Soul Client Convos: Attracting Clients with Ease and Flow with Jayne Forrestt

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I have another inspirational Soul Client Convo to share with you!

Today, I am chatting with an amazing woman and soul client, Jayne Forrestt, about our journey of working together.

Jayne got tired of working for someone else and being told what to do. During Covid, she gathered the courage to go out on her own and start her dream business.

But she still had some self-doubt that was limiting her.

During our time working together, Jayne learned to quiet negativity, listen to her inner knowing and get on the right path energetically to bring in clients – all with joy and ease.

As Jayne shares in our conversation, “Right after I connected with my soul client avatar, my ideal clients started showing up with ease and flow. It was as if someone handed me my ideal client on a silver platter.”

Wow! I get goosebumps when I hear that. It was an honor to work with Jayne on her journey to discover that building the business of your dreams can come easefully and joyfully.

In our conversation, Jayne shares her journey that helped her discover that she just didn’t have to work that hard to attract her soul clients. And I have a feeling that this is a message that you need to hear!

LISTEN NOW>> To discover a lot of exciting nuggets that you can implement in your own life and business to tap into your ease and flow. Settle in for a great Soul Client Convo and let the story inspire you!

In today’s episode, we explore how Jayne discovered:

  • How to attract soul clients with ease and flow
  • You don’t have to work THAT hard
  • Soul clients can appear out of nowhere (almost like magic!)

Jayne’s Resources: 

    • Visit Jayne’s website HERE
    • Follow The Coral Crab on IG HERE
    • Follow The Coral Crab on Facebook HERE

Allyson’s Resources: 

This Week’s Invitation: Take 10 minutes this week to be still, listen in nature (if you can) and see what appears to you. 

[00:00:00] Well, hello, my dear ones. Today, I have another installment of soul client convos, where I have conversations with previous soul clients of mine to talk about their journey and how they made certain discoveries and learnings and growth that enabled them to go to the next level, experience more joy, get more clients, earn more business income, and basically live happier lives.

[00:00:31] And today I’m speaking with an amazing woman and soul client named Jayne Forrestt and we’ll be chatting about how to attract clients with joy and ease. And we’re going to dig deep into this topic through Jane’s journey to uncovering what it means for her and what I think you’ll find in listening to Jayne’s story is a lot of exciting nuggets for you that you can implement into your life and your business to find your ease and flow.

[00:01:06] So in today’s episode, Jayne shares with us her journey of discovery. That, guess what, you just don’t have to work that hard. How things like soul clients can appear out of nowhere and how she leaned into the ease and flow when it came to attracting clients, we end on a fantastic challenge that we’ll have you tapping into your own ease and flow.

[00:01:32] So be sure to stay with us until the end. Welcome to soul guide radio, a podcast for soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs here to bring about change on a massive level. We’ll explore how you can activate your big soul mission, amplify your spiritual gifts, and clear the energy blocks weighing you down so you can gain unstoppable momentum in life and business.

[00:02:03] I’m Allyson Scammell your host and soul guide

[00:02:07] Hey there soul guide circle. That is the name of this community of soul guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs. In the soul guide circle, we have big soul missions, and we yearn to earn more, serve more, and grow spiritually along the way. If you aren’t already a member, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1300 leaders and Lightworkers who are in service to each other and the planet.

[00:02:37] Today I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with the amazing Jayne Forrestt about tapping into the ease and flow of life and in particular, how to do that with attracting soul clients, Jayne Forrestt got tired of working for someone else and being told what to do. So, during COVID she gathered the courage to go out on her own and create her own destiny by launching The Coral Crab a wholesale line package made of things that she loves.

[00:03:07] She wanted to give the smaller newer manufacturers a voice and bring them to market and create a name for themselves. I had such an amazing connection with Jayne around this topic, please enjoy.

[00:03:25] Welcome Jayne. I’m so thrilled to be chatting with you on soul guide radio. Thank you for having me. Oh my gosh. This is such a treat. So, I’m calling this series soul client convos which I think is very exciting. And you’re definitely, Jayne, you have been a soul client of mine, just been an absolute joy. I feel so blessed that we are connected.

