How to Make Multi-Six Figures with a Small Following with Ron Reich

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As a soul-guided entrepreneur, I know that you long to get your work out into the world. To touch the lives of your soul clients and grow the business of your dreams.
But if you have a small following or a not-so-big mailing list, you may think it’s impossible to reach the higher income levels you want without first growing your following.
Well, I have great news for you – you CAN grow your business to multi-six figures with a small following. And my guest today will show you the way.
In this week’s episode of Soul Guide Radio, I’m talking with THE expert when it comes to achieving multi-six figures in your business WITHOUT a huge following.
Ron Reich is an amazing Business Strategist (who also happens to be my coach!), and he is truly gifted at pinpointing areas for improvement to take your business to the next level.
Ron is on a mission to inspire excellence in A-player entrepreneurs so that they can build the businesses of their dreams. He helps successful online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to 7 (and even 8 figures) through his advanced marketing systems.
He is especially talented at targeting how you can engage your audience, no matter how big or small, to raise their hands and say “Yes, I want to work with you!”.
Ron is both intuitive and all about energy. He attracts a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs and what he shares is going to vibe with you, dear soul-guided entrepreneur.
So settle in and get ready to soak up the wealth of information that Ron shares with us in today’s episode.
> LISTEN NOW to learn how to engage your audience (whether big or small) in a way that gets them excited to hire you and invest in your offerings.
Guest Bio: Ron Reich’s mission is to inspire excellence in A-Player entrepreneurs so they can build the businesses of their dreams. He helps successful online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to seven (and even eight) figures through his advanced marketing systems.

In today’s episode, we explore:

  • The missteps entrepreneurs make when building an audience
  • Why a bigger audience is not necessarily better
  • How you can make multi-six figures in your business with a small following

Ron’s Resources: 

  • Visit Ron’s website HERE
  • Learn more about Ron’s Launch Engine Intensive HERE
  • Join Ron’s FREE FB Group HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation: Find Ron on Facebook (@RonReich0) and send him a message. Tell him that Allyson sent you. 

[00:00:00] Well, hello, my dear ones. I am so excited for this episode. I had so much fun chatting with my coach. I am interviewing my coach today, the amazing and admittable Ron Reich and we are talking about an amazing topic that he is just gifted at. This person knows this topic, which is really about engaging your already warm audience

[00:00:29] no matter how big or small you perceive your audience or following or list to be. And we’re going to be talking all about how to make multi-six figures in your business with a small following. And Ron is a real genius on this, which is one of the many reasons why I hired him because I don’t have, I think for what my business earns in a year, my list is definitely on the smaller side.

[00:01:02] And I am not one who feels like I need to have, I’m not called to have a huge, huge following. I’m just called to have an audience who I feel deeply connected to. So that to me is more important than big, big lists that don’t have that connection. And that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. So, in today’s episode, Ron explores with us, the missteps

[00:01:30] he sees entrepreneurs making when it comes to building the right audience, why bigger is not necessarily better when it comes to building an audience and how you can make multi six figures in your business with a smaller following. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you engaging your current audience, no matter how big or small you perceive it to be in a way that gets them excited to hire you

[00:01:59] and invest in your offerings. So, you’re gonna want to stay with us until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level, we’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:02:32] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:02:42] Hey there soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1300 leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other

[00:03:07] and the planet. A link to join is in the show notes. Today, I’m speaking to my amazing coach at the moment, Mr. Ron Reich. Ron is on a mission to inspire excellence in A player entrepreneurs so they can build the businesses of their dreams. He helps successful online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to seven and even eight figures through his advanced marketing systems.

[00:03:37] And I am a client of Ron’s, and I will say that his systems are advanced in a very simple, approachable, and you guys and soul guided way. I think you are going to receive so much from this episode. Please enjoy.

[00:04:04] Welcome, Ron. Thank you so much for being on soul guide radio. Thank you so much for having me. I am super-duper excited to be here. Oh my gosh. So, I have to, I want to start by telling everybody, cause this is like a big deal for me. You’re my coach. I’m very excited about that as well. It is a big deal for me as well.

[00:04:25] Ah, well, I, I tend to work with one person. Very like and I, and I find a coach and I’m all in with that coach and I tend to work with them for a long time. And then I only consume their content. So, like I’m in that space with you, Ron., You post something on Facebook and I’m reading it. Thank you so much. Really appreciate that.

[00:04:44] Great stuff. What I love about you, you’re very intuitive and you’re all about energy and all of that, but I don’t think you market yourself as a spiritual guy. Right? I do not market myself at that as that definitely not. It’s more like I market myself as a business strategist, marketing genius dude.

[00:05:05] But then when, once people kind of get into my world, then a lot of the energetic stuff does, come across, for sure. Yeah, because you attract really spiritual people. A lot of my peers in the spiritual business coaching world, they’ve all, they’re all, they’ve all been through your doors. So, I think that’s really cool.

[00:05:27] I think that just says to, really talks to putting out a certain, even though you’re not saying it, you’re putting out an energy and you’re attracting, I think people like me. That’s so cool. So, I love the topic we’re going to be talking about how to create wealth, earn six figures, multiple six figures with a small mailing list, a smaller audience.

[00:05:51] I think that’s really going to speak to the listeners of this podcast because a lot of the, a lot of my clients have said to me, not all of them. Okay. So, if you’re out there thinking I want to have a huge following, that’s cool. Like, hey, some of us are really kind of meant for that. And I’ll say a lot of my clients, they feel like they’re called to more of an elite following.

