and be mindful of these layers and how we can tap into the right emotions and energy to align to the soul of our business. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you embodying immediately embodying the energy that you really want to be in to call in the big, your biggest soul aligned goals and dreams really.

[00:03:34] So it’s a very simple, yet profound practice that Eos invites you to embrace. So, you’re going to want to hear what it is cause it’s pretty cool. And you’re going to want to stay with us until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level.

[00:04:00] We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:04:23] Hey, there soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our private community of over 1400 leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other.

[00:04:49] And today we’re talking energy, one of my favorite topics and emotions, and I’m speaking to the amazing Eos Koch about this amazing topic. Eos Koch is a web designer, photographer, author, and coach. Eos guides women, in creating a life they love and a business that supports their dream lifestyles by helping them build self-trust to realize everything they need is already within.

[00:05:19] She believes in consistently showing up for our desires and courageously stretching beyond our comfort zone to create the life and business we truly desire from the inside. She, and I had a super soulful connection and I really loved exploring these various layers with her. So may you receive as much from her wisdom as I did, please enjoy.

[00:05:53] Welcome to soul guide radio. I’m so happy to have you. And Allyson, I’m so grateful to be here. Yay. So, I am a real, I would, I call myself a global nomad. You know, I’ve lived in 10 countries on four continents. And so, I love talking to you. We were just chatting before the show recording. You are from Switzerland.

[00:06:14] You live in Portugal. No, you live in Spain. Sorry. And you’re married to an Italian. Yes, totally. That’s so cool. Lots of different cultures and different languages. Yeah. Yeah. And do you speak Italian? I do. I do. That’s so amazing. We just befriended someone here in the Hague from Switzerland and it just like blows.

[00:06:35] He’s a real polyglot, I think even for someone from Switzerland, but it just kind of blows me away how many languages, the average Swiss person speaks. Yes, my, my daughter. She is 18 and she speaks seven languages. Oh my gosh. I have only five. And my younger daughter is 12. She speaks four. Only five she says, that is amazing.

[00:06:57] I am learning Dutch now. I love languages. And I speak a few myself. Probably not anywhere at the level of fluency that you have, but I just love learning languages because I feel like you, it’s like, I actually, I used to live in Romania. So one of the languages I speak is Romanian, which is sort of like, most people don’t expect you to say that, you know, it’s not, you know, it’s usually the typical German, you know, French, Spanish.

[00:07:22] Well, one of my languages is Romanian and there’s this saying and it’s like, when you learn a foreign language, it’s like becoming a second person. It’s like, you become a second person. And I think that’s so true. Yeah. And I think every language has its own kind of, and there we go into energy, its own kind of energy.

[00:07:40] So the old, old programming of the whole society that speaks that language. So, we really become another person. I see this a lot in my daughters. Like my older daughter, Richie speaks French. She just had like another kind of expression than when she speaks Italian or German. So, yeah, so that’s so cool. And it is a really good segue to our topic.

[00:08:02] We have a fantastic topic today. We’re talking about the emotional and energetic layers of life and business. So, let’s dig into. Can you explain to us how emotions and energy relate to one another? Yes. Yes. And this is really one of my favorite topics because I think that emotions create like vibration.

[00:08:25] So actually if we feel something, our house, our whole energy field, our Bio magnetic energy field creates vibrations and this creates vibration, and frequency is energy. So, this gets translated out into the world. So good. So good. So, let’s talk about emotions for a little bit. I do a lot of work with emotions, you know, use some people call themselves mindset coaches.

[00:08:56] I think I’m an emotion coach, and I like coin a new frame phrase here, emotion coach, because the reason why I feel like getting to learn the various emotions we’re feeling and just being mindful of them cause it’s, as you say, the emotional state we’re in is the frequency we’re vibrating at is so important.

[00:09:17] And I’ve noticed that my clients, some of my clients have a really hard time naming their emotions. And instead of saying, well, I feel angry. They’ll say, I feel my husband doesn’t listen to me. So, they offer another thought or another belief system. Why do you think we, we can struggle to name our emotions?