[00:03:49] Can you tell our listeners a little bit about yourself and what, tell us a little bit about what it is you do, your business, the coral crab. Absolutely. I started the coral crab at the height of COVID. I like to say with the rest of the world was napping, I was grinding around the clock. The Coral crab is a manufacturers rep agency.

[00:04:12] So we connect vendors to wholesalers. So basically, we introduce wholesale lines into retail stores in the gift market. Nice. And you have like, your brand is very new ink, isn’t it kind of, it’s obviously coral. So, it’s got a coastal feel to it. New England feel, is that correct? That’s true. We focus on all things we like to say, nautical, coastal, resort, preppy, colorful, happy.

[00:04:42] We try to find as many made in the USA and women owned lines as possible. I love that. Yeah, it just, your brand has such an amazing feel to it. And I always feel like whenever we were done with a session, I was, I was wanting to go to like one of your stores that you, you provide merchandise to and just go shopping.

[00:05:03] So it actually put me in the mood to buy. Awesome, that’s how I’d feel, you know, we really, these are things I’ve worked for other agencies in the past. And the difference here is, you know, a lot of customers saying, man, you are so excited and it’s just because we’re cherry-picking things that we love and sharing our excitement with the retailers.

[00:05:26] So it’s very authentic. It’s a great space to be working from. It is amazing. And I want to jump into some of the work that we did together regarding your high soul purpose, which I call your highest why. Like, you know, why you’re really here and our soul purpose is always unfolding and we’re always getting clarity.

[00:05:45] But when we were doing that work, a message came through from source that I just was like, it smacked me on the head of truth. And I think like, as you’re talking right now, it reminded me of this message and that is how much Jayne values something increases its overall worth. And I feel so strongly that that is like a gift you have when you see something,

[00:06:10] you got that eye. Like that’s, that’s an item that people are going to want in their stores. I think something about you putting your focus and attention on it really does increase its, its overall desirability. Like I want it too because Jayne saw something in it. That’s awesome. I mean, I like to think I bring that to the table.

[00:06:32] I think I have a good eye especially for newer vendors coming to market. And I think I can bring value because I can help pave the way in an easier way and eliminate some of the speed bumps that a normal vendor would have going to market. And on the flip side, I think retailers expect me to have kind of new and exciting things that they haven’t seen quite yet.

[00:06:55] I think there’s a benefit on both sides of the coin here. Absolutely. So, let’s walk through the journey we went through and take listeners through that journey. So, what were some of the things you were struggling with and feeling stuck on when we first started working together? You know, having a fair amount of self-doubt.

[00:07:14] I had worked for a really large agency. So going out on my own was a really big leap, there was always that voice in the back of my head, which I think is probably in the back of everyone’s head. And so, people were helping me to quiet that voice and to find my inner knowing and to listen to my inter knowing and to connect with my higher self and to just listen, to listen to what we all know.

[00:07:44] And you really helped me just recognize that, that we know, we know the answer and we, we have a gut feeling for a reason. The more you stomp it out, the quieter it gets. So, I feel like working with you helped me make it louder. It made me look in and, and now it’s like, if I try to push it aside, it’ll come to me in a dream or the message for me now is really clear.

[00:08:12] It’s really loud and really clear. Oh, I love that. That’s super music to my ears. Ooh, that’s so good. So, if you try to push the voice of your higher self aside, it’s like, no, no, no, no Jayne ain’t happening. I’m going to like; I’m going to find a way to reach you. Is that what’s happening? That’s right.

[00:08:34] It’s amazing. It will come in a dream or in an animal, you know, something like that form, it’s really become physical. So, if something’s not quite right, I just feel it. So, there’s, there’s just no ignoring because you don’t want to not feel great physically and it’s like, I get this ping that says like, Hey, you’re like, you’re not listening.

[00:08:58] Like you’re not serving yourself right now. You need to get back on track here. Something’s not quite right. I love that you say it’s physical because I think our higher self, more than all other consciousness in the spiritual realm speaks to us in, a really physical way. The way source and my spirit guides have described it to me

[00:09:20] is that only the voice the higher self can come from your heart space can emanate from your heart space, like a feeling no other voice can come from your heart, but that of your higher self. And I think that our higher self is also speaking to us from our gut, that gut response. And it’s also speaking to us from that,

[00:09:41] does it feel expanding, light freeing as Martha Beck would say shackles off or does it feel heavy weighing, boxing me in, constricting feeling more of a shackles on, and it is very physical. Tell us about how your higher self speaks to you in dreams. Oftentimes it’s an animal that will visit. I had gone through a situation early on in the beginning.

