Ep #75 When to Rest And When to Dig a Little Deeper

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If you’re reading this email, I know you have a big soul mission and you don’t play it small when it comes to your business goals and dreams.

You don’t retreat when things gets tough. You show up on the journey, even if it means you have to dig deep to do it.

But what about those times when you’re exhausted? How do you know when it’s time to give yourself permission to rest so you don’t burn out?

This a crucial part of your growth and evolution as a business owner, and that’s why I’m devoting an entire episode of She Grows to this topic.

We’re exploring how to know when it’s time to rest and take a break in your business and when it’s time to dig a little deeper.

I reveal the right way to dig deeper and 
show up in your business even on the days when you just don’t feel like it.

I’m taking inspiration from my favorite Disney princess (who also had a dream to become an entrepreneur)
, and diving into the the truth of who you are as a business owner, how you want to show up, and how to stretch your limits so you can grow.

In today’s episode we explore:

  • How to when to know it’s time to rest and take a break,
  • When it’s time to dig a little deeper and show up deeper, even when you don’t want to,
  • The right way to dig deeper so you don’t burn out and can show up with consistency.



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This Week’s Challenge: To decide on no more than three things in your business you are going to consistently show up for even if you don’t feel like it.

Hello, my dear ones. This is Allyson Scammell and today’s episode is so important for a spiritual leader or entrepreneur. And that’s knowing when it’s time to take a break and rest on your entrepreneurial marathon journey. And when it’s time to dig a little deeper and show up anyway, even when it’s the last damn thing you want to do, because it’s part of your growth and ability to grow to a higher level.

[00:00:37] The inspiration for this episode came from none other than my favorite Disney princess. And before I reveal my favorite Disney princess, I do have a disclaimer. I have a four-year-old daughter, so I’ve become quite knowledgeable about Disney princesses in the last four years. And I do agree with a lot of the criticisms that are out there about the stereotyping and the messaging.

[00:01:06]So when I reveal this, I want it known that I do agree with some of these criticisms. And while I do hold Disney to a higher standard and ask them to be accountable and do better. I also do allow my daughter to watch these films because she really loves them. And it gives me the opportunity to broaden her horizons and and teach her that some of these messages and stereotypes are false.

[00:01:33] And so she can start seeing them for herself. And I think that’s actually a really. Great opportunity and a great thing for me to do as a parent for her. So that said my favorite Disney princess by far. Is Tiana from the princess and the frog. And the reason why she’s my favorite is because she wasn’t born into royalty or privilege.

[00:02:01] She was born into humble means. And from the youngest age, she had a dream to become an entrepreneur. And she didn’t dream of marrying rich or R or marrying a rich Prince. She earned her own money. And ultimately at the end of the film got her dream because of her own hard work ethic. And she was the one who ultimately saved the Prince that she ends up marrying.

[00:02:30] Sorry to give the film away. If you haven’t seen it in your planning to watch it. So while yeah, Disney does some bad stereotyping in this film that I don’t agree with, I do admire many aspects of Tiana as a heroine. And there’s a song in the movie called you gotta dig a little deeper and I’m going to leave a link in the show notes to this song, because it’s a very fun song that just kinda puts you in a high vibe.

[00:02:58] You know, we, and a few episodes ago I was interviewing us a woman named Julie Fowchee, and we were talking about high vibe music and how important it is for us to listen to that from time to time to raise our energetic vibration. And this is a high vibe song. I play this song a lot for my daughter who knows very well who, my favorite Disney princesses and hers is Elsa from frozen.

[00:03:22] And it’s just like a catchy tune with a great message. You got to dig a little deeper, find out who you are. You gotta dig a little deeper. It really ain’t that far. And this song is about digging deep to really find out who you are and what you really want out of life. It’s about digging deep to find your truth.

[00:03:47] And I use digging deep in the context of this podcast episode is digging deep to find the energy, to keep going and to show up on the days where you just don’t want to. And I think we’re digging into the same thing. We’re digging deep into that truth of who you are and how you want to show, show up and how you want it stretch your limits.

[00:04:13] So you can really grow because the people who listened to this podcast episode, and that is you, my friend, you have a big soul mission. I know you do otherwise. You wouldn’t be here. And when you have a big soul mission, you don’t play it small.