[00:06:13] So a curated, smaller following of people who are really activated and really engaged. And that’s what a lot of my clients tend to want. Yeah, absolutely. We’re quite similar. That is the kind of business I run as well. And it really is the fastest. It really is the fastest way in which in order to get into it, really is the fastest way to grow.

[00:06:37] I mean, it’s definitely the fastest way to grow like a coaching, consulting business. I know most of the people you work with are, are coaching service provider types. And it really is the fastest way really to grow, any business for reasons. That we’ll get to, as, as we, as we, as we talk about this.

[00:06:53] Ooh, I love it so much. So, I don’t know why, but I like to start with missteps. I like to, I like to start with common mistakes. I feel like this is where we get our best learning points. Right? So, I’d love to know in your work Ron, and you’ve worked with so many, like super amazing people. You’ve got an amazing client list of really like kind of top entrepreneurs out there.

[00:07:15] So it’s exciting to be in your circle. So, given all your experience, you’ve been at this for years, what are the top missteps you see entrepreneurs making when it comes to building the right audience for them and their offerings? We really alluded to this and this kind of, we’ll dive into kind of what’s the, what’s the, what’s the right thing to do, which I know you’re going to ask later, is it really, is this idea

[00:07:40] of it’s about thinking. It’s really that thinking they need that a larger audience is the answer to all their problems. This is probably the, this is really the big one. And there’s different variations. Like if this is the core problem, like the root of the problem, the symptoms we see are the, as a result of people thinking that they need to have this larger audience, then they end up deciding that they need to

[00:08:06] try out all these different, they need to be on all these different social media platforms, or they need to like be posting on Instagram five times a day and they need to oh, Tik TOK is really cool. They need to start, you know, they need to, oh, I just have a friend who just had got 30,000 followers on Tik Tok.

[00:08:23] I need to start Tik TOK. So, I’m going to start Tik TOK and they here, you know, oh, Facebook ads is the way, way to grow. It is the way it is the way to make, grow your audience. And so, they, they, they just kind of. Because they have this idea that bigger list. I just had more, a bigger list I would get, I would make more money.

[00:08:43] This ends up manifesting and then really focusing on things that will not only will not help them like that will keep them that will, that will keep them stuck. But it’s almost that that will actually cause them to regress if they keep going along these lines. So that’s really, really, that’s really actually the big, the big misstep is thinking the bigger audience and that as a result of that going on, you know, basically chasing more shiny objects.

[00:09:10] Yeah. So, you’re saying bigger is not necessarily better. Definitely not, definitely not. Because I find it takes a lot of time, time investment and or money investment to build your audience, like growing your list. If you want to really get it up there to the higher numbers that takes time. It takes money.

[00:09:32] It’s a common, a hundred percent and there’s a common, I heard this a long time ago in order to grow an audience, you need to pay for it in some way or another. And you took, you said it exactly right. You paid for it with time, which if you really want to grow a large audience, it’s going to take, not only is it going to take a lot of time, like if you want to get 10, everybody wants 10,000 Instagram followers.

[00:09:56] If you want to get 10,000 quality Instagram followers, that’s going to take time in like that could takes six to 12 months or even more. And then it’s also going to take, you’re going to have to invest a lot of time into that project. And then of course, If you don’t have time, you might not money. Or the other way,

[00:10:15] if you’re not willing to spend time, you need you to be spending money, but most people don’t add the, and this is the thing that I told you before we started chatting and I can be long winded. So, I should, I’ll do my best to temper it but I just, the thing when it comes to money is that most people really

[00:10:33] underestimate. They have no idea how expensive it really is to build a, a quality audience. So, what I’m talking about here is that, and just, just do the math, like, to get one, just kind of use the industry standards to get one quality, I would say this is even generous, but to get one quality lead, if you could get, if you’re paying for traffic on Facebook, for example. To get one quality lead, like someone who’s a good lead who might not necessarily be a client, but someone who would be a good lead, that would be like a solid email, like an actual human being best interested in your services or who might possibly be interested in your services.

[00:11:13] That’s going to cost $10 to $20 most likely for someone who’s of quality. This is just industry standards based on my experience when I’m talking about quality person. They’re people that can, you can hire basic advertising. People can get leads for $2 or $3. Fair enough. But I’m saying generally, industry standards for a quality, a quality person

[00:11:33] who’s going to show up for your webinar or sign up for your webinar and show up. Let’s say that’s $10, right? So, if you want to get 10,000 of those people just in Facebook ads alone, that’s going to cost you $10,000 and that’s not. And that doesn’t factor in the fact that you’re, you might have to spend time learning Facebook advertising.

[00:11:53] You’re going to have to maybe hire an agency, for example. So, what I’m getting at is I, me and most of my, kind of any of my peers, if I told them, hey, give me $10,000. I’ll get you a thousand people that are going to show up for your webinar. If they were smart, they would all say yes to that, but it really is not exactly that easy.

[00:12:11] So again, just do the math, right? So, if you want to build a really large audience, let’s say you want 20,000 with most at 10,000 people, right? Under this math, that will cost, what is that? That’s easy math. But I’m, that will cost you a hundred thousand dollars. Yeah. And I think that’s your being, I think a quality lead on Facebook is more towards the $20.