[00:10:08] I wasn’t seeing the situation. I’ve seen snakes in the car with me. Afterwards, it became very clear of a situation that I was going through and I could see it after the fact. But it, things like that, or I’ll see myself having a conversation that I know I need to have. I’ll actually be having that conversation

[00:10:28] in my dream it’s really like hits you over the head and you try not to let the. That’s so good. It’s so funny. I was just having a conversation with someone about animals and the, and the spirit animals and the animals in the spiritual realm. There’s a lot of high consciousness there in the animal kingdom and they are here to help us and support us and guide us.

[00:10:52] So if you are someone who feels that strong connection to animals and spirit animals, please do not discount that or view that as something that’s interesting. It’s, it’s a real, it’s a real source for you to guide you and support you on your path. Just big L love that your higher self is speaking to you so clearly.

[00:11:14] And so directly. Interestingly, I should say that this person, I was just talking to about spirit animals. She also said this to me, Jayne. She said, I have been finding myself going down this spiritual rabbit hole. And it’s like, you know, connecting to higher self and, and, and, you know, past lifetime stuff.

[00:11:34] It’s also interesting. But I don’t know if it’s really translating into success in my business. So, I think sometimes the messages they’re meant to get me back in alignment basically sometimes when you’re out of alignment, it’s like the whole analogy with the arrow, like pulling back before it sets you free again, to go further and higher

[00:12:00] and land in a better spot, but sometimes you need the discomfort to realize you don’t want to be in that space to get to where you need to go. Right? Sometimes you don’t really know where we want to go. We just know where we don’t want to stay. That helps us get there. Early on when we were working together, and we went over my design type.

[00:12:21] That was really so important for me because a lot of times I would question why I did something or how I did something. And actually, I have a better understanding of how I was hardwired and how to use that for my benefit. Yeah. And by that you mean your human design type, right? That’s right. That’s right.

[00:12:41] Yeah. And I find human design work to be so transformative for people. And I think for people in general, but I think in a really profound way for people in business, especially soul guided people in business, aligning to your human design type, just there’s something freeing about it, I think. Absolutely. Do you find that? You can’t change it cause we’re born, when you were born, at the top of your, in the place we were born.

[00:13:10] So you just have to embrace it and realize that these are, you know, your strengths and these are maybe some areas you need to, you know, really focus on and be careful where you might have a mid-step just because that’s, you know, how you’re wired. Yeah, absolutely. So, let’s talk about your soul client avatar.

[00:13:31] Is it still Leah? Yes, it is. Nice. So, when we were doing the work with this soul client avatar, she just came through so clear to me, like I felt like I knew her, and I really felt like I really felt your connection to her. And I really felt how your unique genius was really designed to serve her. How was that experience for you connecting to Leah, energetically?

[00:13:57] You know, energetically. It was great. Leah, you know, she got me excited. She was excited. I was excited. It really was just my ideal client relationship. She wanted my expertise, she welcomed my advice, she was a strong buyer. You know, we had a lot in common, you know, personality wise. She got me on the right path. Like you’re saying energetically to reach more clients in that space.

[00:14:23] Yeah. And how did making that energetic soul client connection help you in your physical work in your actual business, how did that translate into success in your business? Well, you know, I really think that once you’re on the frequent data, you want to be on, that you need to be on things should happen easily.

[00:14:48] And it’s just so easy in our day to day, especially now in the retail world, things are, you know, turned upside down. Like they are for most of the world, but it’s definitely a really challenging time. And a lot of us are working like crazy. And it’s just, you’re called to like, take a step back that don’t have to work that hard if you’re just doing the right things.

