Ep #70 How to Release the Energy Blocks That are Tethering You Down to Unlock Quantum Success

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Did you know that your energy blocks are what prevent you from expressing your unique genius to the world?

Your blocks tell you, “It’s not safe. You won’t be accepted. You’re an imposter. You’re not worthy. You’re not good enough.”

These blocks prevent you from accessing your spiritual gifts, stepping into your next level of potential, and unlocking your wealth generating abilities.

That’s why today’s episode of She Grows is all about how to release your energy blocks so you can open the doors to the quantum success you’re meant to experience

I explain what energy blocks look and feel like in your life and business and what happens if your blocks aren’t released.

I also walk you through a personal example of a block I was experiencing and how I was able to release it in realtime during the recording of this episode.

In today’s episode we explore:

  • What an energy block is and how they appear in your body,
  • The difference between big energy blocks and subtle ones and how both big and subtle can knock you out of alignment, and
  • How to release the blocks, both big and small so you can unlock that door to your quantum success.


  • Download your FREE Checklist to Being Seen HERE – And remove the 5 visibility blocks preventing your ideal clients from finding you.
  • Join our community at the Soul Guide Circle HERE of over 1,100 soul-guided leaders, lightworkers, and entrepreneurs.

This Week’s Challenge: Add this energy block clearing to your next five spiritual check-ins or inner reflection periods.

Hello, my dear ones. This is Allyson Scammell. And today we’re exploring how to release the energy blocks that are tethering you down so you can unlock quantum success. And I have to say I’m a little bit surprised that this is the first episode I’ve ever done entirely dedicated to energy blocks. So then I got to thinking, why haven’t I done an episode dedicated to energy blocks?

[00:00:31] I mean, I talk about them all the time. I mentioned them here and I mentioned them there and I’ve certainly mentioned them in episodes, but I haven’t really dove in and dug into the topic for a whole episode. Why not? And I realized it’s a classic block that I’ve had that we all have. And that is parts of me were holding back, sharing my unique genius because talking about energy blocks.

[00:01:00] I’ve come to discover is squarely inside of my unique genius. And it’s our energy blocks that prevent us from expressing our unique genius and aligning to our unique genius. And the block is telling us it’s not safe. You won’t be accepted. You’re an imposter. You’re not worthy. You’re not good enough. All the things that our blocks tell us.

[00:01:25] And I’m sitting here drinking tea out of a coffee mug my father gave to me, and it’s a very spiritual, it’s my very spiritual mug here. And it says on it, don’t let the bastards get you down. And I love this mug because it’s, so my dad and. And he’s an old farmer from the upper Midwest who is stuck in his old ways in many ways.

[00:01:49] And he’s also a really progressive, enlightened soul in other ways. And he sent this to my husband and I, when we were going through a difficult time and it was so thoughtful and it was so. You know, it just felt so emotionally supporting. So it’s a very special mug to me. And I realized as I was just teaching a class on this very topic that the bastards are our energy blocks.

[00:02:17] And our energy blocks will get us down and energy blocks are heavy. They’re super heavy, and they literally tether us down to the ground and they tether us down from unleashing that unique genius unleashing our next level of potential. Unlocking our wealth generating capabilities, opening the doors to the quantum success.

[00:02:43] We were meant to experience. Before I started recording, I felt called to pick an Oracle card, a deck was calling my name and I picked it from my goddess power, Oracle deck. And I picked Kali, and Kali is the Hindu goddess of liberation and revolution. And she arrives to address the aspects in your own shadow nature that have held you hostage to old ideas that no longer serve who you want to become.

[00:03:20] You can no longer just find yourself by your victim story. And expect to succeed in your life. There is a beauty and liberation that is deep, fierce, and courageous. It rises up from the willingness to break the chains of the past in order to transform and to something new. And I want to thank Kali for arriving because this message of liberation goes to the heart of our energy blocks because inside of our energy blocks is our victim story, our trauma, our deepest wounds.