[00:12:31] So I think you are being a little bit. Pretty conservative. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. No, that’s so good. If you were listening this, if you’re blessed to be listening this and you have a hundred, 200, $300,000 that you have just sitting in a bank or, or wherever that you can, that you’re willing to, you know, use to it, to, to invest in your, in your, in your audience, then lucky you most, most, most of us don’t have that luxury.

[00:12:57] Yeah. And, and they don’t have most of us don’t have, you got to choose what you’re going to invest. Are you going to do the time investment or the money investment? Well, the Facebook ad process is both and if you’re not going to invest the time to figure it out and test things and test audiences, then you got to pay someone else to do it.

[00:13:16] And if you want someone who’s really good at doing that, it’s going to cost you some money as well. Getting that Facebook person to do it. Ron, let me tell you a little trap. I find, I think I make a misstep. Let’s see. You’re my coach. Tell me if you agree with this. I find myself. Okay. So, I do Facebook ads to get leads.

[00:13:34] And I think my audience prefers like prospective clients. I think words like leads are like, a little bit, I don’t know. I can, I use my energy. I can feel my listeners not really liking that word. So, let’s say prospective clients, I use Facebook ads among other things, but that’s the one thing I, that’s kind of the primary thing I do to, I would say the number one thing that I do in my business that gets me new people coming into connect to me.

[00:14:04] And, and so when someone’s new, okay. They see a Facebook ad of mine. And let’s say they’re going to sign up for a masterclass of mine and they sign up. And they get excited about it and maybe they book a discovery call and then that, then they get excited. It seems like there’s these new people coming in and there’s like this excitement cause I’m new and they’re new.

[00:14:23] And we have this new relationship budding. And then sometimes I feel like I neglect or that excitement somehow gets lost with some of the people who’ve been in my audience for a while. And so, I feel like this is I’m in this little trap now where I’m at the outer edges of my audience with just like, just dancing with the new people and not, not the people who’ve been with me for a while.

[00:14:46] What would you say to that? As you know, one of the things that I, so, just forming why that’s a problem, the reason why it’s because you’re human, right. We all want, we all think the grass is greener. We all think that new is better and different. So, we tended to focus on that. Right. And something we have, we tend to devalue, you know, more than the stuff we don’t have.

[00:15:07] So this, this is true right? Like, but it’s very true. Of course, it’s also true in this case, so, but I’ll just give you a very simple framework for this specific question. So. It’s not ideal to do that. Right? And can I just disclaimer here for people who’ve been with me for a while, I love you and value you so much, please know that. Please know that. We do for sure.

[00:15:31] And then one of this is a time thing. I, you know, I just, cause we have so much thought, but I don’t want to, I don’t want to just diagnose why and let’s list all this. Just give you a solution. Here’s the thing. All of us, any kind of businesses that specifically we’re talking to coaches, spiritual coaches, and service providers, and we have three types of people

[00:15:50] that we could be talking to. Really simple stuff. We have people who are cold. People that you have not connected with before, at least. So, this, this is like, these are in the context. They’re just people who are called people who are just finding out about us. Let’s say, or people who don’t know about us at all.

[00:16:06] Right? We have cold people. Then we have warm people. Let’s say the warm people will be someone in this context, some wants, or the cold person is someone might’ve just signed up for your webinar or someone isn’t, even who hasn’t signed up for your webinar yet, they’re out in the ethers. Someone warm is somebody who’s already engaged with your content on some level or another.

[00:16:26] Like they’ve already signed up for webinars and they’d already been on the webinar, for example, that they do that, or they have been on your list for a while. Let’s say that they’re warm. And then we have our hot people. These are the best people. The people who sign up for the webinar, booked a strategy session, booked the discovery session.

[00:16:42] Or the people that just, they’re just, you can see, you just know they’re hot because they’re commenting on everything, they’re like super-duper engaged. They show up to all your Facebook, lives. Those are your hotter people. Right? So super simple basic staff, a lot of what I do as, you know, Allyson, teach you the basics, remind you of the basics is so we have cold people, warm people, and hot people.

[00:17:04] I love it. Here’s the answer, spend you know, we spend, you want to basically divide up your marketing. The time you’ve had to spend on marketing and sales and the time you spent on these people, you want to divide it up into three parts like super right? Super groundbreaking stuff. We want to be spending about 30% of our marketing time and money,

[00:17:25] let’s say on getting new people. Then we want to spend 30% of our time getting our warmer people, getting them to become hot. And then we do want to be spending and most people, this is a mistake a lot of, not you you’re really good at this. A mistake lot of people make is not really spending enough time working on their super-hot people.

[00:17:47] So really if you just, if you listen to this if you just get one thing out of this, out of this interview, get this. Just divide your time up into a third, a third, a third, and you are going to find magic happen. That is brilliant. And listeners, Ron is, he is a marketing genius, and he is a genius at bringing you, bring us back to basics in such a smart way.

[00:18:13] You’re really good at it. And I just couldn’t agree with this more. And thank you for saying I’m good at the 30% hot. I just want to add to that. I couldn’t agree with this formula more. And when I figured that out, you know, I had to figure it out for myself after not doing this and suffering and not getting the results I wanted.

[00:18:33] When I figured out this, carving out time in my day to really spend and focus and connect to my 30% of hot prospective clients, prospects. That was, and that was, got me such a return on that time investment. And I was like, why didn’t I do this from the beginning? Like, why am I just onto this now? So, all this to say, couldn’t agree more.