[00:15:12] Kind of all happen and come to you or, you know, it’s like things kind of appear out of nowhere. So it’s just a good reminder, especially now that we’re on this call, I’ve had kind of a crazy morning. That’s like, okay, take a step back and focus on, really like, on that, if that’s really what’s most important, like when I start not working so hard, but getting more things done and reaching more of the right people

[00:15:37] and the people who I want to go forward with. Yes, yes., that is a really it Jayne, right? Yeah. And I think we’re so hardwired to really equate working hard. You have to work hard to get results. You have to work hard to bring value in the world. And I think most of us define working hard as overworking. Now it’s got to sting a little bit.

[00:16:04] Success just can’t come with joy and ease. It’s got to sting a little bit and one way to make it sting is by working overly hard. Right? And when you get into this energetic flow, it doesn’t mean you’re not working. It just means things do have that feeling of appearing out of nowhere, just as you describe it.

[00:16:26] It’s almost like it’s just like the intuition or, you know, that gut feeling or they’re there. You just slow down enough to see them and to get the messages. And that’s what the overworking, which doesn’t feel good. You’re just not slowing down enough to see what’s right in front of you, you’re just like pushing, pushing, pushing, rather than allowing it to come to you.

[00:16:49] And it’s a very different feeling. It’s a very different feeling. Can you take us through an example when something appeared out of nowhere for you that was exciting for your business? Yeah. So, um, couple of things. So, I’ve had originally started my spirit animal was a turtle and has become an eagle, which is very meaning and flow and all of that.

[00:17:15] And it was just one of those weeks where I really decided I was going to unplug and, you know, kind of take a step back. And the eagle is basically like, you know, be away from me day after day after day. And it always come when I would ask, like allow myself my quiet time during the day with my morning coffee, I’d have this great visitor.

[00:17:38] So that was a amazing and turning it into how it equated into business. But I had some really fantastic connection with really ideal client that kind of did seem to appear almost out of nowhere. But really fantastic connection that I could only hope for. Yeah. Can you tell us about the one? I don’t want to say her name, but it starts with a D can you tell us about that story?

[00:18:05] I randomly was sending out some emails and again, the whole appearing. I don’t, I don’t even know how I, I had this lift or contact. And so, I randomly sent out like, Hey, I’m Jayne from the Coral Crab. This is what I do. This is what I have, and I’d love to work with you. And someone circled back and was like, I love what

[00:18:28] you’re offering, so-and-so would like to meet with you basically, like eight weeks from now. And I kind of was like, oh my gosh, who is this? And why do they have an executive secretary contact? I mean, usually we deal with the buyer. So, I circled back and it’s just like, okay, now that would be fantastic look, full disclosure,

[00:18:47] I live in another state. I’m happy to fly here if we’re going to have a face to face or, you know, can I send some things ahead of time as a phone call and see if that might work. And so that’s ultimately what we landed on, and we had a great conversation, and it was many multi door location. It wound up being the owner of the company.

[00:19:08] You know, she’s very complimentary, you know, my hard work and attention to detail. It was a great connection as far as business and just, it was a great validation of the things that I had found vendors that I had brought on validated that they were really market worthy and were definitely big dogs who want to be part of the coral crab relationships.

[00:19:28] So it’s really exciting. I’m going through another similar experience with someone, you know, within the next two years could have, you know, 200 locations. So, I’m really excited stuff is happening. 200 locations. Yeah. That is unbelievable. So, Jayne one of the things, this is so amazing and, and that particular interaction and connection you had with her that came right after you and I had done some soul client avatar work, and it was, there was definitely an ease and flow to how all of those, that email appeared.

[00:20:04] And you got connected to this person and you got on the phone. Wasn’t that, to me, it just felt like there was this ease and flow to the whole process. A hundred percent. Absolutely. I mean, someone just gave it to me on a silver platter. Seriously? Yes. Yes. And that’s really what soul client connection feels like.

[00:20:25] It feels like weird. For me, like, I will have times with a client, a potential client that I am wining and dining her and, and we’re, we’re doing virtual coffees. I’m sending her stuff and enrolling her and stuff, and she’s just not sure. And I always like, people to have a pretty, like, kind of full body yes to work with me.