[00:04:28] You don’t retreat when it gets tough, you show up on the journey and sometimes you got to dig deep to do it. And sometimes you got to know when it’s time, not actually to dig deep and it’s time to give yourself permission to retreat and rest because it is a marathon and you don’t want to burn yourself out.

[00:04:53] So how do you know the difference? How do you know when to do what you’re in the right place? I’m going to tell you in this area episode. So in today’s episode, we’ll explore when to know. It’s time to rest and take a break. And when it’s time to dig a little deeper and show up anyway, even when you don’t want to, and the right way to dig a little deeper.

[00:05:19] So you don’t burn yourself out and you grow your business instead with joy, ease, and consistency. Well, and not a challenge that will have you aligned. To the natural growth of your business. So you show up with consistency, but not in a way that leads to burnout. So you’re gonna want to stay with me until the end.

[00:05:42] Welcome to sheet grows a podcast for soul guided women entrepreneurs, ready to be seen and get fully booked using their unique genius. And to, to voice and spirit guides each week, we’ll explore how to create offerings based on what you do best. So you can have a wait list of ideal clients and bring in continuous income.

[00:06:05] I’m your host. Allison’s Campbell. Let’s get.

[00:06:19] Hey there, she grows nation. That is the name of this sisterhood of soul guided entrepreneurs. If you’re not already a citizen, if she grows nation, then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1000 women running heart-based businesses that are in service to each other and the planet. All right, today, we’re talking Disney princesses.

[00:06:42] When it’s time to rest, when it’s time to dig a little deeper. So let’s start with the question. When is it time to rest? So we know that an entrepreneurial journey is a marathon and not a sprint. Okay. I think that’s clear to anyone who’s been on this. Any path, any path that you plan to be on for more than.

[00:07:10] A short period of time. It is more of that marathon. So you have to build in times to rest. You can’t be sprinting all the time. Otherwise you get into entrepreneurial burnout and I do a whole episode on entrepreneurial burnout, which I encourage you to listen to. And that link is also in the show notes.

[00:07:32] So getting back to the entrepreneurial journey, being a marathon, I like to look at my journey from calendar year to calendar year. It’s just an easy way to do it January to December and every January, I get my astrology chart red for the year. And what getting your astrology chart red for the year ahead can do, is it that your astrologer can guide you from a planetary perspective those times of the year, when it’s really time for a slowdown and retreat.

[00:08:07] And when you’re going to be going into your cave, getting that rejuvenation, you’re not going to be. In a natural place of desire to be out there producing a lot, you know, being in front of the camera, you’re going to want to be in your cave and your astrologer can guide you to that. And you don’t have to do it in January.

[00:08:24] You can do it anytime of the year. But I like to do, I actually like to get my, I like to check in with my astrologer in January and then right around my birthday. And those are two great times to check in with the astrologer who can really guide you to these. Times of, of, of when you’re going to feel like bursting with growth.

[00:08:46] And when you’re going to feel like times of retreating, and I really encourage you to plan your launches plan your business year around that, I started doing this a few years ago and it’s really just made it. Huge difference in my ability to align to the natural growth of my business. And that’s really what at the heart of what we’re talking about here is aligning to that natural growth and your business wants you.

[00:09:14] Pushing your edges and showing up certain days, even when you don’t feel like it. And your business also wants you resting and retreating and honoring when your body’s fatigued and ready to go into that cave. And I want to share that I’m actually right now in a time of retreat last week, and this week I have a stellium in Taurus.

[00:09:36] Don’t ask me exactly what that means, but I do know what it means for me, because my astrologer told me that it is a time for rest. Withdrawal time to unplug time for recharging and for asking what new material do I want to release in to the world? What can I add? And I got to say, because I really aligned to this stuff and I plan my year accordingly to it.

[00:10:05] I got a dynamite of a business idea, something that’s been confounding me for years. Ha arrived to me last week about something very exciting and amazing and so super cool. I want to add to my business. So there is a new offering in the works and you’re going to love it. So stay tuned for that. So last week I had a really slow week and this week I also coincides with my daughter’s spring break, which is great.

[00:10:35] And I took the whole week off, no clients, a very low battle rhythm as my husband would say, who was in the military and I am doing exactly this I’m arresting. I will drawing I’m unplugging. And I’m taking time to recharge. I’ve got an acupuncture appointment, I’ve got a massage appointment. My birthday’s coming up, so I have an appointment coming up with my, with my astrologer.