[00:09:36] I think a lot of times we are not used to because it’s not something that we are clearly like trained in society or in school. Even in school, it’s more like fitting in instead of really feeling what we feel. So, we try to escape them and kind of not feel them. And therefore, we, we, when we, like, I always like the practice of getting closer to our emotions through little exercises.

[00:10:03] And one of the easiest exercises is to just, if you can’t name the emotion, just feeling into your body. Does it feel expansive or contractive and there you get towards the first kind of direction, is it more towards the positive, which makes you feel wired, which opens your energy up? Or does it more mean no

[00:10:27] and towards the negative heart and it contracts you. So just to find the first do we go left or right? Yeah. Feel that in our body because our body has a lot of wisdom. Emotions are not, we are really cognitive in our society and emotions grow through our nervous system and our heart and bring it back to the, to the heart, like from the mind into the heart.

[00:10:54] Yeah. Are you familiar with Brooke Castillo from the life coach school? I know her a little bit. Yeah. I am not an expert on her either. I just, she says something that I find interesting. And I just don’t know exactly how I, I just don’t know about it. I’d love to get your perspective. So, she holds the belief that all emotions are neutral.

[00:11:16] So it’s, so we don’t have good emotions or bad emotions. They’re just like a compass, and they tell us how we’re doing. And, you know, as you just suggested those more freeing, expanding kind of shackles off feeling, that’s what I was trained under Martha Beck. She calls it like a shackles off feeling is pointing you towards a direction you want to go or focus on and those heavy constricting shackles on feelings

[00:11:45] are telling you something is out of alignment. So, I, I kind of, I, I believe that that’s a good way to look at it and not labeling feelings as good or bad, and they’re all part of the human experience. And we just want to be mindful of where we are and what we’re vibrating at. This is the part that I’m not sure about.

[00:12:03] I would love your perspective on all of this. The other thing she says is That she feels that we’re, we’re meant to, to kind of experience positive emotions. So, expanding emotions about 50% of the time, and then sort of more painful emotions or more constricting emotions about 50% of the time. So, we’re really not meant to be sort of happy and blissed out all the time.

[00:12:28] And it’s kind of like where we’re meant to be in this 50/50 energy. And I’m not really sure I, it’s just interesting and I, I never, I don’t know, it’s just, I kind of don’t know, like I, whenever I hear her say that I’m just kinda like, huh, I’m not so sure about that second part. So anyway, what, what’s your perspective on all that?

[00:12:48] I surely feel that there is a rhythm to it, like just in all our living life. As, for example, in breathing in and breathing out, we have to bring or the, the seasons, like summer, winter, or even our inner seasons, like our menstrual cycle, I think there is like these waves and rhythm to it, which we surely do have with our emotions, or I feel that.

[00:13:13] If it’s 50-50 I don’t know, because I feel that we can transform perspectives around them. I surely think a lot of times we don’t allow ourselves to go to the places where we fear. Like we don’t want to look at the fear we bury it. And a lot of times it makes it worse than better. Yeah. Very true. I feel like emotions drive so much of what we do.

[00:13:40] We set goals in our lives because we want to feel a certain way. It’s not so much that we want to like, have all this money, and buy all this stuff. We want, we want what those, we think those things are going to make us feel, right? And then likewise, we do a lot of stuff like, you know, busying ourselves on social media or drinking too much wine in the evenings to avoid feeling a certain way.

[00:14:05] So it’s just a, this is such an important topic, I think, because emotions really are at the heart of everything we do. Totally. I think there are it’s it goes really back to something similar. Especially if you speak about going onto social media to numb ourselves or drinking wine or eating sugar or all these kind of things.

[00:14:26] I think there is the same kind of gauging we have, like with the contraction and expansion and there it’s, if we are creative and inspired it. It is something that nourishes us. If after we go to social media, we feel depleted and empty. It was consuming. So how can we always like direct ourselves more to things that fill us up, even if they are not productive and things that nourish us and less towards things that consume us and suck out our energy.