[00:18:58] Oh yeah. Good stuff. It comes back to, we take for granted the stuff we have in front for what we think is boring, new is better. It’s the same stuff we talked about. So if we can hide human nature, we can make more progress. Nice. And so just going a little bit into the rabbit hole of these 30%, these hot prospects, boiling hot prospects, as I like to call them, sometimes I’m like, okay, I’m part of Ron’s mastermind too.

[00:19:23] So we were talking a little bit about this in the mastermind once about like how often is too often to reach out to someone, you know, they’re a hot, you know, they’re a hot person in your audience. They love you. They’re excited about you. They want to work with you. You’ve reached out to them, and you haven’t heard anything, but people are busy, right?

[00:19:41] Emails go to spam folders. How many times do you reach out to a person that you, your intuition is telling you this person is indeed a hot person, and I’m just reaching out from time to time to say, Hey, I’m here. If you want to work with me. And you’re probably graduated beyond this. Cause I think people just come to you.

[00:20:01] But for the listeners, for me, what would you recommend? How often would you reach out? Like how many, how many times is too many? So, yeah, so, I mean, it depends on the context. So, for example, so there’s different, there’s kind of different versions of hot prospects right? There are these people who, you just know that they’re hot prospects, like they’d been engaged with you maybe for a while.

[00:20:23] They’re like you, you see their profile on Facebook or Instagram and you’re like, the vibe is stronger. This is the kind of person who I, who I know I could really help. I know this is a good fit. Then we have those people. That’s just one example. I’m not going to I’ll just give you one more. Then we have another example of like the person a more technical likes, specific example of the person who, you know, you did a Facebook live, where you made an offer to get them to a discovery session.

[00:20:47] And this person there is like at the end of the call, there’s 50 people listening. And 10 people booked a strategy session. So of course, those 10 people are like your super, beyond boiling hot or boiling hot plus then the other 40 people in this context, they’re like, they’re definitely hot. Like I’ve listened to your webinar and heard the pitch, but we’re still engaged.

[00:21:09] That’s just, that’s a hot person. So, I’m getting at, is that for if it’s something very time-based for event like that, like you’re, you’re you have a special offer. You want too really. I would say a good rule of thumb is you want to, you want to schedule it between, you want to follow up with that person at least three times within like a seven day, we’ll do the seven-day period.

[00:21:28] Typically they’re seven. Do you have an offer? And they’re interested. You want to, you want to keep your foot on the gas, so to speak. Wow. Three times within a seven day. Okay. The way I would do that would be so like, you know, you do a Master class, you make an offer, you make a masterclass, you make an offer to get in a strategy session.

[00:21:45] That person, the person who didn’t take you up on the offer. A hundred percent. I would send them some kind of personalized message like that day or the following day. Hey, I saw you were in the master class. You know would love to talk to you about us possibly working together or whatever the verbiage is.

[00:21:58] And then if they don’t respond right that they don’t get back to you on that then you have two or three days later. Hey, doesn’t need to be complicated. Hey, did you see my last message I’m just following up and then maybe if they still don’t respond, and it’s towards the end of your like open cart period or whatnot, or just like, if this offer’s not going to be around forever or whatnot.

[00:22:16] Hey, just wanted to follow up with you one more time to take advantage of the special discovery session. I would, I would really love to connect with you to see if this might be a good fit. Again. So, when I said three times a week, that sounds like a lot, but hopefully you can appreciate that. You know, what I just said is pretty, it’s not super aggressive and it’s not like it’s spamming them.

[00:22:36] No, not at all. Yeah. And you have such a good way of always framing everything. So, when this interview is over, I got a lot of follow up emails. I got a lot of, hey, did you get my last email messages to send. Cause I think I’ve been a little bit too, like one and done. 100% anyone. If you’re send those follow-up emails, like this is again, really basic stuff, but it’s the basics.

[00:22:59] Robin Sharma, the great speaker and author says, “great news is consistently focusing on the fundamentals.” This is really basic fundamental stuff that if people do it and most people just don’t do it, right? They just don’t. Most people don’t even follow up once. Right? I’m not denying that most people don’t send that message after the webinar, for example.

[00:23:21] So if I send that email to 80% of the people. And then if you’re, if you have an effort to send the follow up two or three times afterwards, you know, you’re, you’re golden. And then as far as your other people, here’s what I would say to be honest, when it comes to that, like, if somebody is not some time-based for an event, you really just, it’s really just about, I’m just going to say it’s about being consistent.

[00:23:42] That the key is that the men rules be consistent and always be connecting with your warm people. So, for example, this is where it’s hard to say, oh, I need to follow up. You should follow up once a. That I would say at least connect with them at least once a month at, at a bare minimum, once a month. You’ll find if you’re consistent with it, then you’re just going to find your rhythm.

[00:24:07] So for example, let’s say I’m an, and if you’re listening to this, I highly highly recommend if you’ve not done this, make your list of make your list and your top, whatever the number is. And the top, you know, 20, 30, 40, 50 people that you would love you know, your client list, people you would love to call in to your, to your services.

[00:24:28] And then what, what you want to do is make the list. And then, and some of these lists would be those hotter people, hopefully, people are engaged, people are interested in what you’re selling, and then just make an effort to that you’re going to, that you’re going to consistently be working that list. And so here’s what you’re going to find is that let’s say you’re, I mean, I’m going to reach out to 10 people today and, you know, you, know, send those 10 messages, and I’m going to send a platform makes sense.