[00:11:03] So it’s just like really taking some time for self-care and unplugging from the business. And, and at the same time I’m showing up here today. In service to you to record this podcast episode. And this is an example of me digging a little deeper, and I’m going to be talking more about that in a minute.

[00:11:28] So I planned for this I’m we’re right now, I’m recording this the last week of April. I planned for this period of slow down in early January. After I got my chart read for the year and had I not planned for it, and I would have had a really, really busy week scheduled that would have been a struggle.

[00:11:50] Right. Cause I wouldn’t have had the energy for a super busy week. And likewise, my chart told me those times of the year where I’m going to have creative bursts, I’m going to have a lot of energy. I’m going to have a lot of creativity pumping and I’ve planned my launches, my big launches around that time.

[00:12:08] And I even asked my astrologer. I said, well, these are the times that I’ve planned to launch throughout the year. Do they align to my chart? And that’s also a fantastic question to ask your astrologer. So these, this is a twice a year or more, but I do twice a year with my astrologer and it is such a valuable investment.

[00:12:30] So you can do long-term planning of, of your time to rest in your business because it is so important to withdraw, unplug and take the break. And because we’re our own bosses. It’s a hard thing at times to give us ourselves permission to do. And when we don’t, we do burn out that is it’s inevitable. If you are pushing, pushing, pushing, the only thing that will have and we’ll burn out and burn out.

[00:13:03] So un-fun. Burnout takes every little ounce of joy that you could feel on the journey and it zaps the joy because you’re so bloody tired. And you really, really start to forget about your, why. Why do you do this in the first place? And it starts to feel kind of masochistic like, Oh, here I had this dream to launch this dream business because I have this vision to help my people, my ideal clients and humanity.

[00:13:37] And right now I feel like I’m torturing myself. Cause I’m so. Exhausted. So planning and rest is a critical part of it. So you can keep your cup full and you can always be showing up at your best and being in highest and greatest service to those you feel called to serve. And I’ll say here that you don’t, like I said, you don’t have to wait for your birthday and you don’t have to wait until January to do this.

[00:14:04] You can book an appointment with an astrologer next week and have her. Do your chart for the year ahead so you can plan accordingly the other wonderful resource that’s available to you for free at any time of the day or night is your good old trusty higher self. And it’s just asking higher self. Is this a time to rest or dig deeper?

[00:14:35] So. If you’re feeling like, Ugh, I don’t feel like showing up for my business today. I don’t feel like that writing that blog post, I told my audience I’d send one blog post a week and I don’t feel like doing it. I don’t want to let my audience stay at home, but I don’t want to do it. And I don’t want to just put out something average.

[00:15:00] If I’m going to put something out there, I want it to be awesome. So what do I do? And I think every entrepreneur has been in that boat where you set the intention to put something out there consistently. Like a blog post, like a podcast episode, like a Facebook live or any, you know, any sort of social media posts, any sort of interaction with your audience.

[00:15:24] And then you wake up one morning and you’re at the deadline of the day that it’s supposed to be released. And you just don’t feel like doing it. Your content tank is empty. You don’t have a great idea of what you want to say. You don’t want to put out garbage. But you don’t want to leave your audience wondering where you are.

[00:15:48] So what do you do? Well, my friends higher self higher self will guide you no matter how intuitive you think you are or are not, you have this resource available to you. Ask. Yes, no questions. Is today a day to retreat and rest. Yes. If you get a yes, then don’t ask higher self again. Don’t second. Guess it just take the yes and go with it.

[00:16:27] If your higher self is saying, take the data rest, rest. And don’t worry about your audience. Don’t worry about any promises you made to your audience. Hey, I promise I’ll send you a blog post a week, and then one week you just got to miss because your higher self is telling you to rest. Then if your higher self is guiding you to rest, that means your audience is there with you.

[00:16:49] That means your audience. Needs rest from consuming for the week. That means your audience’s attention is elsewhere. It’s all going to be in alignment when it’s truly coming from higher self. And so if you take the week off from the blog post, and then you start up again the week after, just tell your audience, just say, Oh, Hey guys, I had to miss some of you may have noticed that I.

[00:17:16] Didn’t send out my blog posts last week. The reason why is I was just super tired and needed a rest. And I did that. I gave myself permission to rest, and now I’m here, I’m back. And I’ve got an amazing post for you today. Buckle up, you know, people admire that. They respect that your audience wants to know what’s happening behind the scenes of your business.

