When Your Business Has You on a Worry Loop

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Ahhh good ole worry. It shows up in my life. It shows up in the lives of the soul-guided entrepreneurs I know. And I am willing to bet that it shows up in your life.

It can range from a little nagging thought in the back of your mind all the way to a non stop worry loop that won’t give you a break. 

A worry loop is when your mind is replaying negative thoughts or scenarios over…and over… and over again.

Often the worry loop is on autopilot, and you don’t even realize that it’s happening. Which creates anxiety that can last for days on end. 

Because it becomes such a part of your day-to-day life, you don’t even realize that you’re worrying – which is another characteristic of a worry loop (they’re sneaky, those worry loops!) 

It also affects your energy frequency. And when you’re trying to connect to prospective soul clients, they can sense an underlying feeling of lack, uncertainty, and doubt. And that in turn, will affect whether they want to continue down the path to explore working with you. 

In short, worry loops drain the joy of the journey and can stunt the growth of your business.

As you can see, worry loops are a BIG freaking deal! They negatively impact the work you long to get out into the world and the dreams you have for attracting your perfect soul clients.

 So today’s episode is coming at just the right time because I’m sharing the secret formula for stopping worry loops in their tracks. I also arm you with the steps you need to get out of the worry loop and back to your TRUE self. 

 >> LISTEN NOW as I walk you through the process I use with my private clients to DISSOLVE worry loops and get back to being the joyful soul-guided entrepreneur you are at your core.

In today’s episode, I’ll reveal:

  • The top worry loops I hear in my community (I bet you’ll relate with at least one of them!)
  • How to notice when you have a worry loop on auto replay
  • How to dissolve the worry loop so you can get back to being abundant, successful, and joyful in your business


This Week’s Invitation: Try out the 5 step cord cutting process to let go one of your worry loops. 

[00:00:00] Hello, my dear ones. How are you doing on this fabulous day? I hope you are amazing. So various ideas for podcast episodes ping into my brain all the time. And some of them marinate for a while and actually, you know, grow legs and then an outline forms and before you know it, I’m doing the podcast episode and other times they just, it just slips away.

[00:00:25] It doesn’t, it doesn’t manifest into reality. This episode, I got the idea of doing an episode on the business worry loop some time ago, because I noticed it showing up so profoundly in my own life. So, I started the outline and then I started to talk to people in my community and I started to collect worry loops so I could understand what were the top worry loops that soul guided entrepreneurs face in their business.

[00:01:00] So what is a worry loop? It’s when your mind is replaying over and over negative thoughts or scenarios that are happening or could happen in your business? And often the worry loop is on autopilot. You don’t even realize that it’s happening. And the worry loop is creating like a low grade or high-grade anxiety that can last for days on end in some cases.

[00:01:36] And this is a super important topic to explore. Not only because worry loops, drain the joy of the journey. It makes business not so much fun when you’re constantly worrying and don’t even realize that the worry is there in some cases, because it’s become so much part of your day-to-day life. You’re just, you get used to the worry that you don’t really notice it’s there, which is another sneaky characteristic of a worry loop, but it also affects your energy frequency.

[00:02:08] And when you’re creating content and connecting to prospective clients, when you’re in a worry loop, they’re going to feel that they’re going to feel that anxiety. They’re going to feel that lack, that uncertainty, that doubt, and that’s going to affect whether or not they want to go deeper with you, whether or not they want to invest in your products or services.

[00:02:32] So the trick here, the key is to notice the worry loops. That’s really the first step, because they like to hide and then dissolve them. So, you can go back into the energy of your gifts, of your truth, of your genius and putting out the energetic signals then your soul clients can easily find. In today’s episode,

[00:02:58] I’ll reveal the top worry loops I hear in my community how to notice when you’ve got a worry loop on auto replay and how to dissolve the worry loop so you can get back to you being abundant, successful, and joyful in your business. We’ll end on an invitation that will have you transforming your worry loops into inner knowing that you have powerful gifts, your soul clients need them,

[00:03:27] and they’re ready to start enrolling in your offerings immediately. So, you’re going to want to stay with me until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:04:01] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide.