[00:14:57] This is something I actually learned through my daughters. Yeah. I don’t want them to like, be caught up from the world or from the internet or these kinds of places. So, I actually teach my 12-year-old, who is homeschooled, how to navigate, for example, on YouTube. And it’s that kind of concept she’s allowed to look

[00:15:19] all the things and do all the things online that nourish her and where she felt inspired afterward to do something herself, like for example, a tutorial on watercolor, and then she paints beautiful flowers or music tutorials, or she’s a lot into art, but if she feels like the energy is sucking her out and afterward she feels uninspired, this is the things that better to avoid and there’s things she learned through that really

[00:15:48] to find that middle way and I think for us as entrepreneurs in our business even it’s really similar, which are the actions that inspire us, that leaves us active, that bring us to a higher place and which are the things we think we have to do, but then we get consumed and uninspired by them. Beautiful. I love that.

[00:16:10] I love what you do with your daughter and YouTube. That’s really, really brilliant because it teaches, like, I feel like, you know, modern technology has got a light and a super dark, you know, And, you know, it keeps us connected. Like for those of us who are in the coaching business, you know, I have clients all over the world because of technology connecting me to people and we’re able to create global communities, but there’s, you know, there’s a dark underbelly.

[00:16:35] Right. And I love that you’re teaching her just to plug into the lightness and the thing that can serve her. That’s really brilliant. Alright, I would really love to get into these layers. I’m eager to learn more about these layers, the emotional and energetic layers. Let’s just start off. Let’s focus in,

[00:16:58] on our business. What are the emotional and energetic layers of our business? Yes. there are a lot of layers. I named them in my book, and I related them to the chakra energies actually. Nice. So, bringing them back to like our root chakra, which is our, I am energy. Which in our business is just who we are as a person and our personal power?

[00:17:22] And then we have the Sacral chakra, which is the feelings, which would be our core values. And in our business, it would be our brand values. So, our values that our brand speaks about and that we speak about in our brand. The solar plexus would be the action energy, I do, and is all about taking clear action and doing the things and to really implementing and being confident.

[00:17:49] And then there is the heart chakra, which is the I love energy, which is obviously a lot about our offerings, about ideal clients, about who we serve and how we serve and show up in the world. The throat chakra, which is our voice, which is our marketing, which is our story, the things we share. Through speaking, like here, for example, the third eye, which is I see, which is a lot about vision and also about branding and how we show up in a visually kind of way

[00:18:23] and our expression in general, even an energetic expression. And then is the crown chakra, which is about our connection to the divine and about practices we implement, how we nourish ourselves, how we care for ourselves and fill up our own energy. So, we can spill over to our clients. I love that. I love that.

[00:18:45] And I always see, you know, solar plexus as one of the chakras, is that really being that source of self, source of power, where we really tap into our ability to generate income and yeah, being that being worthy of income, worthy of receiving proper remuneration for what we give out. Is that where you feel like the income, the abundance, the wealth would be?

[00:19:10] I mean, I know it’s everywhere, but where would you categorize the, that sort of income generating? I think probably it’s a correlation between the solar plexus and the heart. Yeah, energy, but I think the root chakra is really important because if we don’t feel safe in ourselves and how we show up, I think it’s nearly impossible to really give and then to come to become back from that.

[00:19:38] Yeah. Right. Yeah. So, I mean, they all kind of work. I mean, ideally it sounds like there. We’re tuning into all of these layers are, are feeling aligned when our business is feeling aligned as well. Yeah. Yes. I think they are there, if we are aware of this energy of them all, like we have clients, if we define our ideal clients or not, if we, most of those things out there.

[00:20:05] Well, even our marketing, even if we’re  not so conscious about our voice and how we share things, we still share things, right? It’s just more unconscious or more conscious. I think that the definition of defining the layers of our soul or the business that the soul of our business layers is all about bringing them more to the conscious and being able to intentionally shape them and share them.

[00:20:34] And create them. Yeah. I like that intentionally shaping and sharing. So, let’s go into one and explore into how we do that. So, what let’s go to that. I don’t know why I’m feeling called to go to abundance wealth generating. Let’s say somebody wants to kind of tap into these emotional layers to see where they are with their ability to generate wealth.