[00:20:45] So I’m like, okay, no problem. And I always ask people, do you mind if I check in with you in four to five months and see how you feel? Yeah, please do. And then I check in and it’s like, ah, well, Allyson I don’t really think now’s the time. I don’t know. And like, that kind of goes on. And, and I’m to the point now, because I know how this works, that I don’t get disappointed by it because I’m really in it to be in service to her.

[00:21:07] I’m not in it to get the clients. So, I just was like, okay, no worries. And that can kind of go on. And, and if you allow yourself to get frustrated, it can get frustrating and you’ll be like, wow, man, does this person want to work with me or not? Or I’m putting out all this content and nobody’s biting. It just, is that sort of like, I feel stalled out.

[00:21:26] I feel like I’m hitting a wall. That’s one side of it, but when you get to the other side and that’s a normal side of being in business, we’ve all been there, right? But when you shift out of that and you shift into the ease and flow of that soul client connection, it’s like, then you have that, in my work, you know, it’s about, you know, having the discovery call and then people yes

[00:21:49] or no want to work with you right now. It’s like the, yes feels so easy. It wasn’t even like, yeah, Allyson I want to work with you. It was, of course, Allyson, I want to work with you, like hello. And it always like, kind of just gets my attention like that is the ease and the flow of it appearing out of nowhere, that feeling, to use your words, Jayne of appearing out of nowhere.

[00:22:16] And it is a, it’s an exciting, and, and I’m not saying that I sit here and feel that every day of my business, right? But when it does happen, doesn’t it just feel like, how would you, how do you describe it? Early on even personally, I have been following you for a while. And sometimes I was like, oh, that’s a great message

[00:22:35] and sometimes I didn’t, didn’t hype my end. And then we’re when I circled back, you kind of appear again, you appeared like out of nowhere you started showing up in a lot of places. And I was really connecting. And I, you know, sometimes we question ourselves and we think, why doesn’t this person want to work with, like, what am I doing wrong?

[00:22:55] And we’re like fishing and fishing, and then maybe the message gets blurred, it’s like we’re trying too hard, but I mean, it really comes down to when you’re ready for it the teacher appears, like, so I feel like when I was ready for you, you appeared. When the customer is ready for me, whether it’s a vendor or for a store, then I appear, but sometimes they’re just not ready.

[00:23:20] Like maybe they’re not buying, or maybe they’re going to sell the store or any number of things, you know, maybe there’s a supply issue. But I think when the timings right. It’s like it comes together. And so, you don’t always have to question so much. It’s just timing isn’t always right. And it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with obviously you or me.

[00:23:40] Sometimes there’s just other things going on with people that you don’t know. We don’t need to know, just trust that when it’s meant to happen it will happen and it will be more useful and more beneficial for both parts. Jayne, that is brilliant. I absolutely couldn’t agree more. And I love what you said. I think often when we get excited about a client and that client doesn’t pan out, it doesn’t happen the way we wanted it to it is that question, what did I do wrong?

[00:24:09] What did I do wrong in the situation? And I think sometimes it’s okay to reflect and say, hey, you know, is there a learning point here for me so I can do it better next time? And I think that’s one thing, but I think there’s another energy here to the, what did I do wrong? And I think you’re exactly right.

[00:24:26] We, we didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just, it was a question of timing. It was a question of a lot of different things. And if you shift into that energy of, I’m here, I have a product or a service I feel passionately about, I’m in service to my soul clients and I am ready for them when they are ready to find me and.

[00:24:49] I’m going to talk about my services. I’m going to advocate about the value I create in the world in places where I think my soul clients are hanging out and in that talking and in that advocating and in that being in service, if I’m the right person, they’re going to find me it. Yeah, that is so good.

[00:25:14] Jayne, so tell us, Jane, what was, what do you feel like? And maybe we already talked about it but what do you feel like was the most transformative part of our journey together? So, I think figuring blocks, you know, that were holding me back, quieting the voices that were saying you can’t hear it. And just really listening and doing one of the other biggest things was unplugging from other people’s energy, which really kind of life changing for me at the end of the day, just really unplugging everything.

[00:25:45] So I could stop kind of absorbing all this energy from and a lot of times it’s great energy, but it can be overwhelming. And so, you really helped guide me through unplugging and then helped me with an appropriate time to reconnect every day and then a time to disconnect from everyone, even, you know, family, friends, everything.