[00:04:10] Hey, their soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along way. If you aren’t already a member then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1300 leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other and the planet. Today, we’re talking about worry loops.

[00:04:38] And when your business has you on a worry loop. So, I did a little poll of my community and ask them to identify the top worry loops that they experience in their business. So here are the top ones; I suspect you may be able to relate to some of these. I don’t have enough money, or I won’t. Oftentimes a real worry loop is about something in the future because here’s the deal.

[00:05:09] We are sitting here in this moment. I’m sitting in my office; I’m looking out the window. I feel good. It’s a beautiful day. I am looking at a little thing my mom bought me. It’s a little dancing shark wearing a little hula skirt. And when the sun hits it, it dances more. It’s got a little solar, tiny little solar panel.

[00:05:30] I’m looking at that thing. Just thinking about how much I love my mom. I’ve got some spirit Oracle card deck here. Like life is good. Like my point is I have really got nothing true that really requires me to be in the energy of worry happening to me in this moment. When I drop into the present moment, go into my heart space,

[00:05:55] I realize that in any given present moment, I have nothing to worry about. Now when I’m in a crisis, okay, maybe that’s a little different, but when you’re in the crisis, maybe someone you love is sick or you’re experiencing a big life struggle. Right? And there’s big emotions present. You can always drop into the present moment into the heart space and get some relief

[00:06:24] from those big emotions, get some relief. And in that relief, if you really, really just lean into it, you can get even a glimmer of you’re okay. It’s going to be okay. This too shall pass all will be well. So, the true definition of the worrying loop is actually worrying about things that may happen in the future.

[00:06:50] So, what are these things that may happen in the future in our business? We might not get enough money, right? Isn’t that, you know, the business, the heart of a business that making money. There might not be enough of it. There might not be enough clients. That’s another big one. Here’s a big worry loop I got from my community, technical stuff.

[00:07:11] I might not be able to figure out the technical stuff. The technical stuff may get me. It may take me down. It may destroy me, right? Tech, most soul guided entrepreneurs don’t launch their business because they love tech. Now I’m giggling to myself because I have a new podcast editor. You guys it’s Emily and she’s unbelievable.

[00:07:34] Emily Milling. If you’re looking for a podcast, editor, check her out. And I think she can tell me if I’m wrong here, but I think she’s someone who really loves the tech stuff and she, I believe she would identify with being a soul guided entrepreneur. So, she might be saying, well, no, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t resonate with that

[00:07:52] worry loop, but I think a lot of people do, you know, because a lot of the technical portion, you know, some people are wired for it and some people are just not. I do okay with technical stuff. I’m probably in the middle. I think there’s a piece of me that kind of likes it, but I’m now to the point in my business where I’ve

[00:08:11] gone through so many learning curves. When I started my business, I really, I didn’t have, I think like a lot of people, I didn’t have any marketing sales background. I had nothing. I was off all social media platforms and had been off them for years. And I was working for the government and people came to me for money.

[00:08:31] I didn’t have to sell myself, right? So, I went through so many learning curves, steep ones that I’m to the point of my business where I’m like, I don’t want another learning curve right now. Okay, so just don’t give me any new technology because I don’t want to have to learn to use it right? And I think that’s a lot of this tech worry loop.

[00:08:52] I think it’s just like, we know that any technology is going to require some learning curves, right? It’s new, anything new. And it just, I think sometimes that can feel daunting because in our businesses we’re always learning new stuff all the time. So, if you do identify with being from time to time in a technology worry loop, I invite you to explore into it and just see if there’s any part of it

[00:09:15] that’s resisting, learning something new. And with the limiting belief that it’ll take too long, I don’t have the time to learn something new and see if you can just carve out some time, just give yourself permission to learn and see if that space that you create with the technology, right? You’re creating space to learn it

[00:09:37] will help shift you a little bit with it. Okay. A little digression there, back to the worry loops that I get from my community and my clients, and I’ve certainly experienced these myself. I worry I don’t have enough support. I worry that I don’t enjoy sales and or marketing. I worry I can’t figure out sales and marketing.