[00:03:56] And if we. Don’t begin to release those blocks the door to our next level of success and who we’re truly here to be. Won’t fully open for us. So in today’s episode, We’ll explore what an energy block is and how they appear in your body. The difference between big energy blocks and subtle ones and how both big and subtle can knock you out of alignment and how to release the blocks, both big and small.

[00:04:31] So you can. Unlock that door to your quantum success. We’ll end on a challenge that will help you to incorporate an energy clearing practice into your daily routine. So you can align with these to your highest goals and dreams and call in the success that you were. Born to experience. So my friends, you better stay with me until the end.

[00:04:58] Welcome to She Grows, a podcast for soul guided women entrepreneurs, ready to be seen and get fully booked using their unique genius. And to, to voice and spirit guides each week, we’ll explore how to create offerings based on what you do best. So you can have a wait list of ideal clients and bring in continuous income.

[00:05:21] I’m your host. Allyson Scammell. Let’s get growing!

[00:05:35] Hey there she grows nation. That is the name of this sisterhood of soul guided entrepreneurs. If you’re not already a citizen of She Grows Nation then I invite you to join our Facebook group of over 1000 women running heart-based businesses that are in service to each other and the planet today. Dear ones, we’re talking about one of my favorite topics and that is energy blocks.

[00:06:03] We all have, we all have a mission in some shape or form to release them. And it’s a huge reason why we’re here. And if we don’t release them, we are just tethering ourselves to the ground. So I did an episode about the four steps to taking quantum leaps of faith. And quantum success that really big success that comes from aligned growth.

[00:06:38] So it’s not, when I talk about quantum success, I don’t mean like a overnight success. I’m not talking about you all of a sudden are starring in a reality television show. And you went from overnight, you became a household name. I call that overnight success. That is success that I personally try to stay away from because you are not that’s normally not in energetic alignment.

[00:07:05] That’s normally taking you up on an ego high. So you’re going shooting up to this high space of exhilaration. And from that ego place. Your highs have to go dip down low to the same degree. So if you shoot up high, you’re going to shoot back down low, equally low to his height too, so that energetic balance can be achieved.

[00:07:28] But when you’re in alignment, when you’re in alignment and you’re in a soul space and you’re growing from your heart, quantum success can mean quadrupling. Your annual business income while working less and experiencing much more joy and ease in the process. So you’re still growing at a really accelerated level, but you’re stepping into your power.

[00:08:00]You’re stepping into your power. You’re stepping into your unique genius. And you’re going to that next level of who you’re meant to become. And that’s what I define quantum success. And in order to experience that low upleveling, you got to release all the things that are tethering you to the ground and weighing you down.

[00:08:25] And those heavy things are energy blocks. So what is an energy block? I’d like you to imagine that your energy body. Which is the non-physical part of who you are. So you have your physical body, right? Your human suit, your legs and your arms and your head and your hair. And then you also have an energy body, which is non-physical and the blocks are actually inside the energy body.

[00:08:54] But these blocks, if they go unreleased, they create all sorts of havoc in the physical body. They can lead to long-term illnesses pain, chronic pain suffering. So clearing the energy blocks, isn’t it’s going to align you to your success. And it’s probably in some cases going to relieve a lot of physical pain.

[00:09:19] So imagine for me that your energy body is like a block of Swiss cheese. And the holes of the Swiss cheese are your blocks. And so our goal is to go through each hole one by one and release them so that it’s eventually filled in with cheese. That cheese is your life force. So essentially you want your energy body to look more like a nice chunk of Gouda her rather than the Swiss cheese with the holes in it.

[00:09:50] And in taking it a level deeper. Imagine if you will, that the block itself is like a, it’s like a black hole, like, like, like a black blob that’s inside of your energy body. And it’s got a exterior shell let’s say, and that shell, I like to define as the stories and the social conditioning and the thoughts that you tell yourself that is triggering, triggering some sort of painful, uncomfortable, or traumatic emotions and those emotions.