[00:26:06] And I’m just kind of like, call my power and my energy just back to me and let me kind of refresh myself that I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have that, honestly, it’s really gives me reprieve. That’s amazing. So important, such a, a really, really important point if you’re, and I think again, especially for people in business for a soul guided entrepreneur, it’s really easy for

[00:26:34] our business, just to stay with us all day, even when we’re with loved ones, even when we’re doing self-care time, it’s like, I call it the business loop. You can’t turn the business loop off. And it’s exactly, as you say, Jane, it’s just being that mindful. Okay. Oh, I’m on a loop right now. I see it. And then what I do, how I teach people as I teach people to cut the energetic cords, because every time we connect to a person, a loved one, a potential client, an ongoing client,

[00:27:04] you create an energetic cord between that person, and you really want to keep your energy body, your energy system as clear as possible. And when you’re cutting a cord from someone, it doesn’t mean like you’re sending them off. It just means I call it taking an energetic shower. You’re just cleansing your energy body as you would cleanse your physical body.

[00:27:27] And it’s really, and especially, again, I think it’s really important for people in business because we have such strong interactions with our coworkers, our potential clients, et cetera. So, it was really for me, inspiring to see how you showed up and did the work. Jayne. You know, you just showed up every, you know, my word for homework is Buffalo steps and you always had done your Buffalo steps more or less.

[00:27:54] And I think because you just showed up and it, and when I say work, you know, my work is like, you know, cutting cords and it, it’s not like traditional work kind of spiritual work if you will. It was really inspiring to see some of the shifts happening in your life because you were showing up and doing that, that work.

[00:28:14] Absolutely. It’s amazing. And I think in terms of mindset, one of the things that was a little bit in terms of mindset, which really comes from energy blocks, if you had an energy block that was, and I think this is a, a wound, a lot of entrepreneurs have. I definitely had it. And that is like, I can’t run with the big dogs, you know, the big, the big guys, the big gals.

[00:28:36] Like, I’m not at that level. Do you remember that? Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. And, um, once I could just turn that off. I mean, if it’s true, everyone starts somewhere, right? No one starts as a top dog. We just grow. So, it’s like, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and just listening when you think you’re giving something and trust what you know

[00:29:00] to be pointing you in a direction and just keep taking steps forward and you know, sometimes you take a step back and that’s okay too, but just taking a wrong step is better than not taking any steps for sure. Yes. And I think what happened with you, Jayne and this is what I see a lot with clients when we do the energy work, and we went in and we cleared the block.

[00:29:24] And once the block is clear that saying, you know, you can’t run with the big dogs. You’re not that at that level or whatever variation the story is for you. I think that once you clear the block, I don’t think this. I feel like I know this. Once you clear the block, the thing that’s underneath the block

[00:29:45] is truth and the truth is always, so there’s nothing you need to do. There’s no like to do lists, right? It really is. Paving. Clearing blocks is like clearing the way for your true state of being to emerge. And I think in your case Jayne, your true state of being is your creative. You’re a creator of success.

[00:30:08] You’re a source of positivity. You’re a vessel to other people success. These are the things that came up in our sessions. When you value something it’s overall value, it increases its overall value. I still love that one. Me too. Yeah. And can’t you just feel the truth in that it’s not boasting, it’s not, it’s just truth.

[00:30:32] It’s pure and simple truth. Can you feel that truth? I certainly can and if you’re really good, you’re very genuine, feels really good. Yes. Yes. So, tell us about some of the successes. Again, with a broad definition of success that The Coral Crab has experienced, and you have experienced since we’ve been working together, what are some of the exciting things and opportunities that have come into your experience?

[00:31:01] There have been many. The team is growing. So, we have, I have more people on the team with me, which is a me thing. And I feel like we’re really, we’re really connected. We’re meant to be working together and they’re not just employees. I feel like it’s a little family. And we, we look out for each other, and we share our successes and maybe our missteps and we really help each other.