[00:09:58] I worry I won’t be seen. I worry about making the jump from day job to full time business. I worry about how to prioritize what’s most important when I’m very short on time. I worry I don’t have enough time and I worry about self-doubt. I have a self-doubt worry. I’m not good enough. It’s not good enough.

[00:10:23] It’s not enough. Right? All of these worries have at its core, a lack, there’s something that’s not enough, right? So, lack or not enough is going to be a very common feeling state in a worry loop, which is again, why you don’t want to have worry loops in your business putting you at the vibrational frequency of lack.

[00:10:53] Cause that’s going to put you in energetic alignment of attracting more lack, lack of clients, lack of money, lack of know-how, lack of support, lack of technical know-how, lack of being seen, lack of time, lack of confidence. And if that’s not enough, something my human design consultant, she uses the words, energy leak

[00:11:16] and I don’t know if that’s a human design thing or if that’s an Ashley thing, but I tell you what worry loops are classic energy leaks. And what does that mean? It’s just a slow drain of your energy, a slow drain of your energy and speaking of human design, this is a beautiful time thinking about worry loops, getting to know your design type with regards to how you worry and what you worry about can really help you with this as well.

[00:11:48] So best idea is actually to book a session with a human design consultant to say, hey, like how do energy leaks and I would actually use that word, those words over worry loops because I think that’s more speaking human design language. Like, how am I designed? How’s my design type set up for energy leaks to occur.

[00:12:10] Like where am I likely to have an energy leak? I think that’s how you ask the question. And certainly, if you feel like you don’t have the resources right now for a design consultant, you can Google your way, just Google human design, energy leaks, and Google your design type. And I suspect you’ll find an article to help you.

[00:12:29] So yes, worry loops contribute to energy leaks. You’re experiencing you’re; you’re looping on some sort of worry that’s normally lack related. And that lack is creating anxiety, fear and because the loop has been with you replaying and replaying you, you stop to not notice it. You find ways to ignore it.

[00:12:52] You busy yourself from it, right? You think you’re going to outsmart the loop, but what’s happening is it’s creating an energy leak on your energy system and it’s draining you of life force, worry loops are actually very tiring. And this comes directly from my human design type because I’m sorry

[00:13:12] I don’t always, I understand human design, but I don’t always have the terminology correct. But I, it’s important for me. I’m a projector. It’s important for me in my design type to feel successful or to have that feeling of I’m in the energy of success because of that I like to set goals and achieve goals and I’m more or less have a positive relationship to goal setting

[00:13:37] and goal achieving right? And I think that a part of that puts me in alignment to my design type in enabling me opportunities to feel success. Of course, the shadow side of that is setting goals and putting all this pressure on myself to achieve them. So, let’s say I launch a group program and I want to fill it with 10 slots, and I only get nine.

[00:14:02] And that like one last person, I can be on a worry loop. Like first of all, my programs cost more. So, getting nine people into a high-end group program, that is outstanding. That’s spectacular. That is success. That definitely enables me to pay all my bills, grow my business, hire help, do all the things. I don’t need

[00:14:27] the 10th person. It’s just that I set the goal that 10 people is success. And if I don’t get 10, it’s not success. 10 is success. Nine or lower is not. And so, I will actually go on a worry loop about getting that last sign up. I need the last sign up, need to get to 10, need to get to 10 need to get to 10. I don’t have enough.

[00:14:52] So I’m vibrating at lack, lack, lack, lack. Don’t have enough. Don’t have enough and guess what, I don’t get the last person because I’m vibrating at lack. And I’m pushing and pushing potential clients away from me because they’re my mirror image. They’re feeling lack so they’re going to give me lack the world is going to give me lack when I’m feeling lack.

[00:15:12] Okay. So, let’s move into, and I’m going to talk about here in one hot, second, how to dissolve the worry loop. But first let’s get into how to notice when you’ve got the worry loop. Like I said, worry loops are our friends. They’ve been with us for a long time. Sometimes they are pounding away in our brain. And we don’t even know they’re there because we’re so good at just powering through over them.

[00:15:36] Well, the way to notice if you’re on a worry loop is to follow the feelings, follow the feelings. So, worry loops normally put us in some form of lack, anxiety, fear, heaviness, doubt, defeat. And just notice, how, how am I feeling? Ask the question, how am I feeling in my business? And of course, worry loops can be in any aspect of your life, your relationships with your kids, how many worry loops do we have with our kids?