[00:10:32] Have gone unexpressed. These are unexpressed emotions that have been over time, packed up into a ball and stuffed in to the black blob and you keep stuffing it in and stuffing it in and stuffing it in. Until this book has been created and all of us have blocks that have come with us. We were born with them and they’re blocks that we’ve carried in some cases for many, many, many lifetimes.

[00:11:01] So maybe it was a block that was created a thousand lifetimes ago. And for the past 999 lifetimes, you’ve just sort of added to it. You’ve added to the black blob. And it’s just at this point, it’s kinda toxic. Cause that’s really like a very old blocks, have a sort of toxicity to them. And that’s what’s inside the energy block, packed down trauma of painful emotions that were weren’t and haven’t been able to be ex healthfully expressed and released.

[00:11:37] So let me give you an example of how this can look. Most of us, let’s go with a great classic example that I think everybody has at least one time or more in their lives. And that’s the whole, I’m not good enough. So something happened to you many, many lifetimes ago, some situation that gave you the impression that you weren’t good enough and probably in the form of trauma, like, you’re worthless.

[00:12:08] You’re nothing. So just beyond the, I’m not good enough to your app, you’re absolutely worthless. Maybe in a past lifetime, you were a slave and you weren’t even treated like a human being. I mean, this is how it looks okay. And we’ve all had, and we all have inside of our energy bodies past lifetime trauma.

[00:12:29] So let’s go with this example in a past lifetime, you were a slave or maybe many lifetimes. You had some sort of servitude in it and you were told, and it was conditioned over and over to you that you weren’t worthy. You weren’t worthy of basic human dignity. You weren’t worthy of love. You. Weren’t worthy of being supported.

[00:12:53] And during these lifetimes as a slave, You probably, it was a traumatic experience for you. So you didn’t have the ability to do energy clearings. You weren’t able to get on the phone with the neighborhood Reiki practitioner to clear it out. So what you do is you take the trauma and the pain and you ball it up and you stuff it inside.

[00:13:17] And that creates the energy block. And then you go to your next lifetime and maybe it’s the same. And all you do is add to the energy block and nothing is released. Okay. So then that energy block is it starts to get really big inside of your energy system and that all of a sudden you start to get sick.

[00:13:37] You know, you get some sort of long-term illness, you get chronic pain and it can lead to anxiety. And it’s like, I don’t know where this anxiety is coming from, but I’m really anxious all the time or fear, irrational fears. I don’t know why, but I’m afraid to go out alone at night because maybe when you were enslaved in a past lifetime, you were captured at night.

[00:13:59] So it can lead to like irrational fears. I don’t know why I’m afraid of that. So. And the outer outer edges, like the shell of the block, as I said, is telling you the stories and the stories it’s going to tell you is you’re not worthy. You’re not good enough. You’re not good enough to grow your business.

[00:14:18] You’re not worthy of love and money and success. And so those stories are going to feel like truth, even if you’re not even aware that these stories are being. Are inside of you, it’s going to affect how you show up. And you’re going to come from, when you say show up to do marketing in your business, you’re going to come from a place of, Hey, I want you to hire me, but I actually know that I’m not worthy of you.

[00:14:50] I don’t deserve you cause I’m not good enough, but hire me. Right. And the prospective client is going to receive that whole energetic message without knowing it. And say, wow, I’m really connected to this message and this person, but I don’t know, something seems a little off, so I’m just going to scroll on.

[00:15:11] So what we want to do is release all that block inside of you. So you come from a clear place of the truth, which is you are divine, you are worthy, you are love and you deserve. All the happiness, abundance, and joy in the world. And that is what an energy block is. Now. I’m going to give you some advanced study here of energy blocks.

[00:15:41] And the example I just gave you, I would call that would likely be show up in your system as a big energy block. So when you work with me, one-on-one. I actually look inside of your energy system and I see them, I see exactly where they are, you know, a block like that would probably be lodged in your solar plexus, which is all about our sense of self and it’s our source of power.