[00:17:42] That’s good branding to let folk invite people into your world. And additionally, you’re showing up as a great example because you’re honoring yourself from a place of your higher self, and you’re not shitting on yourself. You’re not pushing yourself, but you’re also not making it too easy on yourself.

[00:18:04] And you’re just showing up in alignment. I put out a blog post every week, but this week, or last week, I just needed a break or you can say nothing. You can take your break, you know, take your week off return the next week. And you don’t need to say anything. You don’t need to explain. You’re creating free content.

[00:18:27] So now. Of course, this is when it’s free content. Now, if somebody’s paying for a membership or something and you’re on the hook to create content, because somebody is paying you well, that’s a different story, but I’m talking about when the content is free, you don’t really need to explain yourself. You can just take the week off and then return the next week and get back into the consistency because.

[00:18:52] Consistency does help business growth showing up consistently for your audience. It shows the message that you’re serious about what you do. You’re serious about serving them. And then they start to know when to expect to consume your stuff. And when they know when to expect to consume it, they consume it.

[00:19:15] And when they consume it, they connect deeper to you. And when they connect deeper to you, they hire you. They buy from you. So consistency is an awesome thing in business, and that’s why. We are sometimes asked to dig a little deeper so we can be consistent in our business. And it’s time for that. Now, before I get into how to know when it’s time to dig a little deeper, I wanted to share a story with you.

[00:19:50] One of my peers who we’ll call Kate, Kate is an amazing person and she is a spiritual entrepreneur and she sells a great product. And she is someone who is very, very concerned about never overworking or never working when she feels like she doesn’t have the energy. So she’s hyper. Sensitive to her energy flows.

[00:20:20] So I would say very often she chooses not to show up for her business and knows that that’s going to cost her business and is okay with it. And I would recommend that business model to anyone who’s being really honest with themselves. And they’re saying I want to have business. I want to really protect my energy.

[00:20:41] I have hypersensitive energy. I’m okay with growing at a slower pace. So the days that I feel tired, tired, and just not like showing up, I’m not going to dig a little deeper and show up anyway, I’m just going to rest and retreat. And if that is truly what you want and that’s truly your path, and that is. A great model for you.

[00:21:05] The problem with that is I actually don’t know too many people who truly feel that way and are truly okay with over the longterm slower business growth. And here is where Kate exemplifies that a little bit. She is an extraordinary teacher with an extraordinary product. And I think if she would do things a little bit differently, I’m talking about some minor tweaks here.

[00:21:33] She could be bringing in triple, quadruple the business income and have a much larger following and have lots of resources to help hire lots of help and ultimately doing a lot less work. Just with some minor tweaks and I’m not talking about huge changes in the business because I happen to know she does want to grow business bigger.

[00:21:56] She does want to reach more people. She does want to serve more people. And I think this fear of burnout of getting of exhausting herself is actually keeping her small it’s. Telling her to not show up in her business because she feels tired because I think there’s an underlying fear there. If she goes farther or deeper in the business, she will burn herself out.

[00:22:32] And I see it a lot. I see the same thing with a lot of my clients because one of my super powers is tuning into your energy and, and. Feeling into your soul mission. And I often feel with the people I attract into my world, they have big soul missions. And I feel into the bigness of their mission. And I tell that to them.

[00:23:01] And on the one hand, they’re like, yeah, that’s that w that’s what my inner knowing was telling me. And I’m so excited about it. And I’m so motivated. And I, I just, this is so important to me, but on the other hand, they get afraid. They’re afraid they don’t have the energy to sustain the bigness of the mission.

[00:23:21] And that fear gets kicked in almost every time to the point where I now say you have a big mission inside of you, but do not be afraid. I offer the disclaimer now because I’ve heard it with so many different people. And because you have a big soul mission does not mean you need to exhaust yourself. It means the opposite.

[00:23:51] It means that you are being called to align to the flow of your business and your natural energy. So you can grow to the next level and your business does bring in consistent income that allows you to hire help. So you can always be in alignment to your energy. And your business is giving you energy deposits instead of withdrawals.

[00:24:20] So you feel energized and exhilarated on your journey and not exhausted. Getting back to Kate. Another thing that really bothers her and she gets angry when she looks around and sees other entrepreneurs cranking out a lot of content. Like sh if she sees an entrepreneur that has five Facebook posts, posts a day for seven days a week for 30 days out of the month consistently, it actually triggers something, an anger response in her because she feels like that doesn’t.