[00:16:07] Probably a lot. Spouses, friends, you know, hobbies, health. We have all sorts of worry loops. So, this process I’m going to go through could work in any aspect of your life. But start with following the feelings. How am I feeling in my business and notice if there is some sort of painful or uncomfortable feeling present?

[00:16:28] And if you’re like, well, I feel neutral right now. Okay, good. How do you really feel, ask the question a second time? How do I feel? Okay. How do I really feel? Look within, sink inside and sometimes worry loops, because they like to hide, can be really soft. The anxiety can be soft. It’s just a low simmering anxiety.

[00:16:52] So no big deal, right? Wrong, low simmer anxiety can take you out of alignment. Can drain your energy. Create these energy leaks, prevent your ideal clients from finding you. So, I’m actually, as I drop into it, I feel a low level of anxiety. And I know exactly what the worry loop is cause I just said it. Once you’ve identified the feeling and you have a hunch, or your higher self is indicating that this is part of a worry loop that is ready to be dissolved.

[00:17:23] Then this is how I recommend dissolving the worry loop. And you guys know, I love five step processes, so this is another five-step process. But this is a five-step process I’ve never taught in public before or shared before. You’re in the right spot, getting this juicy, amazing five step process. So, you’ve already done the first one.

[00:17:46] The first step is identify the feeling that the worry loop is creating. So, you know that there’s a loop present or you suspect there might be a loop. And we want to do all of our loops one at a time. We never want to bundle them. We’re just going to take them one at a time. So, step two is to tune into the feeling state and ask the feeling what thought, or story is triggering this feeling.

[00:18:12] So, as I tune into my low-grade anxiety, I’m getting you’re on the hook to fill your soul guide academy with the remaining three slots. So, as I’m recording this episode, I have three slots remaining in the soul guide academy, my high-end group mentoring program. I know my inner knowing knows that those three slots are going to be filled because I know three people who are like at 99% to yes, but the thing is, what if it didn’t? I still have nine people signed up.

[00:18:45] It’s still a six-figure program. I’ve earned six over six figures in income from this program. I have nine amazing, unbelievable soul clients sign up, enrolled into it. I have everything I need in this moment and more, oh my gosh. I’ve exceeded my wildest dreams by being able to launch this program and have this kind of success.

[00:19:11] It’s unbelievable. That’s the truth. When I come into the present moment, I have everything I need and much, much more, but the anxiety is telling me I’m on the hook to get those last three. There’s pressure. And that’s putting me on a worry loop that’s giving me an energy leak and it’s making me vibrate at a frequency

[00:19:37] I do not want to be at because it’s going to repel potential soul clients away from me. So, here’s the fun part in the process; going to step three is turn your worry loop into a person, place, thing or animal or some sort of mythical, mystical, metaphorical thing or object. So, in my situation, I might not sell it out.

[00:20:05] And the heart of that is I might not be successful. Right? I might not be enough. Underneath our worry loops is almost always that energy of lack. And underneath that energy of lack is some form of, I’m not enough. I’m not worthy. I’m not worthy. I’m not enough. In your worry loop notice if there’s some feeling of unworthiness present there.

[00:20:30] Okay. And so, when I turn this worry loop into something, it becomes a bee right? That’s the thing that came to me and because bees work really hard. And so, my worry loop, what does that make me do? Because our worry loops, trigger feeling states like anxiety. But they also trigger actions and a very common action coming from a worry loop is overworking

[00:20:58] right? I’m worried I’m not going to get clients so I’m going to work extra hard. I’m worried that I’m not going to get enough income. I don’t know tech enough. I don’t have enough support. So, I’m going to work extra hard to bring it all in. And that’s one example, but there are many, many more. So, what happens when I feel like I’m not

[00:21:16] going to have enough clients, I’m not going to fill out my program and I’m not going to get that taste of success, that goal achieved. Well, I feel that low levels of anxiety and that causes this worry loop causes me to overwork, which is a really bad combination when you think about it, because on the one hand, the worry loop is an energy leak draining me of my energy.