[00:31:27] And we’re rising for sure. On the team we brought on some new vendors. Some people really, really in infancy stages that need help with pricing and shipping and very rudimentary kind of issues. And I, you know, it’s really exciting to see them grow, flourish as well. On the other side, even the word, having great success for their lobbying thing that were some of their top brands, then they’re leaving some really, really

[00:31:57] big guys in the market and switching over to our line and on all five, all the pistons are firing and it’s really exciting. That is so exciting. That is so exciting. And I really look forward to watching your success grow. I feel like that the outlook, and I know, you know, you, you work in an unsure sector.

[00:32:16] I feel like a lot of the listeners that the listenership of this podcast is a lot of different types of entrepreneurs living, working in a lot of different sectors. And I think a lot of people feel unsure, but here again, like what’s the future of this sector, you know, is it all the questions right. That that come about?

[00:32:37] And I really feel like, again, tuning into this energetic process. Staying in that connection of your high soul purpose, your unique genius, your soul client avatar. You’re always going to be guided to where there is value, where there’s abundance in the market. And there’s always going to be abundance.

[00:32:58] There’s always going to be abundance and maybe you have to shift right or left as certain things happen. But the abundance is always going to be there. Yeah. And that’s a really exciting thing. Absolutely. And you know, there isn’t certainty right now you’re or, you know, there’s more uncertainty than normal, I should say, but there’s really not certainty in anything, you know, we may think there is, but at the end of the day, we don’t know what tomorrow brings.

[00:33:25] So. You can’t get caught up in that and you just have to kind of trust that you’re going in the right path. So true. Couldn’t agree more. Oh my gosh, Jayne this has been so amazing. You are such a soul client and you’re just an inspiration and I feel so happy to know you’re out there helping out women in retail, helping out people who really need it.

[00:33:47] I just feel really blessed that I got to play a small role in your path, and I feel so blessed we’re connected. So please Jayne, tell our listeners and we, like I said, we’ve got lots of people in this audience, so there are likely some people out there who might be interested in learning more about your services and about the work you do.

[00:34:08] So tell our listeners how they can find you. Absolutely. We’re on Instagram and Facebook at the coral crab. C O R a L or they can send an email. Write to me at Jane J a Y N E at the coral Beautiful. And those links will be in the show notes. And before we sign out, Jane, I would like to invite you to leave our listeners with an invitation.

[00:34:37] So inviting them to do something or be someone. Oh, I forgot about that. I wasn’t prepared, but I came up with the good one and I think it ties in nicely. I would like everyone to take 10 minutes out this week one day, whenever it’s convenient to just be still and listen if they could be in nature. I think a lot that, I just think we’re more closely tied.

[00:35:04] And just see what appears. Like, as far as the waves of the ocean, what they’re, you know, are they angry? Are they gentle? Are there animals in there, anything like that, just really be aware? And I think there’ll be surprised if they go home and kind of Google the meaning of the messages that are probably there every day.

[00:35:23] We just don’t stop and listen to them. Jayne, that is one of the brilliant, most brilliant invitation challenges that I have heard in a while. And I’m going to take that invitation. Love that. That is so good. So, take 10 minutes this week y’all and I say in the next 48 hours, when it’s nice and fresh in your mind to be still. Go out in nature, if you can and see what appears, that’s like my favorite part of this, see what appears I’m so going to like the next time I walk my dog, I’m taking this challenge.

[00:35:54] Just being mindful. We’re not attached to some profound message of the universe. Notice what’s there without attachment. Yeah, that is fantastic. Thank you again, Jayne for being here. Truly, truly grateful for you. Thank you, Allyson, I appreciate it.

[00:36:17] And I want to thank you so much, dear listener for tuning in. I really do appreciate your support and I’m so grateful for you. If you’re feeling so-called, please leave us a rating and review wherever it is you listen. And guess what I’m going to start reading reviews on future podcast episodes. I’ll be able to give you a shout out in the episode, and this is exactly how this podcast can grow and reach larger audiences.

[00:36:47] And as always until next time, may your soul guide the way.

[00:36:57] Are you ready to fill your business with soul clients in the next 60 days, then download my free energy upgrade meditation to amp up your energy frequency, dissolve the doubt and attract the soul clients you are destined to serve, find the link to download on my website, Allyson as well as in the show notes.

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