[00:24:54] Represent the truth. Like no one is really wired to create that much content and this person is clearly burning themselves out. And they’re sending the message to all of us that we are meant to be producing content all the time. And that’s not the truth of it. That’s not how we’re wired. We’re not wired to be creating content all the time.

[00:25:18] And I would say to her. Yes. And, and what I do say to her as we, we debate about this, honestly, and everything I’m saying to you I’ve said to her yes. And there are ways to put out content consistently with out. Burning yourself out. And I think, and I’ve told her this because, you know, we like to have a good debate about this and it’s all from a place of love and the great contest of ideas.

[00:25:46] And I’ve told her, I think the reason why you get triggered by this is because it’s triggering something inside of you, that you know, that there are times in your entrepreneurial journey where you do have to dig a little deeper to show up, even when your energy is low and you don’t feel like it. To bring that consistency to your business to bring that flow and that growth and you choose not to.

[00:26:12] And I feel like I’ve told her this. She is out of alignment with her business when she chooses consistently not to dig a little deeper. Because I think that if we are here with a big soul mission and we have a big dream and we want to get our mission, we want to serve as as many people as we can, or we want to serve just the right people or whoever your sole mission looks like.

[00:26:44] I think we are here to have times of digging deeper of digging, deeper to find out who you are. And find out like, where are my limits this week? I don’t feel like showing up, but, but my higher self is asking me to do it any way. And that’s again where we get to the divine guidance. And let’s get back to our example with the blog post, you told your audience.

[00:27:22] You’re going to publish a blog post every week, every Tuesday, and it’s Monday afternoon. And you’re like, I just don’t feel like doing it this week. You go back to your higher self, ask your heart. You take in some deep breaths, three deep belly breaths. Pivot your awareness down to your heart space. Tune into your heart energy, ask your heart.

[00:27:54] Do I need to dig a little deeper this week and publish my blog, blog posts, even when I don’t feel like it. And then you get a yes from your heart. Yes. This is a week to dig deeper. This is the week to dig deeper and push, push the edges of your comfort zone. I’m not talking about burning yourself out. I’m not talking about exhausting yourself.

[00:28:26] I’m talking about digging deeper inside. There’s something in there. If your higher self is saying yes, you know what that means? You do have something to say, there’s something deep inside your content. Well, and there are people out there in your audience. Maybe it’s a thousand people, but maybe it’s just one person.

[00:28:50] Maybe just, it’s just one person in your network who knows, needs that story. They need your message for that week. And all in the divine help. Okay. Higher yourself. You’re telling me that. Yep. This week I got to dig deeper. What do you, what am I being called to say? What is so bloody important that you’re calling me to dig deeper?

[00:29:17] And I find it’s those dig deep times, or the content comes out the best because you are, it is this did deep digging inside yourself to that depth. What is, what is the deepest part of me feeling called to share this week? And if your tank is feeling super empty in that moment, I want you to push your chair back.

[00:29:46] Push it back away from your computer. Step away. Go walk in nature. Get outside. Connect to earth elements that will fill your tank up every single time. Take a bath. Do some meditation. Go to your breath. Take a mini break. If you don’t have tons of time, take a mini break. Go connect to earth elements, water, breath, then come back.

[00:30:15] And say, all right, higher self. You asked me to dig deep. Here I am. I’m showing up. I’m showing up for you. I’m showing up for my people. I’m showing up for my business to send the message to source and everyone else who’s listening. That I’m a serious professional here. You’re calling me to do it. So here I am.

[00:30:34] Now, what in the heck are you calling me to say, allow an answer to respond. And get the help from higher self and source and spirit guides. To help you with your content. So it flows out of you from a place of joy, ease an energy, because when you get into that flow where you feel like the content is writing itself, it gives you energy. It doesn’t drain you. It gives you energy deposits. So ask higher self to help you get into that flow. And that is the digging deeper. Okay. And your people, your audience is going to see that even if they can’t define exactly what they’re seeing, they are going to feel the energy of you digging deep.

[00:31:32] And showing up because you are divinely called to do so. They’re also going to feel when you are divinely called to rest and retreat, and they are going to love and appreciate and respect the hell out of you for it either way, as long as you’re being true to what you are really being called to do. Okay, dear ones.