[00:21:41] And on the other hand, it’s causing me to overwork. So, the end result is really exhaustion, but your little guide, your little metaphor, in my case, the bee is your friend. Can it be your guide? It’s going to help guide you out of your worry loop. If I look at my bee as my spirit animal, the bee spirit, what is the message of the bee spirit?

[00:22:06] The bee spirit comes with the message of sweet results await, right? So, the little message for me is even if you don’t have the final three sign-ups in this moment sweet results await, it’s just kind of like chill out, you’re good. All as well. And actually, in the little, the actual Oracle message, which I’ll just read a little bit of, is this: the bee spirits message is that sweet rewards are on their way

[00:22:39] if you’re willing to get your ego out of the way, i.e., Worry loops and immerse yourself in the connected energy of all things. Bee spirit knows not to let a sense of being a separate self-get in the way of a good thing. Spirit is always producing honey. Miracles and magic are everywhere. And I just know when my bee arrives that there is it’s coming with a protection message for me.

[00:23:09] And it’s just asking me to be very honest with myself and check in to see if there is a worry loop that has me overworking and leaking my energy. So then going back to my five-step process, we got step four, which is going back to the emotion. Cause we always want to release our emotions. That’s going to actually release the loop itself.

[00:23:34] So in my example, you’d go, I’m going to go to the low level of anxiety. So, I invite you to go to your emotion right now and you want to just give yourself permission to fully feel the emotion, bring the emotion to the surface of your skin. This is how you release it and just fully and completely feel the emotion for about 60 seconds.

[00:23:57] Hmm. And then once the emotional wave or the intensity starts to come down, you want to look within and notice if you see your sense of cord, an energetic cord, connecting you to your loop. And if you’re not sure, imagine one is there and you want to cut all the way through the cord. This is really important because this is sending the message that you no longer will be host of your loop.

[00:24:31] Your loop is no longer welcome inside your energy system. Okay mine is cut. Then you go to step five, which is go to the heart space. Take a deep breath. Release all that loop, go to the heart space, and just ask your higher self a message of truth because the worry loop is the illusion my friends, it’s telling you a story that is not true.

[00:24:59] So you’re returning, you’re dissolving that illusion and you’re going back to your truth. Higher self, what is my truth? You are love, you are light. And you have everything you could ever possibly want or need with you right now. And I’m also getting the message to just allow it to unfold, allow it to unfold, allow the clients to arrive, allow your know-how to arrive, resources to arrive into your experience, to help you, whatever your lack is telling you and your worry loop allow

[00:25:41] what it is your heart is yearning for to arrive because everything always arrives in just the right time as it’s meant to. Alright, my dear ones, just going to go through that five-step process one more time. Step one, identify the feeling. Step two, ask your feeling what the worry loop is telling you, what the story it is,

[00:26:07] your loop is telling you. Step three, turn that loop into some sort of metaphor and allow that metaphor to be your guide. Step four, go back to the emotions and feel those emotions that the loop is triggering for about 60 seconds. Cut the cord, the energetic cord, connecting you to the loop and step five, take some deep breaths,

[00:26:32] go to your heart space and ask your higher self to give you the message of truth that’s on the other side of the worry. So, my invitation for you this week is to do the five-step process I just outlined and let go of one of your worry loops. And then when you go get to step five and get to that message from your higher self.

[00:27:00] So in my case, allow your path to unfold with joy, ease, and flow. What was the second part to my message just came through and maybe that message coming through for me, I suspect is also for you as well. See if you could really embrace really, truly embrace that message of truth from your higher self.

[00:27:23] And that’s going to help really to help erase that loop so it either doesn’t come back or if it comes back again and our worry loops often do come back again. It will come back in a much, much less intense way, and eventually it won’t come back at all. All right. My dear ones, that’s all I have for you today.

[00:27:47] Thank you so much for tuning in. If you’re loving on this episode and this podcast, please consider giving us a rating and review so more people can find us. I’m going to start reading reviews on the air. So, if you do, I will give you, your name and your review, a shout out in a future podcast episode. And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:28:19] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days, then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve. Find the link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.


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