[00:24:53] And what you’ll find is that same thing some people are going to respond. Some people are not going to respond. The people who don’t respond super good idea would be, make a note to follow up with them within a week. It’s kind of like similar to what we talked about, or even sooner than that if there’s a more of a specific reasons, something more, you know, just, just use your intuition.

[00:25:11] Sometimes it might make sense for you to follow up with them later, but sometimes people are going to say like, hey, how are things going? And they’re going to say oh, you know, thing, honestly, things are not going really well. Why? And they may, maybe they had, they have some personal matter, like there, you know, their grandmother just passed away or whatever, or they just have to, you know, anything.

[00:25:31] Something’s going on in their personal life, telling you about it. And so of course that’s going to be a mess. It’s okay. All right. I’m not going to, I’m not going to make a note to follow up with you three days later, right? That’s probably the one, that’s the kind of person maybe making it to follow up next month

[00:25:46] to see how they’re doing. Et cetera, et cetera. And then what you’re going to find there’s also a lot of people that are just going to respond to you, and then you’re just going to have conversations for a bit. And then it’s just about being consistent and seeing were intentional and mostly seeing where the conversation goes.

[00:26:03] We want to, as you would say, court our client, you know. That’s right. Yes. The soul client courtship. Thank you. Thank you for that. I love that you said use your intuition. This is a great time to exercise your intuition. In terms of like, I can always just kind of feel like I’m going to give you an example.

[00:26:21] I have a hot prospect out there, maybe she’s listening. And she, and I did a discovery call in like, let’s just say three, four months ago. So that was, I like to think in seasons. So that was, let’s say early summer we talked. And she said, well, I’m super interested, Allyson I want to sign up for your VIP program and she’s a person she’s got a great business going.

[00:26:45] She’s doing amazing things in the world. She said, but now’s not the time, but let’s talk in the fall. In the fall, I think will be good, good time. And I was like, great. My one-on-one schedule is booked right now, and I have a high-end group program happening in the fall. This is great. All the stars are aligning.

[00:27:02] Well, Ron, I’ve been emailing her. I’ve been emailing her. I even sent her a Facebook friend requests, I thought, where did she go? And I’m like, I’m just like convinced my emails are going to her spam folder. And so, my intuition is telling me that I’m not spamming her. You know what I mean? Like I’m not over emailing her.

[00:27:21] Or like, like I have this intuition that she wants to connect to me. That’s just saying that she’s not responding to any of my emails, but she’s out there. She wants to talk to me. Of course, she, obviously she knows where to find me, I believe if she really wanted to get hop back on the phone with me to talk about starting a coaching journey, but anyway,

[00:27:43] I am. I don’t know why I’m sharing that with you, but I just feel called to share it. My intuition is telling me that this, because I think, this is why I’m called, because I think if you were using logic, you would say, obviously this woman’s not interested, you know, stop spamming her, stop emailing her. But I just know that that’s not the case.

[00:28:00] So guess what? I’m just going to keep emailing. And the last email I sent to her, I said, I know you’re probably busy, so I’ll just keep checking in with you time to time and until I hear otherwise, Basically and tell you to tell me to stop checking in. It was something like that. It was diplomatic the way I said it.

[00:28:18] Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And then, yeah, when you think about the energy, right? Like I was one of the reasons why I love working with you because you’re, it really is your vibe really is strong when you do add this, just this amazing to simply amazing, powerful energy, which is really, really great. And some of the idea here is that, how do I explain this?

[00:28:36] Is that if you or any person like. If you have that strong vibration, and if you like, if you feel good and if you really believe in yourself and you believe in your services, Then of course it makes sense to continue to, to follow up with this person, as long as they haven’t given you like they might, as long as they haven’t given you any negative energy or like some negative signal, or you don’t Intuit any negative signal that they don’t want to follow up with you,, it’s like, you’re the one who’s giving them

[00:29:07] you know, you’re like you have this lottery ticket for a million dollars that you’re, uh, you’re trying to chase them down to get to, to give them that lottery would be kind of. That would just even be selfish of you to not give someone there, their Millionaire lottery ticket. You know what I mean. And of course, there are those people that do say, like, you just get that negative energy or like, where they are like,

[00:29:27] where maybe it’s intuitive, like having this person doesn’t want to talk to me or they’ll basically say, stop, stop contacting, or they’ll tell you, oh, I still need another program. Then of course those people in that, in this context, obviously then that energy continued to court them then it’s not going to be.

[00:29:44] I love that. I love the metaphor so much. And with your permission, I’m going to start using this. I’ll tell, I’ll always give you the credit. I’m holding a million-dollar lottery ticket and in this metaphor, it’s like my coaching, right? Yeah. I love that so much. I have it. I have a ticket for you. It’s worth a million dollars.

[00:30:04] Let’s get on the phone to talk about it. And I totally, and like I, yes, the more you and I just, you, the listener know. That you also have a million-dollar lottery ticket that your soul clients really need you to give them. And another point I just wanted to make is in my experience of my like true warm and hot prospects, I have never had anyone ever say to me, stop contacting me.

[00:30:30] Absolutely. For sure. Yeah. They want to hear from you a hundred percent. They do. And I think that we sometimes, a misstep is we make this assumption that we’re bothering them. Reaching out too many times. And I think that’s very, very rarely the case when you have this connection and this intuition that this person really is a good audience member. And all of that stuff, all of that negativity.