[00:16:04] So it’s lodged in there and it’s either making your solar plexus, overly active or underly active, and either way, it’s going to throw you, it’s going to throw your confidence off. It’s going to affect your self worth. You know, I’m not good enough, your esteem. So these big blocks are relatively easy to release.

[00:16:25]If there I always say if they’re presenting so I can see them, that means that they’re ready to be released. So what that means is, like I said, we all have blocks and some of them are tucked deep, deep inside of us. So deep that I really any sort of energy healer or even you can really get access to them.

[00:16:48] And something has to happen to shake them loose. So what I mean by that, getting back to our example, I’m not good enough. Let’s say you become an entrepreneur. What challenges self-esteem more than becoming an entrepreneur. So let’s say you’ve just launched a business and all of a sudden you’re putting yourself out there in a new way and you’re getting vulnerable and you’re trying to share your truth, but you just keep getting triggered with this sense of I’m not good enough.

[00:17:13] I’m not good enough. I’m an imposter. Well, you’ve likely triggered this block by putting yourself out there by having the courage, to launch a business and be more authentic and put something raw and vulnerable out there into the world. You have triggered this block that was inside of you. So what happens is the block is going to start presenting itself to you or to an energy healer you’re working with.

[00:17:39] And let’s say. The block, you’ve really, it’s a big block and you’ve shook a lot of it loose and it’s gonna it’s gonna present about 80% of itself. That means, and I’m going to tell you in a minute, how to release the block. That means that you are able to, in this moment release 80% of the block, which is great.

[00:17:59] But it’s just being aware that are still 20% of the block. That’s still inside of you. That just isn’t ready. No matter how good the healer is. It’s not that piece hasn’t been triggered, so it’s not going to be able to be released. So that’s why a lot of my clients, I hear it from my clients. I’ve been working on this pain or this limiting belief or this thought pattern.

[00:18:25] For years and years of my life. And I keep thinking that I’ve released it for good. And it keeps coming back. That is likely why, because you’re working on a block that, you know, 10% of it gets released and then 30% and then maybe 32% and then some blocks take a lifetime to be released. So that’s why we can sometimes have that really frustrating feeling that.

[00:18:53]Certain situations or thought patterns just keep coming back because the rest of the block is just trying to shake itself loose so it can be dissolved. So what makes this really interesting is when you’ve done all the work and you’ve released all the big blocks. Okay. So if you have a certain amount of success in your life or business, and it doesn’t have to be just business.

[00:19:18] Let’s say you’re you have a great love life. You know, you have an amazing marriage. Okay. It is likely that you have released a lot of the big blocks that you have around love and relationship and connection. Or if you have a really healthy lifestyle, it is likely that you have released a lot of. A lot of blocks that would prevent one from living healthfully.

[00:19:42] If you have a successful business, you have probably released a lot of the blocks around earning wealth, sharing your truth, being an expert, those types of things. So let’s say you’ve done the work and you’ve released all those big blocks and all of a sudden you’re going into new hire territory.

[00:20:00] You have a great, greater amount of love in your relationships. You have a greater amount of success in your business, and you’re operating at that next level. You’re knocking on the door of quantum success. Guess what? Dear ones, we start to talk about subtle energy blocks and this is why it is so important.

[00:20:22] And you’re so lucky to be listening to this right now. Because here is why subtle energy blocks are so tricky. Most of the time they don’t hurt. Okay. Big energy blocks is full of trauma, fear, anxiety, resentment, anger. And so when you feel those big emotions, it immediately directs you to, you have got an energy block inside of you.

[00:20:50] That’s making you feel big emotions. Okay. Our emotions are always going to guide us to our blocks, especially the painful ones. Right? Well, subtle energy blocks often don’t hurt. Because you are already have, let’s say you have a six figure business and you’re working towards the multi-six and the seven figure business where you already have a lot of success.

[00:21:13] And let’s say your business is moving and grooving and go. And great. Well, let’s say for example, in this business, it’s successful and you’re being seen as an expert in your field and you’re getting all these cool speaking gigs and everything is going great, but you notice you’re a little bit tired. I’m just going to give you an example of what a subtle energy block looks like.