[00:32:00] Now we’re going to move on to how to dig a little deeper the right way. So you don’t burn out and you instead grow your business with joy, ease and consistency. So I’ve already given away a big. Part of that. And that is you get the yes from higher self that this week, this day, this hour is a time to dig deeper and do the thing that you really feel don’t feel like doing whatever that is.

[00:32:28] Coaching a client, doing a Facebook live meeting someone. And in that moment, you’re like, I just don’t feel like doing it. And higher self is saying, do it any way. So I want you to honor that message from higher self. And if you’re saying well, I’m not sure if it’s my higher self for my brain. The only thing you can do is take your best.

[00:32:50] Guess my method for tapping into higher self source spirit guides is the same. It’s a four step process. Step number one, deep breath. Step number two, pivot down and place your awareness on your heart space. Your heart energy, right at the center of your chest. Step number three is ask questions. I really encourage you to start with yes, no, make it easy for your higher self to answer.

[00:33:13] And the number four is receive the answers. What do you hear? What do you see? What do you sense? What is your inner knowing telling you? And if you’re not sure what you’re receiving, take your best guess. So higher self says dig a little deeper. You don’t feel like it. Then, like I said, you push yourself away from the computer.

[00:33:36] Go out in nature, take a bath, take a rest five minutes, five minutes of deep breathing, come back and finish the job. The other part of this, which is huge. And this is something that I received directly for my higher self that I’m sharing with you. And this will really help you get into the energetic flow of your business, of knowing when to rest and knowing when to show up anyway.

[00:34:03] And that is to choose the things that you will show up for come rain or shine. It’s the no S H I T. I am going to show up for this thing or these things. And I have two, I have two in my business right now, and they’ve been these two for maybe the last two or three years. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

[00:34:30] The first thing I show up for no matter what or my clients, no matter what, it’s sacrosanct. If a client gets on my calendar, I will show up for that hour, no matter what, unless it’s an absolute and true emergency. And that’s just it. I show up for my clients again and again and again, and that’s something that I will not, I’m always going to dig a little deeper for them because I’m committed to, and every time I do it, here’s the thing.

[00:35:05] I can’t believe I’m just mentioning this now in minute 35, but here’s the thing about digging deeper you and doing it. You don’t feel like showing up, you do it anyway because your higher self is calling you to you get rewarded. Hugely. You get huge rewards for doing that. Your audience sees it. Soar, sees it.

[00:35:31] You see it. And that really turns on and up that growth energy for your business. That’s when momentum starts happening. That’s when clients start showing up with ease and that’s when income really starts increasing. So you get a huge reward for digging a little deeper, and I do it with my clients all the time, and I don’t always have to dig deeper with my clients, but I have my days.

[00:36:01] Right. We all do. So my first thing that I show up for no matter what is my clients, the second thing is what you’re listening to right now, my friend, and that is my podcast. My labor of love. My higher self has told me and has guided me to no matter what, no matter when you don’t feel like doing it, we want you to dig a little deeper and show up for your podcast.

[00:36:28] It’s not easy guys to release a new podcast. Once a week. I have a team of people who helped me. I really do. And I could not, I absolutely could not do this alone. I would not. I could not, but with the team of people I have. I get to show up each week and do the thing that I do best. And that is actually delivering the podcast.

[00:36:55] The content, once I’m done recording, I send it to a podcast editor who edits it, does the artwork. Schedules it in my podcast hosting site, I’ve got an assistant who writes the show notes. Does all this stuff for social media does all this stuff for my website.

[00:37:13] So I have a lot of help. I just want you to know, because you might be thinking, Oh, I could never do that. Just feels like a lot of work, Alison. Yes. Releasing a podcast episode a week is a lot of work if you do it all by yourself. So if you’re thinking about a podcast and you’re a little bit afraid of setting yourself up for too much work and that burnout, then I really recommend starting out with one podcast episode a month or two a month or something like that.

[00:37:41] Because when I first started podcasting, I did everything myself soup to nuts, and I was also much less consistent. On when those episodes released, sometimes there was for a month, sometimes there was a four and four months and I used to beat myself up for that. And now looking back, I would say that that was the actual absolute right thing to do.

[00:38:05] And if that’s you saying, well, I do a podcast or I do a YouTube channel or something else, and it’s a lot of work. And I can’t release an episode a week or do something as consistency as consistently as I would like, cause I’m doing it all myself and this is a time to really give your self permission to do less.