[00:30:54] And again, I appreciate that it’s not easy. It’s not easy for me to say, Hey, you’re awesome. Don’t, don’t, don’t be nervous about contacting people. But when I’m getting at is, that all of that, oh, I’m bothering someone, whatever, all that negative self-talk, all those negative vibes. It all just comes from lack of beliefs in yourself.

[00:31:12] It comes from lack of confidence. It comes from lack of appreciating how awesome you are. Again, once you appreciate how awesome you are and really, really value what you’re offering. And especially when you have, so there are many people listening to this. There’s a good chance you’re listening to this, have already worked with clients and you have created life-changing results.

[00:31:35] You’d like your, you might literally be a miracle worker and you’re just not appreciating how really how awesome you are and how powerful what it is you’re selling. So, a lot of it is just again, once you, embody and appreciate how awesome it is what you’re selling. And again, a lot of this negativity, a lot of this doubt, a lot of this quote, imposture syndrome and all these kinds of things, a lot of it becomes a lot more,

[00:31:59] I’m not gonna say it goes away, but it becomes a lot more manageable. Yeah. Yes, really, really, truly agree with that. All right. So, you’ve really answered this question in so many ways already. What else haven’t you offered or that you’d like to share about other Ron’s other top tips for building a prosperous business with a smaller list.

[00:32:23] I want to give actually, one just a real meta like really big picture mindset shift, I think is going to really help a lot of people and then we can spend and then I’ll talk about a couple of more specific tactical things. So here is amongst the most valuable things that I can possibly share with you. And that is this is that really any person who’s in business.

[00:32:47] And I think this is very, very, it’s even more specific to personal brands, typically coaches, consultants, service providers that kind of keep the help in our world is that there’s a lot of people who are, who might do what you do. For example, Allyson, me and you , we’re both technically business coaches. We actually have there’s overlap

[00:33:07] in the people that we’ve, the kind of clients that we have. , for example. But, but again, I have my, you know, I have my people that work with me. And then you have the people who work with you. The idea there here is that there’s anyone listening to this, there’s a lot that that could do the same thing that you do.

[00:33:24] And some of them could do it better or could do it maybe they do it better. What I’m getting at is that the ultimate thing that we’re selling really is our vibration. We really are selling our assets. We are really selling our uniqueness. And that encompasses everything that makes

[00:33:45] you like you were mentioning earlier before, like the reason why I attract a certain clientele is because there’s a certain vibration. There’s a certain energy that comes across. That’s not just in my, in the actual energy of my courses. It comes across in the click that, that I’m selling or that my actual content and my actual trainings the stuff I want to talk about. Well, here’s what I’m getting at.

[00:34:04] Since this is a spiritual audience. It’s easier to talk about these kinds of things, which is that ultimately your vibration, your essence it really is whatever you want to call it when, whether it’s soul, soul God, the divine or whatnot. So really you are, you’re really selling your embodiment of the divine, of source of ultimate energy, whatever you want to call it.

[00:34:32] And I think we can all agree that kind of by definition, that that, that energy, that defined energy, whatever you want to call it is really priceless. Like there is no amount of money that can, that you could, there’s really no priceless price that you could put on that. Yeah. It’s great.

[00:34:53] And I’ve never heard of ultimate energy before. I like that one. Now that just came up. I’ve been, I’m not even sure that’s good, but yeah, I like it. So yeah, let’s say the divine, the God whatever you want to call it. So, what I’m getting at or the thing I was going the example, I was going to use that and that I will give you is that, so I charge quite a bit for my one-to-one services.

[00:35:12] I’m not sure its one-on-one offer. It’s actually, I’m really just taking our clients for new year-long engagements nowadays. And I’m currently charging anywhere between basically $65,000 or more, you know, work with quite a few clients at that level. What I am getting at, is that I, myself, I have to charge them relatively high prices for a long period of time.

[00:35:30] I know people like, I know people who transfer a hundred thousand dollars a year and I could, what can we do to kind of see that? Or it’s like, you kind of do the math. Okay. If someone’s like, they’re only working with like seven or multi seven-year people. So, I can kind of like rationally justify it.

[00:35:44] Right. But then I would, there are people out there, there are spiritual coaches out there believe it or not, who are charging somebody charging more. But I knew spiritual impact coaches that are charging a million dollars or more for their services, let it be them. They have million-dollar clients.

[00:36:02] And I always wonder, like, how are they doing that? Like, are they only working with, are they only working with like multi, multi multi-millionaires or XYZ? Really what it comes down to is that, and a lot of them aren’t the answer it’s because it’s not just the direct ROI that they are selling which that’s what I was looking at before.

[00:36:25] But really again, they, they just are, they’ve raised their vibration to such a level and that’s essentially what they’re selling if that makes sense. So again, they realized that their vibration is literally priceless and more importantly, in this context, they’re able to essentially transmute that energy to the, to their potential clients.

[00:36:50] If that makes sense. Oh, Ron you’re, you’re like, you’re like a spiritual guru here. This is amazing. And it makes perfect sense. I love this so much because it’s like, I find something so amazing about it. So, you got the, like the million-dollar spiritual coach and this person is just vibrating at the energy.