[00:21:34] So you’re a little bit tired and you’re like, well, I’m sleeping well. I have boundaries around my business hours. I have boundaries around my time. Why am I tired? Why do I feel a little bit off? Hmm. That is likely a subtle energy block that you’re triggering. And the reason why it’s small and the subtle blocks normally live.

[00:22:00] When you’re going for next level success. And because you’ve never experienced next level of success before in this, in this way that you’re experiencing it. It’s never been shaken loose before. You’ve never triggered it. Right. And you got to trigger a block to shake it loose so you can release it. So you’re in this next level place and you’re like, my energy’s off.

[00:22:24] What is it? What is it? What is it? Well, then you tune into the subtle energy block. That’s lodged, where would a subtle be energy block be lodged in this example? Hmm. So it likely would be lodged in your throat chakra, which is about your communication and self expression. And in this example, you are overgiving to your clients.

[00:22:51] You’re over-giving too much of your time and energy. And it’s leaving you off. And the thought system is something probably to the effect of, I have to over-give in order to receive or something like that. And your throat chakra. Which is your communication. Chakra is blocked because you feel hesitant to tell your clients that you can’t be available for them, you know, 24/7, or you can’t be available for them on the weekends or whatever it is.

[00:23:27] And so that block is blocking your communication, communicating your boundaries. So you can get back into the energetic alignment of give and take between you and your clients and customers. So you can see in this example, it’s not a super painful block, but it’s going to make you feel off. And if you don’t clear that subtle block up, you’re not going to be able to the energetic out of a balance out of alignment with a block in your throat, chakra, not being able to clearly communicate your truth and truly express your creativity.

[00:24:05] It’s going to keep you heavy and weighed down, and it’s going to prevent you from unlocking the next door to your success, going that next level up. So that’s why it’s important to understand that blocks aren’t just big, heavy trauma blocks. They’re also subtle and nuanced and sometimes a little bit tricky to find.

[00:24:31] Or to express or to understand, I’m off, but I’m not sure why I’m off if you’ve ever had that thought or that sense. It is highly likely you have a subtle energy block in there somewhere. That’s knocking you out of alignment. So how to release these blocks, both big and small, how to release them. Well, I have to say it’s a really good idea to go to energy healers.

[00:25:02] If you’ve never been to one. I recommend it. A good energy healer can help you find the block and release the block. And especially on those subtle blocks, which are trickier to locate and release. So that’s the first thing if you’re feeling. So when should you hire an energy healer? When you’re feeling like persistent

[00:25:28] Painful emotions like anxiety that lasts all day long. Fear, fear that you just don’t even understand, you know, it feels like irrational fear or you just have a sense of a foreboding big emotions. That would be a good time to invest in an energy healer. And also when you’re really feeling ready to Uplevel.

[00:25:53] Maybe you do notice you have some subtle blocks, but you can’t put a finger on what they really are. Then for subtle blocks, you want to go to an advanced practitioner, call me up book some time on my calendar because those are trickier to locate and the advanced a good advanced practitioner will be able to support you in that, but you need not.

[00:26:15]Go to a practitioner, you can do it by yourself. And I recommend whether you’re working with a practitioner or not, to incorporate energy block release as part of your daily or weekly spiritual practice. So how can you do that? Let’s start with the big block. The big blocks are a little bit easier because they’re a little bit more obvious, right?

[00:26:40] And they’re easier to locate and to feel. Because they’re more intense. So this is how you would do it. Like all things, ah, deep breaths. We want to quiet the thinking mind, and we really want to get into our state of feeling. And we want to call up our intuitive guidance system, which is actually going to help guide you to your block.

[00:27:03] So start by taking some deep belly breaths, big inhales, big exhales. And you’re going to pivot down your heart space and just place your awareness on your heart chakra and become your heart chakra. Become that heart energy, taking a deep breath in your heart space. Then you want to activate your higher self and any guides that are with you.