[00:20:59] How would you approach that? I think first of all it’s a lot about the heart, I think, because they couldn’t have an offer out there in the world. Maybe what you would even go one step back, who are you in the world? So, because if you know who you are and your root chakra, you truly know how you want to, or how you can help someone else or what you could trade as an offer and business is all about trading energy in some kind of way, it’s trading about what we have to offer for

[00:21:30] wealth so that could be like in a bigger scale or in a smaller scale. It depends on our capacity and doesn’t dare, it comes in again, the more we build and shape these different layers of our range, the more like the more we shape,  the solar plexus, like you mentioned before, the higher capacity we have to receive.

[00:21:49] So in the beginning we may be overwhelmed to have one client a week and we feel like, oh, we have to prepare all week. And then we become, we get used to that. We get used to that level, and then we can have a second client. We can have the next client and we can grow that capacity to call it more energy, to exchange more energy.

[00:22:11] And then we can even go into passive more passive kind of things like an online course or group program, or even higher and be more visible also, and feel safe in there. Yeah. I love that you mentioned growing your capacity to receive more. If you were to kind of place your mindful awareness on doing that like, what can we do to intentionally grow our capacity to receive more in our business?

[00:22:40] It depends on which place we are. But for example, if we go back to the example of having one client a week and we want four what we could do is look at our calendar and make energetically space in our calendar, that there is space for having four clients and showing up to these clients, even before the clients are there holding that energy space, even for ourselves, and also pushing ourselves a little bit to that edge of the comfort zone.

[00:23:11] Even if it’s feels, if even if it feels uncomfortable, doing it anyways. And that strengthens it sorry. Yeah. Yeah. And I think, I think sometimes we inadvertently push clients away without realizing it because we have an overly full calendar. And then we have this sort of tug of war at play where a half of a, like a piece of us wants clients.

[00:23:37] Like we want clients, and we want to get clients, but then there’s this voice that we might not even be aware of that’s also saying, yeah, but your calendar is too full for anymore clients. Like you don’t have the capacity for more clients. Yes. So, I think just putting mindful, like noticing if you’re doing that. And I think, I think we’ve all been there to one level or another at some point on our journey.

[00:24:00] And if you are in this tug of war to really look at your calendar and say, what are my priorities here? And if clients are my priorities, I need to get stuff off my calendar that doesn’t support that. So, the space is there and, and getting back to emotions, if it feels spacious, it’s there, you know, I just feel into it.

[00:24:23] Does it feel spacious? Okay. There’s space for clients. Totally. Yes. And I think another part of that just came to mind when you spoke is also about fear. Sometimes like there are fears even for wealth and abundance and about things that can happen. If we will earn this much money, we are not safe in the world or this kind of things happen, or this like the negative consequences.

[00:24:50] And if we can look at them, which are the emotions, the emotions that come up. Look at those emotions that come up, we can transform them, and we can hold ourselves and say, okay, the fear is on me is scary, as long as we don’t look at it. Right. Totally. I’m loving this conversation. And I want to talk about. First of all,

[00:25:12] I do want to say, and that I really love the idea of seeing these as layers. There’s something, I don’t know. I like that word and approaching, approaching our business in these layers. I don’t know, feels, feels good to me because I’ve never really thought of it that way before. So, tell us how can we tap into the right emotions and energy

[00:25:34] to align the soul of our business. I think the soul of our business is this energetic layer. So, it’s not about emotions only. I think it’s about thought, emotions, and actions. So, it’s about like this triangle of these three things that then create an outcome. So as long we, as we refine each of these layers, we will always grow.

[00:26:01] So a lot of time it’s just about doing the next steps and doing the next inspired step in our business and in our, in our life because the two kinds of really connect together. Yeah. I agree with that. I call it. You say thoughts, emotions, actions. I say, I say it. Thoughts, feelings, actions, feelings, and emotions.

[00:26:22] Meaning the same thing in this context. And I call it a TFA. Sometimes I do TFA check-ins and I that’s my thoughts, feelings, actions check in. Like, okay, so I’ve got this goal, or I have this vision or this ideal outcome I want to experience. So let me check in to see if my thoughts, my feelings, and my actions are supporting this, or if they’re somehow not supporting this vision.