[00:37:12] Of a million dollars, right? Like I am worth this. I am vibrating it. I am embodying it. I am going to get you such a return on an investment that it’s going to, it’s going to be infinite, an infinite return. So, when the potential client feels that and believes that and reflects that. That’s going to be reflected in their return, right?

[00:37:35] Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. It’s just, it’s just, it’s that transfer of energy a hundred percent. Yes. And that’s the thing that’s so amazing. And so much of my work is all about energy and about finding that right energy frequency. So, if you are indeed working with a soul client, what I say is our soul clients, pains, needs and desires, fit like a puzzle piece to our unique genius.

[00:38:00] We were meant to help heal their pains, get them to their desires and give them what they need. And when that happens, that energetic frequency is so high. And so, if the monetary exchange isn’t near that high frequency, if it’s too, if it’s low, it’s doing a huge disservice to the relationship, bringing frequency down yup.

[00:38:24] A hundred percent that’s you nailed that. Yeah. So, with this energy exchange, you can really see how you don’t need a huge list. You just need those, those soul clients. Absolutely. And then, and that really gives me a really, when it comes to the tactical mad, like the tactic tactically, having you do this.

[00:38:46] So really it’s about, I talk about, and you want to become a superhero to a very specific target market. I mean, this is really essentially what it’s, what it’s all about. It’s really about finding who are those exact people, that I call it being a micro-celebrity, it’s about finding out. So, this is tactically how you can find yourself.

[00:39:06] So it’s about finding exactly who are those people, who is your target market, who, you know, you can move the, know, you can help the most. And then it should be about essentially putting the full court pressure on those people. So, I joke that, you know, I kind of formed, I started doing marketing consulting. I started consulting about five years ago and I started as a loss control consultant.

[00:39:29] I was working with quite a few different types of businesses. Mostly I was starting out with like these kind of seven multi-seven figure businesses, helping them with their launches. As I started doing more stuff, I realized that my real sweet spot were essentially businesses doing between a hundred thousand, a hundred thousand dollars and $500,000 a year in revenue.

[00:39:47] I first came across that. Oh, that’s cool. And then the one I started working with people patterns started emerging. One day, I had this epiphany where I realized that all my practically everyone in my mastermind, they were all brown-haired females that I kind of, then I kind of went a little bit deeper and I realized, oh wow, they’re almost all,

[00:40:04] almost all of them have sons. Not all of them have sons but almost all of them have sons. Then I also, then I later on realized it kind of, most of them, not all of them, they were like, they help people at some aspect of business, like they were, they were, they were Matt and Mississippi business coaches, but they help people with some aspect of business, like maybe we’re ads or whatnot.

[00:40:24] And then I also, then I realized too that they all have this like, kind of like you mix the combination spiritual side there they’re essentially all personal development junkies. Generally, essentially. So, I found that my, like my sweet spot it’s essentially, brown haired female business coach with this bullshit that our personal development junkies that had at least one, and at least that at least one child that you knew brought her numbers essentially.

[00:40:48] And then, so then, so that bigger of that, it’s about, we focus specifically both in my content that I’m putting it out in the, in the, in the market. I talk about the brown hair thing when I’m teaching it, I don’t say, hey, do you  have brown hair? Or your brown-haired female, but I will kind of tend to in the hall, the language I use, I might be using more

[00:41:07] language that that women might respond to a little bit better. And so, there’s like tactically things that I might do. And I even say, are you a business coach? I would say something along those lines. You’ve got tactical types of things. And then of course, yeah. Like when I imagine who I’m talking to, when I visualized who I wanted to work with, of course, you know, you know, the kind of people and visualize.

[00:41:28] And so really that’s kind of it. And again, I have courses that kind of go into more tactically and how you content and things like that. But it’s really about knowing your audience then of course, knowing where you’re going to find and what, for example, what not a lot of people, why people aren’t on Facebook and Instagram, to an extent I do more stuff on Facebook.

[00:41:45] And then it’s who it’s about being in front of that on a regular basis. It’s about showing up and being awesome with them on a regular basis. And as you do that, the more you, the more you put out content and the more awesome you are, those ranked people are going to start vibrating with you, the emotions coming back that are going to start commenting on your posts and liking your posts and share your posts and responding to your emails.

[00:42:08] And then of course, then once you’ve have that, then it’s about that personal connection. You see someone just finds your email. It’s about emailing them back and you see the people that are showing up through your Facebook lives. It’s about hanging out. Thanks for checking out my Facebook lives. What have you been up to way?

[00:42:22] And then as you would say, courting them into the next step. Yeah. And I will say I’m a brown-haired woman. I have a daughter, but I am a mom. So, I have a daughter and I have spiritual. And I’m a business coach. You’re in a niche. You got your niche down that your, your, your audience. And I just want to share here too, something about you, Ron, I’ve told you this before, but I think it’s relevant for this topic.

[00:42:48] Like when I have done two discovery calls with your kind of discovery call, but they didn’t feel like discovery calls. You’ve got like, it felt like we were just having a Chitty chat, which was nice. Like at no point was I like, all right here comes the big pitch. Like that just never came. It was just a conversation.

[00:43:08] And in both calls, you made me feel so special. Like, like you are offering me things that you weren’t offering anyone else. And the thing is I could find out that you basically tell every person the exact same thing, and I almost wouldn’t believe it. I’d be like, yeah, Ron might say that to you, but he really thought I like, I was special.