[00:27:37] And ask your higher self and your guides to point you to a block that is ready to be released, or at least part of it’s ready to be released in this moment. You have shaken it loose, you’ve triggered it, which is good. So that’s why sometimes challenging situations. This is the blessing of a challenging situation or a difficult situation is that it’s shaking loose your energy blocks that need to be released.

[00:28:04] So all horrible situations do have a divine purpose. So asking higher yourself please direct me towards direct me towards the place inside of my energy body, where there is a block that’s ready to be released in this moment and just see, feel into your body, feel into your energy body and just see. If you notice something inside your energy body to see if you notice a block that might be there.

[00:28:41] And if you’re not sure, go with a guest, go with what you think may be there. Start with a guess. At this point a lot of my blocks are pretty subtle because I’ve done so much work. Really seeing the bigger blocks, but I’m feeling something in myself. Like I’m just sensing it. I’m feeling something in my upper solar plexus, which is a really common place for blocks.

[00:29:06] And your throat chakra is also really common. And so when you sense it, like right now, I’m sensing it in my upper solar plexus. So then you want to take it, you want to take the block and imagine that it is like a little black blob or a black globe, if you will. Or a ball and your energy body, or that, you know, that, that whole of Swiss cheese, however you relate to it, whatever words arrived to you to describe it for yourself.

[00:29:38] And you want to expand that little, like, like I’m feeling like a little block in my upper solar plexus. So what you want to do once you sense it. Is you want to expand it out? Imagine you’re expanding the ball out. So it, your whole energy body is immersed in it. And the first thing you want to ask is what is this block saying?

[00:30:01] What is the social conditioning that’s there? The patterning, the ancestral links, the past lifetime trauma, the trigger from childhood. It’s all there, all the things that Contribute to the block has all kind of there in the shell of the block of the ball, the hole. So let me see what my block, really it’s the story your block is telling you.

[00:30:30] And let me see the story of what this block is telling me. This is an example I would say of a subtle energy block, but it’s the same process for any energy block. Let me just see what mine is saying.

[00:30:52] Ha. So this is a great example. I’m getting, I need to over-give and over to receive over, giving’s a big part of who I am. I’m the classic over giver. I’m so glad that this is the block that’s coming up now because it’s a great example that I have worked on this block time and time again.

[00:31:13] And it keeps coming back because I haven’t released a hundred percent of it. I keep releasing it in small chunks. So once I have the thought I have to over-give in order to receive, I want to say, what are the emotions. That that thought in those moments you want to go to in the moments, the thought feels a hundred percent true because our thoughts often don’t feel a hundred percent true.

[00:31:40] 100% of the time, it waffles in and out. Right. Sometimes it feels true. And sometimes it’s like, no, I know I don’t have to over-give in order to receive, I know I’m worthy. But on a subconscious level and sometimes a conscious level that thought does feel true to me. So what does it do? It encourages me to overwork and that knocks me out of energetic alignment to my goals and dreams.

[00:32:08] Okay. So what does it feel like when the thought feels 100% true? I have to over-give in order to receive.

[00:32:17] So I’m feeling it in the physical body. I feel it in my arms, like my forearms. I wonder if it’s like typing, like, because I overwork at my computer right. When I’m overworking, how overworking looks like for me is spending too much time in front of my computer. I suspect you may be able to relate to that.

[00:32:40] So it’s really funny. I feel tingling. Tingling at my and my forearms. And this is all really subtle. You guys, it doesn’t feel like big pain. It’s subtle pain, but it’s here, it’s present and it’s knocking me out of alignment. Just like you’re big and small blocks will do to you. What is the emotion that’s here sometimes in a subtle block, it’s hard to name the emotion.

[00:33:07] And I would say try, try, but if you can’t then just feel whatever you think is there. I’m going to talk about feeling here in a second. Try to name my emotion.