[00:26:48] Totally. And I think that’s, that’s really the thing too. And that’s what creates an energy field. If the thoughts, the emotions or the feelings and the actions come together, they create a special vibration of frequency that we put out into the world. So, if we have positive thoughts about something and we feel good about it, and then we take an inspired action on it,

[00:27:14] the outcome that will come back is kind of like the resonance field, which attracts the same thing to us. If we, and the other way already think something negative about it and feel a little bit off, shaky, or fearful, and then put out the action into the world. It’s another kind of energy that resonates with that.

[00:27:35] Yeah. Yeah. Totally. 100%. And so, when. Do you do something similar to a TFA check-in and how do you approach it? Like in terms of like a daily or weekly practice? Yes. I don’t do all the TFA check-in like you, I just think I do a lot of just mindfulness and coming back to how I feel and coming back to really being sure to bring myself back to the middle and to the center.

[00:28:05] And also the other hand, allowing like every other wave that comes up, because I think we, a lot of times this kind of too much pressure practices, we feel that we almost have to be like up on our game and always top game. And we just are not. It’s more like an acceptance practice that I have. So, tell us how it works for you.

[00:28:30] Like when you say, bring myself back to my center, how do you do that? For me, it’s nature and journaling, and I have a daily practice of meditation and mind, just sitting in stillness. So, I think these three things together are just the most time I try to bring these rituals and the practices into what I do and not having them as two separate things, but really living and embodying them.

[00:29:02] Yeah. Yeah. That’s great. And that gets you in this energetic resonance at the same time. Totally. Because then you have that energy in your energy field, and you do the things with that energy. Yeah. And I approach it the same way really, when I do it, I call it a TFA check-in, which actually sounds kind of masculine and maybe even kind of logical, but it’s actually not, it’s very, it’s a very intuitive and energetic process.

[00:29:31] Where I’m, I do it when I walk my dog in nature and I don’t bring my phone and it’s, I do kind of a walking meditation. I have a really spiritual dog. She’s very high consciousness and she literally gets mad at me. I can tell when I bring my phone. ’cause she knows that she can feel I can. I absolutely 100% can feel that she can feel that I’m not connecting to her when we’re walking.

[00:29:57] Cause I’m cause my head is, my nose is stuck in my phone. Yeah. So, she has like my she’s my little like, oh no, you’re not bringing that phone on this walk. Oh no, you’re not going to like answer voxers. She, I know she doesn’t like it and I love it cause she’s like my little guardian. And so, when I do this, Yeah, this check-in, I’m out in nature.

[00:30:18] I’m connected to my dog. I think connecting to animals, connecting to nature or the elements being in water, so like taking a bath or shower, meditating obviously, journaling is all going to get you in this energy, this energy. And I, I do like as well relating to it as this sort of daily practice of embodiment instead of just like, oh, this is a process I have to make sure I do like see, treating it as a state of being than a state of doing right.

[00:30:48] Yeah. Yes, totally. And I think nature, especially makes a lot of sense as we are speaking a lot about energy fields and frequency fields is Bio magnetic field we don’t see, but we all, as humans have. Our whole planet actually has one. Like planet Earth has that bio magnetic field. And when we are into environments with wi-fi and with phones and even our cell phone, we, that bio field of our planet gets tapped up a little bit.

[00:31:21] So if we go into nature without the phone and without interference of other frequencies, we actually tune to nature. So, our own bio magnetic field gets tuned to the biomimetic field of planet earth. And it’s so beautiful. I know like the little reset. Yeah, of course. It’s really good to put like the bare feet on the ground or touch a tree or these kinds of things, because it just recalibrates us to our natural state of healthy being.

[00:31:51] Yeah, it’s so good. And I have to say that since I’ve had my dog, I got this dog in March. And so, I’ve just been sort of, this just sort of happened where I was doing the, I would sometimes do walks with her with my phone and then I really started to notice that she didn’t like it. And then it became really obvious.

[00:32:10] I’m like, oh my gosh, she really doesn’t like it. when I bring my phone. And then I just became more mindful. And like everything you’re saying is just so true. And I just like, I’m. Because I’m just in this space where like, I’ve, I’ve really just felt deeply the difference. Yeah. Yeah. And your dog feels it, like she feels it’s really just that interference of these frequencies.