[00:43:30] Like. I mean, I’m going to be totally transparent with you. I don’t say it that same thing to everyone that what I really, I really was excited to work with you. That’s why, of course, I gave you this, you know, irresistible offer. No, and no, I definitely didn’t think that you did that, but I’m just saying that the energy that you approach discovery calls is really amazing.

[00:43:52] It is that courtship and that making the person feels special and all it is just a conversation. Like it was just a conversation, and I was basically just like, yup. Yes. And you didn’t even, you didn’t even pitch it. You didn’t pitch me anything. Just like, yeah, I got this thing. This is what you get. And I was just like, yeah.

[00:44:14] Yeah. Well, love hearing that, great stuff and then one thing I just want to mention that with this last tactical tactic will be able to helpful for those listening to this. People want to be wanted. This is a thing that a lot of people, you know, people that’s basically it, people want to be wanted.

[00:44:33] So there’s a lot of power of course, It’s gotta be an integrity. You’ve gotta be serious. But when you’re like, you know, when you’re thinking about your dream, when you’re having that discovery call with your dream client, or if you’re doing things in the courtship process to get done on a call, if you let them know, Hey, like you’re awesome.

[00:44:51] I really want to work with you. And if you’re being sincere, that is going to help you. Don’t think that a lot to have this deal, we’re chasing clients and coming across as desperate, there is a desperate energy. I read this recently about a book on sales, they call it commission breath, right. And context.

[00:45:07] This is like, so that’s a thing for sure, but it doesn’t always have to, it doesn’t always have to be that way Again, it’s about the energy you’re coming across. Again, if you’re the millionaire, you have the million-dollar lottery ticket, and you’re saying, Hey, I’m trying to give you this million dollar lottery ticket, not everybody else that you, people are going to respond. 100%.

[00:45:28] And I think that’s exactly what I meant to say with the, you made me feel special. Like, I think you’ve got that down. Like you’ve got that nailed, like how you, how you deliver that is really powerful. And it was. To be honest, I was just happy to be in a discovery call with you because I’m like, this is how I want it to do discovery calls with my people, because you know, this audience doesn’t like to feel salesy or be salesy.

[00:45:57] And there was there’s literally when we, when you approach it the way Ron is suggesting you really take all the salesiness out of it. 100%. Great love hearing that hopefully this was helpful. So helpful. I do have some other questions that we are running out of time to get to, and it does take us into a little bit of a different direction.

[00:46:18] It just means Ron, would you come back sometime in the future? Yeah. I told you I can be Long-winded yes. A hundred percent. No, not at all. It was really, really good. So, I always put my guests on the spot a little bit at the end of the show, I’m going to ask you to leave our listeners with an invitation, and that is an invitation to do something or be someone or invite them to somewhere.

[00:46:44] What is your invitation for our listeners? Invitation, Okay, cool. This is coming to me. So, what I’ll do. I, we’ve been talking a little bit about kind of getting out, getting out of your comfort zone and kind of doing those things. So, I have an invitation for you, and that is I invite you to find me on Facebook. Just find my personal profile and send me a message and tell me just that’s it just send me a message and we’ll see what goes from, we’ll see what at, where that goes.

[00:47:16] I think this will be a good way for you to get outside of your comfort zone possibly, and hey, I’m Ron. Did you have to believe that I might, that you think might be of interest to me, any kind of ways that I could support you, if you want to sell me something I am totally open to it, so just find me on Facebook, send me a message.

[00:47:31] Tell me that Allyson sent you. That is brilliant. I love that. And if you are looking like I’m like, I know I’m signing, like, you know, I’m a, I’m a Ron groupie. I am, but I’m really being sincere here. If you want to read really good writing, like really good writing that is authentic and connects to the audience.

[00:47:52] I really honestly recommend getting into Ron’s closed Facebook group. I’m going to ask you in one second for how people could find you getting into his close Facebook group, friending him on Facebook, or like following his personal page. Getting on his mailing list. He is such a good writer. And so just like reading his writing on what good copy looks like.

[00:48:12] You will thank me for that. So, with that, with that tee up, tell us Ron, how people can find you. Yeah. The best way again to find me, just search for my name on Facebook my personal profile should come up quite quickly. And I also that my free Facebook group is called heroic profits for mission driven

[00:48:33] entrepreneurs and experts or mission journey coaches and experts. So, yes. So just if you just type in heroic profits, it’ll, it’ll come up as well. So yeah, we’d love to see you in there and watch, there’s hours and hours of trainings, like a really deep on what we talked about today and much, much more so love to see you on that.

[00:48:50] So good. And all of those links will be in the show notes. Ron, I can’t thank you enough. This was so good. So valuable. You always offer really just high value content that I think most coaches do charge for. So, I really appreciate you being so generous with sharing your wisdom, and I really appreciate you being on the show.

[00:49:10] Thank you so much for having me. Looking forward to part two. Yay.

[00:49:24] and I want to thank you dear listeners so much for tuning in. I want to give a shout out to someone who just recently gave soul guide radio a review. This is M w M 14. MWM 14. I want to thank you for this amazing review. She says, I always love Allison’s heart led insights and strategies for building a successful business.

[00:49:52] When you want to be more in your divine feminine, she’s a great example. Thank you so much for that amazing review. And if you, dear listener are feeling so-called to also leave me a rating and reveal, I would be so grateful and I will read it on the air and give you a shout out of love. So that’s a wrap for today.

[00:50:15] And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:50:26] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days, then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website, Allyson as well as in the show notes.


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