[00:33:22] There’s a little bit of unworthiness here, which is probably why I picked this example. Yeah. And you have to remember that Kali is with us right now, Kali, the Hindu goddess of liberation. So I suspect Kali is here to help me release this block. I mean, it’s not, you know, I don’t believe in coincidences.

[00:33:45] So,

[00:33:48]there’s like a smallness. I have to over-give and it’s like, I have to stay a little bit small that over-giving, I don’t know that this has something to do with staying small, staying out of my bold, fierce confidence and staying in that over-giving energy is preventing me from liberating myself. Ooh, that’s good.

[00:34:19] You guys, aha. Kali is here to guide us. So over-giving actually prevents you from liberation. Oh, that’s good. Yeah. It keeps you chained in, keeps you tethered to your computer. That’s not why we’re here. We’re not here to be tethered to the computer. And that just feels out of alignment. It feels untrue. It feels, yeah, like I said, it’s not painful and this is a beautiful example of a subtle block.

[00:35:00] So, what do I want to do then once you’ve sort of named as much as you can name and you don’t have to name everything, but like you can see, as I spent some time with this, it really started to a picture, started to unfold that I didn’t realize before you guys, I didn’t realize, I knew that I had this thought pattern for a long time.

[00:35:19] I have to over-give in order to be worthy of receiving. So there’s, there is a worthiness there. But I didn’t know, it was keeping me from liberating myself. I didn’t know that it was keeping me in my shadow and keeping me hostage to old ideas. Right. And it’s keeping me sort of in a victim story, some part of my victim story.

[00:35:48] So what you want to do when you’ve unpacked as much of it as you can, but always more interested in the feelings and the stories. Okay. You want to go with the feelings and you want to spend about 60 to 90 seconds fully and completely feeling the inside of the block, the trauma, the fear, the unworthiness whatever’s in there.

[00:36:14] The heaviness, the constriction, you want to fully completely feel the emotions that are packed inside the block. It is the only way to release is to feel. And most of us spend a great chunk of our day distracting ourselves from the painful emotions. So we don’t have to feel them. It is why we spend so much time on our phones.

[00:36:43] It’s why we binge Netflix. It’s why we drink wine. So we don’t have to confront the pain of the emotions. However, if you stop and go through this process and you give yourself permission to feel the feels inside the block. 100% without holding back, without numbing yourself ,without distracting yourself.

[00:37:07] We can only feel emotions in 60 to 90 second waves. That’s all the longer they last. But if you’re distracting yourself, you can have fear or anxiety or any other emotion for weeks, weeks, months, years on end. So I’m going to go back to my block and I’m I’m imagine that it’s. It’s I I’ve blown it up. So it’s immersed fully to my energy body.

[00:37:33] I want to imagine that I’m bringing it to the surface of my skin so I can fully feel it. And why don’t you go ahead and do it with me. If you’re feeling a block inside you and let’s fully and completely feel this block for about 60 seconds,

[00:37:51]noticing the physical sensations.

[00:37:54]Noticing how your breathing’s affected. Just noticing

[00:38:01]I’m really feeling tingling on my forearms right now, which is so interesting to me. It’s so telling. So I love this process so much and you want to get your curiosity hat on. Just be curious. You don’t need to identify with the pain, which is more painful. It’s curiosity. How does it really feel to give yourself permission to feel it’s like a lab experiment?

[00:38:33] What does this pain really feel like? Okay. So now when you feel the emotional waves starting to come down, You want to take in some deep belly breaths, big inhale, big exhale, and then big inhale, big exhale. And then the last thing to do is to look within and just see if you can see, sense, have an inner knowing that there is a block, that there is some sort of cord, rope or string.

[00:39:11] Attaching you connecting you to this block or some other object that’s connecting you to the block. And if you’re not sure, imagine one is there and then cut the cord. Sometimes the chords will cut easily. Sometimes they won’t want to cut at all. If you can get out a sharper object from your mind’s eye, get out a blowtorch and cut through that cord.

[00:39:39] Get through it. And if it absolutely doesn’t cut all the way through, just get through as much of the cord as you can in this moment and be sure to come back to it tomorrow.