[00:32:35] Yes. And therefore, she gets mad. She’s not mad at you. No, yes, she does. She’s like, I don’t like it, put that thing away. Oh my gosh. And so then how does doing all this, being in this embodiment, in this being, and just having this mindfulness, doing these shifts, how does this actually help us connect to clients?

[00:32:56] This is such a good question because when power, like it creates for ourselves more clarity. And then look, if we go into these layers and real, like, I don’t want this, but I want that. I want to work with clients, um, who feel like this, but not feel like that. I want my work to feel a certain way. Which has created a lot more clarity and we create a lot more confidence and this means our messaging just shifts and it’s different.

[00:33:25] If we clearly know what we want, we can communicate that. And then the right clients resonate with, and they already know that what we share and how we show up. It’s how they resonate. I as a representative, a lot of time also, work with that through the branding. Like we can work with that through the images we have,

[00:33:46] one of us took through colors, even colors have a certain frequency. So, if we have a certain vibe on our website and in our expression, in our online expression and on our social media, It just attracts the right persons and it also repels the right persons, the ones we don’t want to work with. So important.

[00:34:07] It’s so important. Yeah. I love what you say. And I just I’ve loved this episode and I think this is such important work for people too, who are interested in having a successful business and really being happy in your business, really being joyful and spacious. It’s just being in tune with this energy and this, these layers and these emotions just really, really, it’s been a beautiful discussion, a beautiful exchange here.

[00:34:34] I would, I always ask my guests at the end of each episode to leave our listeners with an invitation. Inviting them to do something or be someone or anything you wish to invite them to. That’s beautiful. I would love to invite your listeners to really start noticing, like, even depending on where they are on their journey, but if they are in the beginning, but even further ahead, Getting more attentive about these contractions and expansions.

[00:35:08] They happen a lot of time in our daily lives and in our business. And just balancing that, balancing that with our thinking and our relational cognitive decisions. Bring that a little bit more together and closing that gap. Nice. Nice. So being more mindful during the day just being mindful of how our energy expands and contracts. Just bring that mindfulness.

[00:35:35] I think if we start with mindfulness, you bring yourself to that mindfulness it just starts to unfold in beautiful ways. It’s actually how we moved here to Mallorca, Spain from Switzerland. Nice. Beautiful. Because you were getting, how did that unfold? Yes. We were about to buy a house in Switzerland, and I looked at different houses and I stood there in a garden with beautiful garden, beautiful house, but every house in a row and every, like all the white picket fences and I just feel my whole-body contract.

[00:36:15] And I felt like I don’t want to live here. I don’t want to become old here. Buying a house here, it just felt so, so restrictive. And there my journey of, what do I want started? And I created a vision board and I saw that, just saw that there was always like sea and beautiful warmer weather, Mediterranean. And this is how we made the decision to move here.

[00:36:40] That’s amazing. And all you were really doing was noticing. Right. And you were noticing what was happening in your body. You’re noticing that. Yeah, a lot of times we just overzealous and we feel the contraction, but then we just go ahead because it’s just the logical thing to do. Right, right. Exactly. Oh my gosh.

[00:36:59] This has been such a great conversation. I’ve really learned so much. Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us today Eos. Please tell our listeners how they can find you. Yes, they can find me on my website, And there’s actually a book that I have written the soul of business, which speaks a lot about these different seven layers of

[00:37:24] the energy layers of the emotions and energy and goes in a little bit more on each of those. And I have also a quiz on my website, which speaks about emotions and the emotions you want to feel in your business and how it relates to your branding. Beautiful. And all of those links will be in the show notes.

[00:37:46] So Eos thank you again so much for sharing your wisdom today. Really, really beautiful. Can’t thank you enough. And thank you so much, Allyson. I was so I’m happy to be here, invited into your space into your listeners and it was so beautiful. The questions you brought, the topics we touched on. Just really, really grateful to you.

[00:38:09] Thank you so much. Thank you.

[00:38:22] And I want to thank you dear listener for tuning in and showing up for this podcast. I really, truly hope from the bottom of my heart, that it serves you in both simple and profound ways. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:38:45] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days? Then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt, and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website, Allyson as well as in the show notes.

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