[00:38:24] Maybe instead of once a week, it’s once a month or twice a month. Right. So getting really honest about what it is you can produce and get higher self involved. So yes, you’re resting. Yes. You’re digging a little deeper, but you’re again, in that energetic alignment of your business growth and that flow, that energy flow, which you will be able to feel can guide you to the right answers for you.

[00:38:54] So getting back to, how do you dig a little deeper again? You decide what are the areas of your business that you’re going to show up for? No matter what show up for them, them and build in breaks. You got always build in breaks no matter what. So I always have weeks throughout the year where I have no clients at all and I let my clients know that I’m going to be off email.

[00:39:20] I’m going to be off box or. Cause you gotta have breaks. We are not wired. Should dig a little deeper. Does not mean never, ever taking a break. It’s about those points in time when you don’t feel like showing up, but you’re being called to show up anyway. But when you’re looking at over a year and you’re looking at the journey stroke marathon, you have to have built-in.

[00:39:45] Like blocks, not a day, a week, two weeks a month where you really get a true unplugged break. And again, that’s how you keep the energy full in your tank. So for my podcast, I always take about five weeks off in the summer and I share my favorite episodes over the last year. I reshare them. A lot of work goes into one episode.

[00:40:16] They are definitely worth sharing more than once. And my audience loves it. They love to know. What my favorite episodes were, who my favorite guests were a lot of my audience members come to me and say, they look forward to that time of year where I reshare favorite episodes. Maybe they miss them or they get the opportunity to listen to them.

[00:40:37] Get again, it’s truly a win-win for everybody. And the last thing I’ll say about the dig, a little deeper energy, is that when you do it, when yeah. Wake up in the morning and you say to yourself, well, I don’t really feel like doing X, but my higher self is saying to dig a little deeper and I’m going to do it anyway.

[00:40:57] And you do it, I think 100% of the time when it’s over and you’re looking back, you say to yourself, I’m so glad I showed up. I didn’t feel like doing it, but I’m so glad I did. There’s just this pride, there’s this reward. This is like Pat, on the back feeling you get, I did it. And I’m so glad I did. Now.

[00:41:28] This podcast episode is not a real big example. I’m not digging too deep here just a little bit. But I feel so good. I’m I’m getting towards the end of the episode here. I feel so good. I really feel in my heart that there’s some people out there who really needed it. And I was in the perfect space to deliver this because I’m in a stellium and Taurus, whatever that means. And I’m digging deeper to do this anyway. And it was actually the perfect time to record this episode and I’m doing it with love in highest service to you. So my dear ones to recap, we are in a marathon, not a sprint.

[00:42:11] So there are times to rest and there are times to dig a little deeper and shop. Anyway, your higher self will guide you to know what time is, what when it’s time to rest, when it’s time to show up anyway, getting your. As astrological chart read a couple of times a year will also really help you and build in the appropriate breaks throughout the year.

[00:42:40] So you can get into that energetic alignment and flow of how you’re meant to show up in the world. And decide the aspects of your business. One, two, no more than three things that no matter what you’re going to show up for those anyway, and those are the things that you’re going to prioritize. You’re digging deep for, because those are the things that are asking you to show up because they’re going to help you lead to the biggest business growth.

[00:43:11] And on that note, perfect segue to your challenge for this week. I challenge you to decide the one to no more than three things in your business. You’re going to consistently show up for even when you don’t feel like it, then I’d like you to decide when you’re going to build in a few breaks from those things throughout the year.

[00:43:37]I also challenge you to take a few breaths right now and ask your heart, the following question. Am I in a time for rest or am I in a time for digging a little deeper? Whatever you receive as the answer, whether you receive rest or digging deep, I challenge you to give yourself permission.

[00:44:05] To do it. And that’s all I have for you today. My friends, I want to thank you so much for listening. And if you’re loving this episode, go ahead and hit subscribe wherever it is you listen. And I’d be so grateful for rating and reviews. Some more people can find us. And I don’t just say that. For my health.

[00:44:26] I really mean it. I would love if you’re someone who’s been thinking, Oh, I’ve been meaning to give her a review for a while and I just haven’t done it. Will you please do it? It really, really does matter. And it really does mean a lot to me and my team. And if you’d like my help. Calling in ideal clients into your business right now, then download my free checklist to remove the five visibility blocks that are preventing them from finding you your offerings are too important to remain invisible.

[00:44:55] So this checklist will help you be seen and get fully booked. Find a link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.

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