[00:39:52]Okay, let me see, let me look at my cord. My cord is it’s like it’s subtle. So, the subtle blocks are normally quite easy to cut. Mine looks like small string. Cut. Yes, I see it falling away. And so a whole of my Swiss cheese with that cut, I’m going to take a deep breath. And the whole, my Swiss cheese of my energy body has just been refilled in with life force.

[00:40:23] Ah, And after releasing a block is an absolute, beautiful, perfect time to return to your heart space and go to your higher self, to remember your truth, because your truth, which we, we all know. And we, we just temporarily forget as we’re on this human experience is the opposite side of your blocks.

[00:40:50] Remembering your truth. Is the flip side, it’s the light of your shadow? It’s the light of the darkness of your blocks. So I’m going to go to remembering my truth and I suspect the message that I have for my truth is going to be in service to you. So this is what my truth is saying to me, which is the opposite side of the block I just released.

[00:41:16] Hmm. You are designed for energetic equilibrium, energetic balance, you are designed to give and receive in equal amounts. And when you do that, what you receive will be greater than you could ever have imagined because the energetic equilibrium accelerates your ability to receive. And it unlocks the doors to receiving at a higher level, from a place of gratitude.

[00:41:56] And non-attachment. So embrace the energetic equilibrium, feel it. And this is the space that you are meant to operate from. Oh my gosh, you guys, that feels so good. Energetic equilibrium feels so good. And that’s really I’m so, wow. What a great example. So thank you. Hire yourself. Thank you Kali. Thank you.

[00:42:24] Thank you. Thank you. This is a really, really good example. All of it to prove my point, because that’s what we’re going for. Energetic equilibrium, energetic, balanced, balanced chakras. And that’s when you really show up at your highest frequency at your best and in the greatest alignment. To your bigger goals and dreams.

[00:42:54] So I’m just going to recap here a little bit before I get to the challenge, your energy bodies, like a block of Swiss cheese, and those holes are your blocks. That’s your trauma, both big trauma and subtle trauma. Your mission is to release as many of those holes as possible.

[00:43:16]And you do that by getting quiet, deep breaths, pivoting down to the heart space, activating your divine guidance team and helping asking them for help to guide you to a block that’s ready to be released in this moment. And then you want to ask, what is the block telling me? What is the story? The block is telling me.

[00:43:39] And then you want to get as clear as possible regarding the emotions that that story is triggering. And then you want to spend a good 60 to 90 seconds fully and completely immersed and feeling the feels of those emotions. Then it’s deep breaths, cutting the cord to the block, going back to the heart space to be reminded of your truth.

[00:44:05] So my challenge to you, my dear ones is for your next five spiritual check-ins or inner reflection periods. Add this energy block clearing for the next five, at least. And then my hope is you start to see some real results from it that it just becomes part of your spiritual check-in or practice and go through this energy block clearing practice for the next five check-ins and just notice, notice.

[00:44:42] How things feel differently and how you are showing up differently and notice how the results might be coming into your experience from a greater and more easeful place. So that’s all I have for you today. I want to thank you. So much for listening. And if you’re loving this episode, go ahead and hit subscribe wherever it is you listen.

[00:45:07] And Hey, there, it’s time, time to leave a rating and review. I know you want to, I know you enjoy this content. If you’re still listening, that means that you really enjoy it because, Hey, I just had your attention for about 45 minutes. That’s like huge in the information age. So please, please give me like three to four minutes of your time to go to wherever it is.

[00:45:29] You’re listening. ITunes Spotify doesn’t matter and give, she grows a good old rating and review connect is how more people can find us. And if you would like my help to call in ideal clients in your business right now, then download my free checklist. Remove the five visibility blocks. Yes. Blocks that are preventing them from finding you your offerings are way too important to remain invisible.

[00:45:55] So this checklist will help you be seen and get fully booked. You can find a link to download on my website, Allyson scammell.com as well as in the show notes.

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